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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh business strategií pro oblasti stravování sdružení Party Styl / Proposal of Business Strategy for Catering Company Party Styl

Kalábová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with strategic planning and is elaborate for company which carry business in sector gastronomy. The aim of the work is by the help of theoretical solutions and strategic analysis to propose a change that would help the company further develop its business, which is plan for year 2011.

Vägen till en ledande position : En kvalitativ studie om vad som påverkar huruvida kvinnor kan anta ledande positioner inom tillverkningsindustrin / The way to a leading position : A qualitative study about what affects how women can attain leading positions in the manufacturing industry

Larsson, Johanna, Jakobsson, Therese January 2020 (has links)
Syfte - Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad som påverkar kvinnors förutsättningar för att anta ledande positioner inom tillverkningsindustrin och genom det förstå hur hållbar utveckling kan uppnås. För att besvara syftet har tre frågeställningar formulerats: - Vilka möjliggörare finns för att kvinnor ska kunna anta ledande positioner på tillverkningsindustrier? - Vilka barriärer finns för att kvinnor ska kunna anta ledande positioner på tillverkningsindustrier? - På vilket sätt kan organisationskontexten kopplas till påverkansfaktorerna? Metod – Som metod genomfördes en intervjustudie med fem kvinnor på fem olika tillverkningsindustrier i Jönköpings län. Ytterligare genomfördes en litteraturstudie och relevant teori har tagits fram. Resultatet från intervjustudien analyserades mot teori, som tillsammans formade studiens utfall. Resultat – För att kvinnor ska kunna anta ledande positioner på tillverkningsindustrier finns det både möjliggörare och barriärer, uppdelat internt och externt. De interna möjliggörarna som identifierades var kompetens, mångfald, organisationskultur och jämställdhet och fanns inom organisationerna. Den externa möjliggöraren som identifierades var representation, en möjliggörare som identifierades utanför organisationerna kopplat till individer. De interna barriärerna som identifierades var rekrytering, hierarki, organisationskultur, investeringar och motstånd vilket likt de interna möjliggörarna fanns inom organisationerna. Den externa barriären som identifierades var individens påverkan och kunde likt den externa möjliggöraren kopplas till individer utanför organisationerna. Organisationskontexten och påverkansfaktorerna var delvis kopplade då de identifierade barriärerna kunde kopplas till att organisationer inte prioriterade områden som barriärerna berörde. Det fanns en svagare koppling mellan möjliggörarna och organisationskontexten, vilket kunde förklaras med att möjliggörarna snarare tillhörde organisationernas sociala system än organisationernas struktur. Implikationer - Ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv bidrog de identifierade påverkansfaktorerna till att öka kunskapen kring kvinnors förutsättningar för att anta ledande positioner. Ur ett praktiskt perspektiv bidrog resultatet till att både individer och organisationer kunde ta lärdom av påverkansfaktorerna och förbättra förutsättningarna för kvinnor att anta ledande positioner inom tillverkningsindustrin. Begränsningar – Studien har begränsats av att endast fem respondenter på fem olika organisationer intervjuats. Hade fler intervjuer genomförts kunde studiens generaliserbarhet blivit högre då det förmodligen bidragit till att ett mönster mellan både respondenter och organisationer framkommit. / Purpose – This study aimed to examine what affects women’s prerequisites to attain leading positions within the manufacturing industry and through that understand how sustainable development can be achieved. To fulfil the purpose of this study, three questions have been formulated: - Which enablers exist for women to attain leading positions in manufacturing industries? - Which barriers exist for women to attain leading positions in manufacturing industries? - In which ways can the organizational context be connected to the impacting factors? Method – As a method, an interview study has been conducted with five women at five different manufacturing industries within Jönköping county. Furthermore, a literature study was executed, and relevant theory was brought out. The collected data from the interview study was analysed against the theory, which together formed the result of the study. Findings – For women being able to attain leading positions at manufacturing industries, there are both enablers and barriers, divided into internal and external fractions. The internal enablers that were identified were competency, diversity, organisational culture, and equality which appeared within the organisations. The external enabler that was identified was representation, an enabler that was identified out of the organisations connected to individuals. The internal barriers that were identified were recruitment, hierarchy, organisational culture, investments and resistance, just as the internal enablers that appeared within the organisations. The external barrier that was identified was the individual’s impact and could as the external enabler be connected to the individual herself outside of the organisations’ context. The organisational context and the impacting factors were partly connected since the identified barriers could be connected to organisations not prioritizing the areas of the barriers. There was a weaker connection between the enablers and the organisational context, which could be explained by the enablers belonging to the social system of the organisations rather than the structure of the organisations. Implications - The identified impacting factors could from a theoretical perspective contribute to increasing the knowledge regarding women’s prerequisites to attain leading positions. The result could from an practical perspective contribute to both individuals and organisations taking lessons from the impacting factors and improve women’s prerequisites to attain leading positions within the manufacturing industry Limitations – The study was limited by interviewing only five respondents at five different organisations. If further interviews had been conducted, the generalisability of the study would have been higher since it presumably would had contributed to a pattern between the respondents and the organisations.

Forecasting the Business Cycle using Partial Least Squares / Prediktion av ekonomiskacykler med hjälp av partiella minsta kvadrat metoden

Lannsjö, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
Partial Least Squares is both a regression method and a tool for variable selection, that is especially appropriate for models based on numerous (possibly correlated) variables. While being a well established modeling tool in chemometrics, this thesis adapts PLS to financial data to predict the movements of the business cycle represented by the OECD Composite Leading Indicators. High-dimensional data is used, and a model with automated variable selection through a genetic algorithm is developed to forecast different economic regions with good results in out-of-sample tests. / Partial Least Squares är både en regressionsmetod och ett verktyg för variabelselektion som är specielltlämpligt för modeller baserade på en stor mängd (möjligtvis korrelerade) variabler.Medan det är en väletablerad modelleringsmetod inom kemimetri, anpassar den häruppsatsen PLS till finansiell data för att förutspå rörelserna av konjunkturen,representerad av OECD's Composite Leading Indicator. Högdimensionella dataanvänds och en model med automatiserad variabelselektion via en genetiskalgoritm utvecklas för att göra en prognos av olika ekonomiska regioner medgoda resultat i out-of-sample-tester

Developing Ogolevets's Doubly Augmented Prime: Semitonal Voice Leading in the Music of Shostakovich

Hatch, Amy M 05 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation, I develop and apply an original voice-leading method to the music of Shostakovich. Between the years of 1926 and 1948, his music involved extreme chromaticism that required analytical views from both Russia and the West. In the mid-twentieth century, Russian theorists such as Lev Mazel' and Alexandr Dolzhansky wrote about the modal language of Shostakovich's works, but their writings lacked how to identify them within extremely chromatic passages. In the West, scholars describe his music as both tonal and atonal, sometimes combined within one work. I unify these two views with my voice-leading system consisting of an intervallic resolution of the doubly augmented prime (DAP), which appears seemingly random on the musical surface, but occurs for specific compositional reasons. First mentioned by name in Aleksei Ogolevets' 1946 "An Introduction into Contemporary Musical Thought," the DAP served no harmonic or modal purpose. While Ogolevets mentions and includes examples that show this interval, he does not discuss its resolutions nor how it functions in musical contexts. This structure, however, has broader conceptual and analytical implications. Therefore, I develop a method based on the voice leading and semitonal resolutions of the DAP, which I apply to the music of Shostakovich. The DAP contributes to his compositional style by functioning in three ways: 1) identifying one mode or two simultaneous modes, 2) completing traditional triadic harmonies, and 3) facilitating both tonal and modal modulations.

Prediktivt underhåll för turbinblad till vindkraftverk / Predictive maintenance of turbine blades for wind turbines

Skilje, Kristoffer January 2023 (has links)
Rapporten behandlar problemen med drift- och underhåll på vindkraftverk och hur man kan minska behovet av dessa genom övervakning av vindkraftverkens tillstånd. Målet med rapporten är att undersöka om det går att förutse när och hur ett vindkraftverk kommer behöva underhållas, samt beskriva de metoder som används för att förhindra slitage av turbinbladen. Forskningsfrågor som behandlas inkluderar tillståndsövervakning av vindturbiner och vilka metoder som används för att undvika slitage på turbinbladen. Arbetet kommer att utföras som en litteraturstudie eftersom det inte är möjligt med fältstudier av vindkraftverk. Viktiga frågor som besvaras är vilka faktorer som orsakar erosion och hur det leder till minskad effektivitet och produktionskapacitet hos vindkraftsparker. Vidare tas det upp hur underhåll utförs på vindkraftverken idag och hur det kan komma att ske i framtiden, med fokus på tillståndsövervakande system och olika skyddslösningar. Även skillnaden mellan landbaserad och havsbaserad vindkraft tas upp, samt olika stadier av erosionsutbredningen på turbinbladen och hur de påverkar energiproduktionen. Slutligen diskuteras olika lösningar för att minska sannolikheten för erosion, såsom att minska maxhastigheten under otjänligt väder. För havsbaserade vindkraftverk finns det svårigheter vad gäller byggande och underhåll, men fördelar som bättre vindförhållanden och möjlighet att bygga på djupare vatten. Flytande vindkraftverk används för att möjliggöra placering på djupare vatten och längre bort från land. Framtida vindkraftverk kommer ha större turbiner och högre torn, samtidigt som minskningar av energikostnaderna för både land- och havsbaserad vindkraft är trolig. SeaTwirl har en revolutionerande design där bladet roterar genom vertikalplanet, vilket minskar effekterna av erosionsbaserade skador som regndroppar och partiklar kan påföra. Dessa flytande vindkraftverk som är tänkta att placeras på havsytan har en relativt låg kostnad, lägre underhållsbehov och lägre materialåtgång, vilket gör dem konkurrenskraftiga. Framtida utveckling finns i form av exempelvis SR Energy som börjat dela ut "vindbonus" till de som bor nära vindkraftsparker. Ytterligare ett exempel är Modvion som använder trälaminat istället för stålkonstruktioner, vilket möjliggör enklare konstruktion, kräver färre inspektioner och material kan vid avveckling återanvändas vid husbyggen. / The report addresses the issues of operation and maintenance of wind turbines and how their need can be reduced through monitoring the condition of wind turbines. The aim of the report is to investigate whether it is possible to predict when and how a wind turbine will need to be maintained, as well as describe the methods used to prevent wear of the turbine blades. Research questions that are addressed include condition monitoring of wind turbines and the methods used to avoid wear on turbine blades. The work will be carried out as a literature study since it is not possible to do field studies of wind turbines. Important questions that are answered include what factors cause erosion and how it leads to reduced efficiency and production capacity of wind farms. Furthermore, it is discussed how maintenance is currently carried out on wind turbines and how it may be done in the future, with a focus on condition monitoring systems and various protective solutions. Also, the difference between land-based and offshore wind power is discussed, as well as different stages of blade erosion and how they affect energy production. Finally, different solutions to reduce the likelihood of erosion are discussed, such as reducing the maximum speed during inclement weather. For offshore wind turbines, there are difficulties with construction and maintenance, but advantages such as better wind conditions and the ability to build in deeper water. Floating wind turbines are used to enable placement in deeper water and farther from shore. Future wind turbines will have larger turbines and higher towers, while reducing energy costs for both land and offshore wind power is likely. SeaTwirl has a revolutionary design where the blade rotates through the vertical plane, which reduces the effects of erosion-based damage that raindrops and particles can cause. These floating wind turbines that are intended to be placed on the ocean surface have a relatively low cost, lower maintenance needs, and lower material consumption, making them competitive. Future developments include, for example, SR Energy, which has started to distribute "wind bonuses" to those who live near wind farms. Another example is Modvion, which uses wooden laminate instead of steel structures, enabling simpler construction, requiring fewer inspections, and allowing material reuse in building construction.

Framtagning av testrigg för att testa regnerosion på vindturbinblad / Development of a test rig for testing rain erosion on wind turbine blades

Arvidsson Lindbäck, Nils, Johansson, David January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrunden till projektet är problem med kanterosion av turbinblad inom vindkraftverks- industrin. Det är ett fenomen som uppstår när turbinblad roterar i höga hastigheter och träffar partiklar, främst vattendroppar i regn. Denna erosion skadar turbinbladen, vilket både minskar vindkraftverkens effektivitet och sprider partiklar i den lokala miljön. För att både undersöka detta fenomen och ge möjlighet att utvärdera olika materials motståndskraft mot erosion ska en testrigg tas fram. Utöver detta ska testriggen även möjliggöra uppsamling av partiklar för vidare forskning kring deras effekt på miljön. Som utgångspunkt används en tribometer med rotationsmekanism från ett föregående maskinkonstruktionsprojekt på KTH. Ombyggnationen av denna avgränsas till att endast genomföras digitalt med hjälp av CAD för att hålla mängden arbete till en rimlig nivå. Förutom CAD har arbetet även inkluderat kravspecifikationer, beräkningar i MATLAB, FEA-analyser och kostnadskalkyler. Resultatet är en digitalt styrd testrigg med tillhörande komponentlista och instruktioner för tillverkning och genomförande. Inköpskostnad för ombyggnationen uppskattas till 28 000 kr. Riggen för en cylindrisk provbit genom ett artificiellt regn i hög hastighet, vilket resulterar i en accelererad nötningsprocess. Under testets gång dokumenteras erosionen visuellt med hjälp av en kamera och efter testet kan mängden förlorat material mätas i vikt och partiklar samlas upp. Flera andra parametrar dokumenteras automatiskt under testets gång för att ge en mer detaljerad bild av processen och data för undersökningar av repeterbarhet. Slutligen konstateras att testriggen uppnår alla krav ställda på den förutom att den inte har en nödbroms. Avsaknaden av nödbroms diskuteras och det leder till slutsatsen att testriggen, även utan nödbroms, är fullt fungerande, enkel och säker att använda. / The background for this project is a problem in the wind turbine industry, namely leading edge erosion of turbine blades. This occurs when wind turbine blades rotate at high speeds and collide with particles, mainly water drops in rain. This erosion damages the turbine blades, reducing the efficiency of the wind turbines and releasing particles into the local environment. To investigate this phenomenon and evaluate the durability of different materials, a test rig is to be developed. In addition, the test rig will enable the collection of particles to facilitate further research into their environmental impact. A tribometer with a rotation mechanism from a previous project at KTH serves as the starting point. The reconstruction of this tribometer is limited to a digital implementation using CAD to keep the amount of work at an appropriate level. In addition to CAD, the work has also included requirements specifications, calculations in MATLAB, FEA, and cost estimates. The result is a digitally controlled test rig with an accompanying component list and instructions for manufacturing and implementation. The estimated purchase cost for the reconstruction is 28,000 SEK. The rig tests a cylindrical sample by propelling it at high speed through artificial rain, resulting in an accelerated wear process. The erosion is visually documented using a camera during the test. Afterwards the amount of lost material can be measured by weight and the particles collected. Several other parameters are automatically recorded during the test to provide a more detailed picture of the process and data for investigations into repeatability. Finally, it is concluded that the test rig meets all its requirements except for the absence of an emergency brake. The absence of an emergency brake is discussed, leading to the conclusion that despite missing an emergency brake, the test rig is fully functional, easy to use, and safe.

Investigations of Partially Immersed Spinning Spheres in a Liquid Bath and Butterfly Flight

Langley, Kenneth Roy 21 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines two important problems in fluid dynamics: that of a partially immersed sphere spinning in a bath of liquid and the measurement of flow velocities around a free flying butterfly. Although the actual problems are quite different, each problem incorporates many of the same principles and techniques. When a hard-boiled egg spins through a pool of milk on the kitchen counter, the milk rises up the sides of the egg and droplets are ejected. This phenomenon occurs when any partially submerged object whose radius increases upward from the fluid surface (e.g., spheres, inverted cones, rings, etc.), spins in a shallow bath of fluid. The fluid ejects from the surface at the maximum diameter in one of three ejection modes: jets, sheets, or sheet breakup. Additionally, a surprisingly large flow rate is induced by the spinning object. Spheres are used in this study to determine the effects of experimental parameters on the induced flow rate. High-speed imaging is used to experimentally characterize the modes of ejection and measure sheet breakup distance and velocities of liquid within liquid sheets. A theoretical model is derived using an integral momentum boundary layer analysis both beneath the free surface and in the thin film attached to the sphere. Experimental results are presented in comparison with predicted behavior with good agreement. The suitability of using a spinning sphere as a pump is also discussed. Second, the use of PIV to measure flow velocities around living species is becoming more widely adopted. Current efforts are starting to measure 3D, time-resolved velocities around insects in tethered flight. This work investigates the use of Synthetic Aperture PIV (SAPIV) in obtaining 3D, time-resolved volumetric velocity fields around a painted lady butterfly in free flight. Results are presented from several time steps during both the down stroke and upstroke of the butterfly showing the development of the leading edge vortex. The velocity field results have limited spatial resolution; however, the results show that SAPIV has potential in further investigating these flow structures. The reconstructed visual hull of the butterfly is also discussed.

A Fitness Function Elimination Theory For Blackbox Optimization And Problem Class Learning

Anil, Gautham 01 January 2012 (has links)
The modern view of optimization is that optimization algorithms are not designed in a vacuum, but can make use of information regarding the broad class of objective functions from which a problem instance is drawn. Using this knowledge, we want to design optimization algorithms that execute quickly (efficiency), solve the objective function with minimal samples (performance), and are applicable over a wide range of problems (abstraction). However, we present a new theory for blackbox optimization from which, we conclude that of these three desired characteristics, only two can be maximized by any algorithm. We put forward an alternate view of optimization where we use knowledge about the problem class and samples from the problem instance to identify which problem instances from the class are being solved. From this Elimination of Fitness Functions approach, an idealized optimization algorithm that minimizes sample counts over any problem class, given complete knowledge about the class, is designed. This theory allows us to learn more about the difficulty of various problems, and we are able to use it to develop problem complexity bounds. We present general methods to model this algorithm over a particular problem class and gain efficiency at the cost of specifically targeting that class. This is demonstrated over the Generalized Leading-Ones problem and a generalization called LO∗∗ , and efficient algorithms with optimal performance are derived and analyzed. We also iii tighten existing bounds for LO∗∗∗. Additionally, we present a probabilistic framework based on our Elimination of Fitness Functions approach that clarifies how one can ideally learn about the problem class we face from the objective functions. This problem learning increases the performance of an optimization algorithm at the cost of abstraction. In the context of this theory, we re-examine the blackbox framework as an algorithm design framework and suggest several improvements to existing methods, including incorporating problem learning, not being restricted to blackbox framework and building parametrized algorithms. We feel that this theory and our recommendations will help a practitioner make substantially better use of all that is available in typical practical optimization algorithm design scenarios.

Brain reactivity in leading and following, and the SSP in Japanese : A minimal model of rhythm tapping for leading and following showing temporal and insular reactivity, and a Swedish to Japanese translation of an inventory to assess personality factors for leaders and followers

Silfwerbrand, Lykke January 2023 (has links)
To understand more about the neural underpinnings for leading and following is the driving force behind this thesis. To do so, there is a need to study leading and following on a basic level. For study I, an fMRI study of neuronal reactivity during leading and following, a minimal model was developed to study leader and follower behavior in a standardized way. This model uses finger tapping of rhythms representing the core of the interactions during leading and following. Participants are invited to both lead and follow, and no expertise is expected. The status difference between the leader and follower is not a part of the model. Data collection is made in Japan, and most of the analyses are carried out in Sweden. In study II the Swedish Universities Scales of Personality is translated from Swedish to Japanese. Personality can be described as a crucial feature in a person’s social and emotional functioning; they are relatively stable over the course of a lifetime. Three dimensions representing personality facets probably relevant for leading and following are emotional stability, extraversion, and agreeableness. Study II resulted in SSPJ-11 with eleven reliable personality scales representing theses three facets relevant for leading and following. Study I presented an effective model to investigate leading and following during fMRI scanning. This model can be used with other designs for further brain imaging and behavior studies. From Study I, it became clear that the neuronal reactivation for leading and following largely overlap, with some specific differences in insular, temporal, and cerebellar reactivity. These results could be a first step towards a revealing the crucial components of neuro reactivations for leading and following.

Monitoring Safety Process Performance with Leading Indicator Safety Audits

Van Bibber, Ashley M. 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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