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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanische Kreislaufunterstützung im Kindesalter

Stiller, Brigitte 15 April 2004 (has links)
Die vorliegende Untersuchung stellt sich die folgenden Fragen: Welchen Stand hat die Entwicklung von mechanischen Kreislaufunterstützungssystemen für Kinder, worin unterscheiden sich die eingesetzten Verfahren? Wie beeinflusst der Blutkontakt mit Fremdmaterial das Kapillarleck beim Kind? Welche Erfahrungen gibt es mit dem pulsatilen Ventrikelunterstützungssystem Berlin Heart beim Kind, welche Schwierigkeiten und Nebenwirkungen sind für das Kindesalter spezifisch? Wann profitieren Kinder von einer mechanischen Kreislaufunterstützung? Die bei Kindern am häufigsten eingesetzten Verfahren, Herzlungenmaschine (HLM), extrakorporale Membranoxygenierung (ECMO) und pneumatisch pulsatiles ventrikuläres Assist device (VAD) unterscheiden sich in Technik, Indikation, Nebenwirkung und möglicher Einsatzdauer erheblich. Die HLM dient der intraoperativen Kreislaufunterstützung. ECMO haben wir seit 1990 zur mittelfristigen Kreislaufunterstützung bei mehr als 70 Kindern für eine Dauer von ein bis zwei, selten bis zu drei Wochen eingesetzt. Mit VAD''s haben wir seit 1990 bei 56 Kindern die Herzfunktion teils monatelang ersetzt. Es bestehen multiple Unterschiede bei dem Einsatz von VAD zwischen Säuglingen, Kindern und Erwachsenen sowohl in der Indikation, Physiologie, Technik, Antikoagulation, der Familienbetreuung und hinsichtlich der Komplikationen. Bei jeder mechanischen Kreislaufunterstützung aktiviert der Fremdflächenkontakt des Blutes das Kontaktsystem, zu dem Gerinnungs- und Komplementsystem gehören. Klinische Äquivalente sind Thrombosen, Thrombozytenverlust und Kapillarleck. Insbesondere Säuglinge neigen zu diesen Komplikationen, weil das Verhältnis von Blutvolumen zu Fremdfläche ungünstig ist und der kontaktabhängige alternative Weg der Komplementaktivierung im jungen Alter vorherrscht. - Wir untersuchten prospektiv den prä- und postoperativen Verlauf von Kontakt- und Komplementsystem (C1q, C3, C4, C1-Inhibitor, Faktor B, Faktor XIIa) bei 11 herzoperierten Säuglingen ohne und 24 Säuglingen mit HLM. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass obwohl bei allen Kindern eine Komplementaktivierung vorhanden war, diese signifikant ausgeprägter in der HLM-Gruppe stattfand. Die Kontaktaktivierung (Faktor XIIa, Präkallikrein) ließ sich nur in der HLM-Gruppe nachweisen, so dass belegt war, dass es nicht die Anästhesie oder die Operation an sich, sondern die HLM ist, die die inflammatorische Reaktion hervorruft. - Bei 27 mit HLM operierten Säuglingen untersuchten wir prospektiv die CLS-Entstehung und die Komplement- und Kontaktaktivierung. Bei den 10 Kindern, die im späteren Verlauf ein Kapillarlecksyndrom (CLS) entwickelten, waren bereits 30 Minuten nach HLM-Beginn die C1-INH-Konzentration und -Aktivität niedriger und Faktor XIIa, C3a und C5a höher als bei den 17 Kindern, die später kein CLS entwickelten. Die Aktivierung korrelierte mit dem Alter der Kinder und der HLM-Zeit, nicht mit der Tiefe der Hypothermie. - Retrospektiv untersuchten wir 28 Kinder (6 Tage - 16 Jahre alt), bei denen im terminalen Herzversagen nach Reanimation die Herzfunktion mit dem parakorporalen pneumatischen VAD Berlin Heart 1-98 Tage lang unterstützt wurde. Zwölf dieser Kinder wurden unter laufender Reanimation mit Herzdruckmassage in den Operationssaal gebracht. 13 Patienten erreichten eine Herztransplantation, 3 Kinder wurden mit dem eigenen Herzen vom System entwöhnt. 12 Kinder starben am System, Todesursachen waren Schock, Multiorganversagen, Sepsis und Blutungen. - Bei 95 herztransplantierten Kindern untersuchten wir retrospektiv die Verläufe in Abhängigkeit davon, ob die Kinder (I) vor der Transplantation in relativ stabilem Zustand zuhause waren (n=33), ob sie (II) kritisch krank hospitalisiert waren (n= 44), oder ob sie (III) nach Reanimation mit einem VAD kreislaufunterstützt wurden (n=18, Dauer 4-111 Tage). Die Überlebensraten nach 1Mo/1J/5J betrugen in Gruppe I 88/88/80 %, Gruppe II 88/82/79 %, Gruppe III 72/72/72 %. Der frühpostoperative Verlauf nach Transplantation war bei Gruppe III nur wenig komplizierter, was den Erfolg der Transplantation nicht minderte. - Retrospektiv untersuchten wir den Verlauf von 4 Kindern mit schwerer Myokarditis, die bei kardiogenem Schock mit biventrikulärem VAD kreislaufunterstützt wurden. Das schockbedingte Multiorganversagen und die Thrombozytopenie bildete sich während der Unterstützung mit dem VAD zurück. Drei Kinder konnten nach Erholung des Myokards vom VAD entwöhnt werden, eines wurde erfolgreich transplantiert. - Ausserdem untersuchten wir den Verlauf von 84 Kindern, die wegen Kardiomyopathie auf der Intensivstation behandelt wurden. Von den 69 (= 82 %), bei denen eine kreislaufstützende medikamentöse Therapie ausreichend war, konnten 32 herztransplantiert werden, 36 besserten sich und wurden nach Hause entlassen und ein Kind verstarb akut. Fünfzehn der 84 Kinder (= 18 %) ließen sich nicht stabilisieren und erhielten nach Reanimation eine mechanische Kreislaufunterstützung mit VAD (Dauer 1 – 98 Tage). Von diesen konnten 12 transplantiert werden. Die in dieser Habilitationsschrift ausgeführten Arbeiten haben weiterführende Fragestellungen und Grenzbereiche des mechanischen Kreislaufersatzes im Kindesalter aufgezeigt und neue Therapiestrategien dargestellt. Dadurch ist es möglich, die Überlebenschancen von Kindern mit terminalem Herzversagen erheblich zu verbessern. Sei es durch Zeitgewinn bis zur Erholung des Myokards oder zum Organangebot auf der HTx-Warteliste. Durch den Zeitgewinn, den die VAD`s den zur HTx gelisteten Kindern bieten, brauchen zur Transplantation freigegebene Kinderherzen seltener verworfen werden, mehr Kinder können überleben und die Ausnutzung der angebotenen Organe gelingt besser. / This scientific work addresses the following questions: what is the state of the art in mechanical circulatory support (MCS) in infants and children? How do the different techniques differ? How does mechanical circulatory support influence the systemic inflammatory response after cardiac surgery? What are the indications for use of the pneumatic pulsatile ventricular support system Berlin Heart in children and what do our experience and the results of its use show? The MCS systems most often used for children of all ages are cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), centrifugal pumps and the pneumatic pulsatile ventricular assist device (VAD). These systems vary in indications, results, side effects and potential supporting time. CPB is used to replace the circulation during cardiac surgery. ECMO has been used in our hospital since 1990 for circulatory support in cases of cardiac failure and of pulmonary failure and has been applied in more than 70 children over a period of 1 to 3 weeks. The VAD (Berlin Heart) has been used since 1990 in 56 children for long-term support, when the heart function had to be supported for up to several months. In VAD use there are multiple differences in indication, physiology, underlying disease, technique, anticoagulation and complications between infants, children and adults. In every case of MCS there is contact and complement activation as a reaction of the blood to foreign surfaces, resulting in capillary leak and activation of coagulation and anticoagulation systems with the risk of thrombosis or bleeding. In particular, young infants are prone to systemic inflammatory response in the form of capillary leak. In a prospective study we compared the complement activation after cardiac operations with or without CPB in 35 infants and measured serially the complement function and concentrations or activity of C1q, C3, C4, C1 esterase inhibitor, factor B, the activated split product C3a, prekallikrein and factor XIIa of the contact system. We found that complement activation occurs in all infants but is significantly higher in the group with CPB. Contact activation occurred only in patients who undergo CPB. Thus, the inflammatory response is caused by the use of a CPB circuit and to a lesser degree by surgical procedures and anesthesia. In 27 infants with CPB surgery we prospectively investigated the early clinical parameters that predict the development of capillary leak syndrome (CLS) and examined the relationship between CLS and complement and contact activation and C1 esterase inhibitor during and after bypass. We found that contact and complement activation occurs during CPB and contributes to CLS more frequently in infants of a younger age and with a prolonged bypass time. This activation and decrease in C1 esterase inhibitor was strongly expressed in the CLS group. Although MCS in intractable heart failure in children has normally been limited to centrifugal pumps and ECMO, we implanted 28 children with the pediatric sized pulsatile air-driven Berlin Heart VAD. Our aim was to keep the children alive and allow recovery from shock sequeale until later transplantation or myocardial recovery. Twelve children were brought to the operating room under cardiac massage. In total 12 children died on the system, but thirteen children were transplanted and three were sucessfully weaned from the system. Acute myocarditis appears to be a promising precondition for complete recovery during VAD support and in patients with cardiomyopathy support until transplantation is the goal for the future. We reviewed the course of 95 children who had undergone heart transplantation in our center to investigate whether previous VAD support has an impact on long-term outcome after transplantation. Three groups were compared and we found that bridging to transplantation with a pulsatile pneumatic VAD is a safe procedure in pediatric patients. After transplantation the overall survival rate is 86 % at 1 month, 82 % at 1 year and 75 % at 5 years. The survival of children previously supported with a VAD is similar to that of patients who were bridged with inotropes or who awaited heart transplantation electively. In 4 children with fulminant myocarditis and cardiogenic shock in whom all aggressive medical treatment failed we found that artificial replacement of the heart with complete unloading was followed by total recovery; 3 patients were successfully weaned from the device. No patient died and heart transplantation was necessary in only one child. Retrospectively we examined the course of 84 children who were treated at the ICU, presenting severe cardiac failure due to cardiomyopathy. In 15 of them medical treatment failed and the disease progressed so rapidly that they would have died during the waiting period before a suitable donor organ was found. After resuscitation these 15 children were supported with a VAD. Only 3 died during the waiting period and 12 (80%) underwent later heart transplantation. Progress has been rapid towards individualized choice of mechanical circulatory support systems for children of different ages and with different indications. With the Berlin Heart VAD prolonged circulatory support until myocardial recovery or until heart transplantation is effective in children and infants. It offers time to restore organ function, allows extubation, mobilization and neurological examination and increases the chances for successful transplantation. It can be used with low device-related morbidity and satisfactory results especially in the myocarditis and the cardiomyopathy groups. Complete recovery from secondary organ dysfunction should be achieved before heart transplantation is considered. We expect not only that children with end-stage heart failure will benefit from long-term VAD support, but also that fewer organs from young donors will be lost. Of particular importance is our experience with myocardial recovery in children with acute myocarditis in whom the devices could be explanted.

Einfluss der Calstabin2-Mutante FKBP12.6D37S in gesunden Mauskardiomyozyten und in einem transgenen Herzinsuffizienzmodell, das die Kalzium/Calmodulin-abhängige Proteinkinase IIδc überexprimiert / Influence of the calstabin2-mutante FKBPD37S in normal mice cardiomyocytes and in a transgenic heart failure modell overexpressing the calcium/calmodulin-kinase IIδc

Hellenkamp, Kristian 05 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Experimental investigation of multi-component jets issuing from model pipeline geometries with application to hydrogen safety

Soleimani nia, Majid 21 December 2018 (has links)
Development of modern safety standards for hydrogen storage infrastructure requires fundamental insight into the physics of buoyant gas dispersion into ambient air. Also, from a practical engineering stand-point, flow patterns and dispersion of gas originating from orifices in the side wall of circular pipe or storage tank need to be studied. In this thesis, novel configurations were considered to investigate the evolution of turbulent jets issuing from realistic pipeline geometries. First, the effect of jet densities and Reynolds numbers on vertical jets were investigated, as they emerged from the side wall of a circular pipe, through a round orifice. The resulting jet flow was thus issued through a curved surface from a source whose original velocity components were nearly perpendicular to the direction of the ensuing jets. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) and planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) techniques were employed simultaneously to provide instantaneous and time-averaged flow fields of velocity and concentration. The realistic flow arrangement resulted in an asymmetric flow pattern and a significant deflection from the vertical axis of jets. The deflection was influenced by buoyancy, where heavier gases deflected more than lighter gases. These realistic jets experienced faster velocity decay, and asymmetric jet spreading compared to round jets due to significant turbulent mixing in their near field. In addition to that, horizontal multi-component jets issuing from a round orifice on the side wall of a circular tube were also investigated experimentally by the means of simultaneous velocity and concentration measurements. A range of Reynolds numbers and gas densities were considered to study the effects of buoyancy and asymmetry on the resulting flow structure. The realistic pipeline jets were always exhibited an asymmetry structure and found to deflect about the jet's streamwise axis in the near field. In the far field, the buoyancy dominated much closer to the orifice than expected in the axisymmetric round jet due to the realistic leak geometry along with the pipeline orientation considered in this study. In general, significant differences were found between the centreline trajectory, spreading rate, and velocity decay of conventional horizontal round axisymmetric jets issuing through flat plates and the pipeline leak-representative jets considered in the present study. Finally, the dispersion of turbulent multi-component jets issuing from high-aspect-ratio slots on the side wall of a circular tube were studies experimentally by employing simultaneous PIV and PLIF techniques. Two transversal & longitudinal oblong geometries in respect to the longitudinal axes of the tube , and with an aspect ratio of 10 were considered in this study. Both horizontal and vertical orientations along with broad range of Reynolds numbers and gas densities were considered to investigate the effects of buoyancy and asymmetry on the resulting flow structure. The ensuing jets were found to deflect along the jet streamwise axis, once more, due to the realistic pipeline leak-representative configuration. It was also found that increases in aspect ratio of these realistic jets caused a reduction in the angle of deflection, jet centreline decay rates and the width growth on both velocity and scalar fields compared to their round jets counterparts, most notably in the far field. These findings indicate that conventional jets (those that are issuing through flat surfaces) assumptions are inadequate to predict gas concentration, entrainment rates and, consequently, the extent of the flammability envelope of realistic gas leaks. Thus, extreme caution is required when using conventional jet assumptions to describe the physics of a buoyant jet emitted from realistic geometries. / Graduate

Efektivní správa paměti ve vícevláknových aplikacích / Effective Memory Management for Multi-Threaded Applications

Vašíček, Libor January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes design and implementation of effective memory management for multi-threaded applications. At first, the virtual memory possibilities are described, which can be found in the latest operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows and Linux. Afterwards the most frequently used algorithms for memory management are explained. Consequently, their features are used properly for a new memory manager. Final design includes particular tools for application debugging and profiling. At the end of the thesis a series of tests and evaluation of achieved results were done.

The trends in the offline password-guessing field : Offline guessing attack on Swedish real-life passwords / Trenderna inom fältet för offline-gissning av lösenord : Offline-gissningsattack på svenska verkliga lösenord

Zarzour, Yasser, Alchtiwi, Mohamad January 2023 (has links)
Password security is one of the most critical aspects of IT security, as password-based authentication is still the primary authentication method. Unfortunately, our passwords are subject to different types of weaknesses and various types of password-guessing attacks. The first objective of this thesis is to provide a general perception of the trends in offline password-guessing tools, methods, and techniques. The study shows that the most cited tools are Hashcat, John the Ripper, Ordered Markov ENumerator (OMEN), and PassGan. Methods are increasingly evolving and becoming more sophisticated by emerging Deep Learning and Neural Networks. Unlike methods and tools, techniques are not subject to significant development, noting that dictionary and rule-based attacks are at the top of used techniques. The second objective of this thesis is to explore to what extent Swedish personal names are used in real-life passwords. Hence, an experiment is conducted for this purpose. The experiment results show that about 26% of Swedish users use their personal names when they create passwords, making them vulnerable to easy guessing by password-guessing tools. Furthermore, a simple analysis of the resulting password recovery file is performed in terms of password length and complexity. The resulting numbers show that more than half of guessed passwords are shorter than eight characters, indicating incompliance with the recommendations from standard organizations. In addition, results show a weak combination of letters, digits, and special characters, indicating that many Swedish users do not maintain sufficient diversity when composing their passwords. This means less password complexity, making passwords an easy target to guess. This study may serve as a quick reference to getting an overview of trends in the password-guessing field. On the other side, the resulting rate of Swedish personal names in Swedish password leaks may draw the attention of active social actors regarding information security to improve password security measures in Sweden. / Lösenordssäkerhet är en av de mest kritiska aspekterna av IT-säkerhet eftersom  lösenordsbaserad autentisering fortfarande är den viktigaste metoden för autentisering. Tyvärr är våra lösenord föremål för olika typer av svagheter och olika typer av lösenordsgissningsattacker. Det första syftet med detta arbete är att ge en allmän uppfattning om trenderna inom verktyg,metoder och tekniker angående offline lösenordsgissning. Studien visar att Hashcat, John the Ripper, Ordered Markov ENumerator OMEN och PassGan är de mest citerade verktygen. Medan metoderna alltmer utvecklas och blir mer sofistikerade genom framväxande “DeepLearning”, och “Neural Networks”. Till skillnad från metoder och verktyg är tekniker inte föremål för stor utveckling, och notera att “dictionary” attacker och “rule-based” attacker är överst bland använda tekniker. Det andra syftet är att utforska i vilken utsträckning svenska personnamn används i verkliga lösenord. Därför genomförs ett experiment för detta ändamål. Resultaten av experimentet visar att cirka 26 % av svenska användare använder sina personnamn när de skapar lösenord, vilket gör lösenord sårbara för enkel gissning med hjälp av lösenordsgissningsverktyg. Dessutom utförs en enkel analys av den resulterande lösenordsåterställningsfilen vad gäller lösenordslängd och komplexitet. De resulterande siffrorna visar att mer än hälften av de gissade lösenorden är kortare än åtta tecken, vilket är en indikation på att de inte följer rekommendationerna från standardorganisationer. Resultaten visar också en svag kombination av bokstäver, siffror och specialtecken vilket indikerar att många svenskar inte upprätthåller tillräcklig variation när de komponerar sina lösenord. Detta innebär mindre lösenordskomplexitet, vilket gör lösenord till ett mål för enkel gissning. Arbetet kan fungera som en snabbreferens för att få en överblick över trender inom lösenordsgissningsfältet. Å andra sidan kan den resulterande andelen svenska personnamn i  svenska lösenordsläckor uppmärksamma de aktiva aktörerna i samhället gällande informationssäkerhet för att förbättra lösenordssäkerhetsåtgärderna i Sverige.

Análisis, caracterización y modelación 3D de fugas de agua en sistemas de abastecimiento de agua mediante imágenes de GPR

Ocaña Levario, Silvia Janeth 04 March 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los esfuerzos que hacen los países, en conjunto con organizaciones mundiales, tales como IWA (por International Water Association), ONU-Agua y OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud), para mitigar el impacto ambiental en el campo de la hidráulica urbana son considerados de vital importancia. Sin embargo, la escasez de los recursos hídricos en el mundo aumenta diariamente. Esto viene dado por el aumento constante de la demanda en los sectores industrial, agrícola y urbano, provocado por el aumento poblacional y el cambio climático. Los administradores de los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua (WSSs, por sus siglas en inglés, water supply systems) se han visto desafiados a suplir la creciente demanda de los diferentes sectores con la cantidad, calidad y eficiencia necesarios y, a su vez, reducir el desperdicio y el mal uso del recurso. Desde esta perspectiva, las fugas de agua son el mayor problema que enfrentan los administradores de estas empresas de servicios públicos. Las fugas en una red provocan problemas de salud, de escasez, económicos y medioambientales. El uso de técnicas de inspección no destructivas debe favorecer una rápida identificación de problemas, para realizar acciones posteriores de reparación en la red. Este trabajo hace uso del GPR (siglas en inglés de ground penetrating radar) como técnica de inspección no destructiva porque: favorece la exploración del subsuelo sin causar alteraciones al medio, es de fácil aplicación y, además, permite obtener pseudo imágenes del subsuelo. Uno de los objetivos de este documento es identificar y extraer características de una fuga en un WSS mediante imágenes de GPR, con el fin último de recrear las fugas a través de modelos 3D. Se realizaron ensayos de laboratorio bajo condiciones controladas donde se emuló una parcela en la cual se había enterrado una tubería con una pequeño orifico que simula una fuga de agua; tras introducir agua al sistema, se realizaron prospecciones con el GPR. Una vez finalizada la exploración del subsuelo, dado que las imágenes de GPR en bruto obtenidas no son fácilmente interpretables por personal no experto, tales imágenes fueron sometidas a procesamiento de datos que favorezcan su fácil interpretación. Este documento presenta dos metodologías de procesamiento de datos que permiten obtener imágenes a partir de las cuales es posible identificar tanto los componentes del sistema como la fuga y su alcance. Las metodologías de tratamiento de datos aplicadas en este documento son una metodología basada en sistemas multi-agente y el filtro de varianza, metodología basada en parámetros estadísticos de segundo orden. Posteriormente, tras aplicar estas metodologías de procesamiento a las imágenes, se sometieron los resultados a un análisis que facilitase la mejor elección evitando la subjetividad del experto. Bajo este concepto, este documento propone el uso conjunto de técnicas multicriterio. Se utilizó el Proceso de Jerarquía Analítica Difusa (FAHP, por sus siglas en inglés, Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process), que permite ponderar varios criterios de evaluación, con el propósito de mitigar la incertidumbre que caracterizan los juicios de los expertos, en conjunto con el método ELECTRE III para obtener la clasificación final de alternativas, todo esto de la manera más objetiva posible. Los resultados de este documento son satisfactorios, permitiendo obtener amplio conocimiento de las fugas y su interacción con el subsuelo, proporcionando pautas para desarrollar posteriormente metodologías de automatización que permitan localizar, seguir y predecir problemas en los WSSs. / [CA] Els esforços que fan els països en conjunt amb organitzacions mundials, como ara IWA (per International Water Association), ONU-Agua i OMS (per Organització Mundial de la Salut), per a mitigar l'impacte ambiental en el camp de la hidràulica urbana són considerats de vital importància. No obstant això, l'escassetat dels recursos hídrics en el món augmenta diàriament, donat per l'augment constant de la demanda en els sectors industrial, agrícola i urbà, provocat per l'augment poblacional i el canvi climàtic. Els administradors dels sistemes d'abastiment d'aigua (WSSs, per les seus sigles en anglès, water supply systems) s'han vist desafiats a suplir la creixent demanda dels diferents sectors amb la quantitat, qualitat i eficiència necessaris i, al seu torn, reduir el desaprofitament i el mal ús del recurs. Enfocant aquesta perspectiva, les pèrdues d'aigua són el problema més gran fet front pels directors d'aquestes utilitats. Les pèrdues d'aigua en una xarxa provoquen problemes de salut, d'escassetat, econòmics i mediambientals. L'ús de tècniques d'inspecció no destructives que afavoreixen una ràpida identificació per a realitzar accions de reparació posteriors en la xarxa. Aquest treball fa ús del GPR (sigles en anglès per ground penetrating radar) com a tècnica d'inspecció no destructiva perquè afavoreix l'exploració del subsol sense causar alteracions al entorn, és de fàcil aplicació i a més permet obtenir pseudo imatges del subsol. Un dels objectius d'aquest document és identificar i extraure característiques d'una pèrdua en un WSS mitjançant imatges de GPR, amb la fi última de recrear les pèrdues a través de models 3D. Es van realitzar assajos de laboratori sota condicions controlades on es va emular una parcel¿la en la qual s'ha enterrat una canonada amb una xicotet forat que simula una pèrdua d'aigua; després d'introduir aigua al sistema, s'obtenen prospeccions amb el GPR. Una vegada finalitzada l'exploració del subsol, atès que les imatges de GPR en brut obtingudes no són fàcilment interpretables per personal no expert, són sotmeses a processament de dades que afavorisquen la seua fàcil interpretació. Aquest document presenta dues metodologies de processament de dades que permeten obtenir imatges de les quals és possible identificar tant els components del sistema com la pèrdua i el seu abast. Les metodologies de tractament de dades aplicades en aquest document són una metodologia basada en multi-agents (MABS, per les seves sigles en anglès, multi-agent-based systems) i el filtre de variància, metodologia basada en paràmetres estadístics de segon ordre. Posteriorment, després d'aplicar aquestes metodologies de processament a les imatges se sotmeten els resultats a una anàlisi que faciliti la millor elecció evitant la subjectivitat de l'expert. Sota aquest concepte, aquest document proposa l'ús conjunt de tècniques de decisió multi-criteri (MCDM, per les seves sigles en anglès, multi-criteria decision-making). Es va utilitzar el Procés de Jerarquia Analítica Difusa (FAHP, per les seves sigles en anglès, Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process) el qual s'utilitza per a ponderar diversos criteris d'avaluació, amb el propòsit de mitigar la incertesa que caracteritzen els judicis dels experts, en conjunt amb el mètode ELECTRE III, per a obtenir la classificació final d'alternatives, tot això de la manera més objectiva possible. Els resultats d'aquest document són satisfactoris, permetent obtenir ampli coneixement de les pèrdues d'aigua i la seua interacció amb el subsol, donant-nos la pauta per a desenvolupar posteriorment metodologies d'automatització que permeten localitzar, seguir i predir problemes en els WSSs. / [EN] The efforts made by the countries in collaboration with world organizations, such as IWA (for International Water Association), UN-Water and WHO (for World Health Organization), to mitigate the environmental impact in the field of urban hydraulics are considered of vital importance. However, the scarcity of water resources in the world increases daily, given by the constant increase in demand in the industrial, agricultural and urban sectors, caused by the population increase and the climate change. Managers of water supply systems (WSSs) are challenged to supply the growing demand of different sectors with sufficient quantity, quality and efficiency and, in turn, reduce waste and misuse of the resource. Focusing this perspective, water leaks are the biggest problem faced by the managers of these utilities. Leaks in a network cause health, shortage, economic and environmental problems. The use of non-destructive inspection techniques favors rapid identification to carry out subsequent repair actions on the network. This work makes use of the GPR (ground penetrating radar) as a non-destructive inspection technique because: it favors the exploration of the ground without causing alterations to the environment, it is easy to apply, and also allows to obtain pseudo images of the subsoil. This document presents two data processing methodologies that allow obtaining images from which it is possible to identify both the system components and the leak and its scope. The data treatment methodologies applied in this document are a multi-agent-based system (MABS) methodology and the variance filter, a methodology based on second-order statistical parameters. Subsequently, after applying these processing methodologies to the images, the results are subjected to an analysis that eases the best choice, avoiding expert's subjectivity. Under this concept, this document proposes the joint use of two multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. The Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is used first to weight various evaluation criteria, in order to mitigate the uncertainty that characterize the experts' judgments, in conjunction with the ELECTRE III method, to obtain the final classification of alternatives in the most objective way. The results of this document are satisfactory, allowing to obtain extensive knowledge of leaks and their interaction with the subsoil, giving a guideline to subsequently develop automation methodologies that allow locating, monitoring and predicting problems in WSSs. / Part of this work has been developed under the support of Fundación Carolina PhD and short-term scholarship program / Ocaña Levario, SJ. (2021). Análisis, caracterización y modelación 3D de fugas de agua en sistemas de abastecimiento de agua mediante imágenes de GPR [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/163677 / Compendio

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