Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1earning anda knowledge"" "subject:"1earning ando knowledge""
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Meta-učení v oblasti dolování dat / Meta-Learning in the Area of Data MiningKučera, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This paper describes the use of meta-learning in the area of data mining. It describes the problems and tasks of data mining where meta-learning can be applied, with a focus on classification. It provides an overview of meta-learning techniques and their possible application in data mining, especially model selection. It describes design and implementation of meta-learning system to support classification tasks in data mining. The system uses statistics and information theory to characterize data sets stored in the meta-knowledge base. The meta-classifier is created from the base and predicts the most suitable model for the new data set. The conclusion discusses results of the experiments with more than 20 data sets representing clasification tasks from different areas and suggests possible extensions of the project.
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Traditionell skolmatematik : En studie av undervisning och lärande under en matematiklektion / Traditional school mathematics : A study of teaching and learning in a mathematics lessonBerggren, Elin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka undervisning och lärande under en matematiklektion som präglas av traditionell skolmatematik. Metoden för undersökningen var en deltagande observation av en matematiklektion i åk 3 på gymnasiet. Med hjälp av begreppen matematikens lärandeobjekt, matematiska resurser, eleven som lärande aktör och sociomatematiska normer har jag tolkat de resultat som genererats från observationen. Två slutsatser som kan dras av undersökningen är att eleverna stimuleras till att bli oberoende lärande aktörer i undervisningen av traditionell skolmatematik samt att det i första hand är läraren som synliggör potentiella matematiska resurser för eleverna. Medvetenheten om elevernas användande av matematiska resurser skulle kunna påverka elevernas lärande genom att läraren synliggör matematiska resurser på ett mer medvetet sätt.</p> / <p>The aim with this degree project is to examine teaching and learning during a mathlesson characterized by traditional school mathematics. The method of the study was aparticipant observation of a mathematics lesson in year 3 in upper secondary school. Using the concepts of mathematical learning objects, mathematical resources, and pupil as an active learner in combination with socio-mathematical norms, I have interpreted the results generated from the observation. Two main conclusions can be drawn from the study. Firstly, pupils are encouraged to become independent as active learners in the teaching of traditional school mathematics. Secondly, it is primarily the teacher who makes potential mathematical resources visible and available for the pupils. With an increasing awareness of pupils’ use of mathematical resources, teachers can affect pupils’ learning by making potential mathematical resources explicit in a more conscious way.</p>
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Visoke kognitivne funkcije u nastavi lingvistiĉkih predmeta na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja / Higher cognitive functions in linguistic courses in tertiary educationVotls Isidora 22 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Iskustvo u radu sa studentima pokazalo je da studenti nedovoljno ĉesto ostvaruju zadovoljavajuće ishode uĉenja na lingvistiĉkim predmetima na studijama engleskog jezika, što je takoĊe opisano i u stranoj literaturi. Kao jedan od razloga navodi se nastava koja upućuje studente na pasivnost, te oni pribegavaju memorisanju i reprodukciji materijala kao najĉešćim ishodima uĉenja. Biggs (1999) razraĊuje koncepte dubinskog i površinskog pristupa uĉenju, koje relevantna literatura smatra kljuĉnim faktorima za kvalitet ishoda uĉenja. Dubinski pristup uĉenju korelira sa kvalitetnim ishodima uĉenja i funkcionalnim znanjem, a karakterišu ga motivacija, zadovoljstvo usled uĉenja, studentska aktivnost i to aktivnost visokih kognitivnih funkcija. Visoke kognitivne funkcije (Bloom i dr. 1956, Anderson i dr. 2001) i povezane kognitivne radnje (rešavanje problema, analitiĉko, kritiĉko i kreativno razmišljanje) jesu najvaţniji ciljevi visokog obrazovanja jer samo one, usled primene transfera uĉenja, govore o steĉenom i primenljivom, tj. funkcionalnom znanju. Obuka i razvoj visokih kognitivnih funkcija omogući će studentima da uĉenju pristupe dubinski što je još jedan razlog da budu osnovni nastavni cilj svih predmeta na ustanovama tercijarnog obrazovanja. U skladu sa ovim teorijskim postavkama postavljene su osnovna i pomoćna hipoteza: upotreba posebno konstruisanih veţbi za aktivaciju viših kognitivnih funkcija u nastavi lingvistiĉkih predmeta dovešće do sticanja funkcionalnog znanja na teorijskom i praktiĉnom nivou; steĉeno znanje kroz ovakvu eksperimentalnu nastavu i upotreba tog znanja odraţavaće kognitivne funkcije ne samo niţeg nego i višeg reda: primeniti, analizirati, proceniti, stvoriti, kao i kritiĉko i kreativno razmišljanje i rešavanje problema. Kako bi se proverile hipoteze, sproveden je eksperiment sa studentima prve godine engleskog jezika (N=34) na Fakultetu za pravne i poslovne studije dr Lazar Vrkatić u Novom Sadu. U istraţivanju sa paralelnim grupama, eksperimentalna grupa je imala veţbe sa aktivnostima koje razvijaju više kognitivne funkcije na predmetu uvod u opštu lingvistiku tokom zimskog semestra školske 2012/2013. godine. UporeĊeni su kvantitativni rezultati kolokvijuma eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe na kraju semestra, a potom je sproveden intervju sa po pet studenata iz svake grupe radi utvrĊivanja kvalitativnih razlika u kognitivnim procesima kod ove dve grupe. Obe grupe su ostvarile podjednak uspeh na kolokvijumu, te je osnovna hipoteza odbaĉena. Kodirani podaci iz intervjua pokazali su da obe grupe podjednako koriste kognitivne funkcije po broju i distribuciji, te je i pomoćna hipoteza odbaĉena. Kao objašnjenje za odsustvo većeg uspeha EG navedena su metodološka ograniĉenja istraţivanja: duţina eksperimentalne nastave, problem dokazivosti transfera i problem kodiranja intervjua. Drugi faktori koji mogu objasniti neuspeh su: prethodno steĉene navike u uĉenju, neshvatanje svrhe izuĉavanja predmeta i dr. UporeĊeni su rezultati boljih i slabijih studenata, te je utvrĊeno da bolji studenti pokazuju veći stepen samostalnosti, da upotrebljavaju više kognitivne funkcije kao i duţe nizove kognitivnih radnji. Posmatrajući kvalitativne podatke, bolji studenti eksperimentalne grupe pokazali su promenu gledanja na svet usled izuĉavanja lingvistike i izrazili su zadovoljstvo zbog uĉenja ovog predmeta. Oni pokazuju i upotrebu najduţih nizova vezanih kognitivnih radnji. Iz ovoga se moţe zakljuĉiti da su oni pristupili uĉenju dubinski i zbog toga ostvarili kvalitetnije ishode uĉenja. U cilju donošenja ĉvrstih zakljuĉaka neophodno je sprovesti dugotrajniji i obuhvatniji multidiciplinarni istraţivaĉki projekat, s obzirom da bi pozitivni rezultati bili od velikog znaĉaja za poboljšanje ishoda uĉenja na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja. Ključne reči: uĉenje i nastava na tercijarnom nivou, taksonomija obrazovnih ciljeva, pristupi uĉenju, više kognitivne funkcije, transfer uĉenja, funckionalno znanje.</p> / <p>The experience of working with university students has shown that the learning outcomes of linguistic courses are infrequently satisfactory, which is also described in literature worldwide. Teaching philosophy in which students are forced into passives roles is one of the causes since such teaching results in low motivation with memorizing and reproduction of learned materials as the most frequent outcomes of learning. Biggs (1999) develops the concepts of deep and superficial learning approaches which have been declared in the relevant literature as key factors for the quality of learning outcomes. Deep approach to learning correlates with high quality learning outcomes, and is characterized by high motivation, satisfaction with learning and student activity of appropriately high cognitive levels. Higher cognitive functions (Bloom et. al. 1956, Anderson at al. 2001) and related cognitive activities (problem solving, analytical, critical and creative thinking) are the most important goals of higher education since these thinking skills are transferable and therefore represent applicable and functional knowledge. The training and development of the higher cognitive skills enables students to use deep approaches to learning, which is an additional reason to consider them as fundamental teaching goals in all courses in tertiary education. Based on this theoretical framework the main hypothesis and sub-hypothesis were formulated as follows: the use of specially designed practices which activate higher cognitive functions (HCF) will result in acquiring functional knowledge at both theoretical and practical levels; the knowledge gained through such teaching will reflect the use of higher cognitive functions: apply, analyze, evaluate, create, as well as show problem solving skills and critical and creative thinking. To test the hypotheses an experiment was conducted with the first year English language students (N=34) at the Faculty of Legal and Business Studies dr Lazar Vrkatić in Novi Sad. In the parallel groups design, the experimental group (EG) was involved with activities which develop HCFs in the course of Introduction to General Linguistics during the winter semester of the 2012/2013. Quantitative data were collected at the end of the semester (the final test) and compared between the two groups to determine whether the EG scored better results than the control group (CG). This was followed by interviews with five respondents from each group to qualitatively compare the cognitive processes. No statistically significant difference between test results in the two groups was found and so the main hypothesis was rejected. The coded data from the interviews showed an equal number of identified CFs with both groups with similar distribution patterns, thus the sub-hypothesis was also rejected. The absence of better scores of the EG can be explained by some methodological limitations of the experiment, such as the length of the experimental activities, the problem of proof of transfer and the coding of the interview data. Other factors include the existing learning habits of students, the inability to grasp the purpose of studying linguistics, etc. The results of better students were compared to those of the weaker ones, which showed that better students are more autonomous, use a greater number of HCFs and string more CFs into a complex response. Qualitative data also showed that better students of the experimental group expressed a change in how they see the world around them and express satisfaction because of studying linguistics. They also string the longest chains of cognitive activities. These findings lead to a conclusion that better students of the EG used deep approaches to learning which resulted in higher quality learning outcomes. In order to achieve conclusive results, a comprehensive long-term multidisciplinary research project should be carried out, since its results would have a significant impact on the quality of learning outcomes in tertiary education.</p>
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Gestão do conhecimento: um estudo no jornalismo regional / Knowledge management: Local journalismNadai, Fernanda Castro de 14 June 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-06-14 / Knowledge is more and more being considered as a main organizational strategic active, mostly in knowledge intensive organizations, as is the case in the Journalism sector; hence slowly we observe an increasing interest for research on knowledge management on this area, particularly regarding ways to improve products and services and helping these kind of organizations to become more competitive. This means creating organizational standards for knowledge processing, as well as developing strategical vision and planning for this purpose.
In the Journalism area we observe simultaneously a globalizing trend, pressed by advances on communication technology, as well as a strengthening of local journalism. All this may be considered as part of the Glolocal movement on this Digital Era of Communication, where we deal with real time news at a planetary scale.
Under these conditions our research is a case study, based on four interviews on local journals located on the State of São Paulo , looks at the knowledge management processes been used by these kind of organizations related to the four stages of knowledge acquisition, maintenance , stocking and dissemination; as well as problems related to promoting these processes / O conhecimento vem sendo considerado como um dos principais ativos estratégicos das organizações, principalmente naquelas intensivas neste recurso. A atividade jornalística é considerada intensiva em conhecimento, por isso tanto pesquisadores quanto gestores começaram a voltar suas atenções para a gestão deste ativo em empresas com estas características, como meio de melhorar o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços e de interferir na posição competitiva da empresa. Isto envolve tanto a institucionalização de processos de conhecimento, quanto o estabelecimento de estratégia para sua gestão.
Na área jornalística observamos simultaneamente uma tendência mundializadora, impulsionada pelos avanços na área de comunicação e internet; bem como o fortalecimento do jornalismo local, que podemos considerar como manifestações do movimento do glolocal nesta Era Digital da Comunicação na qual se trabalha com notícias em tempo real e em escala planetária.
Diante desta realidade, este estudo a partir da realização de quatro entrevistas em empresas jornalísticas regionais do estado de São Paulo - tem a preocupação de identificar os processos de gestão do conhecimento, que envolvem os procedimentos de aquisição, manutenção, armazenamento e disseminação de conhecimentos, utilizados por essas empresas e os fatores que inibem a gestão do conhecimento nestas organizações, munindo-se de dados obtidos em entrevistas de quatro empresas jornalísticas regionais de São Paulo
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Traditionell skolmatematik : En studie av undervisning och lärande under en matematiklektion / Traditional school mathematics : A study of teaching and learning in a mathematics lessonBerggren, Elin January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka undervisning och lärande under en matematiklektion som präglas av traditionell skolmatematik. Metoden för undersökningen var en deltagande observation av en matematiklektion i åk 3 på gymnasiet. Med hjälp av begreppen matematikens lärandeobjekt, matematiska resurser, eleven som lärande aktör och sociomatematiska normer har jag tolkat de resultat som genererats från observationen. Två slutsatser som kan dras av undersökningen är att eleverna stimuleras till att bli oberoende lärande aktörer i undervisningen av traditionell skolmatematik samt att det i första hand är läraren som synliggör potentiella matematiska resurser för eleverna. Medvetenheten om elevernas användande av matematiska resurser skulle kunna påverka elevernas lärande genom att läraren synliggör matematiska resurser på ett mer medvetet sätt. / The aim with this degree project is to examine teaching and learning during a mathlesson characterized by traditional school mathematics. The method of the study was aparticipant observation of a mathematics lesson in year 3 in upper secondary school. Using the concepts of mathematical learning objects, mathematical resources, and pupil as an active learner in combination with socio-mathematical norms, I have interpreted the results generated from the observation. Two main conclusions can be drawn from the study. Firstly, pupils are encouraged to become independent as active learners in the teaching of traditional school mathematics. Secondly, it is primarily the teacher who makes potential mathematical resources visible and available for the pupils. With an increasing awareness of pupils’ use of mathematical resources, teachers can affect pupils’ learning by making potential mathematical resources explicit in a more conscious way.
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PRÁTICAS DE APRENDIZAGEM ORGANIZACIONAL: Estudo de casos múltiplos em empresas de consultoria na cidade de São Paulo / Organizational Learning Practices: Multiple case studin in consulting companie in São Paulo CityMiyazaki, Fernando Rejani 21 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2017-05-30T16:58:57Z
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FernandRM.pdf: 1137422 bytes, checksum: 38f2c80a16247223b7be04502a17b2cc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-30T16:58:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Organizational learning studies aim to describe and analyze forms and reasons of knowledge creation, development and using in companies, and how these processes help an organization to generate value and competitiveness in their markets. Emphasis was given to organizational learning practices in order to determine initiatives made by companies to generate an learning favorable ambience, while knowledge management practices acts to support and complement organizational learning practices, since they’re related to activities developed in consulting companies, who were focus of this study and composed the cases here described. Discussion contained in this dissertation taken as basis an qualitative and interview-based approach, using content analysis and document analysis, with two cases analyzed individually and in a cross-sectional way, and was conducted between November 2016 and January 2017 in two big consulting companies, based in São Paulo city. When comparing perceptions and statements to the companies’ public documents and to literature-based references, it concludes that the identified practices aim to give workers a set of capabilities suited to their acting in organizations, using previous experiences, best practices mapping and knowledge transferring. Clients’ diversity of profiles and acting areas demand from studied organizations a workforce who simultaneously shows certain quality standards and singularities that gives advantages to these consulting companies and, consequently, to their clients. / O estudo da aprendizagem organizacional visa descrever e analisar as formas e motivos pelos quais ocorre a geração, aprimoramento e utilização do conhecimento dentro das empresas, e como tais processos as ajudam a gerar valor e competitividade em seus mercados de atuação. Foram enfatizadas práticas de aprendizagem organizacional, para determinar as iniciativas adotadas pelas organizações na geração de ambiência propícia ao aprendizado, enquanto as práticas de gestão do conhecimento suportam e complementam aquelas de aprendizagem organizacional, por estarem relacionadas à atividade das empresas de consultoria, alvo deste estudo e que compuseram os casos descritos neste artigo. A discussão realizada utilizou uma abordagem qualitativa baseada em entrevistas, análise de conteúdo e análise documental, com dois casos analisados individualmente e de forma cruzada, sendo realizada entre novembro de 2016 e janeiro de 2017 em duas organizações de consultoria de grande porte, localizadas na cidade de São Paulo. Ao comparar percepções e depoimentos colhidos com documentos públicos das organizações estudadas e referências constantes na literatura, concluiu-se que as práticas identificadas buscam proporcionar aos colaboradores um conjunto de capacidades adequado à atuação destes nas empresas, com aproveitamento de experiências anteriores, mapeamento de melhores práticas e transferência de conhecimentos. Os múltiplos perfis de clientes e suas áreas de atuação exigem das organizações estudadas um quadro funcional que apresente simultaneamente perfis padronizados de conhecimentos por cargo ou nível hierárquico, e especialistas em determinadas vertentes do conhecimento, para atingir padrões de qualidade e singularidade e oferecer um diferencial a estas organizações de consultoria e, consequentemente, seus clientes.
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Lernbedarf vs. Lernbedürfnis: eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme zur Wirksamkeit von diagnostischen Online-SelbsttestsHesse, Christina, Hösel, Claudia, Schulz, Jens, Schusser, Bert 17 December 2019 (has links)
Um vorhandene Wissenslücken bestimmen zu können, stellen Online-Selbsttests ein geeignetes Instrument dar. In ihnen werden Soll-Anforderungen abgebildet und vorhandenes Ist-Wissen abgefragt. Durch diese mediale Unterstützung sind Lernbedarfe individuell bestimmbar, jedoch trägt sie nicht per se zur Förderung der Selbststeuerung im Lernprozess bei. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, Grenzen von diagnostischen Online-Selbsttests zu identifizieren und zugleich Potentiale für die Unterstützung der Reflexion im selbstgesteuerten Lernprozess aufzuzeigen. Anhand eines entwickelten Online-Selbsttests für Studierende zur eigenständigen Einschätzung ihrer Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse im Bereich des methodisch-wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens, der hochschulweit zur Verfügung gestellt wurde, sowie parallel erhobener Metadaten erfolgt eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme zur Wirksamkeit von Online-Selbsttests. Die Ergebnisse dieses Beitrags tragen zur konzeptionellen Weiterentwicklung dieses Instrumentes bei.
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Young Chicanx on the Move: Folklórico Dance Education as a Mechanism of Self-Assertion and Social EmpowermentSalas, Maya 01 January 2017 (has links)
In the context of Chicanx experiences in the United States, where varying generations of Chicanxs experience bicultural realities, this study shows how embodied knowledge performed through the body’s movements in folklórico dance by Chicanx youth from multiple generations, acts as a mechanism for reconnecting youth to cultural ties, reevaluating educational practices, and emplacing within youth, the ability to foster the confidence to express and create imagined futures. Data collection incorporated a series of interviews with eight Chicanx youth and adults who have either taught or danced folklórico in the Phoenix, Los Angeles, or Coachella Valley areas. Interview participants revealed a strong sense of cultural orgullo that acts as a bedrock for their cultural identity affirmation and reclamation. This orgullo and other cultural knowledges such as familismo and collective consciousness were emphasized through pedagogies of embodiment. Dancers described learning these cultural knowledges not just through the embodiment of physical dance steps but through the embodiment of social customs honored by their folklórico communities. Much of these social customs centered around fostering and maintaining relationships of genuine, holistic caring. These relationships were foundational for personal, mental, and emotional growth of dancers. Through these relationships, individual identities found the support to thrive within collective communities. Given the influx of educational pedagogies that attempt to depersonalize, depoliticize, and de-emotionalize the education through the implementation of tracking systems, standardized tests, and culturally inaccessible curriculums, these stories suggest alternate forms of learning that may account for students’ entire well-being. While this project is very much about reclaiming historical pasts, it is also about re-envisioning educational possibilities, discovering inner potentials and building collective communities that recognize and rejoice in those potentials. Through this study, a deeper understanding of the functions of movement and dance will strengthen platforms that push arts education and ethnic studies to greater educationalist agendas.
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"Jag tyckte i alla fall att eleverna var duktiga" : Teoribildning i lärarstudenters didaktiska reflektioner i ämnet svenska / “At least I thought the pupils were good”: : Theorisation in education students’ didactic reflections on teaching SwedishJohansson, Annelie January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Det här är en kvalitativ studie i syfte att undersöka hur vetenskapliga teorier synliggörs i lärarstudenters reflektioner över sin undervisning i ämnet svenska på lågstadiet. Materialet är insamlat i samband med lärarstudenters verksamhetsförlagda utbildning och består av intervjuer, observationer av undervisning och texter i form av pedagogiska planeringar. Resultatet visar att lärarkandidaters reflektioner håller en låg nivå när det gäller skoldidaktisk reflektion och att grunda sina resonemang i teorier om lärande och i professionella ämneskunskaper i svenska, även om deras undervisning håller god kvalitet. Sammantaget är min slutsats att olika metoder eller förklaringsmodeller som används inom forskning skulle kunna synliggöras i större utsträckning inom ramen för svenskkurser i lärarutbildningen. De kan dessutom användas som redskap för dokumentation av elevers kunskaper samt studenters egna skoldidaktiska reflektioner men även för det systematiska arbetet med att dokumentera elevers lärande som en förutsättning och utgångspunkt för planering av kommande undervisning, det vill säga formativ undervisning. Det skulle kunna vara ett sätt att överbrygga teori-praktikproblemet i lärarutbildningen såväl som att höja nivån av hur studenter relaterar till vetenskapliga modeller som stöd för skoldidaktisk reflektion. / Title: “At least I thought the pupils were good”: Theorisation in education students’ didactic reflections on teaching Swedish This qualitative study aimed to investigate the role of theory in education students’ reflections on their teaching of Swedish in lower primary school. The material was collected in connection with the students’ practical placements and comprises of interviews and observations. Although these prospective teachers performed well in the classroom, the study shows that the students’ didactic reflections were generally below par and inadequately founded in theories of learning or Swedish subject knowledge. The overall conclusion is that different methods or models used in research can be highlighted to a greater extent in the Swedish subject courses on the primary education program. Students may not only use such theoretical tools to document pupils’ knowledge and formulate their own didactic reflections, but these tools could also prove useful in formative teaching, that is, in systematically documenting pupils’ learning in order to plan future teaching. This could therefore be a way to bridge the theory-practice gap in teacher training as well as improve education students’ use of theoretical models in their didactic reflections.
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"Jag tyckte i alla fall att eleverna var duktiga" : Teoribildning i lärarstudenters didaktiska reflektioner i ämnet svenska / “At least I thought the pupils were good”: : Theorisation in education students’ didactic reflections on teaching Swedish*Johansson, Annelie K. January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Det här är en kvalitativ studie i syfte att undersöka hur vetenskapliga teorier synliggörs i lärarstudenters reflektioner över sin undervisning i ämnet svenska på lågstadiet. Materialet är insamlat i samband med lärarstudenters verksamhetsförlagda utbildning och består av intervjuer, observationer av undervisning och texter i form av pedagogiska planeringar. Resultatet visar att lärarkandidaters reflektioner håller en låg nivå när det gäller skoldidaktisk reflektion och att grunda sina resonemang i teorier om lärande och i professionella ämneskunskaper i svenska, även om deras undervisning håller god kvalitet. Sammantaget är min slutsats att olika metoder eller förklaringsmodeller som används inom forskning skulle kunna synliggöras i större utsträckning inom ramen för svenskkurser i lärarutbildningen. De kan dessutom användas som redskap för dokumentation av elevers kunskaper samt studenters egna skoldidaktiska reflektioner men även för det systematiska arbetet med att dokumentera elevers lärande som en förutsättning och utgångspunkt för planering av kommande undervisning, det vill säga formativ undervisning. Det skulle kunna vara ett sätt att överbrygga teori-praktikproblemet i lärarutbildningen såväl som att höja nivån av hur studenter relaterar till vetenskapliga modeller som stöd för skoldidaktisk reflektion. / Title: “At least I thought the pupils were good”: Theorisation in education students’ didactic reflections on teaching Swedish This qualitative study aimed to investigate the role of theory in education students’ reflections on their teaching of Swedish in lower primary school. The material was collected in connection with the students’ practical placements and comprises of interviews and observations. Although these prospective teachers performed well in the classroom, the study shows that the students’ didactic reflections were generally below par and inadequately founded in theories of learning or Swedish subject knowledge. The overall conclusion is that different methods or models used in research can be highlighted to a greater extent in the Swedish subject courses on the primary education program. Students may not only use such theoretical tools to document pupils’ knowledge and formulate their own didactic reflections, but these tools could also prove useful in formative teaching, that is, in systematically documenting pupils’ learning in order to plan future teaching. This could therefore be a way to bridge the theory-practice gap in teacher training as well as improve education students’ use of theoretical models in their didactic reflections.
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