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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stokastisk modellering och prognosticering inom livförsäkring : En dödlighetsundersökning på Länsförsäkringar Livs bestånd / Stochastic modeling and prognostication in life insurance : A mortality survey on Länsförsäkringar Liv

Andersson, Henrik, Bakke Cato, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Studier av livslängder och dödssannolikheter är avgörande för livförsäkring. Betalningar gällande livförsäkringar är helt beroende av om en individ lever eller ej, eller befinner sig i olika hälsotillstånd. För att kunna prissätta premier korrekt och avsätta reserver är det därför av stort intresse att modellera livslängden på ett så korrekt sätt som möjligt. Försäkringsbranschen använder idag historiskt beprövade och välfungerande modeller som går så långt bak i tiden som 200 år. Det finns modeller ännu längre bak i tiden, men de modeller som används idag är främst Gompertz (1826), Makeham (1860) och Lee-Carter (1992). Även om dessa modeller presterar bra är det alltid nödvändigt att undersöka om det kan finnas alternativa modeller som modellerar dödligheten bättre. I detta examensarbete tillämpas affina korträntemodeller för modellering av dödlighetsintensiteten som ligger till grund för flertalet intressanta aktuariella storheter. Då dessa modeller introducerar stokastisk dödlighet kan osäkerheten och beroendet över tid därmed beskrivas. De korträntemodeller som undersöks i arbetet och som är vanligt förekommande inom den finansiella teorin; är Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, Feller och Hull-White. Dessa modeller jämförs sedan mot varandra vad gäller modellerad dödlighetsintensitet samt förväntad återstående livslängd och ettårig dödssannolikhet. En aspekt av stokastisk dödlighetsmodellering som ej återfinns i befintlig litteratur men som undersöks i detta examensarbete är modellering av dödlighet över tid då detta är en av de mest väsentliga aspekterna inom det livförsäkringsmatematiska arbetet. Till sist i valideringssyfte utvärderas samtliga korträntemodeller genom back-testing. Den andra huvudsakliga delen av arbetet består i att generera resultat för samma storheter som ovan baserat på DUS-metoden för att på så sätt jämföra en kommersiell metod mot en mer teoretisk mindre beprövad sådan. Resultaten visar på en stor potential hos flera av korträntemodellerna kontra DUS både vad gäller modellering över åldrar och kalenderår. Däremot är inte resultaten helt felfria för enstaka kalenderår där stora spikar uppstår på grund av parametermässig felanpassning. Modelleringen av korträntemodellerna över tid var över förväntan då modellerna inte är konstruerade för att fånga avtagande trender. Detta är något som kan betraktas som en stor flexibilitet hos korträntemodellerna då de står sig väl mot Lee-Cartermodellen som används i DUS, både vad gäller ålders- och tidsmodellering av dödlighet. / Studies of life expectancy and death probabilities are crucial for life insurance. Payments for life insurance are completely dependent on whether an individual is alive or not, or is in various health conditions. In order to be able to price premiums correctly and set aside reserves, it is therefore of great importance to model life expectancy in the most accurate way possible. The insurance industry today uses historically proven well-functioning models that go as far back in time as 200 years. There are models even further back in time, but the models used today are mainly Gompertz (1826), Makeham (1860) and Lee-Carter (1992). Although these models perform well, it is always necessary to investigate whether there may be alternative models that model mortality better. In this thesis, affine short-term interest rate models are applied for modeling the force of mortality that forms the basis for most interesting actuarial variables. As these models introduce stochastic mortality, the uncertainty and dependence over time can thus be described. The three short-term interest rate models examined in this project, which are common in financial theory; are Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, Feller and Hull-White. These models are then compared against each other in terms of the modeled force of mortality as well as the expected remaining life expectancy and the one-year probability of death. One aspect of stochastic mortality modeling that is not found in the existing literature but which is examined in this thesis is the modeling of mortality over time as this is one of the most important aspects in the life insurance mathematical industry. Finally, for validation purposes, all short-term interest rate models are evaluated using back-testing. The second main part of the work consists of generating results for the same quantities as above based on the DUS method in order to compare a commercial method with more theoretical and less approved ones. The results show a great potential in several of the short-term interest rate models versus DUS both in terms of modeling over ages and calendar years. However, the results are not completely impeccable for individual calendar years where large spikes occur due to inaccurate parameter calibration. The satisfactory modeling of the short-term interest rate models over time was above the expectations as the models are not designed to capture decreasing trends. This is something that can be considered a great flexibility of the short-term interest rate models as they are more or less as accurate as the Lee-Carter model used in DUS, both in terms of age and time modeling of mortality.

Benefit Design, Retirement Decisions and Welfare Within and Across Generations in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes

Zhao de Gosson de Varennes, Yuwei January 2016 (has links)
Essay 1 (with Juha Alho and Edward Palmer):  All around the world, public pension schemes are moving in the direction of non-financial (NDC) and financial defined contribution (DC) schemes.  Both rely on accurate projections of life expectancy in the creation of annuities. Accurate projections are critical for system stability, individual utility and inter-generational welfare. This paper suggests a path-breaking innovation that changes the perspective from the Lee-carter (LC) family of trend models which assume a constant rate of change in mortality over time. Our approach is to project the cohort life expectancy on basis of the specific cohort rate of change in mortality. This relaxes the strong trend assumption underlying the LC model, which is the reason why LC model does not work well in the phase of accelerating or decelerating mortality. We use unisex mortality data for $8$ countries to test the performance of our approach both ex-post and ex-ante. The ex-post experiment shows that our approach generally performs better when the rate of change in mortality is accelerating and performs as well as LC model when the rate of change is time-invariant. The ex-ante experiment, on the other hand, shows that our model almost always delivers higher projection of remaining life expectancy than the LC model for the more recent cohorts, which is consistent with the ex-post experimental results. / Essay 2:  Due to the systematic underestimation of cohort life expectancy, NDC pension schemes face a financial risk that can leads to inter-generational unfairness, given the current practice. This paper proposes an alternative method of computing annuity to address this problem. The proposal is to adjust the annuity based on re-estimations of the remaining life expectancy at intervals after retirement, but only up to a ceiling age. The scheme is assessed using 208 cohort annuity pools from eight sample countries. This experiment shows that the proposed scheme succeeds in reducing the inter-generational unfairness for 60-80% of the cohort annuity pools, compared to current practice of fixing the annuity at age 65. Because the adjustment is borne by the relatively large group of younger persons, the per capita change in utility is rather small assuming risk neutrality. / Essay 3:  This paper studies how the incentive to retire in a DC (NDC) scheme is influenced by engaging private information on life expectancy. This is an important question since the decisions made under the two scenarios, optimizing using the private life expectancy or the cohort average made available by the pension provider, create different welfare and financial outcomes. The analytical framework is a standard life-cycle model, accounting for monetary gain from work and non-monetary gain from leisure. The unique feature here is that the individual life expectancy is an explicit driver of disutility of work. The theoretical result is that prevailing private information of a longer-than-average life expectancy can lead to both advancing and delaying retirement, depending on other factors determining utility. The numerical example using Swedish data proves the theoretical results and suggests a rather small average impact on the choice of retirement by engaging private information of life expectancy. / Essay 4:   Pensions in the increasingly popular Notional Defined Contribution (NDC) Pay-as-You-Go Schemes are granted based on cohort-specific life expectancy, regardless socioeconomic differences. This risks perverse intra-generational and unintended inter-generational transfers. This paper introduces an alternative with separate annuity pools for different socioeconomic classes. Using unique Swedish data and the Swedish NDC pension system as an example, the analysis shows a significant gap in life expectancy between socioeconomic classes defined by occupation. In the Swedish context, this implies a perverse transfer of 5% of the pension capital from the manual workers to the non-manual workers, which can be abolished by using the group plan. In addition, the group plan also lessens the risk of inter-generational transfers resulting from the gap in life expectancy.

Ingéniérie actuarielle : les modèles de régression non linéaires comme solutions à divers problèmes actuariels

Brouhns, Natacha 14 December 2005 (has links)
Cette thèse est mue par la volonté de son auteur (et de son promoteur) de mettre en évidence combien le concept d'ingéniérie actuarielle est non seulement un concept actuel mais également porteur d'avenir pour l'actuariat. Dans ingéniérie, on entend ingénieur, soit un individu formé à l'application des sciences, dans le but de résoudre des problèmes technologiques concrets et complexes. Ces compétences, traditionnellement plutôt utilisées par l'industrie, sont ici mises au service de l'Actuariat. Nous espérons montrer combien un actuaire ouvert aux techniques récentes de la Statistique peut enrichir sa panoplie d'outils pour répondre aux questions toujours plus variées que pose la pratique. Car là est aussi un des messages de ce travail: montrer que ces développements récents sont loin d'être de pures gymnastiques intellectuelles mais offrent de réelles solutions ou alternatives valables à des problèmes connus. Avec pour bagage les modèles de régression non linéaires, nous nous promenons dans les différents domaines de l'Actuariat, abordant tout d'abord un aspect méthodologique. Ensuite, nous traitons de deux problèmes liés à la branche Non Vie : tarification géographique et échelles bonus-malus. Enfin, nous voyons comment des perspectives nouvelles peuvent également s'inscrire dans la branche Vie, à travers la problématique de la modélisation de la mortalité future. Il ne s'agit en aucun cas d'un inventaire exhaustif des possibilités récentes offertes par la Statistique à l'Actuariat, mais bien d'un tour d'horizon qui entend ouvrir des portes dans des domaines variés. Cette thèse est composée d'articles (rédigés en anglais) publiés dans des revues nationales et internationales.

各險種經驗死亡率之分析與期保費高低估之探討 / The analysis of empirical mortality rates for different insurance products and the estimations of insurance premiums

呂政治 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣經濟的大幅提升與保險的觀念在國內越來越盛行,許多的人都會選擇去投保,本研究採用的資料是從保險事業發展中心所獲得,其收集台灣各個保險公司所銷售的保單,包含定期險、生死合險和終身壽險的資料。我們藉由此資料來分析具有何種特質的人會去購買何種保單,哪些因素會造成死亡率之間的差異。近些年來,台灣的生活水準和醫療水平有顯著的進步,台灣人口的死亡率也因此大幅地下降,男女間的平均餘命也隨之增加,台灣逐步地邁向高齡化社會。但隨著死亡率的改善,保險公司之前所銷售的較長年期的保險商品,有可能會造成保險公司低估或高估其保費,使公司未來的現金流量不穩定。而且以前公司通常是使用生命表的死亡率為基礎,但這樣並不能真正反映有保險人口的死亡機率,因此,我們將使用實際投保的資料,透過Whittaker修勻和Gompertz法則,計算其死亡率,並利用Lee -Carter模型去對未來的死亡率做預測,探討死亡率的下降,會對保險公司造成何種衝擊與其影響到底會有多大。

The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Effects on Swedish Mortality

Voghera, Siri, Tepe, Özlem January 2021 (has links)
This thesis analyses the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on Swedish mortality during 2020 by investigating whether it has resulted in excess mortality. This is done using a stochastic mortality projection model from the Lee-Carter framework and by assuming the number of deaths follows a Poisson distribution. Due to the few confirmed COVID-19 deaths at younger ages, the decision is made to only include 50-to-100-year-olds in the analysis. Models in the Lee-Carter framework are fitted on historical data from 1993–2019 collected from Human Mortality Database and Statistiska Centralbyrån. After evaluating the models, inter alia using residual analysis and backtesting, we ascertain that the classical Lee-Carter model accomplishes a wanted level of fit and forecast accuracy. During the morality projection with the Lee-Carter model, three different sources of uncertainty are accounted for by constructing prediction intervals using bootstrap. The results show that the large age group 67–94-year-olds have suffered from statistically significant excess mortality during 2020. The level of excess mortality differs between ages, with the ages 70–90-year-olds having the highest number of excess deaths. Comparing the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths to our forecasted number of excess deaths indicates the COVID-19 virus likely caused the surge in deaths.

Metody projekce úmrtnosti a riziko dlouhověkosti / Methods for mortality forecasting and longevity risk

Počerová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse different mortality models regarding the longevity risk. We focus on the well-known stochastic models (Lee-Carter model, Age-period-cohort model by Renshaw and Haberman, Cairns-Blake-Dowd two-factor model) and compare them with relatively new Taiwanese model by Yang, Yue and Huang which is based on principal component analysis. Both the theoretical and also the empirical parts are included. Empirical part evaluates all the models mentioned above on the Czech mortality data from 1970-2000 for individuals aged between 50-100 years. Final mortality predictions are made for next 30 years.

Forecasting Mortality Rates using the Weighted Hyndman-Ullah Method

Ramos, Anthony Kojo January 2021 (has links)
The performance of three methods of mortality modelling and forecasting are compared. These include the basic Lee–Carter and two functional demographic models; the basic Hyndman–Ullah and the weighted Hyndman–Ullah. Using age-specific data from the Human Mortality Database of two developed countries, France and the UK (England&Wales), these methods are compared; through within-sample forecasting for the years 1999-2018. The weighted Hyndman–Ullah method is adjudged superior among the three methods through a comparison of mean forecast errors and qualitative inspection per the dataset of the selected countries. The weighted HU method is then used to conduct a 32–year ahead forecast to the year 2050.

Projection de la mortalité aux âges avancées au Canada : comparaison de trois modèles

Tang, Kim Oanh January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

臺灣地區的人口推估研究 / The study of population projection: a case study in Taiwan area

黃意萍 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區的人口隨著生育率及死亡率的雙重下降而呈現快速老化,其中生育率的降低影響尤為顯著。民國50年時,台灣平均每位婦女生育5.58個小孩,到了民國70年卻只生育1.67個小孩,去年(民國90年)生育率更創歷年新低,只有1.4。死亡率的下降可由平均壽命的延長看出,民國75年時男性為70.97歲,女性為75.88歲;到了民國90年,男性延長到72.75歲,女性延長到78.49歲。由於生育率的變化幅度高於死亡率,對人口結構的影響較大,因此本文分成兩個部份,主要在研究台灣地區15至49歲婦女生育率的變化趨勢,再將研究結果用於台灣地區未來人口總數及其結構的預測。   本研究第一部分是生育率的研究,引進Gamma函數、Gompertz函數、Lee-Carter法三種模型及單一年齡組個別估計法,以民國40年至84年(西元1951年至1995年)的資料為基礎,民國85年至89年(西元1996年至2000年)資料為檢測樣本,比較模型的優劣,尋求較適合台灣地區生育率的模型,再以最合適的模型預測民國91年至140年(西元2002年至2051年)的生育率。第二部分是人口推估,採用人口變動要素合成方法(Cohort Component Projection Method)推估台灣地區未來50年的人口總數及其結構,其中生育率採用上述最適合台灣地區的模型、死亡率則引進國外知名的Lee-Carter法及SOA法(Society of Actuaries),探討人口結構,並與人力規劃處的結果比較之。 / Both the fertility rate and mortality rate have been experiencing dramatic decreases in recent years. As a result, the population aging has become one of the major concerns in Taiwan area, and the proportion of the elderly (age 65 and over) increases promptly from 2.6% in 1965 to 8.8% in 2001. The decrease of fertility rate is especially significant. For example, the total fertility rate was 5.58 in 1961, and then decreases dramatically to 1.67 in 1981 (1.4 in 2001), a reduction of almost 70% within 20 years.   The goal of this paper is to study the population aging in Taiwan area, in particular, the fertility pattern. The first part of this paper is to explore the fertility models and decide which model is the most suitable based on age-fertility fertility rates in Taiwan. The models considered are Gamma function, Gompertz function, Lee-Carter method and individual group estimation. We use the data from 1951 to 1995 as pilot data and 1996 to 2000 as test data to judge which model fit well. The second part of this study is to project the Taiwan population for the next 50 years, i.e. 2002-2051. The projection method used is Cohort Component Projection method, assuming the population in Taiwan area is closed. We also compare our projection result to that by Council for Economic Planning and Development, the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China.

Projection de la mortalité aux âges avancées au Canada : comparaison de trois modèles

Tang, Kim Oanh January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

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