Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocerning"" "subject:"bywerning""
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Skrivpedagogiska diskurser : En textanalys av styrdokument i grundskolan / Discourses of writing pedagogy : A textual analysis of governing documents in primary schoolsVilhelmsson Ramshage, Bitte January 2010 (has links)
De tankar som finns bakom planering och genomförande av skrivundervisningen i grundskolan påverkas av de förhållningssätt som den beslutsfattande läraren har till sin undervisning. Att se på språk och skrivande utfrån olika perspektiv ger olika resultat. Denna studies syfte är att identifiera de skrivpedagogiska synsätt som avspeglas i styrdokumenten för grundskolan. Undersökningen utfördes genom en omfattande dokumentanalys där synsätten identifierades med inriktning på språk, skrivande, skrivinlärning, skrivundervisning och bedömning av skrivande. Utgångspunkten för analysen är fem diskurser om skrivpedagogiska synsätt; färdighetsdiskursen, kreativitetsdiskursen, processdiskursen, genrediskursen och socialpraktikdiskursen. Resultatet visar att ett fåtal synsätt representeras övervägande i styrdokumenten, men att samtliga synsätt i någon mån går att finna. Framförallt är ett processinriktat synsätt representativt för synen på skrivande medan en mer allmänt hållen inställning vid inlärning och undervisning visar ett kreativitetsinriktat synsätt, bedömningen sker till synes främst utifrån färdighetsinriktade synsätt. Resultatet av dokumentanalysen har med sekundärt syfte jämförts med en mindre enkätundersökning där resultatet visar att skillnader finns i hur framträdande de olika synsätten är i dokumenten och undersökningarna emellan. I diskussionen framkommer vilken relation resultatet har till annan forskning. Där görs även en jämförelse med valda punkter ur den vid tiden för studien kommande kursplanens utkast. / Thoughts behind planning and implementation of writing instruction in primary school is influenced by the attitudes the teacher has to his/hers teaching. To view language and writing from different perspectives yields different results. This study aims to identify the type pedagogical approach that is reflected in the governing documents for the primery school. The study carried out through an extensive document analysis in which the discourses of writing were identified, focusing on approach to education, language and writing. The starting point of the analysis was five discourses on writing pedagogical approach, a skill discourse, a creativity discourse, a process discourse, a genre discourse and a social practice discourse. The results show that a few of the approaches were represented more then other´s in the governing documents, but that all the approaches, to some extent, can be found. Above all is a process-oriented approach, representative of the view of writing while a more general attitude to learning and teaching displays a creativity approach, the assessment is made to appear mainly on the basis of a skill approach. The result of the document analysis whas, as a secondary aim, compared with a smaller questionnaire survey and the result show that differences existed between survey responses. There are also differences in how prominent the different approaches are in the documents. In the discussion of the results, the relationship between the outcome and previous research is raised. There is also a comparison of selected points from the forthcoming, course plan draft that at the time of the study is in alteration.
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Skrivpedagogiska diskurser : En textanalys av styrdokument i grundskolan / Discourses of writing pedagogy : A textual analysis of governing documents in primary schoolsVilhelmsson Ramshage, Bitte January 2010 (has links)
<p>De tankar som finns bakom planering och genomförande av skrivundervisningen i grundskolan påverkas av de förhållningssätt som den beslutsfattande läraren har till sin undervisning. Att se på språk och skrivande utfrån olika perspektiv ger olika resultat. Denna studies syfte är att identifiera de skrivpedagogiska synsätt som avspeglas i styrdokumenten för grundskolan. Undersökningen utfördes genom en omfattande dokumentanalys där synsätten identifierades med inriktning på språk, skrivande, skrivinlärning, skrivundervisning och bedömning av skrivande. Utgångspunkten för analysen är fem diskurser om skrivpedagogiska synsätt; färdighetsdiskursen, kreativitetsdiskursen, processdiskursen, genrediskursen och socialpraktikdiskursen. Resultatet visar att ett fåtal synsätt representeras övervägande i styrdokumenten, men att samtliga synsätt i någon mån går att finna. Framförallt är ett processinriktat synsätt representativt för synen på skrivande medan en mer allmänt hållen inställning vid inlärning och undervisning visar ett kreativitetsinriktat synsätt, bedömningen sker till synes främst utifrån färdighetsinriktade synsätt. Resultatet av dokumentanalysen har med sekundärt syfte jämförts med en mindre enkätundersökning där resultatet visar att skillnader finns i hur framträdande de olika synsätten är i dokumenten och undersökningarna emellan. I diskussionen framkommer vilken relation resultatet har till annan forskning. Där görs även en jämförelse med valda punkter ur den vid tiden för studien kommande kursplanens utkast.</p> / <p>Thoughts behind planning and implementation of writing instruction in primary school is influenced by the attitudes the teacher has to his/hers teaching. To view language and writing from different perspectives yields different results. This study aims to identify the type pedagogical approach that is reflected in the governing documents for the primery school. The study carried out through an extensive document analysis in which the discourses of writing were identified, focusing on approach to education, language and writing. The starting point of the analysis was five discourses on writing pedagogical approach, a skill discourse, a creativity discourse, a process discourse, a genre discourse and a social practice discourse. The results show that a few of the approaches were represented more then other´s in the governing documents, but that all the approaches, to some extent, can be found. Above all is a process-oriented approach, representative of the view of writing while a more general attitude to learning and teaching displays a creativity approach, the assessment is made to appear mainly on the basis of a skill approach. The result of the document analysis whas, as a secondary aim, compared with a smaller questionnaire survey and the result show that differences existed between survey responses. There are also differences in how prominent the different approaches are in the documents. In the discussion of the results, the relationship between the outcome and previous research is raised. There is also a comparison of selected points from the forthcoming, course plan draft that at the time of the study is in alteration.</p>
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Desenvolvendo e aplicando a matemática: um projeto voltado em produzir vencedores na OBMEP e elevar os indicadores sociais do município de Branquinha-AL / Developing and applying mathematics: a project Aimed at producing winners in the OBMEP and elevate the social indicators of the municipality of Branquinha-ALGoes, Cícero Rufino de 04 April 2017 (has links)
This work brings the importance of the Mathematical Olympiads for teaching and learning in
Brazilian public schools, emphasizing the OBMEP that during its 12 years of accomplishment
has transformed the way of teaching and learning the mentioned area, at the same time, it
portrays the Project Developing and Applying Mathematics aimed at producing winners in
OBMEP, applied in the municipal schools of the city of Branquinha, Alagoas between the years
of 2015 and 2016. This project was born from the extreme difficulty presented by the students
and teachers of the municipality in working the issues And the contents of OBMEP in the school
context. For many years the competition was seen only as an obligation to be on the national
calendar, but clearly there was no commitment to do the tests and much less expectations in
obtaining good results. The teachers always claimed that due to the difficulties presented in the
learning of their classes, it would be practically impossible to focus OBMEP and to work the
contents of the curricular matrix determined for each grade year. The students, considering that
there was no previous preparation in the classroom, did the tests simply because they were put
in their pews, they hardly read the questions, they did not understand the statements, they
marked the alternatives of random form and when by pure luck they were selected For the
second phase, were surprised and therefore the vast majority did not appear in the second stage
of the competition. The objective of this study is to improve the quality of mathematics teaching
in the municipality, emphasizing the use of OBMEP questions in school life, in order to achieve
significant results of the students in said competition, as well as in the national, state and local
evaluations. municipal. The methodology applied in the elaboration of this work occurred
through a bibliographical review and the works carried out in the elementary schools of the
municipality. The bibliographical revision happened from the readings of the works of Polya,
Asimov and Machado, magazines, articles and theses. The work was developed in the three
elementary schools of the municipal school network; Escola Demócrito José, Escola Santo
Antônio da Boa Vista and Escola Zumbi dos Palmares, where questionnaires and interviews
were applied to faculty, parents and students. In these educational institutions a work was done
to improve the quality of teaching mathematics learning, involving the school community with
OBMEP and consequently producing champions students in the competition. The results
obtained during and after the application of the work show that there was a notorious awakening
of students regarding mathematical learning, a significant improvement in their academic
performance and consequently a significant evolution in the national level evaluations, in the
IDEB and especially in the OBMEP. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho traz a importância das olimpíadas de matemática para o ensino e aprendizagem
nas escolas públicas brasileiras, dando ênfase a OBMEP que ao longo dos seus 12 anos de
realização tem transformado a maneira de ensinar e aprender a referida área, ao mesmo tempo,
retrata o projeto Desenvolvendo e Aplicando a Matemática, voltado para produzir vencedores
na OBMEP, aplicado nas escolas da rede municipal da cidade de Branquinha, Alagoas, entre
os anos de 2015 e 2016. Esse projeto nasceu da extrema dificuldade apresentada pelos alunos
e professores do município em trabalhar as questões e os conteúdos da OBMEP no contexto
escolar. Por muitos anos, a competição foi vista apenas como uma obrigação por estar no
calendário nacional, mas nitidamente não havia empenho algum em fazer as provas e muito
menos expectativas em obter bons resultados. Os professores sempre alegavam que devido às
tamanhas dificuldades apresentadas no aprendizado de suas turmas, seria praticamente
impossível focar a OBMEP e ao mesmo tempo trabalhar os conteúdos da matriz curricular
determinada para cada ano/série. Já os alunos, tendo em vista que não havia uma preparação
prévia em sala, faziam as provas simplesmente porque eram postas em suas bancas, mal liam
as questões, não entendiam os enunciados, marcavam as alternativas de forma aleatória e
quando por pura sorte eram selecionados para a segunda fase, se mostravam surpresos e, por
conseqüência, a maioria não comparecia na segunda etapa da competição. O estudo em questão
tem como objetivo geral melhorar a qualidade no ensino-aprendizagem de matemática no
município em questão, dando ênfase ao uso das questões da OBMEP no cotidiano escolar,
visando alcançar resultados significativos dos alunos na referida competição, assim como nas
avaliações a nível nacional, estadual e municipal. A metodologia aplicada na elaboração desse
trabalho ocorreu através de revisão bibliográfica e dos trabalhos realizados nas escolas de
ensino fundamental do município. A revisão bibliográfica aconteceu a partir das leituras das
obras de Polya, Asimov e Machado, revistas, artigos e teses. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em
três escolas de ensino fundamental da rede municipal de ensino; Escola Demócrito José, Escola
Santo Antônio da Boa Vista e Escola Zumbi dos Palmares, nas quais foram aplicados
questionários e entrevistas ao corpo docente, pais e alunos. Nessas instituições de ensino foi
realizado um trabalho voltado para melhorar a qualidade do ensino aprendizagem de
matemática, envolvendo a comunidade escolar com a OBMEP e consequentemente produzindo
alunos campeões na competição. O resultado obtido durante e após a aplicação do trabalho
mostram que ocorreu um notório despertar dos alunos referente a aprendizagem de matemática,
uma melhora significativa no desempenho escolar dos mesmos e, por fim, uma expressiva
evolução nas avaliações a nível nacional, no IDEB e principalmente na OBMEP.
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Systemkonzept und Modellierung beruflicher Handlungen im FeDiNAR-AR-LernsystemGoppold, Marvin, Tackenberg, Sven, Atanasyan, Alexander, Cichon, Torben, Kobelt, Dennis, Gamber, Thilo, Roßmann, Jürgen, Frenz, Martin 16 December 2019 (has links)
Bei Betrachtung des gegenwärtigen Stands der Ausbildung in gewerblich-technischen Berufen zeigt sich, dass es viele gute Ansätze zur Integration moderner Technologien gibt, um den Lernprozess zu unterstützen oder zu vereinfachen (z. B. Fehling, 2017; Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2019). Die meisten technischen Ansätze eint, dass sie die Darstellung von Funktions- und Wirkzusammenhängen von technischen Systemen in Ausbildungs- und Lernsituationen unterstützen. Es reicht für die zukünftige Beruflichkeit vor dem Hintergrund verschiedener Szenarien (vgl. Frenz, Heinen & Schlick, 2015) jedoch nicht aus, lediglich Technologien abzubilden. Stattdessen müssen Fachkräfte bei der Problemlösung im realen Arbeitsprozess gefördert werden (vgl. z. B. Abele, 2014; Rauner, 2017). Im Gegensatz zu reinen Funktions- und Wirkzusammenhängen liegen hier multiple technische Systemzustände vor. Das FeDiNAR-Verbundprojekt möchte hierfür ein AR-gestütztes Lehr-Lernkonzept entwickeln, das sich auf die Ausführung von beruflichen Tätigkeiten bezieht und lernortübergreifend genutzt werden kann.[... aus der Einleitung]
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Řízení entit ve strategické hře založené na multiagentních systémech / Strategic Game Based on Multiagent SystemsKnapek, Petr January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on designing and implementing system, that adds learning and planning capabilities to agents designed for playing real-time strategy games like StarCraft. It will explain problems of controlling game entities and bots by computer and introduce some often used solutions. Based on analysis, a new system has been designed and implemented. It uses multi-agent systems to control the game, utilizes machine learning methods and is capable of overcoming oponents and adapting to new challenges.
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