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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Balčiūtė, Kristina 27 August 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas. Šiuolaikiniai mokslai mums teikia vis daugiau duomenų apie tai, jog kiekvienos gyvos būtybės egzistencija priklauso ne tik nuo jos prigimtinių veiksnių, bet ir nuo aplinkos: gamtinės, socialinės, kultūrinės. Šeima ir mokykla yra dvi institucijos, kurios susijungia bendram tikslui – ugdyti pozityvią, norinčią mokytis asmenybę. Vaiko teisę į mokslą garantuoja Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija, Švietimo įstatymas, Vaiko Teisių apsaugos pagrindų ir kiti įstatymai bei teisės aktai. Mokslas vaikams iki 16 metų yra privalomas, kiekvienas jų turi teisę į nemokamą mokymą. Tačiau aplinkos veiksniai sąlygojantys mokinių nenorą mokytis yra skaudi mūsų dienų problema. Paauglystėje atsiranda naujų interesų; jie pasidaro pastovesni ir tvirtesni. Paaugliui kyla noras nuodugniau pažinti pasaulio reiškinius ir tas gyvenimo sritis, kurių neaprėpia mokyklos programa, todėl jų interesai ima nebesutapti su mokykla.Tyrimo objektas - mokinių nenorą mokytis sąlygojantys veiksniai.Tyrimo tikslas – teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai ištirti mokinių nenoro mokytis veiksnius, trukdančius įgyvendinti teisę į mokslą.Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas atliktas anketinės apklausos metodu. Parengtos dvi pusiau uždaro tipo anketos, mokiniams ir pedagogams. Jas sudaro: 1) demografinis klausimų blokas; 2) klausimų blokas skirtas tirti aplinkos veiksnius sąlygojančius mokinių norą/nenorą mokytis; 3) blokas skirtas tirti mokinių savęs vertinimą ir ateities perspektyvas; 4) blokas apie mokinių pamokų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The relevance of the research: Modern science provides us more and more data about the fact that each living beings existence depends not only on the inherent factors, but also from the environment: natural, social, cultural. Family and school are the two institutions, which form the common purpose – to foster a positive, willing to learn person. The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the Education Act, and the Protection of the Rights of the Child and other laws and legislation guarantee the child’s right to education. Education for children under 16 years old is compulsory; each of them is with their rights to a free education. However, environmental factors which determine students’ reluctance to learn are a sharp problem of our days. New interests appear in teenage years, and they become more stable and stronger. A desire arises to a teenager to know depth of world events, and those areas of life, which is not included in a school program, so their interests do not become coincide with the school.The object of the research is determined factors of students’ reluctance to study.The aim of the research is to substantiate in theory and empirically investigate the factors of students’ reluctance to study, whose disturb realize the right to education.The methodology of the research: the research was performed by questionnaire survey method. Two semi-closed-type questionnaires were prepared for students and schoolteachers. They include: 1) the demographic cluster, 2) a... [to full text]

Definição de um modelo de referência de dados educacionais para a descoberta de conhecimento / Definition of an educational data reference model for knowledge discovery

Borges, Vanessa Araujo 04 October 2017 (has links)
Sistemas educacionais possuem diversas funcionalidades capazes de apoiar a interação entre alunos e professores de maneira dinâmica, síncrona e assíncrona. Uma das formas de monitorar a eficácia do processo educacional e por meio da utilização dos dados armazenados nesses sistemas como fonte de informação. Pesquisas em Learning Analytics, Academic Analytics e Mineração de Dados Educacionais, buscam explorar os dados de sistemas educacionais utilizando processamento analítico e técnicas de mineração de dados. No entanto, há uma serie de fatores que dificultam a gestão eficiente do processo educacional a partir dos dados de sistemas educacionais. A transformação de dados provenientes de diferentes tipos de sistemas educacionais, como Sistemas de Gestão de Aprendizagem e Sistemas Acadêmicos, e uma tarefa complexa devido a natureza heterogênea dos dados. Dados provenientes desses sistemas podem ser analisados considerando diferentes stakeholders, sob varias perspectivas e níveis de granularidade. Neste cenário, um modelo de referência para a descoberta de conhecimento a partir de dados de sistemas educacionais, denominado Modelo de Referência de Dados Educacionais (EDRM), foi desenvolvido neste trabalho. O EDRM e um modelo dimensional no formato star schema, estruturado em um Data Warehouse, projetado para ser uma fonte única de dados integrados e correlacionados voltada a tomada de decisão. Assim, e possível armazenar dados de diversas fontes, combina-los e, por fim, realizar analises que levem as instituições a desenvolver uma melhor compreensão, rastrear tendências e descobrir lacunas e ineficiências acerca do processo educacional. Neste trabalho, o EDRM foi validado por meio de um estudo de caso, utilizando bases de dados reais coletadas de diferentes sistemas educacionais. Os resultados mostram que o EDRM e eficiente em tarefas com diferentes objetivos, utilizando processamento analítico e mineração de dados. / Educational systems support dynamic, synchronous and asynchronous interaction between students and educators. Researches in Learning Analytics, Academic Analytics and Educational Data Mining explore data from educational systems for knowledge discovery through analytical processing, statistical analysis and data mining. However, there are some factors that hinder an efficient management of the educational process. The transformation of data from different kinds of educational system, as Learning Management Systems and Student Information Systems, can be even more difficult due to data heterogeneity. Data from these systems can be analyzed considering different stakeholders, under different perspectives and under different granularities. Motivated by this scenario, in this work we propose Modelo de Referência de Dados Educacionais (EDRM), a reference data model for knowledge discovery in data from educational systems. EDRM is an analytical model structured under a Data Warehouse architecture following a multidimensional data model. EDRM is projected for being an resource of integrated and correlated data focused in decision taking in the educational process. EDRM was developed considering a deep analysis of data and functionalities from different educational systems. In this sense, data from different kinds of systems and sources can be used unified, integrated and consistently. This allows institutions to better comprehend their data, as well as discover patterns, gaps and inefficiencies about their educational process. In this work, EDRM was validated in a case study using real-world databases from different educational systems. The results indicate that EDRM is efficient in tasks with different objectives, using Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining techniques, and analyzing different perspectives.

Definição de um modelo de referência de dados educacionais para a descoberta de conhecimento / Definition of an educational data reference model for knowledge discovery

Vanessa Araujo Borges 04 October 2017 (has links)
Sistemas educacionais possuem diversas funcionalidades capazes de apoiar a interação entre alunos e professores de maneira dinâmica, síncrona e assíncrona. Uma das formas de monitorar a eficácia do processo educacional e por meio da utilização dos dados armazenados nesses sistemas como fonte de informação. Pesquisas em Learning Analytics, Academic Analytics e Mineração de Dados Educacionais, buscam explorar os dados de sistemas educacionais utilizando processamento analítico e técnicas de mineração de dados. No entanto, há uma serie de fatores que dificultam a gestão eficiente do processo educacional a partir dos dados de sistemas educacionais. A transformação de dados provenientes de diferentes tipos de sistemas educacionais, como Sistemas de Gestão de Aprendizagem e Sistemas Acadêmicos, e uma tarefa complexa devido a natureza heterogênea dos dados. Dados provenientes desses sistemas podem ser analisados considerando diferentes stakeholders, sob varias perspectivas e níveis de granularidade. Neste cenário, um modelo de referência para a descoberta de conhecimento a partir de dados de sistemas educacionais, denominado Modelo de Referência de Dados Educacionais (EDRM), foi desenvolvido neste trabalho. O EDRM e um modelo dimensional no formato star schema, estruturado em um Data Warehouse, projetado para ser uma fonte única de dados integrados e correlacionados voltada a tomada de decisão. Assim, e possível armazenar dados de diversas fontes, combina-los e, por fim, realizar analises que levem as instituições a desenvolver uma melhor compreensão, rastrear tendências e descobrir lacunas e ineficiências acerca do processo educacional. Neste trabalho, o EDRM foi validado por meio de um estudo de caso, utilizando bases de dados reais coletadas de diferentes sistemas educacionais. Os resultados mostram que o EDRM e eficiente em tarefas com diferentes objetivos, utilizando processamento analítico e mineração de dados. / Educational systems support dynamic, synchronous and asynchronous interaction between students and educators. Researches in Learning Analytics, Academic Analytics and Educational Data Mining explore data from educational systems for knowledge discovery through analytical processing, statistical analysis and data mining. However, there are some factors that hinder an efficient management of the educational process. The transformation of data from different kinds of educational system, as Learning Management Systems and Student Information Systems, can be even more difficult due to data heterogeneity. Data from these systems can be analyzed considering different stakeholders, under different perspectives and under different granularities. Motivated by this scenario, in this work we propose Modelo de Referência de Dados Educacionais (EDRM), a reference data model for knowledge discovery in data from educational systems. EDRM is an analytical model structured under a Data Warehouse architecture following a multidimensional data model. EDRM is projected for being an resource of integrated and correlated data focused in decision taking in the educational process. EDRM was developed considering a deep analysis of data and functionalities from different educational systems. In this sense, data from different kinds of systems and sources can be used unified, integrated and consistently. This allows institutions to better comprehend their data, as well as discover patterns, gaps and inefficiencies about their educational process. In this work, EDRM was validated in a case study using real-world databases from different educational systems. The results indicate that EDRM is efficient in tasks with different objectives, using Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining techniques, and analyzing different perspectives.

Lernende als Designer / Learner as designer

Raff, Jan-Henning 21 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Lernende sind zunehmend herausgefordert ihren Lernprozess selbstständig zu steuern, zu organisieren und zu gestalten. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht von diesen Erwartungen aus und fragt nach den kreativen Prozessen in der Lerntätigkeit. Dazu wird eine kritische Prüfung von Lerntheorien hinsichtlich ihrer Berücksichtigung von Kreativität und Materialität unternommen. Durch Entwicklung eines Designbegriffs, der die scheinbar selbstverständlichen Techniken und Strategien im Lernalltag als Alltagsdesign erfasst, wird ein wenig berücksichtigtes Forschungsgebiet eröffnet, das in qualitativen Untersuchungen medienübergreifend analysiert wird. Die verschiedenen Aspekte des Alltags­designs in der Lerntätigkeit – die Einrichtung des Arbeitsplatzes, das Aufgabenmanagement, die Aufbewahrung und die Verarbeitung von Lernmaterial werden detailliert beschrieben und analysiert. Resultat ist eine gegenstandsbezogene Theorie des Alltags­designs in der Lerntätigkeit, die einen Beitrag zum Verständnis von Wissensarbeit als materiale Praxis liefert. / This thesis is a contribution to current debates about technology enhanced learning – namely “web 2.0” and “e-learning 2.0” where learners are expected to be active creators of knowledge. The figure of the learner as creative designer is addressed in this work, which concentrates on learners’ individual activity. The focus on the individual contrasts with many current studies about learning which center on collaborative aspects in knowledge building. First a review of learning theories is undertaken to examine their contributions to questions of materiality and creativity in learning activities. Turning to design research, a notion of design as practice is developed, which here complements and enhances current learning theories. Adopting notions of “use” and “user” the everydayness of design is reconstructed, leading to a conceptualization which is suitable to everyday activities of learners. From this everyday design perspective, the research question is formulated: How is learning activity accomplished as design activity? This question is tackled through several ethnographically oriented studies that focus on the individual everyday practices of students in their natural working environments. The analysis of the ethnographic data is developed using a Grounded Theory approach. A descriptive story is developed that analyzes arrangements of workplaces and objects, storage and task management, and the production of personal learning material as design. From these concepts four core aspects of everyday design in learning activities are developed: The design of the environment, “becoming designed”, designing oneself, and designing the design process. A model of the everyday design process is proposed which reveals both its creative and persistent side. The notion of everyday design in learning activities is an important concept to understand learners’ difficulties in knowledge building and to advance the development of learning strategies.

Olhares dos discentes sobre a avaliação da aprendizagem em um curso de graduação em Ciências Biológicas /

Nakamura, Henrique Kendi. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Regiane Helena Bertagna / Resumo: O tema da avaliação educacional tem sido um campo de disputa por diferentes setores da sociedade e tem assumido uma centralidade cada vez maior nas decisões e encaminhamentos das políticas públicas. Ao nível da aprendizagem, a consolidação de uma perspectiva alternativa àquelas ditas tradicionais, marcadas pelo uso de provas e notas para fins de classificação, ainda configura-se como um desafio seja na escola ou na Universidade nos cursos de formação de professores e de bacharéis. Este estudo buscou compreender, a partir da ótica discente, a avaliação da aprendizagem no ensino superior tendo como locus o Curso de Graduação em Ciências Biológicas, Campus de UNESP Rio Claro. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, utilizando da análise de conteúdo em questionários e entrevistas realizados com alunos desse curso, e da análise documental nos Planos de Ensino de disciplinas desse curso, no Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) e documentos oficiais que organizam essa Universidade. A análise dos dados indicou que a “nota” ainda é um dos elementos centrais da avaliação na vida universitária discente e o comportamento do aluno influencia diretamente a produção dessa nota, entretanto, essa “nota” nem sempre é representativa de aprendizado. Ainda, a concepção de ensino revelada pela prática avaliativa tem sido predominantemente a tradicional, resguardando também um viés positivista sobre a concepção de conhecimento. Outro aspecto a ser notado é a carência de qualquer perspect... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The theme of assessment educational has been disputed by many sectors of society and assumed an increasing centrality in the decisions of public policy. At the dimension of learning, the setting of an alternative perspective against the traditional ones, which was marked by the use of tests and mark for classification purposes its a challenge in regular school system or in undergraduate. This study sought to understand, from the student point of view, the assesment of learning in undergraduate education having as a locus the Undergraduate Course in Biological Sciences on Campus of Rio Claro. A qualitative research was developed using analysis content in questionnaires and interviews with students, and documental analysis of the Teaching Plans of this course, the Political Educational Project (PEP) and official documents about this University. The research analysis indicated that the mark is still one of the central elements of the assesment in the university's student life, and its behavior influences the production of this mark, however, this mark does not always means learning. The conception of teaching revealed by the assesment practice has been predominantly the traditional one, also guarding a positivist conception of knowledge. Another aspect was the lack of any perspective of teaching, learning and assesment in the PEP, which makes it difficult to develop collaborative and collective spaces for reflective and formative purposes. It is worth noting that the path desire... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Lärares frågor. En avgörande faktor för det samtalande matematiska klassrummet. : En studie inspirerad av learning study om lärares medvetenhet angående variationen av frågor i matematikundervisningen gällande likhetstecknets betydelse

Lundkvist, Pernilla January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärares frågor kan påverka elever till utforskande samtal vid undervisning av likhetstecknets betydelse. Då en lärare valdes ut för en djupare granskning valdes en kvalitativ metod där en fallstudie ansågs lämplig. Studiens utformning influeras av learning study som skolutvecklingsmodell. Sammanställningen av resultatet visar att lärarens medvetenhet av frågor i undervisningen av likhetstecknets betydelse har stor påverkan för om ett utforskande samtal ska ta fart bland eleverna. Studiens slutsats är att matematikundervisningen i skolan bör genomgå en viktig förändring för att elever i större utsträckning ska inspireras till utforskande samtal. Detta eftersom en stark läromedelstyrd undervisning medför svårigheter för samtal och reflektioner i klassrummet. / <p>Matematik</p>

IntegraÃÃo de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem com aplicaÃÃes mÃveis de suporte a educaÃÃo a distÃncia. / Integracion of a virtual learning environment of with mobile applicatons of support the distance education

Wellington Wagner Ferreira Sarmento 17 September 2007 (has links)
nÃo hà / Os objetivos deste trabalho sÃo propor um conjunto de AplicaÃÃes MÃveis que possibilitem o suporte a atividades e interaÃÃes oriundas de um processo de EducaÃÃo a DistÃncia, e integrar tais aplicaÃÃes a um Ambiente Virtual de aprendizagem (AVA),possibilitando seu acesso atravÃs de Dispositivos MÃveis. Como contribuiÃÃo para a efetivaÃÃo dos propÃsitos deste trabalho, um modelo de integraÃÃo baseado em ServiÃos Web à apresentado, voltado para a interligaÃÃo de um AVA e trÃs aplicaÃÃes educacionais mÃveis, propostas com o intuito de permitirem uma ampliaÃÃo no que se refere aos mecanismos de notificaÃÃo e comunicaÃÃo, presentes nos atuais ambientes de aprendizagem baseados na Internet, bem como uma melhoria destes no que se refere ao suporte de atividades de campo ou laboratoriais. A justificativa deste esforÃo està centrada na necessidade pedagÃgica premente de flexibilizar cada vez mais o processo de interaÃÃo e comunicaÃÃo entre participantes de ambientes para aprendizagem a distÃncia. / This dissertation proposes an extension of the traditional concept of Learning Management System (LMS) â currently based on the Web technology â where it must act as an integration element for several media aiming the Distance Education process. As a first step heading to this purpose, a web service-based integration model is shown between the SOLAR environment of the web-based distance courses and a set of mobile education applications, which are developed with the intention of allowing an increase of the present resources in the used virtual environment. The model of integration is based in Web Services whom communicate with three educational mobile applications. This mobile applications extend a notify, communication and on field works services of a LMS. The justification of this effort is based on the pedagogic need of having more and more the interaction process.

Lernende als Designer: Untersuchungen zum Alltagsdesign in der Lerntätigkeit

Raff, Jan-Henning 28 April 2011 (has links)
Lernende sind zunehmend herausgefordert ihren Lernprozess selbstständig zu steuern, zu organisieren und zu gestalten. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht von diesen Erwartungen aus und fragt nach den kreativen Prozessen in der Lerntätigkeit. Dazu wird eine kritische Prüfung von Lerntheorien hinsichtlich ihrer Berücksichtigung von Kreativität und Materialität unternommen. Durch Entwicklung eines Designbegriffs, der die scheinbar selbstverständlichen Techniken und Strategien im Lernalltag als Alltagsdesign erfasst, wird ein wenig berücksichtigtes Forschungsgebiet eröffnet, das in qualitativen Untersuchungen medienübergreifend analysiert wird. Die verschiedenen Aspekte des Alltags­designs in der Lerntätigkeit – die Einrichtung des Arbeitsplatzes, das Aufgabenmanagement, die Aufbewahrung und die Verarbeitung von Lernmaterial werden detailliert beschrieben und analysiert. Resultat ist eine gegenstandsbezogene Theorie des Alltags­designs in der Lerntätigkeit, die einen Beitrag zum Verständnis von Wissensarbeit als materiale Praxis liefert. / This thesis is a contribution to current debates about technology enhanced learning – namely “web 2.0” and “e-learning 2.0” where learners are expected to be active creators of knowledge. The figure of the learner as creative designer is addressed in this work, which concentrates on learners’ individual activity. The focus on the individual contrasts with many current studies about learning which center on collaborative aspects in knowledge building. First a review of learning theories is undertaken to examine their contributions to questions of materiality and creativity in learning activities. Turning to design research, a notion of design as practice is developed, which here complements and enhances current learning theories. Adopting notions of “use” and “user” the everydayness of design is reconstructed, leading to a conceptualization which is suitable to everyday activities of learners. From this everyday design perspective, the research question is formulated: How is learning activity accomplished as design activity? This question is tackled through several ethnographically oriented studies that focus on the individual everyday practices of students in their natural working environments. The analysis of the ethnographic data is developed using a Grounded Theory approach. A descriptive story is developed that analyzes arrangements of workplaces and objects, storage and task management, and the production of personal learning material as design. From these concepts four core aspects of everyday design in learning activities are developed: The design of the environment, “becoming designed”, designing oneself, and designing the design process. A model of the everyday design process is proposed which reveals both its creative and persistent side. The notion of everyday design in learning activities is an important concept to understand learners’ difficulties in knowledge building and to advance the development of learning strategies.

Adaptation and Learning in Fish: Effect of individual behavioral and informational variation on collective outcomes

Francisco, Fritz A. 16 November 2023 (has links)
Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Arbeiten zielten darauf ab, verschiedene Formen des Lernens und der Verhaltensanpassung in Tieren zu testen. Hierbei wurder der Großteil dieser Arbeit an einer natürlich vorkommenden klonalen Fischart, der Amazonas-Molly Poecilia formosa, durchgeführt. Diese gesellige, ausschließlich weibliche Art erzeugt durch ungeschlechtliche Fortpflanzung genetisch identische Nachkommen. Mit dem Aufkommen von immer detaillierteren Ansätzen zur Unterscheidung von Verhaltensunterschieden sind solche klonalen Arten in der Ethologie von entscheidender Bedeutung, da sie als perfektes natürliches Modell dienen, um individuelle Verhaltensunterschiede und deren Entwicklung zu testen. Da genetische Variationen als Störfaktor weitgehend ausgeschlossen werden können, kann die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Unterschiede zwischen Individuen aufgrund ihrer Vorerfahrungen gelenkt werden. In den ersten drei Kapiteln der hier vorgestellten Arbeit wurden die individuellen Erfahrungen durch operante Konditionierung oder durch das Aussetzen der Tiere gegenüber neuen oder bekannten Situationen verändert. Das jeweilige Verhalten wurde sowohl alleine, als auch im sozialen Kontext untersucht. Auf diese Weise wurde die Auswirkung des sozialen Kontexts sowie der physischen Umgebung auf Verhaltensaspekte wie Schwimmgeschwindigkeit und Sprungwahrscheinlichkeit ermittelt. Kleinere Verhaltensunterschiede wurden dann im folgenden Kapitel durch den Vergleich von manuellen Ansätzen und automatischen Quantifizierungsinstrumenten bewertet und evaluiert. Schließlich wurde ein methodischer Ansatz augearbeitet, bei dem die Leistungsfähigkeit künstlicher intelligenz in Form von neuronalen Netze genutzt wurde, um Individuen in komplizierten, natürlichen Szenen während Räuber-Beute-Interaktionen zu verfolgen. / The work presented in this thesis set out to test various forms of learning and behavior adaptation. The bulk of this work was done using a naturally occurring clonal fish species, the Amazon molly Poecilia formosa. This sociable, all female species produces genetically identical offspring through asexual reproduction. With the advent of increasingly detailed approaches to discriminate behavioral differences, such clonal species are vital in ethology as they serve as a perfect natural model to test for individual behavioral differences and the development of such. Since genetical variation can largely be excluded as a confounding factor, attention can be drawn towards the differences among individuals due to their prior experience. In the first three chapters of the work presented here, the individual information and experience was altered by applying operant conditioning or by exposing the animals to novel or well-known situations. This was done both individually and in a group setting. By doing so, the effect of the social context, as well as the physical surroundings on behavioral aspects such as swimming speed and jumping probability was determined. Minute behavioral differences were then evaluated in the following chapter by comparing manual approaches and automated quantification tools. Lastly, a methodological approach was taken in which the power of artifical neural networks was harnessed to track individuals in convoluted natural scenes during predator-prey interactions.

Funções no ensino médio: história e modelagem

Souza, Valdirene Rosa de 09 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:57:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Valdirene Rosa de Souza.pdf: 9992621 bytes, checksum: 5e7f1c91e146ca97bd6f8109d3b3ee55 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-09 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This research has goal to address the functions in high school through relation established between the history of mathematics and the use of modeling in teaching mathematics. For that we deal with the aspects of the history of mathematics concerning the issue of change in motion, as discussed by Nicole Oresme (1323-1382). The research led us to understand that the development of mathematics is related to current events in the society and the various areas of knowledge. In our view, the study of this relation allows the construction of meaningful knowledge, and ability to generate decision-making statements that enable the consistent training of the individual and their preparation for social life / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo abordar as funções no Ensino Médio por meio de relações estabelecidas entre a história da matemática e o uso de modelagem no ensino de matemática. Para tanto, tratamos dos aspectos da história da matemática referente à questão da variação do movimento, como abordada por Nicole Oresme (1323-1382). A pesquisa nos levou a entender que o desenvolvimento da matemática está relacionado aos acontecimentos presentes na sociedade e nas diversas áreas do conhecimento. A nosso ver, o estudo dessa relação permite a construção significativa do conhecimento, além de gerar a capacidade de tomada de decisões assertivas que possibilitam a formação consistente do indivíduo e sua preparação para a vida social

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