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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effekter på palestinska kvinnors hälsa av att leva som flykting och under ockupation : En litteraturöversikt / Effects on Palestinian womens health of live as refugees and under occupation : An integrative litterature review

Lundholm, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: It’s estimated to be 4 573 185 Palestinians living as refugees 2014, since the start of the Israel-Palestine conflict in 1948. The third generation of Palestinians live without recognized citizenship and lack essential fundaments to achieve good health. Refugee women are more at risk for health hazards, especially women in fertile age. The aim is to identify effects on the health among Palestinian women in fertile age, in occupied Palestinian Territories and Lebanon. Methods: An integrative literature review with ten selected original articles, which have been analyzed and compiled together. Result: Stress is associated with political instability and affect Palestinian women, especially during pregnancies. Access public health care is a problem and affected women at birth, family planning and a cause of death. Participation in religious organization is a protective copingstrategy when faced with chronic political violence, also solidarity is strengthen. Living conditions in refugeecamps is associated with prevalence of obesity, anemia and domestic violence. Discussion: The military occupation prevent women to access health care. Women have an indirect roll in Israel-Palestine conflict to raise the population number. Individuals who experience chronic violence develop coping-strategies of solidary trait for survival. Living conditions in refugee camps is a risk factor for over-weight, obesity and anemia among Palestinian women. Conclusion: Negative effects among fertil women as stress, PTSD, physical illness, obesity and anemia is associated with living conditions in refugee camps. Development of external and solidary copingstrategy have protective effects on long term political violence. / Introduktion: Det uppskattas att 4 573 185 palestinier år 2014, leva som flyktingar, sedan Israel-Palestina konflikten påbörjades år 1948. Tredje generationen palestinier lever utan erkänt medborgarskap och saknar essentiella fundament, för att uppnå god hälsa. Flyktingkvinnor är mer utsatta för hälso-riskfaktorer, speciellt kvinnor i fertil ålder. Syftet är att identifiera effekter på hälsan hos palestinska flyktingkvinnor i fertil ålder, i ockuperade Palestinska Territoriet och Libanon. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med tio utvalda original artiklar har analyserats och sammanställts för att besvara syftet. Resultat: Stress är associerat med politisk instabilitet och drabbar palestinska kvinnor, speciellt under graviditeter. Åtkomst på hälso-sjukvård är ett problem och drabbar kvinnor vid förlossningar, familjeplanering och utgör dödsorsak. Engagemang i religiös verksamhet är en skyddande copingstrategi vid kroniskt politiskt våld, även solidaritet stärks. Levnadsförhållanden i flyktingläger kopplas till prevalens av fetma, anemi och våld i hemmet. Diskussion: Militär ockupationen förhindrar palestinska kvinnors att nå sjukvård. Kvinnor har en indirekt roll i Israel-Palestina konflikten med att bidra till befolknings tillväxt. Individer som erfar kroniskt våld utvecklar copingstrategier av solidariskt slag för överlevnad. Levnadsförhållanden i flyktingläger är en riskfaktor för fetma, övervikt, och anemi bland palestinska kvinnor. Slutsats: Negativa effekter bland fertila kvinnor som stress, PTSD, fysiska sjukdomar, fetma och anemia är associerat med levnadsförhållanden i flyktingläger. Utvecklande av yttre och solidarisk copingstrategi har skyddande effekt vid långvarigt politiskt våld.

Postavení Libanonu v současných mezinárodních vztazích / The Position of Lebanon in the Actual International Relations

Šabacká, Yvona January 2001 (has links)
Lebanese society involves the Western, i.e. liberal and democratic model, and the Islamic model of society as umma. This Lebanese model originated and has been maintained as a compromise between communities of different value paradigms where no significant shift can be expected as Lebanon is situated at the borders of their territorial expansion. According to my analysis on the basis of theoretical concepts of neo-realism and social constructivism the external players prevail over the internal players. External players have essential influence on the development of Lebanese society and state. It is also the regional status quo or regional and international order that influences the development in Lebanon and is responsible for almost every conflict, conflict initiation or struggle in Lebanon. Lebanese multiconfessional society has always made an effort to achieve and has achieved by itself a consensus for its coexistence. That is why the international community and organizations should promote and use their influence more to maintain the peaceful co-existence.

Die UNIFIL (1978 - 1998) als Beispiel für mangelhafte Effizienz friedenssichernder Operationen der Vereinten Nationen /

Wullkopf, Frank. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Hannover, 2000.

Postoj Svatého stolce k válečným konfliktům a napětí v mezinárodních vztazích v 80. letech 20. století / International legal status of the Holy See in international relations

Hovorková, Jana January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá postojem Svatého stolce jako subjektu mezinárodního práva k válečným konfliktům a napětí v mezinárodních vztazích v 80. letech 20. století, tedy v době části pontifikátu Jana Pavla II. (1978-2005). V první, spíše teoretické části, jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy vztahující se ke Svatému stolci, papežův primát, vnitřní struktura fungování Římské kurie se zaměřením na Státní sekretariát a Papežskou radu pro spravedlnost a mír, principy diplomacie Svatého stolce, východiska pro pontifikát Jana Pavla II. (II. vatikánský koncil a jeho dokumenty, Ostpolitik Svatého stolce), znaky programu pontifikátu Jana Pavla II. a jím upřednostňované nástroje a aspekty. Druhá, aplikační část, na vybraných případech z 80. let 20. století ? spor o Beaglův průliv, válka o Falklandy, napětí v Polsku, nikaragujský režim a problematika teologie osvobození a občanská válka v Libanonu ? ukazuje konkrétní postoj Svatého stolce či jeho roli v nich.

Femmes et communautés dans les littératures narratives contemporaines au Liban et en Syrie / Women and communities in Narrative Contemporary Literature : Lebanon and Syria

Yaghi El Zein, Mayssam 20 June 2017 (has links)
Les sociétés libanaises et syriennes sont connues pour la richesse de leur héritage social et culturel. Comme littérature et sociétés s’interpénètrent, les littératures contemporaines au Liban et en Syrie sont profondément impactées par le communautarisme et le multiculturalisme qui modèlent différents portraits de femmes en déterminant leur vie et leurs parcours. Cette étude vise à explorer la diversité des portraits féminins que la littérature représente, et à sonder les dimensions historiques et culturelles de leurs environnements. Le va et vient entre les deux pays permet de saisir les différentes représentations de la réalité sociale à travers un ensemble d’ouvrages choisis à chaque fois en rapport avec une communauté déterminée. À travers les parcours, les combats, les transgressions, les gloires et les déboires du personnage féminin, les auteurs nous introduisent dans des environnements cloisonnés où les femmes sont le plus souvent représentées comme étant le socle de l’opposition au groupe. / Lebanon and Syria are both known for their diversity and multicultural heritage. As literature reflects societies, contemporary literatures in Lebanon and Syria are deeply impacted by communitarianism and multiculturalism that model different representations of women and determine their life and experience. This study aims to represent women in all their diversity and to explore the historical and cultural dimensions of their environment. The panel of works that we’ve selected in both countries will highlight the variety of representations and characters that are closely related to communities. By portraying frustrations, transgressions and actions, authors introduce us through literature to some closed environments where women are most likely represented as the voice of opposition to the social group.

Občanská válka v libanonské kinematografii / The Civil War through Lebanese Cinema

Felčer, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The topic of the present diploma work is the representation of the civil conflict in Lebanese cinema. The work is divided into two parts. The first one provides an overview of the historical and discursive contexts of the last two civil wars in Lebanon (1958 and 1975-1991) and describes how these events are reflected in the work of Lebanese filmmakers. The second part of the diploma work focuses on the war period cinematography, generally less known due to the long public unavailability of a large part of the film production of that time. Four feature fictions made between 1975 and 1985 are selected for a more detailed analysis, more precisely by those filmmakers that are considered to be the pioneers of a new auteur cinema in Lebanon: Mārūn Baġdādī, Burhān ˁAlawīya and Jocelyne Ṣaˁb. The chosen method is the semiotic analysis focusing on characterisation features of the film characters and on conflicting oppositions present in the films. Key words: civil war, civil conflict, Lebanese cinema, fiction film, semiotic analysis, connotation.

Beirutexplosionen i svenska morgon- och kvällstidningars nyhetsurval : En studie av den mediala bilden av en kris långt borta

Youhana, Christian January 2021 (has links)
Med hjälp av nyhetsfaktorer, kommersiella faktorer och styrfält, undersöker den här kvantitativa innehållsanalysen vad som kännetecknar internationell krisrapportering i en kommersialiserad och digitaliserad medievärld. Artiklar, notiser och reportage om den kraftiga explosionen i Beirut 2020 i morgontidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet samt kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen undersöktes, i syfte att öka kunskapen om nyhetsurval, den mediala bilden av krisen och krisrapportering i stort. Studien fann att kulturell närhet till publiken inte är en lika viktig faktor vid krisrapportering nu som tidigare studier har visat på. Intressanta nyheter och berättartekniker som gör viktiga nyheter med tilltalande, har visat sig vara betydelsefulla för samtliga tidningar och inte varit utmärkande för enbart kvällstidningarna, som tidigare forskning pekat på. Ett fåtal skillnader morgon- och kvällstidningarna emellan gick att uttyda, som att morgonpressen hade mer inslag av konflikter i sin rapportering och kvällspressen fokuserade mer på konkreta händelser. Det fanns även skillnader mellan mediekoncernerna och likheter mellan tidningarna inom samma koncern. Schibstedägda Svenska Dagbladet och Aftonbladet hade mycket mer TT-material och något högre elitcentrering i sin rapportering än Bonnierägda Dagens Nyheter och Expressen, som hade högre inslag av human-interest story. Det fenomenet kan antingen vara en slump eller en effekt av kommersialiseringen och medielogiken.

Druhá libanonská válka versus válka v Gaze / Second Lebanon War vs. Gaza War

Hájek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis: Second Lebanon war versus the Gaza war-comparison of Israeli approach is focused on the last two wars Israel waged. In 2006, Israel waged a war against Hezbollah and in 2008/2009 against Hamas. This thesis is primarily focused on the Israeli side and is supposed to find out the main reason to its failure in Lebanon and its success in the Gaza strip. Out of three examined reasons: Israeli political and military decision-making, readiness of the Israeli army and preparations of both Hamas and Hezbollah for potential conflict. Effect based theory is used as a theoretical background in this thesis and helps to understand reasons to the Israeli failure in Lebanon

Vyjednávání "Západu" v každodennosti libanonské rodiny / Negotiation of the "West" in Everyday Life of a Lebanese Family

Obeidová, Dina January 2012 (has links)
Thesis Negotiation of "the West" in everyday Life of a Lebanese Family is focusing on the ways of designing the image of "the West" at a chosen Lebanese family, especially those members who do not have any direct "West" experience and their images of it are based on the information obtained from those who live there or from media. Research was conducted in Qalamoun city in northern Lebanon by the method of participant observation and unstructured interview. One of the central moments of the research was reflexivity. The research is based on theories of transnationalism and the concept of social networks. One of the primary identification and classfication of man is in Qalamoun his religion. A person, who believes in nothing is a threat in the sense that he is unpredictible (he has no clear governing rules). Keywords: Lebanon, orientalism, reflexivity, "western" culture

Vliv syrského konfliktu na socioekonomickou stabilitu Jordánska, Libanonu a Turecka

Klabanová, Ema January 2017 (has links)
KLABANOVÁ E., The influence of the Syrian conflict on the socio-economic stability of Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Diploma Thesis. Brno, 2016 The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the impacts of Syrian crisis on socioeconomic stability of Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. The theoretical part is focused on deeper understanding of the issue and definition of basic terms. The following chapters are already based on comparative analysis, where socioeconomic stability is divided into 3 level, such as economic, social and political. These levels are examined by 12 indicators of Fragile State Index. In conclusion of this thesis there will be reviewed the possibility of destabilization od the state in connection with Syrian crisis.

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