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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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利率衍生性商品之評價-以cross-currency LIBOR market model為例 / Pricing interest rate options in a cross-currency LIBOR market model

連云暄 Unknown Date (has links)
跨通貨型的利率衍生性商品提供一個管道,讓投資人能夠投資國外債券或是兩國立利率差而不牽扯任何匯率風險,本文主要利用跨通貨LIBOR市場模型(cross-currency LIBOR market model)及蒙地卡羅模擬法,針對兩種型態的跨國區間浮動利率債券進行評價,一為以國內利率為計息利率而國外利率為指標利率,另一個為以國外利率為計息利率而國內利率為指標利率,分析債券在不同的計息區間下價格之變化,為了協助投資人了解投資利率型連動債所會面臨的報酬與風險,同時針對利率水準以及遠期利率波動度進行敏感度分析,敏感分析的結果顯示遠期利率水準之波動度對債券影響不大,投資人應更加注重利率水準之變化。

The Levy-LIBOR model with default risk

Walljee, Raabia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT : In recent years, the use of Lévy processes as a modelling tool has come to be viewed more favourably than the use of the classical Brownian motion setup. The reason for this is that these processes provide more flexibility and also capture more of the ’real world’ dynamics of the model. Hence the use of Lévy processes for financial modelling is a motivating factor behind this research presentation. As a starting point a framework for the LIBOR market model with dynamics driven by a Lévy process instead of the classical Brownian motion setup is presented. When modelling LIBOR rates the use of a more realistic driving process is important since these rates are the most realistic interest rates used in the market of financial trading on a daily basis. Since the financial crisis there has been an increasing demand and need for efficient modelling and management of risk within the market. This has further led to the motivation of the use of Lévy based models for the modelling of credit risky financial instruments. The motivation stems from the basic properties of stationary and independent increments of Lévy processes. With these properties, the model is able to better account for any unexpected behaviour within the market, usually referred to as "jumps". Taking both of these factors into account, there is much motivation for the construction of a model driven by Lévy processes which is able to model credit risk and credit risky instruments. The model for LIBOR rates driven by these processes was first introduced by Eberlein and Özkan (2005) and is known as the Lévy-LIBOR model. In order to account for the credit risk in the market, the Lévy-LIBOR model with default risk was constructed. This was initially done by Kluge (2005) and then formally introduced in the paper by Eberlein et al. (2006). This thesis aims to present the theoretical construction of the model as done in the above mentioned references. The construction includes the consideration of recovery rates associated to the default event as well as a pricing formula for some popular credit derivatives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : In onlangse jare, is die gebruik van Lévy-prosesse as ’n modellerings instrument baie meer gunstig gevind as die gebruik van die klassieke Brownse bewegingsproses opstel. Die rede hiervoor is dat hierdie prosesse meer buigsaamheid verskaf en die dinamiek van die model wat die praktyk beskryf, beter hierin vervat word. Dus is die gebruik van Lévy-prosesse vir finansiële modellering ’n motiverende faktor vir hierdie navorsingsaanbieding. As beginput word ’n raamwerk vir die LIBOR mark model met dinamika, gedryf deur ’n Lévy-proses in plaas van die klassieke Brownse bewegings opstel, aangebied. Wanneer LIBOR-koerse gemodelleer word is die gebruik van ’n meer realistiese proses belangriker aangesien hierdie koerse die mees realistiese koerse is wat in die finansiële mark op ’n daaglikse basis gebruik word. Sedert die finansiële krisis was daar ’n toenemende aanvraag en behoefte aan doeltreffende modellering en die bestaan van risiko binne die mark. Dit het verder gelei tot die motivering van Lévy-gebaseerde modelle vir die modellering van finansiële instrumente wat in die besonder aan kridietrisiko onderhewig is. Die motivering spruit uit die basiese eienskappe van stasionêre en onafhanklike inkremente van Lévy-prosesse. Met hierdie eienskappe is die model in staat om enige onverwagte gedrag (bekend as spronge) vas te vang. Deur hierdie faktore in ag te neem, is daar genoeg motivering vir die bou van ’n model gedryf deur Lévy-prosesse wat in staat is om kredietrisiko en instrumente onderhewig hieraan te modelleer. Die model vir LIBOR-koerse gedryf deur hierdie prosesse was oorspronklik bekendgestel deur Eberlein and Özkan (2005) en staan beken as die Lévy-LIBOR model. Om die kredietrisiko in die mark te akkommodeer word die Lévy-LIBOR model met "default risk" gekonstrueer. Dit was aanvanklik deur Kluge (2005) gedoen en formeel in die artikel bekendgestel deur Eberlein et al. (2006). Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die teoretiese konstruksie van die model aan te bied soos gedoen in die bogenoemde verwysings. Die konstruksie sluit ondermeer in die terugkrygingskoers wat met die wanbetaling geassosieer word, sowel as ’n prysingsformule vir ’n paar bekende krediet afgeleide instrumente.


林佳儒 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國人民所得增加,政府實施金融改革,中國理財產品市場愈來愈蓬勃發展,產品種類繁多,投資人可選擇的產品種類相對增加,但如何從令人眼花撩亂的產品中選擇適合自己且可獲得利潤的產品是相當重要的。 本文針對中國已發行之理財產品進行評價與分析,首先採用蒙地卡羅模擬法評價招商銀行發行之“金葵花”08中國系列之行業領袖港幣理財計劃,本產品是股權連動商品。接著以LFM利率模型評價與分析中國銀行發行之0501B美元聚寶盆理財產品。分別模擬出產品的理論價格,最後針對評價的結果探討發行商之發行策略及投資人所面臨的風險。

結構型商品之評價與分析 -CMS連動債及保本型股權連動債

黃思瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
結構型商品的出現讓投資人多了許多投資的選擇,但要如何在眾多的商品中尋找到適合本身的投資商品,對投資人而言相當重要。本論文提出CMS連動債券與保本型股權連結商品兩個個案分析,做細部的商品評價與分析。其中,評價CMS連動債券所使用的模型是LIBOR 市場模型。利用目前市場上的交換利率(Swap Rate)與LIBOR利率,並經由蒙地卡羅法模擬出各個時點的遠期利率,進而求得各個時點的指標利率,用以計算各付息日的配息率,再將各時點的現金流量折現後,便可得到期初的債券合理價格。爾後利用最小平方蒙地卡羅模擬法進一步分析贖回條款對本商品價值的影響。在分析保本型股權連結商品方面,則是先將商品做拆解,再做進一步的評價與分析。之後做相關避險參數的分析,探討各因子對於商品價格的影響程度。此外,針對這兩種商品的風險,本文均提出相關之建議。


林鈺翔 Unknown Date (has links)


張竣堯, Chang, Chun Yao Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,衍生性商品蓬勃發展,因應投資交易者的投資需求,發行商發行為數眾多的創新商品。市場上投資交易者分為三種類型:避險者、投機客及套利者。避險者使用衍生性商品降低暴險部位,避免因標的波動而使資產減損;投機者則具備對標的走勢的看法,欲操作衍生性商品獲利;最後,套利者會試圖在可容忍的低度風險下,找尋市場上定價不合理的商品,經由買賣套利的操作而獲利。市場上的商品五花八門,各種類型的交易者皆會盡力尋找評價及避險的方法。   但是,2007 年美國的次級房貸引起全球金融海嘯的肆虐,投資人對衍生性金融商品產生恐懼,在輿論下,各方忽略衍生性金融商品扮演著促進市場效率性及完整性的角色、風險控管的工具、以及豐富投資人的投資選擇等優點。然衍生性金融商品的發展及其市場的建構仍重要,不應扼殺之。   本文期能提供市場一個能應用於實務情況的評價方法,採用 Brace, Gatarek, and Musiela(1997) 的 LIBOR 市場模型及 Longstaff and Schwartz(2001) 的最小平方蒙地卡羅法,評價每日計息雙區間可贖回債券,此屬利率連動債券之一。另外,亦對屬股權連動債券的觸及失效絕對報酬股權連動債進行評價。希望藉由結構型商品評價及敏感度分析,讓發行機構及投資人都能對於商品的報酬及風險有更進一步的瞭解及參考。

結構型金融商品之評價--以利率連動債券為例 / The pricing of structured notes: Interest rate-linked product

李政儒, Lee, Cheng Ju Unknown Date (has links)


陳紋卿 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要評價與分析兩種結構型債券:一為目標贖回雪球型利率連動債、一為雙匯率連動債。 第一個商品利率連動債券為十年期、每季付息債券,其指標利率為三個月期LIBOR利率。本文以BGM市場模型進行評價,同時考慮40個遠期三個月期LIBOR利率的動態過程,而每個動態過程之間的相關係數為一40維度的方陣,為了加速計算速度採用Weigel(2004)運用線性代數降秩的方法,使原本相關係數矩陣由「秩40」降為「秩11」後,不僅可以加快運算速度又不會使原本相關係數矩陣失真。以蒙地卡羅模擬利率路徑評價後並進行敏感性分析。 第二個商品雙匯率連動債券連結到兩個匯率指標:歐元兌日圓及美元兌新台幣。其中連結歐元兌日圓匯率的報酬型態為雙界限出局二元選擇權,而連結美元兌新台幣匯率的報酬型態為下出界選擇權。本文利用Ritchken(1995)三元樹分別建構兩個匯率界限選擇權的評價,並發現歐元兌日圓匯率界限選擇權的價值佔債券面額的比例極小,故之後只針對美元兌新台幣匯率界限選擇權進行敏感性分析。


謝明翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用BGM模型評價兩個配息型態不同的利率連結商品。利用BGM模型,我們可以直接透過蒐集市場資料,即可描述LIBOR利率的期間結構。同時,對模型內遠期利率波動度與相關係數進行校準(Calibration),使評價更為正確。 而本文評價的第一個商品為「三年期美元每日計息雙指標利率連動債」,第二個商品則是「10年期歐元逆浮動連動債」。使用BGM模型,並透過最小平方蒙地卡羅模擬,考慮提前買回條款及計算各期的配息,分別求得兩個商品的合理價格並計算避險參數。此外,從發行商與投資人的角度,分別給予避險與投資建議。 關鍵字:利率連動債、每日計息、逆浮動、BGM模型、LIBOR Market Model、Least-Squares Monte Carlo

五年期雙區間鎖定可贖回債券評價與分析 / Analytical Valuation of 5 years USD callable dual range lock down steepner note

洪鉦傑, Hong,jheng jie Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用Lognormal Forward LIBOR Model (LFM) 利率模型,針對可贖回利差型結構債券進行相關的評價與避險分析。所選取的評價商品為勞埃德 TSB 銀行所發行的「五年期雙區間鎖定可贖回債券」,模型參數部分利用市場上既有的資料來進行校準,使模型表現其能更貼近市場利率的走勢,評價過程採用蒙地卡羅模擬來得到未來的現金流量,並搭配Longstaff and Schwartz(2001)所提出的最小平方蒙地卡羅來處理同時具有可贖回與路徑相依的特性。 最後的評價結果可以發現,考慮發行商的贖回權下,一元美元本金的商品價值只有0.81241美元,不考慮贖回權下價值為1.1195美元,可見發行商的贖回權非常不利於投資人。而模擬結果也顯示發行商將在前幾期即進行贖回,並不會讓投資人持有到到期日。因此投資人面對眾多的金融商品時,要以符合個人需求下去做出選擇。 / This article presents an analytical valuation of “5 Years USD Callable Dual Range Lock Down Steepner Note”, a callable spread note, issued by Lloyds TSB bank under the Lognormal Forward LIBOR (LFM). Parameters of the model are calibrated by using existing data, making sure of the model performance to fit market interest rates well. The main method to get the future cash flows is the use of Monte Carlo simulations, and adapting the least squares Monte Carlo simulations proposed by Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) to deal with features of callable and path- dependence. Consider the call right of the issuer, the results present that the price per 1 dollar principal is only 0.93154 dollar and 1.15109 dollar without the call right. In summary, the call right of issuer deeply damage investors’ returns. The simulated result also show that issuer will redeem the product in early quarters so that investors loss much future interest. Therefore, investors must make a choice to fit his own needs when facing many financial products.

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