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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Équations différentielles issues des vecteurs singuliers des représentations de l'algèbre de Virasoro

Eon, Sylvain January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Équations différentielles issues des vecteurs singuliers des représentations de l'algèbre de Virasoro

Eon, Sylvain January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Uncertainty Modelling And Stability Analysis For 2-way Fuzzy Adaptive Systems

Gurkan, Evren 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
A novel fuzzy system named as 2-way fuzzy system is developed by combining the intuitionistic fuzzy set theory with the fuzzy systems theory. The developed system is used in modelling and minimizing uncertainty and inconsistency. Uncertainty is the width of the interval introduced by the independent assignment of membership and nonmembership functions of the intuitionistic fuzzy sets / and inconsistency is the violation of the consistency inequality in this assignment. The uncertainty and inconsistency is reduced through a 2 phase training. An evaluation of the degree of reduction of inconsistency is carried out at the end of the rst phase of training by forming the shadowed set patterns of the membership and nonmembership functions. The system is further trained for a second phase in order to reduce uncertainty. There are three dierent methods developed for the stability analysis of fuzzy systems. The rst method is based on the approximating sequences technique, and the design turns into an optimal control problem. In the sec ond analysis, describing function of a 2-way fuzzy system is evaluated analytically, and a systematic design approach is developed using describing function technique. The last analysis technique employs the Lie algebra theory in the stability analysis of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. The theoretical results are simulated on an application system, which is a exible-joint robot arm system.

Approche fonctorielle et combinatoire de la propérade des algèbres double Poisson / A functorial and combinatorial approach to double Poisson algebras and their properad

Leray, Johan 05 December 2017 (has links)
On construit et étudie la généralisation des algèbres double Poisson décalées à toute catégorie monoïdale symétrique additive. On s’intéresse notamment aux algèbres double Poisson linéaires et quadratiques. Dans un second temps, on étudie la koszulité des propérades DLie et DPois = As ⮽c DLie qui encodent respectivement les algèbres double Lie et les algèbres doubles Poisson. On associe à chacune de ces propérades, un S-module muni d’une structure de monoïde pour un nouveau produit monoïdal dit de composition connexe : on appelle de tels monoïdes protopérades. On montre notamment l’existence, pour toutS-module, d’une protopérade libre associée et l’on explicite la combinatoire sous-jacente en terme de briques et de murs. On définit une adjonction bar-cobar, une dualité de Koszul et une notion de base PBW pour les protopérades. On présente également une tentative de théorème PBW à la Hoffbeck pour les protopérades, de laquelle on déduit la koszulité de la diopérade associée à la propérade DLie. / We construct and study the generalization of shifted double Poisson algebras to all additive symmetric monoidal categories. We are especially interested in linear and quadratic double Poisson algebras. We then study the koszulity of the properads DLie and DPois = As ⮽c DLie which encode double Lie algebras and double Poisson algebras respectively. We associate to each, a S-module with a monoidal structure for a new monoïdal product call the connected composition product : we call such monoids protoperads. We show, for any S-module, the existence of the associated free protoperad and we make explicit the underlying combinatorics. We define a bar-cobar adjunction, the notion of Koszul duality and PBW bases for protoperads. We present an attempt of prove a PBW theorem à la Hoffbeck for protoperads, and prove the koszulity of the dioperad associated to the properad DLie.

Formalité pour certains espaces de configurations tordus et connexions de type Knizhnik - Zamolodchikov / Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov-type connections and 1-formality of orbit configuration spaces associated to finite groups of homographies

Maassarani, Mohamad 11 December 2017 (has links)
Pour X un espace topologique, l'algèbre de Lie de Malcev de son groupe fondamental (ou algèbre de Lie de Malcev de X) fait partie des invariants étudiés en homotopie rationnelle. Un espace est dit 1-formel si cette algèbre de Lie est quadratique. Les connexions de type Knizhnik-Zamolodochikov peuvent permettre d'établir des résultats de "formalité " des espaces de configurations de points sur les surfaces. On s'intéresse à une famille d'espaces X qui sont des espaces de configurations de points sur la sphère, tordus par l'action d'un groupe fini d'homographies. On étudie le groupe fondamental de X et on construit une connexion de type Knizhnik-Zamolodochikov qui permet de calculer l'algèbre de Lie de Malcev de X et de démontrer sa 1-formalité. / The Malcev Lie algebra of the fundamental group of X (or Macev Lie algebra of X) is an algebraic invariant of the space X studied in rational homotopy theory. The space X is 1-formal if its Malcev algebra is quadratic. One can use Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov-type connections to obtain "formality" (1-formality or filtered formality) results for configuration spaces of surfaces. In the thesis we consider a family of orbit configuration spaces X of the complex projective line associated to finite finite groups of homographies. We study the fundamental group of X and constuct Knizhnik– Zamolodchikov-type connections. This allows us to give a presentation of the Malcev Lie algebra of X and to prove the 1-formality of X.

Opérateurs de Heun, ansatz de Bethe et représentations de \(su(3)\)

Shaaban Kabakibo, Dounia 12 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire contient deux articles reliés par le formalisme de l'ansatz de Bethe. Dans le premier article, l'opérateur de Heun de type Lie est identifié comme une spécialisation de la matrice de transfert d'un modèle de \(BC\)-Gaudin à un site dans un champ magnétique. Ceci permet de le diagonaliser à l'aide de l'ansatz de Bethe algébrique modifié. La complétude du spectre est démontrée en reliant les racines de Bethe aux zéros des solutions polynomiales d'une équation différentielle de Heun inhomogène. Le deuxième article aborde le sujet des représentations irréductibles de l'algèbre de Lie \(su(3)\) dans la réduction \(su(3) \supset so(3) \supset so(2)\). Cette manière de construire les représentations irréductibles de \(su(3)\) porte une ambiguïté qui empêche de distinguer totalement les vecteurs de base, ce qui mène à un problème d'étiquette manquante. Dans cet esprit, l'algèbre des deux opérateurs fournissant cette étiquette est examinée. L'opérateur de degré 4 dans les générateurs de \(su(3)\) est diagonalisé en se servant des techniques de l'ansatz de Bethe analytique. / This Master’s thesis contains two articles linked by the formalism of the Bethe ansatz. In the first article, the Lie-type Heun operator is identified as a specialization of the transfer matrix of a one-site BC-Gaudin model in a magnetic field. This allows its diagonalization by means of the modified algebraic Bethe ansatz. The completeness of the spectrum is proven by relating the Bethe roots to the zeros of the polynomial solutions of an inhomogeneous differential Heun equation. The second article deals with the subject of irreducible representations of the Lie algebra su(3) in the reduction su(3) ⊃ so(3) ⊃ so(2). This way of constructing the irreducible representations of su(3) carries an ambiguity in distinguishing the basis vectors, also known as a missing label problem. In this spirit, the algebra of the two operators providing the missing label is examined. The operator of degree 4 in the generators of su(3) is diagonalized using the techniques of the analytical Bethe ansatz.

Recognition Of Complex Events In Open-source Web-scale Videos: Features, Intermediate Representations And Their Temporal Interactions

Bhattacharya, Subhabrata 01 January 2013 (has links)
Recognition of complex events in consumer uploaded Internet videos, captured under realworld settings, has emerged as a challenging area of research across both computer vision and multimedia community. In this dissertation, we present a systematic decomposition of complex events into hierarchical components and make an in-depth analysis of how existing research are being used to cater to various levels of this hierarchy and identify three key stages where we make novel contributions, keeping complex events in focus. These are listed as follows: (a) Extraction of novel semi-global features – firstly, we introduce a Lie-algebra based representation of dominant camera motion present while capturing videos and show how this can be used as a complementary feature for video analysis. Secondly, we propose compact clip level descriptors of a video based on covariance of appearance and motion features which we further use in a sparse coding framework to recognize realistic actions and gestures. (b) Construction of intermediate representations – We propose an efficient probabilistic representation from low-level features computed from videos, based on Maximum Likelihood Estimates which demonstrates state of the art performance in large scale visual concept detection, and finally, (c) Modeling temporal interactions between intermediate concepts – Using block Hankel matrices and harmonic analysis of slowly evolving Linear Dynamical Systems, we propose two new discriminative feature spaces for complex event recognition and demonstrate significantly improved recognition rates over previously proposed approaches.

A Framework for Modeling Irreversible Processes Based on the Casimir Companion: Time-Optimal Equilibration of a Collection of Harmonic Oscillators: A Geometrical Approach Illustrating the Framework

Boldt, Frank 11 June 2014 (has links)
Thermodynamic processes in finite time are in general irreversible. But there are chances to avoid irreversibility. For instance, there are canonical ensembles of special quantum systems with a given probability distribution describing the likelihood to find the system at time t=0 in a particular state with energy E_i(0), which can be controlled in a specific way, such that the initial probability distribution is recovered at the end of the process (t=T), but the state energies did change, hence E_i(0) is not equal to E_i(T). This allows to change thermodynamic quantities (expectation values) adiabatically, reversibly and in finite time. Such special processes are called Shortcuts to Adiabaticity. The presented thesis analyzes the origin of these shortcuts utilizing special Hamiltonian systems with dynamical algebra. Their main feature is to provide canonical invariance, which means a canonical ensemble stays canonical under Hamiltonian dynamics. This invariance carried by the dynamical algebra will be discussed using Lie group theory. In addition, the persistence of the dynamical algebra with respect to calculating expectation values will be deduced. This allows to benefit from all intrinsic symmetries within the discussion of ensemble trajectories. In consequence, these trajectories will evolve under Hamiltonian dynamics on a specific manifold given by the so-called Casimir companion. In addition, the deformation of this manifold due to non-Hamiltonian (dissipative) dynamics will be discussed, which allows to present a framework for modeling irreversible processes based on Hamiltonian systems with dynamical algebra. An application of this framework based on the parametric harmonic oscillator will be presented by determining time-optimal controls for transitions between two equilibrium as well as between non-equilibrium and equilibrium states. The latter one will lead to time-optimal equilibration strategies for a statistical ensemble of parametric harmonic oscillators. / Thermodynamische Prozesse in endlicher Zeit sind im Allgemeinen irreversibel. Es gibt jedoch Möglichkeiten, diese Irreversibilität zu umgehen. Ein kanonisches Ensemble eines speziellen quantenmechanischen Systems kann zum Beispiel auf eine ganz spezielle Art und Weise gesteuert werden, sodass nach endlicher Zeit T wieder eine kanonische Besetzungverteilung hergestellt ist, sich aber dennoch die Energie des Systems geändert hat (E(0) ungleich E(T)). Solche Prozesse erlauben das Ändern thermodynamischer Größen (Ensemblemittelwerte) der erwähnten speziellen Systeme in endlicher Zeit und auf eine adiabatische und reversible Art. Man nennt diese Art von speziellen Prozessen Shortcuts to Adiabaticity und die speziellen Systeme hamiltonsche Systeme mit dynamischer Algebra. Die vorliegende Dissertation hat zum Ziel den Ursprung dieser Shortcuts to Adiabaticity zu analysieren und eine Methodik zu entwickeln, die es erlaubt irreversible thermodynamische Prozesse adequat mittels dieser speziellen Systeme zu modellieren. Dazu wird deren besondere Eigenschaft ausgenutzt, die kanonische Invarianz, d.h. ein kanonisches Ensemble bleibt kanonisch bezüglich hamiltonscher Dynamik. Der Ursprung dieser Invarianz liegt in der dynamischen Algebra, die mit Hilfe der Theorie der Lie-Gruppen näher betrachtet wird. Dies erlaubt, eine weitere besondere Eigenschaft abzuleiten: Die Ensemblemittelwerte unterliegen ebenfalls den Symmetrien, die die dynamische Algebra widerspiegelt. Bei näherer Betrachtung befinden sich alle Trajektorien der Ensemblemittelwerte auf einer Mannigfaltigkeit, die durch den sogenannten Casimir Companion beschrieben wird. Darüber hinaus wird nicht-hamiltonsche/dissipative Dynamik betrachtet, welche zu einer Deformation der Mannigfaltigkeit führt. Abschließend wird eine Zusammenfassung der grundlegenden Methodik zur Modellierung irreversibler Prozesse mittels hamiltonscher Systeme mit dynamischer Algebra gegeben. Zum besseren Verständnis wird ein ausführliches Anwendungsbeispiel dieser Methodik präsentiert, in dem die zeitoptimale Steuerung eines Ensembles des harmonischen Oszillators zwischen zwei Gleichgewichtszuständen sowie zwischen Gleichgewichts- und Nichtgleichgewichtszuständen abgeleitet wird.

Condição de Nilpotência para Grupos Localmente Finitos de expoente p e Álgebras de Lie (p-1)- Engel de Característica p (ou 0) / Condição de Nilpotência para Grupos Localmente Finitos de expoente p e Álgebras de Lie (p-1)- Engel de Característica p (ou 0) / Nilpotency Conditions for Locally Finite Groups of Prime Exponet p and (p-1)-Engel Lie Álgebra of Characteristic p (ou 0) / Nilpotency Conditions for Locally Finite Groups of Prime Exponet p and (p-1)-Engel Lie Álgebra of Characteristic p (ou 0)

CARVALHO, Lucimeire Alves de 25 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:02:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Lucimeire.pdf: 347668 bytes, checksum: 1994a286b451a5d4bd05254e9a5299d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-25 / Let P be a locally finite group of prime exponent p, admitting a finite soluble automorphism group G of order n coprime to p. In this work we study the influence of the centralizers of the automorphisms in G on the structure of P. In this sense we show that if CP(G), the subgroup of fixed points is soluble of derived length d, then P is nilpotent of class bounded in terms of p, n and d. It will be also shown that if a (p-1)-Engel Lie algebra L of characteristic p (or 0) admits a finite soluble automorphism group G of order n coprime to the characteristic of L, such that CL(G), the subalgebra of fixed points, is soluble of derived length d, then the Lie algebra L is nilpotent of class bounded in terms of p, n and d. / Seja P um grupo localmente finito de expoente primo p, admitindo um grupo G de automorfismos solúvel finito de ordem n coprima com p. Neste trabalho estudaremos a influência dos centralizadores dos automorfismos em G sobre a estrutura de P. Nesse sentido, mostraremos que se CP(G), o subgrupo de pontos fixos, é solúvel de comprimento derivado d, então P é nilpotente de classe limitada em termos de p;n e d. Será demonstrado também que se uma álgebra de Lie (p-1)-Engel L, de característica p (ou 0) admite um grupo de automorfismos G solúvel finito de ordem n coprima com a característica de L, tal que CL(G), a subálgebra de pontos fixos, é solúvel de comprimento derivado d, então a álgebra de Lie L é nilpotente de classe limitada em termos de p;n e d.

Combinatoire et algorithmique des factorisations tangentes à l'identité / Combinatorics and algorithms for factorizations tangent to the identity

Kane, Ladji 27 June 2014 (has links)
La combinatoire a permis de résoudre certains problèmes en Mathématiques, en Physique et en Informatique, en retour celles-ci inspirent des questions nouvelles à la combinatoire. Ce mémoire de thèse intitulé "Combinatoire et algorithme des factorisations tangentes à l'identité" regroupe plusieurs travaux sur la combinatoire des déformations du produit de Shuffle. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'écrire des factorisations dont le terme principal est l'identité à travers l'utilisation d'outils portant principalement sur la combinatoire des mots (ordres, graduation etc.). Dans le cas classique, soit F une algèbre libre. En raison du fait que F est une algèbre enveloppante, on a une factorisation exacte de l'identité de End(F) = F*⨶F comme un produit infini d'exponentielles (End(F) étant muni du produit de Shuffle sur la gauche et de la concaténation sur la droite, une représentation fidèle du produit de convolution). La procédure est la suivante : premièrement on commence avec une base de Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt, deuxièmement on calcule la famille des formes coordonnées et alors les propriétés (combinatoires) non triviales de ces familles en dualité donne la factorisation. Si on part de l'autre côté, l'écriture pour le même produit ne donne exactement l'identité que sous des conditions très restrictives que nous précisons ici. Dans de nombreux autres cas (déformés), la construction explicite des paires de bases en dualité nécessite une étude combinatoire et algorithmique que nous fournissons dans ce mémoire. / Combinatorics has solved many problems in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, in return these domains inspire new questions to combinatorics. This memoir entitled "Combinatorics and algorithmics of factorization tangent to indentity includes several works on the combinatorial deformations of the shuffle product. The aim of this thesis is to write factorizations wich principal term is the identity through the use of tools relating mainly to combinatorics on the words (orderings, grading etc). In the classical case, let F be the free algebra. Due to the fact that F is an enveloping algebra, one has an exact factorization of the identity of End(F) = F⨶F as an infinite product of exponentials (End(F) being endowed with the shuffle product on the left and the concatenation on the right, a faithful representation of the convolution product) as follows : first on begins with a PBW basis, second one computes the family of coordinate forms and then non-trivial (combinatorial) properties of theses families in duality gives the factorization. Starting from the other side and writing the same product does give exactly identity only under very restrictive conditions that we clarify here. In many other (deformed) cases, the explicit construction of pairs of bases in duality requires combinatorial and algorithmic studies that we provide in this memoir.

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