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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of a low carbon building : Case study of an architectural competition

Uzan, Sacha January 2019 (has links)
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions due to human activities have considerably increased in the past decades which are the main contributors of global warming. In order to limit the consequences of the global climate change happening, all sectors must reduce their carbon emissions and especially the building industry which represents 19% of the carbon footprint of human activities. This paper is giving methods to help reduce the carbon footprint of a building when designing it such as life cycle assessment which allow project teams to compare the global warming potential of all building materials. Those methods are used and challenged in a case study of an architectural competition project named quai d’Issy in Paris, France. Using biobased materials help reduce the carbon footprint of a building, a structure made of timber and concrete elements can emit less than 21% of GHGs than a classic concrete structure. By sourcing reused and recycled building materials, by using geothermal heat pump as heating and cooling systems for example, we have been able to reach for the quai d’Issy project a carbon footprint of 930kgC02eq/m2 of floor area, which is less than level needed for the highest French environmental certification. However, these results can be obtained only if the building materials companies continue their work to develop low-carbon materials and promote recycled and reused materials. This study emphasises the need to spread knowledge of the tools to design low-carbon building to all the actors of the building industry in order to promote behaviours that will limit the consequences of climate change.

Enskilda avloppsanläggningar med fosforbindning i Stockholms län : en miljösystemanalys med metodik från livscykelanalys / Phosphorus sorbing small-scale wastewater treatment plants in the county of Stockholm : an environmental systems analysis using life cycle assessment methodology

Weiss, Philipp January 2007 (has links)
<p>Modern, small-scale wastewater treatment faces a twofold challenge: On the one hand requirements from legal authorities regarding removal of eutrophying substances have become more demanding. On the other hand high-quality phosphorus reserves are dwindling, which has raised calls for increased recycling. The problem is acute in the county of Stockholm where about 34 000 households are identified to not possess adequate wastewater treatment facilities. In this master’s thesis, four treatment systems, of which three had some phosphorus recycling potential, were compared using life cycle assessment methodology. The small-scale treatment systems analyzed were infiltration, filter beds with Filtralite® P and Filtra P respectively as filter material and a chemical precipitation system. The system boundaries included the extraction of raw materials, production of materials and components, the construction and operation of the systems as well as deconstruction and recycling of the treatment plants. Apart from impacts on human health and acidification potential, which both proved to be of less relevance to the final results, energy usage, consumption of abiotic resources, global warming potential and eutrophication potential were taken into account in this study.</p><p>The infiltration system attained the most favourable results in all impact categories save eutrophication potential, which was due to both the low usage of energy and resources as well as the system’s high life expectancy. The filter bed system using Filtralite® P demonstrated the best performance in reduction of eutrophying substances. However, the system’s energy demand and emissions of greenhouse gases by far exceeded the other systems’ results in these categories. Both the filter bed system using Filtra P and the chemical precipitation system fared relatively equal in the overall analysis, with moderate impacts in all categories. The nutrient recycling potential was shown to be limited by the waste products’ relatively high heavy metal content. Sludge from chemical precipitation had higher potential for replacement of fertilizer than filter bed material.</p><p>The chemical precipitation system fared best in the overall assessment. Its technical immaturity and limited data foundation put the alternative using Filtra P into second place. The infiltration system’s limited treatment performance and inexistent recycling potential put this alternative into third place. The alternative using Filtralite® P was ruled out entirely because of its high impact on fossil fuel consumption and global warming. Based on this ranking recommendations were made.</p><p>Even though the filter bed materials in this study showed excellent phosphorus removal capacity, further research into alternative filter bed materials will have to be made due to the materials’ environmental impacts in other areas. Focus should be on waste material and natural products (such as shell sand) with low environmental impacts from production. Ways of separating heavy metals from plant nutrients need to be explored if nutrient recycling is to be an aim. This study showed that good phosphorus removal characteristics can lead to an increase in other environmental impacts, which in some cases even may outweigh the positive effects of decreased eutrophication.</p> / <p>Modern, småskalig avloppsreningsteknik står inför två utmaningar. Å ena sidan har kraven från lagstiftaren på rening av eutrofierande ämnen ökat. Problemet är akut i Stockholms län där det finns ca. 34 000 hushåll som inte anses uppfylla reningskraven. Å andra sidan minskar fosforförekomsterna av hög kvalitet i allt större takt, vilket har väckt krav på ökad återföring av växtnäring. I detta examensarbete undersöktes fyra olika reningstekniker, varav tre har en viss återföringspotential, med hjälp av metodik från livscykelanalys. Systemen som undersöktes var infiltration, filterbäddar dels med Filtralite® P och dels med Filtra P som filtermaterial, samt ett kemikaliefällningssystem. Systemgränserna omfattade extraktion av råmaterial, produktion av anläggningsmaterial och –komponenter, uppförande och drift av systemen samt avveckling av anläggningarna och återföring av restmaterial. Förutom påverkan på mänsklig hälsa och försurningspotential, som visade sig vara mindre relevanta för slutresultaten, omfattade analysen även en undersökning av energianvändning, förbrukning av abiotiska resurser, potential för global uppvärmning och eutrofieringspotential.</p><p>Infiltrationslösningen fick de mest fördelaktiga resultatvärden i alla kategorierna förutom eutrofieringspotential, vilket kan förklaras med systemets låga energi- och resursbehov samt dess höga livslängd. Filterbädden med Filtralite® P som filtermaterial uppvisade den största förmågan att reducera eutrofierande substanser. Systemets energibehov och utsläpp av växthusgaser översteg dock de andra systemens resultat i dessa kategorier kraftigt. Både anläggningen med Filtra P och kemikaliefällningslösningen fick liknande resultat, med måttlig påverkan i alla kategorier. Systemens återföringspotential visade sig vara begränsad av restprodukternas höga tungmetallhalt. Kemikaliefällt slam hade högre återföringspotential än filterbäddsmaterial.</p><p>Kemikaliefällning klarade sig totalt sett bäst i studien. Den relativt obeprövade tekniska utformning och det osäkra dataunderlaget ledde till att Filtra P hamnade i rangordningen efter kemikaliefällning. Infiltrationssystemets begränsade reningsförmåga och den obefintliga återföringspotentialen ledde till att alternativet hamnade näst sist. Filtralite® P-alternativet blev placerat sist i rangordningen på grund av dess stora påverkan på förbrukning av fossila bränslen och global uppvärmning. Baserat på rangordningen utfärdades rekommendationer.</p><p>Trots att filtermaterialen som undersöktes i denna studie har en utmärkt fosforreningsförmåga, kommer det att krävas fler studier med avseende på alternativa filtermaterial, eftersom materialens användning av icke-förnybara energikällor är mycket stor vid tillverkningen. Fokus borde ligga på återvunna eller naturliga material (som t.ex. snäcksand) med låg miljöpåverkan vid tillverkning. Om återföring av växtnäring ska bli ett mål inom småskalig avloppsvattenrening, måste effektiva sätt att separera tungmetaller från växtnäringsämnen utforskas. Denna studie visade att goda fosforavskiljningsegenskaper kan medföra att andra typer av miljöpåverkan ökar, vilket i vissa fall kan leda till att de negativa konsekvenserna överväger nyttan av minskad eutrofiering.</p> / <p>Moderne, dezentrale Abwassertechnik steht zwei großen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Zum einen sind die Ansprüche von Seiten des Gesetzgebers gestiegen, die effektivere Abwasserreinigungstechniken erfordern. Zum andern werden Phosphorvorkommen von hoher Qualität zunehmend knapper, was Rufe nach verstärkter Rückführung von Phosphor hat laut werden lassen. Im Verwaltungsbezirk Stockholm, in dem es ungefähr 34 000 Haushalte mit unzureichender Abwasserreinigung gibt, ist das Problem von besonderer Bedeutung. In dieser Diplomarbeit wurden vier Abwasserreinigungssysteme, wovon drei ein gewisses Potential für Phosphorrückführung haben, mit Hilfe einer Ökobilanzierung untersucht. Folgende Systeme wurden untersucht: Eine Infiltrationsanlage, zwei Filterbettsanlagen, eine mit Filtralite® P und eine mit Filtra P als Filtermaterial sowie ein System mit Chemikaliefällung. Die Systemgrenzen umfassten die Gewinnung und Verarbeitung von Rohstoffen, das Errichten der jeweiligen Anlage, deren Betrieb sowie Rückgewinnung und Entsorgung von Restmaterialien. Neben Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit und Versauerungspotential, die sich im Nachhinein als weniger relevant erwiesen, wurden Energiebedarf, Verbrauch abiotischer Resourcen, Potential für globale Erwärmung und Eutrophierungspotential untersucht.</p><p>Die niedrigsten Resultate in allen Kategorien außer Eutrophierungspotential wurden vom Infiltrationssystem erreicht. Filtralite® P erwies sich als am leistungsstärksten, was die Reduktion von eutrophierenden Substanzen angeht. Der Energiebedarf und die Emissionen von Treibhausgasen dieser Alternative überstieg die Ergebnisse der anderen Alternativen in diesen Kategorien doch bei weitem. Filtra P und Chemikaliefällung erzielten moderate Auswirkungen in allen Kategorien. Das Potential für die Rückführung von Pflanzennährstoffen wird, wie die Ergebnisse zeigen, vom relativ hohen Schwermetallhalt in den Restprodukten begrenzt.</p><p>Chemikaliefällung ist in dieser Studie die beste Alternative. Filtra P zeigte sich als technisch noch zu wenig ausgereift und die Datenunterlage als zu unvollständig, weswegen diese Alternative an zweiter Stelle steht. Die begrenzte Reinigungsfähigkeit des Infiltrationssystemes und das nicht vorhandene Potential für Rückführung von Phosphor führten dazu, dass diese Lösung an dritter Stelle steht. Das System mit Filtralite® P als Filtermaterial wurde wegen seines großen Verbrauchs von fossilen Brennstoffen für wenig brauchbar befunden und steht damit an letzter Stelle.</p><p>Trotz ihrer hervorragenden phosphorreduzierenden Eigenschaften, wird weitere Forschung im Bereich alternativer Filtermaterialien notwendig werden. Hierbei sollten natürliche Materialien (wie Muschelsand) oder Restprodukte im Mittelpunkt des Interesses stehen, um die Umweltauswirkungen gering zu halten. Wenn die Rückführung von Phosphor ein Ziel der Abwasserreinigung sein soll, müssen Lösungen, Schwermetalle von Pflanzennährstoffen zu trennen, gefunden werden. Diese Studie hat gezeigt, dass gute phosphorreduzierende Eigenschaften zu verstärkten Umweltauswirkungen in anderen Bereichen führen können, welche in manchen Fällen sogar die Vorteile einer verringerten Eutrophierung übersteigen können.</p>

Étude de la quantification des incertitudes en analyse de cycle de vie des bâtiments / Study of the uncertainties quantification in life cycle assessment of buildings

Pannier, Marie-Lise 24 October 2017 (has links)
L’analyse de cycle de vie des bâtiments (ACV) permet d’évaluer les impacts environnementaux associés à une construction sur l’ensemble de son cycle de vie mais aussi d’aider à choisir les variantes les plus durables dans une démarche d’écoconception. De nombreuses sources d’incertitudes pèsent sur la modélisation environnementale des bâtiments. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une méthodologie pour les prendre en compte et ainsi progresser vers une fiabilisation de l’ACV des bâtiments. Les éléments du modèle qui ont le plus d’influence sur les résultats, et qu’il serait utile de connaître de manière plus précise sont identifiés à l’aide de méthodes d’analyse de sensibilité (AS). Les temps de calcul peuvent être longs pour ces méthodes alors qu’en conception, un temps limité est généralement consacré aux études d’ACV des bâtiments. Plusieurs AS sont comparées en termes de compromis temps de calcul / précision. L’effet des incertitudes sur le choix d’une variante bâtie est étudié en appliquant une méthodologie intégrant des AS et des analyses d’incertitude (AI) adaptées au contexte de comparaison de variantes. Cela permet de rechercher des améliorations d’un projet à un niveau de confiance donné en se concentrant sur les indicateurs environnementaux pour lesquels le choix d’une variante affecte significativement les résultats. La démarche de quantification des incertitudes proposée peut être appliquée au cycle de vie complet de bâtiment et prendre en compte des sources d’incertitudes variées rencontrées en ACV des bâtiments. Les méthodes employées ont été intégrées à une plateforme d’écoconception intégrant des outils de simulation énergétique dynamique (SED) et d’ACV. / Building life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool used to assess the environmental impact of a construction over its entire life cycle, and to help choosing the most sustainable building alternative in an ecodesign context. Many uncertainty sources arise in the environmental modelling of buildings. The aim of this thesis is to propose a methodology to take them into account and to progress towards more reliable building LCA tools. Model inputs and parameters having the most influence on the results and that should be more precisely known were identified using sensitivity analysis (SA) methods. The calculation time required for the application of these methods may be long, whereas a limited time is generally available to conduct a building LCA study. Several SA methods were therefore compared in terms of a calculation time / precision compromise. The effect of uncertainties on the choice of a built alternative was studied using SA and uncertainty analysis (UA) that are suitable in the context of variants comparison. In that way, the environmental improvements of a project are chosen at a given level of confidence and focusing on the environmental indicators for which the choice of an alternative affects the results significantly. The proposed uncertainty quantification process is applicable to the whole building life cycle and makes it possible to take into account various uncertainty sources arising in building LCA. The used methods were integrated into an ecodesign platform consisting in a dynamic building energy simulation (DBES) and an LCA tool.

Enskilda avloppsanläggningar med fosforbindning i Stockholms län : en miljösystemanalys med metodik från livscykelanalys / Phosphorus sorbing small-scale wastewater treatment plants in the county of Stockholm : an environmental systems analysis using life cycle assessment methodology

Weiss, Philipp January 2007 (has links)
Modern, small-scale wastewater treatment faces a twofold challenge: On the one hand requirements from legal authorities regarding removal of eutrophying substances have become more demanding. On the other hand high-quality phosphorus reserves are dwindling, which has raised calls for increased recycling. The problem is acute in the county of Stockholm where about 34 000 households are identified to not possess adequate wastewater treatment facilities. In this master’s thesis, four treatment systems, of which three had some phosphorus recycling potential, were compared using life cycle assessment methodology. The small-scale treatment systems analyzed were infiltration, filter beds with Filtralite® P and Filtra P respectively as filter material and a chemical precipitation system. The system boundaries included the extraction of raw materials, production of materials and components, the construction and operation of the systems as well as deconstruction and recycling of the treatment plants. Apart from impacts on human health and acidification potential, which both proved to be of less relevance to the final results, energy usage, consumption of abiotic resources, global warming potential and eutrophication potential were taken into account in this study. The infiltration system attained the most favourable results in all impact categories save eutrophication potential, which was due to both the low usage of energy and resources as well as the system’s high life expectancy. The filter bed system using Filtralite® P demonstrated the best performance in reduction of eutrophying substances. However, the system’s energy demand and emissions of greenhouse gases by far exceeded the other systems’ results in these categories. Both the filter bed system using Filtra P and the chemical precipitation system fared relatively equal in the overall analysis, with moderate impacts in all categories. The nutrient recycling potential was shown to be limited by the waste products’ relatively high heavy metal content. Sludge from chemical precipitation had higher potential for replacement of fertilizer than filter bed material. The chemical precipitation system fared best in the overall assessment. Its technical immaturity and limited data foundation put the alternative using Filtra P into second place. The infiltration system’s limited treatment performance and inexistent recycling potential put this alternative into third place. The alternative using Filtralite® P was ruled out entirely because of its high impact on fossil fuel consumption and global warming. Based on this ranking recommendations were made. Even though the filter bed materials in this study showed excellent phosphorus removal capacity, further research into alternative filter bed materials will have to be made due to the materials’ environmental impacts in other areas. Focus should be on waste material and natural products (such as shell sand) with low environmental impacts from production. Ways of separating heavy metals from plant nutrients need to be explored if nutrient recycling is to be an aim. This study showed that good phosphorus removal characteristics can lead to an increase in other environmental impacts, which in some cases even may outweigh the positive effects of decreased eutrophication. / Modern, småskalig avloppsreningsteknik står inför två utmaningar. Å ena sidan har kraven från lagstiftaren på rening av eutrofierande ämnen ökat. Problemet är akut i Stockholms län där det finns ca. 34 000 hushåll som inte anses uppfylla reningskraven. Å andra sidan minskar fosforförekomsterna av hög kvalitet i allt större takt, vilket har väckt krav på ökad återföring av växtnäring. I detta examensarbete undersöktes fyra olika reningstekniker, varav tre har en viss återföringspotential, med hjälp av metodik från livscykelanalys. Systemen som undersöktes var infiltration, filterbäddar dels med Filtralite® P och dels med Filtra P som filtermaterial, samt ett kemikaliefällningssystem. Systemgränserna omfattade extraktion av råmaterial, produktion av anläggningsmaterial och –komponenter, uppförande och drift av systemen samt avveckling av anläggningarna och återföring av restmaterial. Förutom påverkan på mänsklig hälsa och försurningspotential, som visade sig vara mindre relevanta för slutresultaten, omfattade analysen även en undersökning av energianvändning, förbrukning av abiotiska resurser, potential för global uppvärmning och eutrofieringspotential. Infiltrationslösningen fick de mest fördelaktiga resultatvärden i alla kategorierna förutom eutrofieringspotential, vilket kan förklaras med systemets låga energi- och resursbehov samt dess höga livslängd. Filterbädden med Filtralite® P som filtermaterial uppvisade den största förmågan att reducera eutrofierande substanser. Systemets energibehov och utsläpp av växthusgaser översteg dock de andra systemens resultat i dessa kategorier kraftigt. Både anläggningen med Filtra P och kemikaliefällningslösningen fick liknande resultat, med måttlig påverkan i alla kategorier. Systemens återföringspotential visade sig vara begränsad av restprodukternas höga tungmetallhalt. Kemikaliefällt slam hade högre återföringspotential än filterbäddsmaterial. Kemikaliefällning klarade sig totalt sett bäst i studien. Den relativt obeprövade tekniska utformning och det osäkra dataunderlaget ledde till att Filtra P hamnade i rangordningen efter kemikaliefällning. Infiltrationssystemets begränsade reningsförmåga och den obefintliga återföringspotentialen ledde till att alternativet hamnade näst sist. Filtralite® P-alternativet blev placerat sist i rangordningen på grund av dess stora påverkan på förbrukning av fossila bränslen och global uppvärmning. Baserat på rangordningen utfärdades rekommendationer. Trots att filtermaterialen som undersöktes i denna studie har en utmärkt fosforreningsförmåga, kommer det att krävas fler studier med avseende på alternativa filtermaterial, eftersom materialens användning av icke-förnybara energikällor är mycket stor vid tillverkningen. Fokus borde ligga på återvunna eller naturliga material (som t.ex. snäcksand) med låg miljöpåverkan vid tillverkning. Om återföring av växtnäring ska bli ett mål inom småskalig avloppsvattenrening, måste effektiva sätt att separera tungmetaller från växtnäringsämnen utforskas. Denna studie visade att goda fosforavskiljningsegenskaper kan medföra att andra typer av miljöpåverkan ökar, vilket i vissa fall kan leda till att de negativa konsekvenserna överväger nyttan av minskad eutrofiering. / Moderne, dezentrale Abwassertechnik steht zwei großen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Zum einen sind die Ansprüche von Seiten des Gesetzgebers gestiegen, die effektivere Abwasserreinigungstechniken erfordern. Zum andern werden Phosphorvorkommen von hoher Qualität zunehmend knapper, was Rufe nach verstärkter Rückführung von Phosphor hat laut werden lassen. Im Verwaltungsbezirk Stockholm, in dem es ungefähr 34 000 Haushalte mit unzureichender Abwasserreinigung gibt, ist das Problem von besonderer Bedeutung. In dieser Diplomarbeit wurden vier Abwasserreinigungssysteme, wovon drei ein gewisses Potential für Phosphorrückführung haben, mit Hilfe einer Ökobilanzierung untersucht. Folgende Systeme wurden untersucht: Eine Infiltrationsanlage, zwei Filterbettsanlagen, eine mit Filtralite® P und eine mit Filtra P als Filtermaterial sowie ein System mit Chemikaliefällung. Die Systemgrenzen umfassten die Gewinnung und Verarbeitung von Rohstoffen, das Errichten der jeweiligen Anlage, deren Betrieb sowie Rückgewinnung und Entsorgung von Restmaterialien. Neben Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit und Versauerungspotential, die sich im Nachhinein als weniger relevant erwiesen, wurden Energiebedarf, Verbrauch abiotischer Resourcen, Potential für globale Erwärmung und Eutrophierungspotential untersucht. Die niedrigsten Resultate in allen Kategorien außer Eutrophierungspotential wurden vom Infiltrationssystem erreicht. Filtralite® P erwies sich als am leistungsstärksten, was die Reduktion von eutrophierenden Substanzen angeht. Der Energiebedarf und die Emissionen von Treibhausgasen dieser Alternative überstieg die Ergebnisse der anderen Alternativen in diesen Kategorien doch bei weitem. Filtra P und Chemikaliefällung erzielten moderate Auswirkungen in allen Kategorien. Das Potential für die Rückführung von Pflanzennährstoffen wird, wie die Ergebnisse zeigen, vom relativ hohen Schwermetallhalt in den Restprodukten begrenzt. Chemikaliefällung ist in dieser Studie die beste Alternative. Filtra P zeigte sich als technisch noch zu wenig ausgereift und die Datenunterlage als zu unvollständig, weswegen diese Alternative an zweiter Stelle steht. Die begrenzte Reinigungsfähigkeit des Infiltrationssystemes und das nicht vorhandene Potential für Rückführung von Phosphor führten dazu, dass diese Lösung an dritter Stelle steht. Das System mit Filtralite® P als Filtermaterial wurde wegen seines großen Verbrauchs von fossilen Brennstoffen für wenig brauchbar befunden und steht damit an letzter Stelle. Trotz ihrer hervorragenden phosphorreduzierenden Eigenschaften, wird weitere Forschung im Bereich alternativer Filtermaterialien notwendig werden. Hierbei sollten natürliche Materialien (wie Muschelsand) oder Restprodukte im Mittelpunkt des Interesses stehen, um die Umweltauswirkungen gering zu halten. Wenn die Rückführung von Phosphor ein Ziel der Abwasserreinigung sein soll, müssen Lösungen, Schwermetalle von Pflanzennährstoffen zu trennen, gefunden werden. Diese Studie hat gezeigt, dass gute phosphorreduzierende Eigenschaften zu verstärkten Umweltauswirkungen in anderen Bereichen führen können, welche in manchen Fällen sogar die Vorteile einer verringerten Eutrophierung übersteigen können.

Livscykelanalys och optimering av isoleringstjocklek för moderna byggnader : - med fokus på kv Limnologen i Växjö

Johansson, Martin, Kanellos, Konstantin January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport är att visa hur en ökning av isolertjockleken i ett hus påverkar kostnader och energiåtgång för isoleringen i ett livscykelperspektiv, samt för husets bruksskede. I studien har en optimering av isoleringen på ett pågående byggprojekt i Växjö, kv Limnologen, utförts. Total energiåtgång för isoleringens livscykel har tagits fram från tidigare utförda livscykelanalyser (LCA). Husets värmebehov har beräknats mha information från ritningar och kontakter med personer i anknytning till kv Limnologen. En ekvation har utformats för att finna ett teoretiskt optimum för isolertjockleken med inriktning mot total energiåtgång, koldioxidutsläpp och ekonomi. Resultatet för optimeringen av total energiåtgång visar att optimum ligger vid den dubbla tjockleken för tak och grund, samt tredubbla för väggarna. För koldioxidutsläpp och ekonomin är resultatet mer beroende av husets uppvärmningskälla. Fjärrvärme med biobränslen är mer miljövänligt och ekonomiskt idag i jämförelse med fossila bränslen. Det innebär att hus som är oljeuppvärmda bör isoleras betydligt mer. I denna studie sammanställs en del faktorer såsom energi, koldioxid och ekonomi vilket gör det lättare att analysera och värdera dem. Att isolera till vårt framräknade optimum vore inte relevant då detta är ett teoretiskt värde och inte tar hänsyn till förändringar i konstruktionen och andra problem som kan uppstå. Optimeringskurvan visar att vinsten ökar snabbast de första centimetrarna av tilläggsisolering och om konstruktionen inte påverkas nämnvärt skulle det vara möjligt att utföra detta tillägg. Slutsatsen är att husen som byggs på kv Limnologen är välisolerade enligt dagens förutsättningar. / The aim with this report is to show how an increase of the thickness of insulating in a house influences the costs and the energy consumption for the insulation in a life cycle perspective and for the usage stage of the house. An optimization of the insulation on an ongoing construction project in Växjö, Limnologen has been carried out in the study. Total energy consumption for the insulation’s life cycle has been taken from earlier accomplished life cycle assessments (LCA). The house's heat need has been calculated on the basis of information from blueprints and contacts with persons in connection to Limnologen. An equation has been formulated in order to find a theoretical optimum for the insulating thickness regarding total energy consumption, carbondioxide and economy. The result of the optimization for total energy consumption shows that optimum lies at the the double thickness for ceilings and foundation, and triple for the walls. For carbondioxide and the economy the result is more depending on the house's heating source. District heating with biomass fuel is more environmentally friendly and economic today compared with fossil fuel. It means that houses that are oil heated should be insulated considerably more. In this study a compilation of some factors have been made, such as energy, carbondioxide and economy which makes it easier to compare them. Insulating to the calculated optimum is not relevant because the optimum is a theoretical value and does not take into consideration structure solutions and other problems that can arise. On the other hand the optimization curve shows that the profit increases rapidly at the first centimetres of additional insulation and if the structure is not affected markedly this addition would be profitable to carry out. The conclusion is that the buildings raised at Limnologen are well insulated with the presumptions of today.

Livscykelanalys och optimering av isoleringstjocklek för moderna byggnader : - med fokus på kv Limnologen i Växjö

Johansson, Martin, Kanellos, Konstantin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna rapport är att visa hur en ökning av isolertjockleken i ett hus påverkar kostnader och energiåtgång för isoleringen i ett livscykelperspektiv, samt för husets bruksskede. I studien har en optimering av isoleringen på ett pågående byggprojekt i Växjö, kv Limnologen, utförts. Total energiåtgång för isoleringens livscykel har tagits fram från tidigare utförda livscykelanalyser (LCA). Husets värmebehov har beräknats mha information från ritningar och kontakter med personer i anknytning till kv Limnologen. En ekvation har utformats för att finna ett teoretiskt optimum för isolertjockleken med inriktning mot total energiåtgång, koldioxidutsläpp och ekonomi. Resultatet för optimeringen av total energiåtgång visar att optimum ligger vid den dubbla tjockleken för tak och grund, samt tredubbla för väggarna. För koldioxidutsläpp och ekonomin är resultatet mer beroende av husets uppvärmningskälla. Fjärrvärme med biobränslen är mer miljövänligt och ekonomiskt idag i jämförelse med fossila bränslen. Det innebär att hus som är oljeuppvärmda bör isoleras betydligt mer. I denna studie sammanställs en del faktorer såsom energi, koldioxid och ekonomi vilket gör det lättare att analysera och värdera dem. Att isolera till vårt framräknade optimum vore inte relevant då detta är ett teoretiskt värde och inte tar hänsyn till förändringar i konstruktionen och andra problem som kan uppstå. Optimeringskurvan visar att vinsten ökar snabbast de första centimetrarna av tilläggsisolering och om konstruktionen inte påverkas nämnvärt skulle det vara möjligt att utföra detta tillägg. Slutsatsen är att husen som byggs på kv Limnologen är välisolerade enligt dagens förutsättningar.</p> / <p>The aim with this report is to show how an increase of the thickness of insulating in a house influences the costs and the energy consumption for the insulation in a life cycle perspective and for the usage stage of the house. An optimization of the insulation on an ongoing construction project in Växjö, Limnologen has been carried out in the study. Total energy consumption for the insulation’s life cycle has been taken from earlier accomplished life cycle assessments (LCA). The house's heat need has been calculated on the basis of information from blueprints and contacts with persons in connection to Limnologen. An equation has been formulated in order to find a theoretical optimum for the insulating thickness regarding total energy consumption, carbondioxide and economy. The result of the optimization for total energy consumption shows that optimum lies at the the double thickness for ceilings and foundation, and triple for the walls. For carbondioxide and the economy the result is more depending on the house's heating source. District heating with biomass fuel is more environmentally friendly and economic today compared with fossil fuel. It means that houses that are oil heated should be insulated considerably more. In this study a compilation of some factors have been made, such as energy, carbondioxide and economy which makes it easier to compare them. Insulating to the calculated optimum is not relevant because the optimum is a theoretical value and does not take into consideration structure solutions and other problems that can arise. On the other hand the optimization curve shows that the profit increases rapidly at the first centimetres of additional insulation and if the structure is not affected markedly this addition would be profitable to carry out. The conclusion is that the buildings raised at Limnologen are well insulated with the presumptions of today.</p>

Avaliação da sustentabilidade ampliada de produtos agroindustriais, estudo de caso : suco de laranja e etanol / Sustainability evaluation of agro industrial products, case studies : crange juice and ethanol

Pereira, Consuelo de Lima Fernandez 21 January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Enrique Ortega Rodriguez / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T13:31:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira_ConsuelodeLimaFernandez_D.pdf: 2050603 bytes, checksum: 3f931c3af2efe7a2d1288038a9a5d189 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: O estudo tem o objetivo combinar as metodologias Emergética e de Ciclo de Vida para avaliar a sustentabilidade de produtos agroindustriais, considerando a cadeia produtiva completa. Combinação das duas metodologias permite avaliar os impactos ambientais associados a cada uma das etapas das cadeias e a demanda de recursos não renováveis em relação aos recursos totais empregados, ou sua viabilidade ao longo do tempo. A avaliação foi realizada para dois produtos de grande importância para o estado de São Paulo: a) cadeia produtiva de suco de laranja concentrado congelado exportado para a Europa; e b) a cadeia produtiva de álcool combustível produzido a partir da cana de açúcar e consumido no Brasil. No estudo do suco de laranja foram comparados os modelos de produção convencional e orgânica. As etapas incluídas foram: produção agrícola de laranjas, transporte da fruta e seu processamento para SLCC, transporte a granel do SLCC (rodoviário e marítimo, além das operações portuária), diluição e embalagem em fábrica na Europa. O sistema orgânico apresentou melhor desempenho ambiental do que o convencional. Entretanto, devido a sua menor produtividade por área, o sistema orgânico apresentou maior consumo de água e uso da terra por litro de suco diluído. Nos dois sistemas, a etapa agrícola é aquela com maior consumo de recursos, enquanto que a etapa industrial é a que apresenta maior consumo de combustível fóssil, direto e indireto. Nos dois casos os índices pioram ao longo da cadeia, sendo que o desempenho da etapa agrícola determina o desempenho da cadeia total. Os resultados indicam que esta cadeia, embora extremamente eficiente na utilização de energia e no aproveitamento de resíduos, não é sustentável, mesmo quando o sistema orgânico é adotado. O subsistema agrícola apresentou desempenho pobre devido à intensa utilização de materiais e serviços. O estudo da cadeia produtiva de álcool etanol combustível considerou sua produção e dois pontos de consumo: estado de São Paulo e do Mato Grosso. Seus resultados mostram que a etapa agrícola é aquela com maior impacto. As etapas industrial e de transporte, devido à utilização de grande volume de recursos da economia, diminuem a renovabilidade da cadeia, aumentam o consumo de recursos, em especial de combustíveis fósseis, piorando seus índices emergéticos. Os resultados também indicam que, por serem atividades que consomem combustíveis fósseis, a produção e distribuição do etanol emitem CO2, não podendo ser considerada uma atividade mitigadora deste gás de efeito estufa. O aumento da distância entre a usina produtora e o centro consumidor aumenta os impactos e piora o desempenho ambiental da cadeia, podendo, dependendo das distâncias, dissipar as vantagens do etanol frente a outros combustíveis. Resumindo, o uso do etanol de cana-de-açúcar como substituto de combustível fóssil apresenta algumas vantagens em relação a outros biocombustíveis. Entretanto, seu uso representa uma série de impactos ambientais e o modelo de produção e distribuição deve considerar estes impactos a fim de que as vantagens de seu uso não se percam devido a um modelo de produção, muito intensivo, ou devido à etapa de distribuição, muito extensa / Abstract: The objective of the present study was to combine Emergy and Life Cycle Assessment methodologies, used regularly for the evaluation of productive models, to evaluate the sustainability of raw and processed agricultural products, considering the complete productive chain. The combination of these two methodologies allows the evaluation of environmental impacts associated to each one of the chain¿s stages and, also, the evaluation of the renewable and non ¿ renewable demand of resources and, therefore, its viability on the long run. The evaluation was accomplished for two products of great importance for state of São Paulo agriculture: a) productive chain of frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) exported mainly to Europe; and b) productive chain of combustible ethanol produced from sugar cane and consumed in Brazil. Conventional and organic productions of FCOJ were evaluated. The following chain¿s steps were included: agricultural production of oranges, fruit transport and processing to FCOJ, bulk FCOJ transportation (both, road and marine, as well as port operations) dilution and packing in European processing plant. The organic system presented better environmental performance than the conventional system. However, due to the smallest productivity per area, the organic system presented larger consumption of water and land use needed to cultivation per liter of diluted juice. In the two systems, the agricultural stage presented the largest consumption of total resources, while the industrial phase presented the largest consumption of fossil fuel, both direct and indirect. For both systems, the inclusion of more steps in the chain results in worse environmental performance. Moreover, agricultural phase determines the total chain performance. The results indicate that FCOJ chain is not sustainable, although extremely efficient in the use of energy and in the use of residues, even if the organic model is adopted. The agricultural sub-system, for both organic and conventional model, presented poor environmental performance due to the intense use of materials and services. The ethanol chain study was accomplished considering the production in São Paulo and two supply chains: São Paulo and Mato Grosso States. Agricultural phase accounted for the main environmental impacts of ethanol chain. Processing and transportation, due to the consumption of great amounts of resources from economy, reduce ethanol renewability worsening the emergy indices; these phases consume material, particularly fossil fuels. The results also indicate that, since processing and distribution operations consume fossil fuels, ethanol production do emit CO2, and can not be regarded as a CO2 mitigator. Further, the increase in the distance between the producing plant and the consuming center, consequently in the distribution phase, increases the impacts resulting in worse environmental performance. Summarizing, the use of sugarcane ethanol as substitute of fossil fuel presents some advantages in relation to other biofuels. However, its use causes several important environmental impacts. Therefore, production and distribution models should consider these impacts in order not to lose the advantages of using ethanol due to the production model, very intensive, or due to the distribution stage, too extensive / Doutorado / Engenharia de Alimentos / Doutor em Engenharia de Alimentos

Evaluation environnementale des besoins de mobilité des grandes aires urbaines en France - Approche par Analyse de Cycle de Vie / Environmental assessment of urban area trip purposes in France with Life Cycle Analysis

Le Feon, Samuel 17 January 2014 (has links)
Les déplacements de personnes et de marchandises sont responsables d’une part importante des impacts environnementaux à l’échelle de la ville. Cette thèse part des hypothèses que, les impacts environnementaux des phases situées en amont ou en aval de la phase d’usage ne sont pas négligeables et que l’étude différenciée des besoins de mobilité peut apporter un éclairage nouveau aux méthodes traditionnelles d’évaluation. La façon de répondre à chaque besoin induit, a priori, des impacts environnementaux différents. Ces derniers sont calculés à l’aide de la méthode d’Analyse de Cycle de Vie. La méthodologie a été développée sur un cas d’application : les émissions de GES de l’Agglomération de Saint-Etienne afin de se confronter à la réalité du terrain et de se procurer des données spécifiques. Ce cas d’application a donné une première série de résultats, confirmant à la fois la part non négligeable d’impacts hors phase d’usage et la disparité des émissions pour une personne.kilomètre selon le besoin de déplacement. Ensuite, une proposition de typologies urbaines a été faite en réalisant une Analyse en Composantes Principales, couplée à une Classification Ascendante Hiérarchique, sur les grandes aires urbaines de France, sur des variables influentes pour la mobilité. Trois classes d’aires urbaines ont été étudiées. La méthodologie a été appliquée aux données des Enquêtes Ménages Déplacements de Bordeaux, Toulon et Valenciennes. Des disparités sont observées pour certains motifs et il est possible de calculer des marges de progression pour chaque agglomération. Enfin, l’utilisation de l’ACV, multicritère a également révélé la nécessité de travailler avec plusieurs indicateurs. / Transportation of goods and people is known as a key environmental impact contributor in a city. However, traditional impact assessment methodologies don’t consider environmental issues all over the life cycle. The cause of a trip is also rarely taken into account in an environmental assessment. This thesis aims at proposing a new impact assessment methodology that considers the influence of indirect emissions (using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology) and causes of trips on the environmental footprint. Two main hypotheses are settled at the beginning: the environmental impacts of mobility do not only occur during the use phase (the trip by itself) but all over its life cycle. Also the trip purposes may change the choice of way to travel and consequently affect environmental impacts. The global Functional Unit (FU) is “transport people and good in a French urban area during a year” and is divided in intermediate FU referring to each trip purposes, such as “allow commuter trips in a French urban area during a year”. The methodology was developed, tested and validated through a real case: the agglomeration of Saint-Etienne (France). During this phase, mobility territorial actors were met and real data provided that allows facing methodology to possible field limitations. This application case shows first results. First, it confirms importance to consider impacts all over the life cycle (17% of GHG emissions occur out of the use phase). Second, it shows significant differences of emissions by person.kilometer between trip purposes categories. Then a typology of urban area was proposed based on literature about travel determinants. Principal Component Analysis used on French big urban areas (more than 250 000 inhabitants) identified 5 classes. The methodology was applied to three of them (Bordeaux, Toulon and Valenciennes) using data from a standardized survey on households and mobility in order to compare them. It shows disparities on global results partly due to total annual travel distances. The trip purposes differentiation also shows important differences between urban areas. For each cause trip category and emission reduction potentials were calculated for each urban area by extrapolating differences for a pkm to the total annual distance for the trip. This can provide helpful information to deciders. Finally, the need to provide a multicriteria evaluation that is provided by LCA was committed. However methodological improvement would be necessary to better reflect local and regional impacts in LCA.

Framework for sustainability assessment of industrial processes with multi-scale technology at design level: microcapsules production process

Navarro Rosa, Jennifer 28 May 2009 (has links)
In a world with limited resources and serious environmental, social and economical impacts, a more sustainable life style is everyday more important. Therefore, the general objective of this work is to develop a methodological procedure for eco-efficiency and sustainability assessment of industrial processes with multi-scale technology at design level. The methodology developed follows the ISO 14040 series for environmental LCA standard. To integrate the three pillars of sustainability the analytical hierarchical process was used. The results are represented in a triple bottom line framework. The methodology was applied to the case study "production of perfume-containing microcapsules" and different scenarios were assessed and compared. Several sustainability indicators were chosen to analyze the impacts. The results showed that this methodology can be used as a decision making tool for sustainability reporting. It can be applied to any process choosing in each case the corresponding set of inventory data and sustainability impact indicators. / En un mundo con recursos limitados y graves impactos ambientales, sociales y económicos, un estilo de vida más sostenible es cada día más importante. Debido a esto, el objetivo general de este trabajo es desarrollar un procedimiento metodológico para evaluar eco-eficiencia y sostenibilidad de procesos industriales con tecnología multi-escala a nivel de diseño. La metodología desarrollada sigue la serie ISO 14040 para el medio ambiente. Se utilizó el proceso analítico jerárquico para integrar los tres pilares de sostenibilidad. Los resultados se presentan en un balance triple. La metodología se aplicó al caso de estudio "producción de micro-cápsulas que contienen perfume" y se analizaron y compararon diferentes escenarios. Se seleccionaron diversos indicadores de sostenibilidad para analizar los impactos. Los resultados demostraron que esta metodología puede ser utilizada como herramienta de toma de decisiones y que puede aplicarse a cualquier proceso seleccionando, en cada caso, los datos del inventario y los indicadores.

Prise en compte du bruit des transports routiers dans l'analyse du cycle de vie : développement des facteurs de caractérisation dépendant du temps pour les impacts sur la santé. / Development of time-dependent characterisation factors for life cycle impact assessment of road traffic noise on human health.

Meyer, Rodolphe 10 November 2017 (has links)
Le bruit affecte la santé humaine, provoquant de la gêne, des troubles du sommeil et augmentant le risque de crise cardiaque. Les quantifications de l’impact du bruit montrent que c’est un problème de santé publique et que le trafic routier en est majoritairement responsable. L’analyse du cycle de vie (ACV) est une méthode d’évaluation globale des impacts environnementaux d’un produit, d’un service ou d’un processus. Malgré la prise en compte de nombreux problèmes environnementaux, l’impact du bruit sur la santé humaine n’est pas encore correctement pris en compte dans l’ACV. L’objet de ce doctorat est d’intégrer dans l’ACV l’impact du bruit du trafic routier sur la santé humaine.Les différents éléments d’acoustique et d’épidémiologie qui permettent cette intégration sont présentés. Une analyse des méthodes existantes est conduite en les appliquant à un cas d’étude. Cela permet de comprendre les avantages et inconvénients des différentes approches tout en comparant les résultats qu’elles fournissent. Une méthode pour intégrer l’impact du bruit du trafic routier sur la santé humaine dans l’ACV est ensuite proposée. Cette méthode repose sur les logiciels de prédiction acoustique et les données rendues disponibles par la directive 2002/49/CE. Elle permet d’établir, avec une grande précision, des facteurs de caractérisations (CFs) reliant des flux élémentaires de l’inventaire ACV à un impact sur la santé humaine.La méthode est ensuite appliquée sur un échantillon de petites zones géographiques sélectionnées dans la région lyonnaise. L’application de la méthode et l’analyse des résultats apportent de nombreux enseignements sur l’existence potentielle d’une typologie pour la différentiation géographique, la meilleure forme pour la collecte d’information sur le bruit au niveau de l’inventaire ACV, la variabilité spatiale des CFs ou encore l’incertitude qui peut leur être associée. Les CFs obtenus montrent que l’intégration de l’impact du bruit en ACV pourrait doubler l’impact du transport routier sur la santé humaine. Ce doctorat identifie également des pistes de recherche. Des travaux similaires doivent être menés pour les autres moyens de transport (principalement trains et avions) pour permettre une comparaison équitable des études ACV les impliquant. Répéter la méthode dans d’autres zones géographiques, avec d’autres modèles d’émission et de propagation acoustique et/ou d’autres logiciels de propagation acoustique apporterait également des éléments intéressants. / Noise affects human health, causing annoyance, sleep disturbance and increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The quantification of noise impacts highlights it as a public health problem for which road traffic is mainly responsible. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a technique to assess the environmental impacts of a product, a service or a process. Despite taking into account many environmental problems, the impact of noise on human health is not yet properly taken into account in LCA. The aim of this PhD thesis is to integrate the impact of traffic noise on human health in the LCA framework.The scientific elements of acoustics and epidemiology that allow this integration are presented. An analysis of the existing methods is conducted by applying them to a case study. This helps to understand the advantages and drawbacks of the different approaches while comparing the results they provide. A method to integrate the impact of road traffic noise on human health in the LCA framework is then proposed. The method is based on noise prediction software and data made available by the Directive 2002/49/EC. This makes it possible to establish, with great precision, characterisation factors (CFs) connecting elementary flows of the LCA inventory with an impact on human health.The method is then applied to a sample of small geographic areas selected in the region surrounding the city of Lyon (France). The application of the method and the analysis of the results provides a multitude of information regarding the potential existence of a typology for spatial differentiation, the best form for the collection of noise information at the LCA inventory level, the spatial variability of the CFs and the uncertainties that may be associated with them. The CFs obtained show that integrating the impact of noise into LCA could double the impact of road transport on human health. This PhD thesis also identifies further potential research topics. Similar work needs to be done for other transport modes (mainly trains and airplanes) to allow for a fair comparison of different transport modes in LCA studies. Repeating this method in other geographical areas with other acoustic emission and propagation models and/or other noise prediction software would also help the generalisation of this work and the assessment of possible sources of uncertainties.

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