Spelling suggestions: "subject:"life cycles"" "subject:"wife cycles""
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Anforderungen des Nicht-Elektrischen Explosionsschutzes im ProduktentwicklungsprozessHerbst, Sabrina, Engelmann, Frank, Grote, Karl-Heinrich January 2016 (has links)
Der Faktor Zeit nimmt in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft einen bedeutsamen Platz in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen unseres Lebens und Wirkens ein. Beispielsweise verbreiten sich Nachrichten weltweit innerhalb von Minuten, Reisezeiten verkürzen sich von Tagen auf mehrere Stunden (Kurpjuweit 2013) und die Hersteller von Unterhaltungselektronik verkürzen die Produktlebenszyklen um neue Produkte schneller am Markt zu platzieren (Scheimann 2011).
Die Reduzierung des Produktlebens ist bei vielen anderen Produkten des Konsum- und Investitionsgütermarktes festzustellen, da die Markteintrittsstrategie den möglichen Absatz des Produktes bestimmt (Meffert et al. 2008, S. 445f.). Der Erfolg eines Produktes ist jedoch eine Folge aus unterschiedlichen Aspekten, wobei die Zeit, neben der Qualität und den Kosten, einer der Hauptparameter ist. Demzufolge ist das Zusammenspiel dieser drei voneinander abhängigen Faktoren auch im Produktentwicklungsprozess zu berücksichtigen, um die geforderten Ziele zu erreichen (Burghardt 2013, S. 23). Diese werden durch den technologischen Fortschritt, die veränderten Bedürfnisse der Kunden und den internationalen Wettbewerb bedingt (Cooper 2010, S. 8ff.).
Durch den Einsatz von strukturierten Produktentwicklungsprozessen können die Zielvorstellungen abteilungs- und aufgabenübergreifend berücksichtigt und kontrolliert werden. Anwendungsbeispiele für komplexe, aber systematische Produktentwicklungsprozesse sind in der Automobil- und IT-Branche zu finden (Braess 2013; Ruf & Fittkau 2008). Für die Produkte der Sicherheitstechnik muss bei der Entwicklung, Konstruktion und Fertigung jedoch ein Aspekt gesondert betrachtet werden – die Qualität. Es sind sehr hohe Anforderungen und Ansprüche zu erfüllen, die teilweise vom Gesetzgeber festgesetzt wurden, da die Sicherheit von Mensch und Maschine zu gewährleisten ist. Im Bereich des Explosionsschutzes, welcher als ein Teilgebiet der Sicherheitstechnik gilt, ist die Einhaltung von Richtlinien und Normen bei einer Produktentwicklung für den Markteintritt zwingend erforderlich. Neue Bauteile werden u.a. durch aufwändige Prüfungen von benannten Stellen erprobt. Diese Bedingungen beeinflussen den Produktentwicklungsprozess und die Konstruktionsmethodik im Explosionsschutz fundamental und charakterisieren den kosten- und zeitintensiven Vorgang durch aufwändige Iterationen (Träger et al. 2005).
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Life History of Mayatrichia ponta Ross (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) in Honey Creek, Turner Falls Park, OklahomaWang, Yi-Kuang 12 1900 (has links)
The life history and ontogenetic microhabitat change of Mayatrichia ponta Ross were investigated in Honey Creek, Turner Falls Park, Murray Co., Oklahoma, U.S.A. from August 1994 to August 1995. The shape of larval cases changed from a small cone to a cylinder. M. ponta had an asynchronous multivoltine life history with considerable cohort and generation overlap; five generations were estimated. The development rate was reduced in winter. The winter generations of M. ponta had wider head capsule widths (136-165 μm) than summer generations (121-145 μm). The sex ratio of adults was 1.43 ♂ : 1 ♀. Fecundity ranged from 46 to 150 eggs/female. Fifth instar larvae and pupae aggregated on the bottom side of substrates. Early instars were distributed evenly on all sides of substrates. General patterns of ontogenetic microhabitat shift in aquatic insects are categorized as flow mediated, flow independent, and population interactions and other resources mediated.
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Gender Differences and Similarities in the Work-family Interface: The Importance of Considering Family Life StagesMartinengo, Giuseppe 26 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study focuses on the importance of considering the interaction between gender and family life stages to properly understand gender similarities and differences in the work and family interface. Data for this study come from the IBM 2004 Global Work and Life Issues Survey representing 79 countries (N=41,813). This study is a first step toward a better understanding of similarities and differences among male and female workers across the life course and it shows that work, family and life outcomes are similar across groups, independent of life stages or gender. Six family life stage groups were created: no children and workers age 35 or less, transition to parenthood, preschool children, elementary children, teenagers, and empty nest (workers age 50 years or older and no children dependent). The findings indicate that gender differences increase when young children are present. Parenthood creates or maintains a more gendered family and work life. A key characteristic of the first stage is that gender differences are smaller than in later stages. In the transition to parenthood stage, gender differences increase substantially. For example, the difference in work hours increases four times from the previous life stage and males experience substantially more work-to-family conflict than females. The preschool stage is the stage in which gender differences in work hours and work-to-family conflict reach their highest point. In the elementary children stage, gender differences in work hours and work-to-family conflict decrease to a level very similar to the transition to parenthood stage. In the teenager children stage, differences in work-to-family conflict decrease to levels similar to the first life stage and differences in access-use of work-family programs decrease to levels similar to the transition to parenthood stages. Finally, in the empty nest stage gender differences are small and some are unique to this stage. Future research could benefit from exploring how the fit of the model may change with the addition of other important work-family variables that were not adequately measured in this study because the data were collected in a corporate setting. Employers could benefit from applying these research findings to the development of work policies and programs attentive to shifts in work-family linkages over the life course.
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A transpersonal exploration of the mother-daughter relationship in transitional life cyclesDe Villiers, Marleen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The mother-daughter relationship and the feminine principle in the process of individuation are explored in this study. The mother-daughter relationship as the focus of the study is presented as the womb where the stories and experiences are in gestation. In presenting this research as a transpersonal exploration, the principles and practices of transpersonal psychology and transpersonal research are used as the lens through which the process of research is viewed.
The study tells the stories of adolescent daughters and their menopausal mothers and their lives as girls and women in transitional life cycles. It also tells the stories of the author's mother and of herself, and offers their shared experiences of being daughters, and remembering that they are also the daughters of daughters, the mothers of whom have passed away a long time ago. The stories are presented in the mode of a narrative inquiry, becoming an exploration in itself.
The author looks into the stories of what has been written by those who have mapped the territory of the transpersonal and narrative landscapes in psychology, education, research and psychotherapy. A research collage of the mother-daughter relationship, transitional life cycles, and also of aspects of the feminine and the process of individuation is created. Images of alchemy, archetypes, mythological figures and archetypal goddesses are added to allow this collage to become its own story. The study combines research methods used in transpersonal research and narrative inquiry. Data were gathered by making use of journal writing, mandala drawings, interviews, visual imagery and photographs, collage, writing letters, personal documentation, dreamwork, working with words and personal mythology. Transpersonal principles such as meditation, reflection, mandala drawings, intuitive listening and so forth were applied in working with the data. The researcher also used principles of narrative inquiry to assist in the process of processing the information and finding the stories.
The research findings that emerged indicate that a mother and daughter can hold up a mirror to each other in order to see that there are experiences of abandonment and dependency in their relationship; another mother and daughter pair related to each other from a basis of limiting self-experience; and yet another mother and her daughter were seen to have a relationship that contains powerful potential for individuation through the process of growth and transformation. These findings may be relevant to the therapeutic and educational spheres of psychology, in training and in application. This research journey is an adventure that can be seen as symbolically walking the labyrinth, following the circular path towards the centre, and then back again, out into life. This journey is symbolic of the process of individuation as based on the mythology of the serpent Ouroboros that swallows its tail in order to become whole. The process of alchemy in psychology forms the container for this journey into wholeness.
Like Theseus, beloved of Ariadne of antiquity, I took the golden thread in hand and stepped into the labyrinth. The journey could begin … / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie verken die moeder-dogter verhouding en die vroulike beginsel in die individuasieproses. Die moeder-dogterverhouding as die fokus van hierdie studie word voorgestel as 'n houer vir die bewaring van belangrike aspekte van die vroulike beginsel. Die modus van transpersoonlike sielkunde en navorsing is gebruik om as 'n lens te dien waardeur hierdie proses ondersoek is.
Die narratiewe navorsingsmetode is gebruik om die stories te vertel wat in hierdie studie aangebied word. Hierdie stories gaan oor die navorsingsreis, die reis van dogter-wees en moeder-wees, die reis van vrou-wording en vrou-wees in die oorgangsfases van vroue se lewens. Dit behels stories van adolessensie en die menopouse. Daarnaas geplaas is die stories van my moeder, van myself, en van ons verhouding. In hierdie vertelling oor die moeder skryf ek dit as die dogter van 'n dogter wie se moeder lank reeds oorlede is.
Ek onderneem 'n reis deur die landskap van die literatuur en neem daaruit stories van aspekte van vrou-wees, van die vroulike beginsel, asook van transpersoonlike sielkunde en transpersoonlike navorsing. Dit gaan ook oor die narratiewe wyse van ondersoek en die waarde van stories in narratiewe terapie word bespreek.
Hierdie navorsingsreis is 'n speurtog; soos in 'n labirint is dit 'n sirkelvormige reis, wat die mitologiese slang, Ouroboros, wat sy eie stert insluk om heel te word weerspieël. Die labirinte van die mitologie en argetipiese vroubeelde en godinne stem tot nadenke oor die sielkundige ervaring van individuasie. In die nadenke is daar, soos met die alchemiste van weleer, 'n soeke die goud in die lood en die bevindinge wat die navorsingsreis oplewer, word bekendgemaak. In hierdie reis is gebruik gemaak van transpersoonlike en narratiewe navorsingsmetodes en beginsels om die inligting te verkry waarmee die stories vertel kon word. Hierdie metodes maak onder meer gebruik van joernaalskryf, mandalas teken, onderhoude, visuele beelde en foto's, collage, briewe, persoonlike dokumente, droomwerk, woorde en woordassosiasie en persoonlike mitologie. Transpersoonlike werkswyses soos meditasie, refleksie, intuitiewe luister, joernaal skrywe en so meer is gekombineer met narratiewe werkswyses om die inligting te verwerk en die stories te ontgin.
Die navorsingsbevindinge dui op ervaringe van afhanklikheid en vrese van verlating; van 'n moeder en dogter wat gebuk gaan onder beperkende ervaringe van selfvertwyfeling en die implikasie wat dit het vir hulle vrou-wees; van 'n moeder en haar dogter wat die potensiaal vir die proses van individuasie in hulle verhoudinge met hul vroueliggame vind. Die implikasies van hierdie bevindinge mag moontlik van belang wees vir sielkundiges en opvoedkundiges wat hulle in hierdie sfere van hulpverlening bevind.
Soos Theseus, beminde van Ariadne van ouds, het ek die goue draad ter hand geneem en daarmee die ingang van die labirint betree. Die reis moes begin …
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Habitat composition, sexual conflict and life history evolution in Coelopa frigidaEdward, Dominic Alexander January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes an investigation into the effects of habitat composition, principally the composition of algae in a wrack bed, on the life history of the seaweed fly, Coelopa frigida. The mating system of C. frigida is dominated by intense sexual conflict characterised by frequent harassment by males leading to a vigorous pre-mating struggle. This response leads to sexual selection for large male size and sexual dimorphism. The mating behaviour of C. frigida is affected by their environment, with exposure to brown algae inducing harassment in males and oviposition in females. Despite more than two decades of research into coelopid reproduction little is known about how habitat composition alters the patterns and processes of sexual conflict. Studies contained in this thesis consider environmental influences that both directly and indirectly influence sexual conflict. Direct effects of the environment are measured by conducting mating trials following culture of C. frigida on different species of algae and by exposing males to different species of algae. This work is accompanied by studies of larval development and adult survival on different algae. In recent years it has been observed that the distribution of European coelopids has undergone a northward range shift. An investigation into the current distribution of European coelopid species and a discussion of the effects of climate change that may have caused this change is included. Finally, the use of stable isotope analysis to determine the diet of wild coelopids and alternative statistical methods to analyse mating trials are described.
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Ciclo de vida organizacional e estrutura dos ativos intangÃveis de empresas de base tecnolÃgica incubadas cearenses / Organizational life cycle and structure of intangible assets of technology-based companies incubated CearÃSarah Mesquita Lima 02 June 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / A partir da constataÃÃo de que os modelos de ciclo de vida revelam como os recursos podem ser mais eficazmente utilizados em diferentes fases das empresas incubadas de base tecnolÃgica (EBTIs), que sÃo conhecidas como empresas baseadas no conhecimento, e que em cada estÃgio organizacional pode haver a necessidade de consumo de diferentes recursos, este estudo se insere na Ãrea de pesquisa sobre EBTIs. Nessa perspectiva, a presente dissertaÃÃo tem o propÃsito de investigar a relaÃÃo entre os estÃgios do ciclo de vida organizacional das EBTIs e a estrutura de ativos intangÃveis destas empresas. Para tanto, a pesquisa exploratÃrio-descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa dos dados, reÃne as empresas vinculadas Ãs incubadoras de base tecnolÃgica cearenses, com populaÃÃo de 64 empresas e amostra de 41. Inicialmente, caracterizou-se o perfil das EBTIs da amostra. Em seguida, procedeu-se à identificaÃÃo dos estÃgios do ciclo de vida das EBTIs da amostra, realizada de forma descritiva, tendo como base as respostas apresentadas pelos gestores para os 11 aspectos que compÃem os cinco constructos de Scott e Bruce (1987), sendo possÃvel constatar que duas empresas da amostra enquadraram-se prioritariamente no estÃgio inÃcio, 19 empresas no estÃgio sobrevivÃncia, 14 empresas no estÃgio crescimento, quatro empresas no estÃgio expansÃo e, por fim, duas empresas no estÃgio maturidade. Posteriormente, foi realizado o exame da estrutura de ativos intangÃveis, por meio do monitor de ativos intangÃveis de Sveiby (1998), o qual categoriza estes em competÃncia dos funcionÃrios, estrutura interna e estrutura externa, que sÃo avaliados por indicadores de crescimento/renovaÃÃo, indicadores de eficiÃncia e indicadores de estabilidade, com variaÃÃo entre 18 e 90 pontos. Em geral, os resultados desse exame indicaram que a pontuaÃÃo mÃdia atingida pelas EBTIs foi de 55,7, sendo 17,3 a tÃtulo de competÃncia dos funcionÃrios, 18,7, estrutura interna e 19,7, estrutura externa. Com o fim de se alcanÃar ao objetivo principal da dissertaÃÃo, procedeu-se a anÃlise descritiva acerca do relacionamento das variÃveis, a qual revelou que à medida que as organizaÃÃes progridem no seu ciclo de vida organizacional, aumentam seus ativos intangÃveis. Para comprovar o achado, foi aplicado o teste estatÃstico MANOVA, o qual confirmou a existÃncia de relaÃÃo entre o ciclo de vida organizacional de EBTIs e a sua estrutura de ativos intangÃveis. Posteriormente, para uma anÃlise mais detalhada dos dados, aplicou-se ANOVAs univariadas, a qual permitiu concluir que os ativos intangÃveis relacionados à estrutura interna à organizaÃÃo, quando analisados individualmente nÃo geram diferenÃas significativas entre os estÃgios do ciclo de vida das EBTIs. Do exposto, verifica-se o cumprimento ao objetivo geral desta dissertaÃÃo, uma vez que foi possÃvel concluir que a estrutura de ativos intangÃveis das EBTIs altera-se a medida que as organizaÃÃes progridem em seus estÃgios do ciclo de vida organizacional. / Based on the awareness that life-cycle models reveal how resources may be more efficiently used in different phases of incubated companies of technological basis (EBTIs), which are known as knowledge-based companies, and that for each stage there might be a necessity to use different resources, this study is inserted in the EBTI research area. In this perspective, the present dissertation aims at investigating the relation between the stages of organizational life cycle at EBTIs and the intangible asset structure of these companies. In order to reach that objective, this descriptive-exploratory research, with a quantitative approach on data, puts together companies linked to business incubators of technological basis in CearÃ, with a population of 64 companies and a sample of 41. Initially, the profile of sample EBTIs was defined. Then there was the identification of life cycle stages of the sample EBTIs, realized in a descriptive way, based on managersâ answers concerning the 11 aspects that make up the five constructs of Scott and Bruce (1987). It was possible to observe that two of the sample companies primarily fit into the initial stage, 19 companies into the survival stage, 14 companies into the growing stage, four companies into the expansion stage and, at last, two companies into the maturity stage. Later on, the intangible asset examination was realized, by means of Sveibyâs (1998) intangible asset monitor, which categorizes such assets by employeesâ competence, inner structure, and outer structure, which are evaluated by growth/renewal indexes, efficiency indexes and stability indexes with a variation between 18 and 90 points. In general, the results of this exam indicated that the average score reached by the EBTIswas 55,7. 17,3 points correspond to employee competence, 18,7 to inner structure, and 19,7 to outer structure. In order to reach the most important goal of this dissertation, there was subsequent descritive analysis on the relationship of variables, which has revealed the fact that as organizations progress in their organizational life-cycle, their intangible assets increase. In order to descriptively verify the validity of such discovery, the MANOVA statistical test was applied, which confirmed the existence of a relation betweenEBTIs organizational life cycles and their intangible asset structure. After wards, for a more detailed analysis of data, univaried ANOVAs, which together allowed for the conclusion that intangible assets related to organizational inner structure, when individually assessed, do not produce significant differences between the EBTIsâ life-cycle stages. Thus the general objective of this dissertation is reached in view of the fact that it was possible to conclude that the intangible asset structure of EBTIs changes as organizations proceed in their organizational life-cycle stages.
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Life history and environmental influences on avian incubation and parental care in songbirdsAustin-Bythell, Suzanne H. 13 March 2015 (has links)
Patterns of nest attendance behavior by breeding birds represent a parent-offspring
trade-off in which adults balance self-maintenance with parental care decisions.
Incubation, in particular, is of interest because adults must provide an environment
suitable for embryonic development through nest-building and contact-incubation.
We evaluated how adult incubation constancy and nest visitation rates varied with
life and natural history traits of temperate and tropical bird species. We found that
constancy did not differ by latitude or with nest survival rate. A strong negative
correlation between incubation constancy and egg mass relative to adult body mass
was present. Birds with low constancy tended to have larger relative egg masses
and higher basal metabolic rate. Because adult incubation constancy is relatively
plastic (i.e., varies with ambient temperature), birds with larger relative eggs may
respond to lower cooling rates rather than direct selection for higher or lower
constancy. We then assessed if rates of nest visitation (trips to nests by adults
during incubation and nestling phases) followed the predictions of the Skutch
hypothesis. Skutch suggested that birds nesting in environments with high levels
of nest predation would reduce numbers of trips to their nests so as to minimize the
risk of visual detection by nest predators. We found support for the basic pattern
predicted by Skutch. We also extended his hypothesis to predict other behavior
associated with nesting, such as responses of parents to intruders at the nest.
Despite apparently early departure from the nest site, adults with higher visitation
rates remained conspicuous around the nest site. Thus, while the flight initiation
distance from the human observer was earlier than expected, conspicuousness of
behavior was associated with nest visitation rate. Finally, we assessed how an
environmental variable, photoperiod, might influence rate of embryonic
development in a wild songbird, Sylvia atricapilla. We exposed eggs throughout
the incubation period to daily photoperiods consisting of 4 hours of light and 20
hours of dark (4L), 12 hours light and 12 hours dark (12L), 20 hours light and 4
hours dark (20L) and a skeleton photoperiod with two 1-hour pulses of light that
framed a 20-hour day. We found that the skeleton treatment group differed
significantly from our 4L and 12L, but not the 20L treatment groups. The skeleton
photoperiod accelerated embryonic development. We suggest that photoperiod
may influence incubation period in wild birds and could account for some portion
of the widely observed latitudinal variation in incubation period of songbirds. We
encourage others to assess how photoperiod interacts with parental attendance
patterns to affect embryonic development. / Graduation date: 2013 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from March 13, 2013 - March 13, 2015
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After the Tornado: An Exploration of Capacity and Vulnerability on Community Engagement in GoderichLaycock, Katherine 22 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of the multi-dimensional impact of disaster on community engagement with respect to capacity and vulnerability factors. The historic community of Goderich, Ontario, ravaged by an F3 tornado August 21, 2011, was the study population. A mixed-methods approach utilizing surveys, semi-structured interviews, and key informant interviews was employed in an effort to yield a more
confident set of data and help facilitate understanding. Testing results revealed that the community was very aware of its capacities and vulnerabilities and utilized the disaster situation to affect positive change in these conditions. However, disaster itself was only found to stimulate engagement patterns in its immediate aftermath. Therefore, while disaster does not adversely affect community engagement, it also does not encourage sustained engagement activity. It does, however, stimulate extended associations of connection to the community, which may hold the key to long-term engagement motivation.
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An analysis of the organisational configurations over the life cycle of the Sydney organising committee for the Olympic GamesMalfas, Maximos January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Studies on existing and new isolates of Cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus (CrleGV) on Thaumatotibia leucotreta populations from a range of geographic regions in South Africa / Studies on existing and new isolates of Cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus (CrieGV) on Thaumatotibia leucotreta populations from a range of geographic regions in South AfricaOpoku-Debrah, John Kwadwo January 2012 (has links)
Baculoviruses are arthropod-specific DNA viruses that are highly virulent to most lepidopteran insects. Their host specificity and compatibility with IPM programmes has enabled their usage as safe microbial insecticides (biopesticides). Two baculovirus-based biopesticides, Cryptogran and Cryptex, which have been formulated with Cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus (CrleGV) have been registered for the control of false codling moth (FCM), Thaumatotibia (=Cryptophlebia) leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in South Africa and have been successfully incorporated into IPM programmes. However, several studies have indicated that insects can develop resistance to baculovirus-based biopesticide as was shown with field populations of codling moth (CM), Cydia pomonella (L.), which developed resistance to the biopesticide Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV-M) in Europe. Other studies have shown that, under laboratory conditions, FCM populations differ in their susceptibility to Cryptogran and Cryptex. In order to investigate difference in susceptibility as well as protect against any future resistance by FCM to Cryptogran and Cryptex, a search for novel CrleGV-SA isolates from diseased insects from different geographic regions in South Africa was performed. Six geographic populations (Addo, Citrusdal, Marble Hall, Nelspruit, Baths and Mixed colonies) of FCM were established and maintained in the laboratory. Studies on the comparative biological performance based on pupal mass, female fecundity, egg hatch, pupal survival, adult eclosion and duration of life cycle of the Addo, Citrusdal, Marble Hall, Nelspruit and Mixed colonies revealed a low biological performance for the Citrusdal colony. This was attributed to the fact that FCM populations found in the Citrusdal area are not indigenous and may have been introduced from a very limited gene pool from another region. When insects from five colonies, excluding the Baths colony, were subjected to stress by overcrowding , a latent baculovirus resident in the Addo, Nelspruit, Citrusdal, Marble Hall and Mixed colonies was brought into an overt lethal state. Transmission electron micrographs revealed the presence of GV occlusion bodies (OBs) in diseased insects. DNA profiles obtained by single restriction endonuclease analysis of viral genomic DNA using BamH 1, Sa/1, Xba1 , Pst1, Xh01 , Kpn1, Hindlll and EcoR1 revealed five CrleGV-SA isolates latent within the insect populations. The new isolates were named CrleGV-SA Ado, CrleGV-SA Cit, CrleGV-SA Mbl, CrleGVSA Nels and CrleGV-SA Mix isolates. The novelty of the five CrleGV-SA isolates was confirmed by the presence of unique submolar bands, indicating that each isolate was genetically different. PCR amplification and sequencing of the granulin and egt genes from the five isolates revealed several single nucleotide polymorph isms (SNPs) which, in some cases, resulted in amino acid substitutions. DNA profiles from RFLPs, as well as phylogenetic analysis based on granulin and egt sequencing showed the presence of two CrleGV-SA genome types for the CrleGV-SA isolate. Cryptex and CrleGV-SA Ado, CrleGV-SA Cit, CrleGV-SA Mbl and CrleGV-SA Mix were placed as members of Group one CrleGV-SA, and Cryptogran and CrleGV-SA Nels isolate were placed into Group two CrleGV-SA. In droplet feeding bioassays, the median survival time (STso) for neonate larvae inoculated with Group one and two CrleGV-SA were determined to range from 80 - 88 hours (3.33 - 3.67 days), for all five colonies. LDso values for Group one and two CrleGV-SA against neonates from the Addo, Citrusdal, Marble Hall, Nelspruit and Mixed colonies varied between some populations and ranged from 0.80 - 3.12 OBs per larva, indicating some level of variation in host susceptibility. This is the first study reporting the existence of genetically distinct CrleGV baculovirus isolates infecting FCM in different geographical areas of South Africa. The results of this study have broad-ranging implications for our understanding of baculovirus-host interactions and for the application of baculovirus basedbiopesticides.
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