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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo das propriedades ópticas não-lineares de semicondutores através da formatação de pulsos / Study of nonlinear optical properties of semiconductors via pulse shaping

Martins, Renato Juliano 14 March 2017 (has links)
Técnicas de formatação de pulsos permitem o controle das propriedades espectrais e temporais de um feixe laser criando novas possibilidades de estudo da interação luz-matéria. Neste trabalho estudamos as propriedades ópticas não-lineares via formatação de pulsos ultracurtos de três semicondutores: Óxido de Zinco, Silício e Nitreto de Gálio; em três abordagens diferentes. Discutimos também as consequências da distorção de fase em processos não lineares devido à natureza discreta do dispositivo modulador. Primeiramente, investigamos a otimização da emissão excitônica em um cristal de Óxido de Zinco através de uma técnica de otimização que utiliza algoritmo genético, observamos que a fase espectral que otimiza o processo cria um perfil temporal do pulso que indica um acoplamento do tipo éxciton-fônon no cristal. Estudamos ainda o efeito da aplicação de uma máscara de fase senoidal, criando um trem de pulsos, no processo de formação de estruturações superficiais periódicas induzidas a laser no Silício - o fator de eficácia das estruturações foi controlado através dos tempos de separação entre os sub-pulsos, resultado que pôde ser interpretado usando a teoria de Sipe-Drude. Por fim, estudamos a influência da formatação de pulsos em processos de absorção multi-fotônicos em um filme fino de GaN onde verificamos, inicialmente, que o material apresenta um coeficiente de absorção não-linear atípico. Modelamos este comportamento usando equações de taxa e investigamos sua modificação aplicando uma fase quadrática. / Pulse shaping techniques allows the control of spectral and temporal properties of a laser beam, creating new possibilities for the study of the light-matter interaction. In this work we study the nonlinear optical properties, via ultrashort pulses, of three semiconductors; Zinc Oxide, Silicon and Gallium Nitride in three different approaches. We also discuss the consequences of phase distortion in nonlinear processes due to the discrete nature of the light modulator device. Initially, we investigated the optimization of exciton emission in a zinc oxide crystal through using a genetic algorithm; we observed that the spectral phase that optimizes the process creates a temporal pulse profile that indicates an exciton-phonon coupling in the crystal. We also studied the effect of the application of a sinusoidal phase mask, creating a pulse train, in the process of laser induced periodic surface structures in Silicon; the efficacy factor of the produced structures was controlled through the separation time between the sub-pulses and interpreted using the Sipe-Drude theory. Finally, we study the influence of pulse shaping on multi-photon absorption processes in a thin film of GaN; we found, initially, that the material exhibits an atypical nonlinear absorption coefficient. We model this behavior using rate equations and investigate its modification by applying a quadratic phase.

Oscilador paramétrico ótico baseado em mistura de quatro ondas em vapor de rubídio / OPTICAL PARAMETRIC OSCILLATOR BASED ON FOUR-WAVE MIXING IN RUBIDIUM VAPOUR

Guerrero, Alvaro Montaña 04 December 2017 (has links)
No presente trabalho, descrevemos a construção de um oscilador paramétrico ótico (OPO) com meio atômico de ganho de susceptibilidade X(3) , e a caracterização de seu limiar de oscilação. O processo base para a construção deste OPO é a Mistura de Quatro Ondas (4WM), que acontece em meios não lineares tipo X(3) , como é o caso dos isótopos de 85 Rb e 87 Rb. Realizou-se uma revisão da teoria atômica do rubídio, do 4WM e da teoria clássica do OPO. Obtivemos e caracterizamos o processo de 4WM em função de três parâmetros experimentais: a dessintonia do feixe de bombeio em relação ao pico do crossover da transição 5S 1/2 (F = 2)-> 5P 1/2 (F \' ) do 85 Rb na linha D 1 , da potência do bombeio e da temperatura da célula de rubídio. Encontrou-se uma ótima região de frequências em torno a Delta = 0.77GHz para a construção do OPO com os átomos de rubídio como meio não linear. Nesta região obteve-se uma amplificação máxima de 450% para o feixe de prova com absorção nula e uma intensidade do conjugado alta, para o feixe de prova com frequência Delta= w+ 3GHz (anti-Stokes). A elevada amplificação observada permite, em princípio, um limiar de oscilação menos abrupto: o surgimento de oscilação aparece de forma menos sensível a variações da potência de bombeio. Com efeito, para a dessintonia Delta = 0.38GHz o limiar é suave. A caracterização do 4WM e do limiar de oscilação do OPO é importante para a possível geração de estados não gaussianos. Um limiar suave permite, em princípio, operação e estudo muito próximo do limiar, região em que há previsões indicando a geração de estados não gaussianos que são relevantes para aplicações em informação quântica. / In the present work, we describe the construction of a optical parametric oscillator (OPO) with atomic gain medium with susceptibility X(3) and the caracterization of the oscilation threshold. The basic process for the construction of this OPO is the Four Wave Mixing (4WM), a process that takes place in nonlinear media type X (3) , as is the case of the isotopes of 85 Rb and 87 Rb. A review of the atomic theory of rubidium, 4WM and the classical theory of the OPO was carried out. The 4WM process was obtained and characterized as a function of three experimental parameters: the pump beam detunning with respect to the transition crossover peak 5S 1/2 (F = 2) ->5P 1/2 (F \' ) of 85 Rb D1 line, the pumping power and the temperature of the rubidium cell. A good region of frequencies around Delta= 0.77GHz was found for the construction of the OPO with the rubidium atoms as a non-linear medium. In this region, it was obtained a maximum amplification of 450% for the prove beam with zero absorption and a high intensity for the conjugate beam with frequency Delta= w+ 3GHz (anti-Stokes). The high observed amplification allows, in principle, an oscillation threshold less abrupt: the oscillation appears in a less sensitive way with variations in pumping power. In fact, for the detunning Delta= 0.38GHz the threshold is smooth. The characterization of the 4WM and oscillation threshold of the OPO is important for the possible generation of non-Gaussian states. A smooth threshold allows, in principle, operation and study very close to this region, where there is predictions indicating the generation of non-Gaussian states that are relevant for applications in quantum information.

Quantum gases in box potentials : sound and light in bosonic Flatland / Fluides quantiques dans des boîtes : son et lumière dans un gaz de Bose bidimensionnel

Ville, Jean-Loup 13 April 2018 (has links)
Les atomes ultrafroids constituent depuis une vingtaine d’années un domaine fructueux pour l’étude de la physique à N corps. Cependant l’inhomogénéité des nuages atomiques, induite par les méthodes de piégeage utilisées habituellement, constitue une limite pour les études portant sur de grandes échelles de longueur. Nous reportons ici la mise en place d’un nouveau dispositif expérimental, combinant un potentiel modulable à bords raides et fond plat dans le plan atomique, avec un confinement versatile dans la troisième direction. Nous nous intéressons à différentes excitations du système, premièrement des degrés de liberté internes des atomes via leur interaction avec la lumière, puis deuxièmement de leur mouvement collectif avec la propagation de phonons. La répartition des atomes dans un plan est particulièrement adaptée aux études de diffusion de la lumière. Elle permet en effet de sonder de fortes densités atomiques, entraînant de fortes interactions dipôle-dipôle induites, tout en gardant un signal transmis suffisant pour effectuer des mesures. Nous avons mesuré la déviation au comportement d’un atome isolé pour de la lumière proche de résonance lorsque la densité atomique est modifiée. Nous avons également étudié la diffusion de photons dans un disque d’atomes en injectant de la lumière seulement au centre du disque. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés aux excitations collectives du gaz. Nous avons mesuré la vitesse du son dans le milieu, qui est liée à la fraction superfluide du système, et comparé nos résultats aux prédictions d’un modèle hydrodynamique à deux fluides. En utilisant une géométrie adaptée, nous avons en outre étudié la dynamique de retour à l’équilibre d’un système isolé, en imageant la phase du condensat de Bose-Einstein résultant de la fusion de jusqu’à douze condensats. / Ultracold atoms have proven to be a powerful platform for studying many-body physics. However the inhomegeneity of atomic clouds induced by potentials commonly used to trap the atoms constitutes a limitation for studies probing large length scales. Here we present the implementation of a new versatile setup to study two-dimensional Bose gases, combining a tunable in-plane box potential with a strong and efficient confinement along the third direction. We study different excitations of the system, either of internal degrees of freedom of the atoms with light scattering, or of their collective motion with phonon propagation. The slab geometry is particularly well suited for light scattering studies. It allows one to probe high atomic densities, leading to strong induced dipole-dipole interactions, while keeping a good enough light transmission for measurements. We monitor the deviation from the single atom behavior for near resonant light by varying the atomic density. We additionally monitor the spreading of photons inside the slab by injecting light only at the center of a disk of atoms. We also investigate collective excitations of the atomic gas. We measure the speed of sound which is linked to the superfluid density of the cloud and compare our results to a two-fluid hydrodynamic model predictions. Using a relevant geometry, we additionally study how an isolated system goes back to equilibrium. This is done by imaging the phase of the resulting Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) after merging up to twelve BECs.

Interaction d'un rayonnement X-XUV intense avec la matière : cinétique atomique associée / Interaction of an intense X/XUV-ray with matter : associated atomic physics

Deschaud, Basil 21 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse suit l'apparition récente de ces nouvelles sources intenses et courtes de rayonnement dans la gamme X/XUV que sont les lasers X/XUV à électrons libres (XFEL). Contrairement aux sources optiques qui déposent principalement leur énergie via les électrons libres, les photons X/XUV déposent leur énergie dans la matière par la photoionisation de couches internes avec éjection de photo-électrons, suivie par l'éjection d'électrons Auger et d'électrons de recombinaison à trois corps dans la distribution d'électrons libres. Le chauffage se fait donc par l'intermédiaire de la structure atomique. La forte intensité des XFELs permet de faire jusqu'à un trou par atome dans un solide produisant ainsi, sur une échelle femtoseconde, un état exotique fortement hors-équilibre appelé solide creux. Cet état exotique instable se désexcite via un ensemble de processus atomiques élémentaires. Nous nous sommes intéressés dans cette thèse au développement d'outils permettant de calculer la cinétique des populations atomiques, couplée à la cinétique des électrons libres, pendant la transition à densité ionique constante, de solide à plasma dense en passant par l'état de solide creux, induit par le rayonnement XFEL irradiant une cible solide. Tout le défi ici a été de calculer cette cinétique couplée hors-équilibre entre ces états de la matière de nature très différente. Pour répondre a ce défi nous avons développé deux modèles cinétiques d'interaction XFELsolide, pour lesquels la description d'un solide comme un plasma froid dégénéré nous a permis d'utiliser une même approche plasma pendant l'ensemble de la transition du solide au plasma. L'ensemble de la physique atomique HETL d'intérêt ayant lieu à densité du solide, bien avant la détente de la matière, nous avons développé deux codes associés à ces modèles pour une utilisation à densité ionique constante. Pour aborder l'étude nous nous sommes d'abord concentrés sur la cinétique des électrons liés en supposant une distribution d'électrons libres à l'équilibre (ce qui suppose une thermalisation instantanée des électrons libres). Dans le cadre de l'approche de plasma dense étendue jusqu'au solide, nous avons développé un modèle collisionnel-radiatif généralisé. Cette généralisation passe par l'identification d'un lien entre état solide et plasma au niveau des processus atomiques élémentaires. Le code développé à partir de ce modèle nous a permis d'étudier des résultats expérimentaux et ainsi d'améliorer notre description des effets de densités dans les plasmas denses. Dans une seconde partie nous avons ajouté à l'étude la cinétique des électrons libres en considérant une distribution d'électrons libres hors-équilibre. Le code associé, basé sur la discrétisation de cette distribution et son couplage avec les états liés, nous a permis d'étudier le rôle des processus atomiques élémentaires dans la thermalisation de la distribution d'électrons libres. / This work follows the recent development of the free electron lasers in the X-ray and XUV-ray range (XFEL). Unlike optical sources that deposit their energy via the free electrons, the X/XUV photons deposit their energy directly via photoionization of inner shell electrons with the ejection of photo-electrons, followed by the ejection of Auger electrons and three body recombination electrons in the free electron distribution. The matter is thus heated via the atomic structure. The high XFEL intensity allows one to make up to one hole per atom in a solid, thus producing, on a femtosecond time scale, an exotic state, highly out of equilibrium, called hollow cristal. This unstable exotic state deexcite via a set of elementary atomic processes. In this work we were interested in the development of tools to calculate the atomic population kinetics, coupled to the free electron kinetics, during the transition at constant ionic density, from solid to dense plasma, induced by an XFEL irradiating a solid target. The goal here was to calculate this out of equilibrium coupled kinetics between states of matter having a very different nature. To address this problem we have developed two kinetics models of XFEL interaction with solids. In both these models the description of the solid as a cold degenerated plasma allowed us to use the same plasma approach during all the solid-plasma transition. Considering the fact that all the atomic physics takes place at solid density, way before the matter relaxation, we have developed two codes, associated with these two models, for a use at constant ionic density. To approach this study, we first focused on the bound electron kinetics assuming a free electron distribution at equilibrium (i.e. hypothesis of instantaneous thermalization of the free electrons). In the framework of the dense plasma approach extended up to the solid state, we have developed a generalized collisional radiative model. This generalization goes through the identification of a link between the solid state and the plasma state for the elementary atomic processes. The code associated with this model allowed us to study experimental results and to improve our description of the density effects in dense plasmas. In a second part the free electron kinetics is included in the model with a free electron distribution out of thermodynamic equilibrium. The associated code, based on the discretization of this distribution and its coupling with bound atomic states allowed us to study the role of the atomic elementary processes in the free electron distribution thermalization.

Oscilador paramétrico ótico baseado em mistura de quatro ondas em vapor de rubídio / OPTICAL PARAMETRIC OSCILLATOR BASED ON FOUR-WAVE MIXING IN RUBIDIUM VAPOUR

Alvaro Montaña Guerrero 04 December 2017 (has links)
No presente trabalho, descrevemos a construção de um oscilador paramétrico ótico (OPO) com meio atômico de ganho de susceptibilidade X(3) , e a caracterização de seu limiar de oscilação. O processo base para a construção deste OPO é a Mistura de Quatro Ondas (4WM), que acontece em meios não lineares tipo X(3) , como é o caso dos isótopos de 85 Rb e 87 Rb. Realizou-se uma revisão da teoria atômica do rubídio, do 4WM e da teoria clássica do OPO. Obtivemos e caracterizamos o processo de 4WM em função de três parâmetros experimentais: a dessintonia do feixe de bombeio em relação ao pico do crossover da transição 5S 1/2 (F = 2)-> 5P 1/2 (F \' ) do 85 Rb na linha D 1 , da potência do bombeio e da temperatura da célula de rubídio. Encontrou-se uma ótima região de frequências em torno a Delta = 0.77GHz para a construção do OPO com os átomos de rubídio como meio não linear. Nesta região obteve-se uma amplificação máxima de 450% para o feixe de prova com absorção nula e uma intensidade do conjugado alta, para o feixe de prova com frequência Delta= w+ 3GHz (anti-Stokes). A elevada amplificação observada permite, em princípio, um limiar de oscilação menos abrupto: o surgimento de oscilação aparece de forma menos sensível a variações da potência de bombeio. Com efeito, para a dessintonia Delta = 0.38GHz o limiar é suave. A caracterização do 4WM e do limiar de oscilação do OPO é importante para a possível geração de estados não gaussianos. Um limiar suave permite, em princípio, operação e estudo muito próximo do limiar, região em que há previsões indicando a geração de estados não gaussianos que são relevantes para aplicações em informação quântica. / In the present work, we describe the construction of a optical parametric oscillator (OPO) with atomic gain medium with susceptibility X(3) and the caracterization of the oscilation threshold. The basic process for the construction of this OPO is the Four Wave Mixing (4WM), a process that takes place in nonlinear media type X (3) , as is the case of the isotopes of 85 Rb and 87 Rb. A review of the atomic theory of rubidium, 4WM and the classical theory of the OPO was carried out. The 4WM process was obtained and characterized as a function of three experimental parameters: the pump beam detunning with respect to the transition crossover peak 5S 1/2 (F = 2) ->5P 1/2 (F \' ) of 85 Rb D1 line, the pumping power and the temperature of the rubidium cell. A good region of frequencies around Delta= 0.77GHz was found for the construction of the OPO with the rubidium atoms as a non-linear medium. In this region, it was obtained a maximum amplification of 450% for the prove beam with zero absorption and a high intensity for the conjugate beam with frequency Delta= w+ 3GHz (anti-Stokes). The high observed amplification allows, in principle, an oscillation threshold less abrupt: the oscillation appears in a less sensitive way with variations in pumping power. In fact, for the detunning Delta= 0.38GHz the threshold is smooth. The characterization of the 4WM and oscillation threshold of the OPO is important for the possible generation of non-Gaussian states. A smooth threshold allows, in principle, operation and study very close to this region, where there is predictions indicating the generation of non-Gaussian states that are relevant for applications in quantum information.

Estudo das propriedades ópticas não-lineares de semicondutores através da formatação de pulsos / Study of nonlinear optical properties of semiconductors via pulse shaping

Renato Juliano Martins 14 March 2017 (has links)
Técnicas de formatação de pulsos permitem o controle das propriedades espectrais e temporais de um feixe laser criando novas possibilidades de estudo da interação luz-matéria. Neste trabalho estudamos as propriedades ópticas não-lineares via formatação de pulsos ultracurtos de três semicondutores: Óxido de Zinco, Silício e Nitreto de Gálio; em três abordagens diferentes. Discutimos também as consequências da distorção de fase em processos não lineares devido à natureza discreta do dispositivo modulador. Primeiramente, investigamos a otimização da emissão excitônica em um cristal de Óxido de Zinco através de uma técnica de otimização que utiliza algoritmo genético, observamos que a fase espectral que otimiza o processo cria um perfil temporal do pulso que indica um acoplamento do tipo éxciton-fônon no cristal. Estudamos ainda o efeito da aplicação de uma máscara de fase senoidal, criando um trem de pulsos, no processo de formação de estruturações superficiais periódicas induzidas a laser no Silício - o fator de eficácia das estruturações foi controlado através dos tempos de separação entre os sub-pulsos, resultado que pôde ser interpretado usando a teoria de Sipe-Drude. Por fim, estudamos a influência da formatação de pulsos em processos de absorção multi-fotônicos em um filme fino de GaN onde verificamos, inicialmente, que o material apresenta um coeficiente de absorção não-linear atípico. Modelamos este comportamento usando equações de taxa e investigamos sua modificação aplicando uma fase quadrática. / Pulse shaping techniques allows the control of spectral and temporal properties of a laser beam, creating new possibilities for the study of the light-matter interaction. In this work we study the nonlinear optical properties, via ultrashort pulses, of three semiconductors; Zinc Oxide, Silicon and Gallium Nitride in three different approaches. We also discuss the consequences of phase distortion in nonlinear processes due to the discrete nature of the light modulator device. Initially, we investigated the optimization of exciton emission in a zinc oxide crystal through using a genetic algorithm; we observed that the spectral phase that optimizes the process creates a temporal pulse profile that indicates an exciton-phonon coupling in the crystal. We also studied the effect of the application of a sinusoidal phase mask, creating a pulse train, in the process of laser induced periodic surface structures in Silicon; the efficacy factor of the produced structures was controlled through the separation time between the sub-pulses and interpreted using the Sipe-Drude theory. Finally, we study the influence of pulse shaping on multi-photon absorption processes in a thin film of GaN; we found, initially, that the material exhibits an atypical nonlinear absorption coefficient. We model this behavior using rate equations and investigate its modification by applying a quadratic phase.

Control of passive and active open random media : theoretical and experimental investigations / Contrôle des milieux aléatoires ouverts passifs et actifs : études théoriques et expérimentales

Bachelard, Nicolas 15 July 2014 (has links)
La propagation de la lumière dans un milieu matériel est décrite par des états propres de vibration, communément appelés modes, qui caractérisent l'interaction lumière-matière. Dans le cas particulier des milieux aléatoires, en fonction de l'importance du désordre, ces modes peuvent être soit étendus à tout le système ou alors spatialement localisés. Ce confinement par le désordre est appelé localisation d'Anderson. Dans une première partie, nous introduisons les notions de base utilisées dans ce manuscrit. L'interaction lumière-matière requière une description semi-classique : le champ électromagnétique est décrit par les équations de Maxwell, tandis que la nature quantique de la matière est considérée. Les milieux étudiés dans cette thèse sont ouverts. La description des modes dans de tels systèmes nécessite une approche analytique différente de celle utilisée dans les milieux fermés. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous intéressons aux modes localisés dans des milieux ouverts et passifs. Au sein de tels systèmes, une modification du désordre affecte les modes. Il est ainsi possible de les faire interagir et de manipuler les propriétés du champ électrique. Par ailleurs, en plaçant un émetteur au sein d'un mode localisé, il est également possible d'atteindre des régimes de forte interaction lumière-matière. Dans une troisième partie, les milieux aléatoires actifs (ou lasers aléatoires) sont introduits. En partant de réalisations expérimentales, les principales propriétés de ces lasers sont étudiées. L'utilisation de la notion de mode permet de décrire les mécanismes complexes sur lesquels reposent ces systèmes.Enfin, nous démontrons à la fois expérimentalement et numériquement qu'une excitation non-uniforme des lasers aléatoires peut permettre de contrôler leurs propriétés. En particulier, un laser aléatoire ayant une émission multimode pour un pompage uniforme peut émettre une lumière monomode pour une excitation adaptée. / Light propagation in matter is described by vibration eigenstates, called modes, which characterize the light-matter interaction. In the specific case of random media, according to the strength of the disorder, the modes can be either extended over the whole system or spatially localized. This disorder-based confinement is called Anderson's localization. In the first part, we introduce basic notions used along this manuscript. In particular the light-matter interaction requires a semiclassical approach: The electromagnetic field is described by Maxwell's equations while the quantum nature of matter must be considered. In this thesis open media are studied. In such systems the modal description requires a specific analytic treatment different from closed problems. In the second part, we focus on Anderson-localized modes in open passive random media. In such systems any change of the disorder induces modifications of modes. Therefore, it enables the control over the light properties. Moreover, when inserting an emitter inside an Anderson-localized mode, strong light-matter interaction regimes can be reached. In the third part, active random media, commonly called random lasers, are introduced. Using our experimental achievements, characteristics of random lasers are presented. The notion of mode enables us to describe complex mechanisms involved in the lasing emission. Last, we demonstrate both experimentally and numerically that a non-uniform excitation of random lasers can lead to a control of the properties of the emission. In particular a multimode spectrum for a uniform pumping can be turned into single-mode by using an adapted pumping.

Processeurs atomiques utilisant la propriété de creusement spectral : modélisation et application à l’analyse spectrale radiofréquence large bande sur porteuse optique / Atomic processors based on Spectral Hole Burning : modelling and application to wideband radiofrequency spectrum analysis on an optical carrier

Attal, Yoann 12 July 2017 (has links)
La propriété de creusement spectral, que l’on retrouve dans certains cristaux dopés aux ions de terres rares refroidis à basse température offre des possibilités prometteuses pour le traitement analogique de signaux radiofréquence. En effet, celle-ci permet de programmer des fonctions de traitement dans le spectre d’absorption du cristal.Partant des premières démonstrations de principe d’un analyseur spectral radiofréquence large bande instantanée, l’objectif est d’en améliorer les performances, ce qui requiert une modélisation précise de l’interaction laser-matière et de l’ensemble des perturbations inhérentes à la montée en maturité technologique du dispositif. Nous avons par conséquent développé un modèle et cherché à étendre son domaine de validité pour qu’il s’applique à un maximum de protocoles.Nous l’avons ensuite appliqué à un matériau en particulier, à savoir un cristal de Tm³ ⁺ :YAG. Après avoir effectué une série de mesures des différentes caractéristiques intrinsèques à ce cristal, nous avons choisi un protocole d’application relativement proche de celui de l’analyseur spectral que nous cherchons à optimiser, à savoir la création de réseaux spectraux large bande. La comparaison des résultats expérimentaux à ceux de notre modèle nous a permis de démontrer sa validité.Nous avons finalement appliqué notre modèle au cas précis de l’analyseur spectral radiofréquence. Les simulations nous ont permis de déterminer théoriquement comment optimiser ses performances, en particulier la dynamique, avec des paramètres réalistes, atteignables expérimentalement. / The Spectral Hole Burning property, found in some rare-earth ion-doped crystals at low temperature is particularly relevant for analogic processing of radiofrequency signals. Indeed, it enables processing functions to be programmed in the crystal’s absorption spectrum.Starting with the first demonstrations of a wideband radiofrequency spectrum analyser, we aim at improving its performances, which requires an accurate modelling of the light-matter interaction and all the perturbations arising from the upgrade in TRL (Technology Readiness Level). Therefore, we have developed a model and extended its validity domain to a broad variety of SHB-based protocols.We applied this model on a particular material, namely a Tm³ ⁺:YAG crystal. After measuring experimentally the relevant intrinsic parameters of this crystal, we applied our model to a protocol which is quite similar to the one of the spectrum analyser we aim at optimizing, namely the engraving of wideband spectral gratings. The comparison of our experimental results to the simulations from our model proved its validity.Finally we applied it to the exact case of the radiofrequency spectrum analyser. With the simulations, we determined how to improve its performances, and particularly increase the dynamic range with realistic experimental parameters.

High Harmonic Generation in a Kronig-Penney Model Solid

Thorpe, Adam 16 December 2020 (has links)
In 2010 high harmonic generation (HHG) in solids was first observed where high order harmonics of a strong laser field's frequency were observed. HHG in solids is now a rapidly developing field that allows for exciting applications like fully solid state attosecond XUV sources and new ultrafast resolution imaging techniques for quantum dynamics in solids. HHG in solids has been explained by two mechanisms: an interband mechanism, due to polarization associated with separate energy bands, and an intraband mechanism that results from nonlinearities and population changes associated with each individual band. While interband HHG has been seen in wide bandwidth semiconductors, intraband HHG has been observed in narrow bandwidth dielectrics. There has not yet been an explanation of the alternation of mechanisms with material differences. The main goal of this thesis is to attempt to provide a better understanding of the most important mechanisms and where they prevail. Although numerical modelling of HHG requires consideration of multiple energy bands, a two-band model consisting only of a valence band and a single conduction band can explain the most important mechanisms. This model requires a given material's band gap between its valence and conduction bands as well as dipole matrix elements between the bands. In this thesis we follow the Kronig-Penney model to develop a 1D delta-function potential model of solids to obtain these properties required of the two-band model. We implement this in a Wannier quasi-classical (WQC) model of interband HHG in semiconductors that explains the dominant dynamics leading to such through quasi-classical real space electron-hole pair trajectories. Although HHG in solids can be explained to be the result of a resonant process in which an electron-hole pair is generated in the first step, there are also virtual transition processes that lack consideration. These processes do not conserve energy and correspond to transitions to conduction bands resulting from field induced distortions of the ground state. We use methodology introduced by Keldysh for optical field ionization of atoms and solids along with the 1D delta-function potential model to quantify how both resonant and virtual transitions lead to HHG in solids for wide and low bandwidth solids.

Perforated Hollow Core Waveguides for Alkali Vapor-cells and Slow Light Devices

Giraud Carrier, Matthieu C 01 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The focus of this work is the integration of alkali vapor atomic vapor cells into common silicon wafer microfabrication processes. Such integrated platforms enable the study of quantum coherence effects such as electromagnetically induced transparency, which can in turn be used to demonstrate slow light. Slow and stopped light devices have applications in the optical communications and quantum computing fields. This project uses hollow core anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguides (ARROWs) to build such slow light devices. An explanation of light-matter interactions and the physics of slow light is first provided, as well as a detailed overview of the fabrication process. Following the discovery of a vapor transport issue, a custom capillary-based testing platform is developed to quantify the effect of confinement, temperature, and wall coatings on rubidium transport. A mathematical model is derived from the experimental results and predicts long transport times. A new design methodology is presented that addresses the transport problem by increasing the number of rubidium entry points. This design also improves chip durability and decreases environmental susceptibility through the use of a single copper reservoir and buried channel waveguides (BCWs). New chips are successfully fabricated, loaded, and monitored for rubidium spectra. Absorption is observed in several chips and absorption peaks depths in excess of 10% are reported. The chip lifetime remains comparable to previous designs. This new design can be expanded to a multi-core platform suitable for slow and stopped light experimentation.

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