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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os fios de Ariadne: um estudo sobre retratos e valores linguísticos no contexto do refúgio / The wires of Ariande: a study of portraits and linguistic values in the context of the refuge

Kuhlmann, Mariana Corallo Mello de Azevedo 20 August 2018 (has links)
A epígrafe escolhida para inaugurar a presente dissertação de mestrado ilustra a experiência de ultrapassar barreiras socioculturais e transpor fronteiras no contexto do refúgio. O sujeito que se encontra refugiado é importante enfatizar que o refúgio é uma condição e não um estado inerente ao sujeito é desafiado a transpor obstáculos que não se limitam apenas a cruzar fronteiras e enfrentar o complexo aparato burocrático que antecede a outorga da solicitação de refúgio. Apenas para citar algumas, as barreiras são linguísticas, culturais, sociais e religiosas. Na busca pela efetiva integração, se faz necessário tornar essas barreiras, terra plana. O título do estudo que se apresenta é inspirado no mito de Ariadne: Teseu, por quem ela era apaixonada, é encarregado de executar o Minotauro, um terrível monstro que habitava um labirinto. Receosa de que Teseu nunca mais retornasse Ariadne lhe presenteia com um fio e com a recomendação de que ele desenrole o carretel enquanto estiver circulando pelo labirinto. Desse modo, Teseu poderia circular pelo labirinto sem se perder. Supomos que a labiríntica experiência do refúgio e da assimilação cultural deixa o sujeito em uma situação de humilhação social. Tal situação pode forçá-lo a se desfazer de sua língua materna, seus fios de Ariadne. Isso não necessariamente ocorrerá, uma vez que a língua materna consiste em uma orientação fundamental do sujeito. Assim, o refúgio desencadeia um processo psicossocial que abala as atitudes linguísticas do sujeito, sendo estas compostas, segundo Lambert e Lambert (1968) por: crenças (componente cognoscitivo), valoração (componente afetivo) e conduta (componente conativo). Para averiguar o impacto causado pela experiência do refúgio nos valores atribuídos às línguas que compõem a realidade linguística do sujeito empregaremos o Princípio da Valoração proposto por Damásio (2011) como principal fundamento teórico. Nossa conduta metodológica empregará os Retratos Linguísticos de Krumm (2003; 2010), um dos chamados métodos visuais empregados recentemente nos estudos linguísticos, para enfocar as relações psicoafetivas que o sujeito, na condição de refugiado, estabelece com a sua língua materna e com a língua estrangeira. Consideramos que tanto a discussão quanto a análise propostas consistem em um estudo experimental que se buscará investigar em que medida é possível conciliar métodos visuais e questões linguísticas com vistas a atingir uma maior compreensão sobre a configuração da condição de sujeitos multilíngues que se encontram socialmente vulneráveis. / The title chosen to inaugurate this master\'s thesis illustrates the experience of overcoming sociocultural barriers and crossing borders in the context of the refuge. The refugee - it is important to emphasize that the refuge is a condition and not an inherent condition of the subject - is challenged to overcome obstacles that are not limited to crossing borders and facing the complex bureaucratic apparatus that precedes the granting of the request refuge. Just to name a few, the barriers are linguistic, cultural, social and religious. In the search for effective integration, it becomes necessary to make these barriers, flat land. The title of the study that is presented is inspired by the myth of Ariadne: Theseus, for whom she was in love, is in charge to execute the Minotaur, a terrible monster that inhabited a labyrinth. Afraid that Theseus would never return Ariadne gave him a thread with the recommendation that he unwind the reel while he was circling the labyrinth. In this way, Theseus could circulate through the labyrinth without getting lost. We assume that the labyrinthine experience of refuge and cultural assimilation leaves the subject in a situation of social humiliation. Such a situation may force him to discard his mother tongue, his Ariadne threads. This will not necessarily occur, since the mother tongue consists of a fundamental orientation of the subject. Thus, the refuge triggers a psychosocial process that shakes the subject\'s linguistic attitudes, and these are composed, according to Lambert and Lambert (1968) by: beliefs (cognitive component), valuation (affective component) and conduct (conative component). In order to ascertain the impact of the experience of refuge on the values assigned to the languages that make up the linguistic reality of the subject, we will use the Principle of Valuation proposed by Damásio (2011) as the main theoretical foundation. Our methodological approach will use the Krumm Language Portraits (2003; 2010), one of the so-called \"visual methods\" recently employed in linguistic studies, to focus on the psycho-affective relationships that the subject establishes with his mother tongue and with the foreign language. We consider that both the discussion and the analysis proposed are an experimental study that will seek to investigate the extent to which it is possible to reconcile visual methods and linguistic issues in order to reach a greater understanding of the configuration of the condition of multilingual subjects who are socially vulnerable.

The Perceived Utility of English : Conceptions of the English Language in Students in Sweden’s Language Introduction Program

Cumléus, Anton January 2021 (has links)
The Language Introduction Program (Swe. Språkintroduktionsprogrammet) is a preparatory education intended for immigrant students to acquire a minimum grade of grade-school level knowledge of several different subjects. The most important subject measured both by the time allocated to it, and as manifested in educational and political discourse, is Swedish. The English language is commonly afforded high status on the linguistic market in Sweden. However, students within the language introduction program stem from all linguistic backgrounds whereas some students occasionally speak L1 or L2 English prior to arriving in Sweden. This study examines how students within the language introduction program perceive and values English in a setting where Swedish is (1) mandated for continuation on to the national education programs and (2) discursively positioned within and outside of the program as the key to successful integration. The study aims to answer how and what conceptions of English as a phenomenon are narratively constructed in this ideological site i.e. the school, and what authorities on implicit and overt language ideology are addressed. The study analyses the narratives of three students enrolled on the Language Introduction Program. To do this, the study uses a mix of a language portrait and an interview. The results show that English has a strong status in regards to practical utility, but English is not equally regarded in terms of community and social togetherness. In this, the Language Introduction Program is a strong ideological site and ideological modifier.

Framtiden för meänkieli : Språklig identitet hos tornedalska elever i årskurs 4 / The future for meänkieli : Linguistic identity of Swedish Tornedalian pupils in grade 4

Viitala, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv i sin undersökning om tornedalska elevers språkliga identitet och relation till meänkieli. Studien utfördes genom triangulering som bestod av visuella språkliga porträtt, gruppintervjuer och fältanteckningar i tre fjärdeklasser i två olika tornedalska skolor. Metoden visuella språkliga porträtt, även kallad språkporträtt, är en unik metod som inte använts i tidigare svensk forskning om minoritetsspråk. Den kreativa process som arbetet med språkporträtt innebär för eleverna hjälper eleverna att utveckla sina tankar om språk och identitet. Tillsammans med gruppintervjuer och fältanteckningar ger denna studie ett slutresultat med hög reliabilitet och validitet. I studien synliggörs även vilka luckor det finns kring beskrivningen av tornedalingarnas historia. Resultatet av denna studie sammanfattar att meänkieli fortsättningsvis är en betydelsefull del av tornedalska elevers språkliga identitet. Åtta av 20 elever vill lära sig mer meänkieli då språket är en essentiell del av elevernas kultur och identitet. Detta är ett viktigt resultat för att ge ny glöd och motivering till att revitaliserings-arbetet av meänkieli ska fortgå. Vidare visar resultatet av denna studie att dialekter har en stor betydelse för elevers språkliga identitet. Eleverna beskriver sitt muntliga språkbruk i form av olika svenska dialekter. Tornedalska elever är inte representerade i aktuell forskning och denna studie bidrar med en viktig röst till samtalet om hur språk, kultur och identitet är faktorer som inte går att skilja åt. På så vis innebär en framtid för meänkieli även en framtid för den tornedalska kulturen och identiteten. / This study is based on a socio-cultural perspective and aims to examine Swedish Tornedalian pupils´ linguistic identity and relationship to meänkieli. The study was performed by triangulation which consisted of visual linguistic portraits, group interviews and field notes in three classes in fourth year in two different schools in Swedish Tornedalen. The method visual linguistic portraits, also called language portraits in this study, is a unique method that has not been used in previous Swedish research about minority languages. The creative process of working with the language portraits helps pupils develop their thoughts about language and identity. Together with group interviews and field notes, this study has a high reliability and validity. In this study it also becomes clear what historical gaps that exist around the description of Swedish Tornedalen. A summary of the study still shows that meänkieli is a very important part of Swedish Tornedalian pupils’ linguistic identity. Eight out of 20 pupils want to learn more meänkieli because pupils describe the language as an essential part of their culture and identity. This is an important result to give the revitalization of meänkieli more energy and motivation. Furthermore, the results of this study show that dialects are of great importance for pupils´ linguistic identity. The pupils describe their oral language in form of different Swedish dialects. Tornedalian pupils are not represented in current research and this study contributes with an important voice to the conversation about how language, culture and identity are factors that cannot be distinguished. In this way, a future for meänkieli also means a future for the culture and identity of Tornedalen in Sweden. / Tämän tutkimusten tarkoitus on selvittää ruottin toornionlaakson koulukläppiteen kielellinen itenttiteetti ja suhe meänkieleen. Tutkimuksen teoria perustuu sosiokyltturinen näkökulma ja tehtiin triangulerinkiin kautta jota sisältää visyallinen kielellinen potretti, joukkointerjyyvit ja panna kirjoihin. Tutkimuksessa on mukana kolme eri luokkia kaksi eri meänmaan koulusta. Metuuti visyallinen kielellinen potretti myös sanottu kielipotretti, ei ole ennen nähty ruottin riikin tutkimuksissa minuriteettikielissä. Koulukläppiteen kreativi työskentely kielipotrettiten kanssa auttaa ne käsittäämään niien ajatukset kielestä ja itenttiteettistä. Tutkimuksen lopputulos on vahva reliabiliteetti ja validiteetti triangulerinkiin kautta. Tutkimukssessa selvästi tulle näkön mikkä putteet meänmaan histoorialinen muistelussa on. Lopputulos tästä tutkimuksesta on että meänkieli jatkuvasti on kolon tärkeä osa ruottin toornionlaakson koulukläppiten kielellinen itenttiteettiä. Kaheksan koulukläppiä kaksikymmenestä halvaavat oppia enemmän meänkieltä. Meänkieli on niien mielestä tärkeä osaa kylttuuristä ja itentitettistä. Nämät tulokset ovat tärkeitä revitaliserings teko meänkielelle. Eespäin lopputulos näyttä että dialektit ovat iso osa kielellisestä itenttittettistä. Koulukläppit korostavat että niien suullinen kieli on joku ruottin dialekti. Koska ruottin toornionlaakson koulukläppit ei ole edustettuina missän aktyellissa tutkintossa tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on että nostaa ja laajenaa kansapuhe miten kieli, kylttuuri ja itenttiteetti ovat tekiötä jotta ei voi eroitella. Täten tulevaisuus meänkielelle tarkoittaa myös tulevaisuus meänmaan kylttuurille ja itenttiteettille.

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