Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lipolysis."" "subject:"adipolysis.""
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Dietary calcium intake and obesity in adult women : the POWIRS study / Petro Hannie RautenbachRautenbach, Petro Hannie January 2004 (has links)
Background: The role of dietary calcium in weight management is gaining support in the nutrition research community. It has been hypothesized that high calcium diets protect against fat gain by creating a balance of lipolysis over lipogenesis in adipocytes (Zemel et
al., 2000) and that a diet deficient in calcium is associated with higher body weight and that augmenting calcium intake may reduce weight and fat gain or enhance fat loss (Shapses et al., 2004).
Objectives: A lack of baseline data on the physical, physiological and mental effects of obesity on urban African women was the motivation for the POWIRS (Profiles of Obese
Women with Insulin Resistance Syndrome) study. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of obesity on health determinants of urban African and white women by comparing the lifestyle and risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) of lean, overweight and obese subjects. This led to a multi-disciplinary cross-sectional case-control study in which health determinants and health status, as well as the underlying mechanistic relationships between these factors were measured in a sample of African women volunteers. The study was repeated a year later, done in a sample of white women volunteers, POWIRS II. The effect of calcium intake on body composition was assessed during this study.
Methods: One hundred and two apparently healthy urban African women, between the ages of 20 and 50 years participated in the first phase of this case-control cross-sectional survey. For a period of about three weeks, each afternoon ten subjects were to report at a
Metabolic Unit Facility (consisting of 10 single bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room and kitchen). Each subject received a "participant sheet" which guided them through the different research 'stations' where the various measurements were done. During the course of the evening demographic questionnaires were filled in and all anthropometric measurements were taken, except weight and height measurements. All participants received an identical light supper which excluded alcohol and caffeine at 20h00, went to sleep before 23h00 and fasted overnight. From 06h00 in the morning weight, height and blood pressure measurements were taken. After a fasting blood sample was taken, a two-hour glucose tolerance test commenced. Subjects received a breakfast and afterwards habitual dietary intake questionnaires were completed.
Results: Mean total dietary calcium intake as significantly higher in white women
(POWIRS II), with a mean intake 1053.8 mg per day, as opposed to a mean intake of 494.8 mg calcium per day in the blacks subjects (POWIRS I). Mean fat intake in the black subjects was 59.3 g per day, and in the white women 103.1 g per day. Thus the calcium:fat ratio in white women was higher than in black women (11.0 and 8.4 respectively). After adjustment for age and total dietary energy intake, significant negative correlations were found between dietary calcium intake and various variables, only in the white subjects.
These were BMI (r=-0.255, p=0.01), percentage body fat (r=-0.252, p=0.01), fasting insulin (r=-0.205, p=0.05) and fasting glucose (r=-0.199, p=0.046). The calcium:fat ratio correlated negatively with BMI (r=-0.378, p<0.0001), percentage body fat (r=-0.401, p<0.0001), fasting glucose (r=-0.229, p=0.02), fasting insulin (r=-0.212, p=0.04) and plasma leptin (r=-0.284, p=0.004). Adjustment for smoking resulted in slightly different correlation coefficients, but similar significant correlations were still found. The only significant association that was found in the black population, was a negative correlation between dietary calcium intake and systolic blood pressure (p=0.03) as well as diastolic blood pressure (p=0.04). After adjustment for age, smoking and dietary energy intake no significant correlations were found in the black subjects.
Conclusion: The results from the POWIRS study in white women are consistent with the hypothesis that there may be an inverse relationship between adiposity and calcium intake. In our study higher calcium intakes were associated with lower body fat, lower BMI, lower fasting glucose and insulin, as well as plasma leptin in white women. The association seems to be significant in subjects with high intakes of fat and calcium (as seen in the white women). / Thesis (M.Sc. (Dietetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.
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Einfluß von Propranolol auf den Fastenstoffwechsel des SchafesOttilie, Henry 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Die therapeutische Beeinflußbarkeit einer Leberverfettung gilt weltweit als unbefriedigend ge-löst, so daß ein letaler Ausgang besonders bei Wiederkäuern teilweise nicht zu verhindern ist. Die Nutzung von beta-Rezeptorenblockern hat bisher mit dieser Indikation keinen Eingang in die Veterinärmedizin gefunden. In den vorliegenden Untersuchungen wurden deshalb die Auswirkungen einer unspezifischen Blockade der beta-adrenergen Rezeptoren auf die Lipolyse, die klinischen und hämatologi-schen Funktionen sowie Leber-, Eiweiß- und Mineralstoffwechsel bei fastenden Schafen ge-prüft. Insbesondere wurde dabei die Wirkung einer Propranololapplikation auf die Lipolyse in der frühen Phase des Fastens untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wurden insgesamt 15 weiblichen, klinisch gesunden, güsten Schafen der Rasse Merino-Fleisch während eines dreitägigen Futterentzuges mit Hilfe einer Dauertropfinfu-sion mit zwei 8stündigen Pausen 0,5 bzw. 1 mg Propranolol/kg KM/d bzw. den Tieren der Kontrollgruppe ein vergleichbares Volumen einer NaCl-Lösung appliziert. Neben der klini-schen Kontrolle von Puls- und Atemfrequenz, Körpertemperatur und Pansenaktivität erfolgte über die wiederholte Gewinnung von Blutproben aus der Vena jugularis externa eine Erfassung der Konzentrationen von Glucose, FFS, Bilirubin, BHB, K, Na, Mg, Gesamteiweiß und Albu-min im Blutserum. Zur Kontrolle der Leberfunktion wurden die Aktivitäten der GLDH und ASAT bestimmt. Die Wirkung des beta-Rezeptor-Antagonisten Propranolol auf die hämatolo-gischen Parameter wurde durch die Kontrolle der Leukozyten-, Erythrozyten- und Hämoglo-binkonzentrationen und den Hämatokrit der Schafe im Versuchsverlauf überprüft. In Übereinstimmung mit bisherigen Untersuchungen an Wiederkäuern und Nichtwiederkäuern kam es aufgrund der dreitägigen Futterdeprivation in allen Tiergruppen zu einer signifikanten Verminderung des Körpergewichtes um bis zu 9,8 %. Die Zahl der Pansenbewegungen redu-zierte sich bei allen Tieren signifikant bereits innerhalb der ersten 48 Stunden der Futterdepri-vation. Der stärkste Abfall der Pansenaktivität ließ sich bei den Schafen, denen 1 mg Propra-nolol/kg KM/d infundiert wurde, nachweisen. Puls- und Atemfrequenz, die Konzentrationen von Na, K, Mg, Gesamteiweiß und Albumin sowie die Aktivitäten von GLDH und ASAT im Blutserum blieben im Versuchsverlauf ohne signifikante Veränderungen. Eine Beeinflussung der hämatologischen Parameter ließ sich we-der bei den Schafen der Kontrollgruppe noch bei denen der Versuchsgruppen nachweisen. Während der Futterentzug in allen Tiergruppen zu einer tendenziellen Abnahme der Blut-serumkonzentration an Glucose führte, stiegen die Konzentrationen an FFS, Bilirubin und BHB im Blutserum aller Tiere an. Damit weisen die Veränderungen in den Konzentrationen von FFS, BHB und Bilirubin im Blutserum der Schafe der Kontrollgruppe die typischen Merkmale einer Fastenstoffwechsellage auf. In beiden Versuchsgruppen fielen diese Konzen-trationserhöhungen gegenüber denen der Kontrollgruppe statistisch gesichert niedriger aus. Unter Berücksichtigung der dabei erreichten Niveaus ließ sich für die Versuchsgruppen eine geringere Belastung von Energie- und Leberstoffwechsel als in der Kontrollgruppe feststellen. Der Übergang von der ersten in die zweite Phase des Fastenstoffwechsels ist in allen Tiergrup-pen, besonders deutlich in beiden Versuchsgruppen, zum Zeitpunkt um 48 h nach Versuchsbe-ginn an der Erhöhung der Körpertemperatur sowie den stärkeren Anstiegen der FFS-Konzentrationen erkennbar. Die besondere klinische und labordiagnostische Bedeutung der Änderungen der FFS-Konzentration im Blutserum zeigte sich in der zeitlich früheren und ausgeprägteren Reaktion als die Konzentrationsänderungen von Bilirubin und BHB. Bereits nach 24stündigem Fasten waren in allen Schafgruppen signifikant gegenüber den Ausgangswerten erhöhte FFS-Konzentrationen nachweisbar. In beiden Versuchsgruppen war bis zum Erreichen der Maxi-malwerte 48 h nach Beginn des Fastens ein geringerer Anstieg der FFS-Konzentration im Blut-serum als in der Kontrollgruppe nachzuweisen. Nach dem Erreichen der Maximalkonzentration kam es unter dem Propranololeinfluß in beiden Versuchsgruppen zu einem raschen, signifi-kantem Abfall der FFS-Konzentration um 44,7 bzw. 63,5 %. Die Abnahme der FFS-Konzentration im Blutserum vom Maximalwert bis zum Versuchsende betrug in der Kontroll-gruppe lediglich 8,6 %. und lag damit signifikant unter den Vergleichswerten der Versuchstie-re. Für die Konzentration der FFS fanden sich zum Versuchsende zwischen allen Gruppen si-gnifikante Unterschiede. Damit läßt sich eine dosisabhängige Wirkung einer Propranololappli-kation auf die Freisetzung von FFS aus den körpereigenen Fettdepots ableiten. Als Besonderheit war zu beobachten, daß sich die Konzentration der FFS in der Kontrollgrup-pe in den Zeiträumen der Infusion der NaCl-Lösung vermindert. Möglicherweise spielt hierbei der säuernde Einfluß des NaCl auf den pH-Wert im Blut eine Rolle. Unter dem Einfluß einer pH-Verminderung kommt es dabei zu einer Absenkung der Lipolyserate. Der zwischen den Infusionszeiten starke Konzentrationsanstieg der FFS in der Kontrollgruppe führt in dieser zu signifikant höheren FFS-Konzentrationen als in den Versuchsgruppen. Die Konzentrationsänderungen von direkt reagierendem und Gesamtbilirubin fielen bei den Schafen der Kontrollgruppe höher aus als bei den Tieren der Versuchsgruppen. Während die Maximalkonzentrationen für das Gesamtbilirubin in den Versuchsgruppen mit Dosierungen von 0,5 bzw. 1 mg Propranolol/kg KM/d 48 h nach Versuchsbeginn erreicht werden, ließen sich die maximalen Gesamtbilirubinkonzentrationen in der Kontrollgruppe erst 56 h nach Versuchsbe-ginn nachweisen. Die dabei vorhandenen Konzentrationsunterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Gruppen weisen auf eine geringere Belastung der Leber bei den Schafen der Versuchsgruppen hin. Auch die BHB-Konzentrationen im Blutserum der Schafe der Versuchsgruppen lagen zum Versuchsende unter denen der Tiere in der Kontrollgruppe. Damit liegt ein weiterer Indikator auf eine geringere Leberbelastung der Tiere in den Versuchsgruppen gegenüber den Schafen der Kontrollgruppe vor. Die absolut niedrigsten BHB-Konzentrationen waren bei den Schafen der Versuchsgruppe mit einer Propranololgabe von 1 mg/kg KM/d nachweisbar. In dieser Gruppe wurde die maximale BHB-Konzentration 32 h nach Fastenbeginn erreicht. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, daß sich mit Propranololgaben in Höhe von 0,5 bzw. 1 mg/kg KM/d beim Schaf eine Hemmung der Lipolyse innerhalb der ersten 64 Stunden eines Futterentzuges erreichen läßt, ohne dabei nachweisbaren Einfluß auf hämatologische Parameter auszuüben. Insbesondere weisen die zwischen Versuchs- und Kontrollgruppe vergleichbaren Anstiege der FFS-Konzentrationen in den infusionsfreien Zeiträumen auf den Einfluß des beta-adrenergen Antagonisten auf die Lipolyse während der Infusion hin. Die Konzentrationsände-rungen von Bilirubin und BHB in den Versuchsgruppen erfolgen in deutlich geringerem Um-fang als in der Kontrollgruppe. Damit läst sich auf eine geringere Belastung von Energie- und Leberstoffwechsel bei den Versuchstieren schließen. Die nicht signifikanten Veränderungen der Enzymaktivitäten von GLDH und ASAT bestätigen, daß durch die Anwendung von Propra-nolol keine negative Beeinflussung der Leberfunktion erfolgt. Aufgrund der stärkeren Reduzie-rung der Zahl der Pansenbewegungen und des verminderten Konzentrationsanstieges von FFS im Blutserum der Schafe, denen 1 mg Propranolol/kg KM/d appliziert wurde, gegenüber denen die 0,5 mg Propranolol/kg KM/d erhielten, ist von einer Dosisabhängigkeit der Propranolol-wirkung auszugehen. Die Applikation von Propranolol in einer Dosis von 0,5 bzw. 1 mg/kg KM/d stellt beim Schaf eine geeignete Methode dar, frühzeitig eine Verminderung der fasten-induzierten Lipolyse zu erreichen. / The treatment of the fatty liver disease is world-wide regarded as unsatisfactory, so that death of the affected ruminants is partly unavoidable. The administration of beta receptor blockers in such cases has not found its way into veterinary medicine until now. In this study, the effects of a nonspecific blockade of the beta adrenoceptors on lipolysis, clinical and hematological parameters as well as on the metabolism of the liver, proteins and minerals in fasting sheep were therefore tested. Especially, the effect of a Propranolol administration on the lipolysis in the early stage of fasting was examined. During a three-day period of food deprivation, 15 female, clinically healthy and non-pregnant sheep (Merino-Fleisch) were given 0.5 or 1 mg Propranolol/kg body weight per day via a continuous infusion with two interruptions of eight hours. During the experiment, pulse, respiration rate, body temperature and rumen activity were checked. The serum concentrations of glucose, FFA, bilirubin, beta-hydroxybutyrate, potassium, sodium, magnesium, total protein and albumin were controlled by repeatedly taking blood samples from the vena jugularis externa. The activity of the enzymes GLDH and AST were determined to check the liver function. The effect of the beta-receptor antagonist Propranolol on the hematological parameters was checked by examining the WBC, RBC, the hemoglobin concentrations and the packed cell volume. All test groups showed significant decrease in body weigth of up to 9.8 %, due to the three-day food deprivation. Even within the first 48 hours of food deprivation, rumen motility of all animals was decreasing significantly. Those sheep which received 1 mg Propranolol/kg body weight per day showed the strongest decrease in rumen activity. Pulse and respiration rate, the concentrations of potassium, sodium, magnesium, total protein and albumin as well as the activity of GLDH and AST in blood serum remained without significant changes during the experiment. Neither the sheep of the control group nor those of the experimental groups showed any influence on the hematological parameters. While the blood glucose concentration tended to be lower during the food deprivation in all groups, the concentrations of FFA, bilirubin and beta-hydroxybutyrate in blood serum were increasing. Thus, the changes of FFA, bilirubin and beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations in the control group showed the typical characteristics of fasting metabolism. These absolute increases in concentrations were significantly lower in both experimental groups than those in the control group. With regard to the levels reached and compared to the control group, a smaller load of energy and liver metabolism could be determined in the experimental groups. The transition from the first to the second stage of the fasting metabolism in all groups (but especially in the experimental groups) was clearly discernible in the rises of body temperature and in the stronger increases of the FFA concentrations approximately 48 hours after the experiment started. The special clinical and diagnostic importance of the FFA concentration was indicated in an earlier and stronger change of the FFA concentration in the blood serum, compared to the changes of bilirubin and beta-hydroxybutyrate. As early as 24 hours after the beginning of the fasting, a significant rise of the FFA concentration in comparison to the initial concentration could be proved. In contrast to the control group the two experimental groups showed a smaller increase in the FFA concentration. All groups reached their maxima of FFA concentration 48 hours after the beginning of the experiment. Afterwards FFA concentrations in the two experimental groups were sinking fast and significantly by 44.7 % and 63.5 % respectively. In the control group, the decrease of the FFA concentration from the maximum until the end of the experiment was only 8.6 % and thus significantly lower than the comparative results. At the end of the experiment, significant differences in FFA concentrations between all groups could be proved. So, it can be assumed that there is a dose-dependent effect of Propranolol on the FFA release from the bodyŽs own fat depots. The FFA concentration in the control group was decreasing during the NaCl-infusion. This could be due to NaClŽs influence on the pH value of the blood. The reduction of the pH causes a decreasing rate of the lipolysis. The strong rise of FFA concentration between the infusion in the control group, lead to significantly higher results compared to the experimental groups. The changes of total and direct reacting bilirubin in the control group were higher than in the experimental groups. While maximum concentrations of total bilirubin acid in the experimental groups (which got 0.5 and 1 mg Propranolol/kg body weigth per day respectively) could be determined 48 hours after the experimentŽs start, maximum concentrations in the control group could be found only 56 hours after beginning of the fasting. Beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations in the experimental groups were also lower than in the control group. These differences between the groups indicate a smaller strain of the liver in the experimental groups. The lowest beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations could be proved in the experimental group with a dose of 1 mg Propranolol/kg body weight per day. In this group, the maximum beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration was reached 32 hours after the beginning of the fasting. These results suggest that by the administration of Propranolol at doses of 0.5 mg and 1 mg/kg body weigth per day respectively it is possible to inhibit the lipolysis within the first 64 hours after a food deprivation without effecting the hematological parameters. Particularly, the comparable increases in FFA concentrations in the experimental and control groups between the infusions indicate a direct effect of the beta-adrenergic antagonist on the lipolysis during the infusions. The changes of bilirubin and beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations in the experimental groups were smaller than those in the control group. This suggests a smaller strain on the energy and liver metabolism in the experimental groups compared to the control group. The nonsignificant changes of the activity of GLDH and AST indicate no negative influence on the liver function after applicating Propranolol. The stronger reduction of rumen motility and the smaller increase of the FFA concentration in the group with 1 mg Propranolol/kg body weigth per day compared to the group with 0.5 mg Propranolol/kg body weigth per day shows the dose-dependent effect of Propranolol. The application of Propranolol at a dose of 0.5 mg or 1 mg/kg body weigth per day is a suitable method to early inhibit fasting-induced lipolysis in sheep.
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Cholesterol and Phospholipid Modulation of BK[subscript Ca] Channel Activity and Ethanol Sensitivity: a dissertationCrowley, John J. 01 June 2003 (has links)
The large conductance Ca++-activated K+ channel (BKCa) regulates neuronal excitability through the efflux of K+, in response to membrane depolarization and increases in intracellular Ca++. The activity of the BKCa channel is increased by acute exposure to ethanol (EtOH), which is thought to underlie, in part, the influence of the drug on peptide hormone release from neurohypophysial nerve terminals (Dopico et al., 1996, 1998). Moreover, chronic EtOH exposure attenuates acute drug action on hormone release, and reduces the sensitivity of BKCa channels to acute EtOH exposure (Knott et al., 2002). The factors regulating EtOH action on BKCa channels are not well understood. Several lines of evidence suggest, however, that the lipid composition of the plasma membrane may influence channel sensitivity to the drug. The plasma membrane is highly complex in its organization (Welti and Glaser, 1994; Brown and London, 1998). There is a growing body of literature indicating that the local lipid composition of the membrane can influence the function of ion channels, including BKCa (Chang et al., 1995a, b; Moczydlowski et al., 1985; Park et al., 2003; Turnheim et al., 1999). Interestingly, chronic exposure to EtOH in animal models results in alterations in the composition of synaptic plasma membranes, including changes in the amount and distribution of membrane cholesterol (CHS) (Chin et al., 1978; Chin et al., 1979; Wood et al., 1989). The significance of these alterations is unclear. Here, we set out to determine the ability of membrane lipids to modulate BKCa channel activity and EtOH sensitivity. To address this, we implement the planar lipid bilayer technique, allowing control of both the protein and lipid components of the membrane. Native BKCa channels retain EtOH sensitivity in this reductionist preparation (Chu et al., 1998), and we extend the study here to examine cloned human brain (hslo) BKCachannels.
We show here that hslo channels maintain their characteristic large conductance, voltage and Ca++-dependent gating, and sensitivity to 50 mM EtOH in bilayers cast from a 3:1 mixture of 1-pamiltoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE) and 1-pamiltoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylserine (POPS). The addition of CHS to the bilayer decreases both the basal activity and EtOH sensitivity of the channels, in a concentration-dependent manner. This lends support to the notion that alterations in plasma membrane CHS levels following chronic EtOH exposure may reflect adaptations to the acute actions of the drug on ion channels. Furthermore, the EtOH sensitivity and CHS modulation of these reconstituted hslo channels are greatly reduced in the absence of negatively charged POPS in the bilayer (pure POPE). Based on these findings, we look to gain mechanistic insight into the lipid headgroup and acyl chain properties that may regulate BKCa channel modulation by EtOH and CHS. When POPS is replaced with the uncharged lipid 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC), the hslo response to EtOH and CHS is restored, suggesting that the loss of negative surface charge or PS headgroup structure itself cannot explain the lack of channel modulation by these agents in POPE bilayers. Moreover, increases in the proportion of unsaturated acyl chains in the bilayer cannot significantly influence the hslo response to EtOH. The loss of EtOH sensitivity in pure POPE and CHS-containing bilayers may, therefore, reflect the propensity of POPE and CHS to form nonlamellar (nonbilayer) structures. Regarding the basal activity of the channel, we demonstrate that decreases in negative surface charge, increases in the proportion of unsaturated acyl chains, and increases in the complexity of head group interactions can all influence the steady-state activity of reconstituted hslochannels, relative to control POPE/POPS (3:1) bilayers. Overall, these data further suggest the ability of the local lipid environment to regulate the basal function and EtOH sensitivity of an ion channel protein.
Parts of this dissertation have appeared in separate publications:
Treistman, S.N., O'Connell, R.J., and Crowley, J.J. (2002). Artificial Bilayer Techniques in Ion Channel Study. In Methods in Alcohol-Related Neuroscience Research, D. Lovinger and Y. Liu, eds. (Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press)
Crowley, J.J., Treistman, S.N., and Dopico, A.M. (2003). Cholesterol antagonizes ethanol potentiation of human BKCA channels in binary phospholipid bilayers. Mol. Pharma. 64(2):364-372.
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Signal Transduction Mechanisms for the Stimulation of Lipolysis by Growth Hormone: A DissertationYip, Rupert G. 01 August 1994 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanism of action of lipolysis by growth hormone in rat adipocytes. GH-induced lipolysis, in contrast to that of isoproterenol (ISO), is slow in onset (lag time >1h), small in magnitude (~2X basal). and requires corticosteroid. Evidence for direct coupling between GH receptors and adenylyl cyclase or G-proteins is lacking, and although we could detect no measurable change in cAMP content after treatment with GH + dexamethasone (Dex), it is likely that cAMP activation of protein kinase A is a central event in GH-induced lipolysis. Rp-cAMPS, a competitive antagonist of cAMP was equally effective in decreasing lipolysis in tissues treated with GH/Dex or a comparably lipolytic dose of ISO. Incorporation of 32P from γ-32P-ATP into kemptide, a synthetic oligopeptide substrate for protein kinase A, was increased in homogenates of GH/Dex-treated tissue. This increase was correlated with increased lipolysis. Earlier estimates based upon 32P-ribosylation of Gi catalysed by pertussis toxin (PTx) suggested that the abundance of Gi in adipocyte membranes was decreased 4h after treatment of hypophysectomized rats with GH. We therefore examined the possibility that changes in amount or distribution of G-proteins in adipocyte membranes might account for the lipolytic action of GH. Homogenates of GH/Dex-treated and control adipocytes were subjected to differential centrifugation and the abundance of G-proteins in low speed, l6k x g (16k), pellets and high speed, 100k x g (100k), pellets were determined by quantitative Western analysis with densitometry. A 35% loss of Giα2 from the l6k pellet compared from tissues treated with GH/Dex was associated with a 70% increase of Giα2 in the 100k pellet. No change in Gsα was observed in the l6k pellet but a 35% loss of Gsα was seen in the 100k pellet. The G proteins in the l6k pellet were fractionated on a continuous sucrose gradient followed by quantitation with Western analysis or autoradiography after 32P-NAD ribosylation. Giα2 was consistently shifted from heavier to lighter fractions of the l6k pellet after treatment with GH/Dex. Similar shifts of Gsα were not seen. The distribution of 32P-labelled proteins was comparably altered after incubation of homogenates of control and GH/Dex treated adipocytes with PTx and 32P-NAD. These shifts were blocked by treatment of adipocytes with 100μM colchicine which also blocked the lipolytic action of GH/Dex. We propose that an action of GH/Dex on the cytoskeleton of fat cells may change the cellular distribution of G-proteins in a manner that produces a relative decrease in the tonic inhibitory influence of Gi on adenylyl cyclase.
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Avaliação do iogurte produzido com leite contendo diferentes níveis de células somáticas. / Evaluation of yoghurt produced from milk with different somatic cell counts.Andrezza Maria Fernandes 09 January 2004 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as características físico-químicas, microbiológicas, índices de proteólise, lipólise e viscosidade do iogurte natural batido, elaborado a partir de leite integral contendo três níveis de células somáticas (CS): <400.000 células/mL, 400.000-800.000 células/mL e >800.000 células/mL. Cada tipo de leite foi obtido da ordenha de animais previamente selecionados de acordo com o nível de CS e a composição do leite. Para a fabricação do iogurte, o leite foi padronizado quanto ao teor de sólidos totais (ST) e transferido para tanque multi-uso, no qual foi submetido à pasteurização (90ºC, 15 minutos), seguida da adição da cultura starter, incubação (42ºC, aprox. 3 horas) e envase do produto. O iogurte foi mantido em câmara fria a 5ºC, sendo que os parâmetros de qualidade foram avaliados mediante a colheita de amostras nos dias 1, 10, 20 e 30 após a fabricação. A seqüência de elaboração foi repetida seis vezes, no período de março a agosto/2003. As análises efetuadas no produto incluíram: pH, acidez, percentuais de gordura, ST, sólidos não-gordurosos (SNG), nitrogênios total (NT), não caseinoso (NNC) e não protéico (NNP), ácidos graxos livres (AGL), viscosidade aparente, contagem de bactérias láticas e coliformes a 30º e 45ºC. Não foram constatadas diferenças (P > 0,05) entre os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos obtidos no leite e no iogurte. Os índices de proteólise dos iogurtes, estimados através da relação NT NNC / NT NNP, mantiveram-se constantes, não apresentando diferenças entre os tratamentos (P > 0,05). A viscosidade do iogurte produzido com leite contendo mais de 800.000 células/mL foi maior (P < 0,05) em relação aos outros tratamentos nos dias 10, 20 e 30 após a fabricação, observando-se uma correlação positiva (P < 0,05) com os níveis de CS no 10º e 20º dia de armazenamento. A concentração de AGL foi maior (P < 0,05) no iogurte de alta contagem de CS no 1º e 30º dia de armazenamento, sendo observada uma correlação positiva (P < 0,05) com o nível de CS nos mesmos dias. Os resultados indicam que o aumento dos níveis de CS no leite não apresenta efeitos sobre a proteólise do iogurte, porém origina um aumento na viscosidade e no grau de lipólise do produto durante o armazenamento por 30 dias. / The aim of the present study was to evaluate physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics, as well as proteolysis, lipolysis and viscosity of plain stirred yoghurt produced from whole milk with somatic cell counts (SCC) at levels of < 400,000 cells/mL, 400,000-800,000 cells/mL and > 800,000 cells/mL. Each milk treatment was obtained from selected cows, according to its SSC status and milk composition. Yoghurts were produced after standardisation of milk total solids (TS), followed by pasteurisation (90ºC, 15 minutes), addition of starter culture, incubation (42ºC, approx. 3 hours) and packaging. Yoghurts were stored at 5ºC, and quality evaluation was conducted in samples collected on days 1, 10, 20 and 30 after production. Manufacturing procedures were repeated for six times, from March to August/2003. Yoghurt analyses included: pH, acidity, fat, protein, TS, solids non-fat (SNF), total nitrogen (TN), non-casein nitrogen (NCN) and non-protein nitrogen (NPN), free fatty acids (FFA), apparent viscosity, lactic bacteria counts and coliforms at 30 and 45ºC. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of milk and yoghurt among treatments. Proteolysis, as estimated by TN NCN / TN NPN relation, was constant for all treatment yoghurts (P > 0.05). Viscosity of high SCC yoghurt (> 800,00 cells/mL) increased (P < 0.05) on 10, 20 and 30 days storage, and a positive correlation (P < 0.05) with SCC was observed on days 20 and 30. FFA content was higher (P < 0.05) on days 1 and 30 of storage, and besides there was a positive correlation (P < 0.05) between SCC and FFA levels on the same days of storage. Results indicate that high SCC milk do not affect proteolysis of yoghurt, although it increases viscosity and lypolisis during storage for 30 days.
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A suplementação crônica com ácido linoléico conjugado promove redução da massa adiposa e compromete a sensibilidade à insulina no tecido adiposo branco periepididimal. / Chronic supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid reduces adipose mass and mpairs insulin sensitivity in periepidydimal white adipose tissue.Tarcila Beatriz Ferraz de Campos 23 April 2008 (has links)
O ácido linoléico conjugado (CLA) é um ácido graxo poliinsaturado, encontrado nos produtos da alimentação. Estudos indicam que o CLA possui ações contra câncer, aterogênese e DM 2 e obesidade. O presente trabalho avaliou os efeitos da suplementação crônica com CLA em ratos Wistar machos e teve como objetivo investigar o desenvolvimento corporal e o perfil metabólico dos animais e dos adipócitos isolados do tecido adiposo branco periepididimal. Após quatro semanas de suplementação os animais apresentaram redução no ritmo de ganho de peso, acompanhado de redução da ingestão alimentar, redução da massa adiposa e do volume celular dos adipócitos. A menor incorporação dos substratos acetato e glicose em lipídeos, o aumento lipólise e diminuição da expressão do PPAR?, também contribuíram para menor adiposidade encontrada. A redução de massa adiposa foi acompanhada por resistência à insulina, elevados níveis de citocinas inflamatórias e desenvolvimento de esteatose hepática. Esses fatores estão relacionados com o desenvolvimento de síndrome lipodistrófica em animais. Portanto, a efetividade do CLA em reduzir massa adiposa foi comprovada no presente estudo, mas os efeitos devem ser considerados. / Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a natural polyunsatured fatty acid found in many dietary sources. Animal studies demonstrated that CLA has properties against cancer, atherogenesis, diabetes and obesity. This work evaluated the effects with chronic CLA supplementation in young adults Wistar male rats for four weeks, aiming to investigate the possible changes in corporal development and metabolic profile as well as the effects in isolated adipocytes of periepidydimal white adipose tissue of these supplemented animals. We observed a reduction of the rhythym of body weight gain, followed by diminished food intake, regression of adipose mass, and also a reduction of adipocyte volume. The findings of low incorporation of acetate and glucose substrates into lipids, elevation on the lipolytic response and reduction of PPAR-gamma gene expression, also contributed to the lower adiposity. This reduction in adipose mass was followed by insulin resistance, high levels of inflammatory citokines and the development of hepatic steatosis, features related to the development of lipodystrophic syndrome. Therefore, this study demonstrated the CLA effect on reduction of adipose mass, although adverse effects associated with CLA chronic supplementation must be considered.
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The Regulation of Adipose Triglyceride Lipase-Mediated Lipolysis in Avian Species: the Role of Comparative Gene Identification-58Serr, Julie Marie 21 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Role of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in binding bile salts and modulating lipid digestion: Impact of the bean matrix and high-hydrostatic pressure processingLin, Tiantian 05 May 2020 (has links)
According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the U.S., representing about 20-30% of all deaths every year in the U.S. Major risk factors for developing CVD include high blood lipid and LDL-cholesterol levels. A large number of heart attacks and strokes could be prevented by controlling these factors through lifestyle modifications and diet interventions. Epidemiological evidence shows that consumption of dry or common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) has positive effects on reducing blood LDL-cholesterol and lipid levels. These health benefits are mainly attributed to the high content of dietary fiber (DF) of beans, including soluble and insoluble DF (SDF and IDF). Some proposed mechanisms to explain the cholesterol and lipid-lowering effects of DF are related to the physico-chemical properties (e.g. viscosity) of DF, and involve binding to bile salts (BS) in the small intestinal to prevent BS re-absorption which further promote cholesterol catabolism and delay lipid digestion. Nevertheless, the precise mechanisms are not fully understood yet. In addition, cooking and processing operations, and in particular high-hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing, can modify the composition, structure and functional properties of foods; however, whether HHP affects the ability of beans to interfere with different aspects of lipid digestion remains unknown. The overall goal of this research is to understand how common beans and HHP processing impact the ability of beans to bind BS and influence lipid digestion in vitro. The specific objectives are 1) to evaluate the effect of HHP treatments (and compared it with conventional cooking (HT)) on the thermo-rheological and functional properties of dry beans; 2) to identify the impact of major bean components on the in vitro BS-binding ability of beans, the role played by the bean matrix and how this is affected by HHP processing; 3) to investigate how bean (micro)structure and fiber fractions, as well as HHP processing of dry beans, influence lipid digestion in vitro. Results showed that HT caused complete starch gelatinization and protein denaturation of beans, while HHP treatments induced partial or no starch gelatinization and a lower degree of protein denaturation, which resulted in enhanced protein solubility and emulsifying activity/stability. It was observed that, while HT treatment reduced the capacity of bean flours to retain BS because of severe disruption of the bean cell wall integrity, protein matrices, and starch granules, HHP treatments maintained or enhanced BS retention, possibly by promoting the formation of starch/protein/fiber networks able to entrap BS. Furthermore, by using an in vitro dialysis-based digestion model combined with viscosity measurements and thermal analysis, it was shown that the interaction between bean tissue materials and primary BS was not only related to viscosity but also involved hydrophobic linkages. The contribution of IDF and proteins (other than SDF) to retain BS was also significant. There was a different binding preference of beans to four primary BS with sodium glycochenodeoxycholate, the more hydrophobic BS, showing the largest retention levels while sodium taurocholate being the least effectively retained BS by beans. Diverse sequences of the same processing operations showed distinct impacts on BS-retention by dry beans. By means of an in vitro digestion model simulating conditions in the upper gastrointestinal tract, bean flours delayed the digestion of extrinsic lipids to a higher extent, compared to isolated IDF and SDF. Furthermore, HHP treatment and less severe mechanical disintegration maintained the ability of beans to modulate lipid digestion, which suggests the importance of bean structural integrity in reducing the lipolysis rate and extent by beans. Overall, this research work shows that HHP processing is a promising minimal processing technology to produce bean flours with improved functionality. It also highlights the importance of considering the structure of foods, and not just their nutrient content, when evaluating potential health impacts. This knowledge could be applied to develop a range of bean-based ingredients and formulations with desirable health benefits. This work can be extended to research the influence of beans on the gut microbiota and profile of secondary BS and short-chain fatty acids, which are also closely related to cholesterol and lipid metabolism. / Doctor of Philosophy / According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the U.S., representing about 20-30% of all deaths every year in the U.S. Around the world, millions of people are struggling to control the risk of CVD. Major risk factors for developing CVD include high blood lipid and LDL-cholesterol levels. A large number of heart attacks and strokes can be prevented by controlling the major risk factors through lifestyle modifications and diet interventions. Epidemiological evidence shows that consumption of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) has positive effects on reducing blood LDL-cholesterol and lipid levels. These health benefits are mainly attributed to the high content of dietary fiber (DF) in beans. DF is carbohydrate polymers that are not hydrolyzed by the endogenous enzymes in humans. However, some of them (water-soluble DF) could increase viscosity and retain the absorption of bile salts (BS) in the small intestinal. The BS retention or the binding of BS could promote more cholesterol convert to BS (thus reduce cholesterol levels) and decrease lipid digestion. Therefore, due to the increased viscosity and BS retention ability of DF, dry beans could help to reduce the blood cholesterol and lipid levels and further help to prevent CVD. Moreover, different cooking and processing method could also affect the composition, microstructure and functional properties of foods. The purpose of this research was to determine how common beans and high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) (compared with hydrothermal (HT)) processing, a non-thermal processing, influence the ability of dry beans to retain bile salts and modulate lipid digestion in vitro. This study showed that severe HT treatment disrupted the bean cell wall integrity severally and reduced the BS retaining the efficiency of dry beans, while HHP treatment, produced minimally processed beans, improved the application properties of dry beans and maintained/enhanced BS-retention by dry beans. It also showed that the whole bean matrix (other than soluble DF) also contributes to retain BS and modulate lipid digestion, indicating the importance of retaining intact food structures. The integrity of bean structures through HHP treatment and less severe mechanical treatment could help to retain the ability of dry beans to reduce lipid digestion. These findings suggest that dry beans, with a high content of dietary fiber and resistant starch, have significant health benefits related to lowering cholesterol and lipid levels. Increasing the consumption of dry beans would definitely help to improve overall health. HHP, as a non-thermal processing technology, showed the potential to produce minimally processed bean products with enhanced health benefits and diverse application properties. This study could be extended through continuing research into the influence of beans on the gut microbiota, which are also closely related to the cholesterol and lipid metabolism regulation.
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In vitro approach of dietary and host related factors affecting digestion of animal-origin foods under cystic fibrosis diseaseAsensio Grau, Andrea 02 September 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] De entre las metodologías disponibles para estudiar la digestión de alimentos, los modelos de digestión in vitro se plantean como procedimientos válidos para este propósito. La digestión in vitro consiste en simular el proceso de digestión en el laboratorio, reproduciendo las condiciones fisiológicas en cuanto a composición de los fluidos digestivos (electrolitos y enzimas), pH, temperatura, fuerzas mecánicas y duración de las etapas oral, gástrica e intestinal.
Abordar el estudio de la digestión de nutrientes es de especial relevancia en patologías que cursan con alteraciones pancreáticas o hepáticas, asociadas a una digestión de lípidos comprometida en la etapa intestinal, debido a la disminución de secreción de pancreatina, bicarbonato y sales biliares. Este es el caso de la fibrosis quística con insuficiencia pancreática, y los pacientes que padecen esta afección deben seguir la terapia de sustitución de enzimas pancreáticas, que consiste en el suministro exógeno de pancreatina encapsulada. Sin embargo, la dosis de este suplemento debe ajustarse a las características de los alimentos y no se dispone de ningún método válido para tal fin. Para hacer frente a este reto, en el proyecto financiado con fondos europeos MyCyFAPP se ha logrado desarrollar un método para ajustar la dosis óptima de los suplementos enzimáticos utilizados en la terapia. La presente tesis doctoral se realizó en el marco de dicho proyecto.
Concretamente, esta tesis tiene como objetivo abordar el estudio de la digestión de lípidos en los alimentos de origen animal (carne y productos cárnicos, huevos, queso y pescado) en el contexto de la fibrosis quística. Para abordar este objetivo se aplicó un modelo de digestión in vitro estático con el fin de explorar el papel de las características inherentes a los alimentos (estructura de la matriz alimentaria como resultado del procesado) y los factores relacionados con el individuo (pH, concentración de sales biliares y concentración de pancreatina) como factores determinantes de la lipólisis en alimentos de origen animal.
A lo largo de los cuatro capítulos presentados, centrados en el huevo, la carne, el queso y el pescado, se presenta un diseño experimental común para estudiar la lipólisis, la proteólisis y la degradación de la matriz. En cada estudio, las diferentes técnicas de procesado aplicadas a los alimentos evaluados también permitieron evaluar el efecto de las propiedades inherentes a los alimentos en los resultados del estudio. Los resultados han contribuido al desarrollo de un nuevo método basado en la evidencia para optimizar la terapia de reemplazo de enzimas pancreáticas e informan a la comunidad científica sobre nuevos conocimientos en el comportamiento de diferentes alimentos sometidos al proceso de digestión. / [CA] De les metodologies disponibles per estudiar la digestió d'aliments, els models de digestió in vitro es plantegen com a procediments vàlids per a aquest propòsit. La digestió in vitro consisteix en simular el procés de digestió al laboratori, reproduint les condicions fisiològiques pel que fa a la composició dels fluids digestius (electròlits i enzims), pH, temperatura, forces mecàniques i durada de les etapes oral, gàstrica i intestinal. Abordar l'estudi de la digestió de nutrients és d'especial rellevància en patologies que cursen amb alteracions pancreàtiques o hepàtiques, associades a una digestió de lípids compromesa en l'etapa intestinal, a causa de la disminució de secreció de pancreatina, bicarbonat i sals biliars. Aquest és el cas de la fibrosi quística amb insuficiència pancreàtica. Els pacients que pateixen aquesta afecció han de seguir la teràpia de substitució d'enzims pancreàtics, que consisteix en el subministrament exogen de pancreatina encapsulada. No obstant això, la dosi d'aquest suplement ha d'ajustar-se a les característiques dels aliments i actualment no es disposa de cap mètode vàlid per a tal fi. Per enfrontar a aquest repte, en el projecte finançat amb fons europeus, MyCyFAPP, s'ha aconseguit desenvolupar un mètode per a ajustar la dosi òptima dels suplements enzimàtics utilitzats en la teràpia. La present tesi doctoral es va realitzar en el marc d'aquest projecte.
Concretament, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu abordar l'estudi de la digestió de lípids en els aliments d'origen animal (ous, carn i productes carnis, formatge i peix) en el context de la fibrosi quística. Per a abordar aquest objectiu es va aplicar un model de digestió in vitro estàtic amb la finalitat d'explorar el paper de les característiques inherents als aliments (estructura de la matriu alimentària com a resultat del processament) i els factors relacionats amb l'individu (pH, concentració de sals biliars i concentració de pancreatina) com a factors determinants de la lipòlisi en aliments d'origen animal.
Als quatre capítols presentats, centrats en l'ou, carn, formatge i peix, es presenta un disseny experimental comú per a estudiar la lipòlisi, la proteòlisi i la degradació de la matriu. En cada estudi, les diferents tècniques de processament aplicades als aliments avaluats també van permetre avaluar l'efecte de les propietats inherents als aliments en els resultats de l'estudi. Els resultats han contribuït al desenvolupament d'un nou mètode basat en l'evidència per a optimitzar la teràpia de substitució d'enzims pancreàtics i informen la comunitat científica sobre nous coneixements en el comportament de diferents aliments sotmesos al procés de digestió. / [EN] Among the available methodologies to study food digestion, in vitro digestion models have raised as a valid procedure. In vitro digestion consists of simulating the digestion process in the laboratory, by reproducing the physiological conditions in terms of digestive fluids composition (electrolytes and enzymes), pH, temperature, mechanical forces and duration of the oral, gastric and intestinal stages.
Addressing the study of nutrient digestion is of special relevance in pathologies coursing with pancreatic or hepatic alterations, which are associated with compromised intestinal lipid digestion due to reduced secretion of pancreatin, bicarbonate and bile salts. This is the case of Cystic Fibrosis along with pancreatic insufficiency, and the patients suffering this condition have to follow pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, the exogenous supply of encapsulated pancreatin. However, the dose of this supplement should be adjusted to the specific characteristics of foods, and no valid method was available for such purpose. To tackle this challenge, the EU-funded project MyCyFAPP succeed to develop a method to adjust the optimal dose the enzyme supplements used in the therapy. The present doctoral thesis was conducted as a relevant part of this project.
Concretely, this thesis aims at addressing the study of lipid digestion in foods to generate new knowledge regarding nutrient digestion in animal origin dietary sources (egg, meat and meat products, cheese and fish) in the context of Cystic Fibrosis. To address this goal a static in vitro digestion model was applied. The role of inherent-to-food characteristics (resulting food matrix structure from processing) and host related factors (pH and bile salts concentration and pancreatin concentration) were explored as determinants of lipolysis in animal-origin foods.
Along the four chapters presented, focused on egg, meat, cheese and fish, a common experimental design was applied to study lipolysis, proteolysis and matrix degradation. In each study, different processing techniques applied to the assessed foods allowed for evaluating the effect of inherent-to-food properties on the study outcomes as well. The results have contributed to the development of a new evidence-based method to optimise pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, and inform the scientific community about new insights on the behaviour of different foods undertaking the digestion process. / Authors of this paper acknowledge the European Union and the Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Framework Programme (PHC-26-2014 call Self-management
of health and disease: citizen engagement and mHealth) for fully funding this research
in the context of MyCyFAPP Project, under grant agreement number 643806.
The authors would like to thank the Conselleria de Educació i Investigació de la
Generalitat Valenciana and also the European Union (“El Fondo Social Europeo (FSE)
invierte en tu futuro”) for the PhD scholarship given to Andrea Asensio Grau
(ACIF/2017/008). This study was developed thanks to the equipment funded with the
support from the Generalitat Valenciana IDIFEDER/2018/041 (PO FEDER Comunitat
Valenciana 2014-2020). Finally, we thank
Antonio Martínez Cañada, from the Data Science and Biostatistics Unit of Instituto de
Investigación Sanitaria La Fe, and Arash Javanidejad for the English corrections. / Asensio Grau, A. (2021). In vitro approach of dietary and host related factors affecting digestion of animal-origin foods under cystic fibrosis disease [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171512 / Compendio
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Rôle d’ABHD6 dans l’agressivité et la progression du cancer de la prostateLanglois, Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
Les cellules tumorales présentent des altérations de leur métabolisme, notamment le développement d'un phénotype lipogénique incluant l’augmentation de l’expression de protéines de la lipolyse. L'α/β-hydrolase domaine-6 (ABHD6), par son rôle dans l'hydrolyse des monoacylglycérols, semble être un acteur important dans le réseau lipidique de signalisation protumorigène. Des études ont révélé qu’ABHD6 est surexprimée dans l'ostéosarcome et la lignée cellulaire PC-3 du cancer de la prostate (CP), ainsi que dans les tumeurs d'Ewing. La suppression de l'expression d’ABHD6 a réduit la croissance du cancer du poumon et de ses métastases chez les souris. Ainsi, ABHD6 pourrait être un lien important entre la lipolyse et la progression du cancer. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que l'inhibition d'ABHD6 freinerait la prolifération, la migration et l’invasion des cellules du CP.
Les résultats montrent que l'expression d’ABHD6 est plus élevée dans les lignées LNCaP et C4-2B que dans les lignées les plus agressives (DU145 et PC-3). L’inhibition d'ABHD6 par le KT203 a réduit la prolifération des cellules du CP avec une sensibilité plus marquée dans les LNCaP et PC-3. La perte d’expression d’ABHD6 via un pARNi affecte de façon prononcée la prolifération de l’ensemble des lignées. La migration et l'invasion des cellules PC-3 ont été notablement réduites de plus de 50 % en présence de KT203, mais cet inhibiteur n'a eu que peu d'impact sur les cellules 22Rv1 ou C4-2B. L'inhibition d'ABHD6 semble inverser l'expression des marqueurs EMT dans les cellules PC3. Ces résultats suggèrent que ABHD6 pourrait jouer un rôle dans la progression du CP. / Tumor cells alter their metabolism to adapt to increased proliferation and survival under restricted nutrient availability. These metabolic changes include accelerated glycerolipid/ fatty acid cycle that encompasses lipogenesis and lipolysis. The lipolytic enzyme a/b-hydrolase domain-6 (ABHD6), which hydrolyzes monoacylglycerols, could be a potential player in the pro- tumorigenic lipid signaling network that promotes migration, survival, and growth of cancer cells. ABHD6 is found to be elevated in several cancers including prostate cancer (PC) cell-lines. Suppression of ABHD6 expression was shown to reduce lung cancer growth and metastases in mice. The possibility that ABHD6 could be an important link between lipolysis and cancer progression is not investigated in detail. We hypothesize that ABHD6 inhibition would curtail PC cell proliferation, migration and invasion capabilities. ABHD6 expression was assessed in 22Rv1, LNCaP, C4-2B, DU145, and PC-3 PC cell-lines. The impact of ABHD6 suppression either by RNAi- knockdown or by a specific inhibitor, KT203, on PC cell proliferation, migration, invasion and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) was examined.
Our results show that ABHD6 expression was relatively higher in LNCaP and C4-2B, as compared to the more aggressive PC cell-lines (DU145 and PC-3). ABHD6 inhibition by KT203 reduced PC cell proliferation, more markedly in LNCaP and PC-3. However, RNAi-knockdown of ABHD6 equally reduced the proliferation of all PC cell-lines. Migration and invasion of PC-3 cells was notably decreased by more than 50% by KT203 whereas there was less effect on 22Rv1 or C4-2B cells. ABHD6 inhibition appears to reverse the expression of EMT markers in the PC-3 cells. These findings suggest that ABHD6 inhibition may prevent progression of aggressive prostate cancer.
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