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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perception of Regional Dialects in 2-Talker Masking Speech by Korean-English Bilinguals

Kim, Sasha S., Kim 19 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Single vs. Immediate Repeated Read-Aloud on Preschoolers’ Listening Comprehension

DeVore, Trenton Michael Tremains 11 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of teaching second language students a combination of metacognitive and cognitive strategies for reading and listening comprehension

Kaplan-Dolgoy, Gayle 01 1900 (has links)
Students who study through the medium of a second language often have reading/listening comprehension and general study problems. This study focuses on particular aspects of these problems only, namely, identification of main ideas, summarisation and note-taking. The aim of this study was w determine the effect of teaching L2 students a combination of metacognitive and cognitive strategies for reading and listening comprehension (the main idea, summarising and note-taking by means of dictation). An intervention programme was designed in order to teach students these skills. There were ten students in both the experimental and the control groups. Both groups were assessed before and after the intervention programme. The findings reveal that the intervention was successful, with the experimental group showing greater improvement than the control group. The findings of this study have implications for second language tertiary learning and teaching theory and practice / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Linguistics)

影片標註聽力複習機制對於英語聽力理解的影響研究 / The Effects of Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism on Listening Comprehension

陳怡君, Chen, I Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來英語教學特別重視聽力對於英語學習的重要性,然而臺灣的英語教育仍以播放CD為最廣泛使用的英語聽力練習方法,無法因應個別學習者聽力上的個別差異需求,進行重聽段落的自我調整。隨著科技的進步,電腦輔助語言學習已成為發展趨勢,本研究發展一影片標註聽力複習機制(Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism, VALRM),可輔助學習者依據自己的學習需求,進行英語聽力重聽段落的標註與重聽。為了驗證此一機制對於提升英語聽力的成效,本研究比較使用VALRM以及利用Youtube進行自主聽力複習機制(Self-Determined Learning Review Mechanism, SDLRM)的學習者,在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷是否具有顯著差異。此外,也進一步比較不同英語起始能力學習者,以及不同學習風格學習者(場地獨立型與場地依賴型),分別採用VALRM及SDLRM在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷上是否具有顯著的差異。 研究結果發現,使用VALRM的學習者,其聽力理解成效顯著優於使用SDLRM的學習者。此外,使用VALRM的學習者,其學習滿意度與科技接受度高於使用SDLRM的學習者;認知負荷度則低於使用SDLRM的學習者。最後,採用VALRM及SDLRM之不同英語起始能力學習者,以及不同學習風格學習者的英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷度不具有顯著差異。研究結果顯示,學習者使用VALRM輔以英語聽力學習,能有效提昇學習者的英語聽力理解表現。

Verständnis von Bildungssprache bei Kindern mit deutscher und nicht-deutscher Familiensprache

Heppt, Birgit 16 June 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht, ob bildungs¬sprachliche Anforderungen für Grundschulkinder mit nicht-deutscher Familien¬sprache mit größeren Schwierigkeiten verbunden sind als für monolingual deutschsprachige Kinder. Zudem geht sie der Frage nach, ob das Verständnis von Bildungssprache für schulische Leistungen bedeutsamer ist als das Verständnis von Alltagssprache. In Teilstudie 1 wurde ein experimentelles Design mit sprachlich unterschiedlich anspruchsvollen Hörverstehenstexten umgesetzt. Bei der Bearbeitung der Hörverstehensaufgaben erzielten Schülerinnen und Schüler mit nicht-deutscher Familien¬sprache unabhängig von der sprachlichen Komplexität der Texte geringere Leistungen als monolingual deutschsprachige Schülerinnen und Schüler. Differenzielle Leistungsnachteile bei der Bearbeitung der bildungssprachlichen Texte ergaben sich jedoch nicht. Teilstudie 4 erbrachte vergleichbare Ergebnisse auf Basis eines Leseverständnistests. In den Teilstudien 2 und 3 wurde überprüft, ob bildungssprachliche Merkmale von Testaufgaben aus den Bereichen Mathematik und Leseverstehen mit DIF (Differential Item Functioning) gegenüber Grundschulkindern mit nicht-deutscher Familiensprache bzw. gegenüber deutschsprachigen Kindern aus Familien mit niedrigem sozioökonomischen Status (SES) zusammenhängen. Es ergaben sich substanzielle Zusammenhänge zwischen verschiedenen bildungssprachlichen Merkmalen und DIF. Diese waren für Kinder mit nicht-deutscher Familiensprache zahlreicher und ausgeprägter als für deutschsprachige Kinder aus Familien mit niedrigem SES. In Teilstudie 4 korrelierte das Verständnis von Bildungssprache höher mit schulischen Leistungen—operationalisiert über die mathematischen Kompetenzen—als das Verständnis von Alltagssprache. Im Anschluss an eine zusammenfassende Diskussion der Ergebnisse der vier Teilstudien werden Implikationen für die pädagogische Praxis abgeleitet und Perspektiven für die zukünftige Forschung zum Konzept der Bildungssprache aufgezeigt. / The present dissertation examines whether academic language demands are disproportionally more difficult for elementary school children with non-German home languages than for children who are monolingually German-speaking. Furthermore, it addresses the question of whether the comprehension of academic language is more relevant for school achievement than the comprehension of everyday language. Study 1 is based on an experimental design, including listening comprehension texts that differed in their academic language complexity. When answering the listening comprehension tasks, children with a non-German home language performed more poorly than children with German home language, regardless of the linguistic complexity of the texts. However, differential effects of academic language on listening comprehension of students with a non-German home language did not emerge. Study 4 yielded comparable results based on a reading comprehension test. Studies 2 and 3 investigated whether academic language features of test items in mathematics and reading comprehension are associated with DIF (differential item functioning) against school children who are not monolingually German-speaking and German monolingual students from families with low socioeconomic status (SES), respectively. There were substantial relationships between various academic language features and DIF. These relationships were more numerous and more pronounced for children who were not monolingually German-speaking than for German monolingual students from low SES families. Study 4 showed that the comprehension of academic language was more highly correlated with school achievement, operationalized with students’ mathematical achievement, than the comprehension of everyday language. After a joint discussion of the four studies’ results, implications for educational practice are drawn and perspectives for future research on the concept of academic language are presented.

Processus ascendants et descendants en compréhension de l'oral en langue étrangère - Problèmes et retombées didactiques pour la compréhension de l'anglais / Foreign-language listening : bottom-up and top-down processes – issues for EFL teaching and research

Zoghlami, Naouel 27 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la relation complexe entre processus ascendants (bottom-up) et processus descendants (top-down) dans la compréhension de l’oral L2 ; c’est-à-dire entre l’utilisation du signal sonore et de l’input linguistique d’une part, et l’intégration de connaissances diverses (linguistiques, discursives, pragmatiques, générales) d’autre part. Malgré de nombreux travaux en psycholinguistique, en acquisition des langues étrangères (L2) et en didactique (par exemple, Cutler & Clifton, 1999 ; Field, 2008; Rost, 2002 ; Brown, 1990), notre connaissance des processus cognitifs complexes de l’écoute ainsi que l’effet de certains facteurs sur la compréhension de l’oral restent à approfondir. Une appréciation plus fine de ces processus est indispensable aux questions relatives à l’enseignement et à l’apprentissage de la compréhension de l’oral en L2.Partant du principe que l’écoute a la même architecture cognitive en L1 et L2, nous commençons par un résumé – et une synthèse – des modèles psycholinguistiques récents de la compréhension de l’oral en L1. Nous examinons également les principaux facteurs rendant la compréhension difficile. Notre résumé des études en L2 consacrées au rôle de l'information descendante et au comportement stratégique des auditeurs L2 souligne la contribution importante de la métacognition. Nous tenterons donc ici de clarifier un certain flou terminologique qui caractérise ces travaux, et nous proposerons un modèle qui fait part de la métacognition dans la compréhension unidirectionnelle de l’oral en L2. Nous présentons ensuite les résultats d'une étude que nous avons menée pour analyser la contribution exacte de certains facteurs à l'écoute en L2.Les participants à cette étude sont des enseignants (n=23) et surtout des apprenants (n=226) français et tunisiens de l’anglais. En s’appuyant sur des méthodes multiples, à la fois quantitatives (différent tests et questionnaires) et qualitatives (questionnaires, tâches de réflexion à haute voix - Ericsson & Simon, 1993 - et de dévoilement graduel - gating, Grosjean, 1980), nous nous interrogeons: 1) sur les facteurs perçus par les apprenants et les enseignants comme étant déterminants dans la compréhension de l’anglais oral ; 2) sur la contribution relative de la compétence linguistique en L2, la discrimination auditive, la reconnaissance lexicale, et les compétences en méta-compréhension à une compréhension auditive réussie; 3) sur les problèmes que rencontrent nos auditeurs L2 lors de l’écoute, et sur les comportements stratégiques adoptés pour y faire face. Nous regardons plus particulièrement (pour ces différents paramètres) les différents niveaux de compétence en compréhension des sujets (avec une analyse poussée des auditeurs compétents et des auditeurs moins-compétents), ainsi qu’à de possibles influences de deux langues maternelles distinctes (français vs arabe tunisien). Nos analyses montrent : 1) ce que les apprenants et les enseignant perçoivent comme facteurs influant la compréhension de l’oral diffère relativement de ce qui la rend réellement problématique; 2) que la reconnaissance des mots et la connaissance lexicale contribuent significativement à la variation dans la compréhension, avec la reconnaissance des mots étant le prédicteur le plus fort ; 3) que les problèmes rencontrés en temps réel sont principalement de bas-niveau (segmentation de la parole), et que si les stratégies généralement contribuent à la compréhension, elles ne sont pas discriminatoires. Ce qui distingue donc l’auditeur expert du novice est son traitement formel (plus efficace et automatique) et non pas stratégique de l’information orale. Ces résultats sont discutés en rapport avec notre cadre théorique et selon une perspective pédagogique. / This thesis focuses on the complex relationship between bottom-up and top-down processes in L2 speech comprehension; i.e. between the use of the signal and the linguistic input on one hand, and the integration of various types of knowledge (linguistic, discourse, pragmatic, general) on the other hand. Despite a large body of research on the cognitive processes underlying listening in psycholinguistics, foreign language (L2) acquisition and teaching (e.g., Cutler & Clifton, 1999; Field, 2008a; Rost, 2002; Brown, 1990), there are still gaps in our understanding of these processes and the impact certain factors have on listening comprehension. Assuming that L1 and L2 listening follow the same cognitive architecture, we first review recent psycholinguistic models of L1 listening. We also examine the main factors constraining L2 listening comprehension. As our summary of the few SLA studies that have investigated the role of bottom-up information and the strategic behavior of L2 listeners points to the important contribution of metacognition, we clarify the terminological fuzziness characterizing this concept, and propose a model of metacognition in real-world unidirectional L2 listening. We then present the results of a study that we conducted to investigate the exact contribution of these different factors to L2 listening. The participants in this study were EFL French and Tunisian teachers (n=23) and learners (n=226). Using mixed quantitative (different tests and questionnaires) and qualitative (protocol analysis and gating experiments - Ericsson & Simon, 1993; Grosjean, 1980) methods, our aim was to investigate: 1) the factors perceived by learners and teachers as influencing L2 listening; 2) the relative contribution of linguistic knowledge, auditory discrimination, spoken word recognition (SWR), and meta-comprehension knowledge to successful L2 listening; 3) on-line listening problems and strategy use. For all of these parameters, we looked more closely at different levels of listening proficiency (various analyses of the performance of skilled and unskilled L2 listeners), as well as the possible influence of the two L1s (French and Tunisian Arabic) involved in the study.Our analyses show that: 1) there is a general discrepancy between what is perceived as making L2 listening difficult and what really renders it problematic; 2) SWR and vocabulary knowledge contribute significantly to the variance in L2 listening, with SWR being a stronger predictor; 3) listening problems encountered on-line are mainly lower-level (segmentation) and, although strategies contribute to speech comprehension, they are not discriminatory. What characterizes a proficient L2 listener seems to be accurate formal processing, not strategic processing of oral input. The findings are discussed from a theoretical and pedagogical perspective. Keywords: listening comprehension, French and Tunisian learners of L2 English, bottom-up and top-down processes, formal processing, integration and situation model, attentional resources, gating, protocol analysis, comparative analysis

The effect of teaching second language students a combination of metacognitive and cognitive strategies for reading and listening comprehension

Kaplan-Dolgoy, Gayle 01 1900 (has links)
Students who study through the medium of a second language often have reading/listening comprehension and general study problems. This study focuses on particular aspects of these problems only, namely, identification of main ideas, summarisation and note-taking. The aim of this study was w determine the effect of teaching L2 students a combination of metacognitive and cognitive strategies for reading and listening comprehension (the main idea, summarising and note-taking by means of dictation). An intervention programme was designed in order to teach students these skills. There were ten students in both the experimental and the control groups. Both groups were assessed before and after the intervention programme. The findings reveal that the intervention was successful, with the experimental group showing greater improvement than the control group. The findings of this study have implications for second language tertiary learning and teaching theory and practice / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Linguistics)

Comprensión Auditiva con Material Audiovisual : Las percepciones de estudiantes sobre el uso de video en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras / Listening Comprehension with Audiovisual Material : Students' perceptions of the use of video in foreign language teaching

Davidsson, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
El presente estudio examina las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre el uso del video en una actividad de comprensión auditiva. La actividad se llevó a cabo con 22 estudiantes de noveno grado que habían estado estudiando español desde el sexto grado en una escuela primaria sueca. Basado en un marco teórico de perspectiva multimodal, el proceso analítico y sintético y escucha extensa se realizó una actividad audiovisual usando el método de experimento. El resultado, las percepciones de los estudiantes son positivos. Ellos sienten que es posible aprender un lenguaje más avanzado y auténtico y que las actividades audiovisuales conectan más con el mundo real, debido a la ayuda visual, como el lenguaje corporal, expresiones faciales y contexto que el vídeo proporciona. En conclusión es necesario educar a los docentes en cómo se enseña comprensión auditiva con el uso de video y desarrollar o complementar los materiales de enseñanza con materiales audiovisuales. / This study examines students' perceptions of the use of video in a listening comprehension activity. The activity was carried out with 22 students in the ninth grade who have studied Spanish since the sixth grade in a Swedish primary school. Based on a theoretical framework of multimodal perspective, the analytical and synthetic process and an extensive listening, an audiovisual activity was carried out using the experimental method. The result, the students' perceptions are positive. They experience that it is possible to learn a more advanced and authentic language and that audiovisual activities connect more to the real world, thanks to the visual aids, such as body language, facial expressions and context that the video provides. In conclusion, it is necessary to educate teachers on how to teach listening comprehension with the use of video and to develop or complement teaching materials with audiovisual materials. / Denna studie undersöker elevernas uppfattningar om användningen av video i en hörförståelseaktivitet. Aktiviteten genomfördes med 22 elever i årskurs nio som har läst spanska sedan årskurs sex i en svensk grundskola. Utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk av multimodalt perspektiv, den analytiska och syntetiska processen och ett omfattande lyssnande genomfördes en audiovisuell aktivitet med en experimentell metod. Resultatet, elevernas uppfattningar är positiva. De upplever att det går att lära sig ett mer avancerat och autentiskt språk och att audiovisuella aktiviteter kan kopplas mer till den verkliga världen, tack vare de visuella hjälpmedel, som kroppsspråk, ansiktsuttryck och sammanhang som videon ger. Sammanfattningsvis är det nödvändigt att utbilda lärare i hur man lär ut hörförståelse med användning av video och att utveckla eller komplettera läromedel med audiovisuellt material.

Předposlechová fáze ve výuce poslechu u dospělého žáka na úrovni A2 - B1. / The Pre-listening Stage in L2 Listening Instruction to A2 - B1 Adult Learners.

Ždímalová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The Pre-listening Stage in L2 Listening Instruction to A2 - B1 Adult Learners By Hana Ždímalová This dissertation deals with listening instruction to adult EFL learners in the Czech Republic and the phenomenon of pre-listening, which is currently under-researched. It examines adult EFL students' perspectives and perceptions of listening instruction and of the inclusion of different pre-listening techniques, particularly at CEFR A2-B1 proficiency levels. The theoretical part of the study focuses on current developments in listening research and the historical context of the development of listening instruction in classical FLT methodology. The pre-listening stage has been integral to L2 listening instruction since the beginning of Communicative Language Teaching. However, some controversial issues have recently been raised. For example, teachers are sometimes suspected of spending too much time on the pre- listening stage (Field 2002; 2008) and the overall usefulness of previewed comprehension questions in testing listening has been challenged (Sherman 1997). Moreover, adult students' listening needs and their perceptions of listening instruction have not yet been thoroughly researched (Graham 2006; Graham and Macaro 2008). This study argues that we should ask the students about their perceptions...

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