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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tensões do pensamento nacional no diálogo crítico entre Roberto Schwarz e Silviano Santiago / Tensions of national thinking in the critical dialogue between Roberto Schwarz and Silviano Santiago

Fabiana Carneiro da Silva 17 August 2012 (has links)
Partindo de uma sensação de desconforto em relação a certo modo de encaminhamento da reflexão crítica contemporânea no Brasil, este trabalho propõe uma análise comparativa de alguns ensaios de dois autores de notória importância para a teoria literária brasileira, a saber, Roberto Schwarz e Silviano Santiago. Por meio de um recorte que privilegia as proposições e avaliações sobre os aspectos socioculturais do país realizadas por eles, pretende-se explicitar como a perspectiva contrastiva que leva em consideração as oposições, mas também as semelhanças entre tais obras pode configurar uma possibilidade de formulações outras para questões que há muito são fundamentais no pensamento nacional. Desse modo, sem nos isentarmos de uma posição na disputa do campo, almejamos flagrar as tensões que os textos críticos estabelecem entre si e vislumbrar nesse procedimento uma potência particular. Deteremo-nos, sobretudo, nos modos como o tópico da subordinação econômica versus (in)dependência cultural (e sua relação com o nacionalismo) são desenvolvidos e envolvem estratégias de autolegitimação, bem como o embate entre pressupostos teóricos de escasso diálogo: a desconstrução e o materialismo dialético. / Motivated by a certain discomfort related to a specific direction Brazils contemporary critical thought has taken, this paper proposes a comparative analysis between a few essays from two highly regarded authors in Brazilian literary criticism: Roberto Schwarz and Silviano Santiago. Through a point of view that privileges the proposals and assessments concerning the countrys socio cultural aspects carried out by them, it is intended to highlight how the contrastive perspective which takes into consideration the oppositions, but also the similarities between the aforementioned works can configure a possibility of formulating other questions that for long have been quintessential in the national thought. Thus, without excusing ourselves from taking a stand in the dispute, we aspire to point out the tensions set between the critical texts and conjecture a common faculty in this procedure. We shall focus, mostly, on the manners the topic economic subordination versus cultural (in)dependence (and its relation to nationalism) are developed and regard self-legitimization strategies, as well as the confrontation between theoretical moulds of rare dialogue: deconstruction and dialectic materialism.

O sertão no universo poético de João Guimarães Rosa: o recado cifrado da canção / The backlands of the Guimarães Rosa\'s poetic world: a crypted message of the song

Hélio Rosa de Miranda 16 September 1999 (has links)
Este trabalho de interpretação de \"O Recado do Morro\" trata da forma mesclada do conto com outras modalidades de narrativa, provindas da tradição oral, em consonância com o processo histórico-social que rege a realidade também misturada do sertão rosiano, múltiplo e labiríntico, fonte e origem do mito e da poesia. O estudo descreve e tenta apreender assim a mistura peculiar que define a singularidade do conto, intrinsecamente relacionada ao mundo misturado que tanto encanta quanto desconcerta. Na reconstrução da mistura como um todo orgânico, em que o conto parece renascer do interior da poesia do mais fundo do sertão brasileiro, se busca tornar inteligível um verdadeiro processo de esclarecimento, que culmina com o reconhecimento de sua própria identidade relacionado à terra natal à qual o herói retorna, de modo triunfal. / This interpretative work on \"O Recado do Morro\" discusses the mixture of this short story with other narratives modes, based on oral tradition, consistent with the socio-historical process orienting the also-mixed reality of Guimarães Rosa\'s backlands, plural and labyrinthine, where myth and poetry come from. This study reports and seeks to comprehend the peculiar mixture that defines the narrative\'s uniqueness which is intrinsically related to the hybrid style that amazes and disconcerts the reader. In reconstructing this mixture as an organic whole, where the short story seems to be reborn from the poetry of the deepest backlands of Brazil, this reading seeks to make intelligible a veritable process of the illumination, whose climax is the recognition of himself: a identity of the hero.

O riso escuro ou o pavão de luto: um percurso pela poesia de Lúcio Cardoso. / The dark smile or the mourning of peacock: a journey through Lúcio Cardoso´s poetry.

Esio Macedo Ribeiro 14 August 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho procura levantar os passos da obra poética de Lúcio Cardoso (1912-1968), desde seu provável primeiro poema (Poema do ferro e do sangue, 1934) até a publicação de seu segundo livro (Novas poesias, 1944), enfocando alguns inéditos e fazendo observações sobre seu livro póstumo (Poemas inéditos, 1982), com vistas a apreender a evolução temática de sua poética. Também apresenta traços do diálogo de sua poesia com o romantismo da segunda geração, o simbolismo, o expressionismo, o surrealismo e o modernismo. O trabalho pretende demonstrar, ainda, o entrelaçamento da temática de sua poética com a vida do homem Lúcio Cardoso, a partir das anotações em seu Diário completo (1970). Este trabalho apresenta temas, constantes e tendências que revelam como aspectos da sua obra em verso também se manifestam em sua prosa. Ao final do trabalho, é apresentada uma ampla bibliografia de e sobre Lúcio Cardoso, revista e aumentada. / This essay shows the main important aspects of the poetical work of Lúcio Cardoso (1912-1968), from his assumed first poem (Poema do ferro e do sangue, 1934) till his second published book, (Novas poesias, 1944). It also discusses some unpublished texts and offers some comments about his posthumous book (Poemas inéditos, 1982). The main purpose is to understand the theme evolution in his poetry. It also shows traces of the dialogue between Cardoso’s poetry and Brazilian second generation Romanticism, Symbolism, Expressionism, Surrealism and Modernism. This essay also has the objective of discussing the connection between Cardoso’s themes and his biography, mostly considering the comments present in his Diário completo (1970). This essay shows themes, constants and trends that points out how some aspects of Cardoso’s poetry are also present in his prose. Finally, it also contains a reviewed and enlarged bibliography by and about the author.

Hermenêutica e crítica: o pensamento e a obra de Benedito Nunes / Hermeneutics and criticism: the thought and the work of Benedito Nunes

Jucimara Tarricone 21 November 2007 (has links)
Este estudo é, no essencial, uma reflexão acerca da produção, do método e da construção da linguagem crítica de Benedito Nunes. Tal crítica é entendida como uma leitura hermenêutica perpassada por um discurso em confrontação filosófica e literária, em que outras vozes, em vários momentos, misturam-se à sua identidade escritural, como as de Nietzsche, de Heidegger, de Ricoeur... O que se pretende, antes de tudo, é acompanhar os passos da sua hermenêutica, realçar a problemática que ele imprime ao seu texto; qual seja, o repensar crítico das questões do Homem, do Mundo, em um ato de interpretação que, como lembra Foucault, enreda o próprio intérprete e o faz interpretar-se a si mesmo. Assim, no primeiro capítulo, denominado \"Uma incursão à obra e ao pensamento de Benedito Nunes\", a intenção foi a de ressaltar seus principais escritos, a recepção crítica à sua obra e a linha interpretativa em que se move. O segundo, intitulado \"A crítica crítico-reflexiva de Benedito Nunes\", foi dividido em quatro momentos representativos das preponderantes características do seu corpus ensaístico: 1. a crítica definida como tensão entre a escrita dos escritores e a leitura dos críticos; 2. o confronto de idéias estéticas e poéticas; 3. as raízes filosóficas como marcas do discurso teórico-crítico; e 4. o traço da historicização e o uso do ensaio. Por fim, em \"A opacidade crítica: a linguagem na divisa entre o conceitual e a criação de imagens\", a preocupação foi a de pôr em relevo a sua prática de leitura hermenêutica, o modo como tece a sua linguagem crítica, em que se sobressai inscrito, por vezes, o metafórico. / This study is essentially a reflection about the critical work of Benedito Nunes, in what regards its language and its method. Its language is regarded as a hermeneutical reading where the voices of other literary and philosophical authors as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Ricoeur etc. are heard and whose speeches intermingle with the author`s speech. In what concerns its method, we tried to accompany the steps of Nunes` hermeneutics in order to stress what he aims at with his texts: the critical interpretations of the questions of Man and World which - as Foucault puts it - results in the author making his own interpretation. In the first chapter , \" An incursion into the work and the thought of Benedito Nunes\" we first tried to consider his main texts in accordance with his critical interpretation and to make an exaustive review of his critical reception. The second chapter \" Benedito Nunes` critical-reflexive criticism\" was divided into what we consider the four main characteristics of his essays:1. criticism as a tension between the writing of the authors and the reading of the critics; 2. the confrontation between aesthetic and poetic ideas; 3. the philosophical roots of his theorethical-critical speech; 4. the way historicism and essaysm are being used in his work; And finally, in our last chapter \" Critical opacity: language between concept and image\" we wanted to evidentiate the kind of Benedito Nunes` hermeneutical reading and the construction of his critical language where metaphore sometimes emerges in its relevant role.

Aetas Ovidiana: Ovídio como modelo e o problema de gênero na poesia latina medieval / Aetas Ovidiana: Ovid as model and the problem of genre in medieval latin poetry

Pedro Baroni Schmidt 10 November 2017 (has links)
A obra do poeta romano Públio Ovídio Nasão constou entre as mais lidas, copiadas, estudadas e reelaboradas durante o período denominado Idade Média. Para que se possa ter uma compreensão de quanto a poesia ovidiana determinou a poesia medieval, e de que maneira, e o que isso significa em termos práticos, teóricos e literários, é preciso investigar: primeiro, a presença de Ovídio na Idade Média, através dos manuscritos e catálogos, dos comentários e críticas sobre sua poesia, das vitae e das alusões presentes nos autores críticos medievais; em seguida, a relação entre Ovídio e os poetas medievais e seus desdobramentos; e, por fim, a discussão sobre os gêneros poéticos medievais que emerge do confronto entre a poética ovidiana, a prática da poesia na Idade Média e a preceituação poética elaborada nesse período. Como resultado de tais investigações, é possível supor uma hipótese de que as definições técnicas de gênero poético, tão difundidas no mundo clássico, já não são tão relevantes para a composição literária medieval, que elege como princípio basilar e fundador a imitação dos auctores em detrimento da imitação dos gêneros. / The poems of the Roman poet Ovid have stood between those most read, copied, studied and reworked during the so-called Middle Ages. In order to obtain an understanding of how much the Ovidian poetry has influenced the medieval poetry, and in which manner, and what does it mean in practical, theoretical and literary terms, it is necessary to investigate three steps. First, the presence of Ovid in the Middle Ages, through the manuscripts and catalogues of his texts, the commentaries and criticism over his poetry, the vitae and mentions by medieval critics. Second, the relation between Ovid and medieval poets and its consequences. And finally, the discussion on poetic genres which emerges from the comparison between Ovidian poetics, the practice of poetry in Middle Ages and the medieval precepts on poetry. As result, it is possible to propose a hypothesis that the technical definitions of poetic genre, so widespread in the Classical world, are no longer important to medieval literary composition, which on its turn elects as underlying principle the imitation of auctores in detriment of the imitation by genres.

O maravilhoso no relato de Marco Polo / The Wonderful in the report of Marco Polo

Márcia Regina Busanello 21 September 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação versa sobre a obra conhecida, na tradição italiana, por Il Milione, escrita em Gênova, em 1298, por Marco Polo e Rustichello da Pisa. Trata-se da famosa obra que compartilhou com o mundo os conhecimentos adquiridos pelo viajante veneziano em sua estada na corte de Kublai Khan, Grande Khan do Império Tártaro. No primeiro capítulo desse estudo são tratadas algumas questões estruturais da obra, tais como o narrador, a dupla autoria tema assumido como fundamental para os estudos da obra polo-rusticheliana apenas no século XX e a questão do gênero. Já no segundo capítulo, são exploradas as ligações da obra com o maravilhoso literário proposto por Tzvetan Todorov e com o maravilhoso medieval proposto por Jacques Le Goff. / The present essay proposes a reflection on the work known in the italian tradition as Il Milione, which was written in Genoa, in 1298, by Marco Polo and Rustichello da Pisa. The famous work shared with the world the knowledge acquired by the venetian explorer during his stay in the Kublai Khan\'s court, the Great Khan of the Tatar Empire. In the first chapter of this research, some structural elements of the work are analyzed, such as the narrator, the co-authoring (this theme was considered essential for the study of the polo-rustichelian work only in the 20th century) and the genre question. In the second chapter, the liaisons between the work, the Literary Wonderful proposed by Tzvetan Todorov and the Medieval Wonderful proposed by Jacques Le Goff are explored.

La préparation du roman contemporain : présence de Barthes et retour de l'auteur chez Gonçalo M. Tavares, Enrique Vila-Matas et Henri Raczymow / The preparation of the contemporary novel : presence of Barthes and return of the author in the works of Gonçalo M. Tavares, Enrique Vila-Matas and Henri Raczymow

Bergonzoni, Gisela 13 December 2017 (has links)
Le point de départ de cette thèse est une interrogation sur la littérature contemporaine, sur le rapport qu’elle entretient avec la tradition littéraire et sur la figure auctoriale qu’elle bâtit. Les oeuvres de Gonçalo M. Tavares (1970), Enrique Vila-Matas (1948) et Henri Raczymow (1948), placées à la croisée de la fiction et de l’essai, proposent un dialogue intense avec la théorie littéraire. Le travail de ces trois auteurs européens peut en effet être lu comme une réponse aux problèmes posés par la théorie, comme ceux soulevés par les notions de « mort de l’auteur » et d’épuisement de la littérature. La présente étude cherche à trouver de nouveaux outils pour lire ces textes contemporains, tout en observant, en même temps, leur corrélation avec les débats qui ont animé les études littéraires dans les années 1960 et 1970. Pour guider cette démarche, j’ai choisi le dernier cours de Roland Barthes au Collège de France, La Préparation du roman, entre 1978 et 1980. Barthes y réfléchit sur son désir d’entamer une écriture qui rompt avec ses travaux précédents, et réalise une recherche sur la façon dont l’écrivain fait une oeuvre. Il y ébauche certaines notions qui restent pourtant dans un état sommaire. Mon travail consiste à les interroger, les problématiser et à les dépasser, afin de les projeter sur l’oeuvre de trois auteurs en activité. L’étude des oeuvres de Tavares, Vila-Matas et Raczymow me permet d’esquisser une nouvelle figure auctoriale, plus active que celle du lecteur/scripteur, et qui ne ressent pas le besoin de choisir entre la maîtrise totale du texte et la « mort de l’auteur ». Cet auteur devient un auteur-squatteur, qui occupe sa place à force de filiation. Il construit son autorité en l’insérant dans un « lignage », en tant que continuateur de la littérature. / The starting point of this thesis is an examination of contemporary literature, specifically, the relationship it establishes with the literary tradition and the figure of the author that is constructed by its discourse. The works of Gonçalo M. Tavares (1970), Enrique Vila-Matas (1948) and Henri Raczymow (1948), situated at the crossroads between fiction and the essay, embody an intense dialogue with literary theory. The works of these three European authors can be understood as a response to the problems raised by theory, such as the idea of the “death of the author” and the exhaustion of literature. This study seeks to set out new perspectives for reading these contemporary texts while considering, at the same time, the way in which they correlate with the debates that animated literary studies in the 1960s and 1970s. In order to guide this approach, I chose Roland Barthes’ final course at the Collège de France, The Preparation of the Novel, which took place between 1978and 1980. Barthes reflects upon his desire to create a form of writing that breaks with his earlier work and proposes an investigation of how a writer creates a work. He puts forward some concepts, although leaving them underdeveloped. My research consists therefore in problematizing and elaborating these concepts through turning them into approaches for analyzing the works of three authors in action. The study of the works of Tavares, Vila-Matas and Raczymow allows for a vision of a new literary figure, more active than the lecteur/scripteur and who does not feel the need to choose between the total mastery of the text and the “death of the author”. This author becomes a squatter-author, who occupies his place through his affiliations. He constructs his authority by integrating himself into a lineage, as a continuator of literature.

The Aesthetics of Consumption in the Age of Electrical Reproduction: The Turntablist Texts of DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist

Phillips, Michael January 2012 (has links)
With new technology come new possibilities for the creation of artistic works. The invention of sound recording at end of the nineteenth century enabled musical performances to be “written” in the same manner as traditional, printed literature. The status of records as a form of writing and, moreover, as the material for further writing is demonstrated in the work of two hip hop artists, DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist, who assemble new, heteroglossic texts out of a wide array of sampled records. Two concerts, Product Placement (2004) and The Hard Sell (2008) – both of which have been memorialized on DVD – serve as fruitful examples of the potential for artistic production enabled by technology. Indeed, the genre of turntablism, which involves the live manipulation of vinyl records, requires the usage of technology in ways not intended by its original developers – a recurrent theme throughout the history of sound recording. By transforming the turntable from a passive playback device into an active compositional tool, turntablism collapses the distance between consumption and production and so turns the listener into a performer. Furthermore, the exclusive usage of 45 rpm records as the source texts for the two sets dramatizes theories of intertextuality while simultaneously tracing the constraints placed on such artistic piracy by the copyright regime. These texts entail more than just their cited musical content; they also involve visual components. These include not only the video imagery that accompanies and comments on the records being played, but also the physical performance of the DJs themselves and the spectacle of the attending crowds whose response to the music constitutes part of the text itself. Following a theoretical and historical background that will situate these works within the history of hip hop and literature in general, this study will explicate these two multimedia texts and reveal how they demonstrate a concern not only with the history of sound recording, but also such issues as the influence of technology on cultural production, the complication of authorship through intertextuality, and the relationship between culture and commerce. Above all, however, both the form and content of these two performances also serve to highlight the value of physical media as historical artifacts in the face of increasing challenges from incorporeal digital media.

Materialismo cultural / Cultural materialism

André Luiz Glaser 25 September 2008 (has links)
O materialismo cultural de Raymond Williams, como formulação de uma nova teoria da cultura inscrita no materialismo histórico, centra-se em um dos debates mais polêmicos e fecundos da tradição marxista - a questão da determinação econômica da cultura e da arte. O presente trabalho visa a uma leitura crítica do livro Marxismo e Literatura, no qual Williams expõe sua teoria de forma abrangente. Por tratar-se de um livro expositivo, sua discussão será acompanhada de diversas análises culturais e literárias do crítico, trazendo à tona seu método teórico-prático as análises criando a teoria, que reorganiza, por sua vez, as formas de entendimento da realidade. / Raymond Williamss Cultural Materialism, working as a formulation of a new cultural theory inscribed in Marxs historical materialism, takes part in one of the most polemical and productive debates in the Marxist tradition the question of the economic determinantion of culture and the arts. The present dissertation has as its aim a critical reading of Marxism and Literature, book in which Williams thoroughly exposes his theory. Being of an expositive kind, its discussion will be conducted along with the study of some of Williamss literary and cultural analyses, bringing forth his method both theoretical and practical the analyses producing the theory that, in its turn, reorganizes the forms of understanding reality.

The Emerging Paradigm of Reader-Text Transaction: Contributions of John Dewey and Louise M. Rosenblatt, with Implications for Educators

Roth, Elizabeth H. 02 April 2000 (has links)
This dissertation will trace the emerging paradigm of transaction as a model for the dynamics of the reading process. The paradigm of transaction, implicit in John Dewey's writings as early as 1896 in "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology," was originally described in terms of "interaction" between organism and environment. Only in 1949, in the twilight of his career, did Dewey definitively distinguish between "transaction" and "interaction," ascribing a mutually transformative character to the former process. In Knowing and the Known, Dewey and co-author Arthur F. Bentley (1949) proposed adoption of a wholly new "transactional vocabulary" as a precision tool for a new mode of scientific inquiry, whereby inquiry itself was recognized as a species of transaction between inquirer and observed phenomena. Even before the publication of Knowing and the Known, literary theorist Louise M. Rosenblatt had applied an implicitly transactional model of the relationship between organism and environment to the relationship between reader and text. She described this dynamic model of the reading process in Literature as Exploration (first published in 1938), a work that has inspired an ongoing revolution in the teaching of reading and literature at all instructional levels. In the first edition of this work, Rosenblatt employed Dewey's original term--"interaction"--to describe the dynamic relationship between reader and text. Following the publication of Knowing and the Known in 1949, Rosenblatt began systematically to appropriate Dewey and Bentley's transactional terminology in her analysis of the reader-text relationship. Educators who share the transactional vision of Dewey and Rosenblatt tend to see the role of the teacher as that of a facilitator of reader-text transaction and of reader-reader transaction as arbitrated by the text, rather than as an imparter of authoritative interpretations of texts. Envisioning potentialities for students' growth through such transactions gives rise neither to sanguine optimism nor to despair, but rather to a hopeful meliorism. / Ph. D.

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