Spelling suggestions: "subject:"local newspapers"" "subject:"local mewspapers""
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Värmländska ungdomars attityder till lokaltidningen : En kvantitativ enkätundersökning / Youth attitudes towards local newspapers in Värmland : A quantitative surveyAndersson, Magnus, Blomgren, Kristin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats är gjord på uppdrag av Tidningsutgivarnas organisation Tidningen i skolan och grundas på en kvantitativ enkätundersökning. Uppsatsen syftar till att försöka svara på den övergripande frågan ”Vilka attityder har värmländska ungdomar till lokaltidningen?”</p><p>Enkäten ställde frågor om bakgrund, medievanor, och respondentens förväntningar på framtiden. Målgruppen avgränsades till gymnasieelever, och enkäten delades ut och samlades in under ett och samma besök i klasserna. De värmländska ungdomarna har generellt sett en relativt positiv bild av lokaltidningar. De allra flesta tror att de själva kommer att prenumerera någon gång i framtiden. Samtidigt visar resultaten att målgruppen spår lokaltidningarna en framtida nergång. Idag är det teven som är det främsta mediet för nyheter. Lokaltidningarna hamnar på en andraplats på samma lista. Får ungdomarna titta tio år in i framtiden tror de fortfarande att det är teven som är det främsta nyhetsmediet. Lokaltidningarna tappar på bekostnad av Internet, men hittas fortfarande på topp-tre.</p><p>Bara en tredjedel av ungdomarna upplever att deras lokaltidning riktar sig till deras åldersgrupp, knappt någon tvivlade på vuxna som målgrupp. När vi bad dem bedöma sina respektive lokaltidningars olika egenskaper var de flesta försiktigt positiva eller likgiltiga. Värmlands tidningar är enligt våra enkätsvar varken snygg eller ful, varken pålitlig eller opålitlig, och så vidare…</p><p>Resultatet ger en aning om att lokaltidningarna står inför, om inte sin död, så åtminstone en stor utmaning.</p> / <p>This thesis was written in co-operation with the newspaper publicist organization ”Tidningen I skolan” and is based on a quantitative survey. The object of this thesis is to try to answer “What are the youth’s attitudes towards local newspapers in Värmland?” The survey asked questions about background, media habits, and expectations regarding the future. The population was limited to high school-students and the survey was handed out and collected during one visit to each of the classes.</p><p>Generally speaking, the respondents have a rather positive image of their local newspapers. A majority of them believe they’ll subscribe sometime in the future. At the same time, however, they predict a coming downturn for local newspapers. Presently, television is the number one source for news for our surveyed population, with local papers second. Asked to predict their own consumption ten years from now, internet-based news will have pushed print media down to third. But television is still on top.</p><p>Only a third of our respondents feel that their local paper caters to their own demographic, while hardly anyone doubted that grown-ups were a target group. When we asked them to appraise their local paper’s different characteristics, most were either cautiously positive or indifferent. The local newspapers in Värmland are, according to the answers we saw, neither good or bad looking, neither reliable or unreliable, and so on… The results hint at what is facing the local papers. If not their own demise, then at the very least a difficult challenge.</p>
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Utan papperstidningen saknas existentiella förutsättningar för journalistik på webben : <em>En undersökning av lokala tidningars förutsättningar när de möter utmaningarna från internet</em><em></em> / Without Newspaper the existential conditions for journalism on the Web is missingJaber, Ali January 2010 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>In the past decades the newspaper industry went through many changes but it has never had a problem of this kind. With the freedom the Internet brings us today and the wide range of information channels, the newspaper is for the first time seriously challenged.</p><p>When the newspapers began to establish themselves on the internet they thought it was only to copy the content of the newspaper on to their webpage and the advertisers would come along. This move was not planed and had no vision. When the advertisers discovered Internets wide range of advertisement platforms they started to look for other places they could put their ads.</p><p> </p><p>This thesis is about the local newspapers ability to address the problem that the internet has created. I based my study on the following issues:</p><ul><li>Why has internet caused this problem for the newspapers?</li><li>What are the prerequisites for local newspapers when they face challenges from the internet?</li><li>How have the advertisers acted after the emergence of this challenge?</li></ul><p>To answer these questions I did qualitative interviews with different personalities within the newspaper industry, two local newspaper executives and two professors in media economics.</p><p> </p><p>In conclusion the result shows that there are different opinions regarding these questions and different views of how to solve them. The Newspaper industry is heading towards a new era where the electronic newspaper is going to play a much bigger role. The executives need to come up with new business models where the consumer’s needs are in the center.</p>
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Utan papperstidningen saknas existentiella förutsättningar för journalistik på webben : En undersökning av lokala tidningars förutsättningar när de möter utmaningarna från internet / Without Newspaper the existential conditions for journalism on the Web is missingJaber, Ali January 2010 (has links)
Abstract In the past decades the newspaper industry went through many changes but it has never had a problem of this kind. With the freedom the Internet brings us today and the wide range of information channels, the newspaper is for the first time seriously challenged. When the newspapers began to establish themselves on the internet they thought it was only to copy the content of the newspaper on to their webpage and the advertisers would come along. This move was not planed and had no vision. When the advertisers discovered Internets wide range of advertisement platforms they started to look for other places they could put their ads. This thesis is about the local newspapers ability to address the problem that the internet has created. I based my study on the following issues: Why has internet caused this problem for the newspapers? What are the prerequisites for local newspapers when they face challenges from the internet? How have the advertisers acted after the emergence of this challenge? To answer these questions I did qualitative interviews with different personalities within the newspaper industry, two local newspaper executives and two professors in media economics. In conclusion the result shows that there are different opinions regarding these questions and different views of how to solve them. The Newspaper industry is heading towards a new era where the electronic newspaper is going to play a much bigger role. The executives need to come up with new business models where the consumer’s needs are in the center.
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Värmländska ungdomars attityder till lokaltidningen : En kvantitativ enkätundersökning / Youth attitudes towards local newspapers in Värmland : A quantitative surveyAndersson, Magnus, Blomgren, Kristin January 2007 (has links)
Denna uppsats är gjord på uppdrag av Tidningsutgivarnas organisation Tidningen i skolan och grundas på en kvantitativ enkätundersökning. Uppsatsen syftar till att försöka svara på den övergripande frågan ”Vilka attityder har värmländska ungdomar till lokaltidningen?” Enkäten ställde frågor om bakgrund, medievanor, och respondentens förväntningar på framtiden. Målgruppen avgränsades till gymnasieelever, och enkäten delades ut och samlades in under ett och samma besök i klasserna. De värmländska ungdomarna har generellt sett en relativt positiv bild av lokaltidningar. De allra flesta tror att de själva kommer att prenumerera någon gång i framtiden. Samtidigt visar resultaten att målgruppen spår lokaltidningarna en framtida nergång. Idag är det teven som är det främsta mediet för nyheter. Lokaltidningarna hamnar på en andraplats på samma lista. Får ungdomarna titta tio år in i framtiden tror de fortfarande att det är teven som är det främsta nyhetsmediet. Lokaltidningarna tappar på bekostnad av Internet, men hittas fortfarande på topp-tre. Bara en tredjedel av ungdomarna upplever att deras lokaltidning riktar sig till deras åldersgrupp, knappt någon tvivlade på vuxna som målgrupp. När vi bad dem bedöma sina respektive lokaltidningars olika egenskaper var de flesta försiktigt positiva eller likgiltiga. Värmlands tidningar är enligt våra enkätsvar varken snygg eller ful, varken pålitlig eller opålitlig, och så vidare… Resultatet ger en aning om att lokaltidningarna står inför, om inte sin död, så åtminstone en stor utmaning. / This thesis was written in co-operation with the newspaper publicist organization ”Tidningen I skolan” and is based on a quantitative survey. The object of this thesis is to try to answer “What are the youth’s attitudes towards local newspapers in Värmland?” The survey asked questions about background, media habits, and expectations regarding the future. The population was limited to high school-students and the survey was handed out and collected during one visit to each of the classes. Generally speaking, the respondents have a rather positive image of their local newspapers. A majority of them believe they’ll subscribe sometime in the future. At the same time, however, they predict a coming downturn for local newspapers. Presently, television is the number one source for news for our surveyed population, with local papers second. Asked to predict their own consumption ten years from now, internet-based news will have pushed print media down to third. But television is still on top. Only a third of our respondents feel that their local paper caters to their own demographic, while hardly anyone doubted that grown-ups were a target group. When we asked them to appraise their local paper’s different characteristics, most were either cautiously positive or indifferent. The local newspapers in Värmland are, according to the answers we saw, neither good or bad looking, neither reliable or unreliable, and so on… The results hint at what is facing the local papers. If not their own demise, then at the very least a difficult challenge.
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The local newspaper, captured by the net? : A quantittive study about Swedish local newspapers and the competition faced from new media. / Lokaltidningen, fångad av nätet? : En kvantitativ studie om svenska lokaltidningar och konkurrensen de möter från nya media.Olsson, Christoffer, Jacobsson, Karl January 2006 (has links)
<b>Inledning</b> Lokala dagstidningar har varit en naturlig del av vårt moderna samhälle i många årtionden och de flesta av oss tar därför den lokala tidningens framtid för given. Lokaltidningar har dock problem med att attrahera nya, speciellt yngre, prenumeranter. Detta samtidigt som denna grupp spenderar mer tid uppkopplad till internet, eller med andra former av ny media. Lokaltidningen har varit dödsdömd flera gånger då ett nytt media har introducerats men, som vi vet, överlevt. Skillnaden denna gång är att alternativet är gratis. Ny media växer generellt mycket snabbt. Vissa lokala tidningar följer den tekniska utvecklingen och har lanserat en nätupplaga som del av sin långsiktiga strategi, medan andra har valt att endast fokusera på papperstidningen. <b>Syfte</b> Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera vilka ledningsbeslut och strategier lokala tidningar implementerar idag för att möta konkurrensen från ny media. Syfte är dessutom att undersöka och analysera vad de borde göra i framtiden. <b>Metod</b> Vi har, för att uppfylla syftet, genomfört en kvantitativ, telefonbaserad, undersökning med ett standardiserat frågeformulär. Vi har intervjuat 30 utav Sveriges 36, till upplagan största, lokala tidningar, jämt spridda över landet. <b>Slutsatser</b> Mer än två tredjedelar av all lokala dagstidningar representerade i vår undersökning har förlorat prenumeranter sen 2000 och nästan tre fjärdedelar tror att dessa inte kommer att återkomma i framtiden. 90 % av dagstidningarna upplever press på deras största kund, annonsörerna, och 66 % upplever press på prenumeranterna, på grund av internet. 87 % av våra respondenter har en webbupplaga av sin dagstidning. Trots att respondenterna uppger pris som den största anledningen till det minskande antalet prenumeranter, tar 32 % redan betalt för delar av sin webbupplaga, och 80 % utav de som inte tar betalt idag, har för avsikt att göra det inom fem år. En stor majoritet av respondenterna har, trots den negativa trenden, en positiv inställning till framtiden. Omvandlingen från traditionell lokal dagstidning till ett modernt media hus tycks vara nyckeln till framgång i framtiden. / <b>Introduction</b> Local newspapers have been a natural part of a modern society for many decades and most thus take the printed local newspapers’ future for granted. Local newspapers do however have problems attracting new, especially younger, subscribers. At the same time this group spends more time online and with other forms of new media. The local newspaper has been domed several times a new media has entered the market but as we know always survived. The difference this time is that the alternative is free. New media is generally gaining ground very rapidly. Some local newspapers follow the technical evolution by launching web-editions of their newspaper as part of their long-term strategy, while others decide only to focus on the printed edition. <b>Purpose</b> The purpose of this thesis is to research and analyse what managerial choices and strategies local newspapers are implementing today to meet the competition from new types of media. The purpose is furthermore to research and analyse what they ought to do in the future. <b>Method</b> We have, to fulfil the purpose, conducted a quantitative, telephone based, research with a standardised questionnaire. We have interviewed 30 out of Sweden’s 36, based on circulation, largest local newspapers, geographically spread all over Sweden. <b>Conclusions</b> More than two third of all local newspapers represented in our research have lost subscribers since 2000 and almost three quarters believe that these subscribers will not come back in the future. 90 % of the newspapers experience pressure on their biggest customer, advertisers, and 66 % experience pressure on subscribers, because of internet. 87 % of our respondents have an online edition of their newspaper. Even though the respondents state that the biggest reason for future decrease in subscription is price, 32 % already charge a fee for parts of their web-edition and 80 % of those respondents who do not charge anything today, state that they will charge within five years. A large majority of the respondents have, despite the negative trend, a positive attitude towards the future. The transformation from a traditional local newspaper to a modern media house appears to be the key to success in the future.
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The local newspaper, captured by the net? : A quantittive study about Swedish local newspapers and the competition faced from new media. / Lokaltidningen, fångad av nätet? : En kvantitativ studie om svenska lokaltidningar och konkurrensen de möter från nya media.Olsson, Christoffer, Jacobsson, Karl January 2006 (has links)
<p><b>Inledning</b> Lokala dagstidningar har varit en naturlig del av vårt moderna samhälle i många årtionden och de flesta av oss tar därför den lokala tidningens framtid för given. Lokaltidningar har dock problem med att attrahera nya, speciellt yngre, prenumeranter. Detta samtidigt som denna grupp spenderar mer tid uppkopplad till internet, eller med andra former av ny media. Lokaltidningen har varit dödsdömd flera gånger då ett nytt media har introducerats men, som vi vet, överlevt. Skillnaden denna gång är att alternativet är gratis. Ny media växer generellt mycket snabbt. Vissa lokala tidningar följer den tekniska utvecklingen och har lanserat en nätupplaga som del av sin långsiktiga strategi, medan andra har valt att endast fokusera på papperstidningen.</p><p><b>Syfte</b> Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera vilka ledningsbeslut och strategier lokala tidningar implementerar idag för att möta konkurrensen från ny media. Syfte är dessutom att undersöka och analysera vad de borde göra i framtiden.</p><p><b>Metod</b> Vi har, för att uppfylla syftet, genomfört en kvantitativ, telefonbaserad, undersökning med ett standardiserat frågeformulär. Vi har intervjuat 30 utav Sveriges 36, till upplagan största, lokala tidningar, jämt spridda över landet.</p><p><b>Slutsatser</b> Mer än två tredjedelar av all lokala dagstidningar representerade i vår undersökning har förlorat prenumeranter sen 2000 och nästan tre fjärdedelar tror att dessa inte kommer att återkomma i framtiden. 90 % av dagstidningarna upplever press på deras största kund, annonsörerna, och 66 % upplever press på prenumeranterna, på grund av internet.</p><p>87 % av våra respondenter har en webbupplaga av sin dagstidning. Trots att respondenterna uppger pris som den största anledningen till det minskande antalet prenumeranter, tar 32 % redan betalt för delar av sin webbupplaga, och 80 % utav de som inte tar betalt idag, har för avsikt att göra det inom fem år.</p><p>En stor majoritet av respondenterna har, trots den negativa trenden, en positiv inställning till framtiden. Omvandlingen från traditionell lokal dagstidning till ett modernt media hus tycks vara nyckeln till framgång i framtiden.</p> / <p><b>Introduction</b> Local newspapers have been a natural part of a modern society for many decades and most thus take the printed local newspapers’ future for granted. Local newspapers do however have problems attracting new, especially younger, subscribers. At the same time this group spends more time online and with other forms of new media. The local newspaper has been domed several times a new media has entered the market but as we know always survived. The difference this time is that the alternative is free. New media is generally gaining ground very rapidly. Some local newspapers follow the technical evolution by launching web-editions of their newspaper as part of their long-term strategy, while others decide only to focus on the printed edition.</p><p><b>Purpose</b> The purpose of this thesis is to research and analyse what managerial choices and strategies local newspapers are implementing today to meet the competition from new types of media. The purpose is furthermore to research and analyse what they ought to do in the future.</p><p><b>Method</b> We have, to fulfil the purpose, conducted a quantitative, telephone based, research with a standardised questionnaire. We have interviewed 30 out of Sweden’s 36, based on circulation, largest local newspapers, geographically spread all over Sweden.</p><p><b>Conclusions</b> More than two third of all local newspapers represented in our research have lost subscribers since 2000 and almost three quarters believe that these subscribers will not come back in the future. 90 % of the newspapers experience pressure on their biggest customer, advertisers, and 66 % experience pressure on subscribers, because of internet.</p><p>87 % of our respondents have an online edition of their newspaper. Even though the respondents state that the biggest reason for future decrease in subscription is price, 32 % already charge a fee for parts of their web-edition and 80 % of those respondents who do not charge anything today, state that they will charge within five years.</p><p>A large majority of the respondents have, despite the negative trend, a positive attitude towards the future. The transformation from a traditional local newspaper to a modern media house appears to be the key to success in the future.</p>
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Förändringar i tidningsbranschen : Hur har flerkanalspubliceringen påverkat lokala tidningar i Västra GötalandJohansson, Karin, Nilsson, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det har skett stora förändringar i tidningsbranschen vad gäller flerkanalspublicering och omstruktureringar. Tidningarnas huvudsakliga intäktskällor är från prenumerationer och annonsförsäljning. På grund av flerkanalspubliceringen råder en trend av vikande läsning i den tryckta tidningen. Forskningsfråga: Hur har intäktskällorna hos lokala tidningar i Västra Götaland påverkats av de förändringar som skett i branschen angående flerkanalspubliceringen samt nya ägarförhållanden? Syfte: Syftet är att genom en kvalitativ metod redogöra för hur lokala tidningar i Västra Götaland har påverkats av flerkanalspublicering och omstruktureringar i organisationerna vad gäller intäkter från annonser och prenumerationer. Metod: Vår studie är gjord genom en kvalitativ metod bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer som har genomförts med åtta representanter från fyra olika tidningsorganisationer i Västra Götaland. Teoretisk referensram: Vår teoretiska referensram består av förändringar av arbetsprocesser inom organisationer, kopplat samman med en modell av mediekonvergens. Empiri: Här presenteras den empiri våra åtta intervjuer har gett oss under rubrikerna intäkter, flerkanalspublicering, mediekonvergens samt framgångsfaktorer. Analys: Analysen består av vår tolkning av det empiriska materialet från våra intervjuer med hjälp av vår teoretiska referensram, och är uppbyggt med samma rubriker som empirikapitlet. Slutsats: Här för vi en diskussion kring hur den lokala tidningsbranschens intäktskällor påverkats av digitaliseringen av nyheter. En viktig slutsats är; för att generera intäkter krävs att de satsar på de lokala nyheterna, som andra större konkurrerande kanaler inte fokuserar på. / Background: There have been major changes in the newspaper industry in terms of multi-channel publishing and restructuring. Their main sources of income are from subscriptions and advertising sales. Because of the multi-channel publishing there is a trend of declining reading the printed newspaper. Research question: How has the income sources of local newspapers in Västra Götaland been affected by the changes in the branch regarding multi-channel publishing and new ownership? Purpose: The purpose is, through a qualitative approach to explain how local newspapers in Västra Götaland have been affected by the multi-channel publishing and restructuring of organizations in terms of revenues from ads and subscriptions. Method: Our study is made through a qualitative approach consisting of semi-structured interviews that have been conducted with eight representatives from four different newspaper organizations in Västra Götaland. Theory: Our theoretical framework consists of changes in the newspaper branch, linked together with a model of media convergence. Empiricism: Here we present the empirical results our eight interviews have given us under the titles income, multi-channel publishing, media convergence and factors for success. Analysis: The analysis involves our interpretation of the empirical material from our interviews with the help of our theoretical framework, and is built with the same titles as the empirical chapter. Conclusion: Here we discuss how the revenue sources of the local newspaper industry are affected by the digitalization of the news. An important conclusion is that in order to generate revenue it’s needed to invest in the local news that other major competing channels are not focusing on.
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Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning? : - En fallstudie i lokaltidningsjournalistikens informationskällor och informationskanalerRantakokko, Elin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Where does the news that you read in your localpaper come from? (Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning?)</p><p>Number of pages: 45 (57 including enclosures)</p><p>Author: Elin Rantakokko</p><p>Tutor: Göran Svensson</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies 30 hp</p><p>Period: Fall of 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: This paper has the aim to make a systematic survey of the information source and channels that local newspapers use. How much space they get in the paper and how the newspaper works with these sources and channels. The front pages of the newspaper are going to be compared with the insides of the newspaper. The reports roles in the making of news are also examined.</p><p>Material/method: To be able to answer my questions I’m going to use three different methods. An observation on the papers morning meetings, an quantitative content analysis of five numbers of an local paper and four interviews with two news managers and two reporters on the paper.</p><p>Main results: The paper makes most of the news by them as well as them receives many of the tip-offs from private persons. These are ranked as news that cost a lot of money to make for the paper. In the paper internal and external sources get a half each. The local paper have many information channels that the public can use to tip the paper. The two channels that are used the most are e-mailing and the telephone. The front pages of the newspaper indicate very well on the material in the inside of the newspaper. The reports does not come with own ideas as much as they would like to, they mean that the most ideas for articles comes during another job.</p><p>Keywords: Local newspapers, information channels, information source, news value, news gathering, news institution.</p>
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Arkeologins visuella gestaltning i lokala dagstidningar / The Visual Formation of Archaeology in Local NewspapersMarcus, Sjöman January 2017 (has links)
Archaeology is a popular subject which the public has the opportunity to meet in a variety of contexts. In addition to television documentaries, non-fiction and popular science magazines, archaeology has even played a significant role in the fictional world. Apart from these sources, you can also find archaeology in news reports where the newspapers or the tv-stations acts like mediators of archaeological news based on the archaeological work that is currently ongoing in our present time. Since it is now a demand on Swedish contract archaeology to communicate it's results, the news media often gets to play the role as the link between the archaeologists and the public. This paper is based on an analyse of archaeological news presented in local newspapers. The aim of the study was to investigate the visual mediation of archaeology to the reader. The results showed that the visual mediation of archaeological news is not only based on the selection of photos or illustrations. According to this survey, visual mediation can also be constructed using particular words that either describe the factual characteristics or words that alludes to the fictional world. Archaeological news that are channeled through local newspapers tend to reflect a narrow view of the archaeological discipline. The reason for this can probably be seen as a consequence of the relationship between archaeology and the society. In order to broaden the currently prevailing image of the archaeological discipline, this paper arguments for a much closer and more deliberate collaboration between local news media and archaeologists.
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Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning? : - En fallstudie i lokaltidningsjournalistikens informationskällor och informationskanalerRantakokko, Elin January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: Where does the news that you read in your localpaper come from? (Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning?) Number of pages: 45 (57 including enclosures) Author: Elin Rantakokko Tutor: Göran Svensson Course: Media and Communication Studies 30 hp Period: Fall of 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: This paper has the aim to make a systematic survey of the information source and channels that local newspapers use. How much space they get in the paper and how the newspaper works with these sources and channels. The front pages of the newspaper are going to be compared with the insides of the newspaper. The reports roles in the making of news are also examined. Material/method: To be able to answer my questions I’m going to use three different methods. An observation on the papers morning meetings, an quantitative content analysis of five numbers of an local paper and four interviews with two news managers and two reporters on the paper. Main results: The paper makes most of the news by them as well as them receives many of the tip-offs from private persons. These are ranked as news that cost a lot of money to make for the paper. In the paper internal and external sources get a half each. The local paper have many information channels that the public can use to tip the paper. The two channels that are used the most are e-mailing and the telephone. The front pages of the newspaper indicate very well on the material in the inside of the newspaper. The reports does not come with own ideas as much as they would like to, they mean that the most ideas for articles comes during another job. Keywords: Local newspapers, information channels, information source, news value, news gathering, news institution.
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