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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Logic Duality, Conformity, and Survival in the French Film Industry, 1987-2008

Jourdan, Julien 14 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation explores how logic duality, that is the coexistence of two institutional logics in an industry, affects firm strategic behaviors, and how in return firm strategic behaviors contribute (or not) to maintain logics segregated. Theoretically, I investigate the liability firms face when entering industries governed by a different logic, the wayincumbent organizations respond to the conformity demands of logic foreigners, and the determinants of firm-level institutional capital. Empirically, I study investment funds, filmmaking organizations and production firms in the French film industry (1987-2008), and find strong support for the proposed theory. By revealing strategies available to firms in dual-logicsettings and highlighting sources of institutional capital, this study contributes to the strategic management literature. The result is also a contribution to our understanding of why industries resist the "inexorable push towards homogenization" predicted by new institutional theory. By shedding light on the positive and negative effects of logic duality for firms, this work has also implications for practice.

The structure of orders in the pushdown hierarchy / Les structures d'ordre dans la hiérarchie à pile

Braud, Laurent 10 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les structures dont la théorie au second ordremonadique est décidable, et en particulier la hiérarchie à pile. Onpeut définir celle-ci comme la hiérarchie pour $n$ des graphesd'automates à piles imbriquées $n$ fois ; une définition externe, partransformations de graphes, est également disponible. Nous nousintéressons à l'exemple des ordinaux. Nous montrons que les ordinauxplus petits que $epsilon_0$ sont dans la hiérarchie, ainsi que des graphesporteurs de plus d'information, que l'on appelle "graphecouvrants''. Nous montrons ensuite l'inverse : tous les ordinaux de lahiérarchie sont plus petits que $epsilon_0$. Ce résultat utilise le fait queles ordres d'un niveau sont en fait isomorphes aux structures desfeuilles des arbres déterministes dans l'ordre lexicographique, aumême niveau. Plus généralement, nous obtenons une caractérisation desordres linéaires dispersés dans la hiérarchie. Dans un troisièmetemps, nous resserons l'intérêt aux ordres de type $omega$ --- les mots infinis --- pour montrer que les mots du niveau 2 sont les motsmorphiques, ce qui nous amène à une nouvelle extension au niveau 3 / This thesis studies the structures with decidable monadic second-ordertheory, and in particular the pushdown hierarchy. The latter can bedefined as the family for $n$ of pushdown graphs with $n$ timesimbricated stacks ; another definition is by graph transformations. Westudy the example of ordinals. We show that ordinals smaller that $epsilon_0$are in the hierarchy, along with graphs called "covering graphs'', which carry more data than ordinals. We show then the converse : allordinals of the hierarchy are smaller than $epsilon_0$. This result uses thefact that linear orders of a level are actually isomorphic to thestructure of leaves of deterministic trees by lexicographic ordering, at the same level. More generally, we obtain a characterisation ofscattered linear orders in the hierarchy. We finally focus on the caseof orders of type $omega$ --- infinite words --- and show that morphicwords are exactly words of the second level of the hierarchy. Thisleads us to a new definition of words for level 3

Topics in monitoring and planning for embedded real-time systems

Ho, Hsi-Ming January 2015 (has links)
The verification of real-time systems has gained much interest in the formal verification community during the past two decades. In this thesis, we investigate two real-time verification problems that benefit from the techniques normally used in untimed verification. The first part of this thesis is concerned with the monitoring of real-time specifications. We study the expressiveness of metric temporal logics over timed words, a problem that dates back to early 1990s. We show that the logic obtained by extending Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) with two families of new modalities is expressively complete for the Monadic First-Order Logic of Order and Metric (FO[<,+1]) in time-bounded settings. Furthermore, by allowing rational constants, expressive completeness also holds in the general (time-unbounded) setting. Finally, we incorporate several notions and techniques from LTL monitoring to obtain the first trace-length independent monitoring procedure for this logic. The second part of this thesis concerns a decision problem regarding UAVs: given a set of targets (each ascribed with a relative deadline) and flight times between each pair of targets, is there a way to coordinate a flock of k identical UAVs so that all targets are visited infinitely often and no target is ever left unvisited for a time longer than its relative deadline? We show that the problem is PSPACE-complete even in the single-UAV case, thereby corrects an erroneous claim from the literature. We then complement this result by proposing an efficient antichain-based approach where a delayed simulation is used to prune the state space. Experimental results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

Approche socio-anthropologique d'une reconversion industrielle : de l'horlogerie aux microtechniques à Besançon / From horlogerie to microtechniques : industrial restructuring bisontine

Cournarie, Emmanuelle 06 January 2011 (has links)
Pendant près de deux siècles, les générations d'horlogers bisontins se sont transmis valeurs, savoirs,passion pour ce métier qui s'est ancré fortement dans le territoire bisontin. Lorsque l'innovationtechnique du quartz remet en question la production horlogère traditionnelle dans les années 1970,la fabrication de montres disparait. Lui succède alors une activité centrée sur les “microtechniques”,présentée communément comme l'héritière des savoirs horlogers. Quelle est la nature véritable decet héritage ? Dans le cadre de notre thèse, nous tentons de répondre à cette question, en analysantle processus de reconversion de l'industrie horlogère vers les microtechniques. Nous cherchons àcomprendre comment des catégories professionnelles autrefois réunies autour d'un projet communet réunies par une culture collective fortement cohésive se désolidarisent dans un contexte de crise.Les places occupées dans le système initial ont lentement façonné des identités spécifiques,masquées pourtant par la culture collective. Dans une période d'instabilité provoquée par desbouleversements environnementaux, ces identités s'affirment et les normes, représentations etvaleurs de chaque groupe produisent des logiques d'acteurs différentes. Le groupe capable de puiserdans ses ressources pour s'adapter aux transformations de l'environnement acquiert le pouvoir, qued'autres perdent en refusant le changement. L'orientation de l'activité vers le secteur desmicrotechniques peut donc être envisagée comme une stratégie favorable à la pérennisation dessavoirs d'une des catégories en présence. Plutôt qu'un simple phénomène d'ajustement à desnouvelles contraintes économiques et techniques, le changement peut donc être analysé – aussi –comme un phénomène microsocial, résultat de logiques d'acteurs et de luttes pour la maîtrise del'avenir d'une industrie territorialisée / For nearly two centuries, generations of clockmakers from Besançon have transmitted their values,knowledges and passion for this job that has deeply rooted into Besançon territory. In the 70's, thenew "quartz" technic questioned the traditional clock-making and the traditional watchmakingdisappeared. Then come the turn of an activity based on microtechnics, wich is seen as the legacy ofclock-making knowledge. What is the true nature of this legacy ? Throughout our Phd, we fried toanswer this question, analysing how the watchmaking industry evolved to microtechnics. We triedto anderstand how the professional categories, that used to be united around a common project andunited by a higly cohesive culture, set apart in a crisis time. The jobs wich were initially occupedcreated little by little some specific identities, hidden however by the global culture. In this periodof relative instability caused by environnemental changes, these identities assert and the normes,representations and values of each group create different logics. The group wich is abble to drowfrom it's own resources to adapt itself to the environnemental changes gets the power that otherslose when they refuse these changes. Thus, the orientation of this activity to the microtecnics sectorcan be conceived as a stratégy wich would help the knowledge of one of the present categoriesperpetuate. Rhater than a simple adjusting phenomenon to new economical and technical contraints,this change can therefore be also analysed as a microsocial phenomenon resulting from logics andfights to master the future of this territorialized industrie

Banking on illegitimacy : Logics, disapprobation and inter-organizational relationships in the post-crisis finance industry (2007-2011) / "Banquer" sur l'illégitimité : Logiques, désapprobation, et relations inter-organisationnelles dans l'industrie de la finance en période d'après crise (2007-2011)

Roulet, Thomas 19 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les antécédents et conséquences de l'illégitimité organisationnelle. Comment l'illégitimité organisationnelle émerge-t-elle? Pourquoi persiste-t-elle? En utilisant une approche fondée sur les logiques institutionnelles, j'étudie la matérialisation d'une catégorie stigmatisée, et comment la variance en termes de désapprobation au sein de cette catégorie peut signaler une certaine proximité vis-à-vis d'une logique de champ, et se révéler bénéfique.Les enjeux que représentent les transferts et manipulations de l'illégitimité favorisent l'apparition d'échanges sociaux dans lesquels les acteurs se rejettent la faute.Ces questions sont étudiées empiriquement dans le contexte de l'industrie de la banque d'investissement aux Etats-Unis dans la période d'après crise, à partir de 2007. Plus particulièrement, j'observe la perception de cette industrie dans la presse écrite. Ce travail de recherche révèle la nature stratégique des évaluations sociales négatives et délivre des enseignements pour la gestion de l'image de l'entreprise et les politiques publiques / This dissertation explores the antecedents and outcomes of organizational illegitimacy. How do organizational illegitimacy emerge? Why does it persist? Using an institutional logis perspective, I investigate the materialization of a stigmatized category, and how variance in disapproval within this category can signal proximity to a field-level logic and yield beneficial outcomes.The stakes of transferring and manipulating illegitimacy set the stage for blame games at the field of organizational level. These questions are examined in the empirical context of the US investment banking industry in the aftermath of the 2007 crisis. I focus in particular on its perception in print media. This work sheds light on the strategic nature of negative social evaluations, and provides implications for corporate image management and policy practice

Proust et le cinéma. Temps, images et adaptations / Proust and the cinema

Carrier-Lafleur, Thomas 18 June 2014 (has links)
L’ambition de cette thèse n’est pas de poser objectivement les rapports qu’entretient À la recherche du temps perdu avec le cinéma(tographe), pour la simple et bonne raison que ceux-ci sont à peu près inexistants, du strict point de vue de l’objectivité. N’ayant jamais mis les pieds dans un lieu qui projette ce type bien particulier d’images en mouvement, Proust n’est pas un écrivain intéressé par ce qu’on nomme aujourd’hui « cinéma ». On ne trouve que peu souvent son nom dans les anthologies faisant état des écrivains du début du siècle dernier qui ont commenté le spectacle des vues animées. Si par hasard il y est, on cite généralement les passages du Temps retrouvé, où est assez sévèrement critiqué le « défilé cinématographique des choses ». Que la critique de Proust à l’endroit du cinéma(tographe) soit une critique essentiellement négative n’est pas en soi gênant et ne contredit pas nécessairement le besoin de faire le point sur cette question. Il nous faut seulement adopter une vision plus artiste du problème, ou du moins accepter que le cinéma n’est pas limité à un seul mode d’existence stable : « cinéma » est en fait un pot-pourri d’idées, de concepts et de pratiques qui est voué au changement, et c’est précisément ce changement qui est digne d’intérêt. Une telle relativisation de l’idée de « cinéma » nous permettra d’explorer les différentes séries d’images et les séries techniques qui parcourent le roman de Proust et ses adaptations écraniques, afin de voir si elles sont en mesure de recouper l’une ou l’autre des fonctions que l’on a pu attribuer au cinéma au cours de son histoire. La présente thèse est donc en quelque sorte le procès-verbal des définitions du cinéma qu’a pu nous offrir notre lecture de Proust. Elle est aussi celui des différentes lectures que le cinéma nous permet de faire de la Recherche, des lectures « cinématographiques ». / This thesis does not objectively study ongoing relations between In Search of Lost Time and the cinema medium for the simple reason that, from the strict point of view of objectivity, they are almost non-existent. Having never set foot in a place that shows this particular type of moving images, Proust is not interested in what is now called “cinema”. At best, his name infrequently appears in anthologies of the early 20th century’s writers who commented this kind of spectacle. If by chance he is, the excerpts generally selected are the ones of Time Regained where the “cinematic parade of things” is quite severely criticized. But Proust’s criticism of cinema, albeit an essentially negative one, is not that much inconvenient and does not particularly contradict the need to investigate the matter. We just have to think the problem in a more artistic way, or at least to accept that cinema is not limited to a stable, single mode of existence: “cinema” is – and should be – a potpourri of ideas, concepts and practices that is bound to change, and it is precisely that change that is worth investigating. Such a relativization of the idea of “cinema” will allow us to explore different series of images and series of techniques that run in Proust's novel and its screen adaptations, while letting us see if they are able to match some functions that have been attributed to cinema during its history. This thesis therefore intends to be a record of cinema’s definitions that our reading of Proust’s work could offer. It is also a record of the many readings of In Search of Lost Time that cinema allows us, “cinematographic” readings.

Intérêt du travail institutionnel dans les dynamiques de filières agricoles : le cas de l'ile Maurice / Institutional work and the dynamics of agricultural value chains : the case of Mauritius

Ramasawmy, Brinda 27 February 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche vise à utiliser la sociologie néo-institutionnelle et ses concepts clés tels que les logiques institutionnelles et le travail institutionnel pour analyser comment les acteurs agissent sur les institutions au niveau d'une filière agricole. Nous avons choisi de vérifier l'applicabilité de notre cadre théorique dans un contexte empirique subissant un changement institutionnel, la filière légumes mauricienne. Pour valider le cadre théorique choisi, nous avons tout d'abord mené un terrain exploratoire. A travers une analyse thématique des enquêtes, nous avons identifié les logiques institutionnelles qui orientent les actions de nos principaux acteurs dans la filière légumes mauricienne, et les types et formes de travail institutionnel entreprit par les acteurs en place et nouveaux de la filière légumes. Cette thèse permet de conclure que l'étude du travail institutionnel dans une dynamique de filière agricole a toute son importance car l'approche sociologique permet aux chercheurs de mieux appréhender le comportement des acteurs de la filière.Mots clés : sociologie néo-institutionnelle, logique institutionnelle, travail institutionnelle, filière agricole, analyse de contenu thématique, analyse qualitative comparée. / This research work aimed at using sociological neo institutionalism and its key concepts, institutional logics, and institutional work to understand the work undertaken by actors in an agricultural value chain. We have chosen the Mauritian vegetable value chain, in the context of an institutional change, as a field of study to apply the theoretical concepts. An exploratory study was carried out to validate the theoretical framework selected. Thematic content analysis allowed us to identify the institutional logics of the vegetable value chain as well as the different types and forms of institutional work undertaken by the incumbent and new actors. This research work allows us to conclude that the use of the concept of institutional work to understand the dynamics of an agricultural value chain is important as the sociological lens enables researchers to better understand actors' behavior in a value chain.Key words: sociological neo institutionalism, institutional logics, and institutional, agricultural value chain, thematic analysis, qualitative comparative analysis

O uso de mídias interativas na compreensão de conceitos da lógica computacional

Ramos, Reinaldo Augusto de Oliveira 08 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:22:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Reinaldo Augusto de Oliveira Ramos.pdf: 2077084 bytes, checksum: 37060ab0d0c88fe2c2aa4098bf809ea7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-08 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This paper introduces the possibilities of using informatized interactive systems in effectively teaching computer logics and the development of logic thinking and its implications. It is about experiment and analysis accomplished in educational institutions in the city of São Paulo, having the directive to observate the given hypothesis: games and their developing tools can work as methodological resources to the teaching-learning process in the development of the conception of logic programming as used with intentionality. To progress in educating students on logic programming and in mathematical abstraction, it is proposed the development of electronic games through singular tools level editors, simplified scripts and visual programming environments. These help develop propositions, digital productions, animations, sounds and other interactive resources with the objective of working and problematizing in practical environments and of arranging facts and simulated experiments to understand logics. Using development indicators in the evolution processes of students, individual cases were studied, in which it was observed the way the teaching-learning process works, from propositions faced during the game production. Through the discussion, it was analysed the importance of different kinds of tools used to teach and learn the programming logic contents. Therefore, this study is based on theoretical references provided by Jean Piaget s constructivism Lev Semenovitch Vygostky s social-historical approach and Seymour Papert s and José Armando Valente s constructionism. We seek in these methodologies, in special Vygotsky s Proximal Development Zone theory, the key to the pedagogic base of the methodology here proposed. Coming to the conclusion, this present work confirms the hypothesis that games and their development tools can be na adequate instrument for studentes to understand programming logics. It also has a bibliographic revision on interactive media, culture and also education and information science / Este trabalho apresenta as possibilidades de uso de sistemas informatizados interativos para o aproveitamento no ensino da lógica computacional e na construção do raciocínio lógico e suas implicações. Trata-se de experimentos e análises realizadas em instituições de ensino da cidade de São Paulo e experiências em sala de aula com o objetivo de verificar a hipótese de que o jogo e suas ferramentas de desenvolvimento são recursos metodológicos de ensino e aprendizagem para a construção da noção de lógica de programação, ao ser utilizado com intencionalidade. Para desenvolver o ensino de lógica de programação propõe-se o desenvolvimento de jogos eletrônicos através de ferramentas especializadas - editores de fase, scripts simplificados e ambientes de programação visual. Elas auxiliam a resolver problemas, desenvolver produções digitais, animações, sons e demais recursos interativos que objetivam problematizar sobre o aprendizado de lógica e de abstração matemática em ambientes práticos, com experiências de simulação e o entendimento de conceitos para a elaboração do raciocínio lógico. Com base em indicadores de evolução dos processos de desenvolvimento dos alunos estudaram-se casos nos quais se observou o desenrolar do processo de ensino e da aprendizagem a partir dos problemas enfrentados durante a produção dos jogos. Nesta reflexão, analisou-se a importância dos tipos de ferramentas utilizadas para o ensino e a aprendizagem dos conteúdos propostos em lógica de programação. Para tanto, as nossas referências teóricas foram o construtivismo de Jean Piaget, a abordagem sócio-histórica de Lev Semenovitch Vygotsky e o construcionismo de Seymour Papert e de José Armando Valente. Buscamos nestas metodologias e, em especial na teoria da Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal de Vygotsky a chave para a fundamentação pedagógica de nossa reflexão. Em conclusão, o presente trabalho corrobora a hipótese de que os jogos e suas ferramentas de desenvolvimento podem servir de instrumento para a compreensão de lógica de programação. Este trabalho conta com uma revisão bibliográfica sobre mídias interativas, sua cultura e também educação e informática

組織變遷邏輯之探討:易經哲學的觀點 / The Discussion of Logics of Organizational Change: Perspectives from the Philosophy of I Ching

謝智偉, Chih-wei Hsieh Unknown Date (has links)
當前組織可謂處在一個「變動的年代」,大至政府,小到企業,絕大多數組織無不戮力實踐各種形式的變革運動,然而,根據近來統計數字顯示,多數的變革並未能達成其預期目標,深究其因,主要乃在於組織缺乏具備認識變遷及其層面的心智模式,也就是本文所謂的變遷邏輯(Logics of change)。 變遷邏輯係指組織對變遷議題所持的深層基本假定,它提供一種認知圖象(Cognitive map),持續地引導組織有意識或無意識地依循著本身的假定,解釋與認知浮現於組織內外的種種情境與現象,作出變遷過程中的各項抉擇。然而,變遷邏輯常被組織視為理所當然而未予重新檢視,此種對於變遷根本性問題的忽視,往往造成組織處理變遷問題的盲點或是箝制了組織的未來發展性。因此,本文藉由探討與檢閱相關研究,對變遷邏輯理論作系統性的歸納,凸顯吾人應以反思批判的態度來面對組織的變遷。 相對於現有之變遷邏輯相關論述,作為一部中國自古流傳至今的「變經」(The Book of Changes)——《易經》,其所提供吾人的變遷世界觀,對於身處日新月異環境中的組織而言,深具開放而不落伍的啟示價值。本文藉由援引《易經》「長於變」的思想精華,與「變遷邏輯」理論相互印證與結合,試圖建構出可為之依循的常道,提供組織一個以簡御繁的全觀性架構,來面對組織的實質變遷問題。是以,本文嘗試從剖析《易經》哲學四項變化律則作為起始,結合列舉的變遷邏輯理論類型,建構出「辯證與陰陽」、「線性與循環」、個體與整體」、「混沌與和諧」等四種層面的討論,驅使吾人重新以「陰陽變化」、「循環變化」、「整體變化」、「和諧變化」的思考角度去看待組織的變遷世界。 目 次 第一章 緒論……………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………2 第二節 研究範圍、方法與限制…………………………………6 第三節 研究架構與流程…………………………………………9 第二章 變遷邏輯概念分析…………………………15 第一節 變遷邏輯的背景系絡…………………………………15 第二節 變遷邏輯的意涵………………………………………18 第三節 變遷邏輯的重要性……………………………………22 第四節 變遷邏輯的理論類型…………………………………27 第三章 易經哲學與變遷…………………………….47 第一節 易經哲學體系概觀……………………………………47 第二節 易經哲學與變遷議題的關聯性………………………55 第三節 易經「變」的思想特質…………………………………61 第四章 易經觀點的組織變遷邏輯………………….73 第一節 辯證與陰陽變遷邏輯…………………………………73 第二節 線性與循環變遷邏輯…………………………………83 第三節 個體與整體變遷邏輯…………………………………95 第四節 混沌與和諧變遷邏輯………………………………105 第五章 結論…………………………………………119 第一節 研究回顧:變與常的矛盾與整合……………………120 第二節 未來展望:順天應人的變遷哲學……………………124

Mellan morot och piska : en fallstudie av 1992 års rehabiliteringsreform

Grape, Owe January 2001 (has links)
This thesis is a case study of the Swedish Rehabilitation Reform of 1992. Vocational rehabilitation is described as an organizational activity which takes place in the interaction between social policy regulations and organizational execution. The analytical point of departure is made up of two complementary theoretical perspectives (Chapter 3): New institutional theory and the concept of 'negotiated order'. New institutional theory can aid inter-organizational analysis as it assumes that organizations are not only influenced, but also permeated by institutional and technical frameworks. The 'negotiated order' perspective can provide an understanding of actors' motives when they work together. This perspective also acknowledges that actors are able to exercise 'episodic power', and that this differs from 'formal power'. The first empirical study (Chapter 4) analyses the political motives behind the Rehabilitation Reform of 1992. It shows that at the time of the Rehabilitation Reform economical and political interests were pushing for a tighter regulations in Swedish social policy. The following three empirical studies focus on the 'organizational field' in which rehabilitation is practised. This field consists of the social insurance office, employment agencies, primary health care centres and occupational health service centres. Chapter 5 deals with the regulations and environmental factors influencing the various organizations and their representatives. It points to five external forces that influence the performance of the four type of actors. The social insurance office is influenced by a judicial social insurance logic, the employment agencies by a holistic labour market policy logic, and the physicians in primary health care centres and in occupational health centres by a 'holistic' medical frame of reference, which contrasts with that often found in other medical sub-specialities. Finally, employers are influenced first, by a logic of profit which has a technical and institutional dimension and second, by an institutional welfare state logic. Chapter six shows that the largest 'domain conflict' in the initial phase of the rehabilitation trajectory has to do with defining 'capacity to work'. Domain conflicts are seen as resulting from different institutional logics, implying different views on illness and capacity to work. Numerous and frequent personal interaction make it possible for physicians and rehabilitation officials to avoid conflict. The operative phase is associated with two major domain conflicts. The first is related to negotiations between the social insurance office and the employers about transferring employees to other duties. Both sides avoid exercising power that may damage clients and future trust. Episodic power resources are used to exercise the strategy of 'the golden middle path'. The other domain conflict is related to the judgement of work capacity. The labour market officials' view of work capacity differs from that of the officials at the social insurance office. Chapter seven compares cooperative rehabilitation projects with regular rehabilitation activity. The results show that actors in cooperative projects break the sequential work order used in regular rehabilitation activity and thereby projects quickly collect comprehensive information about individuals. Cooperative projects can also achieve flexible solutions tailored to an individual clients needs. Further, cooperative projects allow time for unconventional initiatives, which regular activity do not. The process of 'returning to work' poses a challenge both kinds of work organizations. Individuals who are disabled in some way are required to meet the same labour market demands as healthy and well educated are expected to meet. Finally, regular rehabilitation work tends uses standardize clients while cooperative projects tend to treat them as individuals. / digitalisering@umu

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