Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biologistik."" "subject:"baulogistik.""
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DUKNING AV MATERIAL FÖR HYTTMONTERINGSLINJELalander Lilja, Emil, Lindh, Pontus January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Materialhantering på byggarbetsplatser : Vilka aktiviteter anser olika arbetsgrupper vara de största problemen beträffande materialhantering? / Managing materials on construction sites : What activities do different working groups consider to be the main problems concerning the material management?Ivarsson, Thomas January 2014 (has links)
Hur byggmaterial hanteras på en byggarbetsplats är idag viktigt då materialkostnaden och hanteringen av den står för ca 50 % av byggkostnaderna i ett byggprojekt. Materiallogistiken är inte alltid lätt att hantera då det till ett projekt kommer byggmaterial till många olika yrkesgrupper från många olika leverantörer. Detta examensarbete har skrivits vid Skanska Värmlands byggarbetsplats på Centralsjukhuset i Karlstad där de bygger ut och om sjukhuset till ett beräknat värde av 1,35 miljarder kronor. Där har de stora materialflöden som de vet går att förbättra. Därför ställdes frågorna vilka aktiviteter som är de mest kritiska i materialhanteringen och vilka förändringar som skulle gå att genomföra för att få en effektivare materialhantering, både på den aktuella byggarbetsplatsen och på framtida byggarbetsplatser. Metoden som valdes för att svara på frågeställningen var en kombination av intervjuer och en fältstudie. Intervjuerna användes för att få fram vilka aktiviteter som olika personer inom organisationen ansåg vara de mest kritiska. De personer som intervjuades var både tjänstemän och yrkesarbetare, och det som alla ansåg var det största problemet på arbetsplatsen var att för stora mängder material hade levererats för tidigt. Det innebär att det lagras i byggnaden vilket gör att materialen ofta står i vägen för yrkesarbetarna. För att validera resultatet gjordes en fältstudie där det granskades hur stor del av arbetstiden som gick åt till att flytta material vilket visade sig vara 38 % av den totala tiden. För att få till en förbättring och effektivare materialhantering togs fyra förbättringsåtgärder upp: Kör material som inte skall monteras direkt till en logistikcentral för tillfällig lagring. Använd leveranskalendern striktare med hjälp av ett styrdokument. Utvärdera möjligheten att transportera in material under avvikande tider. Starta upp leverantörssamverkan för att få mer tillförlitliga leveranser. / How building materials are managed on a construction site is today important as the cost of materials and the management of it accounts for approximately 50% of the construction costs of a building project. Material logistics is not always easy to deal with when materials come to a project with many different professionals from many different suppliers. This thesis has covered Skanska Värmlands construction site at the Central Hospital in Karlstad, where they expand and rebuild the hospital with an estimated value of 1.35 billion Swedish crones. They are aware of the existing problems with the material flow at the construction site and they know that there are improvements to make. Therefore, the questions were asked which activities are the most critical in the material managing and what changes would be achievable to get an efficient material control, both at the current site and future construction sites. The chosen methods to answer the question were a combination of interviews and a field survey. The interviews were used to obtain the activities that different individuals within the organization considered to be the most critical. The people interviewed were both civil servants and workers, and what everyone considered was the biggest problem in the workplace was the large amounts of material being delivered prematurely. This means that it is stored in the building, which means that materials often are in the way of the workers. To validate the performance, there was a field study which examined the proportion of working time was spent moving materials which proved to be 38% of the total time. To make an improvement and to get a more efficient material management four suggestions were made: Material that will not be used within a day or two should be stored in a temporary logistic facility. Use the calendar for deliveries stricter with the help of management policies. Evaluate the ability to transport the material into the building during non-working hours. Cooperation between Skanska and suppliers to get more reliable deliveries.
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Från BIM-modell till logistik : Möjligheten att digitalisera materialflödetBertze, Anna January 2016 (has links)
When all the information for smart building materials orders can be extract from aBIM model it is possible for correct material to be delivered at the right time at theright place. If a flow of material is well planned it leads to a more efficient work on theconstruction site and reduced waste.Overall, the relationship between material supplier and contractor has receivedsurprisingly little attention in research. Especially considering the amount ofcontractor-supplier-relationship there is in each building project. In this bachelorthesis the possibility of using information from a BIM model to a digital material orderis investigated. Furthermore, the need and problems in the digitizing process of thematerial flow and its operators is studied. The results show that a digitalcommunication is possible but requiring a major change in the process of materialflow.
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Transportör : Lokal logistik / Conveyor : Local logisticLarsson, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
This report is the result of a project work carried out at Karlstad University in conjunctionwith the local consulting firm Camatec where most of the work has been performed.The work can be classified as a classic engineering work with supportive theories andcalculations which in this context is relevant.The engineering project has focused on developing new standards for a conveyor that is usedin the Värmland paper industry where large rolls of paper are produced. A conveyor can takeits appearance in many different forms but in this thesis it has been an exemplary look and ithas also become modulatable with a central section, a drive end and a turning end.The construction work has been build under CAD programs such as Pro Engineer, drawingshave been created and costings have been analyzed. Strength calculations have been made andcooperation from several different companies have erected to explore different solutions andideas for a modern and sustainable conveyor.
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Icke värdeskapande moment inom prefabricering av trähus hos Storsjöhus AB:s husfabrik. : En fallstudieÅsengård, Marie January 2016 (has links)
Storsjöhus AB:s husfabrik ligger i Pilgrimstad, cirka 30 kilometer söder om Östersund. De tillverkar trähuskomponenter för byggnadssektorn, till kunder över hela Sverige. I dagsläget tillverkas väggelement längs med två tillverkningslinjer. Genom att bygga ut befintlig fabrik kan tillverkningen utökas med ytterligare en tillverkningslinje. Studien vars resultat presenteras i denna rapport har två syften. Det ena är att se om det finns några icke värdeskapande moment inom prefabricering av väggelement, i trähus hos Storsjöhus AB:s husfabrik, och hur dessa kan undvikas? Det andra syftet är att utifrån ett leanperspektiv ge ett förslag på utformning av utbyggnaden av fabriken. För att minska på icke värdeskapande moment i produktionen. Genom observationer kunde vissa icke värdeskapande moment identifieras i produktionen. Utifrån resultatet samt litteraturstudier har ett förslag på utbyggnaden tagits fram, samt förbättringsförslag vilket presenteras i denna rapport. Vissa av förbättringsförslagen medför investeringskostnader medan andra enklare förslag knappat medför några kostnader. Målet med de framtagna förbättringsförslagen är att minska på onödigt slöseri och underlätta arbetet för personalen. Ett av förbättringsförslagen som tagits fram är att på ett tydligare sätt märka upp virkesdelar innan de går vidare i produktionen. Genom att gör vissa förändringar på planerad utbyggnad kan denne planeras mer utifrån ett leanperspektiv och olika slöseri i produktionen minska. Avgränsningar som gjorts i studien är att endast se på produktionen av väggelement samt utomhusmiljön på fabriken. I studien tas ingen hänsyn till kostnader för ändringar och utbyggnad. / Storsjöhus AB’s house factory is located in Pilgrimstad, approximately 30 km south of Östersund. They manufacture house- and building components made out of wood, to customers all over Sweden. Today the factory uses two production lines where they produce mainly wall elements. By remodeling- and extending the factory, the production can be increased with another production line. The results of this study that are presented in this thesis have two purposes. One is to find out if there are any non-value creating moments within prefabrication of wall elements and how these can be prevented in buildings made out of wood at Storsjöhus AB. The other purpose is, from a Lean perspective, to give an example of how to configure the new extended factory and at the same time minimize non-value creating moments in the production. Some of the non-value creating moments could be identified through observations. From the result and literature studies a proposition of a new extension to the factory have been developed, including suggestions for improvement, which are presented in this thesis. Some of the suggested improvements are combined with investments, some suggestions have a small or no impact on the finances. The goal with the proposed improvements is to reduce non-necessary waste and facilitate the work for the staff. One of the suggested improvements that have been proposed is to label the elements in a more efficient way before they are sent further on in the production. With some small modifications to the planned extension, it can be planned from a Lean perspective, and different kind of waste in the production can be reduced. This thesis only brings up the production of wall elements and the outdoor environmental of the factory. No consideration have been taken to costs for changes and extension of the building.
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Studie av interntransporter vid SKF GöteborgWestbroek, Alexander, Hardling, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
SKF Gothenburg is planning on a restructuring of their production area and sees this as an excellent opportunity to update and make their internal logistics more efficient. This thesis suggests how a more efficient internal logistics can be achieved with higher fill ratios and minimal environmental impact. Also resource savings linked to the internal material handling will be reviewed. To carry out properly informed and substantial improvements a field study in form of surveys, interviews and forms have been completed. The result is a current status analysis where potential areas of improvement have been clarified. The driving schedules have carefully been reviewed and modifications have been made to meet the demands and requirements set by the company. The study has resulted in updated driving schedules that take account of the restructured production area whilst meeting the productions daily requirements. A more efficient transport logistics with better use of resources have been achieved through increased fill ratios and reduced truck transportation outside, this with a minimal impact on the environment. The driving schedules, which the project resulted in, have high flexibility. Due to the constant changes that take place in the production area the driving schedules should rather be considered as a basis to further develop, than a finished result. The low amount of data available at the project's start-up required an own field study that resulted in own primary data. The reliability of the generated data had benefited if more time was available, a larger time frame for data collection had led to a broader and deeper understanding of the internal logistics. Despite the projects short time frame, the result is considered to be reliable. The conclusion is that with a good knowledge of how a company's internal transport flows look, minor changes can lead to big differences in terms of reduced environmental impact, more efficient internal transports and resource savings.
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Människan, logistiken och förändringen : En case studie vid ICAs färskvarulager i UmeåLarsson, Jenny January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Totalkostnadsanalys : En studie av materialflödet på BT Powered Trucks / Total Cost Analysis : A study of the flow of material at BT Powered TrucksJohansson, Markus, Larsson, Marcus January 2009 (has links)
<p>BT Powered Trucks (BTP) is a company belonging to the Material Handling Division of Toyota Industries Corporation. BTP is located in the town Mjölby where they produce different types of forklifts for indoor use. The year 2008 was for BTP, similar to many other companies, a year with a high turnover. Though, since then the inflow of orders has been drastically reduced, a phenomenon that more than anything else can be said to depend on the worldwide economic turndown. That has in turn brought a higher cost awareness to the company.</p><p>Today BTP believes that its material supply is costing a large amount of money every year and therefore the company wants to investigate if they can reduce these costs. To do that, a complete picture of the material supply costs is needed, and in particular how a changed transport strategy affects this total cost.</p><p>Thus, the purpose with this study has been to perform a total cost analysis of BTP´s raw material flow from suppliers to the own production process and in the next step investigate how this total cost can be reduced with a changed material supply strategy. A basic delimitation that is done is that the study only analyzes the supply from BTP´s Swedish suppliers.</p><p>In the study we have made an analysis model, which we later on follows in order to fulfil the purpose of the study. The first step in the model involved a mapping of the material flow as it is today followed by cost calculations of the flows´ different parts. Finally, a number of different material supply strategies have been evolved. With the theoretical framework and BTPs’ organization as base, we separated the material flow into different parts. The total cost which has calculated in the study can be seen in the following table.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Transport</strong> 10 700 000 kr</p><p><strong>Material planning </strong>3 485 000 kr</p><p><strong>Material handling</strong> 8 545 000 kr</p><p><strong>Inventory carrying </strong>5 180 000 kr</p><p><strong>Total cost 27 910 000 kr</strong></p><p> </p><p>The biggest contribution by this study is the full scale approach that has been taken involving the whole material supply from the Swedish suppliers. By that we have showed which parts of the flow that stands for the largest costs and, in the next stage, left suggestions of possible improvements and the consequences the suggestions would have on an article level. It has been shown how the four separate costs; Material planning, Transport, Material Handling and Inventory carrying costs is related to each other and how the total cost is affected when you try to reduce one of these costs. The cost changes that have calculated for the new strategies have been done for number of different articles. If BTP wants to implement these strategies full scale they first have to calculate how a changed strategy would affect a larger amount of articles. The suggestion that where supposed to reduce the largest cost, the transport cost, affected the total cost different for different articles. The result of the suggestion is presented report.</p><p>The study is also supposed to give BTP a method for the company to use when it want calculate costs or analyze effects of changes in the material flow structure.</p>
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High-rise buildings; structural design, prefabrication and logisticsLukanovic, Bozo, Strid, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>In the report we have investigated four high-rise buildings with the intentions to find out witch parts are prefabricated and what relation can be found between structural design, prefabrication and the logistics. </p><p>After the investigation we noticed that the grad of prefabrication in each one of the projects is good in relation to what purpose the building have and the given background. During the report we found that layout – structural design – prefabrication – logistics is an order that we think can make the production of the building more effective if followed. We believe that the prefabrication of high-rise buildings have potential to grow and get more optimized in the future.</p>
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Intern logistik - En fallstudie kring det interna varuflödet i ett detaljhandelsföretagBendré, Rebecca, Nilsson, Anna, Svensson, Angelica January 2007 (has links)
<p>Både logistiken och detaljhandeln har under de senaste årtiondena haft en kraftig utveckling. För detaljhandeln har logistiken en allt mer växande betydelse, då de med rätt logistik kan korta sina ledtider, enklare ge kunderna de varor de önskar och vid rätt tidpunkter. Den interna logistiken syftar på de logistikaktiviteter som utförs inom detaljhandelsföretagen, d.v.s. de aktiviteter som får det interna varuflödet att fungera. Ett vanligt problem hos detaljhandelsföretag är ”slut i hyllan”. Orsaker till detta kan vara brister i inköp och logistik, bristande rutiner i butiken eller fel i leveranser och varuflöden. Det krävs således att detaljhandelsföretagen arbetar med sin logistik och skapar ett effektivt internt varuflöde för att kunna tillfredställa behovet utav varor ute i butik.</p><p>Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga det interna varuflödet i ett detaljhandelsföretag och att undersöka vilka faktorer som är de viktigaste för ett effektivt internt varuflöde. Vidare är syftet att ge förslag till hur det interna varuflödet kan effektiviseras.</p><p>En kvalitativ undersökningsmetod har använts där en fallstudie genomförts på Gekås Ullared. Personer från olika delar utav företaget har intervjuats genom öppna individuella intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer har även kombinerats med observationer. </p><p>Efter att ha fullföljt studien har vi kommit fram till vilka faktorer som är de viktigaste för ett effektivt internt varuflöde i detaljhandelsföretag, nämligen informationssystem, inköpsavdelningens påverkandegrad och arbete, förpackningar, lagrets layout och utrustning, lagerpersonalens arbete och interna transporter. Vid studerandet utav de olika faktorerna har vi även kunnat se att de har en inbördes påverkan, vilket vi har utvecklat en modell för. Genom att detaljhandelsföretag kontinuerligt arbetar med och utvecklar de sex faktorerna kan ett effektivt internt varuflöde skapas.</p>
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