Spelling suggestions: "subject:"power limb"" "subject:"power simb""
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Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para testes ergométricos em pessoas com deficiência de membros inferiores / Development of a methodology for exercise testing in people with lower limb disabilitiesTorres, Moisés de Matos 23 March 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / People with physical disabilities recently had a great reintegration into society, this
achievement together with new medical treatments, medicines and sports provided an
increase in life expectancy. The sports practice as large contributor, requires special attention
because it must be performed from prior evaluations to make suitable or not their realization.
The heart is the main affected organ, therefore, cardiovascular evaluation is the prior way to
diagnose diseases related to this.The ergometric test is the analysis most commonly used to
diagnose an anomaly, however its performance in people with disabilities still uses adaptation
in protocols and ergometers developed for people without disabilities.Therefore, it was
proposed to develop a methodology for these people. Based on energy expenditure (MET)
and in a specific ergometer for wheelchair, in consideration of based on each individual\'s
physiological parameters. Such action was direct to the elimination of adjustments and
minimization of results, sometimes not relevant to the real patient\'s condition. For the
generation of such a protocol was created an app with a written algorithm in Matlab® program
language. The app performs the most appropriate choice of the work to be overcome by each
person during testing. Moreover, this paper also showed the direction to be taken for the
improvement of ergometers of wheelchairs, in addition to a methodology that can be adopted
for the development of protocols for other types of ergometers. In summary, the
protocol/methodology proposed together with ergometers suitable for people with disabilities,
will allow to perform more proper test for people with lower limb disabilities. / Pessoas com deficiência nos últimos tempos apresentaram uma grande reinserção na vida
social, essa conquista aliada a novos tratamentos médicos, medicamentos e a prática de
esportes proporcionaram um aumento na expectativa de vida. A prática de esportes como
grande contribuinte, requer uma atenção especial, pois deve ser realizada a partir de
avaliações prévias para tornar apta ou não a sua realização. O coração é o principal órgão
afetado, sendo assim, a avaliação cardiovascular é o principal meio para diagnosticar doenças
relacionadas este. O teste ergométrico é o exame mais utilizado para diagnosticar alguma
anomalia, mas, no entanto, a sua realização em pessoas com deficiência ainda utiliza
adaptações em protocolos e ergômetros desenvolvidos para pessoas sem deficiência. Sendo
assim, foi proposto o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia própria para essas pessoas.
Baseado no gasto energético (MET) e em um ergômetro específico de cadeira de rodas foi
gerado um protocolo personalizado levando em conta os parâmetros fisiológicos de cada
indivíduo. Tal ação foi direcionada para a eliminação de adaptações e minimização de
resultados, às vezes, não pertinentes ao verdadeiro quadro clínico do paciente. Para a
geração de tal protocolo foi criado um aplicativo com um algoritmo escrito na linguagem de
programação Matlab®. O aplicativo realiza a escolha mais pertinente do trabalho a ser
superado por cada indivíduo durante o teste. O trabalho mostrou ainda, a direção a ser tomada
para o aperfeiçoamento de ergômetros de cadeiras de rodas, além de uma metodologia que
pode ser adotada para o desenvolvimento de protocolos para outros tipos de ergômetros. Em
suma, o protocolo/metodologia proposto aliado a ergômetros adequados para pessoas
portadoras de deficiência, permitirá a realização de teste mais adequados para portadores de
deficiência de membros inferiores. / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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Posouzení vlivu tréninku pomocí CDP na posturální funkce u pacienta po amputaci dolní končetiny / Assessment of the effect of CDP training in patient after lower extremity amputationČermáková, Kamila January 2018 (has links)
Title: Assessment of the effect of CDP training in patient after lower extremity amputation Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the influence of the individually set training programme on the computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) NeuroCom Smart EquiTest System (further referred to as EquiTest) independent of traditional therapeutic exercises in the patient after unilateral transfemoral amputation of the lower limb and to monitor the effect of this training on postural behaviour, ability of functional mobility and balance, frequency of falls and balance confidence in an individual after amputation. Methods: This is an experimental pilot case study that monitors the effect of an individually designed five-week training programme (with a frequency of exercises 2 times a week) on the EquiTest in one patient after unilateral transfemoral amputation of the lower limb. Examination of postural functions was performed by the EquiTest using SOT, MCT, and LOS tests. The ability of functional mobility and balance was tested using the functional Timed up and go test (TUG). The frequency of falls was detected from the proband's medical history. The balance confidence was determined using the Activities specific balance confidence scale (ABC). All measurements were made in two terms, i.e....
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Patients with Lower Limb Amputation in Vietnam : A quantitative study on Patients’ Satisfaction with their given Prosthetic Device and Service / Patienter med nedre extremitetsamputationer i Vietnam : En kvantitativ studie på patienters nöjdhet med deras utgivna protes och serviceRexhaj, Behar, Danielsson, Theresia January 2017 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this thesis is to evaluate patients’ satisfaction with prosthetic device and service on lower limb amputations in Danang, Vietnam and to implement comparisons between the subgroups gender, living area, amputation cause and level. Method: A cross-sectional study design was conducted using the Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with assistive Technology (QUEST) 2.0 questionnaire to measure patients’ satisfaction. Fifty patients were recruited through the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the data collection was performed in the patients own homes with an interpreter. The collected data was statistically analyzed with suitable tests using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Result: The patients were quite satisfied with their prosthetic devices (mean 4.16 SD ± 0.561) and more or less satisfied with their given services (mean 2.83 SD ± 1.213). Significant differences were found between genders regarding the patients’ satisfaction with prosthetic device. There were no significant differences between the remaining subgroups; living area, amputation cause and amputation level. Conclusion: This thesis demonstrates that the patients in Danang appear to be quite satisfied with their prosthetic device, even though they reported problems with the durability of the device. Furthermore, the patients were more or less satisfied with their prosthetic services. The findings in this thesis also reveals that women were less satisfied compared to men regarding the prosthetic device. These conclusions should however be taken with caution, since the reliability and validity was lower than desired and it’s difficult to generalize the results to the population. / Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att evaluera patienters nöjdhet med deras utgivna protes och service på nedre extremitetsamputerade i Danang, Vietnam och att implementera jämförelser mellan subgrupperna kön, bostadsområde, amputations- orsak och nivå. Metod: En cross-sectional studiedesign blev utförd genom användning av Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with assistive Technology (QUEST) 2.0 enkäten för att mäta patienters nöjdhet. Femtio patienter blev rekryterade genom International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) och datainsamlingen blev utförd i patienternas egna hushåll med en tolk. Den insamlade datan blev statistiskt analyserad med lämpliga tester genom användning av Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Resultat: Patienterna var ganska nöjda med deras utgivna proteser (medelvärde 4,16 SD ± 0,561) och mer eller mindre nöjda med deras utgivna service (medelvärde 2,83 SD ± 1,213). Signifikanta skillnader hittades mellan kön gällande patienters nöjdhet med deras utgivna protes. Det fanns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan de resterande subgrupperna; bostadsområde, amputationsorsak och amputationsnivå. Slutsats: Den här studien demonstrerar att patienterna i Danang verkar vara ganska nöjda med deras utgivna proteser, fastän de rapporterade problem med protesens hållbarhet. Dessutom var patienterna mer eller mindre nöjda med deras utgivna service. Fynden i denna studie påvisar också att kvinnorna var mindre nöjda gällande protesen jämfört med männen. Dessa slutsatser skall dock tas med aktsamhet, eftersom reliabiliteten och validiteten blev lägre än önskat och det var svårt att generalisera resultaten till populationen.
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Alaraajojen valtimonkovetustautia sairastavien terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu sekä hoitomenetelmien kustannuksetKoivunen, K. (Kirsi) 09 September 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe and investigate the health-related quality of life of patients suffering from lower limb arteriosclerotic disease before and after treatment. In addition, patients' experiences of living with their illness were examined a year after treatment, and the costs of treatment were investigated before and after treatment. A total of 180 patients took part in the study; 64 were treated conservatively, 85 endovascularly and 31 surgically. During the study, the health-related quality of life of the patients (N = 180) was monitored at the beginning of the study and 6 and 12 months after treatment using the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) and the 15D quality of life scale. Theme interviews were conducted with some of the patients (n = 18) a year after treatment. In addition, the costs of different treatment methods were examined using a questionnaire which mapped the patients' (n = 153) use of health and social services and the hospital's municipal billing data. The patients' (N = 180) ankle-brachial systolic blood pressure ratio (ABI) was measured at the beginning of the study and 12 months after treatment. The data were analysed using basic statistical methods and content analysis.
Compared to the age-and-gender-standardised normal population, the health-related quality of life of women (n = 62) suffering from lower limb arteriosclerotic disease was significantly poorer only in the dimension of pain. Prior to treatment, men's (n = 118) health-related quality of life was significantly lower than that of other Finnish men of the same age (N = 2 126) in all the areas of the NHP scale. In addition, as measured on the 15D scale, the patients' health-related quality of life was statistically significantly poorer compared to normal population (N = 4 048). The claudication distance and the ABI index of patients treated with endovascular and surgical methods was significantly improved one year after treatment. The quality of sleep and emotional reactions of patients treated with conservative methods improved as measured on the NHP scale, while the emotional reactions and energy levels of endovascularly treated patients improved as measured on the NHP scale. The 15D scale also indicated improvement in the overall quality of life, mobility, coping with daily tasks, quality of sleep and energy levels, as well as a decrease in pain and anxiety, which in turn decreased social exclusion.
One year after treatment, the NHP scale showed decreased pain and improved mobility, quality of sleep and emotional reactions in surgically treated patients, while the 15D scale indicated improvement in the overall quality of life, mobility, energy levels and quality of sleep. During content analysis, three main categories were formed based on patient experiences: struggle with the effects of the illness, pursuit of a balanced life and the use of internal resources. The direct costs of the diagnostic phase of conservative treatment were €1 625. As the treatment proceeded, the costs decreased in a statistically significant manner to €702. The direct costs of endovascular treatment were €1 522 during the diagnostic phase, increasing in a statistically significant way as the treatment proceeded to €4 579. The direct costs of the diagnostic phase of surgical treatment were €1 579, increasing to €5 608 in a statistically significant way as the treatment proceeded.
The study produced an extensive and varied description of the health-related quality of life of patients suffering from lower limb arteriosclerotic disease, patients' experiences of living with the illness and the costs of different treatment methods. The new information produced in this study can be used in a multidisciplinary and multiprofessional way, particularly in improving the treatment and rehabilitation of patients suffering from arteriosclerosis of the lower extremities, and in basic and continuing nursing education. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla ja selvittää alaraajojen valtimonkovetustautia sairastavien potilaiden terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua ennen hoitomenetelmiä ja niiden jälkeen. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin heidän kokemuksiaan elämästä sairauden kanssa vuoden kuluttua hoitomenetelmistä ja potilaille tehtyjen hoitomenetelmien kustannuksia ennen hoitoa ja sen jälkeen. Tutkimuksessa oli yhteensä 180 potilasta, joista 64 hoidettiin konservatiivisesti, 85 endovaskulaarisin ja 31 kirurgisin hoitomenetelmin. Tutkimuksessa seurattiin potilaiden (N = 180) terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) ja 15D-elämänlaatumittareilla tutkimuksen alussa, sekä 6 ja 12 kuukauden kuluttua hoidoista. Osalle potilaista (n = 18) tehtiin teemahaastattelu vuoden kuluttua hoidoista. Lisäksi selvitettiin eri hoitomenetelmien kustannuksia potilaiden (n = 153) terveydenhuolto- ja sosiaalipalvelujen käyttöä kartoittavalla kyselylomakkeella sekä sairaalan kuntalaskutustiedostoilla. Potilaiden (N = 180) nilkan ja olkavarren välisten systolisten verenpaineiden suhde (ABI) mitattiin tutkimuksen alussa ja 12 kuukauden kuluttua hoitomenetelmistä. Aineistojen analyyseissa käytettiin tilastollisia perusmenetelmiä sekä sisällön analyysia.
Verrattuna ikä- ja sukupuolivakioituun normaaliväestöön alaraajojen valtimonkovetustautia sairastavien naisten (n = 62) terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu oli merkitsevästi huonompi vain kivun ulottuvuudella. Miesten (n = 118) terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu oli ennen hoitomenetelmiä kaikilla kuudella NHP-mittarin osa-alueella merkitsevästi huonompi kuin vastaavanikäisillä suomalaisilla miehillä (N = 2126). Potilaiden elämänlaatu oli myös 15D-mittarilla mitattuna tilastollisesti merkitsevästi huonompi kuin normaaliväestöllä (N = 4048). Vuoden päästä hoidoista endovaskulaarisilla ja kirurgisilla toimenpiteillä hoidettujen potilaiden katkokävelymatka ja ABI-indeksi parantuivat merkitsevästi. Konservatiivisesti hoidetuilla potilailla unen laatu ja tunnereaktiot parantuivat NHP-mittarilla mitattuna. Endovaskulaarisesti hoidetuilla potilailla paranivat NHP- mittarilla mitattuna tunnereaktiot ja tarmokkuus. Myös sosiaalinen eristäytyminen väheni, kun 15D- mittari osoitti paranemista yleisessä elämänlaadussa, liikkumisessa, päivittäisissä toiminnoissa selviytymisessä, unen laadussa ja energisyydessä sekä kivut ja ahdistuneisuus helpottuivat.
Vuoden kuluttua kirurgisesti hoidetuilla potilailla NHP-mittari osoitti kivun vähenemistä, liikkumisen, unen laadun ja tunnereaktioiden paranemista, kun 15D-mittarilla mitattuna paranemista tapahtui yleisessä elämänlaadussa, liikkumisessa, energisyydessä ja unen laadussa. Sisällön analyysin tuloksena muodostui kolme pääkategoriaa potilaiden kokemuksista: sairauden vaikutusten kanssa kamppailua, tasapainoisen elämän tavoittelua ja sisäisten voimavarojen käyttöä. Konservatiivisen hoidon diagnosointivaiheen suorat kustannukset olivat 1 625 €. Ne laskivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi hoidon edettyä ja olivat 702 €. Endovaskulaarisen hoidon suorat kustannukset olivat diagnosointivaiheessa 1 522 € ja ne nousivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi hoidon edettyä ja olivat 4 579 €. Kirurgisen hoidon suorat kustannukset diagnosointivaiheessa olivat 1 579 € ja ne nousivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi hoidon edettyä ja olivat 5 608 €.
Tutkimus tuotti laajan ja monipuolisen kuvan alaraajojen valtimonkovetustautia sairastavien terveyteen liittyvästä elämänlaadusta, potilaiden kokemuksista elämästä sairauden kanssa ja hoitomenetelmien kustannuksista. Tässä tutkimuksessa tuotettua uutta tietoa voidaan hyödyntää monitieteisesti, moniammatillisesti ja erityisesti alaraajojen valtimonkovetustautia sairastavien hoidon ja kuntoutuksen kehittämisessä, sekä hoitotyön perus- ja täydennyskoulutuksessa.
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The impact of a change in work posture on work-related musculoskeletal disorders among sewing-machine operators, managed within a physiotherapy and ergonomics programmeGrobler, S.H. (Susanna Helena) 14 February 2013 (has links)
When implementing a managed healthcare intervention among a working population, evidence-based healthcare is critical. In the current study, the change of work posture of sewing-machine operators from seated to stand-up (the intervention) was managed within a physiotherapy and ergonomics programme (programme) in Johnson Controls Automotive S.A. (Pty) Ltd (company) without local evidence to guide the postural transition. The management of the intervention, implemented over a period of 4.5 years, presented the opportunity for a retrospective longitudinal study. The study determined the impact of the change in work posture on the incidence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) from June 2004 to January 2009 (period). The role of the physiotherapist in the programme was to deliver manual therapy to all sewing-machine operators with WRMSDs, and to provide a clinical - ergonomics service, as a member of a multidisciplinary team, to the company. The population of sewing-machine operators (n=123) was described in terms of personal factors (e.g. age, medical history, musculoskeletal history, and body mass index (BMI)), ergonomic risk factors (e.g. work posture, force and duration) and overall incidence of WRMSDs. The associations of risk factors (personal and ergonomic) with WRMSDs, and work posture with WRMSDs among sewing-machine operators were statistically determined. The majority of the population (97.6%) was female, with mean age 42.3± 8 years. At baseline, 17.9% were hypertensive, 3.3% had arthritis, 6.5% were diabetic, and the mean BMI was 29.7 kg/m² (22% of BMIs was normal). The largest proportion of the sewing-machine operators were sewing cloth and leather (79.7%) (compared to sewing cloth and vinyl), and the remainder performed forceful precision stitching (20.3%), including headrest covers, airbags and top stitching on the final product. Job rotation took place between forceful precision stitching and straight stitching (for 36.6% of the sewing-machine operators).p> The intervention was implemented within the study period. At baseline 100% of sewing machine operators were sewing in the seated work posture. Early in the study, 17.9% of them changed their work posture from seated to stand-up, 30.1% changed to the stand-up work posture in January 2007, and 34.9% a year later. The last 17.1% remained seated till the last year of the study period. From July 2008, 100% of the sewing-machine operators were sewing in the stand-up work posture. The results indicated two strong associations of risk factors and a change in work posture with WRMSDs. Obesity (specifically morbid obesity) was a personal risk factor for upper limb disorders and working in the stand-up work posture was protective for spinal disorders, compared to working in the seated work posture. Furthermore, the results indicated a high incidence of disorders (specifically of the spinal area and upper limb) during the first three months of the programme, as well as an increased incidence of lower leg disorders for the first and consecutive month of the change in work posture from seated to standing up. Lower limb disorders were specifically associated with obesity. The increase of lower limb disorders during the postural adaptation phase was temporary, and was addressed within the programme with proper shoe wear, silicone innersoles, supportive stockings and exercises. The combination proved to be effective in preventing and/or managing lower limb disorders. The outcome of the current study provided evidence on the incidence of WRMSDs, and associations between risk factors and work posture, and WRMSDs among sewing machine operators managed within the programme. / Dissertation (MPhysT)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Physiotherapy / unrestricted
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Deformačně a napěťová analýza fixátoru dolní končetiny Orthofix / Stress - strain analysis of inferios limb with fixator type OrthofixMrázek, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to create a stress strain analysis of Orthofix external fixator applied to lower limb. The introduction summarizes the background research in available scientific publications, targetting the alternatives of treatment, namely application and fixation solutions of long bones. Furthermore parametric models of the fixator and tibia are created in CAD system CATIA. The fixator model enables to create different geometric variations simulating possible fixator settings and moment load in the range of 1-10 Nm. These geometric and loading states of fixator are solved via FEM in ANSYS. Single versions of the states of Orthofix fixator are then subjected to the stress strain analysis.
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Gait quantitative phenotyping of brain-injured subjects : gait measurement in the doctor’s office using inertial measurement units / Phénotypage quantitatif de la marche du patient cérébrolésé : mesure de la marche en consultation de routine avec des capteurs inertielsBarrois, Rémi 09 February 2018 (has links)
Si les neurosciences connaissent d’importants progrès dans l’imagerie et le génotypage, le phénotypage repose encore largement sur des échelles visuelles. Le phénotype chez l’homme repose principalement sur son style perceptivo-moteur qui donne une empreinte à la marche, la posture, l’équilibre, l’habilité des membres supérieurs, les mouvements oculaires etc. La marche, fonction complexe et fondamentale de l’être humain, implique l’ensemble du système musculo-squelettique, le système nerveux central et périphérique ainsi que les organes sensoriels. Elle est le produit d’un patron de marche automatique et inconscient modulé par le tronc cérébral, les noyaux gris centraux et par des retours sensitifs (visuels, proprioceptives, vestibulaires et épicritiques). Enfin, la marche est aussi sous contrôle volontaire. Le phénotypage quantitatif de la marche suppose la construction préalable de bases de données de signaux de marche d’un nombre élevé (centaines) de sujets et de patients. Ceci peut être mené à bien grâce à des outils de mesure simples d’utilisation et adaptés à la pratique médicale de routine. Il existe plusieurs moyens pour phénotyper la marche mais le capteur inertiel, en raison de son prix, de sa souplesse d’utilisation et de l’accès aux données brutes est un outil particulièrement adapté pour l’étude de la marche en consultation de routine. Les capteurs inertiels permettent le calcul de nombreux paramètres. L’exercice de marche de 10 m aller/retour à vitesse de confort départ arrêté donne accès aux différentes phases de la marche (initiation, croisière, demi-tour) dans des conditions de consultation de routine. Ainsi, l’objectif de ce travail est d’approcher les mécanismes d’adaptation des personnes à des perturbations à différents niveaux anatomiques des structures impliquées dans la marche. Nous abordons cette question par un phénotypage quantitatif à partir du signal de capteurs inertiels recueilli sur des patients au cours d’un exercice de marche de 10 m aller/retour en consultation clinique de routine. Nous avons étudié successivement la marche de patients atteints d’arthrose du membre inférieur comme modèle d’adaptation de la marche à la douleur, puis la marche dans la maladie de Parkinson comme modèle d’atteinte du système de la mise en place des procédures motrices, enfin, la locomotion des patients hémiparétiques à la suite d’un accident vasculaire cérébral hémisphérique comme modèle d’atteinte de la commande volontaire. Nous montrons que la douleur dans l’arthrose du membre inférieur mène à une rigidification globale de la cinématique corporelle. Cette rigidification est prépondérante sur le membre atteint. Elle traduit la perte des synergies musculaires par la mise en place de boucle-réflexe anti-douleur. Nous démontrons que ces modifications sont corrélées à la sévérité clinique de l’arthrose. Pour analyser la régularité de la marche dans la maladie de Parkinson indépendamment des variabilités inter-individuelles du patron de marche nous avons développé un outil de visualisation de l’exercice de marche. La maladie de Parkinson affecte en particulier la régularité de la marche. Notre travail apporte la preuve que cette irrégularité est corrélée à la sévérité des symptômes chez les patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson. Nous montrons enfin qu’une lésion du cortex dans l’accident vasculaire hémisphérique provoque un changement de stratégie dans le demi-tour. Comme d’autres, nous faisons l’hypothèse que les stratégies de demi-tours sont en partie stockées dans le cortex frontal et que les hémisphères droit et gauche ne jouent pas un rôle symétrique. Nous montrons que le choix de stratégie de demi-tour est corrélé avec la survenue de chutes à 6 mois et pourrait constituer un nouvel élément pour orienter la rééducation. (...) / In the field of neurosciences, significant improvement has been made in the last decades in imaging and genotyping. However, phenotyping remains stagnant at the state of visual observation or visual grading scales. The human phenotype is made up of locomotion (gait, posture and displacement of daily living), upper-limb fine and rough movements, eye movements, language, cognition and complex social behaviors. Gait is a central function in humans, implying volitional, emotional and automatic processes. It involves the whole musculoskeletal system as well as the central and the peripheral nervous system including sensory organs. Building a gait phenotyping system implies setting up a database of gait signals of many (hundreds) of subjects and patients. This goal can be achieved with user-friendly devices deployed in routine medical practice. For instance, inertial measurement units (IMUs) are a valid tool to measure spatio-temporal gait parameters and are adapted to routine medical use. The 10-meter walking test forward and back at self-selected walking speed is adapted to routine testing at the doctor’s office. It allows for measuring gait initiation, gait cruise, gait termination and a 180° turn. In that context, beyond technical challenges, the aim of this work was to address the question How does the central nervous system adapt to an external alteration on various levels in the command chain of gait? To answer this question, we studied sequentially the IMU signal of gait spatio-temporal kinematics in lower-limb osteoarthritis as a model of gait affected by pain, in Parkinson disease as a model of a lesion of the central nervous system muscle tone regulator and finally, in post-hemispheric stroke as a model of lesions of brain structures responsible for volitional locomotion. Secondary clinical questions were How can the severity of a disease be objectively graded with gait kinematics? and How can locomotion kinematics participate in the fall risk prediction in frail populations? In osteoarthritis, we showed that pain in lower-limb osteoarthritis led to a global stiffness of the body during locomotion. This stiffness was preponderant on the affected limbs and led to the loss of muscular synergies by the establishment of anti-pain reflexes as a reaction to pain. This change was correlated with the severity of lower-limb osteoarthritis. In Parkinson disease, to analyze gait regularity independently from inter-individual gait signature, we constructed a novel gait visualization tool and show that a lesion of the muscle tone regulator in Parkinson disease affects gait regularity. This regularity was associated with disease symptoms. Finally, in stroke, we showed that a lesion in the cortex implied a change in the 180° turning stepping, a volitional task. In line with other authors, we hypothesized that locomotion patterns could be generated in the frontal cortex and that the right and left frontal cortex did not have a symmetric role. We showed specific stepping patterns associated more with risk of fall, which could constitute a new argument to orientate rehabilitation. Altogether then, this work suggests that simple measuring hardware (here IMUs), with appropriate signal processing, allowed for decomposing and quantifying complex behavioral tasks (here locomotion) in daily hospital settings.
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Defektdeckung an der unteren Extremität durch die Suralis-Lappenplastik: eine klinische NachuntersuchungMichel, Sebastian Gerhard 27 November 2017 (has links)
Trotz der zunehmenden Bedeutung von freien Lappenplastiken stellen gefäßgestielte Suralis-Lappenplastiken weiterhin eine zuverlässige Methode zur Defektdeckung an der unteren Extremität dar. In der Arbeit werden 19 Fälle untersucht, bei denen eine Suralis-Lappenplastik durchgeführt wurde. Die Patientenzufriedenheit wird anhand funktioneller und ästhetischer Gesichtspunkte mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens erfasst. Aus der ärztlichen Dokumentation werden notwendige Revisionseingriffe, stationäre und ambulante Behandlungszeiten, Nebenerkrankungen und die Erlössituation im DRG-System ausgewertet. Zudem wird im Rahmen einer anatomischen Studie an einem Leichenpräparat ein Suralis-Lappen gehoben und eine Fotodokumentation angefertigt.:1. Einleitung
2. Grundlagen
3. Material und Methoden
4. Ergebnisse
5. Diskussion
6. Zusammenfassung
7. Literaturverzeichnis
8. Anhang / Although the increasing meaning of free flaps the pedicled sural flap is a save method of covering defect wounds on lower limbs. In this report 19 cases of sural flap coverage are examined. The level of satisfaction of patients is measured by functional and aesthetic aspects using a standardised survey. Number of necessary revision operations, time of treatment, side diseases, and DRG based profit is determinded by the medical documentation. Furthermore an anatomic study is done showing the surgical raising of a sural flap.:1. Einleitung
2. Grundlagen
3. Material und Methoden
4. Ergebnisse
5. Diskussion
6. Zusammenfassung
7. Literaturverzeichnis
8. Anhang
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Orthotic interventions for lower limb impaired patients with multiple sclerosis: an Umbrella ReviewPetersson, Johan, Yen Eng, Swan January 2022 (has links)
Background: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory auto-immune disease with various symptoms, which requires comprehensive multidisciplinary treatment for distinct and individualized conditions. Reviews on this population address treatment alternatives (i.e., pharmaceutical and rehabilitation). Orthotic interventions are seldom mentioned or mentioned briefly in conjunction with physiotherapy interventions. Aim: This study aims to critically appraise and summarize current evidence regarding orthotic interventions for multiple sclerosis population with lower limb deficiencies. Methods: This study uses umbrella review protocol for systematic reviews. 5 databases were used (CINAHL, Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science). From 44 reviews, 6 systematic reviews were obtained using JBI appraisal tool. Methodological quality is appraised using AMSTAR II, data were extracted via JBI data extraction form for umbrella reviews. 2 articles were excluded and the evidence quality of the remaining 4 articles were appraised via GRADE. Results: 2 out of 4 investigated the effect of foot orthoses, whilst the remaining investigated FES devices. 3 out of 4 articles scored “Critically low” in methodological quality, 1 scored “High”. The evidence quality of the different outcomes ranges from "Very low” to “High”. Conclusion: Foot orthoses reported an increase RoM in ankle and knee joints. FES intervention found an increase in speed and endurance during gait and increased RoM of ankle and knee. However, more studies with higher quality are needed to establish clinical recommendations. / Bakgrund: Multipel skleros är en kroniskt inflammatorisk auto-immun sjukdom med komplexa symtom som kräver en omfattande multidisciplinär behandlingsplan för att främja positiva, måluppnående behandlingsresultat. Artiklar gällande denna populationen kollar på behandlings alternativ (som medicinska och rehabilitering). Ortos interventioner nämns kort men ofta vid sidan av diskuterade medicinska interventionerna eller som komplement till fysioterapin. Syfte: Denna studie syftar att kritiskt värdera och summera den nuvarande evidensen gällande användningen av ortoser som intervention för brister i lägre extremiteters funktion för patienter med multipel skleros. Metod: Sökningen genomfördes i 5 databaser (CINAHL, Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science). Från 44 artiklar, var 6 studier behöriga efter JBI utvärderings verktyg. Metodologisk kvalitet var testat genom AMSTAR II, data var framtagen genom ” JBI data extraktion form for Umbrella reviews”. 2 artiklar var exkluderade ytterligare och evidens kvalitén av de kvarstående 4 artiklarna var testat med GRADE. Resultat: Två av de fyra inkluderade studierna studerade användningen av fotortoser medans de kvarvarande studerade FES-enheter. Tre av fyra studier fick betyget ”Critically low” gällande metodologisk kvalitet, en fick betyget ”High”. Evidens kvaliten av interventionernas resultat varierade mellan ”Very low” till ”High”. Sammanfattning: Fotortoser rapporterade en chans att öka rörlighets omfånget i ankel och knä. FES-enhet visade en ökning av hastighet och uthållighet vid gång samt öka rörelseomfånget i ankel och knä. Denna studie konstaterar att det behövs fler starka studier för att kunna skapa kliniska rekommendationer gällande ortoser för nedre extremiteter för MS patienter.
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Développement mécatronique et contrôle de l'exosquelette des membres inférieurs SOL0.1 / Mechatronic Development and Control of Lower Limb Exoskeleton SOL0.1Fouz, Moustafa 28 June 2019 (has links)
Le sujet de thèse concerne le développement de l'architecture de contrôle et la génération de trajectoire pour un exosquelette évolutif appelé SOL. Les résultats de l'étude biomédicale ont révélé que la progressivité de la maladie pouvait être résolue par une réadaptation précoce et continue tout au long de la croissance. Ainsi, l'importance de l'utilisation d'un exosquelette a un impact positif puisqu'il sert à la fois à la locomotion et à la réhabilitation. Cependant, les exosquelettes actuels ne peuvent pas être adaptés au changement continu de la biomécanique de l'adolescent tout au long de sa croissance. Par conséquent, le besoin de développer un exosquelette évolutif capable de faire face aux besoins croissants est un sujet interdisciplinaire. L'architecture de contrôle d'un tel dispositif évolutif a été abordée dans cette thèse, à la fois dans les développements matériels et logiciels pour incorporer autant que possible la fonctionnalité d'évolutivité. Les étapes initiales ont été franchies en vue d'atteindre l'objectif d'un exosquelette évolutif, en contribuant à la fois aux développements matériels qui permettent d'apporter d'autres améliorations tout au long de l'avancement du projet, et aux développements du firmware, qui ont répondu aux besoins en matière d'évolutivité au niveau du contrôle.L'extensibilité a également été abordée aux trois niveaux hiérarchiques de contrôle. Plus spécifiquement, une attention particulière a été accordée à la génération des trajectoires de référence de la marche pour une population en croissance. Enfin, grâce à la connaissance de la biomécanique du sujet, le contrôleur développé est capable d’identifier les trajectoires appropriées et injecter les trajectoires de référence des actionneurs de l’exosquelette SOL.Un premier prototype de l'exosquelette est utilisé pour manifester les résultats du générateur de marche évolutionnaire (E.G.G.) proposé. Comme premier prototype, un mouvement de marche libre dans l'air est testé, où la validation du matériel proposé et des boucles de contrôle sont démontrées. L'étude des réponses de contrôle des exosquelettes contre les perturbations externes probables et des scénarios de sécurité en cas de défaillance est encore un travail futur obligatoire avant de réaliser les premiers tests sur l'exosquelette humain. / The thesis' subject concerns the development of the control architecture and the trajectory generation for a scalable exoskeleton called SOL. The biomedical study outcomes revealed that the progressiveness of the disease could be solved by early and continuous rehabilitation throughout the growth. Thus, the importance of using an exoskeleton has a positive impact since it is used to provide locomotion and rehabilitation, at the same time. However, the current exoskeletons cannot be adapted to fit the continuous change of teenager biomechanics throughout his growth. Hence, the need for developing a scalable exoskeleton that can cope with the growing needs is still a challenging topic. Especially, the control architecture of such a scalable device was tackled in this thesis, in both hardware and software developments to incorporate the scalability features. Initiative steps have been passed towards the goal of achieving a scalable exoskeleton, by contributing in hardware developments that allowing further enhancements to be included throughout the advancement of the project. Firmware developments achieved have addressed the scalability needs in terms of control by considering the three hierarchical levels (which are: High, Middle, and low-levels of control). More specifically, a focus was dedicated to the generation of the gait reference trajectories for the growing population. Data were collected from healthy subjects wearing a passive exoskeleton to extract the proper joint trajectories, then, the data were processed to build a gait library to be deployed on the exoskeleton controller. Finally, by knowledge of the subject biomechanics, the controller is able to fetch the proper trajectories and inject the reference trajectories to the SOL's actuators. A first prototype of the exoskeleton is used to manifest the outcomes of the proposed Evolutionary Gait Generator (E.G.G.). As a first prototype, A free walking in air motion is tested, where the validation of the proposed hardware and control loops are demonstrated. Studying the exoskeletons' control responses against probable external disturbances and fail-safe scenarios are still future work mandatory before achieving first human-exoskeleton testing.
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