Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pps"" "subject:"apps""
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De novo Induktion von Anaphylatoxin C5a-Rezeptoren in Hepatocyten der Ratte durch den Entzündungsauslöser Lipopolysaccharid in vivo / Vermittlung durch die Entzündungsmediatoren Interleukin-6 und -1ß / De novo induction of anaphylatoxin C5aR in rat hepatocytes by bacterial lipopolysaccharide in vivo / Mediation by the proinflammatory cytokines interleukine-6 and -1ßKoleva, Milena 03 May 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Modulation of Gene Expression of Iron Regulatory Proteins, Hemeoxygenase-1 and Lactoferrin, in Mice Liver and Muscle by Different Cytokines, In Two Models of Acute Phase Reaction.Ahmad, Ghayyor 28 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Plasma Factors as Endogenous Agonists and Modulators of TLR4 Signaling in Microglia / Plasma Faktoren als Endogene Agonisten und Modulatoren von TLR4 Signalen in Mikroglia ZellenScheffel, Jörg 21 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Instilação nasal de LPS ou suco gástrico como fator exacerbador da inflamação pulmonar ocasionada pela isquemia e reperfusão intestinal em camundongos. / Intranasal instillation of LPS or gastric juice as an exacerbating factor of lung inflammation induced by intestinal ischemia and reperfusion.Alexandre Learth Soares 03 July 2009 (has links)
A isquemia e reperfusão intestinal (I/R-i) é relevante fator para o desenvolvimento da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA). A lesão tecidual decorrente da I/R-i pode ser local e em órgãos distante do sitio isquêmico, notadamente o pulmão. Indivíduos submetidos à isquemia intestinal ao tornarem-se vulneráveis, desenvolvem resposta exacerbada a estímulos inflamatórios secundários constituindo assim a percepção de lesão decorrente de uma dupla agressão. Neste estudo desenvolvemos modelo murino de dupla agressão pulmonar ocasionada pela I/R-i seguida de estímulo da instilação nasal de LPS ou de suco gástrico (SG). A fase de caracterização do modelo de I/R-i revelou aumento de IL-6, G-CSF, KC, IP-10 e MCP-1, mas não de TNF-a no soro e em homogeneizados de pulmão e intestino. Anticorpos anti TNF-a e o etanercepte falharam em inibir o aumento de MPO pulmonar e intestinal após a I/R-i. A instilação nasal de LPS após a I/R-i aumentou a atividade pulmonar de MPO e exacerbou a permeabilidade vascular pulmonar. Neste caso, aminoguanidina ou a vimblastina reverterem o aumento da permeabilidade vascular, sugerindo a participação conjunta de neutrófilos e óxido nítrico no processo lesivo causado pela dupla agressão. A instilação nasal de SG induziu aumento inicial (2h) de MPO pulmonar seguido de influxo de neutrófilos (24h) para o espaço alveolar. Tal processo foi acompanhado por expressão inicial e transiente de TNF-a no LBA e contrabalanceada por IL-10. A resposta inflamatória aumentada de camundongos IL-10 KO à instilação de suco gástrico mostra o papel fundamental desta citocina do controle da inflamação. O rolipram ou o composto PKF 241-466 (inibidores de TNF-a) reduziram a inflamação pulmonar induzida pelo SG. A instilação de SG após a I/R-i (I/R-i +SG) exacerbou o aumento da permeabilidade vascular pulmonar. Os dados apresentados sugerem que a exposição do organismo ao trauma intestinal torna o pulmão suscetível a um estímulo secundário como o LPS e o suco gástrico. Visto a gama de estímulos inflamatórios a que indivíduos internados em unidades de terapia intensiva podem ser submetidos, os resultados deste estudo podem contribuir para a compreensão dos mecanismos reguladores do recrutamento de neutrófilos e geração de mediadores inflamatórios na síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo. / Intestinal ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) is implicated as a prime initiating event in the development of systemic inflammatory syndrome and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Several studies pointed the possibility of massive systemic inflammatory events rendering the lungs more susceptible to an exacerbated inflammatory response, the so called two-hit hypothesis. In this way, minor local inflammatory stimuli could be a trigger for ARDS. In this study we investigated the effects of low-dose LPS or gastric juice (GJ) administered by nasal instillation to mice previously submitted to intestinal I/R. Our data showed that i-I/R alone induced histological signs of edema in lung as well as an increase of lung MPO activity and IL-6, G-CSF, KC, IP-10 and MCP-1 levels. Nasal instillation of LPS following i-I/R increased lung MPO activity and exacerbated lung vascular permeability. In this case, aminoguanidine or vinblastine blocked the increase of vascular permeability, suggesting the role of neutrophils and nitric oxide in injury induced by the two-hit stimuli. Instillation of GJ induced an initial (2h) increase of lung MPO followed by the influx of neutrophils (24h) to the alveolar space. Such process was followed by the transient expression of TNF-a in BAL and balanced by IL-10. The exacerbated inflammatory response of IL-10 KO mice to GJ instillation shows the importance of this cytokine in the control of the inflammation in such model. Treatment with rolipram or PKF 241-466 compound (TNF-a inhibitors) reduced lung inflammation induced by GJ. Nasal instillation of GJ after i-I/R exacerbated the increase in lung vascular permeability. The data shown suggest that the exposition of the organism to mesenteric trauma primes the host organism to a secondary inflammatory stimulus such as LPS or gastric juice. Considering the possible multiple insults to lung to which patients in intensive care units are submitted, the results of this study might contribute to the understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of neutrophils and generation of inflammatory mediators in the context of ARDS.
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Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) na modulação da imunidade do tipo 2. / Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and modulation of Th2 immunity.Juliana Bortolatto 16 October 2008 (has links)
Lipopolissacarídeos (LPS), pode tanto proteger quanto exacerbar o desenvolvimento da asma. LPS inicia a ativação da resposta imune via ligação da molécula Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) que sinaliza por duas vias distintas, as moléculas adaptadoras MyD88 e TRIF. LPS é um adjuvante que induz resposta do tipo Th1, enquanto que o hidróxido de alumínio (Alum) desperta respostas Th2, porém, a mistura de ambos adjuvantes na indução da resposta alérgica pulmonar ainda não foi investigada. No presente estudo, nós determinamos o efeito de dois agonistas de TLR4, um natural (LPS) e outro sintético (ER-803022) adsorvidos ao Alum sobre o desenvolvimento de doença alérgica pulmonar. Os animais foram sensibilizados pela via subcutânea com os antígenos, Ovoalbumina (OVA) ou Toxóide Tetânico (TT) na presença ou ausência de agonistas de TLR4 co-adsorvidos ao Alum e desafiados com os respectivos antígenos pela via intranasal. Nossos resultados mostraram que a sensibilização com OVA ou TT e LPS coadsorvidos ao Alum, impede o estabelecimento da resposta alérgica mediada por linfócitos Th2, tais como, influxo de eosinófilos, produção de citocinas do tipo 2, hiperreatividade brônquica, secreção de muco, e produção de IgE ou IgG1 anafilática. Apesar dos níveis de IgG2a, isotipo associado com as respostas Th1 estarem aumentados, análise da histopatologia pulmonar não revelou um desvio para o padrão Th1 de inflamação. Verificamos que a presença das moléculas TLR4, MyD88, IL-12/IFN-g mas não TRIF foram necessários para LPS exercer seu efeito inibitório. O agonista sintético de TLR4, menos tóxico que LPS, também protegeu contra o desenvolvimento de inflamação alérgica pulmonar. Em conclusão, nosso trabalho esclarece o efeito da sinalização do TLR4 na sensibilização alérgica e indica que agonista sintético de TLR4 com baixa toxicidade, pode ser utilizado para modular a capacidade adjuvante do Alum e conseqüentemente diminuir a indução de alergias. / Epidemiological and experimental data suggest that bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) can either protect from or exacerbate allergic asthma. LPS triggers immune responses through Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 that in turn activates two major signaling pathways via either MyD88 or TRIF adaptor proteins. LPS is a pro-Th1 adjuvant while aluminum hydroxide (Alum) is a strong Th2 adjuvant, but the effect of mixing both adjuvants on development of lung allergy has not been investigated. We determined whether natural (LPS) or synthetic (ER-803022) TLR4 agonists adsorbed onto alum adjuvant affect allergen sensitization and development of airway allergic disease. To dissect LPS-induced molecular pathways we used TLR4, MyD88, TRIF, or IL-12/IFN-g deficient mice. Mice were sensitized subcutaneously to allergens such as ovalbumin (OVA) or tetanus toxoid (TT) with or without TLR4 agonists coadsorbed onto Alum and challenged twice via intranasal route with the same allergens. The development of type 2 immunity was evaluated 24 h after last allergen challenge. We found that sensitization with OVA or TT plus LPS co-adsorbed onto Alum impaired allergeninduced Th2-mediated responses such as airway eosinophilia, type 2 cytokines secretion, airway hyperreactivity, mucus hyper production and serum levels of IgE or IgG1 anaphylactic antibodies. Although the levels of IgG2a, a Th1 affiliated isotype increased, investigation into the lung-specific effects revealed that LPS did not induce a Th1 pattern of inflammation. LPS impaired the development of Th2 immunity, signaling via TLR4 and MyD88 molecules via the IL-12/IFN-g axis, but not through TRIF pathway. Moreover, the synthetic TLR4 agonists that proved to have a less systemic inflammatory response than LPS also protected against allergic asthma development. TLR4 agonists co-adsorbed with allergen onto Alum down modulate Th2 immunity and prevent the development of polarized T cell-mediated airway inflammation. Thus, our work clarifies the effect of TLR4 signaling in allergic sensitization and indicates that TLR4 agonists with low toxicity might be useful for down regulating the pro-Th2 adjuvant activity of alum and consequently decrease the induction of allergy.
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Incertidumbre y aplicación de la metodología BIM-LPS en el flujo de trabajo, durante la ejecución del proyecto C.C. Plaza Surco bajo la modalidad Fast-trackQuiñonez Pezo, Carlos Augusto 21 October 2020 (has links)
Un flujo de trabajo confiable se logra mediante un buen planeamiento según la metodología del Last Planner. Sin embargo, en proyectos donde se usa el método de Fast-track, la aplicación del Last Planner (LPS) es mucho más complicada. Se sabe que el método de Fast-track origina muchos problemas al momento de construir, puesto a que el diseño aún no se encuentra definido en su totalidad.
Un flujo de trabajo que se interrumpe, normalmente conlleva a grandes pérdidas en la productividad. Si bien el LPS es una herramienta que ayuda en asegurar un “flujo continuo de trabajo” debido a los planes detallados que se realizan, en la medida en que se acerca a la fecha de ejecución, el método de Fast-track limita sus ventajas, aumentando exponencialmente a la vez, la variabilidad en el proyecto.
Es por esta razón, que es muy importante usar las herramientas BIM con el propósito de dar soporte visual y evaluar de mejor manera la confiabilidad de los planes que se hacen en el Look Ahead y en el plan semanal. Los softwares del BIM permiten gestionar la información, los espacios de trabajo, e identificar lo antes posible las restricciones de diseño.
Con lo dicho anteriormente, es necesario usar y proponer la integración del BIM y el Last Planner con la finalidad de reducir la variabilidad y que se pueda generar hacer las programaciones con mayor confiabilidad, en proyectos que se ejecuten bajo la modalidad Fast-track..
Esta investigación va a abarcar en primer lugar, la investigación de tres proyectos de edificaciones correspondiente a centros comerciales donde se haya utilizado el Last Planner System, con el propósito de encontrar las deficiencias tanto en el proceso constructivo, como en el uso del Last Planner. Se toma en cuenta las notas de mejora y las acciones preventivas en su aplicación en esos proyectos. De esta forma, basándose en la recopilación de toda esa información, se plantea una mejora en el sistema del Last Planner mediante la elaboración de una guía que muestre los pasos para realizar la integración de la tecnología BIM con las herramientas del Last Planner. Y por último, se aplica a un centro comercial, con la finalidad de cuantificar su impacto en la disminución de la variabilidad y generar un flujo de trabajo continuo durante la etapa de ejecución de la fase de estructuras. / A reliable workflow is achieved through good planning according to the Last Planner methodology. However, in projects where the Fast-track method is used, the application of the Last Planner (LPS) is much more complicated. The Fast-track method is known to cause many problems at the time of construction, since the design is not yet fully defined.
An interrupted workflow usually leads to huge losses in productivity. Although the LPS is a tool that helps to ensure a “continuous workflow” due to the detailed plans that are made, as the execution date approaches, the Fast-track method limits its advantages, increasing exponentially at the same time, the variability in the project.
For this reason, it is very important to use BIM tools in order to provide visual support and better evaluate the reliability of the plans made in the Look Ahead and in the weekly plan. BIM software allows you to manage information, workspaces, and identify design restrictions as soon as possible.
With the aforementioned, it is necessary to use and propose the integration of BIM and the Last Planner in order to reduce variability and that it can be generated to do the programming with greater reliability, in projects that are executed under the Fast-track mode.
This investigation will cover, in the first place, the investigation of three building projects corresponding to shopping centers where the Last Planner System has been used, in order to find deficiencies both in the construction process and in the use of the Last Planner. Notes for improvement and preventive actions are taken into account in their application in these projects. In this way, based on the compilation of all this information, an improvement in the Last Planner system is proposed by preparing a guide that shows the steps to integrate BIM technology with the Last Planner tools. And finally, it is applied to a shopping center, in order to quantify its impact on reducing variability and generating a continuous work flow during the execution stage of the structures phase. / Tesis
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Von der Infektion zur AutoimmunitätSiffrin, Volker 27 April 2005 (has links)
Epidemiologische Daten belegen eine Assoziation von Infektionen mit der Exazerbation von Autoimmunerkrankungen, wobei man aber die Wege, die dahin führen noch nicht voll versteht. Die gängigste Hypothese sieht die Ursache für die Entstehung von Autoimmunerkrankungen in der Kreuzreaktivität zwischen mikrobiellen und Selbst-Antigenen, die von der selben T-Zelle erkannt werden. Dieser Antigen-spezifische Mechanismus konnte allerdings bisher nicht durch die Forschung belegt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass im Modell der experimentellen autoimmunen Enzephalitis durch die Aktivierung mit Lipopolysacchariden gramnegativer Bakterien (LPS) Schübe in normalen Mäusen ausgelöst werden können. Diese Art der Behandlung führt in-vitro zur Proliferation und zur Zytokinproduktion bei einem Teil der T-Helfer (Th)-Effektor/Gedächtniszellen. Dabei ist zwar der physische Kontakt zwischen Th-Zellen und CD4--LPS-responsiven Zellen essentiell, jedoch geschieht die Aktivierung nicht über den T-Zellrezeptor. Als entscheidend hat sich die Bindung von kostimulatorischen Rezeptoren auf Th-Zellen durch kostimulatorische Moleküle auf CD4--Zellen erwiesen. Diese Form der Bystander-Aktivierung bietet eine Antigen-unabhängige Erklärung für die Zusammenhänge von Infektion und Autoimmunität, die mit den klinischen und epidemiologischen Daten besser vereinbar ist als die Antigen-spezifischen Modelle. / Infections sometimes associate with exacerbations of autoimmune diseases through pathways that are poorly understood. Antigen-specific mechanisms such as cross-reactivity between a microbial antigen and a self-antigen have received no direct support. Here it is shown that activation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces relapses of experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) in normal mice. This form of treatment induces proliferation and cytokine production in a fraction of effector/memory T helper (Th) lyphocytes in vitro via physical contact of Th cells with CD4--LPS-responsive cells. TCR mediated signals are not necessary; rather what is required is ligation of costimulatory receptors on Th cells by costimulatory molecules on the CD4- cells. This form of bystander activation provides an antigen-independent link between infection and autoimmunity that might fit the clinical and epidemiological data on the connection between infection and autoimmunity better than the antigen-specific models.
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Funktionelle Analyse von Mutanten des LPS-bindenden Proteins (LBP)Eckert, Jana Kristin 25 June 2009 (has links)
LBP vermittelt im Wirtsorganismus die direkte Immunantwort auf bakterielle Liganden wie das Lipopolysaccharid (LPS) von Gram-negativen oder Lipopeptide von Gram-positiven Bakterien. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Funktionsweise von LBP weiter aufgeklärt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine natürlich vorkommende Mutation des LBP (c998t), die an Position 333 zu einem Austausch der Aminosäure Prolin zu Leucin führt, hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf Struktur und Funktionalität des Proteins untersucht. Westernblot-Analysen des rekombinant hergestellten Proteins und humaner Seren von Mutationsträgern weisen auf einen Zerfall des mutierten Proteins hin. Es kommt zu einer Beeinträchtigung der Bindung bakterieller Liganden und einer deutlichen Reduktion der LBP-vermittelten Zytokinausschüttung von Immunzellen. Der hier untersuchte Polymorphismus hat eine Allelfrequenz von 0,072 in einer gesunden europäischen Population. Genotypanalysen von Patientengruppen zeigten, dass es durch die Mutation zu einer deutlich erhöhten Mortalität bei Patienten mit septischen Komplikationen und einer durch Gram-negative Erreger verursachten Pneumonie kommt. Unsere Ergebnisse zur eingeschränkten Funktion des LBP-c998t bieten eine erste Erklärung dafür, wie diese Mutation vermutlich die Fähigkeit, Krankheiten zu bewältigen, beeinträchtigt. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit ging es um die Analyse der Bindung von bakteriellen Liganden an LBP. Dabei wurde eine potentiell gemeinsame Bindungsstelle für Liganden untersucht, die von Gram-positiven und Gram-negativen Bakterien stammen und später von den Toll-like Rezeptoren (TLRs) 2 und -4 erkannt werden. Dazu wurden Bindungsversuche zwischen Lipopeptiden und LPS mit einer zweiten LBP-Variante (LBP-E94/95) durchgeführt. Beim LPS führt dies zu einem Bindungsverlust. Auch für die Lipopeptide war durch die Mutationen die Interaktion mit LBP beeinträchtigt, was die These einer gemeinsamen Bindungsstelle von TLR2- und TLR4-Liganden an das Protein weiter unterstützt. / LBP enhances the innate immune reaction against bacterial ligands like LPS from gram negative or lipopeptides from gram positive bacteria in the host. Here we investigated the function of LBP using two recombinant mutants of the protein. The first part of this work examines a natural occurring mutation of LBP (c998t) leading to an amino acid exchange of proline to leucine at position 333 with regard to the impact on structure and function of the protein. Western blot analyses of the recombinant protein and sera obtained from individuals differing in the LBP genotype indicate the disaggregation of the mutated protein. Thereby binding of bacterial ligands to LBP is diminished and the LBP mediated cytokine secretion of immune cells is reduced. The gene polymorphism leading to the occurrence of the mutation is present with an allelic frequence of 0.072. A recent study has shown that this LBP-SNP led to a higher mortality in patients with septic complications and gram negative pneumonia. The results presented here, showing the negative impact on the function of LBP due to the mutation, may therefore be a first explanation on how this mutation affects the ability of people to deal with disease. Within this work binding of ligands to LBP was also explored. It was investigated whether ligands which are later recognized by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2 and – 4 share a common binding site on LBP. Assays with immobilized lipopeptides and LPS were performed with a second mutated LBP (LBP-E94/95). LPS binding to LBP is diminished completely. Here we showed that binding of lipopeptide to LBP is affected likewise, furthermore supporting the hypothesis of a common binding site for TLR2- and TLR4- ligands.
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Veränderungen im LPS-Muster von E.coli Shigella durch cld pHS-2Schmidt, Bastian 10 May 2006 (has links)
Bei neun von vierzehn Serogruppen der Subspezies E. coli Flexneri (SF) konnte ein pHS-2-Plasmid nachgewiesen werden. Es besteht eine positive Korrelation zwischen pHS-2-positiven SF und dem Auftreten einer Reaktiven Arthritis, eine Komplikation der bakteriellen Ruhr. Verschiedene Autoren führen das gehäufte Auftreten der Reaktiven Arthritis bei pHS-2-positiven SF auf eine erhöhte Serumresistenz zurück, die den Bakterien durch das cld(pHS-2)-Gen vermittelt wird. Das cld(pHS-2)-Gen als längstes aller 18 "open reading frames" auf dem pHS-2-Plasmid kodiert für ein 35 kD großes Protein, das aufgrund seiner Funktion als "chain length determinant" (Cld(pHS-2)) bezeichnet wurde. Cld(pHS-2) ist maßgeblich an der Produktion von Lipopolysacchariden vom VL-Typ beteiligt. LPS vom VL-Typ produzieren O-Seitenketten mit mehr als 70 bis 80 Oligosaccharideinheiten und sollen die bakterielle Membran vor einer Komplementbindung und Serum-Antikörpern schützen, wodurch den Bakterien eine erhöhte Serumresistenz vermittelt werde. In dieser Arbeit wurde cld(pHS-2) in einen pHS-2-negativen Stamm der SF Serogruppe 6 integriert, um nachzuweisen, dass cld(pHS-2) das LPS-Muster pHS-2-negativer SF in charakteristischer Weise modifiziert. Während der Expressionsnachweis von cld(pHS-2) als Einzelprotein misslang, war eine Expression von cld(pHS-2) als Fusionsprotein in SF Serogruppe 6 erfolgreich. Im Vergleich zu pHS-2-negativen SF war unsere SF Serogruppe 6-Mutante nun in der Lage, LPS vom VL-Typ in Form einer zusätzlichen Bande mit ca. 80 Oligosaccharideinheiten zu produzieren. Diese phänotypische Veränderung war zwar nur gering ausgeprägt, konnte jedoch den spezifischen Einfluss von cld(pHS-2) als Fusionsprotein auf das LPS-Muster pHS-2-negativer SF nachweisen. / In nine out of fourteen serogroups of E. Coli Flexneri (SF) a pHS-2 plasmid has been isolated. There is a positive correlation between pHS-2-positive SF and the occurence of reactive arthritis (ReA) which is a complication of bacterial dysentery. Different authors reduce the widespread appearance of ReA by pHS-2-positive SF to an increased serum resistance caused by a cld(pHS-2)-gene. The cld(pHS-2)-gene ist the longest of 18 open reading frames in pHS-2 and it is the coding for a 35 kD protein which has been identified as a chain length determinant because of its function. Cld(pHS-2) plays a decisive role in the production of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of the VL-type. LPS of the VL-type produce O antigen with more than 70-80 repeat units, and protect the bacterial outer membrane from complement factors and serum antibodies by a higher serum resistance. In this research the cld(pHS-2)-gene was integrated in a pHS-2-negative SF serogroup 6 to prove that cld(pHS-2) is able to modify the LPS pattern (destribution) of pHS-2-negative SF in a characteristic manner. The expression of cld(pHS-2) in SF serogroup 6 as an isolated protein failed, but the expression of cld(pHS-2) as a fusion protein was successful. In contrast to the pHS-2-negative SF our SF serogroup 6 mutant was able to produce LPS of the VL-type with 80-90 repeat units. Despite the slight effect, a specific influence of cld(pHS-2) as a fusion protein on LPS pattern and the bacterial phaenotype has to be confirmed.
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Identification and characterization of a novel Salmonella gene product, STM0029, which contributes to the resistance to host antimicrobial peptide killingChen, Heng-Chang 11 January 2013 (has links)
Salmonella spp. sind fakultative intrazelluläre Pathogene, die gastrointestinale und systemische Erkrankungen in einem umfassenden Wirtsbereich, einschließlich Tier und Mensch, hervorrufen. Salmonella benötigt verschiedene Virulenzgene für die Infektion welche auf sogenannten Salmonella Pathogenitäts-Inseln (SPI) kodiert sind. Hinzu kommt, dass auch zahlreiche im Salmonella Genom verstreuten Gene an verschiedenen Aspekten von Virulenz und Pathogenese beteiligt sind. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Funktion eines zuvor nicht beschriebenen putativen transkriptionellen Regulators (STM0029) charakterisiert und definiert. Dieser scheint für die Abwehr von zellulären bakterizid wirkenden Verbindungen und das Überleben des Bakteriums innerhalb einer intrazellulären Nische von entscheidender Bedeutung zu sein. Die STM0029-deletierte Mutante wies eine gesteigerte Sensitivität gegenüber antimikrobiellen Peptiden und bakteriziden Verbindungen auf. Dazu zählten α-Defensin-1, β- Defensin-1, β-Defensin-2, LL-37 und Polymyxin B sowie Komponenten des Komplementsystems. Unerwartet war die Beobachtung, dass die Expression von STM0029 durch das PmrA/B Zwei Komponenten System reprimiert vorlag, während das PhoP/Q Zwei Komponenten System keinen Einfluss auf die Expression von STM0029 zu scheinen hat. Beide Komponent Systeme spielen bekanntlich eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Expressionsregulation von Genen die für das intrazelluläre Überleben von Salmonella wichtig sind. Bemerkenswert ist, dass ein Set von Genen welche an der Biosynthese und/oder der Modifikation für das LPS O-Antigen sowie des Peptidoglykans in der bakteriellen Zellwand beteiligt ist, im STM0029 Deletionshintergrund herab reguliert vorlag. Dieses Ergebnis deutet darauf hin, dass das STM0029 Genprodukt die Persistenz des Pathogen in Wirtszellen beeinflusst. Möglicherweise geschieht dies durch das Umgehen von wirtseigenen Abwehrmechanismen. / Salmonella spp. are facultative intracellular pathogens, which cause gastrointestinal and systemic diseases in a broad range of hosts including animals and humans. In addition to virulence genes clustered within pathogenicity islands, numerous additional genes scattered throughout the genome are also involved in various aspects of Salmoenlla virulence and pathogenesis. In this study, I identified a Salmonella putative transcriptional regulator encoded by a previously uncharacterized open reading frame designated STM0029. Deletion of STM0029 altered the expression of genes involved in both the resistance to host bactericidal challenges, and bacterial cell wall biosynthesis in S. Tyhpimurium. The ΔSTM0029 strain showed a defect in the resistance to host antimicrobial peptides, including α-defensin-1, β-defensin-1, β-defensin-2, LL-37, and polymyxin B as well as serum challenges compared to the wildtype. Unexpectedly, expression of STM0029 was found to be repressed by the PmrA/B two component system, but appeared to be independent of the PhoP/Q two component system, both of which are well-known regulatory systems involved in the regulation of expression of genes involved in Salmonella intracellular survival. Notably, the expression of a set of genes involved in bacterial LPS O-antigen and peptidoglycan biosyntheses and modifications showed decreases in the absence of STM0029. These experimental results indicate that the STM0029 gene product in S. Typhimurium contributes to resistance against host cell defense mechanisms, likely through regulation of genes involved in LPS O-antigen and peptidoglycan biosynthesis and modifications.
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