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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Charakterisierung LPS-inhibierender Effekte von Lipoproteinen und Lipopolysaccharid Bindendem Protein (LBP) in murinem Serum

Knierim, Jan Holger 16 October 2000 (has links)
LPS wird von Gram-negativen Bakterien freigesetzt und führt mit Hilfe von LBP zur Ausschüttung proinflammatorischer Zytokine aus Monozyten und Makrophagen. Diese von LPS ausgelöste Kaskade, ist entscheidend an der Entstehung der Sepsis beteiligt. In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, daß die LPS-induzierte Stimulation von Makrophagen durch murines Serum gehemmt werden kann. Außerdem konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit im Mausmodell verdeutlicht werden, welche Rolle Lipoproteine und LBP bei dem protektiven Serumeffekt spielen. Von den in Mausseren verschiedener Mausstämme bestimmten Parametern korrelierte der Phospholipidgehalt relativ gut mit dem inhibitorischen Serumeffekt. Eine Depletion von Lipoproteinen aus den Seren führte zu einer starken Reduktion des inhibitorischen Serumpotentials, während die Verwendung von LBP-defizienten Seren keinen Einfluß auf den Serumhemmeffekt hatte. Lipoproteine sehr geringer, geringer und hoher Dichte verursachten in Gegenwart von LBP eine deutliche Reduktion der LPS-Effekte, die gut mit ihrem Phospholipidgehalt korrelierte. In Abwesenheit von Serum und LBP konnten Lipoproteine LPS-Effekte auch bei hohen Phospholipidkonzentrationen kaum noch inhibieren. In nativen murinen Lipoproteinen hoher Dichte und lipoproteindefizientem Serum ließ sich LBP nachweisen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, daß native Lipoproteine sehr geringer, geringer und hoher Dichten als Akzeptoren für LPS dienen können. Ihr inhibitorisches Potential korreliert am besten mit ihrem Phospholipidgehalt. Der Transport von LPS in diese Lipoproteine wird durch LBP katalysiert, was den protektiven Effekt hoher LBP-Konzentrationen erklärt. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, daß LBP nicht der einzige Bestandteil von murinem Serum ist, der LPS in Lipoproteine transferiert. Vermutlich ist bei den, in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Serumkonzentrationen der PLTP-Gehalt ausreichend, diesen LPS-Transfer in Abwesenheit von LBP zu vollziehen. Bei der Interaktion zwischen Lipoproteinen und LPS handelt es sich um einen physiologischen Weg des Organismus, um auf bakterielle Endotoxine zu reagieren und so der Sepsis entgegenzuwirken. Mit genaueren Kenntnissen über diese Interaktion, bei der Lipidtransferproteine wie LBP und PLTP eine entscheidende Rolle spielen, können eventuell in Zukunft Methoden gefunden werden, diese physiologischen Vorgänge des Körpers zu unterstützen, um so eine Sepsis zu therapieren. / LPS released by gram-negative bacteria is bound by LBP and initiates the release of proinflammatory cytokines in makrophages and monocytes. These cytokines are thought to play a central role in the pathophysiology of sepsis. In these studies I was able to show an inhibitory effect of murine serum on the LPS-induced stimulation of macrophages. Furthermore the role of lipoproteins and LBP in this protective effect of serum was investigated. The inhibitory effect of serum from different mouse strains was best correlated to its phospholipid content. Depletion of serum from lipoproteins strongly reduced its LPS-inhibitory potential while depletion of serum from LBP had no effect. Murine VLDL, LDL and HDL were found to be potent inhibitors of LPS-effects in presence of LBP. In abscence of LBP the inhibitory effect was much weaker. LBP could be detected in murine HDL and murine lipoproteindeficient serum. My data shows that HDL, LDL and VLDL can act as acceptors of LPS. Their inhibitory potential is best correlated to their phospholipid content. LBP catalyses transport of LPS into lipoproteins. This could be an explanation for its protective effect in high doses. Furthermore it could be shown that LBP is not the only serum component that transfers LPS into Lipoproteins. Possibly the used serum contained enough PLTP to perform this transfer in absence of LBP. The interaction between Lipoproteins and LPS is a physiological way of the organism to react on endotoxines and inhibit the development of sepsis. PLTP and LBP play major roles in this interaction. Understanding the pathways of LPS-detoxification may help to support the organism s physiological answer and establish new methods to treat sepsis.

The Effects of HIV on the Regulation of IL-12 Family Cytokines, IL-12, IL-23, and IL-27 Production in Human Monocyte-derived Macrophages

O'Hara, Shifawn R.K. 29 August 2012 (has links)
IL-12 family cytokines IL-23 and IL-27 play an important role linking innate and adaptive immunity, and regulating T-cell responses. The production of IL-12, a structurally similar cytokine, is decreased in chronic HIV infection; therefore IL-23 and IL-27 may also be influenced by HIV infection. I hypothesized that HIV inhibits LPS-induced IL-23 and IL-27 production in human MDMs by suppressing the activation of signalling pathways regulating their expression. In vitro HIV-infection of MDMs did not have any effect on basal secretion of IL-23 or IL-27; however, HIV inhibited LPS-induced production of IL-12/23 p40 and IL-23 p19, and IL-27 EBI3 and IL-27 p28 mRNA expression, and IL-23, IL-12/23 p40 and IL-27 secretion. In order to evaluate the molecular mechanisms by which HIV inhibits IL-23 and IL-27 in LPS-stimulated MDMs, the signalling pathways regulating their expression were evaluated. The PI3K, p38 MAPK, and JNK MAPK pathways were found to positively regulate LPS-induced IL-27 secretion. Interestingly, in vitro HIV infection inhibited LPS-induced p38 and JNK MAPK activation in MDMs. In summary, I have shown that HIV inhibits IL-23 and IL-27 production in LPS-stimulated MDMs and that HIV may inhibit LPS-induced IL-27 production through the inhibition of p38 and JNK MAPK activation. It is currently unknown whether PKCs regulate LPS-induced IL-23 or IL-27 in human monocytes/macrophages. I demonstrated that classical PKCs differentially regulate LPS-induced IL-23 and IL-27 secretion within THP-1 cells, primary monocytes, and MDMs. Classical PKCs were found to positively regulate LPS-induced IL-12/23 p40 and IL-27 p28 mRNA expression and IL-12/23 p40, IL-23, and IL-27 secretion in primary human monocytes. Similarly, the classical PKCs were found to positively regulate IL-27 p28 mRNA expression and IL-27 secretion in THP-1 cells. However, classical PKCs did not regulate LPS-induced IL-27 production in MDMs, or LPS-induced IL-23 production in THP-1 cells. Overall, this demonstrates that classical PKCs differentially regulate LPS-induced IL-23 and IL-27 production in different myeloid cells.

The Role of Alginate in the Inhibition of Macrophage Phagocytosis of Mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Rowe, Warren, III 22 April 2013 (has links)
During colonization of the cystic fibrosis airway Pseudomonas aeruginosa converts from non-mucoid to a mucoid phenotype, characterized by the production of the exopolysaccharide alginate. Alginate production has been shown to enhance survival by promoting biofilm formation, evading complement killing, and resisting phagocytosis. The mechanism by which alginate protects P. aeruginosa from phagocytosis is unclear. To investigate the role of alginate in the inhibition of phagocytosis, a human monocytic cell line (THP-1) and a murine alveolar macrophage cell line (MH-S) were used to determine the effects of alginate on macrophage binding, signaling, and phagocytosis. Phagocytosis assays using the mucoid cystic fibrosis clinical isolate FRD1, and its non-mucoid isogenic algD mutant FRD1131, revealed that alginate inhibits opsonic and non-opsonic phagocytosis. The inhibitory effect of alginate production is intrinsic to the bacteria as exogenous alginate was unable to protect non-mucoid FRD1131 from phagocytosis. Decreased binding of FRD1 compared to FRD1131 was also demonstrated by using the actin polymerization inhibitor cytochalasin D to inhibit phagocytosis. Furthermore, studies using blocking antibodies to CD11b and CD14 found that both of these receptors were important for the phagocytosis of FRD, and it is likely that these receptors are blocked by alginate. Alginate production by P. aeruginosa may reduce lipid raft formation, however, it was not found to affect acid sphingomyelinase activity, which is important for ceramide formation within the lipid raft. Decreased binding led to decreased signaling in macrophages demonstrated by reduction in level and alteration in kinetics of phosphorylation of AKT and ERK1/2 kinases. Signaling pathway inhibitors revealed that PI3K, but not MEK, activation was critical for phagocytosis of P. aeruginosa. Despite altered intracellular signaling in murine macrophages, both mucoid and non-mucoid P. aeruginosa induced similar levels of IL-8 and MIP-2 from human and murine macrophages, respectively. By understanding the pathways involved in mediating efficient phagocytosis of clinical isolates, it may be possible to develop a treatment to promote clearance by the resident alveolar macrophages. These experiments may serve as a model to evaluate the effectiveness of such treatments. This approach also provides valuable insight into previously unknown mechanisms of phagocytosis of P. aeruginosa.

Increased Circulatory Lipopolysaccharide From a High Fat Diet Aggravates Inflammation and Exacerbates Renal Failure

Righi, Samuel 22 April 2014 (has links)
Kidney failure is frequently associated with the risk factors linked to metabolic syndrome. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a potent inflammatory molecule, which has increased absorption from the gut into blood circulation following a high fat and high-energy diet. We hypothesized that LPS from a high fat diet can amplify inflammation, thereby exacerbating chronic kidney disease and associated disorders. We have found that adding a high fat diet to renal insufficient mice significantly progressed their kidney disease as well as associated disorders, compared to both a high fat diet and renal insufficiency alone. Additionally, we were able to demonstrate in vitro that the combination of LPS and palmitic acid, a marker of high fat diet, induced inflammatory pathways significantly more than either LPS or palmitic acid alone. These results provide insight into connection between a high fat diet and the progression of chronic kidney disease as well as associated disorders.

Study of Rgmc regulation by iron levels, anemia, inflammation and hypoxia

Salbany Constante Pereira, Marco January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

De la genèse d’une nouvelle classe d’antibactériens à base de polyphénols cycliques de type calixarène : études moléculaire(s), cellulaires(s) et structurale(s) en vue de l'identification des cibles d'action : le cas du para-guanidinoéthylcalix[4]arène / A new family of synthetic antibacterials with calixarene-based structure : Molecular, cellular and structural studies in order to investigate the mechanisms of action : interest of para-guanidinoethylcalix[4]arene

Grare, Marion 03 June 2009 (has links)
Trois inquiétudes, actuellement, dans le monde de la microbiologie médicale : la fréquence des infections nosocomiales, d'origine bactérienne dans plus de 60% des cas, la multiplication et la dissémination des résistances bactériennes, mais aussi la pénurie annoncée en molécules antibiotiques et antiseptiques. Il est indispensable de trouver de nouvelles molécules antibactériennes, avec un mécanisme d'action innovant. Nous présentons dans cette étude, l'évaluation d'une molécule innovante, calixarène purement synthétique, le para-guanidinoéthylcalix[4]arène (Cx1). Dans une 1ère partie de ce travail, nous avons montré que cette molécule se caractérise par : (i) une activité antibactérienne à large spectre, conservée sur des isolats cliniques tels que les SARM, les ERG ou les EBLSE ; (ii) une activité rapidement bactéricide, concentration-dépendante ; et (iii) une absence de cytotoxicité in vitro. Des interactions de type synergie sont obtenues avec de nombreux antibiotiques (ß-lactamines, fluoroquinolones, rifampicine, acide fusidique, tigécycline…) ; aucun antagonisme n'a été observé. Dans une 2ème partie, nous avons souligné l'absence de sélection de mutants résistants in vitro, après 30 passages, pour S. aureus et P. aeruginosa. Pour E. coli, des mutants résistants stables sont sélectionnés au delà de 15 ou 20 passages, avec un effet inoculum. Enfin, dans une 3ème partie, nous avons recherché la ou les cible(s) du Cx1 par diverses techniques, innovantes (microélectrophorèse, microscopie à force atomique) ou plus classiques (cytométrie en flux, liaison au LPS/LTA). L'ensemble des données recueillies converge vers l'existence d'une cible ou plusieurs cibles pariétales (liaison au LPS et au LTA, à d'autres structures ?). L'activité du Cx1 résulte en une modification des propriétés pariétales (densité de charge de surface, souplesse hydrodynamique, perméabilité membranaire) et en une augmentation de la rigidité bactérienne (pression osmotique). En conclusion, le Cx1 possède un potentiel intéressant en terme de nouvel antibactérien, mais de nombreuses inconnues demeurent encore concernant son mécanisme d'action. Cela laisse ouverte la porte à de nombreuses voies de recherche afin de mieux appréhender les cibles de cette molécule, et d'en optimiser les propriétés. / The progressive reduction of the therapeutic effectiveness of the available antibiotics and antiseptics as a result of the spread of antimicrobial resistance underlines the urgency of the development of new classes of drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases. The major challenge is to find drugs that act against multiple multidrug-resistant strains, with a real new mechanism of action. The work presented here is an evaluation of the potential of the para-guanidinoethylcalix[4]arene (Cx1), as a new innovative antibacterial. In the first part of this work, we have demonstrated that Cx1 possess: (i) a broad-spectrum with an activity conserved against multidrug-resistant isolates such as MRSA, VRE or ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae; (ii) a rapid bactericidal and concentration-dependant activity; and (iii) an absence of cytotoxicity in vitro. Checkerboard studies have underlined a large number of synergies with numerous antibiotics (ß-lactamins, fluoroquinolones, rifampicin, fusidic acid, tigecycline…) ; no antagonism have been observed. In the second part, we have showed that Cx1 was not able to select resistant mutants with S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. For E. coli, we have observed resistant mutants beyond 15 or 20 passages, with inoculums effect. In the last part of this work, we have used various techniques in order to elucidate mechanism of action of Cx1: innovative techniques (microelectrophoresis, atomic force microscopy),and other more classical (flow cytometry, LPS/LTA sequestration). All data obtained conduct us to confirm our first hypothesis: Cx1 possess one or many targets on bacterial cell wall, and its activity was translated by wall changes (surface charge density, hydrodynamic properties, membrane permeability), and increase of bacterial rigidity (increase of turgor pressure). In conclusion, Cx1 appears as a good candidate as new antibacterial or adjuvant in anti-infectious therapy, but its real mechanism of action remains unknown. Numerous research ways remain to be investigated in order to better understand of targets of Cx1, and to optimize its antibacterial properties.

Parâmetros comportamentais e bioquímicos gliais e inflamatórios em pacientes com lesão da medula espinhal submetidos à dança, e em ratos Wistar submetidos aos protocolos de exercício voluntário e forçado

Bernardi, Caren Luciane January 2013 (has links)
Os objetivos principais desta tese foram avaliar parâmetros bioquímicos gliais, inflamatórios e comportamentais em pacientes com lesão medular (LM) submetidos a um protocolo de dança, e em ratos submetidos aos protocolos de exercício voluntário e forçado. Para tanto, foram realizados 4 experimentos. No primeiro, os ratos foram submetidos a 4 semanas de exercício moderado em esteira ergométrica (20 min por dia). No segundo, os animais foram submetidos à 4 semanas de exercício voluntário em rodas de correr (12 horas por dia). No terceiro experimento, os ratos foram expostos à esteira ergométrica durante 2 semanas (20 min/dia) e, após o último treino, receberam uma injeção intraperitoneal de LPS. Neste último, a memória e aprendizagem dos animais foram investigadas. Ao término do período de exercício, ou após a injeção de LPS, as análises bioquímicas do hipocampo foram realizadas. O quarto experimento foi realizado com indivíduos com LM que foram submetidos a 4 semanas de dança. Análises sorológicas e comportamentais foram efetuadas. Os resultados mostraram que o exercício forçado promoveu o aumento da glutamina sintetase (GS) e diminuição de proteína glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP) e óxido nítrico (NO) no hipocampo, além de aumentar os níveis de corticosterona, o que pode estar mediando os efeitos do exercício sobre os astrócitos. O exercício voluntário induziu o aumento da GS e BDNF. A aplicação de LPS promoveu aumento dos níveis de TNF-α no hipocampo dos animais, o que coincidiu com o aumento dos níveis de S100B no fluído cerebrospinal. Os indivíduos com LM submetidos à dança apresentaram melhora significativa nos escores da Medida de Independência Funcional, Índice de Barthel, Escala de Berg e Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão, e aumento dos níveis sorológicos de BDNF. A dança não teve efeito sobre os parâmetros gliais, metabólicos e inflamatórios periféricos. Estes resultados sugerem que diferentes tipos de exercício físico exercem diferentes efeitos sobre os astrócitos hipocampais, o que pode interferir na indicação de um ou outro dependendo do objetivo a ser alcançado. O exercício em esteira pode ser uma atividade indicada para prevenção de doenças que envolvem neuroinflamação, e a dança pode ser uma intervenção terapêutica eficaz para reabilitação de indivíduos com lesão medular uma vez que contribui para melhora física e psicológica desta população. Tomados juntos, os resultados desta Tese ressaltam a importância da prática de exercício físico para o metabolismo neural, e a relevância de estudar os astrócitos para compreensão dos mecanismos envolvidos no efeito do exercício físico no SNC. / The main aim of this Thesis was to evaluate the biochemical glial, inflammatory and behavioral parameters, in patient with spinal cord injury (SCI) submitted to a protocol of dance, and in rats submitted to voluntary and forced exercise. Four experiments were made. In the 1st, the rats were submitted to 4 weeks of moderate exercise on treadmill (20 min per day). In the 2nd, the animals were submitted to 4 weeks of voluntary exercise on wheel running (12 hours per day). In the 3rd experiment, the rats were exposed to treadmill during 2 weeks (20 min per day) and, after the last session, they received intraperitoneal injection of LPS. In this last experiment, the memory and learning were investigated. At the finish of the exercise period, or after the LPS injection, the biochemical analysis of the hippocampus was realized. The 4th experiment was realized with individuals with spinal cord injury that were submitted to 4 weeks of dance practice. Behavioral and serological analyses were performed. Data show that treadmill running increased glutamine synthetase (GS) activity and decreased hippocampal glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and nitric oxide (NO) , as well as increased corticosterone level, that can mediate the effects of the exercise on astrocytes. The voluntary exercise increased GS and BDNF. The LPS administration increased hippocampal TNF-α level in rats concomitantly with the increase in the S100B levels in cerebrospinal fluid. The individuals with spinal cord injury submitted to dance showed a significant improve in the scores of Functional Independency Measure, Barthel Index, Berg Scale and Ansiety and Depression Hospitalar Scale, and a increase in the serologic levels of BDNF. The dance had no effect on glial, metabolic and inflammatory parameters. These results suggest that different types of exercise exert different effects on hippocampal astrocytes, which may interfere with the appointment of one or the other depending on the objective to be achieved. The treadmill exercise can be a good strategy in the prevention of neuroinflammatory diseases, and dance can be an effective therapeutic intervention for rehabilitation of individuals with SCI as it helps to improve physical and psychological conditions in this population. Taken together, the present data highlight the importance of physical exercise for neural functions, and the relevance of studying astrocytes to understand the mechanisms involved in the effect of exercise on CNS.

Endotoxin in the urban and rural environment: ambient concentration and biomarkers of pulmonary exposure

Mueller-Anneling, Linda J 01 January 2004 (has links)
Three main projects are included in this dissertation. Though seemingly broad in scope, this research afforded a unique opportunity for comprehensive study of urban and rural environmental inhalation exposures to endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide LPS) and the associated immune response. In the LA PM10 Endotoxin Study, ambient concentration of LPS in PM (particulate matter) was quantified through analysis of air samples collected in Southern California. Endotoxin concentrations measured were lower than recognized thresholds for adverse health effects in occupational exposures, but in the same range as for indoor effects. This study provides the first extensive characterization of endotoxin concentration across a large metropolitan area in relation to PM10 and other pollutant monitoring, and supports the need for studies of the role of endotoxin in childhood asthma in urban settings. The Mouse Whole Blood Assay (WBA) Study replicated LPS-induced airway inflammation in a laboratory model. Presently, there is a need for less invasive options for evaluating pulmonary responses to occupational exposures. The whole blood assay (WBA), which measures cytokine production of leukocytes after ex vivo stimulation with LPS, may be one such option. This study used an endotoxin-tolerance model to demonstrate the efficacy of the WBA as a biomarker of inhalation exposure to swine concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) dust and showed the utility of the WBA for assessing susceptibility to organic dust-induced lung inflammation. Finally, The Human WBA Study applied the WBA outside the controlled environment of the laboratory. This study utilized pulmonary function testing (PFT), symptom questionnaires and the WBA to evaluate inflammatory responses following an inhalation exposure to purified LPS in CAFO workers and controls. Subjects were stratified into response groups for analysis of WBA results based on PFT response. All subjects demonstrated significant WBA LPS-stimulant dose-responses for all 3 cytokines measured. This study demonstrated that LPS-induced pulmonary and WBA responses are variable among individuals and offered insight into the use of the WBA in future studies. Information gained from these studies provides much insight into urban endotoxin concentrations, the use of the WBA as a biomarker of pulmonary exposure in the rural environment, and offers possibilities for further research.

Mucosal Vaccination Using Polyacryl Starch Microparticles as Adjuvant with <i>Salmonella enteritidis</i> as a Model Pathogen

Strindelius, Lena January 2003 (has links)
<p>Polyacryl starch microparticles have been developed as a new mucosal vaccine adjuvant intended for use in oral vaccination. The main objectives of this thesis were to evaluate the efficacy of these polyacryl starch microparticles and to study their uptake through mucosal tissues. Secreted or surface components of <i>Salmonella enterica</i> serovar Enteritidis were used in free form or were conjugated to or mixed with the microparticles in vaccination studies in mice in order to find components suitable for use in a future combination vaccine against enteric bacteria such as enterotoxigenic <i>Escherichia coli</i>.</p><p>The immune response elicited using secreted proteins from <i>S. enterica</i> serovar Enteritidis was shown to be mainly directed against flagella-related antigens and partly by LPS. Flagellin was purified and used in C3H/HeJ mice that do not respond to LPS. Strong immune responses were observed even when the flagellin was given orally alone. Recombinant <i>Salmonella</i> atypical fimbriae (SafB/D) complexes, a conserved structure within <i>Salmonella</i> species, were also studied and shown to be immunogenic after administration both subcutaneously and nasally, but not orally. Oral challenge using live bacteria, showed that mice orally immunised with the secreted antigens, resulted in a lower degree of infection than that seen in non-vaccinated mice. Similarly, mice that had been immunised with purified free flagellin had a lower degree of infection than untreated mice. However, with mice, immunised with SafB/D complexes plus rCTB, only the subcutaneous route resulted in a lower degree of infection than seen in untreated mice. The polyacryl starch microparticles were effective as an adjuvant with secreted proteins, but did not potentiate the immune response in the study using flagellin. </p><p>Confocal laser-scanning and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that the microparticles were taken up by pig respiratory nasal mucosa mounted in horizontal Ussing chambers. Although anticytokeratin 18 stained mucus-producing cells, M cells were not seen in the studied area. </p><p>Changing the route of administration of the microparticles conjugated with serum albumin can cause differences in the IgG-subclass ratios. The mucosal immune response measured as specific s-IgA levels, was induced by oral but not parenteral immunisation.</p>

Mucosal Vaccination Using Polyacryl Starch Microparticles as Adjuvant with Salmonella enteritidis as a Model Pathogen

Strindelius, Lena January 2003 (has links)
Polyacryl starch microparticles have been developed as a new mucosal vaccine adjuvant intended for use in oral vaccination. The main objectives of this thesis were to evaluate the efficacy of these polyacryl starch microparticles and to study their uptake through mucosal tissues. Secreted or surface components of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis were used in free form or were conjugated to or mixed with the microparticles in vaccination studies in mice in order to find components suitable for use in a future combination vaccine against enteric bacteria such as enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The immune response elicited using secreted proteins from S. enterica serovar Enteritidis was shown to be mainly directed against flagella-related antigens and partly by LPS. Flagellin was purified and used in C3H/HeJ mice that do not respond to LPS. Strong immune responses were observed even when the flagellin was given orally alone. Recombinant Salmonella atypical fimbriae (SafB/D) complexes, a conserved structure within Salmonella species, were also studied and shown to be immunogenic after administration both subcutaneously and nasally, but not orally. Oral challenge using live bacteria, showed that mice orally immunised with the secreted antigens, resulted in a lower degree of infection than that seen in non-vaccinated mice. Similarly, mice that had been immunised with purified free flagellin had a lower degree of infection than untreated mice. However, with mice, immunised with SafB/D complexes plus rCTB, only the subcutaneous route resulted in a lower degree of infection than seen in untreated mice. The polyacryl starch microparticles were effective as an adjuvant with secreted proteins, but did not potentiate the immune response in the study using flagellin. Confocal laser-scanning and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that the microparticles were taken up by pig respiratory nasal mucosa mounted in horizontal Ussing chambers. Although anticytokeratin 18 stained mucus-producing cells, M cells were not seen in the studied area. Changing the route of administration of the microparticles conjugated with serum albumin can cause differences in the IgG-subclass ratios. The mucosal immune response measured as specific s-IgA levels, was induced by oral but not parenteral immunisation.

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