Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ssd"" "subject:"dsd""
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Magnetic Field of HD119419 From Four Stokes Parameter ObservationsLundin, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
We have used a series of observations of HD119419, performed in 2012 and 2013at the European Southern Observatory 3.6-m telescope in La Silla, Chile. These are high resolutionspectropolarimetric observations with coverage in all four Stokes parameters. We performed a chemical abundance analysis of HD119419, in the absence of any being published previously for this star. We used a LLmodels stellar atmosphere code with effective temperature11500 K and surface gravity log g = 4.0, together with the spectrum synthesis code synmast. Abundances were adjusted until the synthetic spectra matched the mean observed spectra as well as possible, and these abundances were assumed to be representative of the photosphere of HD119419. We found good estimates for some Fe-peak elements and rare-earth elements. The abundance estimates were used to compute least-squares deconvolution Stokes spectra, from which we calculated how the longitudinal magnetic field and net linear polarization varies with rotational phase for HD119419. We calculated an improved rotational period for HD119419 using our longitudinal magnetic field measurements together with previous measurements from the literature, determining it to be 2.60059(1) days. We found that the Stokes QUV are unusually strong for the rare-earth elements in HD119419, considering their weaker Stokes I profiles compared to the Fe-peak elements in particular.
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Cell disorders in lysosomal storage diseasesRoy, Elise 17 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB (MPSIIIB) is a lysosomal storage disease (LSD) characterized by accumulation of heparan sulfate oligosaccharides (HSO), which results in progressive mental retardation, neurodegeneration and premature death in children. The underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Coming to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of MPSIIIB has become a necessity to assess the efficacy of gene therapy treatment regarding loss of neuronal plasticity, and to define the best conditions for treatment. To address the link between HSO accumulation and downstream pathological events, new cell models of MPSIIIB were created. First, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSc) were generated from fibroblasts of affected children, followed by differentiation of patient-derived iPSc into a neuronal progeny. Second, a HeLa cell model was created in which expression of shRNAs directed against a-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAGLU), the deficient enzyme in MPSIIIB, is induced by tetracycline. Success in the isolation of these different models was pointed by the presence of cardinal features of MPSIIIB cell pathology. Studies in these models showed that: I) HSO excreted in the extracellular matrix modifies cell perception of environmental cues, affecting downstream signalling pathways with consequences on the Golgi morphology. II) Accumulation of intracellular storage vesicles, a hallmark of LSDs is due to overexpression of the cis-Golgi protein GM130 and subsequent Golgi alterations. It is likely that these vesicles are abnormal lysosomes formed in the cis- and medial-Golgi which are misrouted at an early step of lysosome biogenesis, giving rise to a dead-end compartment. III) Other cell functions controlled by GM130 are affected, including centrosome morphology and microtubule nucleation. These data point to possible consequences on cell polarization, cell migration and neuritogenesis.
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Importance des facteurs cellulaires LSD1 et HIC1 dans la restriction de l'expression du VIH-1 dans les cellules microgliales / Importance of cellular factors LSD1 and HIC-1 on HIV-1 restriction expression in microglial cellsLe Douce, Valentin 24 September 2012 (has links)
Les multi-thérapies actuelles permettent de maintenir l’infection au VIH-1 sous contrôle, mais malheureusement n’entraînent pas l’éradication du virus du fait de l’existence de réservoirs cellulaires, où le virus est intégré de façon latente. Les cellules microgliales, cibles privilégiées du VIH-1 dans le cerveau, sont les macrophages résidents du système nerveux central et ont été décrites comme un réservoir cellulaire avec une longue durée de vie. Ce genre de cellule, infectée de façon latente, apparaît comme un des principaux obstacles à l’éradication. Ainsi, la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents impliqués dans l’extinction de la transcription virale, semble une étape cruciale afin de parvenir à purger ces réservoirs. Notre laboratoire à déjà montré l’importance du répresseur transcriptionnel CTIP2 dans l’établissement et le maintien de la latence dans ces cellules. Dans le cadre de ma thèse je me suis intéressé à deux autres facteurs cellulaires, LSD1 et HIC1. Au cours de mes travaux, j’ai mis en évidence le rôle répresseur de ces protéines sur la transcription virale dans les microglies. LSD1 coopère avec CTIP2 pour promouvoir l’établissement de marques épigénétiques au niveau du promoteur viral pour induire la mise en place d’hétérochromatine. LSD1 est à l’origine du recrutement de CTIP2, mais aussi d’un autre complexe multiprotéique, COMPASS. A la différence de CTIP2 et LSD1, le suppresseur de tumeur HIC1 est un perturbateur du transactivateur viral TAT. HIC1 est préalablement modifié post-traductionnellement par la déacétylase SIRT1 et va ensuite contrecarrer l’activité de TAT afin d’empêcher la réactivation de la transcription du virus. Ainsi, tandis que LSD1 et CTIP2 favorise l’établissement de la latence, HIC1 permet quant à lui d’entretenir cet état du provirus dans les cellules microgliales. Les travaux présentés ici mettent en évidence deux nouveaux facteurs de la restriction de l’expression virale et permettent de définir de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles pour les stratégies de purge des réservoirs. / Even though current multitherapies maintain HIV infection under control, they unfortunately do not achieve viral eradication due to the existence of latently infected cell reservoirs. Microglial cells are resident macrophages and the main HIV-1 target in brain. They have been described as a long-lived HIV-1 cell reservoir, and so appear as a one of the main obstacle to viral clearance. Thus, understanding of the mechanisms implicated in the establishment and maintaining of viral latency in these cells is a critical step on the way towards an HIV cure. Our team already demonstrated the implication of the cellular transcription factor CTIP2 in the establishment of HIV-1 silencing. In this work, I present two other cellular factors, LSD1 and HIC1 as new HIV-1 transcriptionnal expression inhibitors in microglial cells. LSD1 cooperates with CTIP2 to promote the establishment of epigenetic marks associated to heterochromatin structure at the viral promoter. LSD1 act as an anchoring plateform for CTIP2, and so the CTIP2-associated mutli-enzymatic chromatin remodeling complex, but also recruits the COMPASS methyltransferase complex. Unlike CTIP2 and LSD1, the tumor suppressor HIC1 disrupts the TAT-mediated transactivation cycle. HIC1 is beforehand modified post-translationnaly by the deacetylase SIRT1 and then counteracts TAT activity in order to limit viral transcription reactivation. Thus, while CTIP2 and LSD1 favour latency establishment, HIC1 maintains provirus silencing in microglial cells. All together, the results presented in this work introduce two new viral expression restriction factors and new potential therapeutic targets in reservoir purge strategies.
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Cell disorders in lysosomal storage diseases / Défauts cellulaires dans les maladies de surcharge lysosomaleRoy, Elise 17 February 2012 (has links)
La mucopolysaccharidose IIIB (MPSIIIB) est une maladie de surcharge lysosomale (MSL) causée par une accumulation d’oligosaccharides d’héparane sulphate (OHS), induisant chez les enfants atteints un retard mental progressif, une neurodégénérescence et une mort prématurée. Les mécanismes physiopathologiques impliqués sont mal compris. Il est nécessaire d’élucider ces mécanismes, afin d’évaluer l’efficacité d’un traitement par thérapie génique en regard de la perte de la plasticité neuronale, et pour définir les meilleures conditions de traitement. Pour cela, de nouveaux modèles cellulaires de la maladie ont été créés. Des cellules souches pluripotentes induites ont été générées à partir de fibroblastes de patients, lesquelles ont ensuite été différenciées en une lignée neuronale. Un modèle HeLa a également été créé dans lequel l’expression de shRNAs dirigés contre la a-N-acétylglucosaminidase (NAGLU), l’enzyme manquante dans la MPSIIIB, est induite par la tétracycline. Ces modèles ont été isolés avec succès, et présentent les caractéristiques pathologiques fondamentales de la MPSIIIB. L’étude de ces modèles a montré que : I) Les OHS excrétés dans la matrice extracellulaire modifient la perception cellulaire des signaux environnementaux, affectant les voies de signalisation en aval avec des conséquences sur la morphologie du Golgi. II) L’accumulation de vésicules de stockage intracellulaires qui caractérisent les MSLs est due à la surexpression de la protéine cis-golgienne GM130 et aux altérations du Golgi qui en résultent. Ces vésicules sont possiblement des lysosomes anormaux formés dans le Golgi cis et médian qui sont déroutés à une étape précoce de la biogenèse du lysosome, donnant naissance à un compartiment « cul-de-sac ». III) D’autres fonctions cellulaires contrôlées par GM130 sont affectées dont la morphologie du centrosome ou la nucléation des microtubules. Ces données suggèrent de possibles conséquences sur la polarisation et la migration cellulaire, et la neuritogenèse. / Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB (MPSIIIB) is a lysosomal storage disease (LSD) characterized by accumulation of heparan sulfate oligosaccharides (HSO), which results in progressive mental retardation, neurodegeneration and premature death in children. The underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Coming to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of MPSIIIB has become a necessity to assess the efficacy of gene therapy treatment regarding loss of neuronal plasticity, and to define the best conditions for treatment. To address the link between HSO accumulation and downstream pathological events, new cell models of MPSIIIB were created. First, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSc) were generated from fibroblasts of affected children, followed by differentiation of patient-derived iPSc into a neuronal progeny. Second, a HeLa cell model was created in which expression of shRNAs directed against a-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAGLU), the deficient enzyme in MPSIIIB, is induced by tetracycline. Success in the isolation of these different models was pointed by the presence of cardinal features of MPSIIIB cell pathology. Studies in these models showed that: I) HSO excreted in the extracellular matrix modifies cell perception of environmental cues, affecting downstream signalling pathways with consequences on the Golgi morphology. II) Accumulation of intracellular storage vesicles, a hallmark of LSDs is due to overexpression of the cis-Golgi protein GM130 and subsequent Golgi alterations. It is likely that these vesicles are abnormal lysosomes formed in the cis- and medial-Golgi which are misrouted at an early step of lysosome biogenesis, giving rise to a dead-end compartment. III) Other cell functions controlled by GM130 are affected, including centrosome morphology and microtubule nucleation. These data point to possible consequences on cell polarization, cell migration and neuritogenesis.
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Mestizo Visionary Art of the Americas in the Late Twentieth Century: Hallucinogens, Politics, Aesthetics and Mass Consumer Culture in the United States, Mexico, and ColombiaCadena Botero, Juan David January 2022 (has links)
Unlike their European predecessors in the experimentation with hallucinogens and aesthetics who undertook it as an exotic tradition brought from afar, many Latin American and North American authors turned to visionary practices and substances (cannabis, peyote, psilocybin mushrooms and ayahuasca, among others) as a main element of their own cultural heritage and territory. Though commonly restricted to the specific category of "psychedelia," the narratives in this corpus from the 20th century only acquire their true depth once included within a much vaster realm, that of visionary traditions, mostly originated in non-Western sources --with exceptions among divinators, witches and sorcerers in Europe -- both in the Old World of the Orient and Africa, but particularly in the New World, in America. Problematically blurring use and exchange value, the 20th century seized these substances as sources of forbidden pleasures which alienated laborers, while their prohibition generated immense fortunes that destabilized democracies throughout the continent, motivated violence, and funded mafias, guerrillas and paramilitary groups. Yet, visionary plants and practices spread with a transcultural power that even today allows for the survival of ethnic groups and traditional knowledge long hidden, while also feeding urban consumptions that generate innumerable subcultures, time and again misunderstood as a sign of decadence. In this dissertation these "underworld" practices are also manifestations of something prior and parallel to the birth of a culture of mass consumers: they mark an encounter between Indigenous, Afro, rural and mestizo influences in the voices of authors who contributed to culture from the margins of very hierarchical and racist societies, and assumed a leading role in their intellectual debate, capturing its mixtures, dark humor, conflicts and transculturations via writing and films.
Initially marginalized in the low worlds of taverns, destitute neighborhoods, crime, prisons and prostitution venues, hallucination and hallucinogens--simultaneously a colonial anathema and a sacred pre-Columbian ritual of transcendence--survive and thrive, passing on to the urban minorities of artists and thinkers I will examine in this dissertation, now even including synthetics like Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD). Late Avant-gardes between the 1950s and 1990s--beatniks, counterculture, yippies and Chicanos in the US, the Onda generation and the "jipitecas'' in Mexico, and the "nadaístas'' and the Cali group in Colombia--partially rescued this knowledge, but, above all, its consumptions, preserving some of them as an original heritage within their metaphysics, politics and aesthetics, and as a core part of many of their ideological and secular inquiries. Banned and misconstrued by the viceregal, republican, national and transnational elites, both in the colonial past, and in the contemporary moment of an hemispheric circuit -- within the geopolitics of Nixon‘s War on Drugs -- visionary and hallucinogenic uses continue shaping much of the cultural panorama of America today. The variety of films and texts observed in this project gives a measure of the true heterogeneity of Latin American and US authors of the 20th century: In their works we reconnect a fracture that divides not only two, but many worlds, while it makes possible, for once, to conceive the simultaneous reality of them all.
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Assessing neural network dynamics under normal and altered states of consciousness with MEG : methodological challenges and proposed solutions for atypical power spectraNest, Timothy 10 1900 (has links)
Cette dernière décennie a vu un certain nombre d'avancées significatives en mathématiques, en apprentissage computationnel et en traitement de signal, qui n'ont pas encore été pleinement exploitées en neurosciences. En particulier, l'évaluation de la connectivité dans les réseaux neuronaux peut grandement bénéficier de ces travaux. Nous proposons ici d'exploiter ces outils pour combler partiellement le fossé considérable qui existe encore entre la recherche connectomique à grande échelle (largement centrée sur des mesures indirectes de l'activité cérébrale comme l'Imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf)) et les mesures physiologiques plus directes de l'activité cérébrale. Il est particulièrement important de combler ce fossé pour l'étude des propriétés physiologiques associées à divers états de conscience normaux et anormaux, notamment les troubles psychiatriques, le sommeil, l'anesthésie ou les états induits par les drogues. Les travaux récents sur l'induction d'états de conscience altérés par des agonistes non sélectifs de la sérotonine, tels que la psilocybine et le Diéthyllysergamide (LSD), en sont de bons exemples.
Au cours des cinq dernières années, une résurgence rapide de la recherche sur la neurobiologie des tryptamines psychédéliques s'est produite, après une interruption d'un demi-siècle. Bien que ces substances présentent un grand potentiel pour éclairer des aspects jusqu'ici non interrogés du fonctionnement normal et anormal du cerveau, l'ampleur et le caractère inhabituel des changements qu'elles provoquent posent de sérieux défis aux chercheurs. La découverte de méthodes convaincantes et évolutives pour étudier ces données est d'une grande importance si nous voulons tirer parti de la fenêtre unique que ces substances atypiques offrent sur les aspects centraux de la conscience et des fonctions cérébrales anormales. Dans la présente thèse, nous résumons l'état actuel de la neuro-imagerie électrophysiologique en ce qui concerne l'étude des tryptamines psychédéliques, et nous démontrons un certain nombre de lacunes évidentes dans la recherche électrophysiologique actuelle sur les psychédéliques. Nous offrons également quelques modestes contributions méthodologiques au domaine. L'utilité de ces contributions est soutenue par quelques résultats empiriques intrigants, bien que préliminaires. Dans le premier chapitre, nous présentons l'histoire de la recherche neuroscientifique sur le LSD. Il a été rapporté que le LSD induit des déplacements de pics dans les spectres de puissance, en même temps que des diminutions de l'amplitude des pics. Le fait que ces effets soient liés entre eux et que la plupart des recherches menées jusqu'à présent n'aient pas cherché à les distinguer est uniformément négligé dans la littérature, ce qui, selon nous, peut conduire à de fausses interprétations.
Le chapitre 2 examine certains des avantages plausibles ainsi que les obstacles sérieux à la recherche sur la connectivité du cerveau entier par magnétoencéphalographie (MEG), et propose plusieurs stratégies pour surmonter ces limites méthodologiques. Celles-ci comprennent des stratégies d'imagerie de source convaincantes, des développements nouveaux et récents dans la décomposition spectrale, des mesures de connectivité insensibles à la conduction volumique, et des implémentations évolutives de métriques de couplage interfréquence bien établies. Nous montrons que ces techniques peuvent être étendues à une grille corticale et sous-corticale de plus haute résolution que celle qui existe actuellement. Nous discutons également d'une mise en œuvre allégée de statistiques non paramétriques adaptées à ces données. Le troisième chapitre a pour but de démontrer l'efficacité de ces procédures, en montrant les résultats empiriques d'une étude de la connectivité du cerveau entier sous LSD par MEG. Le quatrième et dernier chapitre discute de ces résultats, ainsi que des précautions nécessaires et des orientations futures prometteuses pour ce type de recherche. Il propose des approches computationnelles supplémentaires qui pourraient étendre la portée de ces recherches et, plus généralement, de l'électrophysiologie du cerveau entier. Dans l'ensemble, le cadre méthodologique proposé dans ce travail surmonte les limitations endémiques précédentes, non seulement dans la recherche sur les psychédéliques, mais aussi dans la recherche électrophysiologique en général, et jette une lumière nouvelle sur sur les mécanismes centraux qui sous-tendent ces états de conscience anormaux, ainsi que sur les importantes précautions à prendre dans la recherche électrophysiologique. / The past decade has seen a number of significant advances in mathematics, computational learning, and signal processing, which have yet to be deployed in neuroscience. In particular the assessment of connectivity in neural networks has much to gain from this work. Here we propose these tools be leveraged to partially bridge the considerable gap that still exists between large-scale connectomics research (largely centered around indirect measures of brain activity such as fMRI), and more direct, physiological measures of brain activity. Bridging this gap is especially important to the study of physiological properties associated with various normal and abnormal states of consciousness including Psychiatric conditions, sleep, anaesthesia or drug-induced states. Exemplary of such research, is recent work surrounding the induction of altered states of consciousness by non-selective serotonin agonists such as Psilocybin and LSD.
During the past five years, a rapid resurgence of research into the neurobiology of Psychedelic tryptamines has transpired, following a half-century hiatus. While these substances hold great potential to illuminate hitherto uninterrogated aspects of normal and abnormal brain function, the scope and unusual character of the changes they illicit pose serious challenges to researchers. Uncovering cogent and scalable methods for investigating such data is a matter of great importance if we are to leverage the unique window such atypical substances provide into central aspects of consciousness and abnormal brain function. In the present thesis, we summarize the current state of electrophysiological neuroimaging as it pertains to the study of Psychedelic tryptamines, and demonstrate a number of clear shortcomings in current electrophysiological research on Psychedelics. We also offer some modest methodological contributions to the field. The utility of these contributions is supported by some intriguing, albeit preliminary, empirical findings. In the first chapter, we present the history of neuroscientific research on LSD. LSD has been reported to induce peak shifts in power spectra, alongside decreases in peak amplitude. The fact that these effects are inter-related and most research so far has not sought to disambiguate them is uniformly overlooked in the literature, which we believe may lead to false interpretations.
Chapter Two discusses some of the plausible advantages as well as serious barriers to whole-brain connectivity research in MEG, proposing several strategies to overcome these methodological limitations. These include cogent source imaging strategies, novel and recent developments in spectral decomposition, connectivity measures insensitive to volume conduction, and scalable implementations of well-established cross-frequency coupling metrics. We show that these techniques can be extended to a higher resolution cortical and subcortical grid than previously shown. We also discuss a lightweight implementation of non-parametric statistics suitable to such data. Chapter Three serves to demonstrate the efficacy of these procedures, showing empirical results from a whole-brain study of connectivity under LSD in MEG. The fourth and final chapter discusses these results, as well as necessary precautions and promising future directions for this kind of research. It proposes additional computational approaches that might extend the scope of such research and whole-brain electrophysiology more generally. Taken together, the methodological framework proposed in this work overcomes previous limitations endemic not only in Psychedelics research, but electrophysiological research broadly, and sheds new light on central mechanisms underlying these abnormal states of consciousness, as well as important precautions in electrophysiological research.
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Importance des facteurs cellulaires LSD1 et HIC1 dans la restriction de l'expression du VIH-1 dans les cellules microglialesLe Douce, Valentin 24 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les multi-thérapies actuelles permettent de maintenir l'infection au VIH-1 sous contrôle, mais malheureusement n'entraînent pas l'éradication du virus du fait de l'existence de réservoirs cellulaires, où le virus est intégré de façon latente. Les cellules microgliales, cibles privilégiées du VIH-1 dans le cerveau, sont les macrophages résidents du système nerveux central et ont été décrites comme un réservoir cellulaire avec une longue durée de vie. Ce genre de cellule, infectée de façon latente, apparaît comme un des principaux obstacles à l'éradication. Ainsi, la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents impliqués dans l'extinction de la transcription virale, semble une étape cruciale afin de parvenir à purger ces réservoirs. Notre laboratoire à déjà montré l'importance du répresseur transcriptionnel CTIP2 dans l'établissement et le maintien de la latence dans ces cellules. Dans le cadre de ma thèse je me suis intéressé à deux autres facteurs cellulaires, LSD1 et HIC1. Au cours de mes travaux, j'ai mis en évidence le rôle répresseur de ces protéines sur la transcription virale dans les microglies. LSD1 coopère avec CTIP2 pour promouvoir l'établissement de marques épigénétiques au niveau du promoteur viral pour induire la mise en place d'hétérochromatine. LSD1 est à l'origine du recrutement de CTIP2, mais aussi d'un autre complexe multiprotéique, COMPASS. A la différence de CTIP2 et LSD1, le suppresseur de tumeur HIC1 est un perturbateur du transactivateur viral TAT. HIC1 est préalablement modifié post-traductionnellement par la déacétylase SIRT1 et va ensuite contrecarrer l'activité de TAT afin d'empêcher la réactivation de la transcription du virus. Ainsi, tandis que LSD1 et CTIP2 favorise l'établissement de la latence, HIC1 permet quant à lui d'entretenir cet état du provirus dans les cellules microgliales. Les travaux présentés ici mettent en évidence deux nouveaux facteurs de la restriction de l'expression virale et permettent de définir de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles pour les stratégies de purge des réservoirs.
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Lentiviral vector mediated haematopoietic stem cell gene therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIALangford-Smith, Alexander William Walker January 2012 (has links)
Mucopolysaccharidosis type III (Sanfilippo) is comprised of four phenotypically similar lysosomal storage disorders (MPS IIIA-D) caused by the deficiency of enzymes that catabolise heparan sulphate (HS). Progressive accumulation of HS results in abnormal behaviour, progressive cognitive and motor impairment and death in mid-teens. There are currently no treatments for MPS III. To assess the effect of novel therapeutics in the mouse models of MPS III it is necessary to examine the effect on primary storage of HS, secondary storage and behaviour. The reported behaviour of MPS IIIA and B mice is conflicting therefore we developed a one-hour open field test, performed at the same time of day during a period of hyperactivity observed in a previous circadian rhythm study of MPS IIIB mice. At 8 months of age MPS IIIB mice were hyperactive, with increased rapid exploratory behaviour and a reduction in immobility time. The MPS IIIA mice presented with the same behavioural phenotype as the MPS IIIB mice and were significantly hyperactive at 4 and 6 months of age and also displayed a reduced sense of danger. The hyperactivity and reduced sense of danger observed in the mice is consistent with the patient phenotype. Whilst haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) is the standard therapy used to treat the similar HS storage disorder MPS I Hurler, it is ineffectual in MPS IIIA. We hypothesise that HSCT failure in MPS IIIA is due to insufficient enzyme production in the brain by donor-derived microglial cells. By increasing expression of N-sulphoglucosamine sulphohydrolase (SGSH) we may be able to treat MPS IIIA. Therefore we compared the effect of HSCT using normal haematopoietic stem cells (WT-HSCT) to lentiviral overexpression of SGSH in normal cells (LV-WT-HSCT) or MPS IIIA cells (LV-IIIA-HSCT) in MPS IIIA mice, using the behavioural tests developed.SGSH activity in the brain of MPS IIIA recipients was not significantly increased by WT-HSCT, but was significantly increased by LV-IIIA-HSCT and LV-WT-HSCT. HS was significantly reduced by all transplants but the best treatment was LV-WT-HSCT. Neuroinflammation, indicated by the number of microglia in the brain, was significantly reduced by all treatments but remains significantly elevated. GM2 gangliosides were significantly reduced by WT-HSCT and LV-WT-HSCT and were no longer significantly elevated, but LV-IIIA-HSCT had no significant effect. Critically LV-WT-HSCT corrected the behaviour at 4 and 6 months of age whilst the other treatments had no significant effect. LV-WT-HSCT and WT-HSCT reduced GM2 gangliosides and neuroinflammation equally but only LV-WT-HSCT corrected behaviour and primary HS storage, suggesting they are the important factors in MPS IIIA pathology. LV-WT-HSCT corrects the neurological phenotype in MPS IIIA mice and is a clinically viable approach to treat MPS IIIA and other neuropathic lysosomal storage disorders.
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<p> </p>
<p>Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) disease is a rare lysosomal storage disorder that occurs in about 1/89,000 to 1/120,000 live births and is characterized by an aberrant accumulation of cholesterol within the late endosome/lysosome of cells. Symptoms of this disease include splenomegaly, neurological deterioration, and often death before adulthood. Mutations in the membrane bound NPC1 or luminal NPC2 proteins lead to a decrease in cholesterol efflux within the lysosomes by which excess cholesterol crystallizes within membranes resulting in cell death. It has been demonstrated that increasing the amount of the lysosomal specific phospholipid Bis(monoacylglycerol)phosphate (BMP), also known as Lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), in cells increases the rate of cholesterol transport in <em>npc1</em>-/- cells, but not in <em>npc</em>2-/- cells, indicating a strong synergistic relationship between the NPC2 protein and the lysosomal membranes. Increasing the amount of phosphatidyl glycerol (PG), a hypothesized precursor to BMP, has also shown an increase in cholesterol egress. While it is hypothesized that the increase in cholesterol clearance in the latter is due to the biosynthesis of LBPA from PG, there is no study to directly confirm this phenomenon. Therefore, we set out to synthesize diastereochemically pure PG containing isotopically labeled oleyl acyl chains to examine LBPA levels using lipidomic analysis of <em>npc1-/-</em> cells post treatment with PG. </p>
<p>Initially, efforts centered around the use of phosphoramidite methodology commonly encountered in DNA oligonucleotide synthesis. While this route proved to be successful in making PG in modest yield (52%), reproducibility of this route with consistent yields was hindered due to the use of tetrabutylammonium fluoride (TBAF) in the final global deprotection step. Thus, we set out to discover a phosphorylated intermediate that did not require TBAF in the final step or contain easily hydrolysable protecting groups. It was discovered that H-phosphonate methodology using diphenyl phosphite for phosphorylation of the glycerol headgroup and backbone proved to be robust enough for PG synthesis. In this strategy, PG can be isolated in two steps from the final protected intermediate by first oxidizing the H-phosphonate from PIII to PV followed by deprotection of the glycerol head group under acidic conditions. Additionally, the H-phosphonate strategy also allowed us to omit headgroup modification prior to phosphorylation which reduced the number of synthetic steps from 11 steps to 7 steps. As a result, we were able to synthesize diastereochemically pure PG more consistently than the previous route in 75% yield. The route was further modified further to incorporate asymmetric acyl chains allowing the selective installation of a labeled acyl chain on the <em>sn</em>-1 or <em>sn</em>-2 positions of the phosphoglycerol backbone. The results from the lipidomic experiments indicate that increased LBPA concentrations in cells rise upon incubation with labeled PG. Additionally, increases in lyso-PG and acyl-PG are also observed leading to several hypotheses on how LBPA might be synthesized from PG. Future directions on this effort include identification of phospholipid species made from PG containing asymmetrically labeled acyl chains. Synthesis of photoaffinity labeled PG is also underway to determine the protein partners involved in PG metabolism.</p>
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Generation and Optimization of Local Shape Descriptors for Point Matching in 3-D SurfacesTaati, BABAK 01 September 2009 (has links)
We formulate Local Shape Descriptor selection for model-based object recognition in range data as an optimization problem and offer a platform that facilitates a solution. The goal of object recognition is to identify and localize objects of interest in an image. Recognition is often performed in three phases: point matching, where correspondences are established between points on the 3-D surfaces of the models and the range image; hypothesis generation, where rough alignments are found between the image and the visible models; and pose refinement, where the accuracy of the initial alignments is improved. The overall efficiency and reliability of a recognition system is highly influenced by the effectiveness of the point matching phase. Local Shape Descriptors are used for establishing point correspondences by way of encapsulating local shape, such that similarity between two descriptors indicates geometric similarity between their respective neighbourhoods.
We present a generalized platform for constructing local shape descriptors that subsumes a large class of existing methods and allows for tuning descriptors to the geometry of specific models and to sensor characteristics. Our descriptors, termed as Variable-Dimensional Local Shape Descriptors, are constructed as multivariate observations of several local properties and are represented as histograms. The optimal set of properties, which maximizes the performance of a recognition system, depend on the geometry of the objects of interest and the noise characteristics of range image acquisition devices and is selected through pre-processing the models and sample training images. Experimental analysis confirms the superiority of optimized descriptors over generic ones in recognition tasks in LIDAR and dense stereo range images. / Thesis (Ph.D, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2009-09-01 11:07:32.084
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