Spelling suggestions: "subject:"una"" "subject:"tuna""
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Composition sémantique pour la langue orale / Semantic composition for spoken language understandingDuvert, Frédéric 10 November 2010 (has links)
La thèse présentée ici a pour but de proposer des systèmes de détection, de composition de constituants sémantiques et d’interprétation dans la compréhension de la langue naturelle parlée. Cette compréhension se base sur un système de reconnaissance automatique de la parole qui traduit les signaux oraux en énoncés utilisables par la machine. Le signal de la parole, ainsi transcrit, comporte un ensemble d’erreurs liées aux erreurs de reconnaissance (bruits, parasites, mauvaise prononciation...). L’interprétation de cet énoncé est d’autant plus difficile qu’il est issu d’un discours parlé, soumis à la disfluence du discours, aux auto-corrections... L’énoncé est de plus agrammatical, car le discours parlé lui-même est agrammatical. L’application de méthodes d’analyses grammaticales ne produit pas de bons résultats d’interprétation, sur des textes issus de transcriptions de la parole. L’utilisation de méthodes d’analyses syntaxiques profondes est à éviter. De ce fait, une analyse superficielle est envisagée. Un des premiers objectifs est de proposer une représentation du sens. Il s’agit de considérer des ontologies afin de conceptualiser le monde que l’on décrit. On peut exprimer les composants sémantiques en logique du premier ordre avec des prédicats. Dans les travaux décrits ici, nous représentons les éléments sémantiques par des frames (FrameNet ). Les structures de frames sont hiérarchisées, et sont des fragments de connaissances auxquels on peut insérer, fusionner ou inférer d’autres fragments de connaissances. Les structures de frames sont dérivables en formules logiques. Nous proposons un système de compréhension de la parole à partir de règles logiques avec le support d’une ontologie, afin de pouvoir créer des liens à partir de composants sémantiques. Puis, nous avons mené une étude sur la découverte des supports syntaxiques des relations sémantiques. Nous proposons une expérience de composition sémantique afin d’enrichir les composants sémantiques de base. Enfin, nous présentons un système de détection de lambda-expression pour mettre en hypothèse les relations à trouver à travers le discours / The thesis presented here is intended to provide detection systems, composition of components and semantic interpretation in the natural spoken language understanding. This understanding is based on an automatic speech recognition system that translates the signals into oral statements used by the machine. The transcribed speech signal, contains a series of errors related to recognition errors (noise, poor pronunciation...). The interpretation of this statement is difficult because it is derived from a spoken discourse, subject to the disfluency of speech, forself-correction... The statement is more ungrammatical, because the spoken discourse itself is ungrammatical. The application of grammatical analysis methods do not produce good results interpretation, on the outcome of speech transcription. The use of deep syntactic analysis methods should be avoided. Thus, a superficial analysis is considered. A primary objective is to provide a representation of meaning. It is considered ontologies to conceptualize the world we describe. We can express the semantic components in first order logic with predicates. In the work described here, we represent the semantic elements by frames (FrameNet ). The frames are hierarchical structures, and are fragments of knowledge which can be inserted, merge or infer other fragments of knowledge. The frames are differentiable structures in logical formulas. We propose a system for speech understanding from logical rules with the support of an ontology in order to create links from semantic components. Then, we conducted a study on the discovery supports syntactic semantic relationships. We propose a compositional semantics experience to enrich the basic semantic components. Finally, we present a detection system for lambda-expression hypothesis to find the relationship through discourse
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S-factor measurement of the 2H(α,γ)6Li reaction at energies relevant for Big-Bang nucleosynthesisAnders, Michael January 2013 (has links)
For about 20 years now, observations of 6Li in several old metal-poor stars inside the halo of our galaxy have been reported, which are largely independent of the stars’ metallicity, and which point to a possible primordial origin. The observations exceed the predictions of the Standard Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis model by a factor of 500. In the relevant energy range, no directly measured S-factors were available yet for the main production reaction 2H(α,γ)6Li, while different theoretical estimations have an uncertainty of up to two orders of magnitude. The very small cross section in the picobarn range has been measured with a deuterium gas target at the LUNA acceler- ator (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics), located deep underground inside Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. A beam-induced, neutron-caused background in the γ-detector occurred which had to be analyzed carefully and sub- tracted in an appropriate way, to finally infer the weak signal of the reaction. For this purpose, a method to parameterize the Compton background has been developed. The results are a contribution to the discussion about the accuracy of the recent 6Li observations, and to the question if it is necessary to include new physics into the Standard Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis model.
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The 14N(p,γ)15O reaction studied at low and high beam energyMarta, Michele 01 November 2011 (has links)
The CNO cycle consists of a set of nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen into helium and releases energy in stars. The cycle contributes less than 1% to our Sun's luminosity, but it is responsible for detectable neutrino fluxes that can bring direct information of the physical conditions in the solar core, provided that the nuclear reaction rate is known with sufficient precision.
The 14N(p,γ)15O is the slowest reaction in the CNO cycle and estabilishes its rate. The experimental study has been performed both at the LUNA 400 kV accelerator deep underground in the Gran Sasso mountain in Italy and at a 3 MV Tandetron in the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. A proton beam was sent on solid TiN targets and the prompt photons were collected by a composite HPGe detector (at LUNA) or by up to four HPGe detectors (Dresden).
The obtained results improve the fit of the excitation function in the R-matrix framework, that is used to extrapolate the S-factor at the very low astrophysical energies. In addition, the strength of two resonances at Ep = 430 and 897 keV of the 15N(p,αγ)12C reaction were measured, improving the precision for hydrogen depth profiling.
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Precise nuclear physics for the SunBemmerer, Daniel 25 June 2012 (has links)
For many centuries, the study of the Sun has been an important testbed for understanding stars that are further away. One of the first astronomical observations Galileo Galilei made in 1612 with the newly invented telescope concerned the sunspots, and in 1814, Joseph von Fraunhofer employed his new spectroscope to discover the absorption lines in the solar spectrum that are now named after him.
Even though more refined and new modes of observation are now available than in the days of Galileo and Fraunhofer, the study of the Sun is still high on the agenda of contemporary science, due to three guiding interests.
The first is connected to the ages-old human striving to understand the structure of the larger world surrounding us. Modern telescopes, some of them even based outside the Earth’s atmosphere in space, have succeeded in observing astronomical objects that are billions of light- years away. However, for practical reasons precision data that are important for understanding stars can still only be gained from the Sun. In a sense, the observations of far-away astronomical objects thus call for a more precise study of the closeby, of the Sun, for their interpretation.
The second interest stems from the human desire to understand the essence of the world, in particular the elementary particles of which it consists. Large accelerators have been constructed to produce and collide these particles. However, man-made machines can never be as luminous as the Sun when it comes to producing particles. Solar neutrinos have thus served not only as an astronomical tool to understand the Sun’s inner workings, but their behavior on the way from the Sun to the Earth is also being studied with the aim to understand their nature and interactions.
The third interest is strictly connected to life on Earth. A multitude of research has shown that even relatively slight changes in the Earth’s climate may strongly affect the living conditions in a number of densely populated areas, mainly near the ocean shore and in arid regions. Thus, great effort is expended on the study of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. Also the Sun, via the solar irradiance and via the effects of the so-called solar wind of magnetic particles on the Earth’s atmosphere, may affect the climate. There is no proof linking solar effects to short-term changes in the Earth’s climate. However, such effects cannot be excluded, either, making it necessary to study the Sun.
The experiments summarized in the present work contribute to the present-day study of our Sun by repeating, in the laboratory, some of the nuclear processes that take place in the core of the Sun. They aim to improve the precision of the nuclear cross section data that lay the foundation of the model of the nuclear reactions generating energy and producing neutrinos in the Sun.
In order to reach this goal, low-energy nuclear physics experiments are performed. Wherever possible, the data are taken in a low-background, underground environment. There is only one underground accelerator facility in the world, the Laboratory Underground for Nuclear Astro- physics (LUNA) 0.4 MV accelerator in the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy. Much of the research described here is based on experiments at LUNA. Background and feasibility studies shown here lay the base for future, higher-energy underground accelerators. Finally, it is shown that such a device can even be placed in a shallow-underground facility such as the Dresden Felsenkeller without great loss of sensitivity.
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Den onda, den goda och den åtråvärda : En genuskritisk analys av femininitet i Harry Potters värld. / The bad, the good and the desirerable : A gender critical analysis of femininity in the Harry Potter-seriesSöderberg, Salina January 2023 (has links)
This paper examines how femininity is portrayed in the Harry Potter-series. Many female characters display certain feminine traits which are deemed as negative in the novels, and they are treated as less than because of it. Specifically Dolores Umbridge, Fleur Delacour and Luna Lovegood are disliked or ridiculed because of their feminine expressions. With help from theories about gender performativity, femininity as a scapegoat and texts about feminity this essay is demonstrating how the characters' characteristics and actions of three characters contributes to a misogynistic portrayal of women. It argues that female characters are unable to succeed unless they conform to the series' established norms for women. Keywords: Harry Potter, femininity, performativity, gender norms, gender critical, Dolores Umbridge, Fleur Delacour, Luna Lovegood
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G#, a graphical approach to functional programmingWall, Karl January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to present a solution for how a graphical programming language with a functional mindset can be constructed with the help of inspiration from functional programming. An artefact was created by using design science as a research methodology and has in several iterations gone through development and testing to reassure the outcome works as intended. The graphical programming language which has been developed is a language that allows the programmer to code in depth, functions are written as blocks inside blocks and the language is made compact. A code structure in a JSON-format was developed at the same time as G#, allowing it to be presented in a texted data format. The purpose of the JSON-format was to enable execution of G# and the transformation to a text-based programming language. Implications can be made from this study by learning about how a graphical programming language can be built from scratch and what difficulties needs to be tackled to get a result that works as intended. G# was developed to only support a few selected and commonly used functions in programming due to time limitations. The final version of G# in this study can do calculations, handle lists and perform less complex algorithms. Under the development of G#’s graphical functions, the free tool Draw.io was used. Unknowingly from the start, Draw’s limitations made it not perform as expected. Therefore, it is recommended to investigate which available tools are most suited for the construction of the graphical functions before development begins. / Syftet med examensarbetet var att med hjälp av inspiration från funktionell programmering, presentera en lösning på hur ett nytt grafiskt programmeringsspråk med ett funktionellt djup och tänk kan konstrueras. Med hjälp av designbaserad forskning har en artefakt tagits fram som genomgått iterationer av utveckling och testning för att uppnå ett resultat som fungerar som tänkt. Det grafiska språket som tagits fram kallas för G# och är ett språk som tillåter programmeraren att programmera på djupet, funktioner skrivs som block inuti block och språket blir kompakt. Tillhörande G# så konstruerades en struktur i ett JSON-format för hur funktioner i G# kan representeras i ett textat dataformat. Syftet med JSON-formatet var att möjliggöra exekvering av G# och transformering till ett textbaserat programmeringsspråk. Av denna studie kan det dras lärdomar kring hur ett programmeringsspråk kan byggas upp från grunden och vilka svårigheter som måste tacklas för att få ett resultat som fungerar. På grund av begränsning av tid så utvecklades endast vanligt förekommande funktioner inom programmering till G#, språkets slutversion kan göra beräkningar, sköta hantering av listor och utföra enklare algoritmer. Vid utvecklingen av G# användes verktyget Draw.io för att konstruera funktioner. Verktyget var begränsat i funktionalitet och presterade inte enligt förväntan. Därför borde en undersökning som svarar på vilket typ av verktyg som är mest lämpligt för utvecklingen av de grafiska funktionerna göras innan utvecklingen börjar.
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Composition sémantique pour la langue oraleDuvert, Frédéric 10 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse présentée ici a pour but de proposer des systèmes de détection, de composition de constituants sémantiques et d'interprétation dans la compréhension de la langue naturelle parlée. Cette compréhension se base sur un système de reconnaissance automatique de la parole qui traduit les signaux oraux en énoncés utilisables par la machine. Le signal de la parole, ainsi transcrit, comporte un ensemble d'erreurs liées aux erreurs de reconnaissance (bruits, parasites, mauvaise prononciation...). L'interprétation de cet énoncé est d'autant plus difficile qu'il est issu d'un discours parlé, soumis à la disfluence du discours, aux auto-corrections... L'énoncé est de plus agrammatical, car le discours parlé lui-même est agrammatical. L'application de méthodes d'analyses grammaticales ne produit pas de bons résultats d'interprétation, sur des textes issus de transcriptions de la parole. L'utilisation de méthodes d'analyses syntaxiques profondes est à éviter. De ce fait, une analyse superficielle est envisagée. Un des premiers objectifs est de proposer une représentation du sens. Il s'agit de considérer des ontologies afin de conceptualiser le monde que l'on décrit. On peut exprimer les composants sémantiques en logique du premier ordre avec des prédicats. Dans les travaux décrits ici, nous représentons les éléments sémantiques par des frames (FrameNet ). Les structures de frames sont hiérarchisées, et sont des fragments de connaissances auxquels on peut insérer, fusionner ou inférer d'autres fragments de connaissances. Les structures de frames sont dérivables en formules logiques. Nous proposons un système de compréhension de la parole à partir de règles logiques avec le support d'une ontologie, afin de pouvoir créer des liens à partir de composants sémantiques. Puis, nous avons mené une étude sur la découverte des supports syntaxiques des relations sémantiques. Nous proposons une expérience de composition sémantique afin d'enrichir les composants sémantiques de base. Enfin, nous présentons un système de détection de lambda-expression pour mettre en hypothèse les relations à trouver à travers le discours
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Libro de las claras e virtuosas mugeres: A Critical Edition and Study of Alvaro de Luna's 15th Century Castilian ManuscriptsWalls, Abby January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to produce a critical edition of Álvaro de Luna's 15th century manuscript, Libro de las claras e virtuosas mugeres. This Castilian text is a compilation of biographies of good and virtuous women similar to that of the widely studied De claris mulieribus by Giovanni Boccaccio. Scholars however, have neglected Luna's version for various reasons that are discussed within this dissertation. Libro de las claras e virtuosas mugeres is a significant work because it complements other texts within the genre of defense literature and provides a good argument against the misogynistic texts in the debate on women in the Middle Ages. Within this dissertation, the Introduction serves to orient the reader through the debate on women in 15th century Castile and to contextualize the Libro de las claras e virtuosas mugeres within it. Through the discussion of the debate on women in medieval Iberia, we will show how Luna's work is a necessary, but forgotten element. Also pertinent is the notorious past of don Álvaro, and how this has negatively impacted the reception of his work. This dissertation also compiles all critical studies and editions currently in print and discusses their merits. Finally in the Introduction, we explain how we took into account Bernard Cerquiglini's concept of variance and John Dagenais' theory that in order to come close to the medieval reading of the text, it is necessary to replicate the manuscripts, not to modernize them. Thus, we produced transcriptions that were as close to the original texts as possible, rather than attempting to correct or modernize them. In order to produce the critical edition necessary for a proper study of the Libro de las claras e virtuosas mugeres, this dissertation contains two transcriptions of the two oldest extant manuscripts: ms. B (2654) and ms. S (207). Within ms. B we also provide a critical apparatus, which shows the lexical and orthographical differences between the two. Additionally for the benefit of the reader, we provide four Appendices: the missing chapter of the Queen of Sheba (not included in ms. B), a list of all the women Luna included in his work, and facsimilar samples of both manuscripts. It is our desire to promote a renewed interest in this forgotten, yet extremely important 15th century Castilian manuscript. / Spanish
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Línea de base del proyecto : "Enseñar a jugar" en Chiclayo-Lambayeque.Cuentas Martel, Susan Carol, Rivas Luna, Rocío Marleny 12 November 2013 (has links)
El presente estudio tiene por finalidad presentar los resultados de la línea de
base del proyecto “Enseñar a Jugar”. Proyecto que tiene como objetivo contribuir
a formar comunidades más sanas y seguras, a través de una metodología
canadiense que utiliza el juego y el deporte en el proceso de aprendizaje de los
niños; y en el desarrollo de habilidades de liderazgo de los adolescentes y
jóvenes. / Tesis
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American Necroecology: James Luna’s The End of the Trail ExaminedThomure, John 25 February 2025 (has links)
No description available.
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