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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chytré telefony ve vzdělávání / Smartphones in education

Hruška, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Modern technology has become an integral part of our life. Schools are often conservative, so involvement of technology in education is delayed. Most of the population own a smartphone, and while some people say that smartphones should be used in the lessons, others would prefer a complete ban on them. This work sums up strengths and weaknesses of smartphones in education based on literature and discusses some recommendations on their use. Smartphones usage in education was studied in an application which helps with basics of Russian alphabet. It was shown that majority of the users did not read license terms, preferred the same sex for application voice and tended to leave the application prematurely. A questionnaire survey on a school was used to grasp the whole topic. It was revealed that that touch devices would be welcome in education by students, and they are prepared to use their own smartphone for studying although rather at school than in their free time. Mobile phone is the preferred device for games playing and internet browsing but the most commonly used applications include social networks, communication programs and video players. It seems that the worst school results are achieved by students who use the smartphones most, but best results are not achieved by students who use the phone the least.

Skillnad i skärmstorlek och skärmtyp: påverkan på inlärning / Difference in screen size and screen type: impacts on learning

Zettergren, Carl, Tavakoli, Mina January 2019 (has links)
I ett allt mer digitaliserat samhälle har även utbildningen blivit genomsyrad av denna digitalisering. Det har lett till en ökning i produktion av videoföreläsningar som studenter, på högskolenivå främst, allt oftare använder sig av i inlärningssyfte. E-lärande har många fördelar eftersom det bland annat leder till ökad studieflexibilitet. Det finns ett rikt utbud av tidigare forskning som kretsar kring områdena inlärningsbeteenden, skärmstorlekar och videoföreläsningar. Tidigare studier visar både på att det kan skilja sig i inlärning beroende på skärmstorlek men det finns också studier som tyder på motsatsen. Detta kandidatarbete undersöker om skärmstorlek har någon påverkan på hur mycket man lär sig av att se på en videoföreläsning. Det gjordes genom att gruppera 34 försöksdeltagare i tre grupper där alla fick se en vald föreläsningsvideo på tre olika grupper av skärmstorlekar: liten (4-7 tum), medel (13-17 tum) eller stor (27 tum). Några dagar innan och direkt efter undersökningen besvarade deltagarna även en enkät med sakfrågor om innehållet i den valda videon. Utifrån de resultat som framkom så visar det sig att olikheter mellan dessa skärmstorlekar inte ger en signifikant påverkan på hur mycket man lär sig av en föreläsningsvideo av intervju-typ. Det innebär alltså att man för sådana föreläsningvideor inte behöver ta hänsyn till skärmstorleken, varken som student eller som videoproducent. / In a more and more digitized society, the education has also been steeped in this digitization. This has lead to a rise in the production of video lectures which students, mostly at degree level, more often use for learning purposes. E-learning has many advantages since it, among other things, leads to an increased flexibility when studying. There are many previous studies on learning behaviours, screen sizes and video lectures. Earlier studies show that learning can differ depending on screen size but there are also studies showing the opposite. This bachelor’s thesis examines if screen size has an effect on how much one learns from watching a video lecture. This was done by grouping 34 test participants into three groups where they all watched a video lecture on three groups of screen sizes: small (4”-7”), medium (13”-17”) or large (27”). A few days before and directly after the test the contestants answered a survey with questions regarding the content in the specific video. The results are that differences between these screen sizes do not have a significant impact on how much one learns from a video lecture of interview type. This therefore means that one does not have to consider the screen size for that type of video lecture, either as a student or a video producer.

Designing and using gamification elements to improve students’ user experience in a video-based mobile language learning app

Galle, Thor January 2020 (has links)
With the rise of the smartphone industry, the domain of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) has increasingly grown. A large number of language learning applications have been developed aiming to support individuals’ second language acquisition on various levels, e.g., by teaching vocabulary and grammar to improve reading and listening comprehension. The viability of these applications has been examined in literature and shows overall positive but mixed results. On one side, their success is partly attributed to gamified design elements. These are reported to improve the user experience (UX) and boost learners' motivation. On the other side, the primary reliance on decontextualized vocabulary and grammar exercises is criticized. In response, one such application, SVT Språkplay developed by the Swedish non-profit Språkkraft, incorporated television programs as a longer form of context. This introduced novel video-based learning functions. The first aim of this thesis was to start filling a gap in research by evaluating the usability and user experience of these functions. This was performed through user tests and interviews with seven second language students who used the app to learn Swedish over a period of at least two weeks. The second aim of the thesis was to improve the usability and user experience of the problematic learning functions through a user-centred design process with the ultimate goal to improve learner support and vocabulary acquisition outcomes. The study participants consisted of doctoral researchers and students recruited from a basic Swedish course at KTH. They represent a demographic that benefits from learning Swedish to improve their job opportunities. The initial evaluation results were analysed through the lens of the MUUX-E theoretical framework [10] , a framework for evaluating the “user experience and educational features of m-learning environments”. The evaluation showed that the core vocabulary learning aids directly integrated into the video watching experience were perceived as useful. Conversely, the gamified learning functions outside of the video watching experience were found to be scarcely used as intended. The subsequent user-centered design process improved upon the design of problematic learning functions by adhering to the principles of the MUUX-E framework. Concretely, more varied contextualized vocabulary exercises were designed, more options for user customization were included and feedback and progress metrics such as “streaks” were highlighted. An evaluation of the design with the same participants as the initial evaluation suggests that these changes would improve the usability and user experience of the application. Further research should evaluate an implemented end-product based on the proposed designs in a real-life setting. In that case, its pedagogical merit should also be evaluated. In summary, this thesis found that mobile video-based MALL apps such as Språkplay can provide usable and enjoyable language learning functions. / Med tillväxten av mobiltelefonbranschen har domänen för mobilassisterad språkinlärning (MALL) ökat alltmer. Ett stort antal språkinlärningsapplikationer har utvecklats för att stödja individers förvärv av andraspråk på olika nivåer, t.ex. genom att lära ut ordförråd och grammatik samt för att förbättra läs- och hörförståelsen. Dessa applikationer har undersökts i litteraturen och visar positiva men blandade resultat. Å ena sidan tillskrivit deras framgång delvis spelelementen. Dessa rapporteras förbättra användarupplevelsen (UX) och öka elevernas motivation. Å andra sidan kritiseras det primära förlitandet på dekontekstualiserade ordförråd och grammatikövningar. Som ett svar skapades en sådan applikation, SVT Språkplay, utvecklad av den svenska ideella föreningen Språkkraft, vilken använder TV-program som en längre form av språkligt sammanhang. Detta introducerade nya videobaserade inlärningsfunktioner. Det första syftet med denna uppsats var att börja fylla ett hål i forskningen genom att utvärdera användbarheten och användarupplevelsen av dessa funktioner. Det gjordes genom att genomföra användartester och intervjuer med sju andraspråkstudenter som använde appen för att lära sig svenska under en period av två veckor. Det andra syftet med arbetet var att förbättra användbarheten och användarupplevelsen för dessa inlärningsfunktioner genom en användarcentrerad designprocess med det slutliga målet att förbättra studentens stöd. Studiedeltagarna bestod av doktorander och studenter rekryterade från en nybörjarkurs i svenska på KTH. De representerar en demografisk nytta av att lära sig svenska för att öka deras tillgång till den svenska arbetsmarknaden. De första utvärderingsresultaten analyserades genom tillämpning av MUUX-E-ramverket, ett ramverk för att utvärdera “ u ser experience and e ducational features of m -learning e nvironments” [10] . Det visade att de grundläggande ordförrådets inlärningshjälpmedel som direkt integrerades i video upplevdes som användbara. Omvänt användes knappt alls de spelifierade inlärningsfunktionerna utanför videon. Den efterföljande användarcentrerade designprocessen förbättrades vid design av problematiska inlärningsfunktioner genom att följa principerna i MUUX-E-ramverket. Konkret utformades mer varierade kontextualiserade vokabulärövningar, fler alternativ för användaranpassning inkluderades och feedback- och framstegsmetriker som “streaks” lyftes fram. En utvärdering av designen med samma deltagare som den första utvärderingen tyder på att dessa förändringar skulle förbättra användbarheten och användarupplevelsen. Ytterligare forskning bör utvärdera en implementerad slutprodukt baserad på de föreslagna designförbättringarna i en verklig miljö. I så fall bör dess pedagogiska meriter också utvärderas. Sammanfattningsvis fann vi att videobaserade MALL-appar som Språkplay kan ge användbara och roliga språkinlärningsfunktioner.

The Impact of M-learning on Learning Experience in Higher Education Settings during Covid-19 Pandemic

Haratizadeh, Saina January 2022 (has links)
Education field has been affected by Covid-19 pandemic, same as many other aspects of our lives during this period. Many universities and schools had to close for physical education and had to find different kinds of solutions to continue their educational activities. Therefore, the purpose of this master's thesis is to study students' experiences of using M-learning in higher education during the pandemic to see how they have been affected by this type of learning in their education during the time that Covid-19 changed the routine lives of students. To conduct this master's thesis an explanatory sequential mixed methods approach is used in order to get a deeper understanding of the students' learning experience. The results of this research show that using M-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has positive effects on learning experiences of most of the participants, and a great number of the students have not seen any effects on their grades. Advantages of using M-learning are ease of use, convenience, understanding the concepts by searching on their own and independent learning experience, being able to participate in lectures from anywhere, even in time of sickness, and easily accessing course materials. On the other hand, the disadvantages of this type of learning are losing physical face-to-face interactions with teachers and other students, low level of activeness from the other students in discussions in the online lectures, losing motivation, and missing learning physical experience in some courses. The challenges that students have experienced with M-learning are low internet connection, problems with batteries of mobile devices, small screen of smartphones for reading files, some technical problems regarding the online lectures, and experiencing different types of distractions by using mobile devices and attending online classes. Finally, participants agree to recommend M-learning in times of crisis.

影響幼兒家長使用M-learning意願之研究:以微信公眾號為例 / Factors Influencing Parents’ Intention towards Use M-learning

劉寧, Liu, Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解幼兒家長對 M-learning 的使用意願和影響其使用意願的主要 因素,同時了解不同背景之幼兒家長對於M-learning 使用意願的差異以及不對於M-learning 使用意願影響因素的調節效應;藉由以上的探究,瞭解幼兒家長在當今時代全新的學習方式之下對於幼兒教養和親職教育的需求,為未來的Mlearning內容提供者與設施設備開發提供參考。 本研究根據幼兒家長的特點和 M-learning 的特性,以科技接受模式、計畫行 為理論、動機模型、整合性科技接受與使用理論為理論依據,延伸出知覺有用性、 知覺易用性、知覺趣味性和知覺行為控制四個因素作為自變項;以性別、年齡、 社經地位三個因素為背景變項,以使用意願為依變項發展出本研究之研究架構。 本研究採用立意取樣問卷調查法,以大連市某3 間幼兒園所之幼兒家長為研 究對象,共回收469 份問卷,剔除無效問卷36 份,共回收433 份有效問卷,有 效回收率為92.3%;調查所得資料以描述統計、線性回歸分析、單因子變異數分 析等統計方法進行分析。本研究獲得之結論如下: 一. 在功能與特性上,微信公眾號與Facebook 的粉絲專頁相似,微信朋友圈與 Line 的動態消息相似; 二. 知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺趣味性以及知覺行為控制均對幼兒家長使用 M-learning 意願有顯著正向影響; 三. 不同背景變項 (性別、年齡、社經地位)的幼兒家長對於M-learning 知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺趣味性以及知覺行為控制與M-learning 使用意願關係間存在不同的調節效應; 四. 知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺趣味性以及知覺行為控制在不同性別、年齡、社經地位之幼兒家長群體中M-learning 使用意願的預測力不同; 五. 性別和年齡對幼兒家長使用M-learning 的意願無顯著影響,社經地位對幼兒家長使用M-learning 的意願有顯著影響。

Mobilní vzdělávání (m-learning): možnosti a limity mobilních technologií pro vzdělávací programy / Mobile Learning (m-learning): possibilities and limits of mobile technologies for education

Bouzková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to chart the trend of m-learning in Czech schools and to find out, if m-learning influences student' information behavior and how do they use mobile devices in such process. Basic theoretical concepts are defined in first chapters, for example m-learning itself, information behavior and other. Thesis as well contains chapter, where are described different definition of what digital generation is and who are its members. These definitons are the basic theoretical framework of this diploma thesis. One chapter desribes specific projects, statistics and web pages that are dealing with m-learning. Practical part consists of questionnaire evaluation. Survey results are included in the last chapter.

Ubiquitous Learning / Ubiquitous Learning

Sobotka, Miroslav Unknown Date (has links)
Tato práce se věnuje všudypřítomnému vzdělávání (u-learning) a mapování ontologií, je součástí dlouhodobého projektu MAPLE a vypracoval jsem ji během studijního pobytu na francouzské univerzitě v La Rochelle, v rámci mezinárodního výměnného programu Socrates-Erasmus. Hlavní cíle práce lze rozdělit na dvě související části. První část má za úkol seznámit čtenáře s prostředím pro všudypřítomné vzdělávání a s vhodnými dostupnými nástroji. Jedním z těchto nástrojů je i komerční program LMA, který je určený pro tvorbu mobilních prezentací a kurzů, důraz je kladen na jejich přenositelnost mezi jednotlivými mobilními platformami. Cílem je demonstrace jeho funkčnosti a vytvoření zkušební mobilní prezentace. Dalším krokem je seznámení čtenáře s virtuálním výukovým prostředím (VLE) a systémy pro správu a řízení výukových kurzů (CMS). Vybraný, volně dostupný CMS se jménem Moodle jsem nainstaloval, nakonfiguroval a vytvořením fiktivního kurzu otestoval a vyzkoušel jeho vlastnosti a funkčnost. Druhá část práce se zabývá ontologiemi, dostupnými nástroji pro práci s nimi a mapovacími algoritmy. Čtenář je seznámen s patřičnou teorií i s motivacemi pro využití ontologií v projektu MAPLE, větší prostor je věnován volně dostupnému programu Protégé, který slouží hlavně jako editor ontologií, ale díky jeho rozšiřitelné architektuře může být využit k nejrůznějším účelům. Důležitým bodem práce je analýza a realizace doporučeného mapovacího algoritmu, který jsem implementoval jako zásuvný modul pro program Protégé. Cílem projektu MAPLE je návrh a realizace pedagogického systému pro mobilní, aktivní a participativní výukové prostředí, které obohatí tradiční model prezenční výuky. Díky mobilním zařízením, spolupracujícím s pracovní stanicí vyučujícího, budou mít studenti možnost okamžité zpětné vazby na probíranou látku. Dalšími záměry projektu jsou mobilní přístup k datům a výukovým kurzům, online komunikace a spolupráce zúčastněných osob, efektivní vedení a administrace kurzů pro vyučující a také spolupráce a propojení již existujících systémů v jeden funkční celek. Motivací pro využití ontologií v projektu MAPLE je správa výukových modulů a prezentací, jejich efektivní katalogizace, znázornění závislostí a vztahů mezi uloženými daty a jejich rychlé a přesné vyhledání. Mapovací algoritmus umožní spolupráci mezi moduly a ostatními databázemi, které používají rozdílné ontologie pro popis a charakterizaci uložených dat.

Evaluation of usability and user experience of an m-learning environment, custom-designed for a tertiary educational context

Harpur, Patricia-Ann 12 November 2013 (has links)
Undergraduate software engineering learners demonstrate a lack of motivation with face-to-face classroom education. Limited access to the Internet via PCs and laptops, hinders effective communication and collaboration. However, the majority of learners enrolled for studies in tertiary education, have cellphones and are proficient in the use of digital technology. A technology-enhanced m-learning solution is indicated. This research project evaluates the usability and user experience of an m-learning environment, custom-designed for a tertiary educational context and delivered by mobile handheld devices, features a synthesized framework of categories and criteria, and determines the nature and scope of an emergent digital divide. A design-based research model suited to the context of the study is implemented, gathering quantitative and qualitative data from experts and learners by survey questionnaires. Analysis of data highlights usability and UX problems, provides insight into an emergent digital divide and suggests guidelines specific to the design of m-learning implementations. / Educational Studies / M. Sc. (Information Systems)

A framework for mobile digital literacy skills of educators using mobile technology in rural formal education

Jahoor, Farshida 01 1900 (has links)
Information and communication technology (ICT) is considered a vital enabler in the quest to reduce the disparities between the developed and developing world. Developments in mobile technology have dramatically changed the ICT landscape. Mobile cellular technologies have flourished and proliferated more rapidly than any previous technology hitherto and is thus considered, at this time, the most pervasive technology in the world. However, the introduction of mobile ICT in rural formal education is faced with many challenges and ways in which to maximise its usage is still being explored. This research explores mobile digital literacy skills required by a rural educator to successfully integrate mobile technology into the classroom. This exploration used the ICT for rural education development (ICT4RED) project as its case study and added dimensions to the project through the development of a framework for mobile digital literacy skills. ICT4RED was an appropriate case for the exploration as it met the following criteria: educators were using mobile technologies in the classroom, educators had been part of the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) course offered by the ICT4RED project and educators were based in a rural resource-constrained area in South Africa. Questionnaires were used to gain insight into which skills educators rated as most important, and least important, as based on their teaching experience using mobile technologies in the classroom. The work is grounded on an interpretivist research philosophy and followed an inductive reasoning approach. Additionally, the research employed a qualitative method of analysis with a single case study, comprising of two units, facilitating a perspective of the phenomenon. Framework development was enabled through a literature review which assisted in theorising the mobile digital literacy skills. An expert review, followed by a questionnaire driven survey for educators, was conducted. The qualitative analysis revealed that most of the mobile digital literacy skills from literature were important and should be employed. The majority of educators and experts felt that the skills could not be categorised as, due to the lack of resources, most are considered very important. The lack of stable internet connection/s were also considered a major (if not the major) hindrance to successful mobile integration in rural areas. The main research question answered by this study is: How can a framework for educators’ mobile digital literacy skills support educators using mobile technology in formal rural education? The findings of this research should be significant to developers of mobile technology training programmes, as well as educators trying to successfully integrate mobile technology into their classrooms. The framework will enable both trainers and educators to prioritise skills and channel resources into the acquisition of those skills which have been identified as important by this research work. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

Design Guidelines for a Mobile-Enabled Language Learning System Supporting the Development of ESP Listening Skills

Palalas, Agnieszka 08 May 2012 (has links)
This dissertation presents, describes and discusses an interdisciplinary study which investigated the design and development of a language learning instructional solution to address the problem of inadequate aural skills acquisition for college ESP (English for Special Purposes) students. Specifically, it focused on the use of mobile technology to expand learning beyond the classroom. The eighteen-month process of data collection and analysis resulted in a conceptual model and design principles for a Mobile-Enabled Language Learning (MELL) solution. Mobile-Enabled Language Learning Eco-System was thus designed, developed and trialled in the real-life learning context. Through the iterative process of the design, development and evaluation of the MELL system and its components, design principles were also generated. These design recommendations were refined and reformulated in a cyclical fashion with the help of more than 100 students and ten experts. The resulting MELLES design framework encompasses guidelines addressing the essential characteristics of the desired MELL intervention as well as procedures recommended to operationalize those features. The study also resulted in a better understanding of the broader context of ESP learning using mobile devices and the role of elements of environment, ultimately contributing to real-life praxis of the Ecological Constructivist framework and the complementary approach of Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology. / 2012-06

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