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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Global investigations of radiated seismic energy and real-time implementation

Convers, Jaime Andres 13 January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation contains investigations of radiated seismic energy measurements from large earthquakes and duration determinations as significant properties of the dynamic earthquake rupture and its applications in the identification of very large and slow source rupturing earthquakes. This includes a description of earthquake released seismic energy from 1997 to 2010 and identification of slow source tsunami earthquakes in that time period. The implementation of these measurements in real-time since the beginning of 2009, with a case study of the Mentawai 2010 tsunami earthquake are also discussed. Further studies of rupture duration assessments and its technical improvements for more rapid and robust solutions are investigated as well, with application to the Tohoku-Oki 2011 earthquake an a case of directivity in the 2007 Mw 8.1 Solomon islands earthquake. Finally, the set of routines and programs developed for implementation at Georgia Tech and IRIS to produce the real-time results since 2009 presented in this study are described.

Gradient Characteristics Of The Unaccusative/unergative Distinction In Turkish: An Experimental Investigation

Cengiz, Acarturk 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the gradient behaviour of monadic intransitive verb classes in Turkish, under an aspectual classification of the unaccusative/unergative verb types, namely The Split Intransitivity Hierarchy. This Hierarchy claims that intransitive verb types are subject to gradient acceptability in certain syntactic constructions. The methods used in judgment elicitation studies in psychophysics, such as the magnitude estimation technique have recently been adapted to be used in capturing gradient linguistic data. Also, the practical benefits of the Internet directed researchers to design and conduct web-based experiments for linguistic data elicitation. Research on Human Computer Interaction offers suggestions for the design of more usable user interfaces. Considering these developments, in this thesis, a web based experiment interface has been designed as an extension to the magnitude estimation technique to elicit acceptability judgments on two syntactic constructions, i.e. the -mIS participle (the unaccusative diagnostic) and impersonal passivization (the unergative diagnostic) for different verb types on the Split Intransitivity Hierarchy. The experiment was conducted on the Internet. The results show that in the two diagnostics, the verb types receive categorical or indeterminate acceptability judgments, which allows us to specify the core or peripheral status of the verbs. Within the classes we have examined, change of state verbs constitute the core unaccusative verbs, and controlled (motional and non-motional) process verbs constitute the core unergative verbs. Stative verbs and uncontrolled process verbs are peripheral unaccusatives and unergatives, respectively. Change of location verbs (with an animate subject) are close to the unergative end.

Understanding the nationalization of party

Simón Cosano, Pablo 03 November 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the nationalization of party systems in Western Europe and combines four different approaches. Despite the literature claiming that political decentralization reduces party system nationalization, the first paper shows that this effect depends on the level of personalism that the electoral system allows. The second article shows a new effect of the nationalization of party systems. This variable is shown to be a crucial element to explain turnout differences across districts within a country. The third article of this thesis is centered on the impact of the electoral system on party system nationalization through a crucial-experimental approach based on electoral reforms in Western Europe. Finally, the last part of the thesis focuses on describing and analyzing the nationalization of political parties in Spain, paying particular attention to differences among national and subnational parties. / Esta tesis doctoral está centrada en la nacionalización de los sistemas de partidos en Europa Occidental desde cuatro perspectivas diferentes. Una hipótesis clásica de la literatura es que la descentralización política reduce la nacionalización. En el primer artículo se muestra que el efecto de esta variable depende de que haya un grado suficiente de personalismo en el sistema electoral. En el segundo artículo se demuestra un nuevo efecto de la nacionalización de los sistemas de partidos; esta variable determina las diferencias en la participación electoral entre distritos dentro de un mismo país. El tercer artículo se aproxima al fenómeno mediante experimentos cruciales centrados en las reformas del sistema electoral en Europa Occidental a fin de estimar su efecto sobre la nacionalización. Finalmente, el último artículo analiza la nacionalización de los partidos en España y sus principales determinantes, distinguiendo particularmente entre partidos de ámbito nacional y subnacional.

Estudo da evolução estelar através de aglomerados globulares galáticos

Campos, Fabíola January 2013 (has links)
Nós apresentamos ajustes multicromáticos de isócronas ao diagrama cor-magnitude do aglomerado globular NGC 6366, baseados em dados fotométricos que obtivemos com o Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope e de arquivos do Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS/WFC. Nós corrigimos os dados por avermelhamento diferencial e calculamos a linha de tendência média dos diagramas cor-magnitude. Nós comparamos os dados com modelos de isócronas estelares de Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database e PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code, ambos com a difusão microscópica começando na sequência principal. Considerando todas as determinações prévias de metalicidade desse aglomerado, nós testamos de metalicidades [Fe 111]=-1.00 até [Fe 111]=-0.50, e idades de 9 a 13 Ganos. Depois de determinar a extinção total para seletiva somente com estrelas pertencentes ao aglomerado, Rv=3.06 + 0.14, nós encontramos os parâmetros para esse aglomerado com sendo avermelhamento E (13 — V)= 0.69 ± 0.02(int) +0.04(ext), módulo de distância (m — M)v= 15.02 ± 0.07(int) ±0.13(ext), Idade= 11 ± 1.15 Ganos. Os modelos evolucionários falham em reproduzir a sequência de baixa Tef em diagramas cor-magnitude de multi-bandas, indicando que eles ainda tem uma descrição incompleta. Nós encontramos que as isócronas de Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database ajustam melhor o ramo das sub gigantes e baixa sequência principal do que as isócronas de PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code. O uso de anãs brancas de aglomerados globulares em vez de anãs brancas do campo no estudo da formação, propriedades físicas e evolução estelar é justificado por vários fatores. Dentre eles o fato de que as anãs brancas mais frias de aglomerados globulares velhos são remanescentes das estrelas mais velhas que se formaram durante a formação do halo, ou seja, trazem informação da época em que a Galáxia estava se formando. Utilizamos as tabelas fotométricas de dados obtidos com o HST/ACS por Richer et al. (2008) e Bedin et al. (2009) dos aglomerados globulares NGC 6397 e M 4, respectivamente, que alcançam a volta para o azul da sequência de esfriamento das anãs brancas. Com a análise da sequência de esfriamento desses aglomerados, demonstramos que a cristalização de anãs brancas acontece através da liberação de calor latente. Demonstramos também, pela primeira vez, o problema dos modelos de sequência de esfriamento de anãs brancas na volta para o azul e propormos que uma possível solução é, além de considerar o efeito da absorção induzida por colisão, é também necessário considerar que na atmosfera de anãs brancas mais frias de aglomerados globulares há uma mistura de H e He, em vez de uma atmosfera de II puro. / We present multichromatic isochrone fits to the colour-magnitude data of the globular cluster NGC 6366, based on photometric data obtained with Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope and archive data from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS/WFC. We corrected the photometric data for differential reddening and calculated the mean ridge fine of the colour magnitude diagrams. We compared the isochrones of Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database and PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code, both with microscopic diffusion starting on the main sequence. Bracketing all previous determinations of this cluster, we tested metallicities from [FelH]=- 1.00 to [Fe/H]=-0.50, and ages from 9 to 13 Gyrs. After determining the total to selective extinction ratio only from stars belonging to this cluster, obtaining Rv=3.06 + 0.14, we found the parameters for this cluster to be reddening E(B — V)=0.69 ± 0.02(int) ±0.04(ext), distance modulus (m — M)v= 15.02 ± 0.07(int) ±0.13(ext), Age= 11 ± 1.15 Gyr. Evolutionary models fail to reproduce the low-T eff main sequence in multi-band colour magnitude diagrams, indicating that they still have an incomplete physical description. We found that the Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database isochrones fit better the sub giant branch and low main sequence than the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code. The use of white dwarf stars from globular clusters instead of field white dwarf stars in the study of formation, physical properties and stellar evolution is justified by several factors. Among them is the fact that the coolest white dwarf stars in old globular clusters are remnants of the oldest stars that formed during the formation of the Galactic halo, i. e., bring us information about the time that the Galaxy was still forming. We use the photometric data obtained with the HST/ACS by Richer et al. (2008) and Bedin et al. (2009) of the globular clusters NGC 6397 and M 4, respectively, that reach the blue turn of the white dwarf cooling sequence.With the analysis of the cooling sequence of these clusters, we demonstrated that the crystallization of white dwarfs occurs with the release of latent heat. Also, we demonstrate, for the first time, the problem of the blue turn in the white dwarf cooling sequence and propose that a possible solution is, in addition to considering the effect of collision-induced absorption, it is necessary to consider that the atmosphere of cooler white dwarf stars is composed by a mixture of H and He, rather than an atmosphere of pure H.

A critical assessment of ages derived using pre-main-sequence isochrones in colour-magnitude diagrams

Bell, Cameron Pearce MacDonald January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis a critical assessment of the ages derived using theoretical pre-main-sequence (pre-MS) stellar evolutionary models is presented by comparing the predictions to the low-mass pre-MS population of 14 young star-forming regions (SFRs) in colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). Deriving pre-MS ages requires precise distances and estimates of the reddening. Therefore, the main-sequence (MS) members of the SFRs have been used to derive a self-consistent set of statistically robust ages, distances and reddenings with associated uncertainties using a maximum-likelihood fitting statistic and MS evolutionary models. A photometric method (known as the Q-method) for de-reddening individual stars in regions where the extinction is spatially variable has been updated and is presented. The effects of both the model dependency and the SFR composition on these derived parameters are also discussed. The problem of calibrating photometric observations of red pre-MS stars is examined and it is shown that using observations of MS stars to transform the data into a standard photometric system can introduce significant errors in the position of the pre-MS locus in CMD space. Hence, it is crucial that precise photometric studies (especially of pre- MS objects) be carried out in the natural photometric system of the observations. This therefore requires a robust model of the system responses for the instrument used, and thus the calculated responses for the Wide-Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope are presented. These system responses have been tested using standard star observations and have been shown to be a good representation of the photometric system. A benchmark test for the pre-MS evolutionary models is performed by comparing them to a set of well-calibrated CMDs of the Pleiades in the wavelength regime 0.4−2.5 μm. The masses predicted by these models are also tested against dynamical masses using a sample of MS binaries by calculating the system magnitude in a given photometric band- pass. This analysis shows that for Teff ≤ 4000 K the models systematically overestimate the flux by a factor of 2 at 0.5 μm, though this decreases with wavelength, becoming negligible at 2.2 μm. Thus before the pre-MS models are used to derive ages, a recalibration of the models is performed by incorporating an empirical colour-Teff relation and bolometric corrections based on the Ks-band luminosity of Pleiades members, with theoretical corrections for the dependence on the surface gravity (log g). The recalibrated pre-MS model isochrones are used to derive ages from the pre-MS populations of the SFRs. These ages are then compared with the MS derivations, thus providing a powerful diagnostic tool with which to discriminate between the different pre- MS age scales that arise from a much stronger model dependency in the pre-MS regime. The revised ages assigned to each of the 14 SFRs are up to a factor two older than previous derivations, a result with wide-ranging implications, including that circumstellar discs survive longer and that the average Class II lifetime is greater than currently believed.

Représentations externes pour l'apprentissage et la comparaison de la consommation d'énergie / External representations for learning and comparing energy consumption

Galilee, Martin 14 December 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse est d'abord considéré comment l'énergie est enseignée et apprise à l'école, montrant les divergences entre définition scientifique et sociétale de l'énergie, et considérant les unités d'énergie et la confusion qu'elles engendrent. Des perspectives pour l'éducation et la gestion de l'énergie sont présentées. Ensuite, l'attention est portée sur les représentations de l'énergie proposées par les systèmes domestiques de gestion, et une classification originale basée sur des stratégiques didactiques est proposée. Les obstacles majeurs rencontrés par les designers révèlent comment les outils de gestion de l'énergie peuvent être adaptés à la cognition humaine. Enfin, les capacités humaines de traitement des grandeurs numériques sont examinées en profondeur du point de vue de la cognition incarnée. Un cadre est construit au travers duquel l'impact des représentations externes de l'énergie sur l'apprentissage et la comparaison peut être établi, compris, et prédit. Ceci mène à deux études empiriques. La première étude teste l'effet de la représentation externe (symbolique ou spatiale) sur le rappel et la comparaison de mémoire. Précision et temps de réponse sont les variables dépendantes dans la comparaison. Les résultats indiquent un traitement analogique dans les deux conditions. La représentation externe symbolique accroît la précision dans le rappel et la comparaison, et la représentation externe spatiale accroît la vitesse de comparaison. La seconde étude teste l'effet de la spatialité, de l'ancrage, et de la physicalité dans les représentations externes, également sur le rappel et les comparaisons de mémoire, utilisant les mêmes variables dépendantes. Les résultats indiquent un traitement analogique dans toutes les conditions. La spatialité décroît la précision dans le rappel mais accroît la vitesse de comparaison. Ancrage et physicalité n'ont pas d'effet. Les résultats corroborent l'hypothèse de la cognition ancrée sur les simulations mentales (Barsalou, 1999, 2008; Wilson, 2002) ainsi que la perspective de Dehaene (1997) sur la cognition numérique, dans laquelle le sens du nombre est basé sur un accumulateur analogique et non discret. Implications théoriques et applications pratiques sont discutées. / In this thesis is first considered how energy is taught and learned about in school, focusing on the discrepancies between a scientific definition of energy and a societal definition of energy, and discussing units of energy and the confusion they induce. Perspectives for education and energy management are provided. Then, focus is placed on the representations of energy provided in home energy management systems, seeking to propose an original classification based on educational strategies. The major obstacles met by designers reveal how energy management tools can be adapted to human cognition. Next, human numerical and magnitude processing abilities are discussed in depth, taking the viewpoint of grounded cognition and building a framework through which the impact of external representations of energy on learning and comparing can be established, understood, and predicted. This leads to two empirical studies. The first study tests the effect of external representation (symbolic or spatial) on recall and comparisons from memory. Accuracy and response time at comparisons are used as dependent variables. Results indicate analog processing of magnitude in both conditions, and show that external representation affects performance at both recall and comparison, with symbolic external representation increasing recall and comparison accuracy, and spatial external representation increasing comparison speed. The second study tests the effects of spatiality, groundedness, and physicality in external representations, also on recall and comparisons from memory, using the same dependent variables. Results indicate analog processing in all conditions. Spatiality decreases recall accuracy but increases comparison speed. Groundedness and physicality show no effect. Results are consistent with grounded cognition's mental simulations hypothesis (Barsalou, 1999, 2008; Wilson, 2002) as well as Dehaene's (1997) view on numerical cognition, in which number sense is based on a continuous accumulator that does not directly process discrete numbers. Theoretical implications and practical applications are discussed.

Estudo da evolução estelar através de aglomerados globulares galáticos

Campos, Fabíola January 2013 (has links)
Nós apresentamos ajustes multicromáticos de isócronas ao diagrama cor-magnitude do aglomerado globular NGC 6366, baseados em dados fotométricos que obtivemos com o Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope e de arquivos do Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS/WFC. Nós corrigimos os dados por avermelhamento diferencial e calculamos a linha de tendência média dos diagramas cor-magnitude. Nós comparamos os dados com modelos de isócronas estelares de Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database e PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code, ambos com a difusão microscópica começando na sequência principal. Considerando todas as determinações prévias de metalicidade desse aglomerado, nós testamos de metalicidades [Fe 111]=-1.00 até [Fe 111]=-0.50, e idades de 9 a 13 Ganos. Depois de determinar a extinção total para seletiva somente com estrelas pertencentes ao aglomerado, Rv=3.06 + 0.14, nós encontramos os parâmetros para esse aglomerado com sendo avermelhamento E (13 — V)= 0.69 ± 0.02(int) +0.04(ext), módulo de distância (m — M)v= 15.02 ± 0.07(int) ±0.13(ext), Idade= 11 ± 1.15 Ganos. Os modelos evolucionários falham em reproduzir a sequência de baixa Tef em diagramas cor-magnitude de multi-bandas, indicando que eles ainda tem uma descrição incompleta. Nós encontramos que as isócronas de Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database ajustam melhor o ramo das sub gigantes e baixa sequência principal do que as isócronas de PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code. O uso de anãs brancas de aglomerados globulares em vez de anãs brancas do campo no estudo da formação, propriedades físicas e evolução estelar é justificado por vários fatores. Dentre eles o fato de que as anãs brancas mais frias de aglomerados globulares velhos são remanescentes das estrelas mais velhas que se formaram durante a formação do halo, ou seja, trazem informação da época em que a Galáxia estava se formando. Utilizamos as tabelas fotométricas de dados obtidos com o HST/ACS por Richer et al. (2008) e Bedin et al. (2009) dos aglomerados globulares NGC 6397 e M 4, respectivamente, que alcançam a volta para o azul da sequência de esfriamento das anãs brancas. Com a análise da sequência de esfriamento desses aglomerados, demonstramos que a cristalização de anãs brancas acontece através da liberação de calor latente. Demonstramos também, pela primeira vez, o problema dos modelos de sequência de esfriamento de anãs brancas na volta para o azul e propormos que uma possível solução é, além de considerar o efeito da absorção induzida por colisão, é também necessário considerar que na atmosfera de anãs brancas mais frias de aglomerados globulares há uma mistura de H e He, em vez de uma atmosfera de II puro. / We present multichromatic isochrone fits to the colour-magnitude data of the globular cluster NGC 6366, based on photometric data obtained with Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope and archive data from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS/WFC. We corrected the photometric data for differential reddening and calculated the mean ridge fine of the colour magnitude diagrams. We compared the isochrones of Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database and PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code, both with microscopic diffusion starting on the main sequence. Bracketing all previous determinations of this cluster, we tested metallicities from [FelH]=- 1.00 to [Fe/H]=-0.50, and ages from 9 to 13 Gyrs. After determining the total to selective extinction ratio only from stars belonging to this cluster, obtaining Rv=3.06 + 0.14, we found the parameters for this cluster to be reddening E(B — V)=0.69 ± 0.02(int) ±0.04(ext), distance modulus (m — M)v= 15.02 ± 0.07(int) ±0.13(ext), Age= 11 ± 1.15 Gyr. Evolutionary models fail to reproduce the low-T eff main sequence in multi-band colour magnitude diagrams, indicating that they still have an incomplete physical description. We found that the Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database isochrones fit better the sub giant branch and low main sequence than the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code. The use of white dwarf stars from globular clusters instead of field white dwarf stars in the study of formation, physical properties and stellar evolution is justified by several factors. Among them is the fact that the coolest white dwarf stars in old globular clusters are remnants of the oldest stars that formed during the formation of the Galactic halo, i. e., bring us information about the time that the Galaxy was still forming. We use the photometric data obtained with the HST/ACS by Richer et al. (2008) and Bedin et al. (2009) of the globular clusters NGC 6397 and M 4, respectively, that reach the blue turn of the white dwarf cooling sequence.With the analysis of the cooling sequence of these clusters, we demonstrated that the crystallization of white dwarfs occurs with the release of latent heat. Also, we demonstrate, for the first time, the problem of the blue turn in the white dwarf cooling sequence and propose that a possible solution is, in addition to considering the effect of collision-induced absorption, it is necessary to consider that the atmosphere of cooler white dwarf stars is composed by a mixture of H and He, rather than an atmosphere of pure H.

Orienta??o e magnitude de tens?es na bacia potiguar: implica??es para evolu??o de bacias em margens passivas

Reis, Alvaro Francisco Campassi 20 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:08:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlvaroFCR_DISSERT.pdf: 5517718 bytes, checksum: 1478acafe114233a78bc75504cd9500d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-20 / This study presents new stress orientations and magnitudes from the Potiguar basin in the continental margin of Brazil. We analyzed breakout and drilled induced fractures derived from resistivity image logs run in ten oil wells. We also used direct Shmin measurements determined from hydraulic fractures and rock strength laboratory analysis. In addition, we compared these results with 19 earthquake focal mechanisms located in the crystalline basement. We observed that stress directions and magnitudes change across the basin and its basement. In the basin, the SHmax gradient of 20.0 MPa/km and the SHmax/Shmin ratio of 1.154 indicate a normal stress regime from 0.5 to 2.0 km, whereas the SHmax gradient of 24.5MPa/km and the SHmax/Shmin ratio of 1.396 indicate a strike slip stress regime from 2.5 to 4.0 km. The deeper strike-slip stress regime in the basin is similar to the regime in the basement at 1-12 km deep. This stress regime transition is consistent with an incipient tectonic inversion process in the basin. We also noted that the SHmax direction rotates from NW SE in the western part of the Potiguar basin to E W in its central and eastern part, following roughly the shoreline geometry. It indicates that local factors, as density contrast between continental and oceanic crust and sediment loading at the continental shelf influence the stress field. The concentration of fluid pressure in faults of the lowpermeability crystalline basement and its implications to establish a critically stressed fault regime in the basement is also discussed / Nesse trabalho s?o apresentados novos dados de orienta??o e magnitude de tens?es na Bacia Potiguar. Foram analisados fraturas induzidas e breakouts em 10 po?os na bacia atrav?s da interpreta??o de perfis de imagem microrresistiva.. Foram tamb?m utilizados dados de fraturamento hidr?ulico para estimativa da magnitude da tens?o horizontal m?nima e an?lises de laborat?rio para estimativa da resist?ncia ? compress?o n?o confinada em amostras de testemunho. Adicionalmente, os dados de orienta??o e regime de tens?es obtidos em po?os foram comparados aos resultados de 19 solu??es de mecanismos focais publicados na literatura e localizados na borda cristalina da Bacia Potiguar. Observou-se que a dire??o e a magnitude de tens?es variam atrav?s da bacia e do embasamento circundante. Na bacia, entre as profundidades de 0,5 a 2,0km, estimouse um gradiente de tens?o horizontal m?xima (SHmax) de 20,0 MPa/km, uma raz?o entre as tens?es horizontais (SHmax/Shmin) de 1.154 e um regime de falhas normais. Por outro lado, entre as profundidade de 2,5 a 4,0 km, estimou-se um gradiente de SHmax de 24,5 MPa/km, raz?o entre as tens?es horizontais de 1.396 e uma transi??o para um regime de tens?es transcorrente. O regime transcorrente predomina nos mecanismos focais a profundidade de 1 a 12 km. A transi??o entre um regime de tens?es normal para transcorrente ? consistente com um processo incipiente de invers?o tect?nica instalado na bacia. Al?m disso, observou-se em ambos dados de po?os e mecanismos focais, rota??o na orienta??o de SHmax de NW-SE na por??o oeste da bacia para E-W nas por??es central e leste, acompanhando a geometria da linha de costa. Tais dados indicam que mecanismos locais controlam o campo de tens?es, como contraste de densidade entre crosta oce?nica e continental e carga sedimentar na plataforma continental. Adicionalmente, a concentra??o de transmissibilidade e press?o de fluidos em falhas e fraturas de baixa permeabilidade e sua contribui??o para o estabelecimento de um regime de falhas em equil?brio por fric??o ? tamb?m discutida

Simulación de tsunami para la generación de mapas de inundación y daño en el distrito de Ancón

Castillejo Luis, Gladys Lissett, Espinoza Salinas, Lizbeth Fiorella January 2015 (has links)
El Perú es un país que se encuentra localizado en cinturón de fuego, zona donde ocurren el 90% de las actividades sísmicas del mundo, ocasionando pérdida de vidas humanas y pérdidas materiales, por lo que es necesario tomar las precauciones para salvaguardar el bienestar de la población que vive en estas zonas. En Perú existen dos placas que se encuentran en la subsuelo del océano pacifico, la placa de nazca (oceánica) que ocupa una gran parte del océano pacifico y cuyo borde colisiona con la placa sudamericana (continental) originando un proceso de convergencia de la placa de Nazca por debajo de la Placa Sudamericana originando sismos pueden dar origen a tsunamis. Este trabajo de investigación contempla la simulación de tsunamis de diferentes magnitudes históricas: 8.2 Mw (Lima –Callao 1940) y 8.5 Mw (Japon-2011) con las que se obtuvieron dos escenarios de tsunami de estudio para el distrito de Ancón. Cuyo epicentro de sismo fue tomado en 11°32'7.65"S, 77°46'17.31"O a 70 km de la costa del Distrito de Ancón, del cual partimos los siguientes resultados: Tiempo de llegada de la primera ola para los dos escenarios, cálculo de la altura máxima de la ola empleando las formulas empíricas de Yamaguchi y Silgado. Obteniendo como resultado la probabilidad del daño con las curvas de fragilidad de Dichato y American Samoa esto en relación al tipo de material predominante de la zona de estudio. Todos los resultados que se obtuvo con la plataforma S.I.G fueron representados en mapas y diagramas estadísticos. De los cuales podemos decir que en el distrito de Ancón para los dos escenarios se obtuvieron resultados para poder planificar y mitigar los efectos que trae consigo un tsunami haciendo conocer el probable comportamiento del tsunami mostrando en los mapas cuales son las áreas que serán afectadas con los cuales se podrá tomar planes de contingencia. Peru is a country that is located in the Ring of Fire, an area where 90% of the world's seismic activity occur, causing life's human and property losses, making it necessary to take precautions to safeguard the welfare of the people living in these areas. In Peru there are two plaques found in the subsoil of the Pacific Ocean, the Nazca plate (oceanic) that occupies a large part of the Pacific Ocean and whose edge collides with the South American plate (continental) causing a process of convergence of the Nazca plate under the South American plate, causing earthquakes that may give rise to tsunamis. This research involves the simulation of tsunamis from different historical magnitudes: 8.2 Mw (Lima -Callao 1940) and 8.5 MW (Japan, 2011). We obtained two study tsunami scenarios for the district of Ancon. The epicenter of the Earthquake was taken in 11°32'7.65"S, 77°46'17.31"W at 70 km from the coast district of Ancon, of these we assume the following results: Time of arrival of the first sea wave for the two scenarios, calculation of the max height of the sea wave using empirical formulas of Yamaguchi and Silgado. Obtaining as a result the likelihood of damage with the fragility's curves of Dichato and American Samoa in relation to this type of predominant material of the study area. All the results obtained with the GIS platform , were represented in maps and statistical charts. In the two scenarios of the district of Ancon were obtained results to plan and mitigate the effects that brings a tsunami, making known the likely behavior of the tsunami, this work shows the maps the areas that will be affected and these could have contingency plans.

Estudo da evolução estelar através de aglomerados globulares galáticos

Campos, Fabíola January 2013 (has links)
Nós apresentamos ajustes multicromáticos de isócronas ao diagrama cor-magnitude do aglomerado globular NGC 6366, baseados em dados fotométricos que obtivemos com o Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope e de arquivos do Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS/WFC. Nós corrigimos os dados por avermelhamento diferencial e calculamos a linha de tendência média dos diagramas cor-magnitude. Nós comparamos os dados com modelos de isócronas estelares de Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database e PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code, ambos com a difusão microscópica começando na sequência principal. Considerando todas as determinações prévias de metalicidade desse aglomerado, nós testamos de metalicidades [Fe 111]=-1.00 até [Fe 111]=-0.50, e idades de 9 a 13 Ganos. Depois de determinar a extinção total para seletiva somente com estrelas pertencentes ao aglomerado, Rv=3.06 + 0.14, nós encontramos os parâmetros para esse aglomerado com sendo avermelhamento E (13 — V)= 0.69 ± 0.02(int) +0.04(ext), módulo de distância (m — M)v= 15.02 ± 0.07(int) ±0.13(ext), Idade= 11 ± 1.15 Ganos. Os modelos evolucionários falham em reproduzir a sequência de baixa Tef em diagramas cor-magnitude de multi-bandas, indicando que eles ainda tem uma descrição incompleta. Nós encontramos que as isócronas de Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database ajustam melhor o ramo das sub gigantes e baixa sequência principal do que as isócronas de PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code. O uso de anãs brancas de aglomerados globulares em vez de anãs brancas do campo no estudo da formação, propriedades físicas e evolução estelar é justificado por vários fatores. Dentre eles o fato de que as anãs brancas mais frias de aglomerados globulares velhos são remanescentes das estrelas mais velhas que se formaram durante a formação do halo, ou seja, trazem informação da época em que a Galáxia estava se formando. Utilizamos as tabelas fotométricas de dados obtidos com o HST/ACS por Richer et al. (2008) e Bedin et al. (2009) dos aglomerados globulares NGC 6397 e M 4, respectivamente, que alcançam a volta para o azul da sequência de esfriamento das anãs brancas. Com a análise da sequência de esfriamento desses aglomerados, demonstramos que a cristalização de anãs brancas acontece através da liberação de calor latente. Demonstramos também, pela primeira vez, o problema dos modelos de sequência de esfriamento de anãs brancas na volta para o azul e propormos que uma possível solução é, além de considerar o efeito da absorção induzida por colisão, é também necessário considerar que na atmosfera de anãs brancas mais frias de aglomerados globulares há uma mistura de H e He, em vez de uma atmosfera de II puro. / We present multichromatic isochrone fits to the colour-magnitude data of the globular cluster NGC 6366, based on photometric data obtained with Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope and archive data from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS/WFC. We corrected the photometric data for differential reddening and calculated the mean ridge fine of the colour magnitude diagrams. We compared the isochrones of Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database and PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code, both with microscopic diffusion starting on the main sequence. Bracketing all previous determinations of this cluster, we tested metallicities from [FelH]=- 1.00 to [Fe/H]=-0.50, and ages from 9 to 13 Gyrs. After determining the total to selective extinction ratio only from stars belonging to this cluster, obtaining Rv=3.06 + 0.14, we found the parameters for this cluster to be reddening E(B — V)=0.69 ± 0.02(int) ±0.04(ext), distance modulus (m — M)v= 15.02 ± 0.07(int) ±0.13(ext), Age= 11 ± 1.15 Gyr. Evolutionary models fail to reproduce the low-T eff main sequence in multi-band colour magnitude diagrams, indicating that they still have an incomplete physical description. We found that the Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database isochrones fit better the sub giant branch and low main sequence than the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code. The use of white dwarf stars from globular clusters instead of field white dwarf stars in the study of formation, physical properties and stellar evolution is justified by several factors. Among them is the fact that the coolest white dwarf stars in old globular clusters are remnants of the oldest stars that formed during the formation of the Galactic halo, i. e., bring us information about the time that the Galaxy was still forming. We use the photometric data obtained with the HST/ACS by Richer et al. (2008) and Bedin et al. (2009) of the globular clusters NGC 6397 and M 4, respectively, that reach the blue turn of the white dwarf cooling sequence.With the analysis of the cooling sequence of these clusters, we demonstrated that the crystallization of white dwarfs occurs with the release of latent heat. Also, we demonstrate, for the first time, the problem of the blue turn in the white dwarf cooling sequence and propose that a possible solution is, in addition to considering the effect of collision-induced absorption, it is necessary to consider that the atmosphere of cooler white dwarf stars is composed by a mixture of H and He, rather than an atmosphere of pure H.

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