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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relação dinâmica entre a estrutura de propriedade e controle e o valor de mercado corporativo no Brasil: análise da primeira década do século XXI / Dynamic relationship between ownership and control structure and corporate market value in Brazil: Analysis of first decade of XXI century

Caixe, Daniel Ferreira 17 April 2012 (has links)
O modelo brasileiro de governança corporativa é caracterizado pela concentração na estrutura de propriedade e controle da maioria das companhias de capital aberto. Nesse contexto, a literatura acadêmica aponta a existência de um impacto positivo e outro negativo desse acúmulo de ações pelo (s) controlador (es) sobre o desempenho corporativo, conhecidos, respectivamente, como: efeito-incentivo (ou alinhamento); e efeito-entrincheiramento. Diversos estudos empíricos nacionais e internacionais testaram essas duas hipóteses, entretanto, dada a divergência entre seus resultados, ainda não há evidências conclusivas sobre a influência da concentração de propriedade sobre o valor das organizações. Diante desse problema, a presente dissertação teve dois objetivos principais: buscar possíveis determinantes corporativos da concentração de propriedade e controle, isto é, averiguar seu caráter endógeno (Parte 1); e testar se essa concentração influencia o valor de mercado corporativo (Parte 2). Para tanto, foi utilizado um painel não balanceado para o período de 2001 a 2010, composto por 237 empresas brasileiras não financeiras de capital aberto. Com o intuito de mitigar possíveis fontes de endogeneidade como a omissão de variáveis, o efeito feedback e a causalidade reversa, foram empregados modelos dinâmicos de regressão linear múltipla, estimados pelo Método dos Momentos Generalizado Sistêmico (MMG-Sis). Os resultados da primeira parte do estudo não sustentam a hipótese de que o caráter da estrutura de propriedade e controle é endógeno. Já na segunda parte da pesquisa, o efeito-incentivo foi captado pelo valor de mercado corrigido do total de ações do maior acionista. Enquanto a concentração no direito de voto e a separação entre propriedade e controle capturaram o efeito-entrincheiramento. / The Brazilian model of corporate governance is characterized by the ownership and control concentration of most publicly traded companies. In this context, the academic literature points to the existence of a positive and a negative impacts of this shares accumulation by controller (s) on corporate performance, known respectively as incentive effect (or alignment) and entrenchment effect. Several Brazilian and international empirical studies have tested these two hypotheses, however, given the divergence of their results, until now there is no conclusive evidence about the influence of ownership concentration on firm value. Faced with this problem, this thesis had two main goals: search for possible determinants of ownership and control concentration, i.e., test its endogenous character (Part 1); and test whether this concentration influences corporate market value (Part 2). For this purpose, an unbalanced panel for the period of 2001 to 2010 was used, comprising 237 Brazilian non-financial publicly traded companies. In order to mitigate potential sources of endogeneity like missing variables, reverse causality and feedback effect, dynamic models of multiple linear regression were employed, estimated by System Generalized Method of Moments (GMM-Sys). The results of the study\'s first part do not support the hypothesis that the character of ownership and control structure is endogenous. In the second part of the research, the incentive effect was captured by adjusted market value of total shares of the largest shareholder. While the voting right concentration and the separation of ownership and control captured the entrenchment effect.

O uso do valor justo e suas relações com os valores de mercado das instituições financeiras / The use of fair value and its relations with the market value of the financial institutions

Sayed, Samir 17 January 2013 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta dissertação foi estudar as relações dos valores de mercado, dos patrimônios líquidos contábeis e da utilização do valor justo como base única de mensuração para ativos e passivos financeiros nos bancos listados em três importantes bolsas de valores que requerem ou permitem o arquivamento de demonstrações financeiras no padrão IFRS, a BM&FBOVESPA, a LSE e a Euronext. Mais precisamente, sob três pontos: (i) se o uso de uma contabilidade plena ao valor justo torna os patrimônios contábeis próximos dos valores de mercado das instituições; (ii) se as empresas que se utilizam em maior extensão do valor justo como base de mensuração apresentam patrimônios contábeis mais próximos ao valor de mercado e (iii) se os lucros líquidos e resultados abrangentes totais das entidades seriam significativamente diferentes caso fosse utilizada a contabilidade plena ao valor justo. As análises foram efetuadas tomando a amostra conjuntamente, segregada por bolsa e também por porte a um nível de significância (?) de 5%. O procedimento estatístico utilizado foi o de confecção de Testes de Hipóteses de Médias para Amostras Emparelhadas (t-Student ou Wilcoxon). Os resultados apontam que: (i) o uso do valor justo como base de mensuração única aproxima os valores contábeis dos patrimônios de seus pares de mercado, porém sem significância estatística; (ii) tanto as instituições que usam em maior extensão o valor justo quanto aquelas que se utilizam em menor nível apresentam patrimônios contábeis significativamente diferentes de seus respectivos valores de mercado e (iii) o uso do valor justo como base única de mensuração não altera significativamente os valores dos lucros líquidos e resultados abrangentes totais contábeis. / The main objective of this dissertation was to study the relations between the market values, the accounting equities and the use of the fair value as the single measurement basis for financial assets and liabilities for the banks listed at three important stocks exchanges that require or allow the filling of the financial statements in the IFRS standard, the BM&FBOVESPA, the LSE and the Euronext. More specifically on three points: (i) if the use of the full fair value accounting make the accounting equities closer to the institutions\' market values; (ii) if the enterprises that use in higher extension the fair value as measurement basis presents accounting equities closer to the market values and (iii) if the entities\' net income and total comprehensive income would be significantly different if it was used the full fair value accounting. The analysis were carried out taking the sample in conjunction, segregated by stock exchange and also by size at a significance level (?) of 5%. The statistical procedure used was the making of the Hypothesis Tests for Means of Matched Samples (t-Student or Wilcoxon).The results show that: (i) the use of fair value as the single measurement basis approximates the accounting values of the equities to their market peers, but without statistical significance; (ii) both the institutions that use fair value in higher extension and those that use in lesser level present accounting equities significantly different from their respective market values and (iii) the use of fair value as the single measurement basis does not change significantly the values of the net income and the total comprehensive income.

Um estudo sobre a relação entre ações preferenciais e valor de mercado das empresas brasileiras de capital aberto / A study about the relation of preferred shares and market value of Brazilian companies

Bruna Reis de Arantes 17 March 2011 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / O mercado de capitais brasileiro se caracteriza pela alta concentração de poder nas mãos de poucos acionistas controladores. No Brasil, a existência de ações preferenciais sem direito a voto enseja o surgimento de conflito de agência entre acionistas controladores e acionistas minoritários, agravado pelo fato de que o controle pode ser exercido com uma participação relativamente pequena sobre o total de ações emitidas pelas companhias. A concentração de propriedade permitiria a possibilidade de expropriação dos direitos dos minoritários. Diversos estudos empíricos vêm sendo realizados ao longo dos últimos anos com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da estrutura de propriedade das ações sobre o valor de mercado das companhias. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho pretende trazer novas contribuições, com ênfase na participação de ações preferenciais na estrutura de propriedade. Neste trabalho, usando uma amostra de empresas de capital aberto negociadas na BM&FBOVESPA, a partir de teste de diferença de médias, rejeita-se a hipótese de igualdade de valor entre empresas que só possuem ações ON em sua estrutura de propriedade, em relação às que possuem ambos os tipos, ON e PN. Em continuidade, usando modelos de regressão linear, encontra-se relação negativa estatisticamente significativa entre valor de mercado das empresas e variável utilizada para caracterizar a estrutura de propriedade, especificamente, a diferença entre o percentual de participação dos acionistas não controladores no total de ações PN e o percentual de participação dos acionistas controladores no total de ações PN. / The capital market is characterized by high concentration of power in the hands of few controlling shareholders. In Brazil, the existence of preferred shares without voting rights has motivate the emergence of agency conflict between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders, compounded by the fact that the control can be exercised with a relatively small share of the total shares issued by companies. The concentration of ownership would allow the possibility of expropriation of minority rights. Several empirical studies have been conducted over the past year in order to evaluate the influence of the structure of ownership of shares on the market value of companies. In this context, this thesis intends to bring new contributions, with emphasis on the participation of preferred shares in the ownership structure. In this work, using a sample of public companies traded at BM&FBOVESPA, from the test mean difference, rejects the hypothesis of equal value among companies that have only voting shares in its ownership structure in relation to that have both types, and preferred. Continuing, using linear regression models, is statistically significant negative relationship between market value of companies and variable used to characterize the ownership structure, specifically the difference between the percentage of participation of minority shareholders in total PN and percentage of ownership of the controlling shareholders of preferred shares in total.

Ocenění podniku BRISK, a.s. / Estimating a value of the firm BRISK, a.s.

Švarc, Michal January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to estimate the value of the Brisk, a.s. company operating in the automotive industry (analysis is valid for the date of 30st June 2012). The yield method used for the analysis is DFC in the entity variant. The value of the company is to be stated for the aim of a potential purchase. The thesis is devided into two main parts. The theoretical part determines basic estimation criteria, the practical part includes strategic and financial analysis and a financial plan.

Estudo de correlação entre valores de q de Tobin obtidos pelo método de Chung e Pruitt e por fluxo de caixa descontado / Study of correlation between the values of Tobin\'s q obtained by the method of Chung and Pruitt and discounted cash flow

Sergio Pinheiro Torggler 07 May 2009 (has links)
A teoria apresenta o índice q de Tobin como uma ferramenta de alto poder explicativo e elevada utilidade nas decisões de investimento, na medida em que o valor absoluto do q, per si, deve expressar um forte significado para o usuário. A técnica usual de cálculo do q de Tobin, descrita por Chung e Pruitt (1994), prevê utilizar a avaliação da empresa ao preço de mercado no denominador do quociente, valor que é apurado pela soma do valor das ações e das dívidas ao preço do dia. Uma forma alternativa de se calcular o q de Tobin seria possível em tese de ser feita pela substituição da avaliação a mercado por uma avaliação pelo método de fluxo de caixa descontado, pois ambas as técnicas não são excludentes na busca de estimar o valor das empresas. O presente trabalho de dissertação teve a finalidade de avaliar se os métodos de avaliação das empresas seriam equivalentes na determinação do q de Tobin através de teste de correlação entre resultados obtidos pelas duas técnicas. A confirmação da hipótese da igualdade de resultados se daria pela determinação de um R2 elevado. Caso a equivalência dos métodos fosse confirmada, o uso do indicador poderia ser estendido a empresas até mesmo de capital fechado ou para avaliar empresas em condição de baixa eficiência de mercado. Os testes de correlação foram feitos entre valores de q de Tobin apurado pelas duas técnicas. Uma série de dados foi gerada pelo método de Chung e Pruitt (1994) foi comparada com nove séries de dados apuradas por variantes da técnica de fluxo de caixa descontado, correspondente a combinação de três valores de fluxo inicial (NOPAT, FCO e FOCF) por três formas de se projetar os fluxos futuros (sem crescimento, crescentes com o PIB e crescentes pela tendência apurada com os dados contábeis). As séries também foram analisadas por triênios e por liquidez dos papeis das empresas. Os resultados apurados indicam que os métodos não são equivalentes, pois na maioria dos casos o R2 foi muito baixo, inferior a 0,15. Surgiram valores divergentes entre grupos de empresas com maior e menor liquidez, fato que merece ser analisado com mais atenção oportunamente, pois podem indicar um diferencial de uso das informações contábeis na avaliação das empresas. / The theory shows the Tobin\'s q as a tool of high utility and high explanatory power in investment decisions, since the absolute value of q, itself, must express a strong meaning for the user. The usual technique of calculation of Tobin\'s q, as described by Chung and Pruitt (1994) provides an assessment of the company using the market price in the denominator of the ratio, which is determined by the sum of the value of shares and debt to the price of day. An alternative way to calculate Tobin\'s q could in theory be made by replacement of the market evaluation by an assessment by the method of discounted cash flow, because both techniques are not exclusive in seeking to estimate the value of companies. The goal of this thesis had the purpose to evaluate whether the assessment methods of companies would be equivalent in the determination of Tobin\'s q using the test of correlation between results obtained by both techniques. The confirmation of the hypothesis of equality of results would be the determination of a high R2. If the equivalence of the methods were confirmed, the use of the indicator could be extended to companies even closed capital or to evaluate companies on condition of low efficiency of the market. Tests of correlation were made between values Tobin\'s q established by the two techniques. A series of data was generated by the method of Chung and Pruitt (1994) was compared with nine sets of data collected by variants of the technique of discounted cash flow, representing the combination of three values of initial flow (NOPAT, FOCF and FCO) by three ways to design the future flows (no growth, with GDP growing and growing trend established by the accounting data). The series were also analyzed by three years and liquidity of the roles of companies. The results indicate that the methods are not equivalent, because in most cases the R2 was very low, less than 0.15. There were divergent values between groups of firms with higher and lower liquidity, which should be examined more carefully, they may indicate a differential use of accounting information in evaluating companies.

The Australian market perception of goodwill and identifiable intangibles

Shahwan, Yousef Said, University of Western Sydney, College of Law and Business, School of Accounting Unknown Date (has links)
Accounting for goodwill and identifiable intangibles is one of the most controversial issues in financial reporting. It has been on the agenda of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, the US, UK, and the International Accounting Standards Boards, and the Full High Court of Australia. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has also placed accounting for intangibles in its Media Releases directed at specific companies. Evidence suggests that the materiality of goodwill and identifiable intangible assets in corporate statements of financial position for a large number of companies is the reason for the considerable attention given to goodwill and identifiable intangibles. The present study has two objectives. First, it analyses the Australian market perception of goodwill and identifiable intangibles as assets in the determination of the market valuation of companies. Second, it investigates whether the market perceives goodwill and identifiable intangibles as wasting resources when valuing Australian firms. In order to achieve these objectives, the analysis initially develops and estimates a model (the asset-based model) that uses financial position statement items to explain the market value of companies' equity. This model examines the association between reported goodwill and identifiable intangible asset values and companies' market values. Given Ohlson's (1993) argument that companies' market value might be better explained by a model that includes a stock concept of value and a flow concept of earnings, a second model (the asset and income-based model) that incorporates an income variable into the initial model, is then developed and estimated. This model examines the association between the goodwill and identifiable intangible amortisation expense and companies' market values. Evidence suggests that there is a statistically significant negative association between equity market values and write-offs of goodwill, confirming the market perception of write-offs of goodwill as a wasting resource when valuing companies. Evidence also suggests that there is a statistically significant negative association between equity market values and write-offs of identifiable intangibles, at least for the total sample of the present study, providing limited evidence of the market perception of identifiable intangibles as wasting resources when valuing companies. However, the negative and inconsistently significant association between equity market values and write-offs of identifiable intangibles on an annual basis suggests that the relationship may be more complex than traditionally analysed / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Effects of Environmental Innovation on Market Value

Sheppard, Michael January 2007 (has links)
This paper describes the effects of environmental innovation, or EI, on the market value of a firm. EI involves the creation or enhancement of ‘green’ products or ‘eco-efficient’ production processes which result in improved environmental performance. The study involves the selection of a number of press releases related to EI and environmental performance. These form the basis of an event study to determine the effect of these announcements on share prices. Results indicate that the market recognizes the value of EI, especially for product-driven initiatives. It is also found that the market values good environmental performance, particularly when it has been recognized externally through an award, membership, or certification. Implications for policy and for management are discussed.

Ersättning-prestation eller storlek? : En sambandsmätning mellan ersättning och prestations-/storleksbaserade variabler / Compensation-performance or size? : An association between measurement and compensation performance-/size based variables

Gökce, Banu, Gökce, Hakan January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bonussystem är något som började växa fram på 1980-talet och har sedan dess varit ett omdiskuterat ämne, både här hemma i Sverige och internationellt. Många forskare, politiker och invånare har uppmärksammat de höga ersättningarna som delas ut inom företagen i både bra och dåliga dagar. Det som drog mest uppmärksamhet var att företag trots en finanskris fortsatta med sina utdelningar och t.o.m. ökade sina rörliga ersättningar. Detta fick människor att undra vad företagen egentligen baserar sina ersättningar på. Å andra sidan försvarar företag sig med att dessa ersättningar ger motivation och ökad effektivitet hos de anställda som i sin tur presterar bättre, vilket utvecklar och driver företagen framåt.   Problemformulering: Väljer företagen att basera sina ersättningar på prestationsbaserade eller/och storleksbaserade variabler? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga vilken av de teoretiska traditionerna som bonussystem baseras på genom att undersöka hur sambandet ser ut mellan utvalda bonusmått och verkställande direktörers och ledande befattningshavarnas totala ersättning under en femårsperiod. Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvantitativ metod där datainsamlingen har skett genom sekundärdata i form av företagens årsredovisningar. Vi har även valt att anta den deduktiva ansatsen som innebär att våra valda teorier ska appliceras på det reslutat som undersökningen visar. Reslutat: Utifrån de tester som gjordes i SPSS programmet visade resultatet att det framgick ett signifikant samband mellan total ersättning och företagets prestation samt företagets storlek. Slutsats: Studien visar att både prestationsbaserade och storleksbaserade variabler visar samband med den totala ersättningen, en övergripande variabel som utformar bolagens ersättningssystem kunde inte konstateras i vår undersökning. Utformningen av ersättningssystem påverkas av inre och yttre faktorer, bl.a. som landets välfärdssystem, företagskultur, konjunkturförändringar.

The Effects of Environmental Innovation on Market Value

Sheppard, Michael January 2007 (has links)
This paper describes the effects of environmental innovation, or EI, on the market value of a firm. EI involves the creation or enhancement of ‘green’ products or ‘eco-efficient’ production processes which result in improved environmental performance. The study involves the selection of a number of press releases related to EI and environmental performance. These form the basis of an event study to determine the effect of these announcements on share prices. Results indicate that the market recognizes the value of EI, especially for product-driven initiatives. It is also found that the market values good environmental performance, particularly when it has been recognized externally through an award, membership, or certification. Implications for policy and for management are discussed.

The explanatory power of accounting measures, EVA and MVA on stock returns: Evidence from Thailand stock market

Charoendeesawat, Suksom 29 August 2011 (has links)
The primary investment objective of investors is to create their wealth which is reflected in the change of stock market price and dividend yield they receive over the investment period. Thus, investors need financial tools to assess and forecast company performance before making investment decisions. Traditionally, such accounting measures as Earnings Per Share (EPS), Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) and Return On Sales (ROS) are basic tools for investors in Thailand to evaluate companies¡¦ performance in the stock market. Value based approaches such as Economic Value Added (EVA) and Market Value Added (MVA) are not widely known among investors yet. Therefore, this study aims to examine the explanatory power of various accounting measures (EPS, ROA, ROE and ROS ) and value based measures ( EVA and MVA ) on the stock returns. This study focuses on 190 sample companies which are representative of all listed companies in the years from 2006-2010 in terms of the spread of EPS and industry diversification. The empirical results indicate that accounting measures are more associated with stock returns than MVA and EVA respectively. Among accounting measures, ROA provides highest explanatory power on stock return although the analysis is done separately by sector. In contrast, the results for EVA appear in some sectors and are not consistent with the past research done in other stock markets including Thailand. Thus, the analysis is extended to examine the company characteristics that have relationship between EVA and stock return. The findings indicate that EVA tends to be associated with stock return in companies that have low book to market ratio. In terms of portfolio returns, typical investing styles, such as value and growth strategies still outperform the return from MVA and EVA strategies.

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