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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Khattab, Hanadi January 2019 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är ett stort och växande samhällsproblem som drabbar barn och unga i Sverige. Därtill leder psykisk ohälsa till stora, mångfacetterade och komplexa behov i samhället. För att motsvara de komplexa behoven och ge barn och unga det bästa stödet och samtidigt tillgodose deras behov förutsätts att skola och socialtjänst samverkar.Syftet med föreliggande studie har varit att undersöka hur samverkan mellan socialtjänst och skola rörande barn och unga med psykisk ohälsa ter sig i verkligheten, samt att få fram personalens erfarenheter och upplevelser av samverkan, avseende målgruppen, inom dessa två organisationer. Samverkan mellan socialtjänsten och skola är i fokus. Syftet är också att undersöka vad personalen ser som dels hämmande dels främjande vid samverkan och jämföra med tidigare forskning. Studien är kvalitativ och baseras på fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med två socialsekreterare från socialtjänsten samt två lärare från skola. Jag har i studien undersökt vad respondenterna upplever som förutsättningar och svårigheter vid samverkan. I min analys av empirin har jag haft samverkansteoretiskt som utgångspunkt, där jag tagit stöd av Berth Danermarks och Axelsson och Bihari Axelssons studier om samverkan begreppet. I resultaten fastställs att det finns förutsättningar som kan möjliggöra och förhållande som kan försvåra vid samverkan mellan parterna. Resultatanalysen visar att förutsättningar för samverkan bygger på samsyn, likartad tolkning av gemensamma mål, helhetssyn, samt kommunikation. I resultaten framkom flera samverkansvårigheter som genomsyrar och de består av, regelverk brist på återkoppling, informationsbyte och kommunikation. Vidare visar resultaten att skilda kunskapstraditioner, oklarheter kring ansvarsområden och ansvarsfördelning skapar ofta svårigheter vid samverkan. / Psychological bad health is a vast and growing problem affecting children and young people in Sweden. In addition, this comes to substantial, versatile and complex demands on society. To meet these complex demands and in order to provide children and young people with the best support and, at the same time, satisfy their needs it is crucial that the school organization and the social services unit and cooperate.The purpose of this study to investigate how the real life collaboration between social services and schools regarding groups of children and young people appears and also to find out the experiences of such collaboration from people working within the social services area and the school area. Another purpose has been to investigate what social services and school professionals deem as on one hand obstructive and on the other hand as promotional as to collaboration and to compare their views with earlier scientific research. The study is qualitative and is based on four semi-structured interviews with two social workers from the social services and two teachers working in school. In my analysis of the interviews the outset has been collaboration theory. My result analysis demonstrates that factors enabling collaboration are based on consensus, similarities in interpreting the common goals, comprehensive views and communication. The analysis also shows that factors aggravating collaboration depends on different standards and rules, inadequate feed-back and exchange of information or lacking communication. Furthermore, my conclusion is that different knowledge platforms, ambiguity around responsibility areas and allocation of responsibility often create collaboration problems.


Jonsson, Katja January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: De senaste decennierna har socialpolitiska beslut präglats av en viljeinriktning att individer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning ska leva i samhället med andra, i en gemenskap. Det visar sig dock att många står utanför samhällets gemenskap och saknar ofta sysselsättning. Att ha sysselsättning kan vara en avgörande faktor som inte bara möjliggör att isolering bryts men även att vägen mot återhämtning från psykisk ohälsa kan påbörjas. Att få vara en del av ett sammanhang visar sig ha positiva effekter för återhämtningsprocessen som bidrar till att personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning kan leva ett tillfredsställande liv trots att hen aldrig blir helt symptomfri.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka fontänhusets betydelse för medlemmarnas återhämtningsprocess. Syftet har även varit att belysa om det finns erfarenheter av både främjande och hindrande faktorer på fontänhuset för medlemmarnas återhämtning. Metod: Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med medlemmar på fontänhuset som har erfarenhet av personlig återhämtning har genomförts och analyserats tematiskt.Resultat: Studien visar att fontänhuset är av betydelse för medlemmarnas återhämtningsprocess. Fontänhuset upplevs av flera av deltagarna i studien som en bidragande faktor till deras återhämtning. Studien påvisar också att det kan finnas problematik på fontänhuset som påverkar de sociala relationerna mellan medlemmarna. Vidare lyfts att återhämtningsprocessen består av fram och tillbakagångar men att ha en plats dit man kan gå bidrar till fler framgångar än motgångar. / Background: In recent decades, social policy decisions have been characterized by a determination that people with mental disabilities should live in society with others, in a community. However, it turns out that many people are outside society's community and often lack employment. Having employment can be a crucial factor that not only enables isolation to be broken but also that the path to recovery from mental illness can begin. Being part of a context proves to have a positive effect on the recovery process that helps people with mental disabilities live a satisfying life despite never becoming completely free from symptom.Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to investigate the importance of the fountain house for the members' recovery process. The purpose has also been to highlight whether there are experiences of both promotion and preventive factors in the fountain house for members' recovery.Method: Five semi-structured interviews with members of the fountain house who have experience of personal recovery have been conducted and analyzed thematically.Result: The study shows that the fountain house is important for the members' recovery process. The fountain house is experienced by several of the participants in the study as a contributing factor to their recovery. The study also shows that there may be problems at the fountain house that affect the social relations between the members. Furthermore, it is emphasized that the recovery process consists of advances and reversals, but having a place you can go contributes to more successes than adversities.

The elephant in the room - A qualitative study about the child representative work in the adult psychiatry

Mårtensson, Sandra, Lundgren, Klara January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och få en bättre förståelse för hur barnombuden inom vuxenpsykiatrin arbetar med barnperspektivet och hur barnombuden uppfattar sina möjligheter och begränsningar i att uppmärksamma barn som anhöriga inom vuxenpsykiatrin. Studien inriktar sig på Region Skånes barnombud och studiens empiriska material bygger på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med barnombud runt om i Skåne. Vi har analyserat vårt material med hjälp av tidigare forskning inom området samt professionalisering och handlingsutrymme. Resultatet av studien visar på att barnombudens roll ser olika ut beroende på vilken kommun de verkar inom, men även hur barnombudet själv väljer att utforma sitt uppdrag med hjälp av sitt handlingsutrymme. Det framkom också av studien att det fanns en del begränsningar i arbetet med ett barnperspektiv inom vuxenpsykiatrin. Dels fanns begränsningar inom organisationen och dels ansågs barnfrågan vara ett känsligt ämne att ta upp med föräldrarna. Främst berodde det på föreställningar om hur föräldern skulle reagera, då barnombuden ofta mött positiva reaktioner och lättnad då de pratat med föräldern om barnens situation och behov. Vuxenpsykiatrin är en verksamhet som är inriktad på vuxna vilket gör det trögt att implementera ett barnperspektiv i en sådan verksamhet. Barnombuden konkurrerar även med andra starka professioner i en verksamhet som är individuellt inriktad vilket är ännu en utmaning för arbetet. Det framkom ur intervjuerna att ett mer familjeorienterat arbetssätt för alla professioner inom vuxenpsykiatrin hade gjort det enklare att uppmärksamma barnen som anhöriga. Risk och skyddsfaktorer var centrala begrepp att tala med föräldern om och att hjälpa föräldern att sätta ord på sin sjukdom. Det var även av stor vikt att informera barnen om sjukdomen och avlasta barnen från skuld och skam. / The purpose of this study is to investigate and gain a better understanding of how the child representatives in adult psychiatry work with the child perspective and how they perceive their opportunities and limitations in acknowledging children as relatives in adult psychiatry. The study focuses on Region Skåne's child representatives and the study's empirical material is based on six semi-structured interviews with child representatives around Skåne. The material is analyzed with the help of previous research in the field as well as professionalization and discretion. The results of the study show that the role of the child representative varies depending on which municipality they work for, but also how the child representative decides to form their assignment with the help of their discretion. It also emerged from the study that the work with the child perspective in adult psychiatry had some limitations. Partly because of the organizational restrictions, but also because the child matter was considered a sensitive subject to discuss with the parents. This was mainly due to a conception of how the parent would react, when in reality, the child representatives often met positive reactions and relief when they talked to the parent about the child's situation and needs. The work of implementing a child perspective in adult psychiatry is moving slow, due to the fact that the operation is so heavily focused on the adult perspective. The child representative also contends with other substantial professions in an operation that is focused on the individual, which is another challenge in their work. The interviews revealed that a more family-oriented way of working for all professions in adult psychiatry would help to acknowledge children as relatives. Risk and protection factors were key concepts to discuss with the parent, as well as helping the parent to put their mental illness into words. It was also of great importance to inform the children about mental illness and how it works, as it will relieve the children of guilt and shame.

Mental Illness: The Unspoken Lived Experiences of Family Members of Incarcerated African American Males.

Leslie, Tremaine 13 April 2019 (has links)
The 2010 census indicated that African Americans constitute just over 13% of the United States population, but accounts for over 40% of the prison population (U.S. Department of Justice, 2013). African-Americans are imprisoned at a ratio of 5:1 times of their White counterparts (Simon, 2016). This massive incarceration has resulted in a higher incidence of mental health issues (Justice, 2014), of not just the incarcerated individuals, but also immediate family members. Studies have shown that children of incarcerated parents are at increased risk for both internalizing and externalizing behavior problems, cognitive delays and difficulties in school (Shafer, 2013). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the lived experiences of family members of incarcerated African American males, facing mental illnesses. The study will utilize Intersectionality and the Critical Race Theory as the theoretical frameworks, and will employ a phenomenological qualitative approach. Purposive sampling technique will be used to select participants in Northwest Arkansas.

Le traitement juridique du trouble mental. Essai sur les rapports entre Droit et psychiatrie / The legal treatment of mental disorder. Essay on the connections between law and psychiatry

Paris, Julien 23 November 2017 (has links)
Pour étudier le trouble mental, le premier réflexe est de se tourner vers la médecine et plus particulièrement la psychiatrie. Pourtant, le Droit n’est pas étranger à cette thématique et la présente étude propose une approche relative au traitement juridique du trouble mental. A partir de la polysémie du mot « traitement » nous analyserons les différentes manières dont le Droit aborde le trouble mental et le degré de liberté qu'il octroie aux personnes atteintes d'une telle pathologie. En effet, la première signification du mot « traitement » fait référence à la façon de s’adresser à une personne. Dès lors, il s'agira de comprendre comment la discipline juridique appréhende les personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux et la différence d’attention portée entre les malades internés et ceux détenus. La seconde acception de ce mot faisant référence à la manière de résoudre un problème, il nous faudra également étudier comment le législateur a réagi aux condamnations de la Cour européenne des droits de l’Homme et aux décisions d’inconstitutionnalité du juge constitutionnel français. Cette seconde signification permettra également d’étudier les raisons du phénomène de vases communicants entre l’hôpital psychiatrique et la prison. Les frontières entre Droit et psychiatrie étant poreuses, l’étude propose également d’analyser les rapports entre Droit et psychiatrie et leurs conséquences sur les malades mentaux. Des relations entre les deux disciplines dépendra l’attitude envers le malade. En encadrant la psychiatrie, le Droit va tenter de favoriser l’accès aux soins et revaloriser la liberté individuelle. Dans un mouvement opposé, la psychiatrie va influencer le Droit et il s’agira pour ce dernier de mettre en place des dispositifs de contrôle et de neutralisation des malades mentaux. L’étude du traitement juridique du trouble mental. Essai sur les rapports entre Droit et psychiatrie se situe au cœur de la rencontre de valeurs et de concepts antagonistes. Droit et devoir, liberté et sécurité, responsabilité et déresponsabilisation ou encore soin et sanction s’entremêlent dans une thématique complexe et passionnante. / To study mental disorder the first instinct is to turn to medicine, especially psychiatry. However, the law does have some sort of connection with this theme and the following study aims at comprehending the legal treatment of mental disorder. Based on the polysemy of the word “treatment” we will analyze the different ways the law deals with mental disorder and the level of freedom to which the mentally ill are entitled. As the most commonly accepted meaning of the word “treatment” refers to the way a person is addressed, the purpose of the following study will be to understand how the law deals with the mentally ill as well as the difference of attention given to the patients who are committed to a mental institution and those who are detained in prison. As the second meaning of the word refers to the way of solving a problem, this study will focus on how lawmakers reacted to the convictions passed by the European Court of Human Rights and to the unconstitutionality rulings rendered by the French constitutional judge. The second meaning of the word will also enable to study the root causes of the phenomenon of communicating vessels between mental institutions and prisons. We will see that the borders between law and psychiatry are porous; that is why the study will aim at analyzing the connections between law and psychiatry as well as their consequences on the mentally ill. The attitude towards sick people will depend entirely on the relationships between the two subjects. By giving a legal framework to psychiatry, the law attempts to promote access to healthcare and to reassert the value of individual freedom. On the other hand, psychiatry will influence the law, which will have to put in place systems to monitor and keep the mentally sick under control. The study of the legal treatment of mental disorder. Essay on the connections between law and psychiatry is at the core of the encounter between antagonistic values and concepts. Right and duty, freedom and safety, accountability and unaccountability, or care and punishment interconnect in a complex and interesting theme.

The Prediction of Elopement from an Open Psychiatric Hospital

Schwalm, Wayne Samuel 12 1900 (has links)
The hypotheses investigated were (1) as measured by a test of impulse control, elopers are more impulsive than non-elopers, and (2) as measured by a test of impulse control, males are more impulsive than females. The Self-Report Test of Impulse Control (STIC) and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS) were administered to 76 female and 40 male patients at the time of admission to an open psychiatric hospital. Of these, 20 females and 10 males eloped. The first hypothesis was only partially supported. The second hypothesis was not supported. The BIS was found to be a potential predictor of elopers. The data also suggested that males elope later than females.

The Symptoms of Childhood Depression as Factors in Children's Reading Difficulties

Werner, Patrice Holden 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate symptoms of childhood depression as factors in elementary school age children's reading difficulties. Subjects for study included children who evidenced symptoms of depression from among those referred to the Pupil Appraisal Center (PAC) at North Texas State University for reading difficulties between October, 1983, and April, 1985. The Weinberg Affective Scale (WAS), a screening device for childhood depression, was used to identify the subjects for this study. Using document analysis as the research approach, the researcher examined, recorded, and categorized referral and evaluation statements made by parents, teachers, counselors, and reading specialists the subjects1 PAC files that described symptoms of childhood depression. Also analyzed were diagnostic test data from the evaluation reports of PAC counselors and reading specialists.


Aly Mohamed, Hossam Mohamed Salah El-Din January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Purpose: The study aims to establish a summary of the main characteristics of gender, age, types of crimes and previous criminal records of the offenders sentenced to forensic-psychiatric care in the time period 1995 to 2018 in Sweden and to compare them with offenders sentenced to imprisonment for the same types of crime types in the same time period in Sweden as well as to link different types of crimes to mental illness. Furthermore, the study attempts to find correlations between the group sentenced to forensic-psychiatric care and different types of crimes. Method: Using official statistical data from BRÅ, serious crimes, age, gender and criminal records for all individuals sentenced to forensic-psychiatric care during 1995 to 2018 are described together. This group was compared to all individuals which were convicted to prison in the same period. Furthermore, correlations between types of crimes and the group of individuals sentenced to forensic-psychiatric care were examined in order to find any statistical difference between the two groups. Result: A few differences between the groups were found. The individuals in the forensic-psychiatric care group did not differentiate much in age, and also had similar criminal records, unlike the prison- group. Additionally, a meaningfully higher amount of women was prevalent in the forensic psychiatric care-group compared to the prison-group. A small correlation between individuals sentenced to forensic psychiatric treatment and arson were confirmed as well as stronger correlations with offenders sentenced to FPT and crimes of theft, vehicle theft, arson and homicide were found. Conclusion: These findings provide data for future research as well as potential support for courts to identify more suitable treatment for offenders with a mental illness. Additionally, the findings in this paper presents the health care system and social services with opportunities to analyse and prevent trajectories into more serious offending in particular regards to individuals who are young and/or have a mental disorder.

Exploring the Hegemonic Oppression (silencing) of people by 'Psy-Professionals' in Mental Health : A narrative analysis of a case study to examine how Intersectionality can inform change

Stangl, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates the everyday oppression of people with experiences of trauma and ‘mental illness’ through hegemonic discourses by psy-professionals within mental health care. The research is built around a case study of a narrative of a professional relationship between a social worker and a person experiencing mental distress. Using intersectionality as a theoretical and methodological framework it attempts to show how Madness is constructed as well as to identify how mechanisms of discrimination and oppression are interconnected simultaneously. Madness as a stand-alone category and at the same time an influence to gender, race and class. By applying narrative analysis and intersectionality systems of inequality can be made visible which need to be understood to bring about change and include any potential of meaning making processes by those affected through trauma or mental distress.

Pray Harder: Stigma and Support-Seeking Among Religious Persons With Mental Illness

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: An expanse of research has demonstrated that persons with mental illness (PWMI) tend to avoid formal psychological treatment.One possible explanation for this failure to pursue formal treatment is the tendency of religious individuals to construe mental illness as spiritual in nature, leading religious communities to actively discourage emotional and psychological help-seeking through non-spiritual means. The present study examined help-seeking behaviors among religious PWMI by examining the impact of religiosity and gender on the relationship between mental illness stigma and help-seeking behaviors. Results indicate that higher levels of perceived stigma and religious salience relate to higher reported indirect support-seeking (ISS). Moreover, only religious salience appears to significantly relate to ISS among men, whereas perceived mental illness stigma significantly predicts direct and indirect support-seeking behaviors among women. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2020

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