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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialt kapital : Skillnad på stad och landsbygd? / Social capital : Is there a difference in social capital between metropolises and rural areas?

Runemyr, Evalill January 2015 (has links)
This study examines the connection between social capital and urban and rural areas. The study divides the environments into two categories; metropolises and rural areas. Metropolises are defined as any of Swedens largest cities Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmö. The study also examines if there is a difference between these groups in how high social trust they have to people living in the same areas as themselves versus people who live in other areas. The studie also focuses on the urbanization that the world is going through, where people move from rural areas into the cities for work and education. Does the urbanization also have an effect of the development of the social capital? Social capital is defined as social trust and the participants have been asked to which extent they feel like they can trust other people. The results of the research shows there exists a slight but consistent difference between the groups where we can see that the people who has grown up in metropolises has a higher social trust than the people raised in rural areas. The study also shows that although the people raised in rural areas has lower trust to people in general, they have higher trust to people living in the same areas as themselves.

PM 2.5: The Contribution of Coal Burning to Air Pollution in Beijing

Huang, Xinxin January 2013 (has links)
Due to the rapid economic growth and industrial development in China, the constantly soaring upGDP has made many people believe that the golden age of China has come. But along with the boomingdevelopment, the neglect and violation of the natural environment has brought intensive discussion and criticism.Moreover, during past decades, frequent natural disasters and extreme weathers resulting from human activitieshave made local dwellers suffer from economical loss, as well as physical harm. Thus more attention fromwithin the country has been drawn to the environmental issues; media reports, national debates and researcheshave been going on for years. Among which, the problem of air pollution has caught a large public concern,especially when the PM 2.5 in Chinese metropolises like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi’an etc. exceeded900 micrograms per cubic meter. In previous analysis of PM 2.5 pollutants in developing countries, it has beenfound that most of those aerosol particles are from the burning of fossil fuels and biomass, and in China’s case,coal burning has been blamed largely, due to the fact that the use of coal takes up about 70% of total energyconsumption. Based on data analysis and chemical ratio examination, this thesis is to find out the connectionbetween PM 2.5 and Coal burning in China’s capital city Beijing.

Sistemas técnicos e usos do território: o caso da rede brasileira de socioeconomia solidária / Technical systems and uses of territory: the case of \"Rede Brasileira de Socioeconomia Solidária\"

Costa, Janete Jacques da 23 October 2006 (has links)
O trabalho aborda a questão dos diferentes usos que o mesmo território pode ter, especialmente em metrópoles como o Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Através da formação de um movimento social que utiliza as técnicas contemporâneas para reunir, numa rede social, cooperativas que são uma alternativa de trabalho e renda para trabalhadores antes desempregados ou subempregados. São atores sociais não hegemônicos que propõem um novo uso para sistemas técnicos criados para atender aos interesses de atores hegemônicos. Esses trabalhadores criam uma nova forma de gestão,propondouma globalização a partir do local. Unidos por uma outra globalização, mais humana e solidária. / This research deals with the question of different uses that the same territory might have, specially in metropolises such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Through the formation of a social movement which uses contemporary techniques to gather, in a social network, cooperatives which are an alternative of work and income for workers who were unemployed or subemployed. Nonhegemonic social actors who propose a new use for technical systems created to meet the interests of hegemonic actors. They create a new kind of administration, proposing the globalization of the place from local. United by another globalization, more human and with more solidarity.

Mettre en récit l'urbanité des métropoles portuaires : L' architecture comme "laboratoire" de la mondialisation des formes urbaines : gênes, Le Havre, New York (1945-2015) / The urbanity of port metropolises through narratives : Architecture as a "laboratory" of the globalization of urban forms : Genoa, Le Havre, New York (1945-2015)

Gras, Pierre 25 January 2018 (has links)
L’accélération de la globalisation des échanges et le constat d’une certaine banalisation des formes urbaines depuis une trentaine d’années ont fait émerger un questionnement sur le devenir patrimonial et l’urbanité des métropoles portuaires.Qu’il s’agisse d’un héritage industriel ou technique lié à leur activité, de bâtiments historiques protégés ou d’édifices réalisés sur des sites libérés par la délocalisation des activités portuaires sous l’effet de la massification des marchandises, la morphologie des métropoles portuaires interroge les configurations résultant de cette phase intense de mondialisation urbaine. Elle constitue de ce fait un « laboratoire » permettant d’observer à quel point, en réalité, cette évolution est protéiforme et contrastée. Les villes portuaires de Gênes, du Havre et de New York – choisies pour les décalages qu’elles proposent, tant en termes d’échelle que les formes urbaines – permettent d’approcher de façon critique l’évolution de l’urbanité de ces métropoles depuis près d’un demi-siècle, au-delà des formules convenues de la production d’une architecture standardisée et de la mise en œuvre de « grands récits » homogénéisateurs sur ces territoires urbains en mutation. / The acceleration of the exchanges at a worldwide scale and the observation of a kind of globalization of urban forms over the past three decades have raised issues about the future of heritage and the urbanity of the port cities. Whether it concerns the industrial or technical heritage linked to their initial activity, protected historic buildings or buildings erected on urban sites liberated by the relocation of port activities due to the massive containerization of goods, the morphology of port metropolises questions the configurations resulting from this phase of urban globalization. It constitutes a true "laboratory", allowing to observe to what extent this evolution is quite protean and contrasted. The port cities of Genoa, Le Havre andNew York - chosen for the discrepancies they offer, both in terms of scales and urban forms - make it possible a critical approach of the evolution of the urbanity of these metropolises for half a century, so far from the agreed formulas of banalization, production of a standardized architecture and implementation of "great stories" homogenizing on these metropolitan areasin mutation.

Metroglorification and Diffuse Urbanism : literarische und mediale Repräsentation des Postkolonialen im Palimpsestraum der neuen Metropolen

Sandten, Cecile 21 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
"Bombay is the future of urban civilization on the planet. God help us" (Suketu Mehta) Mit dieser Prophezeiung verweist Suketu Mehta in seiner diasporischen Reisereportage Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found (2004) nicht nur auf die wachsende ökonomische Bedeutung der Millionen-Metropole Bombays, sondern thematisiert auch die 'degenerierten' Lebensformen außerhalb oder 'unterhalb' des stolzen monumentalen Raumes der wohlhabendsten postkolonialen 'neuen' Metropole. In ihrer Antrittsvorlesung am 28.04.2010 eruiert und verwendet Prof. Dr. Cecile Sandten, Inhaberin der Professur für Anglistische Literaturwissenschaft, die Begriffe "Metroglorification", "Diffuse Urbanism", das Postkoloniale oder den Palimpsestraum mit Bezg auf die so genannten "neuen" Metropolen. Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 19 Uhr im Hörsaalgebäude an der Reichenhainer Straße 90, Raum 113. Im Zentrum der Antrittsvorlesung stehen literarische und mediale Repräsentationen des Postkolonialen im urbanen Raum in den so genannten 'neuen Metropolen' wie Bangalore, Bombay, Delhi, Hongkong, Johannisburg, Kapstadt oder Lagos. In ihrer Vorlesung begreift Prof. Dr. Cecile Sandten die 'neuen Metropolen' als Palimpsesträume, in denen kosmopolitische bzw. globale, gleichsam individuelle und/oder kollektive Identitätsentwürfe auf vielschichtigen Bedeutungsebenen verhandelt werden. Diese Verhandlungen gelingen bzw. misslingen wiederum in Abhängigkeit von der Wechselwirksamkeit performativer und narrativer (Re-)Inszenierungen kolonialer Geschichte(n) und deren postkolonialen Transformationen und Dekonstruktionen. Vor dem Hintergrund urbaner Eigengeschichte(n) und exil-urbaner Fremdgeschichte(n), wie sie z.B. aus der Sicht von neuen Migrantinnen und Migranten oder (politischen) Flüchtlingen erzählt werden, wird dieses Phänomen anhand einer Auswahl an englischsprachigen literarischen und medialen Texten analysiert. Untersucht werden dabei die ungleichen Machtverhältnisse, die im postkolonialen (Stadt)Raum vorherrschen, als auch die vielfältigen Repräsentationen der metropolitanen Unterwelt auch im Sinne des 'Liminalraums', wie sich dieser im Zusammenhang mit z.B. illegalen Migrantinnen und Migranten, Slum-Bewohnern, Kriminellen und in Bezug auf korrupte Regierungen darstellt. Weiterhin soll durch die verschiedenen literarischen und medialen Protagonisten auch das benjaminsche Konzept des "Flaneurs" – in seiner Neuformierung hin zum 'postkolonialen Flaneur' – betrachtet werden.

Um estudo sobre exclusão social nas capitais do nordeste brasileiro / A study about social exclusion in the capitals of Brazilian northeast

Nascimento, Gilson Andrade do 14 March 2011 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / A sociedade baseada no modo de produção capitalista tem se mostrado excludente, assim como afirmou Marx em meados do Século XIX, e verifica-se que um grande contingente da população encontra-se privado de vários direitos intimamente ligados às obrigações do Estado. Considerando o fenômeno da exclusão social como resultado da redistribuição espacial das cidades, da privação aos acessos aos serviços urbanos e das concentrações de renda extrema, este trabalho se propôs a elaborar, aplicar e analisar comparativamente índices de exclusão social em seis capitais do Nordeste brasileiro, sendo três classificadas pelo IBGE como integrantes de metrópoles regionais, e três como capitais regionais de nível A, com o intuito de identificar aspectos comuns ou diferenciados quanto à espacialização da exclusão social entre essas capitais. Este trabalho utilizou metodologia baseada nos trabalhos de Pochmann e Amorim (2003) para a elaboração de índices de exclusão social, e para isso fez uso dos resultados obtidos pelo Censo Demográfico 2000 realizado pelo IBGE. Os índices criados foram espacializados na malha digital das seis capitais nordestinas, utilizando-se como menor unidade de análise o setor censitário. A espacialização dos índices compostos de exclusão social mostrou que as capitais nordestinas apresentam um elevado grau de desigualdade que não se revela somente na dimensão econômica, mas está presente em relação aos acessos aos serviços públicos, moradia digna e educação. Este trabalho verificou que, apesar da heterogeneização das realidades em macro escala, há, numa escala intra-regional, uma homogeneização dos níveis de desigualdade e exclusão social expressos principalmente pela padronização da concentração de renda e conseqüente exclusão da maioria dos indivíduos dos acessos aos serviços públicos. O Estado tem um papel preponderante para que se encontre uma solução quanto à situação de exclusão social. Não se pode considerar o papel do Estado como sendo de apenas amenizar os conflitos. O papel do Estado deve ser encarado como o de assumir prioridades claras no sentido dos interesses da coletividade.

Sistemas técnicos e usos do território: o caso da rede brasileira de socioeconomia solidária / Technical systems and uses of territory: the case of \"Rede Brasileira de Socioeconomia Solidária\"

Janete Jacques da Costa 23 October 2006 (has links)
O trabalho aborda a questão dos diferentes usos que o mesmo território pode ter, especialmente em metrópoles como o Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Através da formação de um movimento social que utiliza as técnicas contemporâneas para reunir, numa rede social, cooperativas que são uma alternativa de trabalho e renda para trabalhadores antes desempregados ou subempregados. São atores sociais não hegemônicos que propõem um novo uso para sistemas técnicos criados para atender aos interesses de atores hegemônicos. Esses trabalhadores criam uma nova forma de gestão,propondouma globalização a partir do local. Unidos por uma outra globalização, mais humana e solidária. / This research deals with the question of different uses that the same territory might have, specially in metropolises such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Through the formation of a social movement which uses contemporary techniques to gather, in a social network, cooperatives which are an alternative of work and income for workers who were unemployed or subemployed. Nonhegemonic social actors who propose a new use for technical systems created to meet the interests of hegemonic actors. They create a new kind of administration, proposing the globalization of the place from local. United by another globalization, more human and with more solidarity.

Metroglorification and Diffuse Urbanism : literarische und mediale Repräsentation des Postkolonialen im Palimpsestraum der neuen Metropolen

Sandten, Cecile 21 October 2011 (has links)
"Bombay is the future of urban civilization on the planet. God help us" (Suketu Mehta) Mit dieser Prophezeiung verweist Suketu Mehta in seiner diasporischen Reisereportage Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found (2004) nicht nur auf die wachsende ökonomische Bedeutung der Millionen-Metropole Bombays, sondern thematisiert auch die 'degenerierten' Lebensformen außerhalb oder 'unterhalb' des stolzen monumentalen Raumes der wohlhabendsten postkolonialen 'neuen' Metropole. In ihrer Antrittsvorlesung am 28.04.2010 eruiert und verwendet Prof. Dr. Cecile Sandten, Inhaberin der Professur für Anglistische Literaturwissenschaft, die Begriffe "Metroglorification", "Diffuse Urbanism", das Postkoloniale oder den Palimpsestraum mit Bezg auf die so genannten "neuen" Metropolen. Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 19 Uhr im Hörsaalgebäude an der Reichenhainer Straße 90, Raum 113. Im Zentrum der Antrittsvorlesung stehen literarische und mediale Repräsentationen des Postkolonialen im urbanen Raum in den so genannten 'neuen Metropolen' wie Bangalore, Bombay, Delhi, Hongkong, Johannisburg, Kapstadt oder Lagos. In ihrer Vorlesung begreift Prof. Dr. Cecile Sandten die 'neuen Metropolen' als Palimpsesträume, in denen kosmopolitische bzw. globale, gleichsam individuelle und/oder kollektive Identitätsentwürfe auf vielschichtigen Bedeutungsebenen verhandelt werden. Diese Verhandlungen gelingen bzw. misslingen wiederum in Abhängigkeit von der Wechselwirksamkeit performativer und narrativer (Re-)Inszenierungen kolonialer Geschichte(n) und deren postkolonialen Transformationen und Dekonstruktionen. Vor dem Hintergrund urbaner Eigengeschichte(n) und exil-urbaner Fremdgeschichte(n), wie sie z.B. aus der Sicht von neuen Migrantinnen und Migranten oder (politischen) Flüchtlingen erzählt werden, wird dieses Phänomen anhand einer Auswahl an englischsprachigen literarischen und medialen Texten analysiert. Untersucht werden dabei die ungleichen Machtverhältnisse, die im postkolonialen (Stadt)Raum vorherrschen, als auch die vielfältigen Repräsentationen der metropolitanen Unterwelt auch im Sinne des 'Liminalraums', wie sich dieser im Zusammenhang mit z.B. illegalen Migrantinnen und Migranten, Slum-Bewohnern, Kriminellen und in Bezug auf korrupte Regierungen darstellt. Weiterhin soll durch die verschiedenen literarischen und medialen Protagonisten auch das benjaminsche Konzept des "Flaneurs" – in seiner Neuformierung hin zum 'postkolonialen Flaneur' – betrachtet werden.

Malíř Friedrich/Bedřich Feigl a jeho rodina, aneb Život mezi národy a metropolemi / The painter Friedrich/ Bedřich Feigl and his family, or The life between nations and metropolises

SKOŘEPOVÁ, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis is concerned with the personality of Friedrich/ Bedřich Feigl, a painter from the classical modern era, and attempts to understand the milieu in which he lived during the two periods of his life. Based on extant sources (letters, memoirs, press of the period, the painter?s own texts) and using historical-antropological optics, Bedřich Feigl, a Prague German of Jewish origin, is placed into a web of social relationships which formed in the first half of the twentieth century. The thesis is divided into two basic parts. The first one focuses on the Prague period, when Feigl, together with his contemporaries, started to build his own artist?s story. The second part deals with Feigl?s life in Berlin, with the possibilities to succeed as a part-foreigner in a foreign country, and also touches Feigl?s perception of his own identity.

Международная миграция как фактор формирования этнических анклавов : магистерская диссертация / International migration as a factor of forming of ethnical enclaves

Паньшина, Д. А., Panchina, D. A. January 2019 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена исследованию вопросов формирования этнических анклавов мигрантского типа на принимающей территории. Актуальность данной темы исследования обуславливается тем, что потоки трудовых мигрантов и членов их семей в современную Россию увеличиваются, стимулируя процессы анклавизации. Это является крайне нежелательным явлением для принимающего общества и самих мигрантов, препятствуя их интеграции в российское общество. В работе выявлены и проанализированы негативные последствия процессов анклаватизации на территориях мегаполисов. Научная новизна исследования заключается в разработке методики оценки миграционно привлекательных территорий мегаполиса, которая включает в себя выбор показателей и критериев оценивания, разработку больной системы и ранжирование микрорайонов. Основой для выделения критериев оценки миграционно привлекательных микрорайонов служит анализ научных источников и экспертный опрос специалистов, занимающихся вопросами миграции. Уровень степени согласованности мнений экспертов оценен посредством расчета коэффициента вариации и коэффициента конкордации (коэффициент Кендалла). Также в магистерской диссертации разработан и апробирован подход к оценке процессов аклаватизации через изучение численности детей-мигрантов в школах города. Для сбора эмпирических данных в работе активно применяются ГИС-технологии. Предложенная методика апробирована на данных г. Екатеринбурга. Магистерская диссертация представляет интерес для лиц, занимающихся вопросами международной миграции, и может быть полезно для формирования инструментов проведения миграционной политики и развития городской среды. / This Master's dissertation is dedicated to a research of forming of migration type ethnical enclaves in a host region. Relevance of this topic is determined by the fact of increased flow of migrant workers and their families in modern Russia stimulates the process of enclavisation. This is highly undesirable fact for locals in the host region and for migrants themselves, because of their difficulties with integration in Russian society. There were been discovered and analysed negative consequences of enclavisation process in the territories of metropolises. Scientific novation of this research is a development of methods which can be used to assess migratory attractive areas of metropolis. These methods include a selection of indicators and criteria of assessment, development of bigger system and ranging of microdistricts. To emphasize criteria of assessment of migratory attractive areas there is a basis - an analysis of scientific origins and an expert survey of specialists, who are involved into research of migration issues. Measure of coherent experts' views is assessed by calculation of variations and concordance multipliers (Candall multiplier). Also in this Master's dissertation there is a method of aclavatization processes assessment through a research of migrants' children in city schools was developed and tested. GIS-technologies are actively used to gather empirical data. Offered methods were tested at Yekaterinburg city data. Specialists who are involved into a work on international migration may be interested in this Master's disseration, which may be useful also for migratory policy and development of city environment.

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