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Design of Application Specific Microcontroller / Design av applikationsspecifik mikrocontrollerMartinsson, Kristoffer January 2002 (has links)
<p>This master thesis describes the process of designing an application specific microcontroller. The microcontroller should be used in a demonstrator for a protocol processor. </p><p>The demonstrator should show the possibilities to access high speed networks with small processor cores. The demonstrator should be able to receive and playback an audio stream. Some of the tasks in the demonstrator should be performed by the microcontroller. It should handle ARP requests, buffer handling and sending audio samples to a stereo codec. Behavioral models for these applications were constructed and used to design the instruction set for the microcontroller. </p><p>An instruction set simulator was constructed. It was used to verify that the instruction set was sufficient to achieve functional coverage. </p><p>The micro architecture for the microcontroller was designed and implemented in VHDL. This implementation was verified by simulation. The test vectors used during simulation were mainly randomly generated.</p>
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Design of a Semi-Autonomous Quadrotor AircraftHickle, Mark, Wilson, Alexander, Kientzy, Joshua, Myers, Matthew 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2012 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Eighth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 22-25, 2012 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / This paper describes the design and construction of a semi-autonomous quadrotor aircraft approximately 1 meter in diameter. Because of the mechanical simplicity of the aircraft, the design challenges primarily centered on the electrical and computer engineering (ECE) tasks, and was used as a capstone design experience in an undergraduate ECE program. An onboard microcontroller based system uses a network of digital sensors and differential thrust for autonomous attitude control. A wireless telemetry and command link allows a user to monitor the vehicle, control its direction of flight, and for flight safety control.
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Troubleshooting Scania Vehicles, Marine and Industrial Engines with External SensorsKiffer, Oliver January 2015 (has links)
One factor controlling a vehicles total cost is the time it is available to generate revenue for the customer, time spent in a repair shop decreases that amount. Scania vehicles are equipped with onboard diagnostics which produces fault-codes if the internal signals deviate from their intended values. These fault codes are not always enough to isolate the problem which means that the workshop staff are required to use external measuring systems to diagnose the vehicle. Combining data from internal sensors with an external measuring system can be problematic and the results inconclusive. This thesis presents a solution where signals from external and internal sensors can be logged and analyzed together. A study on various hardware typologies are presented, key problems are identified and discussed. A prototype was created based on the research done during this project. This prototype was successfully used to troubleshoot and find a problem on a test rig where an error had been purposely introduced, reducing the whole troubleshooting process to a fraction of the time it normally takes. The hardware and software necessary to create this prototype is described in this thesis. / Konceptutveckling och prototypframtagning hur man ska kunna implementera externa sensorer till ett fordon f¨or att kunna fels¨oka snabbare och enklare. Olika plattformar unders¨oktes med f¨or- och nackdelar. Efterforskning resulterade i en f¨orsta prototyp best˚aende av mikrokontroller och f¨orslag till PCB designen.
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Design and Implementation of an Alcohol MeterShi, Jianan January 2013 (has links)
With the development of economy, more and more cars appear in the roads. Many drivers ignore thedanger about driving after drinking so that drunk driving causes a large number of traffic accidents allaround the world. By now, alcohol has killed a lot of people in the world. To reduce accidents causedby drunk driving, make certain the alcohol content in driver's body would help a lot, and it is related toalcohol concentration measuring and relevant instrument.In this thesis work, the design of a simple alcohol meter was present. The designed system iscomposed of a gas sensor (TGS-822) working circuit, microcontroller PIC16F690 and LCD display.The system collects the electronic signals caused by resistance changes in gas sensor (TGS-822) froma built-in Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D) in microcontroller PIC16F690, programs withPIC16F690, and displays alcohol concentration in LCD display finally. The measuring concentrationrange of the designed alcohol meter is from 50PPM to 5000PPM. This paper describes the datacollection, processing and display of the designed alcohol meter in detail. And lastly, the authordiscussed about the advantages and disadvantages of the designed alcohol meter, it could beconsidered as a guideline for further work.
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Roboto bazė mokymams / Base of Robot for TeachingAbramovich, Alexander 28 September 2012 (has links)
Šiame baigiamajame darbe buvo suprojektuota ir pagaminta roboto bazė mokymams. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – suprojektuoti bei pagaminti roboto bazę mokymams. Darbo objektas: roboto bazės mokymams projektavimas ir gaminimas. Bakalauro darbas susideda iš dviejų dalių: teorinės ir praktinės. Pirmoje darbo dalyje buvo atlikta esamos analogiškos komercinės įrangos (robotų) analizė bei robotų projektavime ir gaminime taikomų technologijų apžvalga. Praktinėje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pateiktas roboto projektavimo ir gaminimo aprašymas. Šioje dalyje taip pat buvo parašytos demonstracinės roboto veikimo principų programos. Atskirose plokštėse suprojektuotos maitinimo, variklių valdymo ir jutiklių grandinės. Darbe naudojami linijos siekimo, infraraudonųjų spindulių bei ultragarso jutikliai. Visi jutikliai buvo sėkmingai išbandyti ir, vadovaujantis šiais rezultatais, buvo rašoma programinė įranga.Suprojektuotas ir pagamintas robotas leis studentams susipažinti su pagrindiniais robototechnikos, elektrinių variklių valdymo ir jutiklių veikimo principais. Padarytas robotas negali būti laikomas galutiniu variantu. Darbe numatytos roboto tobulinimo galimybes prijungiant papildomus išorinius įrenginius. / The analysis of similar commercial equipment (robots) was conducted in the first part of the Thesis. The review of the technologies applied in the projecting and production of the robot was also presented in theoretical part. The practical part of the Thesis includes the description of the robot production and manufacture. In this part four demonstration programmes representing the principles of robot operation were written. he present robot will allow the students learning the main principles of robot technologies, control of electrical motors and operation of sensors. The produced robot shall not be considered to be complete and, thus, it presupposes the possibilities of upgrading and connection of additional peripheral equipment.
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Šviesos diodų švyturio kūrimas ir tyrimas / LED beacon development and studyJurgulis, Vygantas 11 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistriniame darbe sukurta nauja šviesos diodų švyturio koncepcija. Nauja šviesos diodų švyturio koncepcija sukuria šviesos spindulio sukimosi efektą. Tai pasiekiama naudojant mikrovaldiklį, kuris pakeičia elektros pavaras reikalingas sukti šviesą atspindinčius reflektorius. Baigiamajame darbe aprašytas sklandaus šviesos spindulio sukimosi efekto išgavimo būdas, taip pat pateikiamas šviesos diodų švyturio modelis. Eksperimento metu išgautas šviesos sukimosi efektas, padarytos išvados bei rekomendacijos. / For the master thesis a new light-emitting diodes beacon concept, was created. This LED beacon creates a beam rotation effect. This is achieved by using a microcontroller that replaces the electric drive required to rotate reflector. For final project was proposed new smooth beam rotation effect extraction method, as well as the light-emitting diodes beacon model. During the experiment, beam rotation effect was obtained, and conclusions and recommendations was made.
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Įterptinė programinė būsto apšvietimo valdymo sistema / Embedded system for house lighting managmentMatulevičius, Artūras 21 August 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe sukurta automatizuota būsto apšvietimo valdymo sistema. Ji veikia, naudojant 8 bitų mikrokontrolerį. Programuojant naudojama Proccesing programavimo kalba, labai artima C/ C++ kalboms. Sistema leidžia nuotoliniu būdu įjungti/išjungti apšvietimą atskirose patalpose, automatiškai šviesą įjungia, įėjus į patalpą, kai yra tamsu, leidžia keisti apšvietimo spalvą. Ji skaičiuoja žmonių, esančių patalpoje, skaičių, todėl neišjungia šviesos, kol kambaryje yra bent vienas žmogus.Sistemą galima sėkmingai valdyti naudojant tiek interneto naršyklę, tiek specialiais mygtukais, esančiais šalia ekranėlio. / In this work the automatized house lighting system has been created. It works using the microcontroller of 8 bites. The programing language similar to C/ C++ languages is used. The system allows remotely turning on/off the illumination in separate rooms, automatically turns on the light entering the room when it is dark, and allows changing the illumination color. It also counts the number of people present in a room and in this way does not turn the lights off if there is one person inside. The system can be controlled by both the Internet browser and special buttons near the screen.
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Mc6811 Microcontroller Simulation ToolkitTaskin, Tolga 01 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of this thesis study is to develop a simulator toolkit for Motorola&rsquo / s 8-bit microcontroller MC6811. The toolkit contains a cross-assembler to obtain object code from the source code and a simulator to run the object code. Written document of this thesis study describes the properties of the MC6811 microcontroller and its assembly language. In addition, the document describes the cross-assembler and simulator parts of the toolkit with details. In the
cross-assembler part of the toolkit, parsing of the source Code and processing of the parsed information is studied. The
simulator part studies the execution of the object code generated by the crossassembler. The execution of each instruction and main functions of the microcontroller can be observed from a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The Central
Processing Unit (CPU), the busses, ports and interrupts of the microcontroller are included into the GUI. C++ programming language is used to develop and to implement the toolkit.
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Design of Data Acquisition System and Fault Current Limiter for an Ultra Fast Protection SystemJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: This research work describes the design of a fault current limiter (FCL) using digital logic and a microcontroller based data acquisition system for an ultra fast pilot protection system. These systems have been designed according to the requirements of the Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) system (or loop), a 1 MW green energy hub. The FREEDM loop merges advanced power electronics technology with information tech-nology to form an efficient power grid that can be integrated with the existing power system. With the addition of loads to the FREEDM system, the level of fault current rises because of increased energy flow to supply the loads, and this requires the design of a limiter which can limit this current to a level which the existing switchgear can interrupt. The FCL limits the fault current to around three times the rated current. Fast switching Insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) with its gate control logic implements a switching strategy which enables this operation. A complete simulation of the system was built on Simulink and it was verified that the FCL limits the fault current to 1000 A compared to more than 3000 A fault current in the non-existence of a FCL. This setting is made user-defined. In FREEDM system, there is a need to interrupt a fault faster or make intelligent deci-sions relating to fault events, to ensure maximum availability of power to the loads connected to the system. This necessitates fast acquisition of data which is performed by the designed data acquisition system. The microcontroller acquires the data from a current transformer (CT). Mea-surements are made at different points in the FREEDM system and merged together, to input it to the intelligent protection algorithm that has been developed by another student on the project. The algorithm will generate a tripping signal in the event of a fault. The developed hardware and the programmed software to accomplish data acquisition and transmission are presented here. The designed FCL ensures that the existing switchgear equipments need not be replaced thus aiding future power system expansion. The developed data acquisition system enables fast fault sensing in protection schemes improving its reliability. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Electrical Engineering 2011
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Unidade de controle de motores de combustão interna baseada em microcontrolador e FPGA / Engine Control Unit based on Microcontroller and FPGAMario Henrique Chaves 11 August 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados obtidos no desenvolvimento de uma unidade de controle para motores de combustão interna (UCM). A unidade foi desenvolvida com o intuito de facilitar os estudos de motores, por ser um sistema flexível e acessível. Para cálculos de rotinas de controle e acionamento de atuadores são utilizados, respectivamente, um microcontrolador e um FPGA, sendo que ambos são componentes de fácil obtenção e utilizados em placas de prototipagem encontradas no mercado (Arduino Due e Xula 2). O uso de um FPGA para executar o comando de atuadores se deve à alta velocidade de processamento, processamento paralelo e grande quantidade de portas digitais disponíveis, o que permite facilidade na expansão do sistema para comandos de múltiplos atuadores e o sincronismo desses com o sistema mecânico. O microcontrolador fica encarregado de executar as rotinas de cálculos que não exigem exato sincronismo, como rotinas de controle e comunicação com periféricos. A planta escolhida para ensaios da UCM é um motor ciclo Otto a álcool de 4 cilindros e 1.6 litros, com injeção multiponto. Ensaios foram realizados com o protótipo final e englobaram somente o controle do sistema de ignição do motor devido à facilidade de controle utilizando-se somente um parâmetro de entrada (velocidade) e devido ao controle de quantidade de combustível ser similar e utilizar as mesmas partes de código que o sistema de ignição. / In this work is presented the development of a flexible and accessible engine control unit for research purposes. For the calculations of the control routines and to drive the actuators synchronously, are used respectively, a microcontroller and an FPGA. The integrated circuits selected are easily accessible and are used in common prototyping boards found on the market (Arduino Due and Xula 2). The use of an FPGA to control the activation of the actuators is due the high speed, parallel processing and the large number of IOs, which allows the easy expansion of the system to drive more actuators, synchronized or not, with the mechanical system. The microcontroller calculates the routines that dont need an exact synchronism of the electronic system with the mechanical system, like control routines and communication tasks. The selected mechanical system for tests is a 1.6 Liter Otto engine with multipoint fuel injection and is powered with ethanol. Tests were conducted using the final board prototype only for the ignition system, because of the easy of control using a few parameters, and because ignition FPGAs code is almost the same used to drive fuel injection actuators.
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