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Hållbar utveckling i grundlärarprogrammet för åk 4-6 på MittuniversitetetLongueville, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Education for sustainable development has been an important topic among world leaders for more than ten years now, and the urgency have grown with time and we are now supposed find sustainable development as a part of all teaching. The question is if this ambition has been successful or is there an implementation deficit? This report analyses the international and Swedish ambitions concerning education for sustainable development, the educational laws and regulations in Sweden, and also the literature that is used both in education of the teachers in a Swedish university and also the one used in a Swedish elementary school to see if the literature contains the relevant information. The results show that regulations does not all the way support the ambition. Too few courses on the university level contains sustainable development. The literature are relevant on both university elementary level, but the message has to be interpreted right and in not self-sufficient. In conclusion the initial ambition is high, the regulations in Sweden are not strong and clear enough to steer in the right direction, and the analyzed literature contains relevant information but a lot is left for the tutor to point out, on both university and elementary level. This calls for some changes. / <p>2016-09-12</p>
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Trip planner : A web application for planning carpooling between Mid Sweden University's campusesOmran, Ali January 2018 (has links)
Mid Sweden University staff has several different meetings around the year. Most meetings take place in Mid Sweden University's various campuses (Sundsvall and Östersund). In order for the staff to be able to participate in these meetings, rental-cars are rented from different rental companies. The rental cars are used to transport the staff between the university's campuses. The trips are mostly made by one or two people per car which can lead to unneces- sary extra costs. The goal of this project has been to provide a solution to this problem. The solution was in the form of a web application which the staff can use to register and join carpool trips. Since there are many carpool applications out there, the usability of the web application will be compared to the usability of a similar carpool application called GoMore to show if the developed appli- cation has any advantages in usability over similar applications. This was done by doing user-tests with 10 users followed by a questionnaire for each applica- tion. The usability metrics that were evaluated and compared for both applica- tions were the following: effectiveness, time based efficiency and the satisfac- tion of the user. The results showed a slightly better result in effectiveness and time based efficiency for the developed application. The results also showed a greater satisfaction for users who tested GoMore. Although the developed web application did not show a significant difference in usability over GoMore, the developed application is more specific for the university's problem and can be developed even further to suit the university's needs.
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Vy : Stämningsbelysning i form av en bordslampa för Skultuna där ljusbilden och armaturen inspirerats av naturen.Bergvall, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
Detta projekt är ett examensarbete i industridesign och har gjorts i ett samarbete med Skultuna mässingsbruk. Projektet har gått ut på att skapa en belysningsarmatur som simulerar naturen inom både sitt formspråk och ljusbild. Detta för att försöka skapa en känsla av naturen inomhus för en användare så att hen kan få en naturupplevelse hemma. Samtidigt ska formspråket följa Skultunas befintliga formspråk. Metoden som används är designprocessens tre faser, analys, kreativ och presentationsfas då det är en mycket passande metod att arbeta utifrån i ett designarbete. Resultatet är även uppbyggd efter dessa tre faser och går till en början igenom den fakta som samlats in om natur och ljus, hur människor just nu tycker och tänker om natur och ljus, vad som idag finns på marknaden, vilket typ av företag Skultuna är samt olika krav som ställs på produkten. Sedan har den kreativa fasen med hjälp av skisser och modeller tagit fram olika förslag, som genom tester analyserats och vidareutvecklats till det slutgiltiga konceptet. I presentationsfasen har detta koncept kommit närmare verkligheten med en presentationsmodell. Slutresultatet har blivit en belysningsarmatur med en del i mässing och en del i trä. Ljusbilden som skapats har beskrivits likna berg och horisonter, någonting som tyder på att målet med projektet uppfyllts.
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Skyddsglasögon i premiumsortimentetMalmsten, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
This paper walks the reader through the process of developing a pair of safety glasses for the brand Spektrum. Spektrum is brand that specializes on performance eyewear and ski goggles but are now on the quest to widen their brand and start developing safety gear. This will be Spektrums first safety glasses. The purpose of this project was to develop a pair of safety glasses which both meets Spektrums internal requirements as well as the users and the markets requirements. The project started with an analytical phase where all the relevant data was collected. This became the whole foundation for the project and was absolutely necessary to be able to proceed in the right direction. The analytical phase was then followed up by a creative phase which resulted in four design concepts. The four concepts were evaluated and could after that be reduced into two concepts. The two concepts were made into physical prototypes which were tested and evaluated. From that a final concept could be made and a final prototype was crafted. The result is an adjustable frame with a one piece lens. The lens is clear and replaceable. It can be replaced with either a dark or yellow lens that enhance the vision in extreme light. The glasses work well with ear protectors and helmets. This was an important attribute that was established in the analytical phase. The final concept was presented to Spektrum and was well received. They want to look further into taking the glasses to production.
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Termos och kaffepanna för utomhusbrukThufvesson, Fabian January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport redogör processen och det slutgiltiga resultatet av ett kandidatexamensarbete vid Mittuniversitetet, Sundsvall. Arbetet har utförts i projektform i samarbete och på uppdrag av företaget Lemmel. Lemmels mission är att erbjuda kokkaffe av högsta kvalité och företaget med tillhörande sortiment (kaffe, kläder, posters etc.) har en stark koppling till naturen och friluftsliv. De önskar komplettera sitt sortiment med en kaffepanna och termos. Uppdraget och syftet med projektet var således att designa och formge en kaffepanna och en termos avsedda för friluftsliv. Projektet utgår från de tre faserna som ingår i designprocessen, analysfas, kreativ fas och presentationsfas. I den analytiska fasen utforskades vad som var önskvärt för produkterna. Information om produkterna samlades in med hjälp av olika metoder som omvandlades till insikter och avsikter. Dessa insikter och avsikter omsattes i sin tur till konceptidéer i den kreativa fasen. Vidare i den kreativa fasen växte en övergripande bild fram om produkternas utformning genom idégenereringar, användartester med prototyper och analyser. Avslutningsvis i presentationsfasen presenteras slutgiltiga koncept av en termos och kaffepanna avsedda för friluftsliv där Lemmels identitet och kärnvärden återspeglas. Dessa produkter presenteras både som fysiska modeller samt digitala 3D-renderingar.
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