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Interaction of gases with Zr(0001) and Zircaloy-4 surfaces under ultra-high vacuum conditionsStojilovic, Nenad January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Situace v politickém okrese Strakonice od května 1946 do února 1948 / Situation in the Political District of Strakonice in the Period between May 1946 and February 1948Dunovský, Marek January 2013 (has links)
Dunovský M. The Situation in the Political District of Strakonice in the Period between May 1946 and February 1948. Key Words: Strakonice, parliamentary elections in May 1946, renewed ONV Strakonice, renewed MNV Strakonice, the council of ONV Strakonice, the council of MNV Strakonice, plenum of MNV Strakonice, confiscations of private possessions, February 1948, people's militia, OAV-NF Strakonice, public purification. This thesis focuses primarily on the description of the political conditions in the area of the former political district of Strakonice between May 1946 and February 1948. Hence, the main focus lies on the topics such as the activity and agenda of ONV Strakonice and MNV Strakonice with regard to the personal and political structure of these authorities following the parliamentary elections in the spring of 1946 and the radical changes after the political coup on February 25th 1948. In this respect the thesis tracks the alterations in the distribution of political power in the region and offers a clear view of the transition from the unstable post- war democracy to the communistic dictatorship. Confiscations of private possessions based on the decisions of the responsible authorities are among other issues addressed in the thesis. In this respect the thesis covers the entire area of...
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Tidsserieanalys av aktiv norovirus-infektion med RT-qPCR / Time-series analysis of active norovirus-infection with RT-qPCRDahlin, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
Norovirus som orsakar vinterkräksjukan är en av de vanligaste vintersjukdomarna i Sverige. Sjukdomstiden varar generellt i en till tre dagar med symptomen kräkning och/eller diarré. Till den totala sjukdomsbilden världen över gällande akut gastroenterit, bidrar norovirus med 18 %. Trots att sjukdomen är mycket vanlig är kunskapen om norovirusets förfarande till stor del okänd.Syftet med studien var att göra en tidsserieanalys, även så kallad One-Step Growth analys, av koncentrationen minus-RNA i celler som infekterats med olika koncentrationer av murint norovirus (MNV). För att detektera minus-RNA användes RT-qPCR med SYBR Green. Målet var att se om startkoncentrationerna av virus vid någon tidpunkt korrelerar med mängden minus-RNA i cellerna. Efter 4 och 8 timmar fanns ett exponentiellt samband mellan den initiala viruskoncentrationen och minus-RNA-uttrycket i cellerna. Koncentrationen minus-RNA i de infekterade cellerna ökade mellan de undersökta tiderna 4, 8 och 24 timmar. Vidare visade resultaten att det krävs 4 timmar för att minus-RNA skulle vara kvantifierbar vid en högre infektionskoncentration av viruspartiklar, medan det krävs 24 timmar för den lägre infektionskoncentrationen av viruspartiklar. / Norovirus causes winter vomiting disease and is one of the commonest cause of winter illness in Sweden. The disease period generally lasts one to three days with symptoms like vomiting and/or diarrhea. To the disease burden of acute gastroenteritis worldwide, norovirus contributes with 18 %. Even though the illness is very common, the knowledge about norovirus is poor and largely unknown.The purpose of the study was to do a time series analysis, a so-called One-Step Growth analysis, of the minus-RNA concentration in cells infected with different concentrations of murine norovirus (MNV). For the detection of minus-RNA RT-qPCR was used with SYBR Green. The goal was to correlate start concentration of virus at any time with the amount of minus-RNA in the cells. At 4 and 8 hours there was an exponential connection by the initial virus concentration and minus-RNA development in the cells. The concentration of minus-RNA in the infected cells increased between 4, 8 and 24 hours. Further, the results can be interpreted as requiring 4 hours for the higher concentrations to become quantifiable, while requiring 24 hours for the lower concentrations to become quantifiable.
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Effects of X-ray irradiation on Quality and Shelf Life of Seafood ProductsWu, Yuwei 04 May 2018 (has links)
Comparing the protein compositions of three fishes, grass carp exhibited lower band intensity at 47.9 KDa, β-tropomyosin (36.5 KDa), and missed the band at 15.9 KDa myosin light chain. Bigmouth buffalo had a darker tropomodulin (38.8 KDa) band and smaller α-tropomyosin (33-37 KDa) than silver and grass carp. The breaking force (611.8 g) and deformation (11.7 mm) of silver carp cooked gel were significantly higher than the other two fish products. The addition of starches at 2, 4, and 6% to the grass carp paste lowered the breaking force of the cooked gel in a dose-responsive manner compared to the control (P<0.05), but no differences were found in bigmouth buffalo. The bioumulated Murine Norovirus-1 (MNV-1) was found to maintain infectivity during storage of live oysters at 5°C for 15 days while the inoculated MNV-1 kept infectious for 20 days in cooked surimi and salmon fillet. Treatments with 4.0 kGy X-ray achieved the reductions of 3.7 log PFU mL-1 in pure culture or 2.7, 2.2, and 2.0 log PFU g-1 in half-shell oyster, salmon sushi and tuna salad, respectively. X-ray significantly reduced the population of internalized MNV-1 in live oysters from 4.3 ± 0.4 log PFU g-1 to 3.6 ± 0.5, 3.2 ± 0.2, 2.8 ± 0.2, and 2.5 ± 0.1 log PFU g-1, by 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 kGy X-ray, respectively. The population of MNV-1 was reduced to less than 2.0 log PFU g-1 at 5.0 kGy X-ray. The survivability of live oysters was not significantly affected by treatment with 5.0 kGy X-ray, in comparison with the control, for up to 10 days, respectively, during storage at 5°C. Fish sauce was fermented from the by-products of silver carp. The total nitrogen content of fish sauce made in April, and November were 9.86±0.9 and 9.71±4.5 g/l, respectively, which was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the sample of February (8.45±0.25 g/l ), reflecting seasonal effect. The total nitrogen, amino acid nitrogen, pH, and sodium chloride of fish sauce made from silver carp by-products met the international fish sauce standard code of CODEX STAN 302-2011.
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Transcriptional and Distributional Profiling of Microglia in Retinal Angiomatous ProliferationSchlecht, Anja, Wolf, Julian, Boneva, Stefaniya, Prinz, Gabriele, Braunger, Barbara M., Wieghofer, Peter, Agostini, Hansjürgen, Schlunck, Günther, Lange, Clemens 07 February 2024 (has links)
Macular neovascularization type 3, formerly known as retinal angiomatous proliferation
(RAP), is a hallmark of age-related macular degeneration and is associated with an accumulation of
myeloid cells, such as microglia (MG) and infiltrating blood-derived macrophages (MAC). However,
the contribution of MG and MAC to the myeloid cell pool at RAP sites and their exact functions
remain unknown. In this study, we combined a microglia-specific reporter mouse line with a mouse
model for RAP to identify the contribution of MG and MAC to myeloid cell accumulation at RAP and
determined the transcriptional profile of MG using RNA sequencing. We found that MG are the most
abundant myeloid cell population around RAP, whereas MAC are rarely, if ever, associated with late
stages of RAP. RNA sequencing of RAP-associated MG showed that differentially expressed genes
mainly contribute to immune-associated processes, including chemotaxis and migration in early RAP
and proliferative capacity in late RAP, which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Interestingly,
MG upregulated only a few angiomodulatory factors, suggesting a rather low angiogenic potential. In
summary, we showed that MG are the dominant myeloid cell population at RAP sites. Moreover, MG
significantly altered their transcriptional profile during RAP formation, activating immune-associated
processes and exhibiting enhanced proliferation, however, without showing substantial upregulation
of angiomodulatory factors.
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Méthodes de tests et de diagnostics appliquées aux mémoires non-volatilesPlantier, Jérémy 13 December 2012 (has links)
"L’industrie nano repousse constamment les limites de la miniaturisation. Pour les systèmes CMOS à mémoires non-volatiles, des phénomènes qui étaient négligeables autrefois sont à présent incontournables et nécessitent des modèles de plus en plus complexes pour décrire, analyser et prédire le comportement électrique de ces dispositifs.Le but de cette thèse est de répondre aux besoins de l’industriel, afin d’optimiser au mieux les performances des produits avant et après les étapes de production. Cette étude propose des solutions, comme des méthodes de test innovantes pour des technologies telles que les mémoires non-volatiles EEPROM embarquées.La première méthode proposée, consiste à extraire la densité de pièges (NiT) générée, au cours du cyclage, dans l’oxyde tunnel de cellules EEPROM, à partir d’une Macro cellule de test reprenant toutes les caractéristiques d’un produit fini. Les résultats expérimentaux sont ensuite injectés dans un modèle analytique décrivant le phénomène de SILC (Stress Induced Leakage Current) qui est le principal effet issu de ces pièges. La densité de pièges en fonction du nombre de cycles est ensuite extraite par interpolation entre les courbes expérimentales et les courbes simulées par le modèleLa seconde méthode propose une étude de corrélation statistique entre le test traditionnel de mise en rétention et le test de stress électrique aux bornes de l’oxyde tunnel, proposant des temps d’exécution bien plus courts. Cette étude se base sur les populations de cellules défaillantes à l’issue des deux tests. C’est en comparant les distributions sur ces populations qu’une loi de corrélation apparaît sur la tendance comportementale des cellules." / The nano industry constantly extends the size limits, especially for CMOS devices with embedded non-volatile memories. Each size reduction step always induces new challenges caused by phenomenon which were previously negligible. As a result, more complex models are required to describe, analyze and predict as well as possible the electrical behaviors. The main goal of this thesis is to propose solutions to the industry in term of test, to optimize the performances before and after the whole process steps. Thus, this study proposes two innovative methodologies dedicated to embedded non-volatile EEPROM memories based devices.The first of them consists in to extract the post-cycling generated tunnel oxide traps density (NiT), directly from a macro cell. The experimental results are then used to be compared with an analytical model calculation which perfectly describes the Stress Induced Current phenomena (SILC). This electrical current directly comes from the generated traps inside the cells tunnel oxide. An interpolation is then done between the model and the experimental resulting curves, to extract the tunnel oxide traps density.The second study proposes a method of statistical correlation between the traditional retention test and testing of electrical stress across the tunnel oxide which has shorter execution time. This study is based on cell populations after failing both tests. By comparing the distributions of these populations a correlation law appears between the cells behavioral tendencies. Following this study the replacement of long retention tests by shorter electrical stress tests may be considered.
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Analysis of ultrathin gate-oxide breakdown mechanisms and applications to antifuse memories fabricated in advanced CMOS processes / Contribution à l'analyse des mécanismes de claquage d’oxyde ultra mince et applications aux mémoires antifusibles en technologies avancéesDeloge, Matthieu 15 December 2011 (has links)
Les mémoires non-volatiles programmables une fois sont en plein essor dans le monde de l’électronique embarquée. La traçabilité, la configuration ou encore la réparation de systèmes sur puce avancés font partis des applications adressées par ce type de mémoire. Plus particulièrement, la technologie antifusible présente des propriétés de sécurité autorisant le stockage d’information sensible.Ce travail de thèse est orienté vers la compréhension des mécanismes de claquage d’oxydes minces sollicités pour la programmation des cellules antifusibles ainsi que l’intégration au niveau système de moyens de détections. Une première étape fut d’étudier les phénomènes de claquage de diélectrique type SiO2 et à haute permittivité sous l’application d’un fort champ ́électrique. Des techniques de mesures dédiées ont été développées afin de réaliser des caractérisations dans les conditions de programmation des mémoires antifusible sollicitant des temps au claquage inférieurs à la micro-seconde. Ces mesures ont ensuite permis l’étude statistique du claquage des diélectriques ainsi que la modélisation sous de hautes tensions ; hors des gammes étudiées traditionnellement dans le domaine de la fiabilité. Le modèle proposé permet l’optimisation des dimensions d’une cellule élémentaire en fonction d’un temps au claquage défini au préalable. Un mécanisme inattendu occasionnant un sur courant substrat a également été mis en évidence pendant la phase de programmation. L’étude de ce phénomène a été réalisée par des caractérisations électriques et des simulations afin de conclure sur l’hypothèse d’un déclenchement d’un transistor bipolaire parasite de type PNP dans la cellule antifusible. L’impact des conditions de programmation sur le courant de lecture mesuré sous une basse tension a également été analysé. Des structures de tests analogiques dédiés ont été conçues afin de contrôler l’amplitude du courant de programmation. Le contrôle du temps de programmation est quant à lui accompli par un système de détection de courant et de temporisation. Finalement, ces solutions sont validées par un démonstrateur d’une capacité de 1-kb conçu et fabriqué sur une technologie CMOS standard avancée 32nm. / Non-volatile one-time programmable memories are gaining an ever growing interest in embedded electronics. Chip ID, chip configuration or system repairing are among the numerous applications addressed by this type of semiconductor memories. In addition, the antifuse technology enables the storage of secured information with respect to cryptography or else. The thesis focuses on the understanding of ultrathin gate-oxide breakdown physics that is involved in the programming of antifuse bitcells. The integration of advanced programming and detection schemes is also tackled in this thesis. The breakdown mechanisms in the dielectric material SiO2 and high-K under a high electric field were studied. Dedicated experimental setups were needed in order to perform the characterization of antifuse bitcells under the conditions define in memory product. Typical time-to-breakdown values shorter than a micro second were identified. The latter measurements allowed the statistical study of dielectric breakdown and the modeling in a high voltage range, i.e. beyond the conventional range studied in reliability. The model presented in this PhD thesis enables the optimization of the antifuse bitcell sizes according to a targeted mean time-to- breakdown value. A particular mechanism leading to a high bulk current overshoot occuring during the programming operation was highlighted. The study of this phenomenon was achieved using electrical characterizations and simulations. The triggering of a parasitic P-N-P bipolar transistor localized in the antifuse bitcell appeared as a relevant hypothesis. The analysis of the impact of the programming conditions on the resulting read current measured under a low voltage was performed using analog test structures. The amplitude of the programming current was controlled in an augmented antifuse bitcell. The programming time is controlled by a programming detection system and a delay. Finally, these solutions are to be validated using a 1-kb demonstrator yet designed and fabricated in a logic 32-nm CMOS process.
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