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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

X-ray studies of zeolites and MOFs

Morris, Samuel Alexander January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is largely a study of the ADOR process (assembly-disassembly-organisation-reassembly) when applied to zeolite UTL. The final chapter of this thesis deals with the adsorption of the medical gases NO and CO onto the metal organic framework NiNaSIP. Chapter 4 is devoted to the disassembly and organisation steps of the ADOR process. Calcined UTL was hydrolysed using 0.1 – 12 M HCl solutions from 75 – 95 °C run over 10 mins to 72 hrs. A three step mechanism is proposed, which is comprised of an initial rapid hydrolysis that removes the majority of the interlayer constituents of UTL, causing the silica-rich layers to largely collapse. This is followed by a slow, temperature and molarity dependent, deintercalation process that sees the remainder of the interlayer material removed resulting in the full collapse of the layers to form IPC-1P. The third step is a temperature and molarity dependent rebuilding process, whereby the interlayer region is slowly rebuilt, eventually forming a precursor which upon calcination becomes IPC-2 (OKO). Chapter 5 uses the pair distribution function (PDF) technique to structurally confirm the intermediate of the ADORable zeolite UTL. The intermediate, IPC-1P, is a disordered layered compound formed by the hydrolysis of UTL in 0.1 M HCl. Its structure is unsolvable by traditional X-ray diffraction techniques. The PDF technique was first benchmarked against high-quality synchrotron Rietveld refinements of IPC-2 (OKO) and IPC-4 (PCR) – two end products of IPC-1P condensation that share very similar structural features. An IPC-1P starting model derived from density functional theory was used for the PDF refinement, which yielded a final fit of Rw = 18% and a geometrically reasonable structure. This confirms that the layers do stay intact throughout the ADOR process, and shows that PDF is a viable technique for layered zeolite structure determination. Chapter 6 examines the reassembly stage by following the in-situ calcination of a variety of hydrolysed intermediates into their three-dimensional counterparts. Beamline I11 at Diamond Light Source provided high-quality PXRD patterns as a function of temperature, which were refined against using sequential Pawley refinements to track the unit cell changes. 0.1, 1.75, 2.5 and 12 M hydrolysed lamellar precursor phases were calcined. The largest unit cell changes were observed for 0.1 M, and the smallest for 12 M. This shows that increasing the molarity must prebuild most of the interlayer connections, such that upon calcination, only minimal condensation occurs to fully connect the layers. Chapter 7 probes the uptake of the medical gases CO and NO into the metal organic framework NiNaSIP. An in-situ single-crystal XRD study was undertaken using an environmental gas cell at beamline 11.3.1 at the Advanced Light Source. NiNaSIP was first dehydrated to reveal an open nickel site, which acted as the main site of adsorption for the inputted gases. NO was observed in a bent geometry at an occupancy of 40 % and a Ni – N bond length of 2.166(16) Å. The oxygen was modelled to be disordered over two sites. CO was not fully observed, as only the carbon was able to be modelled with an occupancy of 31.2 % and a Ni – C bond length of 2.27(3) Å.

Homo-and Hetero-Metallic Supramolecular Assemblies : Synthesis, Structures and Characterization

Pramanik, Sunipa January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The work highlighted in this dissertation comprises of syntheses and characterizations of coordination driven supramolecular compounds. The synthesized complexes are characterized by IR spectroscopy, multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and single crystal structure determination. Chapter 2: In this chapter we attempted to make a three dimensional self-assembled cage by the reaction between N, N’, N’’- tris(3-pyridyl)trimesic amide a tritopic donor and Pt(II) based 90° ditopic acceptor cis-(dppe)Pt(II)(OTf)2 [dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane]. It resulted in a trigonal bipyramidal structure. The cage was characterized by single crystal XRD and FT-IR spectra. Chapter 3: In this chapter we have reported the synthesis and characterization of two hereby unknown metal containing carboxylic acid ligands containing the Pt-ethynyl moiety. Also we have shown the preparation and structure analysis of a copper containing metal-organic framework incorporating one of the Pt-ethynyl containing carboxylic acid ligand. This has resulted in the formation of a very interesting hetero-metallic MOF which is quite uncommon in literature.

Metal-organic frameworks for water adsorption applications in the automotive filtration industry

Küsgens, Pia 29 January 2010 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene MOF Materialien die sich für die Wasseradsorption eignen hinsichtlich Ihrer Wasseradsorptionseigenschaften untersucht. Das vielversprechendste Material wird ausgewählt und an einem Prüfstand für Lufttrocknerkartuschen untersucht. Für diese Messungen ist eine geeignete Formgebung des Pulvers von Nöten, welche eine wichtige Rolle in dieser Arbeit spielt. Das Material Cu3(BTC)2 wurde hier zu monolithischen Formkörpern verarbeitet. Eine weitere Art der Formgebung war das Pressen von Papieren sowie das direkte Kristallwachstum auf Zellulose Fasern. Desweiteren wurden die Materialien hinsichtlich der Trocknung von n-Heptan untersucht, was hier als Referenz für Dieselkraftstoffe herangezogen wurde. Die Analytik wurde mittels Karl-Fischer Titration duchgeführt. MOF Materialien wurden in beiden Fällen mit kommerziell verwendeten Zeolithen und Silikagel verglichen. / Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) were investigated for their possible use in drying of compressed air in air braking systems for commercial vehicles. Another possible application was the drying of diesel fuel. In this context, n-heptane was chosen as a reference for diesel fuel. Selected metal-organic frameworks were characterized regarding the water adsorption properties by recording water adsorption isotherms. The most promising material was further investigated on a air-drying cartridge test rig. In order to perform these tests, the powder had to be processed to monolithic structures, beads or paper sheets,i.e. a shape that is suitable for the given application. The MOF Cu3(BTC)2 was sucessfully extruded to monolithic structures, which were used in the test rig experiments. Another possibility for immobilization of Cu3(BTC)2 was the crystal growth on pulp fibers. N-heptane drying isotherms were measured on selected samples making use of Karl-Fischer coulometric titration. In both applications, MOF materials were compared with silica based desiccants.

Untersuchung der Physisorption von Wasserstoff in porösen Materialien mit einer neuartigen volumetrischen Apparatur

Khvostikova, Olga 10 March 2011 (has links)
Wasserstoff ist der ideale Energieträger, da er völlig schadstofffrei verbrennt und einen potentiell hohen Energiegehalt pro Masse besitzt. Die größte Herausforderung für den Gebrauch von Wasserstoff als Kraftstoff ist die Wasserstoffspeicherung in sicheren und kostengünstigen Systemen. Die Ziele und Aufgaben der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit sind, poröse Materialien, die unterschiedliche Struktur und Zusammensetzung besitzen, für die Physisorption von Wasserstoff mittels einer neuartigen volumetrischen Apparatur zu untersuchen. Das Erreichen maximaler Speicherdaten stand nicht im Vordergrund dieser Arbeit. Viel wichtiger war es, einen Struktur – Eigenschafts – (Sorptions) – Zusammenhang zu verstehen, auf deren Basis eine systematische Entwicklung von Wasserstoffspeichermaterialien erfolgen könnte. Zwei Klassen von potentiellen Wasserstoffspeichern wurden erforscht: expandierte Graphitmaterialien und Metallorganische Netzwerke. Neue experimentelle Methoden zur Untersuchung der Wasserstoffspeicherkapazität an modifizierter volumetrischer Apparatur wurden erfolgreich entwickelt und geprüft. Das Verwenden einer der Kammern als Referenzkammer ermöglicht das Ausschließen der experimentellen Artefakte aus der Auswertung der gespeicherten Wasserstoffmenge. Es wurde keine Gaszustandgleichung bei tiefen Temperaturen verwendet, was sehr wichtig bei den Experimenten mit Wasserstoff ist.

Untersuchungen zur Flüssigphasenadsorption an Metall-Organischen Gerüstverbindungen und deren Anwendung als Trägermaterialien in der katalytischen Hydrierung

Henschel, Antje 15 November 2011 (has links)
Im Hinblick auf eine spätere Anwendung als Katalysatorträger in Hydrierungsreaktionen wurden in dieser Arbeit Adsorptionseigenschaften von Metall-Organischen Gerüstverbindungen (MOFs) in der Flüssigphasenadsorption untersucht. In den Experimenten wurden Materialien gegenübergestellt, bei denen entweder freie Koordinationsstellen am Metallatom (MIL 101, DUT 9, HKUST 1) oder eine abgeschlossene Koordinationssphäre (MOF 5, Zn4O(btb)2, Zn2(bdc)2dabco, ZIF 8, DUT 4, DUT 6) in der Struktur vorlagen. Die Substrate und Lösungsmittel wurden hinsichtlich auf die spätere Verwendung als Edukte in der Hydrierungsreaktion ausgewählt. Neben dem polaren Zimtsäureethylester kamen unpolare Substrate wie Styrol, cis-Cyccloocten und Diphenylacetylen zum Einsatz. Die Materialien wurden desweiteren auf ihre Eignung und Stabilität in der Flüssigphasenhydrierung getestet. Da die untersuchten Metall-Organischen Gerüstverbindungen selbst nicht hydrieraktiv sind, wurden sie als Matrix für die Synthese von Palladium-Nanopartikeln (mittels Incipient Wetness Infiltration) verwendet. Als Referenzkatalysatoren kamen kommerziell erhältliche Pd-Trägerkatalysatoren (Pd@C, Pd@NoritA) und Pd@MOF 5 zum Einsatz. Bei den Experimenten erwies sich Pd@MIL 101 als besonders stabil gegenüber den Reduktions- und Reaktionsbedingungen, sowohl in Gasphasen- als auch Flüssigphasenhydrierungen. Die erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen den starken Einfluss des spezifischen Porenvolumens, der Form der Pore bzw. des Poreneingangs, der Polarität des Substrates und des verwendeten Lösungsmittels auf die adsorbierte Substratmenge. Sie verdeutlichen die Relevanz von Adsorptionsuntersuchungen an neuen Materialien. Das Verständnis der Wechselwirkungen zwischen den verwendeten Lösungsmitteln, Substraten und Adsorbentien ist ein entscheidender Faktor bei der Optimierung von Adsorptionsprozessen und bei der Verwendung von MOFs in heterogen katalysierten Reaktionen. Diese Arbeit zeigt das hohe Potential von Metall-Organischen Materialien im Bereich der heterogenen Katalyse. Unter Verwendung dieser Verbindungen als Trägermaterialien für Palladium können sehr hohe Aktivitäten in Hydrierungsreaktionen erreicht werden, welche z.T. auch industriell genutzte, Aktivkohle basierte Pd-Trägerkatalysatoren übertreffen.

A Series of Robust Copper-Based Triazolyl Isophthalate MOFs: Impact of Linker Functionalization on Gas Sorption and Catalytic Activity †

Junghans, Ulrike, Kobalz, Merten, Erhart, Oliver, Preißler, Hannes, Lincke, Jörg, Möllmer, Jens, Krautscheid, Harald, Gläser, Roger 06 April 2023 (has links)
The synthesis and characterization of an isomorphous series of copper-containing microporous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) based on triazolyl isophthalate linkers with the general formula 3 ¥[Cu4(m3-OH)2(R1-R2-trz-ia)3(H2O)x] are presented. Through size adjustment of the alkyl substituents R1 and/or R2 at the linker, the impact of linker functionalization on structure-property relationships was studied. Due to the arrangement of the substituents towards the cavities, the porosity (pore fraction 28%–39%), as well as the pore size can be adjusted by the size of the substituents of the triazole ring. Thermal analysis and temperature-dependent PXRD studies reveal a thermal stability of the MOFs up to 230 C due to increasing framework stability through fine-tuning of the linker substitution pattern. Adsorption of CO2 (298 K) shows a decreasing maximum loading with increasing steric demand of the substituents of the triazole ring. Furthermore, the selective oxidation of cyclohexene with tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) is studied over the MOFs at 323 K in liquid chloroform. The catalytic activity increases with the steric demand of the substituents. Additionally, these isomorphous MOFs exhibit considerable robustness under oxidizing conditions confirmed by CO2 adsorption studies, as well as by the catalytic selective oxidation experiments.

Infrared Spectroscopy of H<sub>2</sub> Trapped in Metal Organic Frameworks

Hopkins, Jesse Bennett January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Infrared Spectroscopy of Trapped Gases in Metal-Organic Frameworks

Schloss, Jennifer M. 21 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Desarrollo de catalizadores de cobalto polinucleares y multifuncionales para la activación de moléculas pequeñas

Gutiérrez Tarriño, Silvia 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral se enmarca en el ámbito de la Química Sostenible, en el cual se identifica la catálisis como una de las herramientas más importantes para su aplicación. En este sentido, en esta tesis doctoral, se han desarrollado catalizadores de cobalto para llevar a cabo reacciones de interés industrial o relacionadas con las tecnologías energéticas emergentes a través de la activación de moléculas pequeñas. Estas reacciones se llevan a cabo a nivel industrial con catalizadores basados en metales nobles o en condiciones de reacción severas. El objetivo es reemplazar estos catalizadores por otros basados en metales más abundantes en la corteza terrestre, en este caso el cobalto, o llevar a cabo las reacciones en condiciones de reacción más suaves, respectivamente, estudiando en todo caso la relación entre la estructura y la actividad del catalizador. Los resultados de esta tesis doctoral se presentan en cuatro capítulos. En el capítulo cuatro, se presentan los resultados del desarrollo de catalizadores de cobalto estables al aire y a la humedad basados en compuestos de coordinación para llevar a cabo la hidrosililación de alquenos sin aditivos y evitando el uso de atmósfera inerte durante la reacción. Además, se ha estudiado la actividad de estos catalizadores usando un amplio rango tanto de alquenos como de silanos para comprobar la generalidad de la reacción. Finalmente, se ha estudiado el mecanismo de reacción usando Raman in-situ, lo cual ha permitido identificar la especie de cobalto activa como intermedio de reacción. En el capítulo cinco, uno de los compuestos de coordinación estudiados para el proceso de hidrosililación de alquenos, se ha heterogeneizado usando como soporte un carbón activo de alta área superficial. La presencia de 6 nitrógenos coordinados al cobalto en el precursor inicial ha sido clave en la formación del material final, que es altamente activo y selectivo en la reacción de hidrogenación de nitroarenos y en la síntesis de aminas secundarias y de isoindolinonas en reacciones tándem en condiciones de reacción más suaves que las reportadas en bibliografía y usando agua como medio de reacción. Además, este catalizador puede ser reusado en varios ciclos de reacción sin una pérdida apreciable de actividad, demostrando que es un material heterogéneo y robusto. La estructura del catalizador se ha estudiado por varias técnicas de caracterización avanzadas, con el fin de correlacionar su estructura con la actividad en estas reacciones catalíticas. En el sexto capítulo se resumen los resultados obtenidos para el desarrollo de una familia de compuestos tetranucleares de cobalto, cuya densidad electrónica puede ser modulada haciendo uso de diferentes ligandos. Esta densidad electrónica está correlacionada con su actividad catalítica en reacciones de oxidación, como la oxidación de ciclohexano a ciclohexanol y ciclohexanona. En este sentido, se ha llevado a cabo un amplio estudio de la actividad catalítica de esta familia de catalizadores, que han demostrado ser activos y selectivos en esta reacción, en condiciones netas y usando aire empobrecido como oxidante, y del mecanismo de reacción a través de EPR y Raman, que ha permitido correlacionar la estructura de cada catalizador con su papel en cada proceso individual del mecanismo global de esta reacción. Finalmente, en el capítulo siete, uno de los compuestos tetranucleares de cobalto se ha utilizado como precursor en la síntesis de MOFs con ligandos ampliamente utilizados en la síntesis de estos materiales, como son el H3BTC y el H2bda, obteniéndose dos MOFs nuevos, el primero de ellos (Co2-MOF) basado en dos SBUs de cobalto dinucleares en la que una de ellas presenta tres posiciones de coordinación libres, con las ventajas que esto conlleva y, el segundo de ellos (2D-Co-MOF), basado en nanoláminas dobles apiladas por interacciones π-π stacking entre los ligandos piridina axiales. La dispersión de estos MOFs en Nafion da como resultado los correspondientes composites, que presentan una buena adherencia a los electrodos de grafito, una alta estabilidad a largo plazo y, además, un elevado rendimiento electrocatalítico para la reacción de oxidación del agua en medio neutro, mejorando los resultados reportados en bibliografía para materiales similares. Además, se ha estudiado el mecanismo de reacción, que sigue sin conocerse a ciencia cierta hoy en día, para el 2D-Co-MOF, basándonos en su topología particular y en estudios espectroscópicos y electroquímicos. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral s'emmarca en l'àmbit de la Química Sostenible, en el qual s'identifica la catàlisi com una de les eines més importants per a la seua aplicació. En aquest sentit, en aquesta tesi doctoral, s'han desenvolupat catalitzadors de cobalt per a dur a terme reaccions d'interés industrial o relacionades amb les tecnologies energètiques emergents a través de l'activació de molècules xicotetes. Aquestes reaccions es duen a terme a nivell industrial amb catalitzadors basats en metalls nobles o en condicions de reacció severes. L'objectiu és reemplaçar aquests catalitzadors per altres basats en metalls més abundants en l'escorça terrestre, en aquest cas el cobalt, o dur a terme les reaccions en condicions de reacció més suaus, respectivament, estudiant en tot cas la relació entre l'estructura i l'activitat del catalitzador. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi doctoral es presenten en quatre capítols. En el quart capítol, es presenten els resultats del desenvolupament de catalitzadors de cobalt estables a l'aire i a la humitat basats en compostos de coordinació per a dur a terme la hidrosililació d'alquens sense additius i evitant l'ús d'atmosfera inerta durant la reacció. A més, s'ha estudiat l'activitat d'aquests catalitzadors usant un ampli rang tant d'alquens com de silanes per a comprovar la generalitat de la reacció. Finalment, s'ha estudiat el mecanisme de reacció usant Raman in-situ, la qual cosa ha permés identificar l'espècie de cobalt activa com a intermedi de reacció. En el quint capítol, un dels compostos de coordinació estudiats per al procés de hidrosililació d'alquens, s'ha heterogeneït usant com a suport un carbó actiu d'alta àrea. La presència de 6 nitrògens coordinats al cobalt en el precursor inicial ha sigut clau en la formació del material final, que és altament actiu i selectiu en la reacció d'hidrogenació de nitroarenos i en la síntesi d'amines secundàries i de isoindolinons en reaccions tàndem en condicions de reacció més suaus que les reportades en bibliografia i usant aigua com a mitjà de reacció. A més, aquest catalitzador pot ser reusat en diversos cicles de reacció sense una pèrdua apreciable d'activitat, demostrant que és un material heterogeni i robust. L'estructura del catalitzador s'ha estudiat per diverses tècniques de caracterització avançades, amb la finalitat de correlacionar la seua estructura amb l'activitat en aquestes reaccions catalítiques. En el capítol sis es resumeixen els resultats obtinguts per al desenvolupament d'una família de compostos tetranuclears de cobalt, la densitat electrònica del qual pot ser modulada fent ús de diferents lligands. Aquesta densitat electrònica està correlacionada amb la seua activitat catalítica en reaccions d'oxidació, com l'oxidació de ciclohexà a ciclohexanol i ciclohexanona. En aquest sentit, s'ha dut a terme un ampli estudi de l'activitat catalítica d'aquesta família de catalitzadors, que han demostrat ser actius i selectius en aquesta reacció, en condicions netes i usant aire empobrit com a oxidant, i del mecanisme de reacció a través de EPR i Raman, que ha permés correlacionar l'estructura de cada catalitzador amb el seu paper en cada procés individual del mecanisme global d'aquesta reacció. Finalment, en el sèptim capítol, un dels compostos tetranuclears de cobalt s'ha utilitzat com a precursor en la síntesi de MOFs amb lligands àmpliament utilitzats en la síntesi d'aquests materials, com són l'H3BTC i el H2bda, obtenint-se dos MOFs nous. El primer d'ells (Co2-MOF) basat en dos SBUs de cobalt dinuclears en la qual una d'elles presenta tres posicions de coordinació lliures, amb els avantatges que això comporta. El segon (2D-Co-MOF), basat en nanolámines per interaccions π-π stacking entre els lligands piridina axials. La dispersió d'aquests MOFs en Nafion dona com a resultat els corresponents composites, que presenten una bona adherència als elèctrodes de grafit, una alta estabilitat a llarg termini i, a més, un elevat rendiment electrocatalític per a la reacció d'oxidació de l'aigua al mig neutre, millorant els resultats reportats en bibliografia per a materials similars. A més, s'ha estudiat el mecanisme de reacció, que segueix sense conéixer-se amb certesa hui dia, per al 2D-Co-MOF, basant-nos en la seua topologia particular i en estudis espectroscòpics i electroquímics. / [EN] This thesis is focused on the field of Green Chemistry, in which catalysis is identified as one of the most important tools for its application. In this sense, in this thesis, cobalt catalysts were developed to carry out reactions of industrial interest or related to emerging energy technologies, through the activation of small molecules. These reactions are usually performed at industrial scale with catalysts based on noble metals or under severe reaction conditions. The main objective of this thesis is to replace these catalysts by others based on more abundant metals in the earth's crust, in this case cobalt, or to carry out the reactions in milder reaction conditions, respectively, studying in each case the relationship between the structure and the activity of the catalyst. The results of this thesis are presented in four chapters. In the first chapter, the results for the catalytic hydrosilylation of alkenes under aerobic conditions and without dry solvents or additives are presented, where the development of air-stable cobalt-aquo complexes is pivotal. In fact, this is the first case where these reactions are performed under aerobic conditions with first-row transition metal complexes. In addition, the activity of these catalysts has been studied using a wide range of both alkenes and silanes to check the scope of the reaction. Finally, the reaction mechanism has been studied using in-situ Raman, which has allowed the identification of the active cobalt species as a reaction intermediate. In the second chapter, one of the coordination compounds studied for the alkene hydrosilylation process has been heterogenized using an activated carbon with high area as support. The employment of a suitable molecular complex consisting of six bounds N-Co as initial precursor has been key in the formation of the final material. This catalyst has demonstrated to be highly active and selective in the hydrogenation of nitroarenes and in the synthesis of secondary amines and isoindolinones in tandem reactions under milder reaction conditions than those reported in the literature and using water as reaction medium. Moreover, this catalyst can be reused in several reaction cycles without an appreciable loss of activity. The structure of the catalyst has been studied by several advanced characterization techniques in order to correlate its structure with the activity in these catalytic reactions. In the third chapter, the results obtained for the development of a family of tetranuclear cobalt compounds, whose electron density is modulated by using different ligands, are summarized. This electron density is correlated with their catalytic activity in the oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone. In this sense, an extensive study of the catalytic activity of this family of catalysts, which have been shown to be active and selective in this reaction, has been carried out under neat conditions and using depleted air as oxidant. Moreover, the reaction mechanism has been studied through EPR and Raman, which has allowed to correlate the structure of each catalyst with its role in each individual step of the global mechanism of this reaction. Finally, in the fourth chapter, one of the tetranuclear cobalt compounds has been used as precursor in the synthesis of MOFs with ligands widely used in the synthesis of these materials, such as H3BTC and H2bda, obtaining two new MOFs. The first one (Co2-MOF) based on two dinuclear cobalt SBUs in which one of them presents three free coordination positions, with the advantages that this entails and, the second one (2D-Co-MOF), based on double nanolayers stacked by π-π stacking interactions between the axial pyridine ligands. The dispersion of these MOFs in Nafion results in the corresponding composites, which exhibit good adherence to graphite electrodes, high long-term stability and, in addition, high electrocatalytic performance for the water oxidation reaction (OER) in neutral media, improving the results reported in literature for similar materials. Furthermore, the reaction mechanism, which is still unresolved, has been studied for 2D-Co-MOF, based on its particular topology and on spectroscopic and electrochemical studies. / Gutiérrez Tarriño, S. (2021). Desarrollo de catalizadores de cobalto polinucleares y multifuncionales para la activación de moléculas pequeñas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172324

Biodegradable Polymer Composites of Metal Organic Framework-5 (MOF-5) for the Efficient and Sustained Delivery of Cephalexin and Metronidazole

Anim, Anoff, Mahmoud, L.A.M., Kelly, Adrian L., Katsikogianni, Maria, Nayak, Sanjit 20 September 2023 (has links)
Yes / The sustained and controlled delivery of antimicrobial drugs has been largely studied using nanomaterials, like metal organic frameworks (MOFs), and various polymers. However, not much attention has been given to combining MOFs and biodegradable polymers towards the potentially more sustained release of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Herein, we report a comparative study of two widely used antimicrobial drugs, cephalexin and metronidazole, from zinc-based MOF-5 incorporated into biodegradable polycaprolactone (PCL) and poly-lactic glycolic acid (PLGA) composites. Cephalexin and metronidazole were separately loaded into MOF-5 post-synthetically, followed by their integration into biodegradable PLGA and PCL composites. The pristine MOF-5 and the loaded MOFs were thoroughly characterised using Fourier-transformed infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD). Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy studies were carried out to assess the release of the drugs in PBS for up to 72 h, showing a cumulative release of 24.95 wt% and 27.84 wt% for cephalexin and metronidazole, respectively. The antibacterial properties of the pristine MOF, pure drugs, drug-loaded MOFs and the loaded composites were assessed against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains, Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli or Acinetobacter baumanii, respectively. A cephalexin-loaded MOF-5 composite of PCL (PCL-ceph@MOF-5) showed the best efficiency for the controlled release of drugs to inhibit the growth of the bacteria compared to the other composites. This study demonstrates that the combination of MOFs with biodegradable polymers can provide an efficient platform for the sustained release of antimicrobial drugs and can be a promising tool to manage antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

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