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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A cláusula da nação mais favorecida na ordem econômica internacional: uma investigação sobre o discurso jurídico do artigo I: 1 do GATT / The most-favored-nation clause in the international economic order: on inquiry into the legal discourse of article I:1 of GATT

Sakr, Rafael Lima 24 May 2010 (has links)
Como produto da prática mercantil, a cláusula da nação mais favorecida (CNMF) é um fenômeno jurídico complexo. Enquanto sua estrutura variante não é passível de padronização, por se adaptar às necessidades da sociedade internacional em cada momento histórico, seu núcleo funcional permanece imutável. Na ordem econômica internacional, a descentralização do poder político provoca desconfianças nos agentes econômicos, resultando em um permanente estado de guarda e competitividade predatória. Para assegurar maior estabilidade às expectativas normativas, os Estados celebram tratados, a fim de alterar tais percepções, conferindo durabilidade às relações econômicas internacionais. Resultado da configuração contemporânea da governança econômica internacional, a Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC) simboliza a consolidação das expectativas normativas dos atores internacionais em torno do sistema multilateral de comércio (SMC). A OMC tem a função de consolidar o SMC, garantindo a posição de autoridade para corrigir as numerosas lacunas e antinomias jurídicas e reforçar a eficácia social, mediante a atuação de seu Órgão de Solução de Controvérsias (OSC). O SMC é um ordenamento jurídico, com lógica própria e princípios e regras específicos, que disciplina o mercado globalizado, cuja origem remonta à celebração do Acordo Geral sobre Tarifas e Comércio (GATT) em 1947. Prevista no artigo I:1 do GATT, a CNMF positiva o princípio da não discriminação, tendo por finalidade sistêmica desempenhar um papel dinâmico e integrado, ao: (i) assegurar transparência e dispersão de conhecimento; (ii) promover a cooperação internacional, a fim de eliminar ou reduzir, reciprocamente, as barreiras às trocas comerciais; (iii) vedar as práticas e instrumentos discriminatórios e protecionistas, tendo por função estender, automática, multilateral e incondicionalmente, as vantagens concedidas; e (iv) conservar as expectativas normativas, mediante a incorporação dos compromissos negociados ao SMC. Contudo, a proliferação de acordos preferenciais de comércio e de medidas protecionistas e discriminatórias pelos Estados-membros tem ameaçado o SMC de desautorização. Por recorrerem a exceções válidas à CNMF, esses fenômenos permitem a formação de relações discriminatórias e protecionistas, o que impacta negativamente as expectativas normativas dos agentes econômicos, ameaçando a função unificadora de sentido da CNMF, cujo resultado é a erosão da ideia de livre-mercado mundial. As reiteradas quebras de expectativas implicam problemas de coesão e eficácia normativa ao SMC, os quais são denominados desafios sistêmicos. Com efeito, o SMC sofre um processo de desestruturação, causado pela tensionada interação das dimensões ideacional e fática. Isso exige um controle de legalidade e de licitude dos atos jurídicos e das práticas dos Estados-membros. Em face desses desafios sistêmicos, a dissertação verifica se o artigo I:1 permanece como regra determinante para a decidibilidade do OSC. Para responder adequadamente, empregam-se os métodos analítico, hermenêutico e argumentativo, com um enfoque essencialmente dogmático, dentro de um ângulo crítico zetético. Ao fim da investigação, constata-se que a CNMF vem se consolidando como regra determinante para a construção do discurso jurídico-decisório pelo OSC. A confirmação jurisprudencial da imperatividade e da eficácia normativa do artigo I:1 reverbera reflexamente sobre os desafios sistêmicos, tendo o poderoso efeito de simbolizar a preferibilidade da incidência da CNMF sobre as relações econômicas internacionais. / As a product of commercial practice, the most-favored-nation clause (\"MFN\") is a complex legal phenomenon. While its variable structure is not subject to standardization, since it adapts to the needs of international society in each historical moment, its functional core remains unchanged. In the international economic order, the decentralization of political power leads to distrust of the economic agents, resulting in a permanent state of awareness and predatory competition. To ensure greater stability to the normative expectations, States enter into treaties in order to change such perceptions, providing durability to international economic relations. Result of the contemporary configuration of international economic governance, the World Trade Organization (\"WTO\") symbolizes the consolidation of the normative expectations of international actors around the multilateral trading system (\"MTS\"). The WTO has the mission of consolidating the MTS, ensuring a position of authority to correct the many shortcomings and antinomies of law and strengthen the social effectiveness through its Dispute Settlement Body (\"DSB\"). The MTS is a legal system, with its own logic and specific principles and rules, which regulates the globalized market, and has its origins in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1947. Set forth in Article I:1 of the GATT, the MFN establishes the principle of non-discrimination and has the systemic purpose of playing an integrated and dynamic role as it: (i) ensures transparency and dissemination of knowl edge,(ii) promotes international cooperation, by eliminating or reducing reciprocal barriers to trade, (iii) deters discriminatory and protectionist practices and instruments, being its function to extend, automatically, multilaterally and unconditionally, the benefits provided, and (iv) maintains the normative expectations, through the incorporation of negotiated concessions to the MTS. However, the proliferation of preferential trade agreements and protectionist and discriminatory measures by the member states has threatened the MTS of disempowerment. By resorting to MFNs valid exceptions, these phenomena allow the formation of discriminatory and protectionist relationships, which negatively impacts the normative expectations of economic agents, and threatening the harmonizing function of MFN; the result of which is the erosion of the global free market idea. Repeated breaches of expectations result in problems of cohesion and normative effectiveness of the MTS, which are called systemic challenges. Indeed, the MTS undergoes a process of disintegration, caused by the tensioned interaction of ideational and factual dimensions. This requires a control of legality and legitimacy of legal acts and practices of the member States. Given these systemic challenges, the dissertation verifies if Article I:1 remains the rule for determining the decidability of the DSB. In order to properly answer that, analytical, hermeneutic and argumentative methods are employed, with a primarily dogmatic focus, within a zetetic critical angle. By the end of the investigation, its stated that the MFN is becoming the consolidated rule for determining the construction of the legal and decision making discourse of the DSB. The confirmation from case law of the imperative nature and of the normative effectiveness of Article I:1 reverberates reflexively on the systemic challenges, having the powerful effect of symbolizing the desirability of MFN impact on international economic relations.

Estudo comparativo de métodos de estimação de vazões máximas de projeto para grandes bacias hidrográficas / Comparative study of methods for estimating design peak discharge for large watersheds

Cavalcanti, Daysy Lira Oliveira 25 February 2014 (has links)
Se por um lado a estimação das vazões máximas pelos métodos tradicionais, estatístico (Análise de Frequência Local - AFL) e determinístico (Cheia Máxima Provável - CMP), vem sendo alvo de críticas, por outro, a Análise de Frequência Conjugada (AFC) e o método do Hidrograma Máximo Mais Provável (HMMP), mais recentemente proposto, evidenciam-se como ferramentas promissoras. A AFC consiste da combinação entre técnicas probabilísticas e determinísticas e o HMMP utiliza os conceitos do Hidrograma Unitário Curvilíneo (HUC) de Mockus e da distribuição temporal de chuvas dada por Huff. Este trabalho tem o intuito de aplicar os métodos AFL, AFC e HMMP de maneira a avaliar os procedimentos e peculiaridades de cada método e assim possibilitar uma análise comparativa. Os referidos métodos foram aplicados para as séries de vazões dos aproveitamentos hidrelétricos UHE Sobradinho e UHE Três Marias, localizados na bacia do rio São Francisco, e a estação fluviométrica Paso de Los Libres localizada na bacia hidrográfica do rio Uruguai. Foram avaliadas a estabilidade e a sensibilidade dos métodos à extensão da série, à variação da magnitude das menores vazões das séries de valores máximos e a influência da presença de outliers, nos valores máximos determinados. As análises da estabilidade e sensibilidade apresentam diferenças máximas entre as estimativas de vazões decamilenares de 321% para a Análise de Frequência Local, 64% para a Análise de Frequência Conjugada e 82% para o Hidrograma Máximo Mais Provável. Conclusões importantes foram obtidas, dentre as quais o fato dos métodos AFC e HMMP apresentarem vantagens em relação ao método AFL para todas as análises realizadas. O método do HMMP apresentou variação pouco significativa quanto à presença de outliers e influência da presença dos menores valores, sendo considerado o mais promissor dentre os três métodos e para as séries analisadas no presente trabalho. / If, on one hand, the estimation of peak flows by traditional statistical analysis (Local Frequency Analysis - AFL) and deterministic methods (Probable Maximum Flood - PMF) has been criticized, on the other, the Conjugated Frequency Analysis (AFC) and the method of Hydrograph Maximum Most Probable (HMMP), recently proposed, are highlighted as promising tools. The AFC consists of a combination of deterministic and probabilistic techniques and HMMP uses the concepts of Curvilinear Unit Hydrograph (HUC) by Mockus and temporal distribution of rainfall given by Huff. This paper aims to apply the AFL, AFC and HMMP methods in order to assess the procedures and peculiarities of each method and thus provide a comparative analysis. The methods were applied to the series of flows of hydroelectric Sobradinho and Três Marias, located in the São Francisco basin, and Paso de Los Libres fluviometric station located in the basin of the River Uruguay. Stability and sensitivity of the methods to extend the series, the variation of the magnitude of lower flows series of maxima and the influence of the presence of outliers in certain maximums were evaluated. The stability and sensitivity analyzes presented maximum differences between estimated decamilenares flow of 321% for the Analysis of Local Frequency, 64% for the Analysis of Combined frequency and 82% for Hydrograph Maximum Most Probable. The method presented HMMP negligible variation for the presence of outliers and influence of the presence of minor amounts, and it is considered the most promising among the three methods and for the series analyzed in this work.

台灣法人科專計畫與科技部計畫之資源錯置研究:以專利價值指標為研發產出 / Misallocation of technology development programs and ministry of science and Technology’s programs: using patent value index as the R&D output

王郁棋, Wang, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
近年創新研發相關文獻指出創新政策可能因政策不一致性及資源被不適任者所佔有等因素而宣告失敗。其中「資源錯置」此議題乃最為大眾所關注,因此本研究採用Hsieh and Klenow(2009)的資源配置效率模型以檢視台灣兩大科技計畫─「法人科專計畫」與「科技部計畫」是否有資源錯置之情事,以確保我國科技計畫之成效。結果指出,科技部計畫之資源配置效率相對於法人科專計畫較為不穩定,主因為科技部計畫執行機構多為學術型機構,其專利產值較易浮動。研究後續進一步分析兩大計畫底下各機構之扭曲程度。法人科專部份,工研院長期為正向扭曲,中科院則長期為負向扭曲,其正負之差異源自於機構的研發屬性不同;科技部計畫部份,各機構扭曲程度波動較大,乃受到機構研究目的與發表形式差異所導致。本文受限於利用專利作為產出衡量,無法提供科技部計畫全面性的評估觀點。未來若能納入人文社會科學領域且綜合其他學術指標做為產出衡量,將能提供更完整的科技部計畫資源配置效率分析,提供更精確之政策建議。 / Past literature has sounded an alarm to the failure of innovation and warned that policy inconsistency and misallocated innovation inputs as two major reasons to fail innovation. Since Taiwanese government had consistent support over research and development via policy support, this research has focused on the issues of innovation input distortions. In this thesis, the "Technology Development Program (TDP)" supported by Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) as well as endowment projects financed by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) are utilized as the research target to investigate the innovation efficiency. The results in this research suggest that TDP has stably higher performance than the MOST-financed projects. TDP projects are executed as more business-related uses while MOST-financed projects usually focus more on the fundamental technological breakthroughs. Besides, the results also suggest that the innovation objectives set by different institutions are crucial to the current innovation efficiency measure. For example, the TDP projects executed by Industrial Technology Research Institute, a commercial technology developer, record less distortions than other TDP projects granted to other institutions responsible for national defense development. This would shed light on the more aligned innovation objective setup and the following innovation resource allocation.

Contratação administrativa como instrumento de fomento econômico a partir da entrada em vigor da Constituição da República de 1988

Braga, Márcia Bello de Oliveira January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata da contratação administrativa como instrumento de fomento econômico, pelo prisma da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 e legislação posterior, com o objetivo de apurar se há suporte constitucional para o fomento das áreas escolhidas pelo legislador e contempladas pelo Direito Administrativo Contratual vigente; se é legítima a utilização das contratações públicas como instrumento de fomento, finalidade que extrapola o interesse direto da Administração na aquisição do bem, na execução da obra ou na prestação do serviço; e qual o impacto dessas medidas nos procedimentos de contratações administrativas. Na primeira parte do trabalho, com o objetivo de melhor compreender a relação entre a função estatal de incentivo e os contratos administrativos, são buscadas balizas constitucionais para a atuação do Estado como agente normativo e regulador da atividade econômica, mediante o melhor entendimento da sua função de incentivo e a busca de objetivos, pessoas e/ou áreas que poderiam ser destinatárias do fomento econômico, investigando-se no que consiste a vantagem a ser buscada pela Administração em suas contratações e a sua relação com o fomento econômico. Na segunda parte do trabalho, são examinadas as principais alterações legislativas que visam à utilização das contratações administrativas como instrumentos de fomento econômico, que foram agrupadas em dois blocos. Um para exame dos benefícios concedidos às microempresas, às empresas de pequeno porte, às cooperativas e para outras formas associativas; outro para exame das preferências estabelecidas para proteção do mercado nacional e do meio ambiente e para o incentivo à inovação tecnológica. / The present work deals with the administrative signings as an economic fomentation tool, through the prism of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1988 and subsequent legislation, in order to determine whether there is constitutional support for the fomentation of the areas chosen by the legislator and, contemplated by Contractual Administrative Law in force; if is legitimate the use of public contractings as a fomentation tool, purpose that goes beyond the direct interest of the Administration at the acquisition of the property, carrying out the work or providing the service; and what impact of these measures in the procedures for administrative hirings. In the first part of the work, in order to better understand the relationship between the state function of incentives and administrative signings, constitutional goals are sought for the State acting as a normative and regulating agent of economic activity through a better understanding of their function incentive and the pursuit of goals, people and / or areas to be the recipients economic fomentation, investigating on what is the advantage to be sought by management in their hirings and their relationship with economic fomentation. In the second part of the work are investigated main legislative changes aimed at the use of administrative signings as instruments of economic fomentation, which were grouped into two blocks. One for the examination of the benefits granted to micro-enterprises, to small businesses, cooperatives and other forms of association; another exam of the preferences established for the domestic market protection and the environment and to encourage technological innovation.

Optimalizácia návrhu spínaného regulovateľného DC-DC konvertora / Optimization of switching regulated DC-DC converter design

Appel, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
The main goal of this project was an optimization of DC-DC converter design from company Meatest with regards to its efficiency, minimalizing power loses and radiated electromagnetic inference, while maintaining its price on reasonable level. The first part of this paper is introduction to the most common converter topologies. In the second part, design and optimization of converter are discussed. The third part is about measurement automatization in Simple. Measurements of converter prototype can be found in fourth part.

Vznik triploidních hybridů a jejich evoluční potenciál v kontaktní zóně diploidního a tetraploidního cytotypu heřmánkovce nevonného (Tripleurospermum inodorum) / The origin and evolutionary significance of triploid hybrids in diploid-tetraploid contact zone in Tripleurospermum inodorum

Ryšavá, Hana January 2017 (has links)
The presence of triploid individuals, whether hybrids arising from crosses of diploid and tetraploid plants, or spontaneously generated triploid hybrids diploid populations, is increasingly important in plant populations. However, the possible evolutionary role of the triploid hybrids is closely connected to the frequency of their occurrence, to their relative fitness (compared to parental cytotype) and fertility. As a model plant I choosed Tripleurospermum inodorum, in which a relatively frequent occurrence of triploid hybrids was documented in mixed populations of tetraploids and diploids. This annual plant achieves realy quick its reproductive maturity and is easily cultivated, making it an ideal model for cultivation and pollinating experiments. Compared to parental cytotypes, the triploid hybrids of T. inodorum take approximately the same (mostly mediated) fitness values. In vitro conditions were cultivated to measure of germination rates. Germination rate of triploid seeds was comparable to diploid parental cytotype. In the subsequent comparative cultivation, nearly 150 plant individuals (2x, 3x, 4x, and aneuploid cytotype) in the greenhouse showed that the triploids had intermedial values of their parental cytotypes or close to one of the parents. Thus, the vitality of the triploid plants is...

promoting transport liberalisation under the SADC trade in services protocol: the Zambian road transport operators experience

Hatoongo-Mudenda, Demetria January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Compositional Synthesis and Most General Controllers

Klein, Joachim 18 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Given a formal model of the behavior of a system, an objective and some notion of control the goal of controller synthesis is to construct a (finite-state) controller that ensures that the system always satisfies the objective. Often, the controller can base its decisions only on limited observations of the system. This notion of limited observability induces a partial-information game between the controller and the uncontrollable part of the system. A successful controller then realizes an observation-based strategy that enforces the objective. In this thesis we consider the controller synthesis problem in the linear-time setting where the behavior of the system is given as a nondeterministic, labeled transitions system A, where the controller can only partially observe and control the behavior of A. The goal of the thesis is to develop a compositional approach for constructing controllers, suitable to treat conjunctive cascades of linear-time objectives P_1, P_2, ..., P_k in an online manner. We iteratively construct a controller C_1 for system A enforcing P_1, then a controller C_2 enforcing P_2 for the parallel composition of the first controller with the system, and so on. It is crucial for this approach that each controller C_i enforces P_i in a most general manner, being as permissive as possible. Otherwise, behavior that is needed to enforce subsequent objectives could be prematurely removed. Standard notions of strategies and controllers only allow the most general treatment for the limited class of safety objectives. We introduce a novel concept of most general strategies and controllers suited for the compositional treatment of objectives beyond safety. We demonstrate the existence of most general controllers for all enforceable, observation-based omega-regular objectives and provide algorithms for the construction of such most general controllers, with specialized variants for the subclass of safety and co-safety objectives. We furthermore adapt and apply our general framework for the compositional synthesis of most general controllers to the setting of exogenous coordination in the context of the channel-based coordination language Reo and the constraint automata framework and report on our implementation in the verification toolset Vereofy. The construction of most general controllers in Vereofy for omega-regular objectives relies on our tool ltl2dstar for generating deterministic omega-automata from Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas. We introduce a generic improvement for exploiting insensitiveness to stuttering during the determinization construction and evaluate its effectiveness in practice. We further investigate the performance of recently proposed variants of Safra\'s determinization construction in practice.

promoting transport liberalisation under the SADC trade in services protocol: the Zambian road transport operators experience

Hatoongo-Mudenda, Demetria January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Promoting transport liberalisation under the SADC trade in services protocol: the Zambian road transport operators experience

Hatoongo-Mudenda, Demetria January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

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