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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Styrning av råvarulager och förbättrat materialflöde / Replenishment and Improved Flow of Materials

Östman, Fredrik January 2004 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är utfört vid Ahlstrom Cores AB som tillverkar spirallindade pappershylsor vid tre anläggningar i Sverige. Pappershylsor används främst vid tillverkning av papper av olika kvalitéer och företagets kunder använder då hylsorna till att linda upp det färdiga pappret på. Råvaror vid tillverkningen är hylskartong av olika kvalitéer och bredder samt lim. Rapporten behandlar två separata uppgifter. Den första och större av de två är att utforma ett nytt system för styrning av råvarulager och den andra är att förbättra materialflödet vid en av företagets anläggningar. I dagsläget saknar företaget regler för när och i vilka mängder råmaterial ska köpas in. Detta föranleder företaget att tro att man skulle kunna minska sina lager utan att för den skull minska sin servicegrad. Samtliga slutprodukter produceras efter ett recept som specificerar hur en slutprodukt byggs upp. Rapporten visar hur företaget utifrån ett givet produktionsschema och samlingen av recept kan beräkna sitt materialbehov för den kommande tidsperioden. Rapporten drar också slutsatsen att företaget bör använda partiformningsmetoden Lot-for-lot för samtliga sina råmaterial utom två. Att dessa två råmaterial inte kan styras på samma sätt som de övriga beror på att dessa materials förbrukning varierar mycket mot den som beskrivs i recepten. För de två materialen rekommenderas att beställningspunktsystem används för den ena och återfyllnadsnivå för den andra. En beräkning visar att det nya lagerstyrningssystemet kommer att minska företagets råvarulagrer med cirka 45 %. För materialflödesproblemet vid en av anläggningarna ger rapporten ett antal åtgärdsförslag som samtliga har det gemensamt att inga större investeringar kommer att krävas för att genomföra dem. Bland dessa åtgärdsförslag kan nämnas en ny disposition av företagets råvaru- och färdigvarulager. Denna nya disposition syftar till att minska längden på de interna materialtransporterna. Rapporten ger också ett förslag på hur råvarulagren ska organiseras och rekommenderar att en större maskin flyttas inom anläggningen. Detta genomförs framförallt för att bättre kunna utnyttja en yta som idag knappt används, samtidigt som denna maskin med dagens placering tar upp mer plats än vad som kan anses nödvändigt. Övergripande för åtgärderna vid anläggningen är att ingen exakt bedömning av hur stor förbättring åtgärderna innebär har gjorts, utan rapporten nöjer sig med att konstatera att det blir bättre.

Exploitation de la demande prévisionnelle pour le pilotage des flux amont d'une chaîne logistique dédiée à la production de masse de produits fortement diversifiés

Sali, Mustapha 06 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés au mode d'exploitation de la demande prévisionnelle pour le pilotage des flux amont dans un contexte de production de masse de produits fortement diversifiés et de dispersion géographique des unités de production. Lorsque l'information prévisionnelle est mal exploitée, des phénomènes, similaires à l'effet coup de fouet connu en chaîne logistique aval, apparaissent en chaîne logistique amont altérant durablement sa performance. Dans le but de contrer certains des mécanismes à l'origine de ces phénomènes, nous avons proposé une adaptation de la MRP permettant d'exploiter au mieux l'information prévisionnelle. L'adaptation de la MRP repose sur une méthode de calcul des besoins basée sur l'exploitation statistique des nomenclatures de planification et la diffusion d'informations sur les niveaux de recomplètement le long de la chaîne logistique amont. Cette approche a été testée avec succès sur plusieurs cas d'application dans l'industrie automobile

Medžiaginių išteklių planavimo sistema su neapibrėžtais duomenimis / Material requirements planning using uncertain data

Ramonas, Martynas 11 January 2007 (has links)
Last decennials in many companies information like strategical reservoir bursted into preponderant positions. Strategical information systems which withstand competition hold information place like this and help to survive for companies. First integrated IS which upstarted to computerize the planning of companies activities, are material recourse planning systems (MRP). It helps for company to solve the serious problems. Strategical information systems change the aims, processes of business, products, services or external intercourses of company to help to exceed the competitioners. MRP systems are relevant for all companies which manufacture, planning the manufacture processes. Each organization desire to have explicit, fast and competitive organized manufacture in which can be scheduled the possible risk of an element.

Caractérisation biochimique et structurale des RNases P et MRP chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Batisse, Claire 23 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La RNase P est une endoribonucléase responsable de la maturation de l'extrémité 5' des ARNt prématures. Holoenzyme très conservée, elle est constituée d'une composante ARN formant le noyau catalytique et d'une composante protéique dont le nombre de sous-unités est variable : une protéine chez les bactéries, 5 chez les archées et d'au moins 9 chez les eucaryotes. Les eucaryotes possèdent également une autre endoribonucléase, la RNase MRP dont la composition est proche de la RNase P tant au niveau ribonucléique que protéique mais avec une spécificité de substrat propre. Dans cette étude, nous proposons une méthode originale et spécifique pour purifier la RNase P et la RNase MRP de S. cerevisiae. Grâce à la microscopie électronique et au traitement d'images, nous avons déterminé la première structure de ces deux holoenzymes à une résolution d'environ 1.5 nm. Ces structures révèlent une architecture modulaire commune où les protéines stabilisent la composante ARN et contribuent à l'édification de cavités et de conduits. Les spécificités structurales sont localisées en des positions stratégiques pour l'identification et la coordination du substrat.

Proposta de modelo para gestão de materiais e compras de itens para manutenção e reparo em uma empresa do setor agroindustrial / not available

Márcio Henrique Urban 30 September 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por proposta analisar os modelos utilizados nos processos de gestão de materiais e compras para itens MRO em uma empresa do setor agroindustrial com ênfase no gerenciamento destes itens e das atividades executadas para sua aquisição a fim de identificar as melhores práticas de gestão visando à manutenção de seus estoques em níveis considerados satisfatórios. O estoque de itens MRO pode ter tanta importância para a empresa quanto o estoque de matérias-primas, haja vista o custo de interrupção da produção, como mão-de-obra parada, equipamento ocioso, prazos de entrega adiados e a perda de encomendas ou de clientes em decorrência de paradas não programadas que a má administração destes recursos pode causar. Além disso, o custo da oportunidade perdida em se obter rendimento durante o tempo de uma eventual parada, o lucro cessante, demonstra como o mau planejamento ou a falta deste para itens MRO pode prejudicar os indicadores de desempenho de uma organização. O trabalho foi dividido em duas fases: a análise conceitual e a análise prática. Na análise conceitual, o pesquisador estabeleceu os temas à cerca dos processos para gestão de materiais e compras em geral e avaliou sua aplicabilidade para itens MRO. Na análise prática, o pesquisador, por meio de pesquisa-ação com a aplicação da metodologia Transmeth (NUMA, 2003), analisou os processos praticados pela empresa citada, a fim de promover o mapeamento e a análise dos processos inerentes à função gestão de materiais e compras para itens MRO. Finalmente, o pesquisador propôs um modelo de gestão de materiais e compras de itens MRO para as empresas que atuam neste segmento. / The purpose of this work is analyzing the models employed in MRO material and purchasing management processes in an agro industrial company focusing on the management of these items and their purchasing activities, performed in order to identify the best management practices aiming the maintenance of their stocks at satisfactory levels. The MRO items stocks can be as important as raw-material stocks, considering the production interruption cost: employees without work, idle equipments, postponed deliveries and the loss of orders of clients due to unscheduled production interruption, which can be caused by the bad administration of these resources. Moreover, all the profit loss and a bad or the absence of planning for MRO items management can damage the performance indicators of an organization. This work was divided into two phases: conceptual analysis and practical analysis. Through the conceptual analysis, the researcher established the topics regarding the material and purchasing management processes in general and evaluated its applicability to MRO items. In the practical analysis, the researcher, applying an action-research methodology based on Transmeth methodology, analyzed the processes employed by an agro industrial company in order to map and evaluate the MRO material management and purchasing. Finally, the researcher suggested a MRO material management and purchasing model for agro industrial companies.

Propuesta de un modelo de gestión de inventarios para reducir las roturas de stock mediante la aplicación de herramientas de planificación, control y reabastecimiento en una empresa del sector automotriz.

Carazas Ventura, Luis Eduardo, Barrios Treviño, Manuel Oswaldo 13 November 2020 (has links)
Uno de los problemas más importantes que aqueja a las empresas ensambladoras y comercializadoras de vehículos es la rotura de stock de productos terminados, la cual perjudica de manera significativa las utilidades por las pérdidas de venta y que por ende tiene un impacto negativo en la rentabilidad de la empresa. Por ello, muchas de las pymes trataron de afrontar esta situación mediante el uso de herramientas como el modelo Q que revisa de forma continua los inventarios pero que no indica cuándo y en qué cantidades la empresa debe abastecer a sus puntos de venta o como el Just in Time que es un sistema de organización de la producción que logra que el producto llegue al cliente justo a tiempo, pero es una metodología que requiere de un alto nivel de desarrollo de los proveedores y gestión eficiente de su cadena de suministro donde las pymes no lograrían alcanzar, así también como el POQ que es una metodología, la cual determina un lote óptimo de compra pero que no determina el tiempo y la forma del abastecimiento. Por ello y en vista de la existencia de diversos esfuerzos e investigaciones con referencia a la gestión de inventarios para solucionar el problema siendo propuestas muy tradicionales con un alcance limitado con respecto a una visión integral del impacto del problema a lo largo de la cadena de suministros. Se plantea desarrollar un sistema de gestión inventarios que permita integrar las técnicas del MRP (Planificación de Requerimientos de Materiales), RFID (identificación por Radiofrecuencia) y CRP (Programa de Reabastecimiento Continuo) con una visión integradora, innovadora y tecnológica para la mejora de manera óptima y eficiente de los procesos. La forma de validación operacional que se propone para este modelo es mediante una simulación de la dinámica de sistemas, la cual es una técnica que permite una mejor comprensión sobre la evolución o comportamiento de los sistemas a través del tiempo y permite descubrir y describir problemas y modelos de manera sistemática. Asimismo, la manera de validar económicamente fue mediante el uso del flujo económico e indicadores financieros. De esta manera, el principal resultado de las validaciones es que en un escenario optimista, donde se consideró un incremento de la exactitud de inventario, reducción del error de previsión, incremento de la calidad de pedidos generados e incremento de las órdenes perfectas, los cuales eran los indicadores principales del modelo se llegó al resultado de una disminución continua de la rotura de stock. . Por ende, se valida la funcionalidad de la propuesta y viabilidad económica, ya que al aplicarlo soluciona el problema de la rotura de stock. / One of the most important problems afflicting vehicle assembly and marketing companies is the stock breakage of finished products, which significantly damages profits due to sales losses and therefore has a negative impact on the profitability of the company. For this reason, many of the SMEs tried to face this situation by using tools such as the Q model that continuously reviews inventories but does not indicate when and in what quantities the company must supply its points of sale or such as the Just in Time, which is a production organization system that ensures that the product reaches the customer just in time, but it is a methodology that requires a high level of supplier development and efficient management of its supply chain where SMEs do not they would be able to achieve, as well as the POQ, which is a methodology, which determines an optimal purchase lot but does not determine the time and form of supply. For this reason, and in view of the existence of various efforts and investigations with reference to inventory management to solve the problem, being very traditional proposals with a limited scope with respect to a comprehensive vision of the impact of the problem throughout the supply chain. . It is proposed to develop an inventory management system that allows integrating the techniques of MRP (Material Requirements Planning), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and CRP (Continuous Replenishment Program) with an integrative, innovative and technological vision for the improvement of the optimal and efficient processes. The form of operational validation that is proposed for this model is through a simulation of the dynamics of systems, which is a technique that allows a better understanding of the evolution or behavior of systems over time and allows discovering and describing problems and models systematically. Likewise, the way to validate economically was through the use of economic flow and financial indicators. In this way, the main result of the validations is that in an optimistic scenario, where an increase in inventory accuracy, a reduction in forecast error, an increase in the quality of generated orders and an increase in perfect orders was considered, which were the main indicators of the model, the result of which was a continuous decrease in stock breakage. . Therefore, the functionality of the proposal and economic viability are validated, since when applied it solves the problem of stock breakage. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Volba a nasazení ERP systému / Selection and deployment of ERP system

Rozmahel, Ivan January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis called The selection and deployment software for production planning and control, to clear up the basic principles associated with the company’s information and control systems and with the company‘s processes viewed from the point of production. The diploma thesis deals with the theoretical description of the ERP systems and the principal planning and production methods. In the practical part the implementation of the new controlling ERP system at the PBS company is described.

Softwarová podpora procesu řízení výroby / Software Support of Manufacturing Process Management

Miler, Filip January 2016 (has links)
The thesis describes the design of the information system that is supposed to support production process at the Varia, Ltd company. Theoretical background of operative production management and information systems is described in the first part. The second part contains the analysis of the processes inside company in which the problematical areas were identified. Based on the analysis results and the theoretical background, the particular design of information system was created. This system is supposed to support operative production management and to eliminate the production process weaknesses.

Návrh štíhlé výroby s využitím produktů ICT k zajištění jakosti / Draft Lean Manufacturing Using ICT Products to Ensure Quality

Shchochenko, Anastasiia January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the master’s thesis is the implementation of ICT product in logistic department of enterprise which uses the lean production. The current situation is analyzed the analysis of enterprise economic status is provided and Lean Manufacturing-oriented logistics ICT products are described. The two leading ICT products which could help to optimize the logistics processes are compared, the system requirements and bottlenecks expected are determined.

Business Process Reengineering within the bicycle industry

Bartolomé Rodriguez, David January 2010 (has links)
Bicycle leader brands have shift production overseas to reduce the cost of labor and to implement new technologies at lower cost. Bike manufacturer both in Asia and Europe employ a traditional way of production  based on economics of scale that aims cost per unit reduction. Where MRP systems and forecasting are part of their day basis operations. This traditional way of operation offers room for innovation that must be seen as a business opportunity. Thus, alternative management approaches can strengthen strategic goals and improve responsiveness and flexibility. Bicycle brands producing locally should implement alternative management systems to remain competitive, to take the maximum advantage of their location, to improve customer service and to cut operational cost. The course of action followed was a market analys is to understand the nature of the bicyclemarket within European Union. Similarly, a Business Process Reengineering was conducted to identify with the current operational processes and opportunities within the bicycle industry. Based on the Business Process Engineering, an alternative business model was presented. The main proposed solution to improve the current operational processes:  (a) Implementation of Just-­‐in-­‐time management system and relocation of assembly facilities.  (b) Benchmark IKEA core methods, designing products for supply chain and that customer assemble  the future themselves. (c) Benchmark Dell Computer business model of customization and supply chain. Finally, the fundaments for an alternative business concept were established regarding bicycle design concept, strategy planning and production system design.

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