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Maintenance, a Forgotten Part of the Strategic Plan / Maintenance, a Forgotten Part of the Strategic PlanRiva Zaferson, Franco Alberto 03 August 2018 (has links)
This article exposes the reasons behind the relegation of maintenance management as an operative unit instead of a strategic tool in the organizational management. It works with literature review and the peruvian business context. Finally, it shows some statistical criteria relevant to the maintenance planning. / En el artículo se expone los motivos por los cuales la gestión de mantenimiento ha sido relegada a una unidad operativa en lugar de ser tomada en cuenta como herramienta estratégica de la gestión organizacional. Se trabaja con relación a revisión de literatura y a la situación del empresariado peruano. Finalmente se exponen algunos criterios estadísticos que pueden ser relevantes al momento de planificar el mantenimiento.
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Desempeño de marco arriostrado excéntricamente de varios niveles sin losa intermediaValenzuela Núñez, Rodrigo Andreas January 2019 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil / El sistema estructural de marcos arriostrados de varios niveles sin losa intermedia (MTBF) posee dos o más niveles arriostrados lateralmente en una estructura con altura única, las cuales están encargada de resistir la carga axial desbalanceada, la cual ocurre luego del pandeo a compresión de los arriostres, con ausencia de diafragmas en la dirección perpendicular. Estos son utilizados en edificaciones industriales de gran altura, en las cuales utilizar un solo arriostramiento genera secciones muy grandes. En general, se utiliza arriostramientos concéntricos de tipo X, chevron o V.
Este trabajo de título tiene como objetivo principal evaluar el desempeño del sistema estructural MTBF utilizando arriostramientos excéntricos en sus niveles, caracterizando el modo de falla que presente, considerando las no linealidades del problema.
Para la realización de esta investigación se consideró una estructura MTBF de dos niveles, compuesta por 5 vanos de 11,65 metros de alto con 10,48 metros de ancho, en los cuales el segundo y cuarto vano corresponden al sistema sismorresistente EBF, utilizando diafragma rígido solamente en el nivel superior, ubicada en un suelo de tipo 2 y zona sísmica III. Además, para las uniones de cada uno de los elementos se considera una conexión de tipo rígida y se utiliza la calidad de acero de ASTM A992 para todos los elementos. Esta estructura es diseñada en base a la norma NCh2369, considerando un diseño por capacidad para marcos EBF según lo estipulado en la norma AISC341 y verificando la resistencia de los perfiles según lo indicado en la norma AISC360.
Posterior al diseño, se consideraron 4 modelos a estudiar; el primero sin imperfecciones en el enlace del nivel inferior, el segundo con una imperfección en los nodos del enlace de 2,8 milímetros en direcciones contrarias, el tercero con una imperfección en los nodos del enlace igual a 7,7 milímetros en la misma dirección y un cuarto modelo incorporando un diafragma rígido en el nivel intermedio. Estos fueron sometidos a un análisis no lineal estático y dinámico utilizando el programa SAP2000 v20.2.
Los resultados obtenidos indican que se obtiene un desempeño sísmico aceptable en base a lo estipulado en el informe FEMA P695. Por lo tanto, las disposiciones de diseño para este sistema estructural, utilizando las normativas vigentes en la actualidad, cumplen con los requisitos establecidos para obtener un desempeño sísmico adecuado.
Además, se cumple con el modo de falla esperado en todos los modelos, ya que la formación de rotulas plásticas solo se presenta en los enlaces de ambos niveles, los cuales corresponden al elemento fusible del sistema estructural, mientras que sus demás elementos presentan un comportamiento lineal durante todo el análisis.
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Análise de falhas em operação de um sistema anemométrico de uma aeronaveBárbara Aquino de Sousa 13 April 2011 (has links)
O trabalho mostra os conceitos teóricos aplicados no desenvolvimento de um sistema de dados do ar e a relevância deste sistema para que diversas funções da aeronave sejam executadas. Fornece também um embasamento teórico do processo de Safety Assessment que é aplicado na indústria aeronáutica de forma a garantir a segurança de vôo e a certificação da aeronave pelas autoridades. Com base em dados de campo relatados pelos operadores das aeronaves regionais, é realizada uma análise das causas das remoções de componentes do ADS e dos principais problemas encontrados na frota. A partir destes dados é realizada uma estimativa de MTBUR (Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals) dos componentes e a análise do comportamento deste parâmetro ao longo da vida da aeronave. É feita uma análise das soluções desenvolvidas pelo fornecedor da aeronave e dos componentes, com o objetivo de permitir que desenvolvimentos futuros possam prevenir a ocorrência das falhas já estudadas e desta forma apresentar um maior nível de confiabilidade e segurança.
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Propuesta de implementación de un programa de mantenimiento basado en la confiabilidad para las plantas de trituración de roca en una empresa constructoraVásquez Pérez, Ena Rosa 05 December 2019 (has links)
Durante las últimas dos décadas, el mantenimiento ha cambiado, más que cualquier otra disciplina gerencial. Estos cambios se deben a la gran cantidad y complejidad de los equipos con los cuales se cuenta hoy en día. Debido a estos cambios, se ha visto por conveniente implementar un programa de mantenimiento basado en la metodología RCM para evitar consecuencias de alto impacto por fallas de las plantas de trituración de roca.
En el presente trabajo se describe una propuesta de implementación de un programa de mantenimiento basado en la confiabilidad para las plantas de trituración de roca en una empresa constructora dedicada a la ejecución de proyectos de minería, infraestructura vial. En primer lugar, se utiliza diagrama de Pareto para identificar el problema más importante que causa la baja confiabilidad y elevados costos de mantenimiento con el objetivo de aumentar la fiabilidad y reducir los costos de mantenimiento: El estudio implica la utilización de las siguientes medidas: (1) Implementación de la metodología Mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad (RCM), donde se logra aumentar la disponibilidad de las plantas en 10% permitiendo que los equipos trabajen dentro de los estándares establecidos, (2) El indicador de tiempo medio entre fallas MTBF mejoró en 24. 67 horas, (3) El indicador de tiempo medio para la reparación MTTR disminuyó en 5.26 horas (4) los cotos de mantenimiento disminuyen en 38%, la rentabilidad de la organización aumenta en S/111,106 en el primer periodo. / Abstract:
Over the past two decades, maintenance has changed, more than any other management discipline. These changes are due to the large number and complexity of the equipment available today. Due to these changes, it has been found convenient to implement a maintenance program based on the RCM methodology to avoid consequences of high impact due to failures of rock crushing plants.
In this paper, describe a proposal for the implementation of a maintenance program based on reliability for rock crushing plants in a construction Company associated with the execution of mining projects, road infraestructure.
First, a Pareto chart is used to identify the most important problem that causes low reliability and high maintenance costs: The study involves the use of the following measures: (1) Implementation of the methodology reliability- centered maintenance (RCM), where it´s possible increase the availability of the plants by 10% allowing the equipment to work within the established standards, (2) The average time indicator between MTBF failures improved by 24.67 hours, (3) The average time indicator for MTTR repair decreased by 38% , the profitability of the organization increases by S/111,106 in the first period. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Vyhodnocovaní efektivity výroby / Evaluating production efectivityCzipszer, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the issue of evaluation of efficiency and data collection of lines in production, using the APROL program from B\&R automation. The aim of this work is to create a program completed requirement, which is going to be compared with already implemented projects of the company and will serve to create a company standard. The first part is devoted to the description of the theory of this issue and used software. The second part describes the solution of the line simulator and the whole concept of collection and evaluation.
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Repetitiv spegling av I/O över TCP/IP : Med fokus på feltolerans, signalintegritet och tillförlitlighetWernhager, Stefan January 2020 (has links)
Avläsning av tillståndet hos en mikrobrytare kräver att den ansluts till ett I/O hos exempelvis PLC, mikrokontroller eller annan lämplig utrustning. Forsmarks Kraft-grupp AB (FKA) och avdelningen för larm och telekommunikation (NEIT) ser ett behov av att på kärnkraftsanläggningen i Forsmark installera mikrobrytare på platser där det saknas anslutningsutrustning och förmedla dess tillstånd till ett övervakande system. I denna rapport presenteras ett förslag till teknisk lösning som uppfyller FKA:s behov genom att spegla ett I/O över TCP/IP-protokoll. Lösningen har tagits fram utifrån specifika önskemål från FKA. Funktionen ska bland annat övervaka två områden med mikrobrytare, larma för fel, ha egenövervakning, ta hänsyn till signalintegritet samt baseras på generell mikrokontrollutrustning. Vi-dare har en utvärdering av tillförlitligheten gjorts samt att funktionen har testats. Resultatet presenteras som en prototyputrustning där två mikrokontrollplattformar från Arduino har använts som bas och designen har skett utifrån ett feltolerant per-spektiv. Trippelmodulär redundans, watchdog-timer, dubbelbalanserad slinga och majoritetsvotering är några av de tekniker som tillämpats. Genom en kombination av programmering och föreslagna metoder har FKA:s önskemål uppnåtts. Tillförlitlighetsutvärderingarna visar att prototyputrustningen har en mean time between failure på ungefär 3,2 år samt att sannolikheten för felfri drift i 20,000 tim-mar är ungefär 50 %. Funktionstesterna visar på goda förutsättningar för långsiktig funktionalitet gällande I/O-spegling och larmhantering. Testerna avslöjar även före-komsten av falska larm vilket har föranlett förslag om debuggning av mjukvaran in-nan driftsättning. Rapporten avslutas med en diskussion kring de uppnådda resulta-ten samt föreslagna kompletteringar och utvecklingar av prototyputrustningen. / Reading the state of a microswitch requires it to be connected to an I/O of, for ex-ample, PLC, microcontroller, or other suitable equipment. Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB (FKA) and the department of alarms and telecommunications (NEIT) have real-ized a need to install microswitches at Forsmarks nuclear power plant at places where there are no connection equipment and redistribute its state to a monitoring system. This report presents a proposal for a technical solution that meets FKA:s needs by mirroring an I/O over TCP/IP-protocol. The solution has been developed based on specific requirements from FKA. The function should, among other things, monitor two areas with microswitches, alarm for faults, have self-monitoring, consider signal integrity, and be based on general microcontroller equipment. Furthermore, an analysis of the reliability has been made and the function has been tested. The result is presented as a prototype equipment where two microcontroller plat-forms from Arduino have been used as a base and the design has been done from a fault tolerant perspective. Triple modular redundancy, watchdog timer, double-bal-anced loop and majority voting are some of the techniques used. Through a combi-nation of programming and proposed methods, FKA:s wishes have been achieved. The reliability assessments show that the prototype equipment has a mean time be-tween failure of about 3.2 years and that the probability of faultless operation for 20,000 hours is about 50 %. The function tests show good conditions for long-term functionality regarding I/O mirroring and alarm handling. The tests also reveal the presence of false alarms, which has prompted proposals for debugging the software before deployment. The report concludes with a discussion of the results achieved as well as proposed additions and developments of the prototype equipment.
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Teknisk Tillgänglighet : En insyn på dess tillämpning inom tillverkningsindustrinTechnical / Availability : An insight to its application in the manufacturing industryBaghestani, Aidin, Rahman, Fahim January 2021 (has links)
Inom tillverkningsindustrin präglas ständig utveckling och förbättringsarbete, speciellt när det kommer till produktionsavdelningen, som är hjärtat för verksamheten. Det är här produkterna vi konsumenter drömmer om visualiseras, definieras och förbereds för att komma till liv. Företagen är därför i mån av att ha en produktion som producerar konkurrenskraftigt i en hög hastighet, men också resurssnålt och tillförlitligt. Teknisk tillgänglighet är det nyckeltal som beskriver huruvida verksamhetens utrustning lever upp till sina förväntningar och är idag ett av de vanligaste nyckeltalen som används inom industrisektorn. Nyckeltalet är en procentsats som beskriver den andel av organisationens utrustning som är tillgänglig under den planerade produktionstiden, och används för att kunna mäta utrustningens prestation men också för att kunna prediktera och förebygga produktionsstopp. I denna studie så har vi beräknat den tekniska tillgängligheten på ett utav Scanias monteringslinjer genom att beräkna maskinernas MTBF och MTTR med hänsyn till seriella och parallella sammankopplingar. I resultatet framgår det att tillgänglighets förluster enkelt kan undvikas genom att använda sig utav redundans samt att enstaka maskiner bristfälliga prestation kan dra ner det slutgiltiga resultatet på grund av maskinernas seriella sammanslutningar till varandra och på så vis göra resultatet missvisande. Vidare kan man dra slutsatsen att värdefull information som kan användas för strategiskt beslutsfattande inom produktionsavdelningen inte nödvändigtvis utvinns ur den tekniska tillgängligheten utan istället av dess byggstenar MTTR och MTBF.Dessa nyckeltal kan användas för att validera organisationens underhållsstrategier, samt för att prediktera och förebygga maskinhaverier. I Scanias fall är tillgängligheten på den avdelningen som studien baserats på så pass hög att det inte riktigt finns rum för förbättring som kan uppnås på personalnivå, och eventuella mål om förbättringar kan kännas långsökta. Som en lösning till detta kan man se över att istället titta på MTBF och MTTR med avseende på samtliga maskiner av samma typ istället för att titta på de individuella. Detta för att få ett medelvärde som representerar maskintypens genomsnittliga presentation på avdelningen. Genom detta så får man en siffra som personalen på underhållsavdelningen kan vara med och påverka denna siffra på en daglig eller veckobasis istället för 6 månaders period. / The manufacturing industry is characterized by continuous development and improvement work, especially when it comes to its production department which is the heart of the business. This is where the products we consumers dream of are visualized, defined, and prepared to come to life. The companies are therefore subject to having a production that produces competitively at a high speed, but also resource-efficient and reliable. Technical availability is the key figure that describes whether the company's equipment lives up to its expectations and is today one of the most common key figures used in the industrial sector. The key figure is a percentage that describes the proportion of the organization's equipment that is available during the planned production period and is used to measure the equipment's performance but also to predict and prevent production stoppages. In this study, we have calculated the technical availability of one of Scania's assembly lines by calculating their machines MTBF and MTTR with regard to serial and parallel interconnections. The result shows that availability losses can easily be avoided by using redundancy and that individual machines' poor performances can reduce the final result due to the machines' serial connections to each other. Furthermore, it can be concluded that valuable information that can be used for strategic decision-making within the production department is not necessarily extracted from the technical availability but instead from analyzing its building blocks MTTR and MTBF. These key figures can be used to validate the organization's maintenance strategies, as well as to predict and prevent machine breakdowns. In Scania's case, the availability of the department on which the study is based is so high that there is not really room for improvement that can be achieved at staff level, and any goals for improvement may feel far-fetched. As a solution to this, you can instead look at MTBF and MTTR with respect to all machines of the same type instead of looking at them individually. This will get you a value that represents the machine group's average performance in the department. With this you will get a figure that the staff in the maintenance department can be involved in and influence on a daily or weekly basis instead of a 6-month period.
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Estudo sobre modelagem e avaliação de confiabilidade em redes óticasSantana, Wallace Rodrigues de January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Guiou Kobayashi. / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Informação, 2010 / Nos dias de hoje, as redes de comunicação têm se mostrado cada vez mais vitais e importantes, pois provêm conexões locais, regionais e internacionais para voz, dados e vídeo. Num mundo globalizado, elas desempenham um papel importante na economia e nas relações humanas, de tal maneira que a sua indisponibilidade, ainda que por pouco tempo, pode causar uma série de transtornos e inconvenientes. As redes de comunicação são baseadas principalmente em enlaces de fibra ótica, que estão distribuídas geograficamente, enterradas ao longo de rodovias, ferrovias, junto a gasodutos e oleodutos, e por conseqüência, expostas aos mais variados tipos de sinistros que podem acarretar a sua
indisponibilidade, como escavações, enchentes, terremotos, falhas humanas, falhas de equipamento, etc. Assim, este trabalho procura discutir e apresentar uma metodologia para modelar e avaliar a confiabilidade das redes óticas, de modo a construir um modelo de confiabilidade que possa ser usado por provedores de serviços para adequar suas operações aos acordos de níveis de serviço estabelecidos com seus clientes. / Nowadays, communication networks have proved increasingly vital and important as they
come from local connections, regional and international voice, data and video. In a globalized world, they play an important role in the economy and human relationships, so that its unavailability, even for a short time, can cause a lot of trouble and inconvenience.
Communication networks are mainly based on optical fiber links, which are distributed
geographically, buried along highways, railways, along with gas and oil pipelines, and consequently exposed to all kinds of accidents which may lead to its unavailability, as excavations, floods, earthquakes, human error, equipment failures, etc. Thus, this paper discusses and presents a methodology to model and evaluate the reliability of
optical networks in order to construct a model of reliability that can be used by service providers to tailor their operations to service level agreements established with their customers.
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Modelování a predikce spolehlivosti / Modelling and prediction of reliabilityJirgl, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents a reliability analysis of a technical system. It is divided into three main sections. The first section introduces some of the most significant problems of reliability. It deals with a definition and an expresion of reliability, a reliability diagram selection and a detailed description of the reliability analysis. This part also includes an overview of reliability analysis types. Some of the most widely used reliability analyses are briefly described; further advantages and disadvantages of using each method are listed. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis - FMEA is then described in a greater detail. The second section contains an analysis of aviation conditions as well as a design of a reliability analysis that concerns a selected digital system; the system under analysis is a pitch trim indicator. The main design issue lies in a choice of a most suitable method. This choice stems from the overview of reliability analyses presented in the first section of the thesis. In the last section, a FMEA reliability analysis of the pitch trim indicator is conducted. This part includes a discussion of the results as well as a design action that is to lead to an increase in reliability of the analyzed system.
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Improving asset care plans in mining : applying developments from aviation maintenanceAl Shaalane, Amir 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to compare the aviation derived reliability metric
known as the Maintenance Free Operating Period (MFOP), with the traditionally
used, and commonly found, reliability metric Mean Time Between
Failure (MTBF), which has over the years shown some innate disadvantages
in the field of maintenance. It will be shown that this is mainly due to MTBF’s
inherent acceptance of failure and the unscheduled maintenance therewith directly
connected. Moreover, MFOP is successfully applied to a mining specific
case study, as to date, no other application of the MFOP concept to the mining
sector is known.
An extensive literature study is presented, which covers concepts relevant
to the overall study and which helps to contextualise the problem, revealing the
major shortcomings of the commonly accepted MTBF metric. A methodology
to analyse systems MFOP performance, making use of failure statistics to
analyse both repairable and non-repairable systems, is presented. Validation
makes use of a case study which applies the MFOP methodology to a system,
specifically in the mining sector.
It was shown that MFOP could be applied to the data obtained from the
mining sector, producing estimates which were accurate representations of reality.
These findings provide an exciting basis on which to begin to facilitate a paradigm shift in the mind set of maintenance personnel, setting reliability
targets and dealing with unscheduled maintenance stops.
KEYWORDS: Maintenance Free Operating Period, Mean Time Between Failure,
Maintenance, Mining / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die Onderhoudvrye Bedryf Tydperk (OBT),
’n betroubaarheidsmaatstaf afkomstig van die lugvaart industrie, te vergelyk
met die Gemiddelde Tyd Tussen Falings (GTTF) maatstaf wat tradisioneel in
algemene gebruik is, maar wat oor die jare inherente nadele met betrekking tot
instandhouding geopenbaar het. Dit sal bewys word dat hierdie nadele hoofsaaklik
ontstaan as gevolg van die GTTF se inherente aanvaarding van failure
en die ongeskeduleerde instandhouding wat daarmee gepaard gaan. OBT word
ook suksesvol aangewend in ’n mynwese-spesifieke gevallestudie, wat aaangegaan
is aangesien geen ander sooortgelyke aanwending in die mynwese sektor
tot datum bekend is nie. ’n Breedvoerige literatuurstudie word voorgelê wat
relevante konsepte dek en die probleem binne konteks plaas, en daardeur die
hoof tekortkominge van die algemeen aanvaarde GTTF metriek ontbloot.
’n Metodologie waardeur analise van die stelsel werkverrigting van die OBT
uitgevoer kan word met gebruik van onderbrekings statistiek om herstelbaar
sowel as onherstelbare stelsels te analiseer, word voorgestel. Geldigheid word
getoets deur ’n gevallestudie wat die OBT metodologie aangewend word spesifiek
vir ’n stelsel in die mynwese Dit is bewys dat OBT toegepas kan word op data afkomstig van die mynwese
sector, en skattings lewer wat akkurate voorstellings is van die werklikheid.
Hierdie bevindinge is opwindend, en dit dien as die basis vir ’n die
aanwending van ’n paradigmaskuif in die benadering van instandhoudingspersoneel
tot die daarstelling van teikens vir betroubaarheid en ook in hul
hantering van ongeskeduleerde instandhoudingsophoud.
SLEUTELWOORDE: Onderhoudvrye Bedryf Tydperk, Gemiddelde Tyd Tussen
Falings, Onderhoud, Mynbou
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