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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de mantenimiento productivo total para mejorar el sistema de gestión del mantenimiento y reducir la capacidad ociosa en una empresa metalmecánica / Total productive maintenance model to improve maintenance management system and reduce idle capacity in a metalworking company

Rojas Cadillo, Keneth Anderson, Salas Gomez, Arom Alexis 05 January 2021 (has links)
Esta investigación consiste en la evaluación de una empresa del sector metalmecánico, sector que había registrado altas tasas de inactividad, que variaban entre 35% y 46%, y que se producían por problemas de producción. En la línea de producción de tanques de almacenamiento de GLP, la presencia de esta capacidad ociosa se detectó en términos de paradas no planificadas, que estuvo constituida por averías de máquinas, paradas menores y tiempos de reparación. Por ello, este documento presenta la implementación del mantenimiento productivo total, específicamente a través de la aplicación del pilar de capacitación y entrenamiento, mantenimiento autónomo y mantenimiento planificado. Los resultados de la implementación de los pilares TPM y la herramienta 5S mostraron que la tasa de capacidad inactiva disminuyó de 33,86% a 27,63% y el costo de mantenimiento de 26,10% a 17%, así mismo la disponibilidad de las máquinas aumentó de 84,03% a 90,85% y la tasa OEE del 71,05% al 75,81%. / This investigation consists of the evaluation of a company in the metalworking sector, a sector that had registered high rates of idleness, which varied between 35% and 46%, and that occurred due to production problems. In the production line of LPG storage tanks, the presence of this idle capacity was detected in terms of unplanned shutdowns, which was constituted by machine breakdowns, minor stoppages and repair times. For this reason, this document presents the implementation of total productive maintenance, specifically through the application of the pillar of training and training, autonomous maintenance and planned maintenance. The results of the implementation of the TPM pillars and the 5S tool showed that the idle capacity rate decreased from 33.86% to 27.63% and the cost of maintenance from 26.10% to 17%, likewise, the machines availability increased from 84.03% to 90.85% and the OEE rate from 71.05% to 75.81%. / Trabajo de investigación

Mejora de la disponibilidad de un horno espiral en una empresa panificadora basada en la integración de metodologías RCM y TPM / Improvement of the availability of a spiral oven in a bakery company based on the integration of RCM and TPM methodologies

Hernández Novoa, Rocío, Yacolca Loja, Rómulo Rubén 01 April 2021 (has links)
Esta investigación desarrolla un modelo de gestión para el área de mantenimiento de una empresa de panadería. Las técnicas utilizadas son los 3 pilares del Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), mantenimiento autónomo, mantenimiento planificado y mejora continua, integrado con la metodología Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) para proponer un plan de mantenimiento preventivo. El objetivo es aumentar la disponibilidad de una línea de producción y reducir los costos de mantenimiento. El caso de estudio analiza principalmente una línea de panadería cuyos equipos tiene una alta tasa de paradas. Para validar los efectos del modelo se desarrolla un sistema de simulación de la línea de producción que incluye el porcentaje de producción perdida por fallas y los tiempos de parada de la máquina. Los resultados mostraron un aumento en la disponibilidad de línea en un 9,72% y un ahorro del 35% en los costos anuales de mantenimiento. / This research develops a management model for the maintenance area of ​​a bakery company. The techniques used are the 3 pillars of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM); autonomous maintenance, planned maintenance and continuous improvement, integrated with the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) methodology to propose a preventive maintenance plan. The goal is to increase the availability of a production line and reduce maintenance costs. The case study mainly analyzes a bakery line whose equipment has a high stop rate. To validate the effects of the model, a simulation system of the production line is developed that includes the percentage of production lost due to failures and machine downtime. The results showed an increase in line availability by 9.72% and a saving of 35% in annual maintenance costs. / Trabajo de investigación

Haul road defect identification and condition assessment using measured truck response

Hugo, Daniel 16 July 2008 (has links)
Mine haul road maintenance is traditionally done at scheduled intervals or after regular inspection. Both these methods can lead to unwarranted expenditure, either through over-maintaining the road, or failure to recognise significant deterioration, resulting in an increase in vehicle operating costs. Predictive maintenance management models for unpaved roads have been developed in recent years. These methods work well in a trivial environment where variables such as traffic volume can be predicted. However, many mining systems are too complex for such models to be effective. This work investigates the possibility of using haul truck response to aid haul road maintenance management. The approach adopted for the study was twofold: Firstly, can truck response data be used to recognise specific road defects, in terms of location, type and size? This is important since different defect types require different road maintenance strategies. Secondly, can road roughness be measured on a qualitative basis? With the emphasis on road defect reconstruction, a mathematical modelling approach was adopted. The truck was characterised in terms of its suspension and tyre properties. Dynamic truck response data was acquired during field measurements in which the vehicle was driven over defects of known dimensions. With these data sets available, mathematical modelling and simulation was possible. Quarter vehicle and seven degree of freedom vehicle models played a vital role in this work by laying a foundation in the use of haul truck response for the purpose of road defect reconstruction. A modelling methodology that is based on dynamic equilibrium of an independent front unsprung mass of the truck is proposed in which the vertical dynamic tyre force and eventually the road geometry is calculated. It is shown that defects can be reconstructed from measured truck response data with an accuracy sufficient to fulfil the requirements of defect recognition for road maintenance management purposes. Secondly, a preliminary investigation into the qualitative assessment of road condition via truck response measurements was conducted. The inherent response properties of the truck pertaining to road roughness measurement were studied and some correlation between measured suspension motion and road roughness measured with a high speed profilometer was found. / Dissertation (MEng (Mechanical))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / MEng / Unrestricted

Propuesta de implementación del Mantenimiento Productivo Total (TPM) para incrementar la efectividad global del equipo OEE de la cabina de pintura en la Empresa Construcciones Metálicas Unión S.A.C / Proposal for the implementation of a maintenance management system using the TPM tool to increase the overall efficiency of the OEE equipment in the paint booth at the Empresa Construcciones Metálicas Unión S.A.C

Huamán Bazán , Ziyang Sheng, Chipana Aguilar, Pamela Estephany 15 November 2021 (has links)
En este proyecto se plantea una alternativa para mejorar la gestión de mantenimiento del área producción de la Empresa Construcciones Metálicas Unión S.A.C., incorporando las herramientas del TPM para incrementar la efectividad global del equipos OEE, aumentando la taza de calidad, taza de disponibilidad y taza de rendimiento, así mismo esto ayudara a reducir el alto índice de productos no conforme en el proceso de pintura, bajando el nivel actual de costos y reprogramaciones. El primer capítulo, mostramos el desarrollo de los conceptos que contempla nuestro marco teórico, como las metodologías y algunas herramientas que traten sobre la gestión de mantenimiento, enfocándonos en “Mantenimiento Productivo Total” (TPM) básicamente en los pilares del Mantenimiento Autónomo y Planificado. En el siguiente capítulo se muestra el diagnóstico de la situación actual en el proceso de pintura, empleando información proporcionada por el área de producción de la empresa, con esta data se llega a identificar el problema raiz y las causas de este. En el tercer capítulo, se diseña y desarrolla la propuesta de gestión del mantenimiento en el área de pintura, aplicando el TPM. El cuarto capítulo comprende la verificación de la propuesta usando el simulador Arena, lo cual ayudara a la evaluación de los escenarios para las decisiones y ejecución de la alternativa planteada. Finalmente, en el último capítulo se realiza las recomendaciones y conclusiones. / In this project an alternative is proposed to improve the maintenance management of the production area of ​​the Construcciones Metálicas Unión SAC Company, incorporating the TPM tools to increase the overall effectiveness of the OEE equipment, increase the quality rate, availability rate and rate performance, also this will help reduce the high rate of non-conforming products in the painting process, lowering the current level of costs and reprogramming. The first chapter, we show the development of the concepts that our theoretical framework contemplates, such as methodologies and some tools that deal with maintenance management, focusing on "Total Productive Maintenance" (TPM) basically on the pillars of Autonomous and Planned Maintenance. The next chapter shows the diagnosis of the current situation in the painting process, using information provided by the company's production area, with this information it is possible to identify the root problem and its causes. In the third chapter, the maintenance management proposal in the painting area is designed and developed, applying the TPM. The fourth chapter includes the verification of the proposal using the Arena simulator, which will help to evaluate the scenarios for the decisions and execution of the proposed alternative. Finally, in the last chapter the recommendations and conclusions are made. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Propuesta de un Plan de Gestión de Mantenimiento Total para reducir los índices de reprocesos en una empresa del sector de manufactura no primaria / Proposal for a Total Maintenance Management Plan to reduce reprocessing rates in a company in the non-primary manufacturing sector

Balvin Lume, Luis Alberto, Gomez Camargo, Sandra Carolina 15 August 2020 (has links)
Uno de los principales problemas existentes en las empresas manufactureras es el alto índice de reprocesos, debido a la alta frecuencia de averías de máquinas, sus tiempos elevados de reparación y a la inexistencia de un plan de mantenimiento. Con el pasar del tiempo, muchos autores han presentado varias estrategias de mantenimiento que buscan administrar de manera más eficiente los trabajos programados. Sin embargo, estos no siempre son tan efectivos, ya que no se aplican adecuadamente, los recursos no están disponibles o la estrategia no está dirigida a resolver el problema directamente. Esta investigación propone una propuesta de plan de gestión de mantenimiento productivo total basado en las metodologías OEE, 5S, TPM y SMED con el fin de asegurar una mayor confiablidad de las máquinas, reducir el tiempo de configuración y reducir los índices de reprocesos presentados en una empresa del sector de manufactura no primaria. Finalmente, se implementan las herramientas de manera gradual, solucionando el problema principal, a través de la reducción de reprocesos, pérdidas y mejorando así la utilización de máquinas. / One of the main problems in manufacturing companies is the high rate of reprocesses, due to the high frequency of machine breakdowns, their long repair times and the lack of a maintenance plan. Over time, many authors have presented various maintenance strategies that seek to manage scheduled jobs more efficiently. However, these are not always as effective as they are not applied properly, resources are not available, or the strategy is not aimed at solving the problem directly. This research proposes a proposal for a total productive maintenance management plan based on OEE, 5S, TPM and SMED methodologies in order to ensure greater machine reliability, reduce setup time and reduce the reprocessing rates presented in a company in the non-primary manufacturing sector. Finally, the tools are implemented gradually, solving the main problem, through the reduction of reprocesses, losses and thus improving the use of machines. / Trabajo de investigación

Mejora de la gestión del mantenimiento de las grúas tipo puente en el taller de construcciones navales del astillero SIMA Callao / Improvement of the maintenance management of the bridge-type cranes in the shipbuilding workshop of the SIMA Callao shipyard

Burgos Hermoza, Juan Manuel, Pflücker Vallejos , Renzo Luis 27 April 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, las operaciones del Taller de Construcciones Navales del SIMA Callao cuenta con 9 grúas tipo puente, 1 pórtico y 1 semi-pórtico, las cuales durante los años 2016 al 2019 incrementaron en un 110.21% el presupuesto destinado a su mantenimiento, el cual llegó a S/ 272,218.54. Este incremento está relacionado con el aumento de paradas de mantenimiento no programado y la disminución de la disponibilidad de las grúas en un 5%. Esta situación conllevó a realizar el proyecto para buscar una mejora en la gestión del mantenimiento de grúas, entre ellas en específico las de tipo puente, tipo pórtico y tipo semi-pórtico aplicando la herramienta de Mantenimiento Centrado en la Confiabilidad (RCM). Esta metodología tiene como fortaleza el uso de la herramienta de análisis de gravedad de los fallos (criticidad), más conocida como AMFE, el cual permitió identificar que los equipos eléctricos de polipasto y traslación fueron los sistemas que presentaron mayor frecuencia de fallas debido su bajo aislamiento, falta de limpieza y la excesiva humedad en el ambiente. Esta información facilitó la presentación de una propuesta optimizada con un nuevo plan de mantenimiento basado en el RCM, la cual generó un impacto positivo en el aumento del tiempo promedio entre fallas (MTBF) de 312 a 819 días, la mejora de la disponibilidad de las grúas tipo puente de un 84% a un 93% y la reducción del 80% del costo de mantenimiento correctivo respecto al año 2019, llevando a un ahorro económico de S/ 301,362.4. / Currently, the Naval Construction Department of SIMA Callao has 09 bridge-type cranes, 01 gantry and 01 semi-gantry. Between 2016 to 2019, it was reflected an increase of 110.21% of the budget in the maintenance of this equipment, risen to the amount of S /. 272,218.54. Likewise, there was evidence of an increase in unscheduled maintenance stops and a decrease in crane availability by 5%. This situation led to the implementation of this project, which aims to improve the maintenance management of bridge, gantry and semi-gantry cranes. For this reason, the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) tool was applied, highlighting its importance in the application of the failure severity analysis methodology (criticality), well known as AMFE. This methodology allowed to identify that electric systems of hoist as well as movement systems were those with the highest frequency of failures, due to the low insulation they presented, as a result of the lack of cleaning and the excessive humidity in the environment. This valuable information made it possible to present an optimized proposal, developing a new maintenance plan based on the RCM. This improvement proposal permitted to demonstrate an increase in the mean time between failures (MTBF) from 312 to 819 days, improving the availability of bridge cranes from 84% to 93% and a reduction of 80% in the cost of corrective maintenance, which led to economic savings of S/ 301,362.4, in comparison to 2019. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Modelo de implementación de mantenimiento lean para incrementar la Eficiencia Global de los Equipos mineros de acarreo través del Mantenimiento Productivo Total y mejora continua / Enhance of the overall equipment efficiency through a Total Productive Mainentance Model in a mining company

Lama Herrera, Orlando Enrique, Alayo Vilcarromero, Josue Jeremi 22 February 2021 (has links)
Lean Manufacturing es una filosofía centrada en reducir desperdicios que trae consigo impactos positivos en los resultados de una empresa. Sin embargo, este tipo de técnicas no son del todo compatible con el contexto de la industria minera. El estudio presenta un modelo que reúne las bases de aplicación de un sistema de Mantenimiento Productivo Total (TPM) como el inicio hacia la transformación Lean para una compañía minera. Este modelo toma como referencia modelos y casos de éxito que se implementaron anteriormente y es adaptado para garantizar el éxito de su aplicación. Asimismo, evalúa la importancia de utilizar un indicador adaptado a la minería como es el OEE minero y el MPI. Un caso de estudio es realizado para evaluar la potencial aplicación de la propuesta, diseñando los componentes principales del modelo propuesto para atacar cada uno de los problemas encontrados con el objetivo de incrementar la eficiencia de los equipos mineros. A través de un proceso de simulación para los volquetes se evaluó los efectos de aplicación de la propuesta, llegando así a un posible incremento de hasta +20.0pp en el OEE de esta familia de equipos. Este modelo puede ser aplicada a otros entornos de minería ya que es totalmente flexible en cada uno de sus pasos. A su vez, la implementación de estas estrategias crea una filosofía de trabajo centrada en la excelencia operativa para el área de mantenimiento. / Lean Manufacturing is a philosophy focused on the reduction and elimination of waste and brings with it a positive impact for companies. However, this kind of techniques are not compatible at all with an environment like the one the mining industry has. The following study shows a model for implementing Total Productive Maintenance in a mine, based on previous studies and successful cases studies to guarantee the success for the implementation and then enhance the efficiency of mining equipment. A case study in a Peruvian mine is made to evaluate the potential of implementation of the presented model, designing each of its components to solve all the diagnosed problems in the company with the aim of increase the efficiency and operability of the company’s mining equipment. The study shows how the proposed model can help to enhance the initial conditions that the mine had and optimize their operations. An evaluation was made, using process simulation for dump trucks, and the results demonstrates a possible increase on the Overall Equipment Efficiency of the Mining equipment (+20pp vs its initial state). Also, the implementation of this kind of models / methodologies / strategies, creates a new work philosophy centered on operational excellence for the maintenance department and the rest of the company. / Trabajo de investigación

MAINTAINING MAINTENANCE : The Importance of Evaluation and Upkeep in Maintenance Management Models

Berglin, Sebastian, Wennberg, Albin January 2022 (has links)
This thesis explores the consequences of neglect and lack of proper support and implementation in maintenance management models, specifically an old implementation of the Pm3 model. The area of study is not widely explored, with studies and evaluation of the specific model we have looked at being almost non-existent. We have conducted a qualitative case study at an IT department/company at a Swedish university and the data has been collected through interviews with different IT department leaders, as well as one interview with a representative with the company that owns and distributes the Pm3 model. The current software development methodology at the IT company studied in this thesis are agile methods but is locked down to a micro level, while the Pm3 model handles the macro level. The consequences of this are then compared against research within fields such as IT governance and IT/business alignment to find discrepancies from which the phenomena’s can be explained. With this thesis we want to explore the consequences of not maintaining maintenance management models in organizations, especially the Pm3 model as this is widely in Swedish institutions such as universities and government authorities. This thesis provides a word of caution and argue for the importance of maintenance in maintenance management models for such organizations.


[pt] Cenários de falhas em plataformas offshore constituem riscos ambientais, sociais e econômicos significativos devido à amplitude dos danos que podem ser provocados. Portanto, neste contexto, a adoção de boas práticas de gestão de manutenção é necessária, permitindo a continuidade operacional, através da integridade de ativos. No entanto, há ainda uma necessidade de estudos com uma abordagem holística para uma avaliação multinível de ativos, através de abordagens modernas que mitiguem as limitações da análise de modos e efeitos de falha (FMEA) tradicional. Desse modo, esta pesquisa propõe um framework para a análise FMEA que considera a subjetividade e as importâncias relativas dos critérios de risco, através de uma abordagem integrada que utiliza sistemas hierárquicos de inferência e modelos multicritério, como o Best-Worst Method (BWM) e o fuzzy VIsekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) para fornecer uma classificação estruturada de ativos, orientando o gestor na priorização de manutenção. Esse framework foi validado por meio de um estudo empírico em uma plataforma do tipo Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO), que abordou a problemática da corrosão externa para gestão de manutenção, com base na coleta de dados triangulados. Portanto, a presente pesquisa traz contribuições teóricas ao preencher lacunas através da propositura e aplicação de metodologias integradas, e contribuições práticas ao fornecer aos gestores, responsáveis pela formulação de planos de manutenção, elementos objetivos para uma tomada de decisão mais eficaz, sob o paradigma da confiabilidade. Esse framework pode ser aplicado em outros domínios através do ajuste de critérios avaliativos. / [en] Failure scenarios in offshore platforms pose significant environmental, social, and economic risks due to the magnitude of potential damages they can cause. Therefore, in this context, the adoption of good maintenance management practices is necessary, enabling operational continuity through asset integrity. However, there is still a need for studies with a holistic approach for a multi-level assessment of assets, using modern approaches to mitigate the limitations of traditional Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Thus, this research proposes a framework for FMEA that considers the subjectivity and relative importance of risk criteria, through an integrated approach using hierarchical inference systems and multi-criteria models such as the Best-Worst Method (BWM) and fuzzy VIsekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) to provide a structured classification of assets, guiding managers in maintenance prioritization. This framework was validated through an empirical study on a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) platform, addressing the issue of external corrosion for maintenance management, based on triangulated data collection. Therefore, this research brings theoretical contributions by filling gaps through the proposal and application of integrated methodologies, and practical contributions by providing managers responsible for formulating maintenance plans with objective elements for more effective decision-making under the reliability paradigm. This framework can be applied in other domains by adjusting evaluative criteria.

Deciphering maintenance challenges through computerized maintenance management system in Ethiopian manufacturing industries

Hunegnaw, Zerihun Tariku January 2020 (has links)
Abstracts in English and Xhosa / Given the need for prompt responses to today’s dynamic market, maintenance and maintenance management functions are becoming increasingly fundamental for industrial companies. Reduction of waste and bottlenecks, particularly the reduction of overproduction and work in process, accentuates the impact of malfunctions or failures of equipment on production. As such, it has become ever more urgent for proactive world-class maintenance to turn to computer-based support for efficacious management. To successfully manage activities such as the scheduling of activities, the planning of preventive maintenance actions, the analysis of data (to reduce the occurrence of malfunction and failures), and augment the absolute performance of the maintenance function, industrial companies implement information systems enabled by computerised maintenance management systems (CMMS) to deliver timely and accurate information. However, while various CMMS are available on the market, not all meet the exactitudes of each industrial company. The overall objective of this thesis is threefold: to explore major barriers and obstacles that have a negative impact on implementing CMMS; to identify the most common critical success factors (CSFs) that have a positive impact on implementing CMMS; and to develop an optimised CMMS model suitable to the context of Ethiopian manufacturing industries. To achieve this, an exploratory descriptive research design was employed, utilising both quantitative and qualitative data-gathering techniques, including structured interviews and questionnaires. Both qualitative and quantitative findings Suggest that the most important CSFs for CMMS implementation were work planning and scheduling and work identification and responsibilities, while the Ethiopian manufacturing firms lagged behind in the case of information technology and appraisal. Overall, key isues in maintenance management range from several maintenance techniques, information systems, scheduling, and optimisation models. This thesis is projected to be a useful source of information for both maintenance managers and stakeholders in CMMS decision making. It also creates opportunities for future research in this area of study. / Ngenxa yesidingo seempendulo ezikhawulezileyo kwimarike yanamhlanje eguqukayo, ukulondoloza kunye nololondolozo lwemisebenzi yolowulo ziya zisanda ngokubaluleka kwiinkampani zoshishino. Ukuncitshiswa kwenkcitho kunye nokuxinana kwindawo eziphezulu , ngakumbi ukucuthwa kwemveliso egqithisileyo kunye nokusebenza kwinkqubo, kunyusa ifuthe lokungasebenzi kakuhle okanye ukusilela kwezixhobo kwimveliso. Kananjalo, kuye kwangxamiseka nangakumbi kulondolozo lwenqanaba lehlabathi ukuba liphendukele kwinkxaso esekwe kwikhompyutha ukwenzela ulawulo olusebenzayo. Ukulawula ngempumelelo imisebenzi efana nokucwangciswa kwemisebenzi, ukucwangciswa kwezenzo zolondolozo zokukhuselo, ucalulo lwedatha (ukunciphisa ukwenzeka kokungasebenzi kakuhle kunye nokusilela), kunye nokwandisa ukusebenza ngokupheleleyo komsebenzi wolondolozo, iinkampani zamashishini zisebenzisa iinkqubo zolwazi ezenziwa ziinkqubo zolawulo lokulondoloza ngekhompyutha (i-CMMS) ukuhambisa ulwazi oluchanekileyo kwangexesha. Nangona kunjalo, ngelixa ii-CMMS ezahlukeneyo zifumaneka kwimarike, ayizizo zonke ezihlangabezana ngqo nemilinganiselo yenkampani nganye yemizimveliso. Eyona njongo yale ngcingane ebhaliweyo engqinelwa ziingxoxo, ithisisi ihlulwe kathathu: ukuphonononga imiqobo engundoqo kunye nezithintelo ezinefuthe elibi ekuphumezeni iiCMMS; Ukuchonga ezona zinto zibalulekileyo zempumelelo (CSFs) ezinefuthe elihle ekuphumezeni iCMMS; kunye nokuvelisa imodeli ye-CMMS elungele imeko yemizimveliso yase-Ethiopia. Ukufezekisa oku, uyilo lophando oluchazayo lwasetyenziswa, kusetyenziswa ubuchule bokuqokelela idatha eninzi kunye nesemgangathweni, kubandakanya udliwanondlebe olulungiselelweyo kunye nephepha lemibuzo.Zozibini iziphumo ezedatha esengangathweni kunye nedatha ngokobungakanani zibonisa ukuba ezona CSFs zibalulekileyo ekuphunyezweni kweCMMS yayikukucwangciswa komsebenzi nokucwangciswa nokwenza uludwe lweenkqubo kunye nokuchongwa komsebenzi kunye noxanduva, ngelixa iifemu zemveliso zase-Ethiopia zisasele ngasemva kwimeko yolwazi lwetekhnoloji kunye novavanyo. Kukonke, imiba ephambili kulawulo lolondolozo isukela kwiindlela ezahlukeneyo zobuchule zolondolozo, kwiinkqubo zolwazi, kuludwe lokwenziwa kweenkqubo zolwazi, kunye neemodeli ezigqibeleleyo. Le thisisi kuqikelelwa ukuba ingumthombo wolwazi oluluncedo kubo bobabini abaphathi bezolondolozo kunye nabachaphazelekayo ekuthathweni kwezigqibo kwiCMMS. Ikwadala amathuba ophando lwexesha elizayo kulo mmandla wokufunda. / Business Management / DBL (Business Leadership)

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