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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A model-based methodology for the evaluation of computerized group decision making

McNown Perry, Cindy A. 26 September 2001 (has links)
Increased global competition is forcing organizations to increase their use of group decision making today. Computerized group decision support aids (CGDSAs) are being developed to improve the efficiency of these groups and to improve decision quality. Even though the use of CGDSAs has increased, very little research has been done on the evaluation of CGDSAs. The purpose of this research was to develop a model-based generalized methodology for CGDSA evaluation from the user's perspective. Two models were developed as a foundation for the CGDSA evaluation methodology. The first model was a model of group decision making and the second model was a model of computer-aided group decision making. The group decision making model was based upon a basic input-output model with the problem as the input and the selected alternative as the output. Analogous to how problems are viewed in terms of classical design of experiments, independent variables affect the outcome (problem solution the dependent variable) of the decision making process. As in design of experiments, independent variables are either noise variables or control variables. In the model presented, the independent variables are further divided into four categories (internal, external, process, and problem) in the group decision making model as a way to help develop an exhaustive list of independent variables affecting the decision making process. The generalized methodology for CGDSA evaluation mapped directly to the computer-aided group decision making model. Solution quality is measured directly or by measuring independent variables that have been previously been correlated to solution quality using standard design of experiment techniques. The generalized methodology for CGDSA evaluation was applied to the assessment of ConsensusBuilder, an example of a CGDSA. As prescribed by the CGDSA evaluation methodology, usability was also assessed and practical use considerations were followed when designing the evaluation. The value of the ConsensusBuilder evaluation for this research was that it was possible to perform a thorough evaluation of ConsensusBuilder, a CGDSA, using the CGDSA Evaluation Methodology developed in this research. In addition to the ConsensusBuilder evaluation, six different CGDSA evaluations cited in the literature were assessed in terms of the CGDSA evaluation methodology. / Graduation date: 2002

Riziko výběru dodavatele s využitím fuzzy logiky / Risk of Choosing a Supplier Using Fuzzy Logic

Vyskočilová, Monika January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of a model used for evaluation and selection of fire-retardant footwear suppliers for the company Požární bezpečnost s. r. o. The thesis includes a summary of the theoretical foundation for processing the work, a presentation of the selected company and a draft of an evaluation model that assesses the contractor based on the chosen criteria and makes it easier for the company to make their decision. The model is created by using fuzzy logic in Microsoft Excel and MATLAB programs.

Aplikace fuzzy logiky pro vyhodnocení dodavatelů firmy / The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Rating of Suppliers for the Firm

Froehling, Kryštof January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the application of the theory of fuzzy logic in the evaluation of client translation commissions for a foreign language text. This fuzzy model is used for better selection of orders and faster allocation of human resources for specific orders. The fuzzy model is composed of multi-valued decision-making criteria that are essential for the company. The model is processed in MS Excel using VBA and MathWorks MATLAB.

Aplikace fuzzy logiky pi hodnocen­ dodavatel firmy / The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Rating of Suppliers for the Firm

Olov, Renata January 2014 (has links)
C­lem t©to diplomov© prce je nvrh vhodn© metody, jak vyhodnotit dodavatele model letadel a leteck©ho p­sluenstv­ holandsk© spoleÄnosti Aviation Megastore. Tato poleÄnost existuje na trhu ji v­ce ne 25 let a m v­ce ne 170 dodavatel po cel©m svÄtÄ. Proto vznikla poteba jednotliv© vrobce a distributory ohodnotit a zvit jejich vvoj bÄhem jednotlivch let, p­padnÄ u nÄkterch vybranch dodavatel zvit vzhledem k neuspokojivm vsledkm monost ukonÄen­ spoluprce. Pro vyhodnocen­ bude pouit program MS Excel a MATLAB.

Heuristics in Entrepreneurial Opportunity Evaluation: A Comparative Case Study of the Middle East and Germany

Hjeij, Mohamad 09 December 2022 (has links)
Heuristics are mental shortcuts applied, consciously, subconsciously or both, to save time and efforts at the expense of risking the accuracy of the outcome. Therefore, one might argue that it is just an accuracy-effort trade-off. Nonetheless, we ought to recognize the distinction between the circumstances of risk, where all choices, outcomes, and probabilities might be generally known, and the circumstances of uncertainty, where, at least some, are not. Traditional models like the Subjective Expected Utility (SEU) work best for decisions under risk but not under uncertainty, which portrays most situations people need to tackle. Uncertainty requires simple heuristics that are sufficient instead of perfect. In this dissertation, the notion of heuristics was researched through a comprehensive historical review that unfolded the heuristics-linked ideas of significant scholars. An explicit distinction between the deliberate and the automatic heuristics was stated with chronological categories of pre and post-introduction of the SEU theory; providing a new perspective and opening a discussion for future research to consider. Additionally, qualitative and quantitative studies were applied that produced an unsophisticated heuristic set that was used by entrepreneurs in the Middle East and Germany. Perhaps entrepreneurs, and people in general, do not always know or acknowledge their use of heuristics. But still, they use it extensively and may exchange heuristics among others. That may lead us to think that in a world where uncertainty prevails, the Homo heuristicus might become a real threat to the Homo economicus.

建構信任模型探討合作夥伴間資訊分享之意願 / Constructing the model of trust to discuss the will of information sharing between partner relationship

張瓊云 Unknown Date (has links)
由於跨組織關係的出現,企業為增加全球競爭力,供應鏈管理已成為非常重要的議題。其所重視的不僅是功能性的連結,亦著重於內部的流通,因此非常注重供應鏈成員間的資訊分享,用以創造長期永久的利潤。而為達到此目的,企業與企業彼此會互相逹成共識,進而相互結盟成為夥伴關係,這樣的夥伴關係是建立於相互信任、共擔風險與利益共享上,因此可藉由夥伴關係的建立,達到相互的信任進而願意資訊分享,如此不但可取得競爭優勢,並可創造出比企業個體更大的事業績效(Lambert et al., 1996)。 由上述得知,供應鏈組織中夥伴關係的建立常會牽涉到信任的形成,並用此來考量是否願意分享資訊。所以本研究針對資訊分享的議題,探討合作夥伴的信任程度對資訊分享的意願兩者是否有影響,藉由此協助企業在實施供應鏈管理上能有較適當的依循。即是希望建構一個信任函數,並經由運算設定此函數的門檻值進而探討資訊分享意願,若合作夥伴達信任門檻值,則彼此是願意資訊分享的;而針對未達門檻值的合作夥伴,可藉由信任函數中最具效益的構面指標,進行最有效的績效改善,提升供應夥伴的品質、服務、交貨速度及成本等等,用以達到信任門檻值,增加合作夥伴間資訊分享的意願。 因此本研究主要目的為建構一信任函數模型,使合作夥伴達到信任門檻,增加資訊分享意願,最終希望能提升整體供應鏈的績效表現。 / Because of Inter-organizational Relationships’ appearance, enterprises are in order to increase the global competitiveness, supplying chain management has already become very important topic. That pays attention to not only functional linking of ones, also focus on internal circulation. Therefore it pays much attention to supplying the information sharing among a member of the chain. And for achieve this purpose, among enterprises reach an agreement to form an alliance and become the partnership. Such a partnership is founded on trust in each other, taking risks together and benefits-sharing. So they can reach mutual trust then would like to carry on information sharing by setting up the partnership. That not only can make the competition advantage, but also can create the performance greater than the individual enterprise (Lambert et al., 1996). Consequently setting up the partnership regular involves in forming trust in supply chain. So we can use this viewpoint to consider would like to share information or not. Hence the research focuses on information sharing to probe into the relation between the degree of trust in the partnership and the willingness of information sharing.That is that builds and constructs a trust function, and sets up the threshold value via operation and then discusses the willingness of information sharing. If the cooperative partner reaches the value of threshold will willing to share information between each other. And aimed at cooperative partners who can’t reach the value of threshold, they can precede the most effective performance by using the beneficial dimension. Then improve their quality, service, delivery pace and cost, etc., in order to reach the will of information sharing.

Análisis del uso de escalas de medida de influencia en el proceso analítico de redes (ANP) para la toma de decisiones multicriterio

Schulze González, Erik Alejandro 07 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] La toma de decisiones en situaciones complejas y dinámicas representa un gran desafío para los tomadores de decisiones, quienes deben considerar múltiples criterios interdependientes. En este contexto, los métodos de análisis multicriterio de decisión (MCDA) son ampliamente utilizados, pero la mayoría de ellos asumen que los criterios son independientes, lo cual no es aplicable en la mayoría de los problemas del mundo real. El proceso analítico en red (ANP) es una técnica de MCDA que permite modelar las interacciones entre los criterios de decisión, lo que la hace más aplicable a problemas reales. ANP es una generalización del método de proceso jerárquico analítico (AHP), pero a diferencia de este último, reconoce las influencias recíprocas entre los elementos en un problema de toma de decisiones. ANP utiliza una red ponderada y dirigida para modelar estas interacciones, lo que permite una modelización más realista y precisa del problema. Aunque ANP es el método preferido para modelar situaciones de interdependencia y retroalimentación, presenta desafíos en la práctica, particularmente debido al gran número de comparaciones por pares requeridas. Esta tesis aborda la complejidad de ANP y su principal desafío: las matrices de comparación por pares que miden la influencia de un elemento sobre otro en la red. Se presenta un modelo híbrido de ANP simplificado con la técnica DEMATEL que reduce el número de comparaciones por pares necesarias mediante la utilización de escalas de influencia directa, lo que lo hace más factible de aplicar en la práctica. Además, se han recomendado escalas de medición de influencia directa para normalizar los valores numéricos obtenidos, dividiendo por la suma en lugar de una matriz de transición. La medida se vuelve más precisa con más divisiones de escala. En el estudio de caso presentado, se demostró que la propuesta de modelo combinado DEMATEL basado en ANP puede reducir en promedio el 42% del número de preguntas necesarias en comparación con el modelo ANP original, y aun así obtener resultados similares. / [CA] La presa de decisions en situacions complexes i dinàmiques representa un gran desafiament per als prescriptors, els quals han de considerar múltiples criteris interdependents. En aquest context, els mètodes d'anàlisi multicriteri de decisió (MCDA) són àmpliament utilitzats, però la majoria d'ells assumeixen que els criteris són independents, la qual cosa no és aplicable en la majoria dels problemes del món real. El procés analític en xarxa (ANP) és una tècnica de MCDA que permet modelar les interaccions entre els criteris de decisió, la qual cosa la fa més aplicable a problemes reals. ANP és una generalització del mètode de procés jeràrquic analític (AHP), però a diferència d'aquest últim, reconeix les influències recíproques entre els elements en un problema de presa de decisions. ANP utilitza una xarxa ponderada i dirigida per modelar aquestes interaccions, la qual cosa permet una modelització més realista i precisa del problema. Encara que ANP és el mètode preferit per modelar situacions d'interdependència i retroalimentació, presenta desafiaments en la pràctica, particularment a causa del gran nombre de comparacions per parells requerides. Aquesta tesi aborda la complexitat d'ANP i el seu principal desafiament: les matrius de comparació per parells que mesuren la influència d'un element sobre un altre en la xarxa. Es presenta un model híbrid d'ANP simplificat amb la tècnica DEMATEL que redueix el nombre de comparacions per parells necessàries mitjançant l'utilització d'escales d'influència directa, la qual cosa el fa més factible d'aplicar en la pràctica. A més, s'han recomanat escales de mesura d'influència directa per normalitzar els valors numèrics obtinguts, dividint per la suma en lloc d'una matriu de transició. La mesura es torna més precisa amb més divisions d'escala. En l'estudi de cas presentat, es va demostrar que la proposta de model combinat DEMATEL basat en ANP pot reduir en promig el 42% del nombre de preguntes necessàries en comparació amb el model ANP original, i encara obtenir resultats similars. / [EN] Decision-making in complex and dynamic situations poses a great challenge for decision makers who must consider multiple interdependent criteria. In this context, multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods are widely used, but most of them assume that criteria are independent, which is not applicable in most real-world problems. Analytic network process (ANP) is an MCDA technique that allows modeling the interactions between decision criteria, making it more applicable to real-world problems. ANP is a generalization of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), but unlike the latter, it recognizes reciprocal influences between elements in a decision-making problem. ANP uses a weighted and directed network to model these interactions, allowing for a more realistic and accurate modeling of the problem. Although ANP is the preferred method for modeling interdependence and feedback situations, it presents challenges in practice, particularly due to the large number of pairwise comparisons required. This thesis addresses the complexity of ANP and its main challenge: the pairwise comparison matrices that measure the influence of one element on another in the network. A simplified hybrid ANP model with the DEMATEL technique is presented, which reduces the number of pairwise comparisons required by using direct influence scales, making it more feasible to apply in practice. Additionally, recommended direct influence measurement scales have been suggested to normalize the numerical values obtained by dividing by the sum instead of a transition matrix. The measure becomes more precise with more scale divisions. In the case study presented, it was demonstrated that the proposed DEMATEL-ANP combined model can reduce on average 42% of the necessary questions compared to the original ANP model, and still obtain similar results. / Schulze González, EA. (2023). Análisis del uso de escalas de medida de influencia en el proceso analítico de redes (ANP) para la toma de decisiones multicriterio [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196689

Resident and resident-related committees and meetings in South Australian aged care hostels / Leah Ruth Wilson.

Wilson, Leah Ruth January 2003 (has links)
"February 20, 2003" / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 586-603) / xvii, 603 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Investigates the level of resident participation in decision-making in aged care hostels in South Australia. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Psychology, 2003

La fabrique de l’évaluation à l’aune d’une perspective resocialisante : une négociation entre enseignants et étudiants au premier cycle universitaire

Segueda, Saïdou 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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