Spelling suggestions: "subject:"boarine sediment"" "subject:"cumarine sediment""
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The skeletal remains of the naval ship Mars : An osteological pre-study for analysing digitally documented skeletalremains in a marine contextFredriksson, Matilda January 2015 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats är ämnad att ligga som grund för framtida osteologisk dokumentation ochanalys av de skeletala kvarlevorna från skeppet Mars, och är utförd i samarbete med projektet SkeppetMars (1564).Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och problematisera möjligheterna att analyseradigitalt dokumenterade skeletala kvarlevor i en marin miljö. För att utvärdera möjligheterna ochbegränsningarna med att utföra en digital osteologisk analys utfördes en mindre studie av det digitaltdokumenterade material som hittills insamlats från skeppet Mars. Analysen visade att en osteologiskanalys kan utföras på digitalt dokumenterade skeletala kvarlevor men att det finns begränsningar medatt utföra en analys av ett två dimensionellt källmaterial. Syftet med denna uppsats är även attdiskutera och lyfta fram hur skeletala kvarlevor påverkas under längre tid i marina sediment* samtbräckt/salt vatten. Syftet med denna uppsats är även att diskutera hur en hypotetisk inhämtning och konservering av de skeletala kvarlevorna från skeppet Mars bör utföras. / This bachelor's thesis is intended to lay the ground for future osteological documentation and analysisof the skeletal remains from the naval ship Mars, and is conducted with the project Skeppet Mars(1564). The main purpose of this thesis is to examine and problematise the possibility to analysedigitally documented skeletal remains in a marine context. In order to evaluate the possibilities andlimitations of performing an osteological analysis, a small analysis was conducted on the digitallydocumented skeletal remains collected from the naval ship Mars so far. The analysis showed that anosteological analysis can be performed on digitally documented skeletal remains, there are, however,limitations of performing an analysis on a two dimensional documentation. The secondary purpose ofthis thesis is to discuss and highlight how skeletal remains are affected by marine sediment* andbrackish/saltwater over a long period of time. An additional goal for this thesis is to discuss how ahypothetical retrieval and conservation of the skeletal remains of the naval ship Mars shouldpreferably be performed.
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Estudos dos metais e outros elementos presentes nos sedimentos das regiões costeiras de São Sebastião e Ubatuba - Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo / Studies of metals and other elements present in the sediments of the coastal regions of São Sebastião and Ubatuba - North Coast of the State of São PauloMarquez, Karem Soraia Garcia 09 April 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo comparativo das concentrações de alguns elementos de origem antrópica e de constituição, na forma lixiviada e total, em amostras de sedimentos, coletadas no Canal de São Sebastião e Ubatuba, litoral norte de São Paulo. Dois métodos de dissolução de amostras foram usados: EPA 3051 para a fração lixiviada e o método EPA 3052, seguido por uma etapa de digestão em vaso aberto com adição de ácido bórico, para a determinação dos elementos na forma total. A determinação dos elementos Al, Fe, Na, K, Mg, Ti, Ca, S, P, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Sr, Co, Cu, Cd, Mo e Pb foi feita por ICP-OES, depois de elaboração de programas analíticos adequados, levando em conta possíveis interferências de matriz e usando materiais de referência certificados. Muito embora a Ilha Anchieta, em Ubatuba, compreenda uma região não poluída, os resultados indicam um processo de deposição, causado por atividades antrópicas locais, perto da área continental. O estudo comparativo entre os dois locais revelou um processo de deposição no Canal de São Sebastião causado pela influência de atividades antrópicas nessa área, principalmente devido à presença de um terminal marinho de descarga de óleo e despejos de esgotos. / This work presents the results of a comparative study of some anthropic and constituent elements. Their concentrations were determined as leachable and total form, in sediments samples, collected in São Sebastião\'s Channel and Ubatuba, north coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Two methods of samples dissolution were used: EPA 3051 for leachable fraction and the method EPA 3052, followed by an open vessel digestion step with addition of boric acid, for the total ones. The determination of the elements Al, Fe, Na, K, Mg, Ti, Ca, S, P, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Sr, Co, Cu, Cd, Mo and Pb was made through ICP-OES, after elaboration of suitable analytical programs, taking into account the possible matrix interference, using certified reference materials. Although Ilha Anchieta, in Ubatuba, comprises a not polluted region, the results indicated a deposition process, caused by anthropic local activities, near the continental area. The comparative study among the two sampling sites, revealed a certain depositional process in São Sebastião\'s Channel, caused by the influence of anthropic activities in this area, mainly due a presence of a marine terminal of oil and sewage discharges.
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Estudos dos metais e outros elementos presentes nos sedimentos das regiões costeiras de São Sebastião e Ubatuba - Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo / Studies of metals and other elements present in the sediments of the coastal regions of São Sebastião and Ubatuba - North Coast of the State of São PauloKarem Soraia Garcia Marquez 09 April 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo comparativo das concentrações de alguns elementos de origem antrópica e de constituição, na forma lixiviada e total, em amostras de sedimentos, coletadas no Canal de São Sebastião e Ubatuba, litoral norte de São Paulo. Dois métodos de dissolução de amostras foram usados: EPA 3051 para a fração lixiviada e o método EPA 3052, seguido por uma etapa de digestão em vaso aberto com adição de ácido bórico, para a determinação dos elementos na forma total. A determinação dos elementos Al, Fe, Na, K, Mg, Ti, Ca, S, P, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Sr, Co, Cu, Cd, Mo e Pb foi feita por ICP-OES, depois de elaboração de programas analíticos adequados, levando em conta possíveis interferências de matriz e usando materiais de referência certificados. Muito embora a Ilha Anchieta, em Ubatuba, compreenda uma região não poluída, os resultados indicam um processo de deposição, causado por atividades antrópicas locais, perto da área continental. O estudo comparativo entre os dois locais revelou um processo de deposição no Canal de São Sebastião causado pela influência de atividades antrópicas nessa área, principalmente devido à presença de um terminal marinho de descarga de óleo e despejos de esgotos. / This work presents the results of a comparative study of some anthropic and constituent elements. Their concentrations were determined as leachable and total form, in sediments samples, collected in São Sebastião\'s Channel and Ubatuba, north coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Two methods of samples dissolution were used: EPA 3051 for leachable fraction and the method EPA 3052, followed by an open vessel digestion step with addition of boric acid, for the total ones. The determination of the elements Al, Fe, Na, K, Mg, Ti, Ca, S, P, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Sr, Co, Cu, Cd, Mo and Pb was made through ICP-OES, after elaboration of suitable analytical programs, taking into account the possible matrix interference, using certified reference materials. Although Ilha Anchieta, in Ubatuba, comprises a not polluted region, the results indicated a deposition process, caused by anthropic local activities, near the continental area. The comparative study among the two sampling sites, revealed a certain depositional process in São Sebastião\'s Channel, caused by the influence of anthropic activities in this area, mainly due a presence of a marine terminal of oil and sewage discharges.
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Modeling Fluid Flow Effects on Shallow Pore Water Chemistry and Methane Hydrate Distribution in Heterogeneous Marine SedimentChatterjee, Sayantan 06 September 2012 (has links)
The depth of the sulfate-methane transition (SMT) above gas hydrate systems is a direct proxy to interpret upward methane flux and hydrate saturation. However, two competing reaction pathways can potentially form the SMT. Moreover, the pore water profiles across the SMT in shallow sediment show broad variability leading to different interpretations for how carbon, including CH4, cycles within gas-charged sediment sequences over time. The amount and distribution of marine gas hydrate impacts the chemistry of several other dissolved pore water species such as the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). A one-dimensional (1-D) numerical model is developed to account for downhole changes in pore water constituents, and transient and steady-state profiles are generated for three distinct hydrate settings. The model explains how an upward flux of CH4 consumes most SO42- at a shallow SMT implying that anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is the dominant SO42- reduction pathway, and how a large flux of 13C-enriched DIC enters the SMT from depth impacting chemical changes across the SMT. Crucially, neither the concentration nor the d13C of DIC can be used to interpret the chemical reaction causing the SMT.
The overall thesis objective is to develop generalized models building on this 1-D framework to understand the primary controls on gas hydrate occurrence. Existing 1-D models can provide first-order insights on hydrate occurrence, but do not capture the complexity and heterogeneity observed in natural gas hydrate systems. In this study, a two-dimensional (2-D) model is developed to simulate multiphase flow through porous media to account for heterogeneous lithologic structures (e.g., fractures, sand layers) and to show how focused fluid flow within these structures governs local hydrate accumulation. These simulations emphasize the importance of local, vertical, fluid flux on local hydrate accumulation and distribution. Through analysis of the fluid fluxes in 2-D systems, it is shown that a local Peclet number characterizes the local hydrate and free gas saturations, just as the Peclet number characterizes hydrate saturations in 1-D, homogeneous systems. Effects of salinity on phase equilibrium and co-existence of hydrate and gas phases can also be investigated using these models.
Finally, infinite slope stability analysis assesses the model to identify for potential subsea slope failure and associated risks due to hydrate formation and free gas accumulation. These generalized models can be adapted to specific field examples to evaluate the amount and distribution of hydrate and free gas and to identify conditions favorable for economic gas production.
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Caractérisation physico-chimique d’un sédiment marin traité aux liants hydrauliques : Évaluation de la mobilité potentielle des polluants inorganiques / Characterization physico-chemical of a marine sediment treated with the hydraulic binders : Evaluation of the potential mobility of the inorganic pollutantsLoustau Cazalet, Marie 06 February 2012 (has links)
Le dragage des ports français génère chaque année entre 25 et 40 millions de tonnes de matériaux non contaminés qui sont clapés en mer. Il existe, de plus, un stock important de sédiments contaminés (10 millions de tonnes environ) qui n’ont pas été dragués, du fait de la réglementation interdisant un rejet en mer lorsque les niveaux de contamination dépassent les seuils définis par l’arrêté du 14 juin 2000. En outre, ce stock de sédiment, qui devra impérativement être dragué dans les dix ans à venir, est quasiment orphelin de filières de traitement et de valorisation adaptées. L’urgence de mettre en place des solutions (filières), respectueuses des fondements du développement durable, a engendré de nombreux programmes de recherche. Le programme SEDiGEST (Gestion des Sédiments de dragages des ports) envisage notamment un scénario de remblaiement des cavités terrestres par des sédiments traités. Cette Thèse de Doctorat, menée dans le cadre de ce programme, contribue à l’amélioration de la compréhension du comportement géo-physico-chimique d’un sédiment marin stabilisé aux liants hydrauliques (chaux + ciment). Pour répondre à cet objectif la démarche expérimentale a été conduite en trois étapes : tout d’abord la caractérisation du solide, puis l’évaluation de la mobilité potentielle des polluants inorganiques et enfin, la modélisation du comportement à la lixiviation. La synthèse des résultats a montré que les polluants inorganiques cibles de la matrice d’étude (cuivre, plomb et zinc) étaient majoritairement associés aux carbonates, aux sulfures/sulfates, aux (oxy)hydroxydes, et/ou à la matière organique. L’étude comparative de la matrice étudiée à trois stades « d’évolution » (avant et après traitement et vieilli artificiellement) a permis de mettre en évidence que le procédé de stabilisation aux liants hydrauliques n’était pas une solution pérenne. En effet, le sédiment traité présente un risque de pollution à plus ou moins long terme, notamment par relargage de plomb et de cuivre, en cas de carbonatation de la matrice sédimentaire. En particulier, la réversibilité du procédé de stabilisation/solidification induit par la réactivité des phases cimentaires avec le CO2 atmosphérique, peut également conduire à une mobilisation des polluants à long terme. / The dredging of French ports generates each year between 25 to 40 million tons of uncontaminated materials which are piled onto sea. Moreover, an important stock of contaminated sediments (about 10 million tons), which has to been dredged, exists. Indeed, the decree of June 14th, 2000 prohibits disposal to sea when levels of contamination exceed regulations. This important stock of sediment, which must be imperatively dredged within 10 years, is almost orphan of adapted treatment and valorization. In this context many research program appear to propose and to develop solutions. The SEDiGEST program (Management of the dredging sediments of ports) intends a scenario of filling terrestrial cavities with treated sediments. This Ph.D. thesis, carried out within the framework of this program, contributes to the improvement in understanding the geo-physico-chemical behavior of marine sediment stabilized with hydraulic binders (cement + lime). In this objective, the experimental approach was conducted in three steps. Firstly, a characterization of the solid was realized. An evaluation of the potential mobility of inorganic pollutants have was then determined. Finally, a modeling of the behavior towards leaching was operated. Data shown that target's inorganic pollutants of the matrix of study (copper, lead and zinc) were mainly associated with carbonates, sulfides/sulfates, (oxy)hydroxides, and/or with organic matter. Comparative study of the matrix at three levels “of evolution” (before and after treatment and artificially aged) highlights the reversibility of the stabilization by hydraulic binders. Indeed, treated sediment presents a pollution risk to less or more long term, leaching of copper and lead, during carbonation.
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Contribution à l’étude des sédiments marins lors d'opérations de dragage portuaire : re-sédimentation et mobilisation de la pollution organique / Contribution to the dredged marine sediment study : fine fraction re-sedimentation and organic matter mobilizationCoulon, Fanny 12 December 2014 (has links)
Dans le cadre du dragage de Port-Camargue (projet national ECODREDGE-MED), l'objectif principal des travaux de thèse a été d'étudier la re-sédimentation des sédiments ré-immergés et d'appréhender les transferts de matière (particulaires et moléculaires) associés. Une approche expérimentale de caractérisation a été réalisée pour appréhender ces phénomènes, aux échelles macroscopiques (mécanismes de sédimentation), mésoscopiques (transferts de matière particulaires) et moléculaires (phénomènes de sorption). Les travaux ont porté sur l'étude de cinq sédiments et de leurs fractions granulométriques. Une méthode de séparation granulaire a donc été développée et optimisée en ce sens, soulignant l'importance de vérifier la qualité de la séparation lorsque les développements portent sur les fractions granulaires. L'approche morpho-granulaire utilisée dans la caractérisation de ces systèmes a permis, dans un premier temps, de mettre en évidence le comportement cohésif des sédiments et d'identifier différents types d'agglomérats. Elle a ensuite été utilisée pour proposer une méthode de classification simple et rapide des sédiments, basée essentiellement sur la détermination, par granulométrie laser, du rapport volumique limon/sable.En second lieu, le comportement à la re-sédimentation a été appréhendé en étudiant la stabilité physico-chimique des particules dans la colonne de sédimentation grâce à un analyseur de suspensions concentrées, le Turbiscan MA2000. Cette stratégie apporte de nouvelles connaissances, notamment sur les mécanismes de sédimentation et l'impact de certains paramètres comme le rapport limon/sable, la salinité ou la fraction volumique sur ces mécanismes. Combinée à l'analyse du Carbone Organique Total (COT), des transferts de matière ont été identifiés dans la colonne de sédimentation, via les phénomènes interparticulaires (agglomération/dispersion) et les phénomènes de sorption (adsorption/désorption). / In the framework of Port-Camargue dredge (ECODREDGE-MED project), the main objective was to study the dredged sediment re-sedimentation and matter transfers (particular and molecular matter). An experimental characterization approach was realized in order to study these phenomena working at different scales : macroscopic (sedimentation mechanisms), mesoscopic (particular matter mobilization) and molecular (sorption phenomena). These research works focused on study of five sediments and their granular fractions. A dispersion granular method was developed and highlighted the importance to verify dispersion quality of processes concerning study of granular fractions. Morpho-granular approach used in theses works permitted to highlight cohesive aspect of sediments and to identify different agglomerate types. This approach was also used to propose a classification method of sediments, based on limon/sand ratio determination by laser granulometry.Secondly, re-sedimentation behavior was investigated studying physico-chemical stability of particles in the water column with a suspension analyszer (Turbiscan MA2000). The results contributed knowledge on sedimentation mechanisms and parameter (limon/sand ratio, salinity and volume fraction) influence. With the use of TOC analyze (Total Organic Carbone), matter transfers were identified in water column, via interparticular phenomena (agglomeration/dispersion) and sorption phenomena (adsorption/désorption).
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[pt] As modificações ambientais ocorridas após a formação de um
depósito sedimentar podem modificar suas características
geotécnicas. No caso de sedimentos marinhos, a lixiviação
dos sais, foi essencial para o desenvolvimento de solos
altamente sensitivos em depósitos litorâneos de vários
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar as implicações
da lixiviação no comportamento geotécnico de sedimentos
marinhos típicos do litoral brasileiro.
Para tanto foram realizados ensaios de laboratório em
amostras de solo procedentes da baía de Sepetiba (Rio de
Janeiro) e da Enseada do Cabrito (Bahia).
O programa experimental proposto envolveu a caracterização
geotécnica e mineralógica dos solos, lixiviação das
amostras estudadas em câmaras triaxiais, ensaios mecânicos,
análises químicas e do arranjo dos grãos das amostras em
estado natural e lixiviadas.
Os ensaios e análises realizados foram executados nos
laboratórios de Geotecnia, Metalurgia e Ciência dos
Materiais e Química da PUC-Rio, e no Laboratório de Química
de Solos do CNPS/ EMBRAPA-Rio.
As análises dos resultados foi comparativa do comportamento
geotécnico apresentado pelos solos antes e após a
lixiviação, em particular quanto a sensitividade. / [en] The environmental changes that occur after the development
of a sedimentary
deposit may change your geotechnical characteristics.
In the case of marine sediments, the leaching of pore salts
is essential for the
development of very sensitivity soils in shore deposits in
some countries.
This work aimed at evaluating the implication of leaching
the behaviour of
geotechnical marine sediments, typical from Brazilian
Tests were carried out in samples obtained from Sepetiba´s
Bay (Rio de Janeiro)
and Cabrito´s Inlet (Bahia).
The experimental program covered the geotehcnical and
characterisation of soils, leaching of soil samples,
mechanics tests, chemical analyses
and fabric of samples in nature and leaching states.
The testing and analyses were made Geotechnical,
Metallurgical and Chemistry
laboratories at PUC-Rio and in Chemistry at Soil laboratory
The Analysis of results were made by a comparison of the
behaviour of soils after
and before there leaching, in special about the sensitivity. / [es] Las modificaciones ambientales ocurridas después la formación de un depósito de sedimentos pueden modificar
sus características geotécnicas. En el caso de sedimentos marinos, la lixiviación de sal fue esencial para el
desarrollo de suelos altamente sensitivos en depósitos litoráneos de varios países. El presente trabajo tiene por
objetivo evaluar las implicaciones de la lixiviación en el comportamiento geotécnico de sedimentos marinos típicos
del litoral brasilero. Con este objetivo, fueron realizados ensayos de laboratorio en muestras de suelo procedentes
de la bahía de Sepetiba (Rio de Janeiro) y de la Ensenada del Cabrito (Bahia). El programa experimental propuesto
envuelve la caracterización geotécnica y mineralógica de los suelos, lixiviación de las muestras estudiadas en
cámaras triaxiales, ensayos mecánicos, análisis Químicas y del arreglo de los granos de las muestras en estado
natural y lixiviadas. Los ensayos y análisis realizados fueron ejecutados en los laboratórios de Geotecnía,
Metalurgía y Ciencia de los Materiales y Química de la PUC-Rio, y en el Laboratório de Química de Suelos del
CNPS/ EMBRAPA-Rio. El análisis de los resultados compara el comportamiento geotécnico presentado por los
suelos antes y después de la lixiviación, en particular en cuanto la sensitividad.
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Biogéochimie benthique : processus communs et divergences entre les sédiments littoraux et ceux des marges continentales : comparaison entre le Bassin d’Arcachon et le Golfe de GascogneMouret, Aurélia 02 October 2009 (has links)
Les processus biogéochimiques benthiques liés à la dégradation de la matière organique sont étudiés depuis 30 ans. Beaucoup de travaux ont mesuré soit un grand nombre de paramètres sur quelques carottes, soit un nombre restreint de paramètres sur de nombreuses carottes. Dans le Golfe de Gascogne, 29 paramètres diagénétiques sont étudiés à de multiples stations depuis 1997 et dans le Bassin d’Arcachon depuis 2005. Ainsi la banque de données biogéochimiques benthiques constituée est actuellement la plus importante à notre connaissance. Les similarités et divergences entre l’environnement côtier de la lagune mésotidale d’Arcachon et la marge continentale du Golfe de Gascogne ont pu être discutées. Une étude de l’hétérogénéité spatiale à l’échelle de l’échantillonnage a permis de préciser la méthodologie d’échantillonnage dans le Bassin d’Arcachon et de discuter de la représentativité saisonnière des données de la banque de données du Golfe de Gascogne. Les carottes de la banque de données ne peuvent pas être réellement interprétées en terme de variabilité saisonnière, alors qu’une saisonnalité des apports a bien été mise en évidence par l’étude des particules en suspension dans la colonne d’eau. L’oxygène dissous est très sensible à la variabilité de ces apports et l’étude de sa distribution à l’aide de la banque de données du Golfe de Gascogne, ainsi que des teneurs en carbone organique particulaire (COP) montre que les flux de matière organique labile représentent la plus grande partie du carbone exporté au fond et que, pour une zone géographique peu étendue comme le Golfe de Gascogne, l’efficacité d’enfouissement du COP varie de 50% à 10%. La banque de données a également permis l’étude de la géochimie benthique du manganèse, ce qui a donné l’occasion de proposer une méthode de calcul du taux d’accumulation sédimentaire basée sur la géochimie de cet élément à l’état stationnaire. Enfin, des carottes longues réalisées dans les deux environnements ont permis de caractériser les processus diagénétiques anoxiques profonds dans un environnement à l’état stationnaire (le Golfe de Gascogne) et un autre à l’état transitoire (le Bassin d’Arcachon). / Benthic biogeochemical processes due to organic matter degradation have been studied for 30 years. Many works have investigated either multiple parameters on a few cores, or a couple of parameters on numerous cores. In the Bay of Biscay, 29 diagenetic parameters have been investigated at numerous stations since 1997, and in Arcachon Bay since 2005. Thereby, our benthic biogeochemical database is currently the most important to our knowledge. Similarities and differences between the coastal mesotidal lagoon of the Arcachon Bay and the continental margin of the Bay of Biscay have been discussed. Study of sampling-scale spatial heterogeneity has clarified the sampling methodology in the Arcachon Bay and allowed to consider the question of data seasonal signal in the Bay of Biscay database. The cores of the database cannot really be interpreted in terms of seasonal variability, while a seasonal signal has been demonstrated by the study of suspended particles in the water column. Dissolved oxygen is very sensitive to the variability of these inputs. Oxygen distributions and particulate organic carbon (POC) contents from Bay of Biscay database shows that labile organic matter flux represents most of the carbon exported to the bottom. The burial efficiency of POC varies from 50% to 10% for a narrow geographical area like the Bay of Biscay. The database has also allowed the study of benthic geochemistry of manganese, which has provided a method for the determination of mass accumulation rate based on the steady state. Finally, piston cores have been used to characterize the deep anoxic diagenetic processes in a steady state (Bay of Biscay) and a transition state (Arcachon Bay) environment.
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Gestion d'un sédiment de dragage marin contaminé : Caractérisation de la réactivité biogéochimique, valorisation en mortier et évaluation environnementale / Management of a dredged marine sediment contaminated by trace metals : Characterization of biogeochemical reactivity, valorization in cemented mortar and assessment of environmental impactCouvidat, Julien 13 October 2015 (has links)
Le dragage de sédiments marins produit des millions de tonnes de déchets chaque année qu’il faut gérer durablement. Les deux sédiments étudiés, conservés dans des conditions anoxiques sous eau (sédiment brut), et oxiques soumis à l’altération naturelle (sédiment vieilli), présentent une contamination élevée en cuivre, plomb et zinc prépondérante surtout dans les fractions fines. Des phases réactives ont été identifiées telles que sulfures et matière organique, auxquelles le cuivre et le zinc sont en grande partie liés. Un dispositif expérimental innovant couplant un test de consommation d’oxygène à une colonne de lixiviation a été développé ; il a permis de mettre en évidence la réactivité des sulfures encore présent dans le sédiment vieilli malgré les conditions de stockage à l’air ambiant. La composante biologique a été étudiée également, à travers un test qualitatif mesurant l’impact des bactéries sulfo- et ferrooxydantes sur les paramètres pH et Eh des sédiments. Malgré l’importante concentration en carbonates conférant un pouvoir de neutralisation élevé, la communauté des bactéries neutrophiles sulfooxydantes a été capable d’abaisser le pH jusqu’à 4,5 – 5 unités. Cette réactivité a été contrôlée en soumettant les sédiments à un traitement de stabilisation-solidification avec des liants hydrauliques. L’évaluation environnementale par des tests cinétiques en mini-cellules d’altération et des tests de lixiviation en monolithe a démontré la bonne stabilisation des éléments métalliques pour les deux sédiments. Leur valorisation en mortiers cimentés a donc été envisagée. L’étude de la résistance mécanique de la substitution du sable par les sédiments entiers a montré la mauvaise résistance mécanique. En revanche, après application d’un traitement d’enlèvement de la fraction fine contaminée, la résistance s’est montrée satisfaisante pour des applications non-structurantes et constitue ainsi une filière de traitement et de valorisation pertinente dans la gestion de sédiments. / Millions of tons of sediments are dredged every year leading to a need for a sustainable management. Both studied sediments, stored in anoxic conditions under a layer of water (raw sediment), and in oxic conditions submitted to natural weathering (weathered sediment), showed high contamination of copper, lead and zinc, concentrated mainly in the finer fraction. Reactive phases such as sulfides and organic matter were observed, with which copper and zinc are partially linked. An innovative experimental set-up coupling an oxygen-consumption test with a column leaching test has been developed; this set-up highlighted the sulfides reactivity which is still occurring in the weathered sediment, despite years of natural aging. The biological component of this reactivity has been also studied, through a qualitative assessment of the impact of iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria on pH and Eh of sediments. Although high amount of carbonates responsible for important neutralization potential were detected, bacterial community of neutrophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria has been able to lower the pH until 4.5 – 5 units. This reactivity is controlled by submitting both sediments to a stabilization/solidification treatment with hydraulic binders. Environmental assessment with kinetic test in weathering cells and monolithic leaching test demonstrated that trace metals appear well stabilized for both sediments. Thus, their valorization in cemented mortars has been assessed. When total sediments were fully substituted to sand, they showed poor mechanical strength. However, when a sieving treatment for removing of the fine contaminated fraction was applied, the sediments mortars revealed good mechanical strength for use in non-structural applications. This research confirmed thus that the reuse of the coarser fraction of a marine sediment, raw or weathered, offered an efficient and interesting way of treatment and valorization.
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Sulphate‐reducing bacterial diversity in a calcareous sandy sediment of Mallorca and community response to hydrocarbon contaminationSuárez Suárez, Ana Belén 25 July 2012 (has links)
Aquesta tesi tracta sobre l'efecte de la contaminació per cru de petroli sobre
l'ecosistema costaner mediterrani i sobre el paper fonamental dels sediments marins
en la regulació i el manteniment dels processos biogeoquímics. L'estudi presta especial
atenció a les comunitats bacterianes reductores de sulfat i la seva implicació en la
degradació de contaminants orgànics. La diversitat, abundància i fisiologia dels bacteris
reductors de sulfat que habiten el sediment arenós del nord de Mallorca (Illes Balears),
van ser analitzades mitjançant un enfocament polifàsic, basat en la combinació
d'experiments in situ i in vitro, biologia molecular clàssica i d’última generació, cultius i
determinació d'activitats metabòliques. Els resultats obtinguts durant aquesta tesi
demostren que el sediment mediterrani alberga una microbiota autòctona que podria
prosperar després d'un vessament de cru de petroli i el paper de la qual podria ser
crucial per a la transformació i l'eliminació de compostos orgànics xenobiòtics en
aquest ambient. / Esta tesis trata sobre el efecto de la contaminación por crudo de petróleo en el
ecosistema costero mediterráneo y sobre el papel fundamental de los sedimentos
marinos en la regulación y el mantenimiento de los procesos biogeoquímicos. El
estudio presta especial atención a las comunidades bacterianas reductoras de sulfato y
a su implicación en la degradación de contaminantes orgánicos. La diversidad,
abundancia y fisiología de las bacterias reductoras de sulfato que habitan el sedimento arenoso del norte de Mallorca (Islas Baleares), fueron analizadas mediante un enfoque
polifásico, basado en la combinación de experimentos in situ e in vitro, biología
molecular clásica y de última generación, cultivos y determinación de actividades
metabólicas. Los resultados obtenidos durante esta tesis demuestran que el sedimento
mediterráneo alberga una microbiota autóctona que podría prosperar después de un
derrame de crudo de petróleo y cuyo papel podría ser crucial para la transformación y
la eliminación de compuestos orgánicos xenobióticos en este ambiente. / This thesis discusses the fate and behave of crude oil contamination in the
Mediterranean coastal ecosystem, and the essential role of the marine sediments in
the regulation and maintenance of biogeochemical processes. The study pays
particular attention to the role of sulphate reducing bacterial communities in the
degradation of organic matter and pollutants entering the Mediterranean
environment. A polyphasic approach based in the combination of in situ and in vitro
experiments, next generation and classical molecular biology, cultivation, and the
determination of metabolic activities, provided first insights into the diversity, abundance and physiology of sulphate reducing bacteria inhabiting the undisturbed
sandy sediment at the north of Mallorca (Balearic Islands). The results obtained during
the thesis demonstrate that the undisturbed Mediterranean sediment harbours an
autochthonous microbiota that could prosper after a crude oil spill and which role
might be crucial for the transformation and removal of hazardous organic compounds
in this environment.
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