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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Archaeological and Archival Appraisal of "Spanish Indians" on the West Coast of Florida in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Stack, Margaret 01 January 2011 (has links)
Spanish Indian is a generic term that has been used repeatedly in written documents over the past three centuries to describe a range of different social, ethnic, and economic groups in the southeastern United States. In this thesis, a comparative analysis of the material culture from Cuban fishing ranchos of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries on the west coast of Florida addresses the ways in which specific Spanish Indian artifact assemblages fit into the archaeological record. Three archaeological assemblages from known Rancho sites are detailed and analyzed. In addition, this thesis details a public archaeology project undertaken in conjunction with the Florida Public Archaeology Network, which led to the development of a traveling exhibit and public presentation on the origins of local place names. The thesis also provides suggestions for how historical archaeologists might contend with difficulties in determining and documenting identity at early historical sites in coastal Florida. The research undertaken for this thesis demonstrates a pressing need for additional data collection and research in the field. As it currently stands, however, the preliminary analysis conducted in this thesis indicates an economic basis for cultural interaction and intermarriage rather than an actual cultural synthesis, creolization, or ethnogenesis, which would imply shared cultural systems of belief and meaning. This thesis is also a proposal for a typology of ranchos. Through a cross-comparison of the similarities and differences in subsistence strategies and labor practices, a research design for rancho archaeology is outlined.

Ports, Prosperity, and Pests: Assessing the Threat of Aquatic Invasive Species Introduced by Maritime Shipping Activity in Cuba

O'Brien, Charleen 22 November 2016 (has links)
Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are biological pollutants that cause detrimental ecological, economic, and sociological effects on non-native communities. With increasing globalization through maritime trade, coastal ports are vulnerable to AIS introductions transported by commercial vessels. As Cuba’s Port Mariel becomes a competitive transshipment hub within the Caribbean, it is essential to identify the potential threat that AIS may pose with a likely increase in shipping activity. It is equally important to understand the status of established AIS in Cuba and control measures presently being implemented by the country. This information can provide guidance for establishing or improving Cuban AIS preventative and remedial actions. For this study, publically accessible information was used to conduct threat assessments of present and potential AIS in Cuba and to identify feasible international donors of AIS due to trade with Port Mariel. Fifteen species were identified as established Cuban AIS, eight of which were associated with harmful impacts to the environment, economy, and human health. Only one established AIS, Perna viridis (the Asian green mussel), was recorded as having repeated, negative influences in Cuba. Regional trade partners of Port Mariel were identified as the most likely donors of AIS due to ecological similarity and minimal voyage duration between countries. These trade partners also represented the busiest ports and transshipment hubs in the wider Caribbean region and, therefore, could expose Port Mariel to ‘stepping-stone’ invasions. Five species associated with international trade partners were identified as potentially detrimental to Cuba if introduced into Port Mariel. There were no significant differences between the salinity and temperature tolerances of the AIS already established in Cuba and the possible AIS of concern, suggesting that these potential invaders could survive the environmental conditions of Port Mariel and subsequently become established throughout Cuba. The results presented herein are a preliminary assessment of AIS threats in Cuba and emphasize the importance of prioritizing AIS prevention and management. This study also establishes a baseline inventory of potential AIS in Cuba and a methodology that can be followed for future analyses outside of the study region.

Vliv námořního pirátství na mezinárodní obchod / Impact of Maritime Piracy on International Trade

Hanzlíková, Simona January 2014 (has links)
This thesis attempts to contribute to the discussion over the problem of maritime piracy that poses a threat to maritime transport as well as international trade. The impact of maritime piracy was researched mainly in the context of Somali pirates. Currently the problem concerns other areas, which are the subject of my investigation. The thesis is focused on maritime piracy in the Gulf of Guinea and Southeast Asia, which are the current piracy hotspots. The main goal is to identify the implications of maritime piracy and analyze its impact on international trade in the given regions.

Quimper-Oran. Trajectoires d'un entrepreneur et commerce maritime du vin d'Algérie en Bretagne : Hervé Nader (1945, fin des années 1960) / Quimper-Oran. Career paths of a contractor and maritime wine trade between Algeria and Brittany : Herve Nader (1945, late 1960)

Couanault, Emmanuel 15 January 2016 (has links)
La Bretagne (et en particulier le Finistère) est, depuis les années 1920, une importante région d’importations maritime et de consommation de vins d’Algérie. Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le passage du transport maritime en fûts au transport en vrac bouleverse les conditions de transport et de distribution. Les vins sont transportés dans des navires-citernes, débarqués par pompage dans des chais portuaires modernes et livrés par poids-lourds. Cette évolution préfigure l’essor de l’organisation du transport de marchandises en chaîne logistique. Elle reconfigure les hiérarchies portuaires et permet à de nouveaux acteurs de s’établir sur ce marché de l’importation des vins d’Algérie. La recherche est fondée sur l’exploitation d’un fonds d’archives original, le fonds Hervé Nader fondateur en 1951 d’une entreprise d’importations de vins d’Algérie au port du Corniguel à Quimper et d’exportation de produits bretons vers l’Afrique du Nord. Il fonde aussi un armement maritime et exploite trois navires-citernes. Au début des années 1960, Quimper devient le premier port d’entrée de vins d’Algérie de Bretagne, et l’un des plus importants du littoral atlantique. Après l’indépendance de l’Algérie, l’activité s’étend à l’ensemble du bassin méditerranéen, jusqu’à la vente de l’entreprise en 1973. Les archives de Nader, sont composées de sa correspondance commerciale, des documents relatifs à l’exploitation des navires (journaux de bord, manifestes de chargements), mais aussi de correspondances privées et à caractère politiques. Elles ont permis l’étude des trajectoires de l’entrepreneur et de l’entreprise, dans le contexte des mutations économiques et de l’émergence d’un modèle industriel en Bretagne, caractérisé par le rôle des PME familiales et l’importance du commerce agro-alimentaire dans les systèmes productifs locaux. La recherche participe aussi à l’histoire des évolutions de la marine marchande, et à celle des enjeux politique et symboliques des vins d’Algérie. / By the 1920’s Brittany, and especially Finistère, had grown to become an important hub for maritime imports and a significant market for Algerian wine. After WWII, the shift operated from transporting wine in barrels to bulk shipping in tanker ships upsets the transport and distribution environment. Wine is now transported in wine tankers, pumped ashore to modern port wineries and delivered by truck. This evolution announces the development of transport and distribution as a supply chain. It causes a reshuffling in the maritime pecking order and allows new players to enter the Algerian wine import business. The research is based on the exploitation of original archives, those kept by Hervé Nader who founded an Algerian wine import business at the Port du Corniguel in Quimper along with a company dedicated to the export of Breton goods to North Africa. He also founds a shipping company and operates three tanker ships. In the early 1960’s, Quimper becomes the first port of entry of Algerian wine in Brittany and one of the most important on the Atlantic coast. After Algeria gained its independence, his activities develop over the entire Mediterranean basin until the sale of the company in 1973. Nader’s archives include his commercial correspondance, documents pertaining to the operation of the ships (log books, load manifests), but also private correspondance and letters of a more political nature. These archives have allowed to study the career path of an entrepreneur and the development of his business in a context of economic change and the rise of a Breton industrial model characterized by the role of family-run small businesses and the early developments of agribusiness in local productive systems. This research also offers historical perspective on the evolution merchant shipping as wells the political and symbolical aspects associated with Algerian wine.

Le commerce maritime grec en Méditerranée orientale et en mer Noire aux Vème et IVème s. av. J.-C. / The greek maritime trade in the eastern Mediterranean and the Black sea during the 5th and 4th centuries BC

Perrier, Amandine 28 April 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse en archéologie grecque, j’ai entrepris de travailler sur l’organisation du commerce maritime grec en Méditerranée orientale et en mer Noire aux Vème et IVème s. av. J.-C., et principalement sur la nature et l'intensité des échanges qui s'opéraient dans cette partie de la Méditerranée à l'époque. Pour mener à bien mon travail, j'ai constitué un nouveau catalogue des épaves grecques que j'ai ensuite confronté aux sources textuelles, épigraphiques, et archéologiques existantes. L'étude attentive des cargaisons des bateaux à laquelle je me livre participe à une meilleure compréhension des acteurs commerciaux de l'époque, des réseaux d'échanges et surtout du véritable rôle joué par Athènes. / In this present thesis concerning Greek Archaeology, I undertook to work on the organization of Greek maritime commerce in Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea during the 5th and 4th century BC. I worked mostly on the trade's nature and intensity occurring in this part of the Mediteranean in this time. In order to carry out my work properly, I established a new catalog of greek shipwrecks, that I then confront with textual, epigraphic and archaeological sources. The careful study of the ship's cargo takes part in a better understanding of the commercial actors, trading network and above all of the importance of Athens at this time.

Política e negócios em São Paulo: da abertura dos portos à independência (1808/1822) / Politcs and trade in Sao Paulo: from the opening of the ports to the Independence of Brazil (1808/1822)

Mattos, Renato de 02 March 2015 (has links)
Este estudo discute as transformações verificadas nas relações mercantis e sociais paulistas após a chegada da Corte portuguesa ao Rio de Janeiro. Assim, analisa o lugar ocupado por São Paulo e pelos grupos políticos paulistas no âmbito dos domínios portugueses, bem como identifica os nexos articuladores entre São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, entre os anos de 1808 e 1822, questão central para a compreensão das bases sociais de sustentação do governo joanino e, posteriormente, do governo de D. Pedro. Partindo do caso paulista, busca problematizar as repercussões da abertura dos portos, assim como os modos como ela foi apreendida, evidenciando em que medida teria essa decisão efetivamente constituído um marco, do ponto de vista socioeconômico no Centro-Sul da colônia, seja em termos das relações entre os portugueses do Brasil e de Portugal, seja das vinculações com interesses britânicos. / This study analyzes the transformations in social and mercantile relations in Sao Paulo that followed the arrival of the Portuguese Court in Rio de Janeiro. Therefore, we sought to analyze the position occupied by Sao Paulo and its political groups in the Portuguese domains as well as to identify the contextual relation between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro from 1808 to 1822, key to understanding the social bases that sustained D. Joaos government and the subsequent D. Pedros government. Considering the case of Sao Paulo, we discussed the consequences of the opening of the ports and how this process was understood, highlighting to which extent that decision was effectively a milestone from a socioeconomic perspective for the central-southern colony, whether in terms of the relations between the Portuguese from Brazil and Portugal or in terms of the connections with British interests.

El transporte marítimo en el ámbito del desarrollo comercial santanderino: 1700-1800

Sobrón Iruretagoyena, Marcelino Manuel 11 May 1992 (has links)
Se ha abordado el análisis e investigación en los protocolos notariales de datos sobre movimientos portuarios acaecidos en Santander durante el siglo XVIII. Se analizaron las múltiples interdependencias originadas como nacionalidades, intervinientes, tipología de embarcaciones, cargas transportadas y rutas adscritas

The Phoenician Trade Network: Tracing a Mediterranean Exchange System

Puckett, Neil 1983- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The Phoenicians were known as artisans, merchants, and seafarers by the 10th century B.C.E. They exchanged raw and finished goods with people in many cultural spheres of the ancient world and accumulated wealth in the process. A major factor that aided their success was the establishment of colonies along the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic coasts. These colonies, established by the eighth century B.C.E., supplied valuable raw materials to the major Phoenician cities in the Levant, while also providing additional markets abroad. Excavations at a myriad of these colonial sites have recovered materials that can be used to identify connections between the colonies, the Levantine cities, and non-Phoenician cultures across the ancient world. By establishing these connections the system of maritime exchange can be better understood and modeled as the Phoenician Trade Network. This network involved both direct and indirect exchange of raw and finished products, people, as well as political and cultural ideas. The colonies were involved in various activities including ceramics production, metallurgy, trade, and agriculture. Native peoples they interacted with provided valuable goods, especially metals, which were sent east to supply the Near Eastern Markets. The Phoenician Trade Network was a system of interconnected, moderately independent population centers which all participated in the advancement of Phoenician mercantilism and wealth. Ultimately, the network collapsed in the sixth century B.C.E. allowing other powers such as the Romans, Carthaginians, and Greeks to replace them as the dominant merchants of the Mediterranean.

Política e negócios em São Paulo: da abertura dos portos à independência (1808/1822) / Politcs and trade in Sao Paulo: from the opening of the ports to the Independence of Brazil (1808/1822)

Renato de Mattos 02 March 2015 (has links)
Este estudo discute as transformações verificadas nas relações mercantis e sociais paulistas após a chegada da Corte portuguesa ao Rio de Janeiro. Assim, analisa o lugar ocupado por São Paulo e pelos grupos políticos paulistas no âmbito dos domínios portugueses, bem como identifica os nexos articuladores entre São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, entre os anos de 1808 e 1822, questão central para a compreensão das bases sociais de sustentação do governo joanino e, posteriormente, do governo de D. Pedro. Partindo do caso paulista, busca problematizar as repercussões da abertura dos portos, assim como os modos como ela foi apreendida, evidenciando em que medida teria essa decisão efetivamente constituído um marco, do ponto de vista socioeconômico no Centro-Sul da colônia, seja em termos das relações entre os portugueses do Brasil e de Portugal, seja das vinculações com interesses britânicos. / This study analyzes the transformations in social and mercantile relations in Sao Paulo that followed the arrival of the Portuguese Court in Rio de Janeiro. Therefore, we sought to analyze the position occupied by Sao Paulo and its political groups in the Portuguese domains as well as to identify the contextual relation between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro from 1808 to 1822, key to understanding the social bases that sustained D. Joaos government and the subsequent D. Pedros government. Considering the case of Sao Paulo, we discussed the consequences of the opening of the ports and how this process was understood, highlighting to which extent that decision was effectively a milestone from a socioeconomic perspective for the central-southern colony, whether in terms of the relations between the Portuguese from Brazil and Portugal or in terms of the connections with British interests.

Laredo, un port de Castille au XVI ͤ siècle / Laredo, a harbor of Castile on 16th century

Gabiola Carreira, David 02 December 2017 (has links)
Au XVIe siècle Laredo était un des ports les plus actifs des Quatre Villes de la Côte de la Mer, la façade maritime de l'actuelle Cantabrie au nord de l'Espagne. Cet essor cessa à la fin du siècle lorsque le port larédain plongea dans une crise économique profonde et irréversible. Comment expliquer cette trajectoire ?Le contexte géographique fut un obstacle majeur : la circulation vers l'arrière-pays était difficile à cause de la Cordillère Cantabrique et les infrastructures portuaires étaient particulièrement exposées aux caprices de la mer. Au XVIe siècle les Larédains jouèrent un rôle essentiel dans le transport de la laine de Castille vers les Flandres et dans l'importation de tissus et de marchandises. Laredo était alors une porte d'entrée pour tous ces produits qui étaient par la suite expédiés par les commettants larédains vers les principales places marchandes castillanes. Les connétables de Castille contribuèrent à l'essor de ce trafic. À la fin des années 1560 la rivalité avec l'Angleterre et les révoltes dans les Flandres paralysèrent les échanges commerciaux et l'économie larédaine déclina progressivement.Le XVIe siècle fut aussi pour Laredo le temps des armadas. Le port se transforma en base navale d'où la couronne expédiait soldats, matériel et argent pour ravitailler les troupes qui se battaient en Flandres. Mais à partir de 1572 Laredo cessa de jouer ce rôle au profit de Santander qui était un site plus facile à défendre. La présence de ces flottes fut à l'origine de nombreux conflits avec la population locale, mais l'organisation de ces armadas représenta pour de nombreux Larédains une source de revenus lorsqu'ils approvisionnaient les navires, ou effectuaient des réparations diverses. / In the 16th century, Laredo was one of the most active harbours of the Cuatro Villas de la Costa de la Mar, the seabord of the present Cantabria Region in the North of Spain. This growth ceased at the end of the century when the harbour of Laredo plunged into a deep and irreversible economic crisis. How can we explain this reversal/this evolution?The geographical context was a major obstacle: movement of goods and people to the hinterland was difficult due to the Cantabrian mountain range, and the port infrastructures were particularly exposed to the whims of the sea.In the16th century Laredo inhabitants played an important role in the transport of wool from Castile to Flanders and in the import of fabric and goods. At that time, Laredo was a gateway for all these products, which were shipped afterwards to the main Castilian marketplaces. The constables of Castile contributed to the development of this traffic. In the late 1560s the rivalry with England and the rebellions in Flanders curbed this trading activity and the economy of Laredo gradually slumped.The 16th century was also for Laredo the time of the armadas. The harbour transformed into a naval base from which were sent soldiers, equipment and money in order to supply the troops who were fighting in Flanders. But, from 1572, Laredo stopped playing this role in favour of Santander which was an easier site to defend. The presence of the fleet was the cause of several conflicts with local people, but the organization of those armadas was for several people of Laredo a source of income when they supplied ships or when they made different repairs.

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