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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnání výše obvyklého nájemného z bytů ve vybrané lokalitě / Comparison of Rents of Flats in a Chosen Area

Štencl, František January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis is a summary describing the situation of current rents of flats in area of Olomouc town. It deal with comparison of rents of flats in town districts and factors which influences them. The figures are divided for flat of diferent dispozitions. Market analyse is done both text and graphics.

Rättvis svensk bostadspolitik, för vem? / Fair Swedish housing policy, for whom?

Egnell, Elias, Pripp, Edvard January 2023 (has links)
Swedish housing policy and its design is a current issue. The demand doesn't match the supply and too few homes are built, based on the need that exists today. Above all, too few rental properties are being built and the demand for rental properties in particular is high, especially in the larger cities. Swedish politicians agree that a change needs to take place in order to solve the housing shortage. What changes and the consequences that these changes bring, from a justice perspective, is a big part of this essay’s topic. In this essay, Swedish housing policy will be studied based on Harvey and Rawls two different theories of justice. They both have different ideological backgrounds and our hope is to be able to answer whether the existing housing policy is fair. We will mainly focus on rental properties within the Swedish housing policy. In order to solve the housing shortage, there is an ongoing debate of market-based rent for newly built apartments and market rent. This is meant to provide additional incentives for construction companies to build more rental properties. These two suggestions have been made without scientific evidence that they will actually work. Instead, it relies on liberal key notes such as the free market and freedom of choice. The effects are believed to be that this could lead to more movement in the housing market. Market-based rent could also lead to an increased freedom of choice and greater welfare gains. However, it is not made clear that these solutions help those living with an already strained economy.

The effect of market rent on condominium prices : A comparison between Stockholm and Malmö

Mehnaoui, Soumia, Mehnaoui, Youssef January 2019 (has links)
The Swedish rental market is suffering from several complications that can be derived from the utility-value-system regulating the market. A deregulation of the ineffective utility-value-system has for long been discouraged by the estimations of a market rent, commonly drawn from the pricing of condominiums. Yet, such estimations are problematic, not accounting for the market’s differences and the deregulation effect on condominium prices. The purpose of this study is to examine the overlooked aspect of how the distance of the utility-value-system to market rent affects condominium prices. This study explores the two markets of Stockholm and Malmö and their respective rental system’s proximity to market rent. The distance to market rent is an external attribute, among others, included in our constructed hedonic model which defines condominium prices. By using regression analysis, the contribution of each attribute to the condominium prices are estimated. The results of this study provide an interesting and overlooked aspect of the Swedish housing market, namely that the distance of the utility-value-system to market rent cause an increase in condominium prices. It illustrates how the greater the distance to market rent is, the greater is the excess demand of rental apartments which entails a larger increase in prices of the substitutive condominiums. Conversely, an increase in rent levels towards market rent implies a decrease in condominium prices. / Den svenska hyresmarknaden lider av flera komplikationer vilka kan härledas från det bruksvärdessystem som reglerar marknaden. En avreglering av det ineffektiva bruksvärdessystemet har länge avskräckts av uppskattningar av en marknadshyra, vilken ofta härleds från prisnivån på bostadsrätter. Sådana uppskattningar av marknadshyra är problematiska och tar inte hänsyn till marknadernas skillnader och den effekt en avreglering har på bostadsrättspriser. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den förbisedda aspekten av hur avståndet mellan bruksvärdeshyra och marknadshyra påverkar bostadsrättspriser. Denna studie undersöker de två marknaderna Stockholm och Malmö och deras respektive hyressystems närhet till marknadshyra. Avståndet till marknadshyra är ett av många andra attribut inkluderat i vår konstruerade hedoniska modell som definierar bostadsrättspriser. Genom att använda oss av regressionsanalys beräknas den påverkan som varje attribut har på bostadsrättspriset. Resultaten av denna studie bidrar till en intressant och förbisedd aspekt av den svenska bostadsmarknaden, nämligen att avståndet från bruksvärdeshyra till marknadshyra orsakar en ökning av bostadsrättspriser. Det illustrerar att ju större avståndet till marknadshyra är, desto större är efterfrågeöverskottet på hyreslägenheter, vilket medför en större prisökning på de substitutiva bostadsrätterna. Omvänt innebär en ökning av hyresnivåerna mot en marknadshyra en minskning av bostadsrättspriserna.

Marknadshyra på nyproduktion : Behålla presumtionshyror eller avreglera? / Market rent on new production : Keep "presumtionshyror" or deregulate?

Wassberg, David, Sand, Simon January 2019 (has links)
In January 2019 the Swedish government created an agreement called “Januariavtalet” as a result of the 2018 election. Part of this agreement includes that they want to introduce market rent in the new-built part of the market. The tenant association Hyresgästföreningen have requested a report on how this reform would affect the Swedish rent market as their 2019 scholarship. The purpose of this report is to examine how this change would affect the property owners. We have interviewed politicians, property owners and a tenant association called Hyresgästföreningen. During the interviews these three groups were asked different questions that were used to analyze how the market works today and how it will be affected by this reform. The questions were based on the report’s problem definition which is: “How was the current rent system motivated as it was created? And what issues was it designed to prevent?” and “In what ways would this reform affect the property owners?”. This report is demarcated to the Stockholm region since each rental market in the country is different and unique for its location. During these interviews it became clear that this reform would not make significant difference for the larger property owners as to how the system works today, neither regarding how much they could produce or how they manage their rental income. Although the property owners did express their opinion that it would be much better to agree on a reform for the system that includes the existing property stock. For the smaller property owners on the other hand it would make a difference regarding how they would dare to invest in new construction of rental apartments. Mostly because of the possibility to make calculations that are much more accurate, since the current system only allows calculations 15 years in advance. What the property owners found most interesting with this reform was that it would hopefully be a step in the direction to implement it on the complete rental system in Sweden including the current system of the existing property stock as well. Due to the fact that the property owners consider the whole rental market to be dysfunctional. The tenant association Hyresgästföreningen opposes this reform since they consider it to make the rental market uncertain for the tenants. It would also diminish the consumer protection, as well as create a generic uncertainty as to how the rental market would develop over time. This projects conclusion is that market rent would not affect the larger property owners due to the current rents already is at a level which could be described as a market rent. Though for the smaller property owners this could be the difference between to build new property or not. / I januari 2019 kom Januariavtalet upp på bordet som ett resultat av det svenska riksdagsvalet hösten 2018. Januariavtalet är ett förslag som väntas träda i kraft juli 2021 om utredningen ger ett positivt resultat. Punkt 44 i detta avtal innebär att man vill införa fri hyressättning på nyproduktion och avskaffa presumtionshyressystemet som man använder sig av i dagsläget. Hyresgästföreningen har efterfrågat en rapport om hur detta kan påverka det svenska hyressystemet som sitt uppsatsstipendium för 2019. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur denna ändring skulle kunna påverka fastighetsägarna. Vi har intervjuat politiker, fastighetsägare samt Hyresgästföreningen. Olika frågor har ställts till de tre intervjuade grupperna som sedan använts som utgångspunkt till en analys över hur marknadsläget ser ut idag. Hur skulle marknaden kunna ändras i framtiden om detta förslag realiseras? Frågorna ställda till de tre parterna baserades på frågeställningen i denna uppsats, dessa är: “Hur motiverades presumtionshyressystemet inför dess tillblivelse? Vilka var de problem som presumtionshyran ansågs bidra till att lösa?” samt “Vad skulle en eventuell lagändring innebära för hyresfastighetsägare?”. Rapporten har avgränsats till att endast belysa stor-stockholms hyresmarknad för att inte arbetet skulle bli för brett då alla hyresmarknader ute i landet är unika och har olika förutsättningar. Under dessa intervjuer visade det sig att en reform av presumtionshyressystemet inte skulle påverka de större fastighetsägarna speciellt mycket varken i vilken utsträckning man ska bygga eller hur det skulle påverka deras hyresintäkter. Fastighetsägarnas stora missnöje med bruksvärdessystemet kom dock att belysas. För mindre aktörer framgick det dock att detta förslag skulle kunna innebära att man kan våga investera i nyproduktion i en större omfattning än idag. Det går då att göra kalkyler på fastighetens hela livslängd och inte endast de första 15 åren som i nuläget innan fastigheten åker in i bruksvärdessystemet. Det fastighetsägarna ansåg vara bra med att detta förslag införs är dock själva tanken med fri hyressättning, att man i framtiden kommer att ta steget längre och implementera det på hela hyresmarknaden i Sverige. Detta på grund av att man från fastighetsbolagens sida anser hyresmarknaden i dagsläget vara dysfunktionell. Hyresgästföreningen ställer sig mot marknadshyror förslag då de anser att de kommer att resultera i en mindre säker marknad från hyresgästernas sida med lägre konsumentskydd och generell osäkerhet på marknaden då man inte kan få en förutsägbarhet på hur förutsättningarna för hyresgästerna kommer att kunna utvecklas över tiden. Det undersökningen kom fram till var att marknadshyror på nyproduktion inte kommer att förändra marknaden markant i sin helhet. För de större fastighetsägarna kommer detta inte påverka deras marknadssyn på grund av att hyrorna idag redan ligger vid en nivå som kan anses vara marknadshyror. Däremot för mindre aktörer kan detta betyda skillnaden mellan att bygga eller inte.

Realisation av allmännyttan? : Analys av kommunala och privata avyttringar av bostadshyresfastigheter

Petré, Ingel, Larsson, Gabrielle January 2011 (has links)
Avyttringen och ombildningen av kommunala och privata bostadshyresfastigheter till bostadsrättsföreningar har blivit ett allt vanligare fenomen under de senaste decennierna. Främst sker avyttringen i Stockholms kommun. Syftet med denna uppsats är att mäta om prissättningen vid utförsäljning av bostadshyresfastigheter inom Stockholms kommun skiljer sig beroende på om säljaren varit privat eller ett allmännyttigt kommunalt bolag. För att undersöka detta har olika regressionsmodeller applicerats på data över fastighetsprisregistret under två mandatperioder. Resultatet visar en tydlig prisskillnad mellan kommunala avyttringar och privata inom samma områdesindelning. Skillnaden i prissättning innebär att kommunala fastighetsbolag har realiserat ut och omfördelat skattebetalarnas pengar, till ett värde som kan uppgå till så mycket som 3,23 miljarder kronor räknat i 2010 års penningvärde. Sannolikt är en sådan förmögenhetsomfördelning inte samhällsekonomisk effektiv. Vidare torde den motverka syftet med hyreslagsstiftningen. / In the Swedish market for multi-family housing, investment properties are often sold to the tenants who thus convert the property into co-operative housing. This is particularly true in attractive housing location where the existing rent control is in practice binding for all residential rental units. It is somewhat less self-evident that multi-family properties owned by the municipality (not-for-profit, council housing) would also be subject to such conversions. This is, however, quite common, particularly in Stockholm. The aim of this paper is to estimate whether council housing is generally sold to the tenants with a discount, as compared to the market prices of transactions where private property companies sell their properties. We use regression techniques applied to data from the official record of real property transactions. We find a significant price difference between the two categories of transactions. Council housing is sold out at a discount price and we estimate that a total value of some 3.23 billion SEK may have been redistributed from the taxpayers to the housing purchasers in these transactions. This program is probably not efficient from a public economic perspective. Furthermore, it counteracts the purpose of the current rent control legislation.

Problematika tržního oceňování komerčních nemovitých věcí / Valuation of Commercial Real Estate

Svobodová, Olga January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with issue of commercial real estate valuation Two real estate will be valued, namely the production and storage hall and the administrative building, which are located in a different locations. Both estates will be valued using the income approach. The income and costs information will be based on the conducted market analysis, while also being compared to the real data. The thesis itself will be divided into four parts. The first part of diploma thesis will focus on the theoretical basis. In the second part, the problems will be formulated and goals of the thesis (in the form of hypotheses) set. Next, both real estate will be described in detail and valued in a different situations that could occur. The valuation process is clearly shown in a valid process model. And finally, these results will be evaluated.

Vytvoření cenových podkladů pro stanovení tržního nájemného v bytech pro lokalitu Brno - střed / Creation of Pricing Details for the Determination of Open-market Rent for Apartments for the Brno-centre Locality

Matras, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The motivation of this diploma thesis is the end of price regulation on December 31, 2012 lease revenues resulting from this one and the possibility of disputes over the normal rent. The aim of this work is an effort to raise awareness of the normal rent for apartments in the area of Brno-Center. Determine factors that affect the attainment of rental dwellings without a price control system design using the system of essential values "SPV". Based on the selection of appropriate resources to create a database for pricing documentation and analysis of the significant influences that affect the total amount of rent and rent of the unit. These influences are the apartment layout, location and condition of the apartment. The contribution of this work is to create materials and price impact assessment prior to the rental unit and rents, which may serve as a source for other expert tasks.

Návratnost investic spojených s výstavbou bytového domu v Luhačovicích a v Brně. / The return on investment associated with construction of a residential building in cities of Luhačovice and Brno

Lisoňková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the investment of apartment house and decide whether to sell or rent its housing units. The investment will be assessed in two different locales, Luhačovice and Brno-Žabovřesky. The issue is solved by comparison of market value, determined by three basic approaches of market valuation, the market value based on income approach and investment costs. The market value of housing units is the result of a weighted avarage method cost, comparative and income approach. The market value based on income approach is determined from net operating income, capitalization rate and the trend growth / decrease. Investment costs are based on the detailed budget. The results are analyzed in selected methods of financial planning such as net present value, internal rate of return and payback period. Part of the calculation of the financial planning are cash flows that are adjusted by projected annual growth trend.

Zhodnocení obecního majetku v čase / Appreciation in Municipal Property over Time

Sýkora, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The aim of thesis "Appreciation in municipal property over time" is the selection of the most suitable variant of financing the investment project. The project solves the reconstruction of the existing unused House of Services at the Community House of Seniors. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the functioning of public administration and territorial self-government, public and mixed goods. Municipal budget and revenues of territorial budgets. Furthermore, project funding, grant titles and project preparation and implementation are mentioned. The practical part deals with ways of financing an investment project using bank products, where the use of state subsidy is also used. The calculations take into account income from regulated and market rents. Variants are compared to find the most appropriate funding option for this project.

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