Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tenancies"" "subject:"financies""
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Crops and contracts : land tenure in England, c.1700-1850Stead, David R. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Social housing : safety net, ambulance service or just home? : exploring the potential impact of fixed term tenanciesHolbrook, Paula January 2015 (has links)
The economic downturn and ageing population has caused a rethink of a number of services: social housing providers are, as a result of the Coalition’s housing strategy (mainly enacted by the Localism Act 2011), not only considering who should be given low cost and secure housing, but for the first time, how long people should be housed. Demand is high for social properties and providers are urged to use their scare resources wisely; however, social housing is popularly viewed as a tenancy of last resort. This thesis explores a new phenomenon: why will the introduction of a policy to fix the term (length) of a tenancy be effective when social housing is considered not only to be the least desirable tenancy, but one that causes personal, economic and social difficulty. Surely, these issues alone would be enough of a stimulus for tenants to leave without any further limitations set by the State or the housing provider, if they were able to? This thesis uses the case study method to look at, in a highly qualitative way, the lived experiences of a number of tenants who have resided in their social homes for five years on traditional social tenancies. Fixed term tenancies will typically be five years in length and we are still a number of years away from being able to study what the actual impact will be. The issue is explored by understanding what would be the outcomes if the participants were on fixed term tenancies. As a result, a hermeneutic methodology was required. The study found that, good thing or not, fixed term tenancies are not shunned by likely applicants who, at the point of allocation, are not concerned about what might happen in five years’ time. In addition, an acute shortage of housing (across all tenures) is reducing the expectations of newly-forming households. Few tenants would not be offered a further tenancy (at the same or smaller property) at the end of five years as their circumstances are likely to remain largely unchanged.
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Vad bestämmer min hyra? : En panelundersökning över externa faktorers inverkan på hyran för hyresrätterLundström, Alexandra, Rautio, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
In recent months, there have been debates and discussions in Sweden regarding rents for rented apartments. Landlords want sharp rent increases due to high inflation and increased operating costs, while tenants and the tenant association are strongly against such a proposal. They mean that households with limited income can be hardly impacted by a sharp increase in their accommodation expenses. This thesis will analyze what external factors affect the rental compensation for rented apartments in Sweden for the time period 2018-2021. The result is based on a panel data analysis with collected data from 279 of Sweden’s 290 municipalities and is reported through a regression model. The outcome shows that disposable income, population and the number of completed rental apartments per 10 000 citizens, have a positive impact on the rent for rental housing. The result, however, does not show what effect the floating mortgage interest rate has, but is shown to have a positive impact as well based on previous studies on the subject. All the variables included in the model thus have an explanatory effect on the rent, but additional variables - for example, the location, condition and standard - can be included to get an even better result. / Under de senaste månaderna har det varit debatter och diskussioner i Sverige angående hyran för hyresrätter. Hyresvärdar vill ha kraftiga hyreshöjningar på grund av den höga inflationen och ökade driftskostnader, medan hyresgästerna och hyresgästföreningen är starkt emot ett sådant förslag. De menar att hushåll med begränsad inkomst kan bli hårt drabbade av en markant höjning i deras boendeutgifter. Denna uppsats kommer att analysera vilka externa faktorer som påverkar hyressättningen i Sverige under perioden 2018-2021. Resultatet utgår från en paneldataanalys med insamlad data från 279 av Sveriges 290 kommuner, och redovisas genom en regressionsmodell. Utfallet visar att disponibel inkomst, befolkningsmängd samt antalet färdigställda hyreslägenheter per 10 000 invånare har en positiv inverkan på hyran för hyresbostäder. Resultatet visar däremot inte vilken effekt den rörliga bolåneräntan har, men påvisas ha en positiv inverkan utifrån tidigare studier i ämnet. Samtliga variabler inkluderade i modellen har således en förklarande effekt på hyressättningen men ytterligare variabler - exempelvis läget, skick och standard - kan inkluderas för att få ett ännu bättre resultat.
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Landpachtverträge. Ein Rechts- und Textsortenvergleich für Deutschland, Spanien und das Vereinigte KönigreichHümmer, Anna-Lena 16 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird Rechtslage bezüglich Landpachtverhältnissen in Deutschland, Spanien und dem Vereinigten Königreich verglichen und anhand eines Textkorpus die Textsorte Landpachtvertrag den jeweiligen Entsprechungen gegenübergestellt, wobei ein besonderer Fokus auf dem Aspekt der Rechtssprache liegt.
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Rättvis svensk bostadspolitik, för vem? / Fair Swedish housing policy, for whom?Egnell, Elias, Pripp, Edvard January 2023 (has links)
Swedish housing policy and its design is a current issue. The demand doesn't match the supply and too few homes are built, based on the need that exists today. Above all, too few rental properties are being built and the demand for rental properties in particular is high, especially in the larger cities. Swedish politicians agree that a change needs to take place in order to solve the housing shortage. What changes and the consequences that these changes bring, from a justice perspective, is a big part of this essay’s topic. In this essay, Swedish housing policy will be studied based on Harvey and Rawls two different theories of justice. They both have different ideological backgrounds and our hope is to be able to answer whether the existing housing policy is fair. We will mainly focus on rental properties within the Swedish housing policy. In order to solve the housing shortage, there is an ongoing debate of market-based rent for newly built apartments and market rent. This is meant to provide additional incentives for construction companies to build more rental properties. These two suggestions have been made without scientific evidence that they will actually work. Instead, it relies on liberal key notes such as the free market and freedom of choice. The effects are believed to be that this could lead to more movement in the housing market. Market-based rent could also lead to an increased freedom of choice and greater welfare gains. However, it is not made clear that these solutions help those living with an already strained economy.
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Landpachtverträge. Ein Rechts- und Textsortenvergleich für Deutschland, Spanien und das Vereinigte KönigreichHümmer, Anna-Lena 10 November 2015 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird Rechtslage bezüglich Landpachtverhältnissen in Deutschland, Spanien und dem Vereinigten Königreich verglichen und anhand eines Textkorpus die Textsorte Landpachtvertrag den jeweiligen Entsprechungen gegenübergestellt, wobei ein besonderer Fokus auf dem Aspekt der Rechtssprache liegt.
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Utvecklingen av boendemiljöns utformning : En kvalitativ studie ur två perspektiv – ett dåtida som innefattar utvecklingen från 1850 fram till idag och ett nutida som beaktar inverkan av Covid-19.Persson, Oskar, Hamnäs, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Housing is an important role in society as people spend large parts of their lives there. A home is a place that must contain all essential living functions but also be constantly adapted to new needs that arise. This has led to, that Sweden since industrialization in the 1850s, has gone through several different changes that have affected housing design. This has resulted in that residential architecture today is being categorized as different eras. In many cases, it is not an individual event that has driven this change, but rather a series of events that have gained great significance in interaction. With constant societal changes and changing lifestyles that, for example, the outbreak of Covid-19 has brought, demands are also placed on homes to follow societal developments and adapt to these new needs. The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper insight into the connection between housing design and human life needs to be able to understand how housing design can be adapted to major societal changes that create new needs. To achieve the purpose and answer the research questions, a literature study was conducted on the characteristic eras of housing design from 1850 until today. In addition to the literature study, four interviews were also conducted with different architects who have solid experience in housing design to create a deeper understanding of the connection between living needs and housing architecture. The study's more important conclusions are that human living needs have always been the driving force to create a change in the living environment. The changes that have taken place over the years have aimed to improve the housing situation for society as a whole and constantly improve something that has been shown to be deficient in previous housing design. However, the results have been variable as some parts of the living environment have improved while others have been poorly designed. It is based on the fact that too much focus has been on solving a specific problem, which has led to the whole aspect of the living environment has been forgotten. The study has also found that the societal change that Covid-19 brought has led to an increase in time spent at home as well as working from home. This has persisted even after the pandemic to a greater extent than before, which has resulted in that the demand for a workplace at home has increased. As a result, qualities such as envelopment and seclusion have also become more important in parallel with social surfaces and proximity to nature. This is the result of people spending more time at home today, which has created new needs for both functions and qualities.
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Andrahandsuthyrning - Varför bedöms skälen för andrahandsuthyrning av nyttjanderätter olika?Sandén, Gustav, Edsmar, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Bostadsbristen är ett allvarligt problem i Sverige och bostadsmarknaden är långt ifrån välfungerande. År 2015 bedömde Boverket att 183 av landets 290 kommuner hade ett underskott på bostäder. 80 kommuner tyckte sig ha en balans mellan bostadssökande och antalet lediga bostäder medan resterande 27 kommuner fann ett överskott på bostäder. Att tilläga är att 82 procent av befolkningen bor i de 183 kommuner som berörs av underskott.Den förra regeringen anser att om vi bättre nyttjar de redan befintliga bostäderna och skapar ett flexibelt utbud av lägenheter genom andrahandsupplåtelse samt gör outnyttjade bostäder tillgängliga på marknaden kan man hjälpa många människor som söker bostad.Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda, analysera och diskutera varför bedömningen gällande de skäl som krävs för tillstånd till andrahandsuthyrning skiljer sig åt mellan de två nyttjanderättsformerna, bostadsrätt och hyresrätt. Även klargöra vilka skäl som lagstiftare anser vara tillräckliga vid en tillståndsprövning gällande andrahandsupplåtelse. När utredning av eventuella skillnader i skäl för upplåtelse i andra hand är klar besvaras och diskuteras följande frågeställning: Varför är BRLs regler generösare än hyreslagens regler?I uppsatsen undersöks olika bestämmelser för att få en djupare insikt i gällande rätt. Förarbeten, rättspraxis och doktrin har legat till grund för tolkning av lagar och för att ge läsaren förståelse för den praktiska tillämpningen av valda lagrum.Av det insamlade materialet har det framkommit, att det i första hand är den enskilda bostadsrättsföreningen eller hyresvärden som beslutar vilka skäl som anses tillräckliga för tillstånd till en andrahandsupplåtelse. Reglerna i BRL är generösare än motsvarande regler i hyreslagen då bostadsrättshavaren inte behöver åberopa samma tyngd i sina skäl för uthyrningen som en förstahandshyresgäst. Detta på grund av det ekonomiska intresse och uppbundna kapital som bostadsrättshavaren har i sin bostad vilket en förstahandshyresgäst saknar. Det är enligt oss anledningar till varför BRLs syn på godtagbara skäl är generösare än motsvarande regler i hyreslagen. / The housing shortage is a serious problem in Sweden and the housing market is ineffective and greatly hampered. In 2015 the national board of housing, building and planning in Sweden named Boverket, estimated that 183 of the country’s 290 municipalities had a shortage of housing. 80 of the municipalities showed a balance between housing applicants and the number of vacant homes, while remaining 27 municipalities showed a surplus of housing. Important to note is that 82 percent of the population reside in the municipalities affected by the shortage.The previous government believes that by better utilizing existing dwellings and creating a flexible supply of apartments by sublease as well as making unused homes available to the market they can help a lot of people in their search for a home.The purpose of this essay is to investigate, analyze and discuss why there are differences between two forms of tenancies, owner-occupied apartments and rental units, with respect to the reasons thought to be sufficient in the assessment of obtaining permission to sublease. After clarifying differences regarding reasons for sublease, the following question is answered: Why is the law concerning owner-occupied apartments more generous than the law regarding rental units?Various regulations are examined in the essay to create a deeper understanding of the law. Travaux préparatoires, case law and jurisprudence has formed the basis for the interpretation of the statutes and to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the practical use of selected section of the law.The collected material has illustrated that it is primarily the individual co-operative housing association or landlord who decides what reasons are sufficient to permit a sublease. The rules considering owner-occupied apartments are more generous than the corresponding law for rental units, since the owner of a co-operative apartment does not need to invoke the same substance in their reasons for renting as primary tenant because of their financial interest which a tenant lacks. According to us this is the main reason why the view on acceptable grounds for sublease regarding owner-occupied apartments are more generous than the corresponding laws applied on rental units.
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Rational Reform of Housing Access Policy in OntarioRies, Benjamin Carter 19 December 2011 (has links)
Ontario’s current regulatory approach to low-income housing lies between two primary challenges: the human right to housing, and political/fiscal constraints. This thesis draws on legal theory and economic analysis of law to articulate the proper goals of housing access policy. A structural theory is proposed to explain the normative relationship between efficiency, communitarianism and justice in housing. An array of regulatory options are compared and considered in light of the features that characterize Ontario’s low-income rental housing markets. This analysis favours demand-side housing subsidies to low-income households, combined with supply-side tax expenditures to improve elasticity in the low-income rental market. Further reform of rent and covenant controls, social and affordable housing supply, and land use planning is recommended to ensure an efficient residential tenancy market. These reforms are offered as a framework for the implementation of the human right to housing in Ontario.
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Rational Reform of Housing Access Policy in OntarioRies, Benjamin Carter 19 December 2011 (has links)
Ontario’s current regulatory approach to low-income housing lies between two primary challenges: the human right to housing, and political/fiscal constraints. This thesis draws on legal theory and economic analysis of law to articulate the proper goals of housing access policy. A structural theory is proposed to explain the normative relationship between efficiency, communitarianism and justice in housing. An array of regulatory options are compared and considered in light of the features that characterize Ontario’s low-income rental housing markets. This analysis favours demand-side housing subsidies to low-income households, combined with supply-side tax expenditures to improve elasticity in the low-income rental market. Further reform of rent and covenant controls, social and affordable housing supply, and land use planning is recommended to ensure an efficient residential tenancy market. These reforms are offered as a framework for the implementation of the human right to housing in Ontario.
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