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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ersättning-prestation eller storlek? : En sambandsmätning mellan ersättning och prestations-/storleksbaserade variabler / Compensation-performance or size? : An association between measurement and compensation performance-/size based variables

Gökce, Banu, Gökce, Hakan January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bonussystem är något som började växa fram på 1980-talet och har sedan dess varit ett omdiskuterat ämne, både här hemma i Sverige och internationellt. Många forskare, politiker och invånare har uppmärksammat de höga ersättningarna som delas ut inom företagen i både bra och dåliga dagar. Det som drog mest uppmärksamhet var att företag trots en finanskris fortsatta med sina utdelningar och t.o.m. ökade sina rörliga ersättningar. Detta fick människor att undra vad företagen egentligen baserar sina ersättningar på. Å andra sidan försvarar företag sig med att dessa ersättningar ger motivation och ökad effektivitet hos de anställda som i sin tur presterar bättre, vilket utvecklar och driver företagen framåt.   Problemformulering: Väljer företagen att basera sina ersättningar på prestationsbaserade eller/och storleksbaserade variabler? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga vilken av de teoretiska traditionerna som bonussystem baseras på genom att undersöka hur sambandet ser ut mellan utvalda bonusmått och verkställande direktörers och ledande befattningshavarnas totala ersättning under en femårsperiod. Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvantitativ metod där datainsamlingen har skett genom sekundärdata i form av företagens årsredovisningar. Vi har även valt att anta den deduktiva ansatsen som innebär att våra valda teorier ska appliceras på det reslutat som undersökningen visar. Reslutat: Utifrån de tester som gjordes i SPSS programmet visade resultatet att det framgick ett signifikant samband mellan total ersättning och företagets prestation samt företagets storlek. Slutsats: Studien visar att både prestationsbaserade och storleksbaserade variabler visar samband med den totala ersättningen, en övergripande variabel som utformar bolagens ersättningssystem kunde inte konstateras i vår undersökning. Utformningen av ersättningssystem påverkas av inre och yttre faktorer, bl.a. som landets välfärdssystem, företagskultur, konjunkturförändringar.

The usefulness of the value added statement in South Africa

Van Staden, Christiaan Johan January 1998 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The value added statement is published by about 200 of the 400 companies listed in the industrial sector on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. This is the highest incidence of publication of such statements reported to date. It appears from a literature review that the usefulness of the statement has never been tested in depth from the perspective of the users. The importance of this study stems from the increased incidence of publication of the statement in South Africa and the lack of evidence substantiating its usefulness. The study aims to investigate the usefulness of the value added statement in South Africa from the perspective of all the different users of external financial information. The literature review revealed that, although the value added statement is based on the theory of value added and was aimed at broadening the scope of financial reporting, it did not develop to the point of being governed by statutory requirements. This resulted in diverse accounting treatment in the statement and the resultant loss of consistency and comparability, which gave an early indication from the literature that value added statements might not be very useful. The usefulness of the value added statement was evidenced by users actually using the statement and the explanatory and predictive power of value added information. No reliable evidence of users actually using the statement was found in the literature. Evidence was found that value added information had greater predictive and explanatory power than earnings, but these findings were found to be inconclusive. A questionnaire survey among users representing the South African users of external financial reports revealed little evidence of actual use of the value added statement. The general usage trend from past to present, was to use the statement less rather than more. More than fifty percent of the respondents do not intend to use the statement in future, even if the shortcomings experienced could be overcome. The major reason for this lack of support for the value added statement seems to be the shortcomings experienced by the users when publishing and using the statement, which stems mainly from the lack of statutory requirements. Another reason is that the value added statement introduces very little information that is not already available from the other financial statements. The predictive and explanatory power of value added information was examined by doing statistical analysis on empirical data of South African listed companies. This analysis indicated that value added information did not have additional explanatory and predictive power when compared to earnings and that the high inter-correlation between value added and earnings prevented value added from being used in prediction models in combination with earnings. The predictive and explanatory power of value added information is therefore limited. This research study could not find sufficient evidence of the usefulness of value added statements to justify their continued publication, neither could it find significant support for future use. It is therefore suggested that the publication of the statement be discontinued and that additional information be included in the income statement disclosures to accommodate this.

Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku / Evaluation of Company Performance

Vaňková, Radmila January 2013 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with evaluation efficiency of the company XY. It analyses the company’s development in years 2007 – 2011 by the modern method of economic value added. Based on the recognized results I suggested measures for an improvement present situation of the company for several following years.

Relação entre mecanismos de governança corporativa e medidas de performance econômica das empresas brasileiras integrantes do índice Brasil da bolsa de valores de São Paulo / Relationship among corporte governance mechanisms and economic performance measures of Brazilian enterprise that comprise Brazil index IBX of the São Paulo stock exchange

Rozo, Jose Danubio 30 October 2003 (has links)
Até cerca de vinte anos, o termo Corporate Governance (Governança Corporativa) não existia na língua inglesa. Os códigos de boas práticas de Governança Corporativa começaram a surgir no início dos anos noventa na Inglaterra, nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, em resposta ao desempenho insatisfatório de companhias líderes, percebido como uma deficiência de efetividade dos conselhos de administração, e em resposta às pressões exercidas pelos investidores institucionais. No Brasil, o termo Governança Corporativa é ainda mais recente, mas já começa a ser preocupação e a merecer a atenção de pesquisadores, Bolsa de Valores e associações. Este estudo objetiva identificar possíveis relações entre variáveis independentes, representativas de mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, e medidas de performance econômica de empresas integrantes do Índice Brasil IBX da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo BOVESPA, com dados do período de 1997 a 2001.Utilizando a técnica estatística de dados em painel, modelo de componentes de erros, trabalha-se 16 variáveis independentes representando os mecanismos de Governança Corporativa: concentração de propriedade (5 variáveis), características do conselho de administração (3 variáveis), capital votante (1 variável), remuneração da diretoria executiva (2 variáveis), política financeira (3 variáveis), controle interno (1 variável) e mais uma variável de controle representando o tamanho das empresas. Essas variáveis são regredidas contra cada uma das cinco variáveis de medidas de performance econômica estudadas. Tais variáveis mediram o Market Value Added, a razão preço de mercado e valor patrimonial da ação, TOBINS Q, rentabilidade sobre o ativo e rentabilidade sobre o patrimônio líquido. Os resultados indicam que a concentração de propriedade, o capital votante, a remuneração da diretoria executiva e a política financeira são relacionadas à performance econômica. Surpreendentemente, o capital votante e a remuneração da diretoria executiva são negativamente relacionados à performance. Observa-se, também, que a medida de performance econômica utilizada faz diferença no estudo dos mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, pois aquelas puramente contábeis não apresentaram qualquer relação com os mecanismos testados. Este estudo, com esta abrangência de mecanismos, variáveis e período tratado, está dentre os estudos empíricos de Governança Corporativa pioneiros no Brasil. Espera-se oferecer uma contribuição aos acadêmicos interessados no assunto, bem como a acionistas, gestores, analistas de mercado, consultores, administradores de Bolsa de Valores, órgãos reguladores e associações de classe. / Up until twenty years go, the term Corporate Governance didnt exist in the English language. The codes of good practices of Corporate Governance began to arise in the early nineties in England, in the United States and in Canada, as an answer to an unsatisfactory performance of leading companies - recognized as a deficiency of effectiveness in the board of directors and also as an answer to the pressures exerted by institutional investors. In Brazil, the term Corporate Governance is still more recent, but begins to be pondered and to deserve attention of researchers, of Stock Exchanges and associations. This study aims to identify possible relationship among independent variables, representative of Corporate Governance mechanisms, and measures of economic performance of enterprises of the Brazil Index IBX of the São Paulo Stock Exchange BOVESPA, with data referring to the period comprehended between 1997 and 2001. Using the statistic technique of panel data, model of error components, we work with 16 independent variables representing the Corporate Governance mechanisms: concentration of propriety (5 variables), characteristics of the board of directors (3 variables), voting capital (1 variable), remuneration of the executive directorate (2 variables), financial policy (3 variables), internal control (1 variable), and one more control variable, representing the size of the enterprises. These variables are regressed against each one of the five variables of the studied economic performance measures. Such variables have measured up the Market Value Added, the market to book value price ratio, TOBINS Q, profitability over the assets and profitability over the net equity. The results indicate that the property concentration, the voting capital, the remuneration of the executive directorate and the financial policy are related to the economic performance. Surprisingly, the voting capital and the remuneration of the executive directorate are negatively related to performance. We can also observe that the economic performance measure utilized makes difference in the study of the Corporate Governance mechanisms, because that ones purely accountants doesnt have any relation with the mechanisms tested. This study, comprising such diverse mechanisms, variables and also the observed period, is among the leading empiric studies of Corporate Governance in Brazil. We hope to offer a contribution to the academics holding an interest in the matter, as well as to shareholders, managers, market analysts, consultants, Stock Exchange administrators, regulating bodies and class associations.

Relação entre mecanismos de governança corporativa e medidas de performance econômica das empresas brasileiras integrantes do índice Brasil da bolsa de valores de São Paulo / Relationship among corporte governance mechanisms and economic performance measures of Brazilian enterprise that comprise Brazil index IBX of the São Paulo stock exchange

Jose Danubio Rozo 30 October 2003 (has links)
Até cerca de vinte anos, o termo Corporate Governance (Governança Corporativa) não existia na língua inglesa. Os códigos de boas práticas de Governança Corporativa começaram a surgir no início dos anos noventa na Inglaterra, nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, em resposta ao desempenho insatisfatório de companhias líderes, percebido como uma deficiência de efetividade dos conselhos de administração, e em resposta às pressões exercidas pelos investidores institucionais. No Brasil, o termo Governança Corporativa é ainda mais recente, mas já começa a ser preocupação e a merecer a atenção de pesquisadores, Bolsa de Valores e associações. Este estudo objetiva identificar possíveis relações entre variáveis independentes, representativas de mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, e medidas de performance econômica de empresas integrantes do Índice Brasil IBX da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo BOVESPA, com dados do período de 1997 a 2001.Utilizando a técnica estatística de dados em painel, modelo de componentes de erros, trabalha-se 16 variáveis independentes representando os mecanismos de Governança Corporativa: concentração de propriedade (5 variáveis), características do conselho de administração (3 variáveis), capital votante (1 variável), remuneração da diretoria executiva (2 variáveis), política financeira (3 variáveis), controle interno (1 variável) e mais uma variável de controle representando o tamanho das empresas. Essas variáveis são regredidas contra cada uma das cinco variáveis de medidas de performance econômica estudadas. Tais variáveis mediram o Market Value Added, a razão preço de mercado e valor patrimonial da ação, TOBINS Q, rentabilidade sobre o ativo e rentabilidade sobre o patrimônio líquido. Os resultados indicam que a concentração de propriedade, o capital votante, a remuneração da diretoria executiva e a política financeira são relacionadas à performance econômica. Surpreendentemente, o capital votante e a remuneração da diretoria executiva são negativamente relacionados à performance. Observa-se, também, que a medida de performance econômica utilizada faz diferença no estudo dos mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, pois aquelas puramente contábeis não apresentaram qualquer relação com os mecanismos testados. Este estudo, com esta abrangência de mecanismos, variáveis e período tratado, está dentre os estudos empíricos de Governança Corporativa pioneiros no Brasil. Espera-se oferecer uma contribuição aos acadêmicos interessados no assunto, bem como a acionistas, gestores, analistas de mercado, consultores, administradores de Bolsa de Valores, órgãos reguladores e associações de classe. / Up until twenty years go, the term Corporate Governance didnt exist in the English language. The codes of good practices of Corporate Governance began to arise in the early nineties in England, in the United States and in Canada, as an answer to an unsatisfactory performance of leading companies - recognized as a deficiency of effectiveness in the board of directors and also as an answer to the pressures exerted by institutional investors. In Brazil, the term Corporate Governance is still more recent, but begins to be pondered and to deserve attention of researchers, of Stock Exchanges and associations. This study aims to identify possible relationship among independent variables, representative of Corporate Governance mechanisms, and measures of economic performance of enterprises of the Brazil Index IBX of the São Paulo Stock Exchange BOVESPA, with data referring to the period comprehended between 1997 and 2001. Using the statistic technique of panel data, model of error components, we work with 16 independent variables representing the Corporate Governance mechanisms: concentration of propriety (5 variables), characteristics of the board of directors (3 variables), voting capital (1 variable), remuneration of the executive directorate (2 variables), financial policy (3 variables), internal control (1 variable), and one more control variable, representing the size of the enterprises. These variables are regressed against each one of the five variables of the studied economic performance measures. Such variables have measured up the Market Value Added, the market to book value price ratio, TOBINS Q, profitability over the assets and profitability over the net equity. The results indicate that the property concentration, the voting capital, the remuneration of the executive directorate and the financial policy are related to the economic performance. Surprisingly, the voting capital and the remuneration of the executive directorate are negatively related to performance. We can also observe that the economic performance measure utilized makes difference in the study of the Corporate Governance mechanisms, because that ones purely accountants doesnt have any relation with the mechanisms tested. This study, comprising such diverse mechanisms, variables and also the observed period, is among the leading empiric studies of Corporate Governance in Brazil. We hope to offer a contribution to the academics holding an interest in the matter, as well as to shareholders, managers, market analysts, consultants, Stock Exchange administrators, regulating bodies and class associations.

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