Spelling suggestions: "subject:"masonry."" "subject:"mansonry.""
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Etude du comportement des voûtes en maçonnerie renforcées par matériaux composites : Application aux ouvrages d'assainissement / Behavior of masonry vaults reinforced by composites materials : Application for sewerage systemsSaade, Maamoun 27 June 2012 (has links)
Les ouvrages d’assainissement en maçonnerie de meulière construits au 19ème siècle à Paris ont une forme ovoïdale et sont soumis à des sollicitations agressives qui ont largement augmenté depuis le début du 20ème siècle. Si la majorité de ces ouvrages continuent à fonctionner, leur état général se dégrade inexorablement. Comme la reconstruction n’est pas toujours possible pour des raisons de coût et d’impact social, la réhabilitation est la solution adoptée par de nombreux maîtres d’ouvrages. La thèse est une partie du projet RESAME qui a pour but de réduire les coûts de réhabilitation, d’améliorer la durabilité des réparations et de diminuer le temps d’intervention sur le site. L’objectif principal de la thèse est de mettre au point de nouvelles méthodes de restructuration plus économiques que les méthodes usuellement utilisées. Après avoir présenté les ouvrages d’assainissement et leurs types de dégradations. Les techniques d’auscultation et de réhabilitation sont données. Une synthèse bibliographique de l’application des matériaux composites sur des structures en maçonnerie est détaillée en première partie. Du fait de la géométrie et des matériaux, des voutes ont été substitué aux ovoïdes pour nos essais présentés en seconde partie. Deux procédés ont été mis au point au cours de la thèse : un chemisage mince par mortier fibré de 3 cm et un renforcement par collage de matériaux composites (Lamelles et tissus). Vingt voûtes ont subi un chargement jusqu’à la rupture. Le but de l’ensemble des essais est de déterminer les mécanismes de ruine, les charges de la première fissuration et les charges à la rupture. Un gain important est alors constaté pour les méthodes de renforcement. Les résultats obtenus sont présentés et discutés. / In 19th century, Sewerage systems constructed in Paris were egg-shaped and made of masonry. Collectors are subjected to aggressive loads which have largely increased since the early 20th century. Even, if the majority of structures are still in service, their general condition deteriorates inexorably, and as the reconstruction is not always possible for reasons of cost and social impact, rehabilitation is the solution adopted by many clients. The thesis is a part of the project RESAME designed to reduce rehabilitation costs, improve the durability of repairs and reduce response times on the site. The main objective of this thesis is to develop new methods of restructuring. After introducing sewerage systems and their types of damage, auscultation techniques and rehabilitation will be presented. A bibliographical survey of the application of composite materials on planes and curved structures masonry is detailed in first time. Because of the complexity of geometry and materials, the vaults were substituted by the ovoid for our tests presented in the second half. Two methods are developed in this thesis: a thin layer of fiber reinforced mortar (FRM) by 3 cm and reinforcement by composite materials. Twenty vaults have been loading up to failure. The purpose of the tests is to determine the failure mechanisms, the first cracking loads and breaking loads. An important gain is then observed as well as a delay in cracking for every reinforcement method. The results are presented and discussed. These two processes will be applicable on several projects soon.
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Experimental analysis of the efficiency of carbon fiber anchors applied over CFRP to firebrick bonded joints / Analyse expérimentale de l’efficacité des systèmes d’ancrage en fibre de carbone appliqués sur briques renforcées par CFRPCaggegi, Carmelo 21 March 2013 (has links)
Dans les dernières années, le renforcement des bâtiments en maçonnerie a connu une usure massive des bandes CFRP. Ces matériaux composites, attachés sur les éléments à renforcer, sont exposés à une fracture prématurée pour délaminage (...). Une façon pour accroître la résistance maximale du système renforcé par CFRP est d'améliorer la cohésion entre support et composite en utilisant des ancrages mécaniques. Ces derniers sont réalisés en utilisant les mêmes typologies de fibres de renforcement et en les insérant dans le support comme des «clous». Les recherches scientifiques sur l'usure de cette façon d'ancrage sur support en maçonnerie ont été très limitées et, dans ce contexte, il n'y a pas d'études expérimentales sur le projet et le placement des ancrages. L'objectif principal du présent travail de thèse est de quantifier l'efficacité des ancrages en fibre de carbone appliqués sur brique (...) par les bandes CFRP. Cette recherche est la première phase d'une étude plus vaste sur les systèmes de maçonnerie-CFRP renforcés par « carbon fiber anchor ». Dans l'étude, l'analyse des déplacements et des déformations de la surface renforcée a été faite en utilisant la Corrélation des Images (DIC), une avantageuse méthode optique jamais utilisée pour l'étude des systèmes «support-CFRP band- ancrages».Le présent travail de thèse démontre que les ancrages en CFRP augmentent le résistance maximale et la ductilité des renforcements par bande de composites. Donc, cette typologie d'ancrage augmente la sécurité des personnes pendant les tremblements de terre et ne permettent pas la fracture fragile de la structure renforcée. La corrélation des images a été un bon outil pour l'étude des déformations, des avantages et des inconvénients de cette méthode et ont été évalué pendant la recherche / In these recent years, the strengthening of masonry building has known a massive use of CFRP sheets. Those composite materials glued on the elements to reinforce are exposed to prematurely debonding crisis due to a tension load which is much smaller than the tensile strength of the CFRP. A way to upgrade failure load of CFRP-to-support bonded joint is to reinforce the cohesion between the fibers and the support by the use of mechanicals anchors built with the same fibers of the composite and fastened in the support like “nails”. Research on the use of anchors for masonry supports has been limited and, in this framework, there are no experimental analyses related to the design and the placement of fiber anchors. The aim of this thesis is to provide experimental data to quantify the efficiency of the carbon fiber anchors applied on a reinforced fire brick. This is a ground work to study CFRP to masonry bonded joint fastened by fiber “nails”. Specifically, the analysis of the displacement and the strain fields of the reinforced surface have been realized by means of Digital Image Correlation (DIC), an optical appealing method never used to study a FRP to support bonded joint fastened by FRP anchor. The research demonstrates that the use of the CFRP anchor increases the resistance and the ductility of the reinforcements. The latter are important to augment the mechanical features of the structural members and, especially, to increase the safety of people during earthquakes by avoiding the brittle collapse of the strengthened elements. The digital image correlation has been a good tool for the strain field analysis; strengths and weaknesses of this method have been evaluated
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Panneaux en maçonnerie renforcés à l'aide de matériaux composites : approche de type calcul à la rupture et étude expérimentale / Masonry wall renforced by composits materials : limit analysis and experimental studySahlaoui, Ramzi 12 July 2011 (has links)
La maintenance, la réparation et le renforcement de murs en maçonnerie par matériaux composites collés nécessitent le développement de méthodes et techniques d'évaluation de l'aptitude au service et de requalification tant pour leur restauration fonctionnelle que pour leur adaptation à de nouvelles contraintes (évolution du zonage sismique par exemple). Le présent travail de thèse a pour objectif de proposer un outil d'évaluation par calcul de l'état limite ultime de murs en maçonnerie, renforcés par composites collés, chargés dans leur plan.Les travaux effectués concernent la modélisation par homogénéisation de murs en maçonnerie et une campagne expérimentale de caractérisation du transfert de charge entre un renfort en tissu de fibres de carbone et un support en blocs creux de béton par le biais d'un joint de colle. Pour modéliser la résistance des murs maçonnés, nous proposons une loi élastique parfaitement plastique pour le comportement dans le plan d'une maçonnerie constituée de blocs liés par des joints de mortier. Le convexe de plasticité est obtenu par une technique d'homogénéisation périodique qui prend en compte la nature tridimensionnelle de la cellule de base. On obtient alors un convexe limité par plusieurs surfaces de charge. Un algorithme numérique original est ensuite proposé et programmé dans le logiciel aux Eléments Finis ABAQUS. Des simulations numériques utilisant le module développé sont présentées / Maintenance, repair and reinforcing of masonry walls with composite materials glued require the development of methods and techniques for evaluating the suitability for service and retraining for both their functional restoration for their adaptation to new constraints (changes seismic zoning for example). This thesis aims to propose an evaluation tool by calculating the limit state of masonry walls,reinforced bonded composite, loaded in their plane.The work done on modeling by homogenization of masonry walls and acampaign experimental characterization of charge transfer between a reinforcement of carbon fiber fabric and a backing of hollow blocks concrete by means of an adhesive joint. To model the resistance of masonry walls, we propose a law for elastic perfectly plastic behavior in the plane formed of masonry blocks connected by mortar joints. The convex plasticity is obtained byperiodic homogenization technique which takes into account the three dimensional nature of the basic cell. This gives a convex bounded by several surfaces of charge. An algorithm digital original is then proposed and programmed in the finite element software ABAQUS. Numerical simulations using the developed module are presented
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Análise da resistência residual de compressão de blocos, prismas e pequenas paredes de alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto submetidos à situação de incêndio / Residual compressive strength of blocks, prisms and walls of concrete structural masonry under fire situation.Dupim, Rafael Henrique 03 June 2019 (has links)
Alvenaria estrutural é um sistema construtivo em que paredes exercem tanto função estrutural como de vedação. Apesar de ser largamente utilizada no Brasil atualmente, não há uma norma nacional com procedimentos para o dimensionamento deste sistema em situação de incêndio. Muito se deve pelo fato de as pesquisas nesta área serem substancialmente escassas se comparadas com os sistemas construtivos em concreto armado ou aço. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem por objetivo realizar ensaios experimentais para avaliar a resistência residual de compressão da alvenaria estrutural com blocos de concreto. Foram avaliadas duas variações de blocos de concreto, com resistências características de 4,0 e de 10,0 MPa, ambos com espessura nominal de 140 mm e os corpos de prova estudados foram os prismas e as pequenas paredes. Realizou-se a caracterização física, geométrica e mecânica da alvenaria em temperatura ambiente e na sequência os corpos de prova foram submetidos a uma simulação de incêndio-padrão normalizado pela ISO 834-1:1999, durante 120 minutos que é o TRRF máximo recomendado pela ABNT NBR 14432:2001. Na primeira fornada foram avaliados os elementos de 140 mm sem revestimento e segunda fornada todos os elementos revestidos com uma camada de 5 mm de gesso. Após o resfriamento lento até a temperatura ambiente, os corpos de prova foram submetidos ao ensaio de compressão simples para avaliar a resistência residual de compressão dos blocos, prismas e pequenas paredes. Em todos os casos as resistências encontradas ficaram abaixo do suficiente para garantir a segurança durante a ação de um incêndio, uma vez que o máximo de resistência residual encontrado foi de 22%. A influência da compartimentação na resistência residual das pequenas paredes, foi brevemente avaliada, para isso três pequenas paredes de 4,0 MPa e 140 mm com o interior isolado dos gases externos foram submetidas ao incêndio-padrão e compressão pós resfriamento, verificou-se que a perda de resistência neste caso foi de 54% enquanto nas pequenas paredes com fogo em todas as faces e expostas ao fogo pelo mesmo período a perda foi de 86%. Estas pequenas paredes compartimentadas foram instrumentadas com a finalidade de avaliar a transferência de calor ao longo da sessão transversal e verificar o tempo de atendimento do critério de isolamento, que neste caso foi de 62 minutos, abaixo do TRRF máximo de 120 minutos. / Structural masonry is a building system that walls work as structure and has sealing function too. Even though it is widely used in Brazil nowadays, there is no national standardization for the masonry design in fire situation. One of the reasons is that researches in this area are substantially sparse if compared with other building systems like reinforced concrete and steel. In this context, the purpose of this work is to evaluate the residual compressive strength of concrete structural masonry by experimentally tests. Two concrete block variations were evaluated, with strengths of 4,0 and 10,0 MPa, both with 140 mm nominal thickness, the elements studied were prisms and walls, beyond blocks. In the first stage, the masonry was characterized in ambient temperature and in the second stage, the elements were submitted to fire simulation standardized by ISO 834-1: 1999 for 120 minutes, which is the maximum TRRF recommended by ABNT NBR 14432: 2001. In the first fire simulation the 140 mm elements were evaluated without covering and in the second one, all the elements were covered with 5 mm layer of plaster. Then, after slow cooling until ambient temperature, the residual compressive strength of the blocks, prisms and walls was evaluated by compression test. In all cases the resistances were not enough to ensure safety during the fire, since the maximum residual resistance found was 22%. Still in this stage, the influence of the compartmentation on the residual resistance of the walls was briefly evaluated. Three walls of 4.0 MPa and 140 mm were placed in a triangle that was thermally insulated inside, and after the fire simulation were subjected in a post-cooling compression test. The loss of resistance found in this case was 54% while in the walls with fire on all faces and exposed to fire for the same period the loss was 86%. These compartmentalized walls were instrumented with the purpose of evaluating the heat transfer along the cross section and to check the time of the isolation criterion attendance, which in this case was 62 minutes, below the 120-minute established as maximum TRRF.
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Evaluation structurale des murs de soutènement en maçonnerie / Stability assessment of masonry retaining wallsTerrade, Benjamin 15 December 2017 (has links)
Partout où la pierre est facilement disponible, on trouve des constructions en maçonnerie de pierre. Suivant les coutumes et les usages, les blocs de pierres sont assemblés bruts, simplement ébauchés ou parfaitement taillés, avec ou sans l'ajout d'un liant. Supplantée par le béton dans les constructions neuves depuis le milieu du XX} siècle, les ouvrages en maçonnerie demeurent majoritaires dans le patrimoine bâti français, un patrimoine qu'il convient d'entretenir rationnellement. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de poursuivre l'élaboration d'un cadre scientifique rigoureux et opérationnel afin de donner aux décideurs et aux gestionnaires les outils nécessaires pour mener à bien leur mission. Nous proposons ici deux outils d'évaluation de la stabilité d'ouvrages de soutènement en maçonnerie basés sur l'utilisation conjointe du calcul à la rupture avec des méthodes d'homogénéisation. Dans un premier temps, nous mettons d'abord au point un outil analytique permettant de dimensionner des ouvrages neufs ou d'évaluer la stabilité d'ouvrages peu déformés. Cet outil permet également de dimensionner des solutions de renforcement par clouage lorsque cela est jugé nécessaire. Dans un deuxième temps, nous implémentons cet outil dans un code numérique afin de lui donner la souplesse nécessaire à l'étude d'ouvrages non-conventionnels, de grandes taille ou fortement pathologique. Enfin, nous mettons en oeuvre plusieurs campagnes expérimentales qui nous fournissent les données nécessaires à la validation de ces modèles de calcul / Wherever stone is readily available, we encounter stone masonry buildings. Depending on customs or dedicated use, the blocks are used raw, lightly faced or perfectly cut, with or without the use of mortar. Althougth concrete has replaced masonry in new construction for some decades, the better part of the French built heritage is made of masonry, an heritage we are responsible for. This works aims at contributing to create a reliable scientific frame for that purpose. This thesis uses the yield design theory alongside with homogenisation techniques to study the stability of stone masonry earth retaining walls. First, we provide an analytical tool suitable for designing new structures or assessing the stability of existing ones that are still in good shape. Should it be needed, this tools allows for the design of a strengthening solution based on soil-nailing. Then, we implement it in a finite element code to give it the versatility required to study unconventionnal structures or structures badly damaged. We then present several experimental campaigns aiming at validating the proposed tools
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Verifiering av beräkningsmodeller för valvbågar / Verification of calculation models for archesla Fleur, Filip, Lydén, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
Valvbågar är frekvent förkommande bland historiska byggnadsverk, då det är en gammal byggnadsteknik som tillämpats i flera tusen år. En metod att analysera och dimensionera valvbågar med är trycklinjeanalys. I detta arbete jämfördes två olika valvbågar, den uppmätta bärförmågan jämfört med bärförmågan enligt de teoretiska beräkningarna. Mätningarna utfördes på Linnéuniversitetet och beräkningarna utfördes i programvaran GeoGebra som baseras på trycklinjeanalys. Resultatet från det första testet visade att valvbågen hade en kapacitet på cirka 60 procent av den beräknade kapaciteten. I det andra testet uppnådde valvbågen en kapacitet på cirka 84 procent av den beräknade kapaciteten. Slutsatsen är att det är viktigt att vara noga med att rätt information sätts in i beräkningarna angående valvbågens geometri, om detta inte görs på rätt sätt är risken stor att analysen blir fel. Den viktigaste parametern att ta hänsyn till vid analysen är upplagsförhållanden för valvbågen. Ett sätt att ta hänsyn till eventuella avvikelser från verkligheten och beräkningarna skulle vara att implementera en säkerhetsfaktor i programmet. / Arches is frequently used in historic buildings, since it is an old building technique that has been applied for several thousand years. A method to analyze and design of arches is funicular analysis. In this thesis, two different arches were compared, the measured bearing capacity compared to the bearing capacity to the theoretical calculations. The measurements were carried out at Linnaeus University and the calculations were performed in the GeoGebra software, which is based on funicular analysis. The result of the first test showed that the arch reached a capacity of about 60 percent of the calculated capacity. In the second test, the arch reached a capacity of about 84 percent of the calculated capacity. The conclusion is that it is important to be careful that the correct information is inserted into the calculations regarding the arch geometry, if this is not done correctly, the risk is that the analysis will be wrong. The most important parameter to take into account in the analysis is the support conditions for the arch. One way to take into account any deviations from reality and the calculations would be implemented a safety factor in the program.
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Modelagem numérica de juntas de argamassa em estruturas de alvenaria utilizando elementos finitos com alta razão de aspecto. / Numerical modeling of mortar joints in masonry structures using finite elements with high aspect ratio.Tayer, André Del Negro 06 June 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um novo modelo numérico para simulação de juntas de argamassa em estruturas de alvenaria no plano via método dos elementos finitos. Neste modelo, blocos de alvenaria e juntas de argamassa são representados separadamente. Elementos finitos com alta razão de aspecto são utilizados para representar as juntas de argamassa e são inseridos na malha de elementos finitos através de uma técnica de fragmentação de malha. A principal vantagem desta técnica consiste na utilização de modelos constitutivos contínuos para representar regiões descontínuas, uma vez que seu campo de deformações quando a altura do elemento de interface tende a zero é semelhante ao apresentado pela abordagem de aproximação contínua de descontinuidades fortes. Um modelo constitutivo contínuo baseado na mecânica do dano foi desenvolvido para representar o comportamento dos elementos de interface. Este modelo consegue representar a abertura e fechamento de fraturas, bem como o efeito de atrito em função da tensão de confinamento nas interfaces. Como o objetivo deste trabalho consiste na simulação da formação e propagação de fraturas ao longo das juntas de argamassa, comportamento elástico linear foi atribuindo aos elementos triangulares de três nós utilizados na discretização dos blocos de alvenaria. Vários exemplos numéricos são apresentados. Inicialmente, testes básicos são realizados para demonstrar as principais características do modelo quando submetido a carregamentos de tração, compressão e cisalhamento. Posteriormente, estruturas de alvenaria submetidas a carregamentos estáticos são analisadas e os resultados comparados com as respostas experimentais a fim de validar o modelo proposto. A técnica proposta se mostrou bastante promissora para simulação da formação e propagação de fratura em juntas de argamassa de estruturas de alvenaria. / This work presents a novel numerical model to simulate the failure process in masonry structures subjected to static loads via finite element method. Brick and mortar joints are modeled separately with their own constitutive equations. Interface finite element with high aspect ratio are used to simulate the mortar interface and inserted by the mesh fragmentation technique. The main advantage of this strategy is supported by the fact that, as the aspect ratio of a standard low-order solid finite element increases, the element strains also increase, approaching the same kinematics as the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach. A constitutive model was developed, based on the continuum damage mechanics, in order to represent the behavior of the interface finite elements. This model is able to simulate the creation and propagation of cracks, as well as, the frictional effects in dependence on stress confinement on the interfaces. Furthermore, as the objective of this work aims to simulate the failure in the mortar joints, the brick elements are assumed as linear elastic material. Three node standard triangular finite element are used to represent the bricks. Several numerical models are carried out. Initially, basics tests are show in order to demonstrate the main characteristics of the proposed model subjected to tensile, compression and shear loads. Subsequently, masonry structures are subjected to static loads are analyzed and the results compared with the experimental responses in order to validate the proposed model. This technique proved to be very promising for the simulation of failure onset and propagation in mortar joints of masonry structures.
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Simulação numérica de blocos e prismas de alvenaria em situação de incêndio / Numerical simulation of masonry blocks and prisms under fire situationRodovalho, Francielle da Silva 23 May 2018 (has links)
A alvenaria estrutural é um sistema construtivo muito antigo no qual as paredes exercem função estrutural além da função de vedação. Este sistema construtivo é muito utilizado no Brasil, entretanto, poucas pesquisas foram realizadas sobre o seu comportamento em situação de incêndio e o país ainda não possui métodos normativos de dimensionamento de alvenaria estrutural em situação de incêndio. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o desempenho da alvenaria estrutural com blocos de concreto submetida a elevadas temperaturas através da simulação de prismas. No software Abaqus foram simulados o comportamento do bloco e prisma sujeitos à compressão em temperatura ambiente e do prisma em situação de incêndio com diferentes condições de contorno. O comportamento do bloco e prisma sujeitos à compressão e em temperatura ambiente foi validado até a carga última. As elevações de temperatura das faces não expostas ao fogo ficaram bem representadas por meio das simulações térmicas. A perda de resistência dos materiais foi adotada conforme a literatura técnica nas simulações termomecânicas. Através do que foi analisado no trabalho observou-se que os prismas se comportam bem quanto ao isolamento térmico em situação de incêndio, principalmente aquele com revestimento em argamassa nas duas faces. Quanto ao critério de resistência mecânica os resultados numéricos não foram validados com experimentais, entretanto, foi possível representar a deterioração térmica dos materiais. / The structural masonry is a very old building system in which the walls have structural and partition function. The use of this building system is widely spread in Brazil, however, few research programs were carried out on their behavior under fire situation and the country has not yet developed standard normative methods for designing structural masonry subject to fire. Thus the purpose of this research was to verify the performance of concrete blockwork structural masonry submitted to high temperatures through the simulation of prisms. In the Abaqus software the behavior of block and prism subjected to compression at room temperature and of the prism under fire situation with different boundary conditions were simulated. The compression of the block and prism at room temperature was validated until ultimate loads. The temperature rises of the non-exposed faces were well represented through thermal simulations. The material\'s resistance loss was adopted according to the technical literature in the thermomechanical simulations. Based on the analyzed examples it was observed that the prisms behave well regarding the thermal insulation under fire situation, mainly when having mortar coating on both sides. Regarding the mechanical resistance criterion, the numeric results were not validated with experimental ones, however, it was possible to represent the thermal deterioration of the materials.
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Estudo da resistência e da deformabilidade da alvenaria de blocos de concreto submetida a esforços de compressão / Study of strength and curved stress/strain relationship of blockwork masonry walls under compressionJuste, Andrea Elizabeth 03 August 2001 (has links)
O estudo da resistência à compressão e da deformabilidade de paredes de alvenaria de blocos de concreto é de fundamental importância para a caracterização desse material e o desenvolvimento de análises de estruturas compostas por esse tipo de painel. Este trabalho trata desse tema, objetivando prever com maior acuidade os principais parâmetros de deformação e de resistência de paredes de alvenaria de blocos de concreto, a saber: resistência à compressão e módulo de elasticidade longitudinal nas direções paralela e perpendicular à junta de assentamento. Foi desenvolvido um trabalho experimental para estimar a influência da resistência dos blocos, da resistência da argamassa e da direção de aplicação de forças no comportamento mecânico da alvenaria de blocos de concreto não-grauteada, quando submetida a esforços de compressão. Para tanto, realizaram-se ensaios de laboratório em blocos, argamassas, prismas de três blocos e paredinhas com dimensões de 80 cm x 80 cm. Por inferência estatística não foram obtidas correlações aceitáveis entre as variáveis estudadas. Porém, obtiveram-se tendências de comportamento dos corpos de prova estudados, confirmando a influência das características da argamassa e do bloco no comportamento estrutural da alvenaria quando submetida a esforços de compressão / The study of strength and the curved stress/strain relationship of blockwork masonry walls is basic for the material characterization and the development of structural analysis of blockwork walls. This work deals with that subject, aiming at the evaluation of the main elastic parameters and the strength of concrete blockwork walls: the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity for masonry in two orthogonal directions, parallel and perpendicular to bed joints. An experimental program was developed to evaluate the influence of the strength of blocks and mortar, and the load application direction on the mechanical behavior of ungrouted concrete block masonry under compression. A series of laboratory tests was carried out with blocks, mortar, prisms of three blocks and wallets (80 cm x 80 cm). It was impossible to obtain acceptable correlations of the defined variables, using statistical inference. However, tendencies of the specimens behavior were obtained, confirming the influence of mortar and block properties on the structural behavior of concrete blockwork walls under compression
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Desempenho estrutural de paredes de alvenaria de blocos de concreto de agregados reciclados de rejeitos de construção e demolição / The structure performance of walls of masonry by concrete blocks of recycled aggregates and building and demolition rejectsFonseca, Fábio Braga da 20 December 2002 (has links)
Os rejeitos de construção e demolição representam, atualmente, grande volume de material desperdiçado no canteiro de obra e fábricas de pré-moldados de concreto. A necessidade da reciclagem para o desenvolvimento auto-sustentável, de materiais produzidos a partir dos rejeitos de construção, é de grande importância sob o impacto ambiental, além de proporcionar economia aos construtores e produtores de artefatos de cimento. Ensaios de concretos e argamassas, utilizando agregado reciclado, resultam bom desempenho mecânico e são relativamente mais leves quando comparados aos respectivos materiais utilizando agregados naturais. A fabricação de blocos de concreto com função estrutural, produzido com agregados reciclados de fração entre 2,4 mm e 9,5 mm, combinada à fração miúda de agregados naturais, possibilitam a execução de edifícios de pequena altura. A utilização da fração miúda reciclada, na preparação de argamassas de assentamento e revestimento, apresenta comportamento eficiente ao conjunto alvenaria-argamassa. A caracterização dos agregados, o estudo de traço, a análise do desempenho físico e mecânico dos blocos, prismas e paredes de alvenaria estrutural, bem como correlações de eficiência e análise da influência da argamassa de assentamento e de revestimento em relação à resistência de aderência à tração, é uma necessidade para o conhecimento e utilização deste material / The building and demolition rejects represent, nowadays, a great amount of wasted material in buildings and plants of pre-molded of concrete. The necessity of recycling for the self-supporting development of materials produced from the building rejects, is of great importance under the enviromental impact, and besides it provides savings for the builers and producers of concrete goods. Tests with concrete and mortar, utilizing recycled aggregate, show a good mechanical performance and they are lighter when compared to the respective materials using natural aggregate. The fabrication of concrete blocks with structural function, produced with recycled aggregate of fraction between 2,4 mm and 9,5 mm, combined to the small fraction of natural aggregate, make possible the construction of low height buildings. The application of the recycled small fraction, in the preparation of foundation and revetment mortar, shows efficient employed with the set masonry-mortar. The aggregate characterization, the study of the proportion of ingredients for concrete, the analysis of the physical and mechanical performance of the blocks, prisms and walls of structural masonry, as well the correlations of efficiency and analysis of the influence of foundation and revetment mortar, relating to the resistence of adherence to traction, are necessities for the knowledge and utilization of this material
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