Spelling suggestions: "subject:"masonry."" "subject:"mansonry.""
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Uso de fibra natural de sisal em blocos de concreto para alvenaria estrutural / Use of natural sisal fiber in concrete blocks for structural masonryIzquierdo, Indara Soto 10 March 2011 (has links)
A utilização de fibras vegetais como reforço constitui um grande interesse na obtenção de novos materiais para a construção civil produto de seu baixo custo, alta disponibilidade e reduzido consumo de energia para sua produção. Este trabalho avalia a incorporação de fibras de sisal, de comprimento 20 e 40 mm, e fração volumétrica de 0,5 e 1%, em concretos para a alvenaria de blocos estruturais e determina o uso destas unidades na execução de prismas e mini-paredes. Foram realizados os testes de caracterização da fibra, blocos e argamassa de assentamento e os ensaios de resistência à compressão axial das unidades, prismas e mini-paredes. O sisal apresentou baixa massa específica aparente e elevada absorção de água, constituindo uma característica comum desse tipo de material pela grande incidência de poros permeáveis. As propriedades físicas dos blocos com e sem adição cumpriram com os requisitos das normas estabelecidas validando sua utilização. Os resultados do ensaio à compressão mostraram que as mini-paredes reforçadas com fibras obtiveram valores muito próximos ou mesmo superiores aos obtidos para as mini-paredes sem fibras, apresentando melhor desempenho que os blocos e prismas. Todos os elementos com adição mostraram um ganho da capacidade de deformação e ductilidade conferida pelas fibras, observado nas curvas tensão x deformação. O modo de ruptura dos blocos, prismas e mini-paredes de referência foi caracterizado por uma fratura brusca e catastrófica e os reforçados mantiveram suas partes unidas pelas fibras, não perdendo sua continuidade e tornando a ruptura um processo progressivo. / The use of natural fibers as reinforcement is a great interest in obtaining new materials for construction, owing of its low cost, high availability and reduced energy consumption for its production. This paper evaluates the incorporation of sisal fibers of 20 mm and 40 mm length and volume fraction of 0.5 and 1%, for concrete for masonry structural blocks, and determines the use of these units in making of prisms and mini-walls. The laboratory tests were carried to characterize physical properties the fiber, blocks and mortar, and besides axial compression tests of the units, prisms, and mini-walls. The sisal had low apparent density and high water absorption, constituting a common feature of such material by the high incidence of permeable pores. The physical properties of the blocks with and without addition complied with the requirements of standards established by validating their use. The axial compression test results showed that mini-walls reinforced with fibers obtained values very close to or even superior to those obtained for the mini-walls without fibers, showing better performance than the blocks and prisms. All elements with the addition had increased the deformation capacity and ductility afforded by the fibers, observed in the curves stress/strain. The rupture mode of blocks, prisms and mini-walls reference was characterized by an abrupt and catastrophic fracture, and elements reinforced maintained their shares together by the fibers, without losing its continuity and becoming a progressive rupture.
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Influência do tipo de argamassamento e da utilização de peças de ajuste dimensional na resistência à compressão da alvenaria de blocos de concreto / Influence of mortar bedding type and use of adjustment dimensional parts in the compressive strength of masonry of concrete blocksIzquierdo, Orieta Soto 16 March 2011 (has links)
A alvenaria estrutural destaca-se na indústria da construção civil atual pelas vantagens que apresenta em comparação com outros sistemas convencionais, devendo ainda ser estudada para um melhor aproveitamento do sistema. Este trabalho estuda a alteração de resistência de compressão em paredes de alvenaria estrutural devida ao lançamento da argamassa de assentamento apenas nas laterais dos blocos em comparação com o lançamento total e à inserção de peças de ajuste dimensional para o acerto de modulações de paredes de alvenaria. Foram realizados os ensaios experimentais correspondentes à caracterização dos materiais empregados e os ensaios de resistência à compressão das unidades, prismas e mini-paredes. Todos os materiais cumpriram com os requisitos normalizados para sua correta utilização nos testes experimentais. Os resultados dos ensaios à compressão dos elementos demonstraram que o efeito do tipo de argamassamento influenciou notavelmente na resistência à compressão da alvenaria, apresentando melhor desempenho o argamassamento total. O uso de peças de ajuste dimensional (rapaduras) não reduziu a resistência à compressão das mini-paredes. / Currently, the structural masonry still has some advantages in the construction industry as compared with conventional systems, however it should continue to be studied for a better utilization of the system. This research studies the change of compressive strength of masonry walls due to the placement of mortar only on the sides of the blocks compared to the total release; and the insertion of adjustment dimensional parts for the settlement of modulations masonry walls. The experimental tests corresponding of characterization of materials used and compressive strength tests of the units, prisms, and mini-walls were made. All materials complied with the standard requirements for its correct use in the experimental tests. The results of the compression tests of the elements demonstrated that the effect of mortar bedding type significantly influenced the compressive strength of masonry with full mortar bedding showing better performance. The use of adjustment dimensional parts did not reduce the compressive strength of mini-walls.
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Finite element analysis of short-term and long-term building response to tunnellingYiu, Wing Nam January 2018 (has links)
Tunnelling in urban areas causes short-term and long-term ground movements under existing buildings. Finite element analysis provides a useful option for assessing the likely extent of damage induced in these buildings. Although finite element analysis is suggested to be used in the later phases of the building damage assessment procedures employed in practice, only the effect of short-term ground movements is typically considered and there are no detailed guidelines on the specification and complexity of the modelling. This thesis addresses the tunnel-soil-building interaction problem and the effect of long-term consolidation, as well as demonstrating the application of 3D finite element analysis with appropriate simplifications for practical assessment purposes. Finite element models are developed to quantify the effect of shallow tunnelling on an example masonry building founded on strip footings, considering both single- and twin-tunnel scenarios in a typical London soil profile. Total stress and effective stress analyses are adopted with specific modelling procedures to focus on the short-term and long-term response respectively. The analyses use a non-linear model for the masonry, and allow slippage and gapping at the soil-footing interface. Two advanced constitutive models for the soil (the extended Mohr-Coulomb model and the modified two-surface kinematic hardening model) are implemented with customized stress update schemes. The finite element results present the interaction between the soil and the building by comparing with the greenfield ground response. The horizontal coupling between the foundation and the ground is shown to be relatively weak. The dominant deformation mode of the building varies with the tunnel configuration (i.e. single or twin tunnels) and the tunnel eccentricity. Strain localization is found around the explicitly modelled window and door openings. The long-term consolidation is sensitive to the permeability of the tunnel lining. The building response to long-term ground movements is further affected by the tunnel-tunnel interaction in the case of twin-tunnel configuration. Performing 3D analysis of a single facade and foundation provides useful damage predictions, without the need to model a complete building. The proposed result processing methods such as characteristic strain and damage bar chart are practical tools for assessment. The study highlights some limitations of the elastic beam assessment method, which is often adopted in the early phase of the damage assessment process.
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Hotel garni / Hotel garniHoráková, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a project of a new building, Garni hotel in the municipality of Pacov. The object is made up of three ground floors. The first floor contains a restaurant with limited board possibilities, restaurant facilities, a manager’s office, staff facilities and a technical area of the building. Conference rooms with facilities and hotel rooms can be found on the second floor. There is one four-bed room, three double rooms (one of them is designed for disabled people) and two single rooms on this floor. One four-bed room, three double rooms and three single rooms are located on the third floor. The building is created with a masonry structural system and is roofed with a warm flat roof with a typical sequence of layers. A green roof is used above a part of the building.
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Análise experimental em escala reduzida de ligações entre paredes de alvenaria estrutural de blocos cerâmicos submetidas a ações verticais / Experimental small-scale analysis of the connections between structural clay block work masonry walls submitted to vertical loadsMoreira, Elian Marcos da Silva 15 January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise comparativa com três tipos de ligações entre paredes de alvenaria estrutural submetidas a ações verticais. O primeiro tipo de ligação é feito através de amarração direta de paredes de alvenaria. O segundo por amarração indireta solidarizada por telas metálicas e o terceiro, também com amarração indireta, porém, enrijecida por grampos metálicos ancorados em furos grauteados. O estudo é baseado em resultados obtidos por meio de um programa experimental realizado no laboratório de estruturas da EESC-USP. Os modelos utilizados são paredes em formato H, com cinco fiadas, em escala reduzida 1:3, os quais foram propostos por Capuzzo Neto (2005). A partir da análise experimental é obtida a resistência ao cisalhamento da interface no plano vertical de ligação entre a parede central e o flange todos os modelos ensaiados. Conclui-se que os modelos com amarração direta possuem maiores resistências ao cisalhamento, o que reforça o fenômeno da interação de paredes submetidas a ações verticais, além de apresentarem forma de ruptura caracterizada como frágil. Os modelos com amarração indireta, tanto com telas quanto com grampos, possuem resistências ao cisalhamento aproximadamente igual a 60% da encontrada para amarração direta, contudo, apresentam ruptura dúctil, com destaque para a ligação com grampos. / This work presents a comparative analysis of three types of connections between structural masonry walls under vertical loads. The first type is a set of running bond interconnected masonry walls. The second connection is obtained by means of steel meshes and the third, also stack bond, is hardened by metallic staples anchored in grouted holes. The study is based on an experimental program carried out in the laboratory of structures of the EESC-USP. The test specimens are H shaped third scale walls, with five courses, as proposed by Capuzzo Neto (2005). The experimental analysis allows for the evaluation of the shear strength of the vertical interface between the central wall and the flanges. The study shows that the models with running bond provide the largest shear strength, which corroborates the phenomenon of the walls interaction under vertical loads, and a fragile failure type. Both the stack bond specimens present a shear strength of roughly 60% of the running bond type, with ductile failure, specially for the stapled connection.
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Interação entre edifício de alvenaria estrutural e pavimento em concreto armado considerando-se o efeito arco com a atuação de cargas verticais e ações horizontais / Interaction between structural masonry building and reinforced concrete floor considering arch effect with vertical and horizontal actionsPaes, Marta Silveira 24 March 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, propõe-se um procedimento numérico seguro e viável, baseado no método dos elementos finitos, para avaliar a importância das ações horizontais na análise da interação entre a alvenaria estrutural e sua estrutura de apoio em concreto armado. Os modelos propostos englobam a consideração do efeito arco com atuação das cargas verticais e ações horizontais. É importante ressaltar que as cargas verticais, peso próprio das paredes e as ações das lajes, usualmente, são consideradas no dimensionamento da estrutura de concreto como uniformemente distribuídas e diretamente aplicadas sobre as vigas. Já as ações horizontais, vento e desaprumo, usualmente, não são consideradas. Além do desenvolvimento de um aplicativo que simplifica substancialmente a modelagem da interação, apresentam-se estudos de diferentes exemplos de edifícios de forma a deixar clara a possibilidade de utilização prática dos procedimentos propostos. Como observado nos exemplos estudados, os resultados obtidos por meio dos modelos propostos apresentaram diferenças preocupantes em relação ao modelo considerado usual. Dessa forma, ressalta-se, além da importância da consideração do efeito arco, a importância da consideração das ações horizontais no dimensionamento da estrutura em concreto armado que serve de apoio a edifícios em alvenaria estrutural. / This work deals with a safe and feasible numerical procedure based on finite element method that can be used to evaluate the importance of the horizontal actions when analyzing the interaction between a structural masonry building and a reinforced concrete support structure. The proposed models consider the arch effect with vertical and horizontal actions. It is important to notice that the vertical loads, dead and live loads from slabs and walls, are usually considered as uniformly distributed and directly applied on the support structure. Besides, the horizontal actions are usually not considered. The development of an automatic procedure that simplifies significantly the model of the interaction is shown and after this work presents several study cases of different buildings to emphasize the practical use of the proposed procedures. As observed in the studied examples, the results obtained through the proposed models present differences in relation to the model considered usual. In that way, it is pointed out, besides the importance of the consideration of the arch effect, the importance of the consideration of the horizontal actions in the design the reinforced concrete structure used as support to structural masonry buildings.
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Encurtamento de pilares de concreto armado e a influência do processo construtivo. / Colunm shortening the influence of staged construction sequence.Fortes, Gustavo Licht 28 June 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda as deformações por encurtamento dos pilares durante a fase construtiva. Deformações, estas, devidas à progressão das cargas, devidas à fluência e devidas à retração. Os encurtamentos provocam deslocamentos que são parcialmente corrigidos pelo processo construtivo, seja a obra executada com os pavimentos no nível de projeto ou com o piso-a-piso fixo. Dessa forma, o deslocamento final é inferior àquele obtido por um modelo de passo único que considera todas as ações ocorrendo após a finalização da estrutura. Uma metodologia para a estimativa dos encurtamentos e das correções é proposta e os resultados obtidos a partir dessa metodologia são validados por meio de comparações com modelos computacionais. Além disso, um carregamento fictício de temperatura é proposto para simular as correções construtivas no modelo de passo único. A variação de temperatura mostrou-se simples, precisa e útil nas análises de edificações de múltiplos pavimentos. Por fim, são discutidos os possíveis danos em elementos não-estruturais e maneiras de se mitigar esse problema. / The present study adress the issue of column shortening during the construction. These deformations are due to the progression of loads, due to creep and due to shrinkage. Shortenings cause displacements, that are partially compensated by the construction process, either the construction is performed with the floors executed at the design level, or the construction executed with fixed floor-to-floor dimension. Thus, the final displacement is lower than the displacement obtained by a single-step model, that considers all actions taking place after the structure is finished. A methodology for the estimation of shortenings and corrections is proposed and the results obtained from this methodology are validated through comparisons with computational models. In addition, a fictitious temperature load is proposed to simulate the constructive corrections in the single-step model. The temperature variation proved to be simple, accurate and useful in the analysis of multi-storey buildings. Finally, the possible damages in non-structural elements and ways to mitigate this problem are discussed.
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Performance of Polyurea Retrofitted Unreinforced Concrete Masonry Walls Under Blast LoadingCiornei, Laura 22 August 2012 (has links)
Unreinforced masonry walls subjected to blast loading are vulnerable to collapse and fragmentation. The objective of this thesis is to conduct experimental and analytical research for developing a blast retrofit methodology that utilizes polyurea. A total of four unreinforced masonry walls were constructed and tested under various shock tube induced blast pressures at the University of Ottawa Shock Tube Testing Facility. Two of the retrofitted walls had surface-sprayed polyurea. The results indicate that the use of polyurea effectively controlled fragmentation while significantly increased the load capacity and stiffness of masonry walls. Polyurea proved to be an excellent retrofit material for dissipating blast induced energy by providing ductility to the system and changing the failure mode from brittle to ductile. Single degree of freedom (SDOF) dynamic analyses were conducted as part of the analytical investigation. The results show that the analytical model provides reasonably accurate predictions of the specimen response.
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Relationships Between Felt Intensity And Recorded Ground Motion Parameters For TurkeyBilal, Mustafa 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Earthquakes are among natural disasters with significant damage potential / however it is possible to reduce the losses by taking several remedies. Reduction of seismic losses starts with identifying and estimating the expected damage to some accuracy. Since both the design styles and the construction defects exhibit mostly local properties all over the world, damage estimations should be performed at regional levels.
Another important issue in disaster mitigation is to determine a robust measure of ground motion intensity parameters. As of now, well-built correlations between shaking intensity and instrumental ground motion parameters are not yet studied in detail for Turkish data.
In the first part of this thesis, regional empirical Damage Probability Matrices (DPMs) are formed for Turkey. As the input data, the detailed damage database of the 17 August 1999 Kocaeli earthquake (Mw=7.4) is used. The damage probability matrices are derived for Sakarya, Bolu and Kocaeli, for both reinforced concrete and masonry buildings. Results are compared with previous similar studies and the differences are discussed. After validation with future data, these DPMs can be used in the calculation of earthquake insurance premiums.
In the second part of this thesis, two relationships between the felt-intensity and peak ground motion parameters are generated using linear least-squares regression technique. The first one correlates Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) to Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) whereas the latter one does the same for Peak Ground Velocity (PGV). Old damage reports and isoseismal maps are employed for deriving 92 data pairs of MMI, PGA and PGV used in the regression analyses. These local relationships can be used in the future for ShakeMap applications in rapid response and disaster management activities.
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Non-destructive Examination Of Stone Masonry Historic Structures-quantitative Ir Thermography And Ultrasonic VelocityAkevren, Selen 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The in-situ examination of historical structures for diagnostic and monitoring
purposes is a troublesome work that necessitates the use of non-destructive
investigation (NDT) techniques. The methods of quantitative infrared
thermography (QIRT) and ultrasonic testing have distinct importance in this
regard. The key concern of the study was developing the in-situ use of QIRT for
assessment of stone masonry wall sections having different sublayer(s) and
failures. For that purpose, the non-destructive in-situ survey composed of QIRT
and ultrasonic testing was conducted on a 16th century monument, Cenabi Ahmet
PaSa Camisi, suffering from structural cracks, dampness problems and materials
deterioration. The combined use of these two methods allowed to define the
thermal inertia characteristics of structural cracks in relation to their depth. The
temperature evolution in time during the controlled heating and cooling process
was deployed for the cracks/defects inspection. The superficial and deep cracks
were found to have different thermal responses to exposed conditions which made
them easily distinguishable by QIRT analyses. The depth of cracks was precisely
estimated by the in-situ ultrasonic testing data taken in the indirect transmission
mode. The inherently good thermal resistivity of the wall structure was found to
have failed due to entrapped moisture resulting from incompatible recent plaster
repairs. The IRT survey allowed to detect the wall surfaces with different sublayer
configurations due to their different thermal inertia characteristics. The knowledge
and experience gained on the experimental set-ups and analytic methods were
useful for the improvement of in-situ applications of QIRT and ultrasonic testing.
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