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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Compact safety system for automatic flagpole : Flow sensor anemometer / Kompakt säkerhetssystem för automatisk flaggstång : Flow sensor anemometer

Ström, David, Jensen, Carl January 2019 (has links)
Automating tasks and processes are becoming more and more common in both corporate and everyday life. The aim of this project is to assist the company Hotswap in the development of a safety system for an existing automatic flagpole. The safety system should be able to monitor wind velocity and, optionally, wind direction as well as communicate the data to the flagpole’s main control unit. The thesis describes and discusses the different possible mechanisms, solutions for measuring wind, and a possible implementation. A method for measuring wind velocity by utilizing an FS5 thermal mass flow sensor was selected and a prototype was developed for testing the performance of the implementation. The tests showed that the thermal mass flow sensor fulfilled the requirements regarding wind velocity measurement and accuracy with an average deviation of 0.19 m/s from the reference value. The solution was then discussed and compared with Hotswap’s existing prototype. The comparison showed that the prototype was a viable alternative. Finally, some suggestions for further development were presented along with the conclusion that the prototype provides a proof of concept for a fully realizable solution. / Automatisering av arbetsuppgifter och processer blir mer och mer vanligt både på företag och i vardagslivet. Detta projekt hade som mål att bistå företaget Hotswap med utvecklingen av ett säkerhetssystem för en befintlig automatisk flaggstång. Säkerhetssystemet ska kunna mäta vindstyrka och vindriktning och kommunicera den uppmätta datan till flaggstångens kontrollenhet. Rapporten beskriver och diskuterar de olika möjliga mekanismer och lösningar som finns för att mäta vindhastighet samt en möjlig implementering. En metod för mätning av vindhastighet där en hot-wire flödessensor valdes och en prototyp utvecklades sedan för att testa den implementerade metodens prestanda. Testen visade att användning av flödessensorn tillfredsställde de ställda kraven på prototypen gällande vindhastighetsmätning och mätprecision med en medelavvikelse på 0.19 m/s från referensvärdet. Lösningen diskuterades och jämfördes sedan med Hotswaps befintliga prototyp. Jämförelsen visade att prototypen var ett rimligt alternativ. Slutligen presenterades några förslag på vidareutveckling tillsammans med slutsatsen att prototypen är en konceptvalidering för en fullt realiserbar lösning.

Prediction of antibiotic mass flows in urban catchments and their environmental prioritization

Marx, Conrad 17 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Urban emissions of antibiotics into the environment have the potential to adversely affect terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Developed standardized test methods allow the quantification of the resulting ecotoxicological risk, which strongly relies on a comprehensive situation analysis by predicting or measuring a representative antibiotic concentration of interest. Predicting the input loads of antibiotics to wastewater treatment plants using secondary input data (e.g. prescriptions) is a reasonable method if no analytical data is available. The absence of such data poses the question of an aquired reasonable sample quantity to capture local seasonal differences in prescriptions as well as flow conditions within the catchment area. Both, the theoretical and measurement based determination of environmental concentrations have been scarcely verified in practice. Hence, high resolution prescription data in combination with an extensive monitoring campaign at the wastewater treatment plant Dresden-Kaditz (WWTP) were used as a basis to evaluate the reliability of predicting and measuring urban antibiotic emissions. As expected, the recovery of antibiotic input loads strongly varies among substances. The group of macrolides as well as sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim were almost fully recovered whereas nearly all substances of the beta-lactam family exhibit high elimination rates during the wastewater transport in the sewer system. Yet other antibiotics (e.g. fluoroquinolones) show distinct fluctuations through the year, which was not obvious from relatively constant prescriptions. The latter substances are an example that available data are not per se sufficient to predict the actual release into the environment which, in certain cases, emphasizes the necessity of adequate measuring campaings. The extensive data pool of this study was hence used to calculate the necessary number of samples to determine a representative annual mean load to the WWTP. Based on the applied approach, a minimum number of 20 to 40 samples per year is proposed to reasonably estimate a representative annual input load of antibiotics and other micropollutants. Regarding the WWTP, the mass flow analysis revealed that macrolides, clindamycin/ clindamycin-sulfoxide and trimethoprim were mainly released with the effluent, while penicillins, cephalosporins as well as sulfamethoxazole were partly degraded in the studied WWTP. Levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin are the only antibiotics under investigation with a significant mass fraction bound to primary, excess and digested sludge. In this context, the sludge concentrations are considered to be highly inconsistent which leads to questionable results. It remains unclear whether the inconsistencies are due to insufficiencies in sampling and/or analytical determination or if the fluctuations can be considered reasonable for digesters. Subsequently, verified antibiotic loads were evaluated regarding their ecotoxicological effects in the aquatic environment. Two approaches were applied (1) to address the ecological impact on individual trophic levels algae, daphnia and fish, and (2) to assess the possible synergistic potential of antibiotic combinations. Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and the group of cephalosporins showed to significantly affect the aquatic environment. They either have the highest impact on (one of) the lowest trophic level(s) or disproportionately increase the ecotoxicological risk due to their synergistic characteristics. In this regard, the deficiencies regarding the input prediction of these antibiotics is of particular concern. The underestimation of such critical mass flow conditions weakens the approach of assessing environmental risks on the basis of secondary data like prescriptions. Hence, efforts must be made to further develop the projection model by improving the quality of secondary data, identifying additional emitters and understanding possible retention and degradation dynamics of antibiotics within the sewer system. / In der Humanmedizin eingesetzte Antibiotika werden im menschlichen Körper nicht vollständig metabolisiert und gelangen über die Ausscheidungen in das kommunale Abwasser. In der Kläranlage erfolgt nur eine unvollständige Elimination dieser Stoffe, so dass der Kläranlagenablauf einen Hot Spot für Antibiotikaemissionen in die Umwelt darstellt. Das induzierte ökotoxikologische Risiko kann anhand standardisierter Testverfahren und allgemein anerkannter Bewertungsansätze für Einzelsubstanzen abgeschätzt werden. Erfolgt jedoch die Betrachtung von Antibiotikagemischen, wie es für den gereinigten Ablauf einer Kläranlage sinnvoll ist, sind aufgrund zumeist unspezifischer Wirkmechanismen und dem Mangel an repräsentativen Daten eine Reihe von Vereinfachungen und Annahmen zu treffen. Es besteht in der Folge die Gefahr einer Unterschätzung des durch Substanzgemische hervorgerufenen ökotoxikologischen Risikos. Eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit den Entscheidungsprozess über mögliche Vermeidungs- und Eliminationsmaßnahmen zu unterstützen besteht in der Priorisierung von Antibiotika entsprechend ihres Effektpotentials. Hierbei sind Substanzen zu identifizieren, die den größten Einfluss auf die Nahrungskette im Gewässer bzw. das höchste (negative) Synergiepotential mit anderen Substanzen aufweisen. Die Verringerung dieser Substanzen führt zu einer hohen ökologischen Effektivität und Effizienz der eingesetzten Mittel. Wie im Fall des klassischen Bewertungsansatzes, ist auch für den Priorisierungsansatz eine umfängliche und zuverlässige Situationsanalyse die Grundvoraussetzung für verwertbare Ergebnisse. Die Situationsanalyse beruht auf der analytischen Bestimmung bzw. der Abschätzung von emittierten Antibiotikafrachten zur Berechnung von repräsentativen Umweltkonzentrationen. Analytisch ermittelte Umweltkonzentrationen vieler Antibiotika weisen aufgrund saisonaler Verschreibungsmuster eine hohe zeitliche und räumliche Variabilität auf. Die für eine adäquate Erfassung der Situation notwendigen Messkampagnen sind kostenintensiv, wobei die tatsächlich notwendige Häufigkeit der Probenahme von zumeist nicht hinreichend bekannten substanzspezifischen Informationen, wie der chemischen Stabilität im Rohabwasser und der saisonal beeinflussten Applikation, abhängt. Alternativ können Antibiotikaeinträge in die Kanalisation anhand von Verschreibungsdaten abgeschätzt und mit Hilfe von Stoffflussanalysen (SFA) zur ökotoxikologischen Bewertung herangezogen werden. Eine vom Umfang befriedigende, direkte Gegenüberstellung von prognostizierten und analytisch ermittelten Frachten ist bisher jedoch nicht erfolgt, so dass die Verifizierung dieses Ansatzes noch aussteht. Für den Fall einer bestehenden Verschreibungspflicht für Antibiotika besitzen Verschreibungsdaten eine vergleichsweise hohe zeitliche und räumliche Informationsgüte. In Verbindung mit einer an diese Datenqualität angepassten Messkampagne, ergibt sich die Möglichkeit einer detaillierten SFA mit substanzspezifischer Bewertung der Eignung des Prognoseansatzes. Die am Beispiel der Stadt Dresden durchgeführte Bewertung des Prognoseansatzes fußt auf einer 15-monatigen Messkampagne und den für das Einzugsgebiet der Zentralkläranlage Dresden-Kaditz verfügbaren Verschreibungsdaten der AOK PLUS. Erwartungsgemäß ergibt der Abgleich von erwarteten und analytisch ermittelten Frachten eine starke Variation der für den Zulauf der Kläranlage ermittelten Wiederfindungsdaten verschiedener Substanzen. Die analytisch ermittelten Frachten von Sulfamethoxazol, Trimethoprim sowie der Gruppe der Makrolid-Antibiotika entsprechen nahezu den prognostizierten Mengen. Die Beta-Laktam-Antibiotika unterliegen bereits während des Abwassertransports einer umfänglichen, zumeist biologisch bedingten, Elimination, was zu hohen Unterbefunden im Zulauf der Kläranlage führt. Andere Substanzen hingegen (z.B. Fluorchinolone) weisen messtechnisch eine signifikante Jahresdynamik auf, die aufgrund der weitgehend konstanten Verschreibung in dieser Ausprägung nicht zu erwarten ist. Die Auswertung zuletzt genannter Substanzen zeigt deutlich, dass die Nutzung von Verschreibungsdaten nicht per se ausreicht, um die Emission von Antibiotika (und anderer Pharmazeutika) sowie die sich daraus ergebenden Umweltkonzentrationen mit ausreichender Sicherheit prognostizieren zu können. Für eine nachgelagerte ökotoxikologische Bewertung ist in diesen Fällen die Durchführung von Messungen unumgänglich. Zur effizienten Planung derartiger Kampagnen wurde der umfassende Datenpool dieser Studie hinsichtlich der erforderlichen Probenanzahl zur Bestimmung einer repräsentativen mittleren Jahresfracht ausgewertet. Es ergibt sich ein Minimum von 20 bis 40 homogen über das Jahr verteilten Proben, um die jährlich in die Kläranlage eingetragene Fracht an Antibiotika bzw. anderer Mikroschadstoffe mit ausreichender Sicherheit abschätzen zu können. Im Rahmen der SFA in der Kläranlage Dresden-Kaditz wird deutlich, dass Makrolide, Clindamycin und dessen Humanmetabolit Clindamycin-Sulfoxid sowie Trimethoprim in der nahezu keiner Elimination unterliegen, wohingegen Penizilline, Cefalosporine und auch Sulfamethoxazol teilweise bis vollständig abgebaut werden. Mit Levofloxacin und Ciprofloxacin handelt es sich um die einzigen untersuchten Antibiotika, welche zu einem signifikanten Massenanteil an Primär-, Überschuss- und Faulschlamm gebunden vorgefunden werden. Aufgrund der hohen Relevanz dieses Eliminationspfades für die zuvor genannten Antibiotika bedarf die Beobachtung von z. T. widersprüchlichen Schwankungen einer kritischen Betrachtung der Ergebnisse. Es ist nicht abschließend geklärt, ob die beobachteten Fluktuationen auf eine unzureichende Qualität der Probenahme und/oder der Analytik zurückzuführen sind oder sich die Schwankungen in einem für Faulbehälter tolerierbaren Bereich befinden. Im Anschluss an die verifizierten Antibiotikaemissionen erfolgte die Priorisierung der betrachteten Antibiotika nach ihrem ökotoxikologischen Effektpotential. Zum einen wurde der ökologische Einfluss auf verschiedene, die Nahrungskette bildende trophische Ebenen (Alge, Daphnie, Fisch) untersucht. In Anlehnung an die humanmedizinische Kombinationstherapie erfolgte im zweiten Ansatz die Beurteilung der Antibiotika hinsichtlich ihres möglichen Potentials zur Verstärkung von negativen Effekten durch das gleichzeitige Auftreten mit anderen Substanzen. Für Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin und die Gruppen der Makrolide und Cefalosporine konnten signifikante Beeinträchtigungen der aquatischen Umwelt nachgewiesen werden. Diese Stoffe und Stoffgruppen führten im Rahmen der untersuchten Substanzen entweder zur höchsten Schadwirkung gegenüber der niedrigsten trophischen Ebene oder besitzen das höchste Synergiepotential in Kombination mit anderen Substanzen. Die Auswertung der SFA bestätigt die grundsätzliche Eignung der Verschreibungsdaten sowie des entwickelten Prognosemodells zur Vorhersage von Antibiotikaemissionen im urbanen Raum. Die Stoffflussanalyse stellt somit ein strategisches, im Vergleich zur Messung kostengünstiges Instrument zur Identifikation von Hot Spots der Antibiotikaemission dar und erleichtert die Entscheidungsfindung für monetär aufwendige Reduktionsmaßnahmen am Ort der Entstehung oder in der Kläranlage (z.B. 4. Reinigungsstufe). Die Vorgehensweise zur Priorisierung von Substanzen hinsichtlich ihres ökotoxikologischen Effektpotentials eignet sich sehr gut, Antibiotika mit dem höchsten Schadpotential zu identifizieren. Die Verschneidung der Kenntnis dieser Substanzen mit den Ergebnissen der SFA macht deutlich, dass mit Ausnahme der Makrolide, alle ökotoxikologisch priorisierten Antibiotika eine mangelhafte Prognosefähigkeit aufweisen. Die unvollständige Abbildung kritischer Stoffströme, wie z.B. Frachtspitzen, führt insbesondere im Fall der ökotoxikologisch priorisierten Substanzen zu einer Minderung der Aussagekraft des auf Verschreibungsdaten beruhenden Prognoseansatzes. An diesem Punkt ist in zukünftigen Betrachtungen anzusetzen, um die Qualität von Verschreibungsdaten zu verbessern, potentiell nicht erfasste Emittenten in die Betrachtungen einzubeziehen, sowie die Dynamik der Rückhalte- und Eliminationsprozesse in der Kanalisation adäquat beschreiben zu können. Die ergänzende Betrachtung weiterer Anlagentechnologien (z.B. Festbettreaktoren) kann zur Bestätigung der am Beispiel der Kläranlage Dresden-Kaditz gewonnenen Ergebnisse beitragen bzw. Unterschiede bei der Elimination von Antibiotika das Potential, die Problematik der Antibiotika und anderer Mikroschadstoffe bereits während der Planung von Abwasseranlagen berücksichtigen zu können.

Tangential momentum accommodation coefficient in microchannels with different surface materials (measurements and simulations).

Hadj nacer, Mustafa 17 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des écoulements de gaz raréfiés à travers divers micro-conduits de type circulaire et rectangulaire dans des conditions isotherme et stationnaire. L'objectif de la thèse est de contribuer à l'étude de l'interaction gaz-surface notamment en déterminant le coefficient d'accommodation de la quantité de mouvement pour différent matériaux de surface (Or, Silice, Acier inoxydable et Sulfinert) associés à différents types de gaz (hélium, azote, argon et dioxyde-de-carbone). Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, on adopte un triple point de vue : expérimental, théorique et numérique. L'aspect expérimental est réalisé par des mesures de débit massique à travers les micro-conduits, en utilisant la méthode dite « à volume constant ». L'aspect théorique original est développé à travers une nouvelle approche basée sur la résolution de l'équation de Stokes. Cette approche a permis d'écrire une expression analytique de débit massique en régime de glissement, qui prenne en compte les effets bidimensionnels dans une section de conduit rectangulaire. Cette approche complètement explicite, est conduite au deuxième ordre. Enfin l'aspect numérique permet de calculer le débit massique, en régimes transitionnel et moléculaire libre, en résolvant numériquement l'équation cinétique BGK linéarisée. La comparaison des mesures de débit massique avec l'équation analytique, en régime de glissement, ou avec les calculs numériques, en régimes transitionnel et moléculaire libre, nous a permis de déduire des coefficients de glissement et les coefficients d'accommodation correspondant à chaque couple gaz-surface dans tous les régimes de raréfaction. / This thesis is devoted to the study of rarefied gas flows through micro-channels of various cross sections (circular and rectangular) under isothermal and stationary conditions. The objective of this thesis is to contribute to the study of gas-surface interaction by determining the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient for different surface materials (gold, silica, stainless steel and Sulfinert) and associated to various gases (helium, nitrogen, argon and carbon-dioxide). To achieve this goal three aspects are considered: experimental, theoretical and numerical. The experimental aspect is considered by measuring the mass flow rate through microchannels using the constant volume technique. The theoretical aspect is considered by the development of a new approach based on the Stokes equations. This approach yields to the analytical expression of the mass flow rate in the slip regime, which takes into account the second order effects. The last aspect, numerical, is considered by the numerical simulations of the mass flow rate in the transitional and free molecular flow regimes by solving the linearized BGK kinetic model. The comparison between the measured mass flow rates and the analytically expressions in the slip regime or with the results of numerical simulations in the transitional and free molecular regimes enabled to deduce the tangential momentum accommodation coefficients corresponding to each pair gas-surface in all flow regimes.


TABITA YALING CHENG LOUREIRO 26 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Anualmente, mais de 100 bilhões de metros cúbicos de gás são queimados mundialmente em flares nas instalações de petróleo e gás natural. Esse número era ainda maior a alguns anos atrás. No passado, o holofote estava sobre o petróleo e o gás natural era visto como uma fonte de energia não rentável. A preocupação mundial com o aquecimento global impulsionou as ações para redução das emissões de gases causadores do efeito estufa. A crescente mobilização dos órgãos reguladores de diversos países para imposição de restrições de queima e ventilação do gás natural vem contribuindo para a melhoria dos índices de aproveitamento do gás associado. Muito embora já tenha havido um avanço relevante, o montante de gás desperdiçado ainda precisa ser reduzido. Neste contexto, a necessidade de se quantificar corretamente os volumes desperdiçados de gás fica evidente. As ações para redução da queima ou ventilação de gás natural se baseiam fortemente em medições precisas. O reflexo disto são as constantes publicações de diretrizes regulatórias voltadas para as medições de vazão de gás dos sistemas de alívio/tocha. Apesar da medição de gás de flare não ser uma técnica nova, ela ainda é considerada desafiadora e bem diferente das demais aplicações de medição de vazão. A natureza imprevisível da queima de gás natural, associada a instalações inadequadas, torna a medição extremamente difícil e complexa. O presente trabalho traz uma visão geral da queima de gás natural, da regulação do tema no Brasil e no mundo e das características e desafios da medição de gás de flare. Adicionalmente, foram feitos estudos de incerteza sobre os volumes diários medidos nos pontos fiscais de gás de uma instalação típica, de forma a analisar a influência da incerteza da medição do gás de tocha sobre a incerteza da produção mensal de gás natural, que é a base de cálculo para as devidas participações governamentais. Também foram calculadas as diferenças obtidas entre a medição indireta (balanço volumétrico de gás) e a medição direta (medição ultrassônica) da queima de gás natural e as incertezas relacionadas à medição indireta. / [en] Annually, more than 100 billion cubic meters of gas are flared from upstream oil and gas facilities. This number was even higher a few years ago. In the past, the spotlight was on oil and natural gas was seen as a non-profitable source of energy. The worldwide concern over global warming spurred actions to reduce emissions of greenhouses effect gases, contributing to change the scenario above. The increased mobilization of regulators from many countries enforcing gas flaring and venting restrictions has contributed to the improvement of gas use. However, although some progress has been already achieved, the amount of wasted gas still needs to be reduced. In this context, the need to correctly quantify the volumes of gas flared is evident. Actions to reduce the flaring or venting of natural gas rely heavily on accurate measurements. This reflects on the rigorous flare measurement guidelines introduced by many countries to support flaring legislation. Although the flare gas measurement is not a new technique, it is still considered a challenging task and quite unique compared to other flow measurement applications. The unpredictable nature of the flaring, many times happening at inadequate facility, makes measuring it extremely difficult and complex. This work provides an overview of gas flaring, regulatory requirements in Brazil and worldwide and the characteristics and challenges of flare gas measurement. In addition, uncertainty studies were made over the daily volumes measured in the fiscal points of a typical installation, in order to analyze the influence of the uncertainty of flared gas measurement on the uncertainty of monthly gas production, which is the basis for calculating the government takes. The differences obtained between the gas flaring indirect measurement (bydifference method) and direct measurement (ultrasonic measurement) were also calculated, as well as the uncertainties related to the indirect measurement.

Modelagem de um secador solar de produtos agrícolas com sistema de armazenagem de energia térmica / Modeling of a solar dryer for agricultural products with thermal energy storage system

Silveira, Luciano Roberto da 26 February 2016 (has links)
Nos países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, a secagem de produtos agrícolas com uso de secador solar representa uma alternativa promissora de baixo custo, reduzindo perdas e agregando valor aos produtos. Porém, devido à natureza periódica da radiação solar e das condições do tempo, nem sempre é viável sua utilização. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi a modelagem de um sistema auxiliar de armazenagem de energia térmica (SAET) em um secador solar, cuja finalidade é armazenar energia durante o dia para ser utilizada conforme necessário. Com base em registros de temperatura e umidade relativa, ambas do ar, de um secador solar, foi feito um estudo da termodinâmica dos processos envolvidos, a fim de propor meios para o dimensionamento do SAET. Foram explorados a estimativa do fluxo de massa de ar no secador, a modelagem da temperatura em função da radiação, e o dimensionamento para diferentes modos de operação do SAET, considerando o sistema ideal. Este dimensionamento tratou tanto do caso de fornecimento contínuo de fluxo de água preaquecida, como de uso de automação para controlar o fluxo. A estimativa de fluxo de ar no secador se aproximou de valores típicos encontrados na literatura. O dimensionamento do sistema, embora considerado ideal, mostra que a utilização do SAET melhora o desempenho do secador, servindo como parâmetro para melhor compreender o comportamento das variáveis durante seu funcionamento. / In developing countries such as Brazil, drying of agricultural products by using solar dryer is a promising low cost alternative to reduce losses and add value to products. However, due to periodic behavior of solar radiation and weather conditions, the use of solar drier is not always feasible. The objective of this study is to model an auxiliary thermal energy storage (ATES) in a solar drier, aiming to store energy during the day to be used as needed. Based on both air temperature and relative humidity records of a solar dryer, the thermodynamics of the underlying processes was studied in order to propose means for designing the ATES. It was addressed the estimative of the air mass flow in the dryer, the modeling of the temperature as a function of the radiation, and the designing of the ATES for different modes of operation, considering the optimal system. The designing dealt with both the continuous supply of preheated water flow and the use of automation for controlling the flow. The estimated air flow in the dryer approached typical values found in the literature. The designing of the system, although considered ideal, shows that the use of ATES improves the drying performance, serving as a parameter to better understand the behavior of variables during operation.

Modelagem de um secador solar de produtos agrícolas com sistema de armazenagem de energia térmica / Modeling of a solar dryer for agricultural products with thermal energy storage system

Luciano Roberto da Silveira 26 February 2016 (has links)
Nos países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, a secagem de produtos agrícolas com uso de secador solar representa uma alternativa promissora de baixo custo, reduzindo perdas e agregando valor aos produtos. Porém, devido à natureza periódica da radiação solar e das condições do tempo, nem sempre é viável sua utilização. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi a modelagem de um sistema auxiliar de armazenagem de energia térmica (SAET) em um secador solar, cuja finalidade é armazenar energia durante o dia para ser utilizada conforme necessário. Com base em registros de temperatura e umidade relativa, ambas do ar, de um secador solar, foi feito um estudo da termodinâmica dos processos envolvidos, a fim de propor meios para o dimensionamento do SAET. Foram explorados a estimativa do fluxo de massa de ar no secador, a modelagem da temperatura em função da radiação, e o dimensionamento para diferentes modos de operação do SAET, considerando o sistema ideal. Este dimensionamento tratou tanto do caso de fornecimento contínuo de fluxo de água preaquecida, como de uso de automação para controlar o fluxo. A estimativa de fluxo de ar no secador se aproximou de valores típicos encontrados na literatura. O dimensionamento do sistema, embora considerado ideal, mostra que a utilização do SAET melhora o desempenho do secador, servindo como parâmetro para melhor compreender o comportamento das variáveis durante seu funcionamento. / In developing countries such as Brazil, drying of agricultural products by using solar dryer is a promising low cost alternative to reduce losses and add value to products. However, due to periodic behavior of solar radiation and weather conditions, the use of solar drier is not always feasible. The objective of this study is to model an auxiliary thermal energy storage (ATES) in a solar drier, aiming to store energy during the day to be used as needed. Based on both air temperature and relative humidity records of a solar dryer, the thermodynamics of the underlying processes was studied in order to propose means for designing the ATES. It was addressed the estimative of the air mass flow in the dryer, the modeling of the temperature as a function of the radiation, and the designing of the ATES for different modes of operation, considering the optimal system. The designing dealt with both the continuous supply of preheated water flow and the use of automation for controlling the flow. The estimated air flow in the dryer approached typical values found in the literature. The designing of the system, although considered ideal, shows that the use of ATES improves the drying performance, serving as a parameter to better understand the behavior of variables during operation.

Conception d'un dispositif de pesage innovant pour véhicule en mouvement et fabrication de transducteurs en couches épaisses / Designing of an innovative wheigh-in-motion device and manufacturing of thick-film transducers

Coudouel, Denis 24 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur l'étude et la réalisation d'une plateforme de pesage dynamique pour véhicule roulant basée sur un concept d'intégration de la charge. Ce concept est mis en œuvre en vue de pouvoir minimiser la taille et l'encombrement de ce type de dispositif tout en effectuant des pesées présentant des caractéristiques métrologiques acceptables. Nous démontrons tout d'abord au travers de la réalisation d'un prototype et de plusieurs campagnes d'essais, la faisabilité de la méthode utilisée. Nous évaluons dans un deuxième temps les performances présentées par le prototype lors du pesage de véhicules légers roulant jusqu'à des vitesses de 35km/h. Une étude est ensuite menée sur les jauges de déformation piézorésistives et les jauges piézoélectriques réalisées en couches épaisses grâce à des techniques de sérigraphie. Nous caractérisons ces transducteurs avec pour objectif leur utilisation dans des dispositifs de pesage en remplacement des jauges de déformation classiques à filaments métalliques. / This PhD thesis is devoted to the study and implementation of a weigh-in-motion platform for vehicle based on a concept of integration of load. This concept is used to minimize the size of this kind of device while performing weighings with acceptable results. First, we show thanks to a protoype and several test campagns, the feasability of the method used. In a second time, we evaluate the performances of the prototype in terms of precision and repeatability with the dynamic weighing of vehicles at speeds up to 35km/h. A study is finally conducted on thick-film piezoresitive strain gauges and piezoelectric gauges manufacturing by a screen-printing process with cermet and polymer pastes. We characterize these tranducers with the goal of used them as an alternative of conventional foil strain gauges.

Ventilační výpočty v synchronním stroji / Ventilation calculations in synchronous machine

Judas, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the project was to get familiar with the environment of ANSYS CFX, create several models of fans and synchronous machine model in Autodesk inventor, create model of cooling medium flow through the machine with these fans and evaluation of results. Firstly the thesis describes the synchronous machine itself, losses of the machine, the flow of power of synchronous machine and methods of its cooling. Next the thesis describes each kind of heat transfer, laminar and turbulent flow. The thesis also refers of kind of the fans and the program used to calculate the flow Ansys CFX, including the method that Ansys used to calculate. The work describes the individual modification of fans and setting of calculation in ANSYS. Then displays the results of the analysis these fans for different numbers of fan blades and for modification of the fan. Then the thesis analyzes selected modifications due to changing speed. In the last chapter shows the analysis of flow in the machine with three different fans. In particular, there is shown the mass flow rate, pressure and its distribution on areas for evaluation.

Měření průtoku plynů / Gas flow measurement

Slováček, Antonín January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis brings a description and realization of new measuring devices which are designed to support student´s laboratory practice of air flow measurement techniques. The new devices and laboratory exercises help students get experience of several methods of measuring which they get to know during mandatory Bachelor's and Master's study programmes. The paper also includes a theoretical background, the knowledge of which is necessary for mastering the issue. Moreover, the paper comprises a literary search of sensors and a market research. The second part of the thesis presents possibilities of the laboratory workplace, and the results of the measurements of the new laboratory devices used for sample laboratory exercises.

Návrh sacího traktu pro vůz Formule SAE / Engine Intake Manifold for Formule SAE

Řehák, Ivo January 2008 (has links)
Thesis is bend on design of intake manifold for car Formula SAE. For driving of this car is used engine Yamaha YZF R6 (2005). Design of intake tract is processed so that agrees with rules and specifications for cars Formula SAE. For restriction of engine performance is in intake tract installed restrictor. For filling efficiency uplift of engine is used the resonance effect in intake pipes. Analysis of flow is carry out on simulation software for analyses of one dimensional flow.

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