Spelling suggestions: "subject:"date"" "subject:"rate""
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Mating strategies and resulting patterns in mate guarding crustaceans : an empirical and theoretical approach / Stratégies de reproductions et patrons qui en résultent chez les crustacés à gardiennage précopulatoire : une approche empirique et théoriqueGalipaud, Matthias 13 December 2012 (has links)
En raison des forts coûts en temps et en énergie associés à chaque reproduction, les femelles ne sont généralement pas aussi disponibles que les mâles pour se reproduire. Les mâles entrent donc souvent en compétition pour accéder aux femelles disponibles. Ceci conduit à une forte sélection sexuelle chez les mâles. Un des exemples les plus frappants de compétition entre mâles peut être observé chez certaines espèces de crustacés chez qui les femelles ne sont sexuellement réceptives que pour un temps très limité. Les mâles ont donc évolué une stratégie de gardiennage précopulatoire grâce à laquelle ils monopolisent une femelle plusieurs jours avant qu’elle ne devienne réceptive. Ce comportement mâle est lui-même coûteux en temps et en énergie. En conséquence, il a été suggéré que les mâles devraient devenir sélectifs envers les femelles du fait du fort investissement que chaque reproduction représente pour eux. A l’aide d’un modèle mathématique, nous prédisons que les mâles effectuant de longs gardiennages précopulatoires devraient préférer s’apparier avec les grandes femelles plus fécondes. Toutefois, cette sélectivité devrait rester faible du fait de la forte compétition pour accéder aux femelles libres. Nous suggérons plutôt que les mâles devraient chercher à s’apparier avec des femelles de bonne qualité après s’être initialement apparié avec une femelle. Quand les mâles en couple rencontrent une femelle libre de meilleure qualité que leur propre femelle, ils devraient quitter leur femelle pour s’accoupler avec la nouvelle femelle. Contrairement à cette prédiction, nos expériences ont montré que les mâles en couple d’un crustacé amphipode Gammarus pulex ne changeaient pas systématiquement de femelle quand nous leurs proposions une femelle de meilleure qualité que leur propre femelle. Ils décidaient de changer de partenaire uniquement quand leur femelle était de mauvaise qualité, indépendamment de la qualité de la nouvelle femelle libre. D’autres expériences sont nécessaires pour comprendre le caractère adaptatif de ce comportement de changement de partenaire, seulement basé sur une partie de l’information disponible. Ces deux études soulignent la difficulté d’inférer des patrons de reproduction uniquement à partir des préférences individuelles. Dans la première étude, les mâles étaient contraints par la compétition pour accéder aux femelles libres. Dans la seconde, le processus de prise de décision des mâles conduisait à un comportement de choix apparemment sous-optimal. Ces contraintes n’ont que rarement été prises en compte malgré leur grande importance lorsqu’il s’agit de comprendre les causes comportementales d’un patron de reproduction très répandus chez les crustacés à gardiennage précopulatoire : l’homogamie pour la taille. Il a principalement été suggéré que ce patron de reproduction était issu d’une préférence mâle pour les grandes femelles associée à un avantage des grands mâles pour accéder aux femelles. Cette hypothèse n’a malgré tout reçu que peu de support empirique. A l’aide d’un modèle par simulation individu centrée, nous avons donc testé l’hypothèse selon laquelle une préférence mâle pour la distance à la mue des femelles serait à l’origine de l’homogamie pour la taille chez les crustacés à gardiennage précopulatoire. Quand les mâles préfèrent s’apparier avec des femelles qui sont strictement plus proches de la mue qu’eux, les couples formaient un patron d’homogamie pour la taille. Puisque plusieurs préférences différentes peuvent conduire à un même patron de reproduction, ce résultat souligne l’importance de considérer le processus complet de mise en couple pour étudier le lien entre les préférences individuelles et les patrons de reproduction. Les stratégies de femelles peuvent aussi jouer un rôle important dans les processus de mise en couple. Contrairement aux mâles, les femelles ont été décrites comme préférant les gardiennages courts du fait des coûts associés à la mise en couple. / Because of strong costs associated with each mating event, females are usually not as available for reproduction as males at any given time. Males are therefore in competition with each other for access to receptive females, hence leading to strong sexual selection. One textbook case of such a mating system occurs in moulting crustaceans where females can only be fertilized during a short period following their moult. This has favoured the evolution male strategies to monopolize females before their period of receptivity. Such a precopulatory mate guarding is widespread among many taxa and represents one of the most striking example of males’ competitive traits favoured by sexual selection. However, recent investigations have suggested that because males’ sexually selected traits often involve opportunity or mortality costs, males should become choosy towards females. Using a theoretical approach, we showed that males performing long lasting mate guarding should choose larger, more fecund females. However, under sequential encounter of potential mates, competition for female access decreases male choosiness before entering in precopula. We rather suggest that males should become choosy after initial pairing with a female. When encountering an unpaired female of better quality than their current female, paired males should switch partners. Contrary to our expectations, even under simultaneous encounters of two females, males did not seem to assess their relative quality. Instead they decided to change partner when their own female was of low absolute quality. This led to several cases where males forewent the possibility of increasing their fitness. Further investigations are needed to understand the adaptive significance of using only a subset of information in decision making. These two cases highlight the difficulty of inferring mating patterns from mating preferences only. In the first case, male preference was constrained by competition for access to females while in the second one, sampling processes led to apparent suboptimal mate choices. These potential constraints on decision making have rarely been acknowledge in precopulatory mate guarding crustaceans in spite of their major importance when inferring the causes of a well-known pairing pattern occurring in these species: size-assortative pairing. Size assortment among pairs has mainly been considered to come from a male directional preference for larger females associated with a large male advantage in getting access to preferred females. However, this hypothesis has received contrasted empirical support and little is known about the underlying pairing process causing size-assortative pairing. We investigated theoretically the possibility that a state-dependent male mating preference could account for size-assortative pairing. When males chose females which were exclusively closer to moult than them, assortative pairing by size arose under strong male-male competition. Because several preferences can account for a given pattern, this result emphasises the importance of considering the whole pairing process when studying the link between preferences and mate choice. Female strategies may also be of great importance during the pairing process. Contrary to males, females have been suggested to prefer short precopulatory mate guarding due to costs associated with pairing. Such a sexual conflict over guarding duration may have major effects on co-evolutionary dynamics between males and females traits. Proving its occurrence is yet challenging because empirical studies often lack a full economical survey of costs and benefits for females associated with male traits. Females benefits associated with long lasting precopulatory mate guarding have particularly been overlooked in previous studies. Here, we proposed several potential benefits for females and discuss their influence on sexual conflict over guarding duration.
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Coabitação com um parceiro doente: conseqüências sobre o comportamento, a atividade imune inata e o crescimento tumoral / Cohabiting with a sick mate: consequences on behavior, innate immune activity, and tumor growhtAlves, Glaucie Jussilane 16 August 2005 (has links)
A atividade do sistema nervoso central (SNC) afeta aquela do sistema imune e esta por sua vez, através de produtos originados em células imunes, como por exemplo, as citocinas modificam a atividade cerebral e, portanto, alguns comportamentos. O ato de conviver com pessoas portadoras de um tumor ou de patologias crônicas debilitantes tem sido estudado por vários pesquisadores, os quais têm relatado evidencias que mostram ser algumas condições psicológicas experimentadas por ?caregivers? associadas com variações de comportamento e de imunidade. Manifestações de estresse têm sido intensamente estudadas nestas pessoas. Neste sentido, e guardado os devidos cuidados com as extrapolações, não existe um modelo animal especificamente desenvolvido para analisar, em laboratório, as eventuais alterações imunes que possam ocorrer em animais que convivem com um outro doente. Este foi o objeto do presente trabalho. Mais especificamente, avaliou-se a existência de uma possível interação neuroimune em camundongas que coabitaram com outras portadoras de um tumor de Ehrlich, através da análise de parâmetros hematológicos, imunológicos, hormonais, comportamentais e neuroquímicos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a convivência por 11 dias com um animal portador do tumor de Ehrlich produziu em camundongas: 1) leucopenia; 2) diminuição do burst oxidativo induzido por PMA e por S. aureus e da porcentagem e, também da intensidade de fagocitose de neutrófilos sanguíneos; 3) aumento do burst oxidativo e redução da porcentagem, mas não alterou a intensidade de fagocitose de macrófagos ativados pelo ONCO-BCG; 4) diminuição da resistência ao crescimento de um tumor de Ehrlich, isto é, aumentou a concentração de células tumorais/ml de líquido ascítico e o número total de células tumorais; 5) redução do número de leucócitos circulantes em animais inoculados com o tumor de Ehrlich; 6) diminuição dos níveis hipotalâmicos de noradrenalina e aumento daqueles de dopamina e de MHPG; 7) aumento do ?turnover? de noradrenalina no hipotálamo e de dopamina no córtex frontal; 8) aumento dos efeitos da anfetamina sobre alguns parâmetros da atividade locomotora dos animais observados no campo aberto; 9) potenciou os efeitos de um tratamento com diazepam, reduzindo ainda mais o burst oxidativo induzido por PMA e por S. aureus assim como os efeitos do fármaco sobre a porcentagem e a intensidade de fagocitose de neutrófilos sanguíneos. No entanto, esta convivência não modificou a média do número de eritrócitos, a porcentagem do hematócrito e o volume corpuscular médio, assim como a atividade de macrófagos peritoneais residentes e, não interferiu com os níveis de corticosterona sérica dos animais. Em seu conjunto, os presentes resultados mostraram que a convivência com animais portadores de um tumor ascítico de Ehrlich produziu alterações comportamentais, neuroquímicas e imunológicas, que guardam grande similaridade com sinais e sintomas relatados em caregivers. Estas alterações foram interpretadas como decorrentes de uma situação de estresse psicológico prolongado vivenciado pelas camundongas companheiras de conspecíficas portadoras de um tumor. Mais especificamente, postulou-se, neste trabalho, sejam as alterações observadas decorrentes de um aumento de atividade catecolaminérgica no SNC e/ou de ativação do SNAS. A semelhança dos resultados obtidos em companheiras de animais doentes com aqueles de caregivers permitiu sugerir, tomados os devidos cuidados com extrapolações, seja o modelo experimental agora usado de alguma utilidade para a compreensão da situação vivenciada por estes caregivers / The activity of the central nervous system (CNS) affects the immune system, which by means of products molecules synthesized by its cells, modify the activity of the CNS, and, consequently, animal behavior. People that care for and support the needs of patients bearing tumors or with chronic, debilitating diseases, have been studied by many groups, with evidences pointing towards an association between some psychological conditions experienced by caregivers and changes in behavior and immunity. Stress-associated symptoms have been intensely studied in these people. Thus, taking into account the required grounds reasonable comparisons, there was no description of a suitable model for laboratory analysis of possible changes in immunity of animals cohabiting with a sick cage-mate. Therefore, the objective of this study was to establish a suitable model for this purpose. We particularly aimed on possible neuroimmune interaction in female mice that had cohabited with Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice, using for comparison hematological, immune, hormonal, behavioral, and neurochemical parameters. The results of this study show that cohabiting with a sick mate - mice bearing the Ehrlich tumor - for 11 days induced, in female mice: 1) leukopenia; 2) decrease in PMA- or S. aureus-induced oxidative burst, and also of the percentage and intensity of phagocytosis by circulating neutrophils; 3) increase in oxidative burst and reduction in the percentage, but did not influence intensity of phagocytosis by ONCO-BCG-activated macrophages; 4) decrease in the resistance to the progression of the Ehrlich tumor, shown by the enhanced concentration of tumor cells per ml of the ascitic fluid, and total number of tumor cells; 5) reduction in the number of circulating leukocytes in animals injected with the Ehrlich tumor; 6) diminished hypothalamic levels of noradrenaline and increased those of dopamine and MHPG in the same region; 7) increased the turnover of noradrenaline in the hypothalamus, and of dopamine in the frontal cortex; 8) enhanced the effects of amphetamine on several parameters of motor activity observed in the open field arena; 9) potentiated the effects of diazepam, reducing the PMA- or S. aureus-induced oxidative burst, and on the percentage and intensity of phagocytosis by circulating neutrophils even further. Nonetheless, cohabiting with the sick mate did not alter the red cell count, the hematocrit, or the mean cell volume, nor did it influence the activity of resident peritoneal macrophages or interfere with serum corticosterone levels. Altogether, these findings show that cohabiting with animals bearing the ascitic Ehrlich tumor caused behavioral, neurochemical, and immunological changes compatible with those presented and described by caregivers. These changes are interpreted as related to a sustained, long-term situation of psychological stress experienced by the conspecific female healthy mates of the tumor-bearing mice. In particular, we postulate in this study that the changes observed might be driven by the increased cathecolaminergic activity in the CNS and/or by the activation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system (SANS). The resemblance of the results obtained here and those seen in human caregivers allows the careful suggestion that this model may be relevant to help understanding the situation experienced by caregivers
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Seeking an ideal wife: why Hong Kong men pursue mainland Chinese spouses.January 2002 (has links)
Li Wai-ki Viki. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 182-190). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledgments --- p.iv / Note --- p.vii / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Historical Background / Structure of Thesis / Literature Review / Methodology / Problems Encountered / Do People Tell the Truth? / Fieldsite一Why Shenzhen? / Chapter Chapter 2 --- "The ""Superior"" Hong Kong Chinese" --- p.35 / Construction of Hong Kong Identity / Hong Kong People's Views of Mainlanders / Hong Kong People's Views of Cross-border Marriages / How Do Mainland Chinese View Themselves? / Hong Kong Identity Card as Symbolic Capital / Grading of Ethnicity / Conclusion / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Hong Kong Men --- p.64 / Who is More Inclined to Marry a Mainland Woman? / What are Hong Kong Men Looking for in a Wife? / Mainland Women vs. Hong Kong Women / Hong Kong Men's Attitude Toward Marriage / Hong Kong Men's Sense of Masculinity and Femininity / Power Relation between Husband and Wife / Yuhn Fahn Decides Who is Miss Right / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Mainland Women Who Seek Hong Kong Husbands --- p.96 / Who is More Inclined to Marry a Hong Kong Man? / What are Mainland Women Looking for in a Husband? / Mainland Women's Attitude toward Marriage / Hong Kong Men vs. Mainland Men / "Who are the Most Desirable Husbands, After All?" / Constructed Reality vs. Actual Reality / Conclusion / Chapter Chapter 5 --- When Hong Kong Men Meet Mainland Women --- p.125 / The Trip to Zhanjiang / The Magazine Version / Conclusion / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Conclusion --- p.157 / Relationship between Hong Kong People and Mainland Migrants / Possible Trends in Marriage Patterns / Appendices --- p.175 / Bibliography --- p.182
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Les effets de la présence d’une audience et de la condition sur les préférences d’appariement des femelles diamant mandarin (Taeniopygia guttata)Belzile, Alexandra 08 1900 (has links)
Le choix de partenaire est souvent considéré comme étant le résultat d’une simple interaction, mais, en nature, l’environnement social dans lequel les animaux communiquent correspond généralement à un réseau d’émetteurs et de récepteurs. La présence de congénères, de rivaux, et même de prédateurs durant le choix de partenaire peut avoir plusieurs répercussions sur ce choix. Être observé par une audience composée de congénères de même sexe peut pousser certaines espèces à modifier le niveau d’expression de leurs préférences, et même à modifier ces préférences pour réduire la compétition ou éviter d’être imitées. La préférence de plusieurs femelles diamant mandarin pour deux mâles a été mesurée en absence et en présence d’une audience femelle pour déterminer si la présence de rivales a des effets sur le choix de partenaire des femelles. De plus, afin de déterminer si ces effets varient en fonction de la qualité des femelles focales et audience, la condition de plusieurs femelles a été altérée en diminuant leur capacité à voler. Selon les résultats, les femelles diminuent leur niveau de sélectivité suite à l’ajout d’une audience femelle, et l’intensité des interactions mâle-femelle dépend de la condition des femelles focales. Les femelles ajustent leur comportement surtout pour éviter d’être imitées et non en fonction de leur condition. Cependant, ces deux mécanismes peuvent affecter les femelles simultanément. / Mate choice is often considered as the result of a simple interaction, but, in the wild, the social environment in which animals communicate generally corresponds to a network of several signallers and receivers. The presence of conspecifics, rivals, and even predators during mate choice can have many repercussions on that choice. Being observed by an audience of same-sex conspecifics can drive some species to alter the level of expression of their preferences, and even to modify those preferences to reduce competition or avoid being copied. The preference of several zebra finch females for two males was measured without and with a female audience to determine if the presence of an audience alters female mate choice. Moreover, to determine if these effects vary according to focal and audience females’ condition, the condition of several females was altered by diminishing their flying ability. According to the results, females lower their level of selectivity following the addition of an audience, and the intensity of male-female interactions depends on the focal females’ condition. Our findings suggest that females mainly adjust their behavior to avoid being copied and not according to their condition. However, these two mechanisms might have affected the females’ mating preferences simultaneously.
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The effects of retrospectively examined early psychosocial stress on mate choice and sexual behaviour : a life history theory perspectiveKoehler, Nicole January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Early psychosocial stress is conjectured to place individuals on a developmental trajectory leading to earlier pubertal maturation, earlier initiation of sexual activity and earlier reproduction than those with less early psychosocial stress. This may have an adaptive function to minimise the chances of lineage extinction, which is more likely in environments of high risk and uncertainty. Previous studies have examined the relationship between early psychosocial stress and life history stages (e.g., age at puberty, age at first sex and age at first birth). However, these studies are limited in that they either examined only a few early psychosocial stressors, examined psychosocial stress relatively late in individuals' lives and/or were restricted to women. Thus, the first aim of the present thesis was to examine these findings in both genders using a measure of early psychosocial stress comprised of 24 categories of retrospectively assessed stressors (e.g., sexual abuse, physical abuse, parental divorce, rated quality of family life) during the first 7 years of life. It was hypothesised that individuals with high, as opposed to low, levels of early psychosocial stress would pass through life history stages earlier. The second aim was to examine how early psychosocial stress affects characteristics associated with life history traits, such as individuals? length, number and type of heterosexual relationships, number of sex partners, adult attachment styles, number of pregnancy terminations, and attitudes and behaviours towards contraceptive use. High levels of early psychosocial stress were predicted to be associated with characteristics reflecting a quantitative, as opposed to a qualitative, reproductive approach (e.g., more sex partners, more short-term relationships, insecure attachment styles). The third aim was to examine how early psychosocial stress is related to mate choice because numerous studies have identified what traits individuals' desire in a mate but not whether early psychosocial stress affects these choices. ... Early psychosocial stress generally had no effects on age at first sex, age at first birth, the number of pregnancy terminations, and mate choices. On the other hand, individuals with high, as opposed to low, levels of early psychosocial stress were more likely to be insecurely attached, had more short-term sexual relationships (men only), had more extra-pair copulations, were more likely to be divorced/separated, had a greater lifetime number of sex partners (men only), and had lower self-rated frequencies of contraception use. Overall, some of these findings are consistent with life history theory, which suggests that individuals with high levels of early psychosocial stress (i.e., those living in environments of high risk and uncertainty) should reach biological maturation earlier, engage in behaviours that facilitate earlier and more frequent reproduction to minimise the chances of lineage extinction. Implications for public health, limitations of the present study and future directions are also discussed.
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Aplicações de CE-DAD E HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS na determinação de compostos fenolicos, metilxantinas e acidos organicos em bebidas / Aplications of CE-DAD E HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS in the determination of phenolic compounds, purine alkaloids and organic acids in beveragesPeres, Renato Garcia 28 September 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Delia B. Rodriguez-Amaya / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T23:31:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Peres_RenatoGarcia_D.pdf: 1331591 bytes, checksum: dd871bdf16f75c9e9198ba86cdd4a2c1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Considerando que os artigos de pesquisa desta tese já estão em inglês e na forma para serem enviados aos periódicos internacionais, nos quais os resumos estão restritos a 100 ou 200 palavras, nesta seção, os resumos estão apresentados com maiores detalhes para uma apreciação melhor dos trabalhos e dos seus resultados. Devido à grande abrangência dos trabalhos, e para facilitar a leitura, os resumos estão apresentados em parágrafos separados, em vez de um único parágrafo. Os chás verde e preto (Camellia sinensis) são bebidas muito consumidas mundialmente. Na última década, estas bebidas têm sido alvo de investigação intensa devido a seus possíveis efeitos benéficos à saúde, atribuídos aos compostos fenólicos. Catequinas e teaflavinas são os fenólicos mais importantes em chá verde e chá preto, respectivamente. Têm sido também atribuídas a infusões de chá mate (Ilex paraguariensis), bebidas bastante consumidas no Brasil, atividades biológicas promotoras da saúde, possivelmente devido aos compostos derivados cafeoilquínicos e outros fenólicos. Portanto, o Capítulo 1 é um artigo de revisão que discute os avanços na instrumentação e metodologia analítica aplicadas aos compostos fenólicos em chás. Técnicas analíticas modernas, como cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, espectrometria de massas e eletroforese capilar têm fornecido dados importantes sobre a composição destes compostos nas bebidas mencionadas. Compostos fenólicos ocorrem abundantemente em vinhos e têm sido alvo de inúmeras pesquisas científicas nos últimos anos devido aos supostos benefícios à saúde. Ácidos orgânicos exercem influência direta na qualidade e propriedades sensoriais de vinhos, bem como na sua estabilidade e controle microbiológico. A determinação de ambos compostos é, portanto, de extrema importância. Uma revisão da literatura (Capítulo 2) mostra que a eletroforese capilar vem substituindo gradativamente a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com vantagens de baixo custo operacional, baixo consumo de solventes, rapidez, simplificação no preparo das amostras, etc. Com fenólicos, a eletroforese capilar tem sido utilizada com sucesso para a determinação de isômeros do resveratrol, ácidos fenólicos e flavonóides. Em ácidos orgânicos, sua utilização se dá nos modos de detecção direta e indireta. ¿Chimarrão¿ e ¿tererê¿ são infusões de erva mate (Ilex paraguariensis) largamente consumidas na América do Sul. O artigo do Capítulo 3 descreve a aplicação de HPLCDAD- ESI/MS na identificação e quantificação de ácidos cafeoilquínicos (CQA), glicosídeos de flavonóis e purina alcalóides nestas bebidas. Infusões foram preparadas de amostras comerciais de Ilex paraguarienses do Sul do Brasil. Os ácidos cafeoilquínicos, 4,5-diCQA, 3-CQA, 5-CQA e 4-CQA foram os principais compostos, 238-289, 153-242, 183-263 e 123-188 µg/mL, respectivamente, em chimarrão, e 206-265, 122-218, 164-209, 103-169 µg/mL, respectivamente, em tererê. Cafeína também foi encontrada em altas quantidades. Os glicosídeos de quercetina e kaempferol estavam presentes em níveis baixos. A atividade antioxidante individual foi determinada por um sistema ¿on-line¿ que mede a habilidade da substância sequestrar o radical ABTS.+, revelando que a capacidade antioxidante não foi proporcional às concentrações dos compostos fenólicos. 3-O-CQA, quercetina-3-O-ramnosilglucosídeo e quercetina-3-O-glucosídeo tiveram maior contribuição para a capacidade antioxidante, embora os glicosídeos de quercetina estavam em teores mais de 10 vezes menores que o 3-O-CQA. O Capítulo 4 teve dois objetivos: (1) comparar a quantificação de flavonóis nas formas glicosidicas e agliconas, e (2) comparar a composição de fenólicos e metilxantinas de mates retiradas em dois pontos da produção e entre as infusões chimarrão e tererê. O método quantitativo utilizado para as agliconas obtidas por hidrólise e aquele usado para glicosídeos, outros fenólicos e metilxantinas tiveram bom desempenho, medido em termos de linearidade, limites de detecção e quantificação, recuperação e repetitividade. Para as 13 amostras analisadas, nas duas infusões, resultados equivalentes foram obtidos para quercetina e kaempferol, nas formas glicosídicas e agliconas. Os teores dos analitos foram todos maiores no chimarrão em comparação ao tererê. Em ambas infuses, os níveis de fenólicos e metilxantinas foram significativamente maiores nos mates obtidos diretamente dos produtores que nas amostras comerciais, indicando que perdas ocorreram nas etapas adicionais do processamento e durante a estocagem das amostras obtidas diretamente dos produtores. Um método rápido por RF-MEKC modificado com ß-ciclodextrina sulfatada foi desenvolvido e validado para a determinação de cinco catequinas em chá verde (Capítulo 5). O eletrólito otimizado consistiu de 0.2% trietilamina, 50 mmol/L SDS e 0.8% s-ß-CD (pH=2,9). Os padrões e as amostras foram injetados em 0,6 psi por 5 segundos sob voltagem constante de -30 kV. O preparo da amostra envolveu a extração de 2g de chá com 200mL de água a 95oC sob agitação constante por 5 min. O método demonstrou excelente desempenho com limites de detecção e quantificação de 0,02 a 0,1 µg/L e 0.1 a 0,5 µg/mL, respectivamente, e recuperação de 94 a 101%. O método foi utilizado para analisar infusões de chás verdes comercializados no Brasil. Epigalocatequina galato (23,4-112,4 µg/mL) foi o principal componente, seguido por Epigalocatequina (18,4-78,9 µg/mL), Epicatequina galato (5,6-29,6 µg/mL), Epicatequina (4,6-14,5 µg/mL) e Catequina (3,2-8,2 µg/mL). Foi desenvolvido e avaliado um método para determinação simultânea da estilbeno resveratrol, quatro ácidos fenólicos e cinco flavonóides em vinhos por eletroforese capilar (CE) (Capítulo 6). A composição do eletrólito e as condições instrumentais foram otimizadas, usando um planejamento fatorial 27-3 e análise de superfície de resposta, mostrando TBS (tetraborato de sódio) / metanol como a variável mais influente. As condições eletroforéticas ótimas, minimizando os valores de CRS, consistiram de 17 mmol/L TBS com 20% MeOH como eletrólito, voltagem constante de 25 kV, injeção hidrodinâmica a 50 mBar por 3 segundos e temperatura de 25oC. Os valores de R2 para linearidade foram igual ou maior que 0,99. Os limites de detecção e quantificação foram de 0,01 a 0,03 e de 0,04 a 0,08 mg/L, respectivamente. Os coeficientes de variação para os tempos de migração e áreas dos picos, obtidos por 10 injeções consecutivas, foram menores de 2%. A recuperação variou de 97 a 102%. O método foi aplicado a 23 diferentes tipos e marcas de vinhos brasileiros. Um método por eletroforese capilar para os ácidos orgânicos mais importantes em vinho foi desenvolvido e validado (Capítulo 7). O eletrólito otimizado consistiu de 10 mmol/L de ácido 3,5-dinitrobenzóico (DNB) a pH 3,6, com 0,2 mmol/L de brometo de cetiltrimetilamônio para inversão de fluxo. O DNB foi escolhido porque tem mobilidade efetiva semelhante aos analitos, boa capacidade tamponante a pH 3,6 e características cromofóricas para detecção indireta. O preparo da amostra envolveu apenas diluição e filtração. O método demonstrou bom desempenho: linearidade (R2 > 0,99) na faixa de concentração avaliada (6 a 285 mg/L); limites de detecção e quantificação de 0,64 a 1,55 mg/L e de 2,12 a 5,15 mg/L, respectivamente; tempo de análise de 5,5 minutos. Os coeficientes de variação, em relação aos tempos de migração e as áreas dos picos, foram abaixo de 5%. As porcentagens de recuperação variaram de 95 a 102%. O método foi aplicado a 23 tipos e marcas de vinhos brasileiros, confirmando a boa repetibilidade e demostrando a grande variação nas concentrações dos ácidos orgânicos / Abstract: Green and black teas (Camellia sinensis) are widely consumed beverages in the entire world. In the last decade, these beverages have been the subject of intense investigations in relation to their possible beneficial effects on health. Catechins and theaflavins are the most important phenolics in green and black tea, respectively. Health promoting have also been attributed to the infusions of mate, beverages widely consumed in Brazil, probably due to caffeoylquinic derivatives and other phenolics. Chapter 1 reviews advances in instrumentation and analytical methodology applied to phenolic compounds in teas. Modern analytical techniques, such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry (MS) and capillary electrophoreses (CE), have provided important data about the composition of these compounds in the above mentioned beverages. Phenolic compounds occur in abundance in wine and have been the object of intense research in recent years because of their potential benefits to health. Organic acids have a direct influence on the quality and sensory properties of wine, as well as in their stability and microbial control. The determination of phenolic compounds and organic acids of wine is, therefore, of paramount importance. A review of the literature (Chapter 2) shows that capillary electrophoresis is gradually substituting high performance liquid chromatography, with the advantages of low operational cost, low solvent consumption, short analysis time, minimal sample preparation, etc. With phenolics, CE has been successfully used for the determination of resveratrol isomers, phenolic acids and flavonoids. With organic acids, this technique has been employed in the direct and indirect mode. ¿Chimarrão¿ and ¿tererê¿ are mate (Ilex paraguariensis) infusions widely consumed in South America. This paper (Chapter 3) describes the application of HPLC-DADESI/ MS in the identification and quantification of caffeoylquinic acids (CQA), flavonol glycosides and purine alkaloids in these beverages. Infusions were prepared from commercial samples of Ilex paraguarienses from Southern Brazil. The cafeoylquinic acids, 4,5-diCQA, 3-CQA, 5-CQA, and 4-CQA were the major compounds, having 238-289, 153- 242, 183-263, and 123-188 µg/mL, respectively, in chimarrão and 206-265, 122-218, 164- 209, 103-169 µg/mL, respectively in tererê. Caffeine also had high amounts while glycosides of quercetin and kaempferol were found at much lower levels. The individual antioxidant activity was determined by an on-line system that measured their ABTS.+ radical scavenging activity, showing that the antioxidant capacity was not proportional to the concentrations of the phenolic compounds. 3-O-CQA, quercetina-3-Oramnosylglucoside, and quercetina-3-O-glucoside were the major contributors to the antioxidant capacity, although the quercetin glycosides had concentrations less than 10 times that of 3-O-CQA. Chapter 4 had a two-fold objective: (1) compare quantification of flavonols in the glycosidic and aglycone forms, and (2) compare the phenolic and purine alkaloid composition of mate samples taken from two stages of industrial production and of hot and cold infusions. The HPLC quantitative method used for the quantification of the flavonol aglycones obtained by hydrolysis and that used for quantifying the glycosides, other phenolics and the purine alkaloids performed well. Both methods showed good linearity, limits of detection and quantification, recovery and repeatability. For all thirteen samples, analyzed as hot or cold infusion, equivalent results were obtained for quercetin and kaempherol, thus these flavonols are amenable to quantification either in the glycoside or aglycone form. The levels of all the analytes in all the samples were lower in the cold infusion. In both infusions the phenolic and purine alkaloid concentrations were significantly higher in the samples obtained from the producers than in the commercial samples, indicating that losses occurred in the additional processing step and during storage of the later samples. A fast RF-MEKC method modified by sulfated-ß-cyclodextrin was developed and validated for the determination of catechins in green tea (Chapter 5). The optimal electrolyte consisted of 0.2% triethylamine, 50 mmol/L SDS and 0.8% s-ß-CD (pH=2.9). The samples and standards were injected at 0.6 psi for 5 s under constant voltage of -30 kV. Sample preparation involved extraction of 2 g of tea with 200 mL water at 95oC under constant stirring for 5 min. The method demonstrated excellent performance, with LOD and LOQ of 0.02 to 0.1 and 0.1 to 0.5 µg/mL, respectively, and recovery percentages of 94 to 101%. The method was applied to six samples of Brazilian green tea infusions. Epigallocatechin gallate (23.4-112.4 µg/mL) was the major component, followed by epigallocatechin (18.4-78.9 µg/mL), epicatechin gallate (5.6-29.6 µg/mL), epicatechin (4.6- 14.5 µg/mL) and catechin (3.2-8.2 µg/mL). In Chapter 6, a method for simultaneously determining the stilbene resveratrol, four phenolic acids and five flavonoids in wine by capillary electrophoresis (CE) was developed and evaluated. The CE electrolyte composition and instrumental conditions were optimized using 27-3 factorial design and response surface analysis, showing TBS (tetraborate)/MeOH as the most influential variables. The optimal electrophoretic conditions, minimizing the chromatographic resolution statistic (CRS) values, consisted of 17 mmol/L TBS with 20% methanol as electrolyte, constant voltage of 25 kV, hydrodynamic injection at 50 mbar for 3s and temperature of 25oC. The R2 values for linearity were equal to or higher than 0.99; limits of detection and quantification were 0.01 to 0.03 and 0.04 to 0.08, respectively. Coefficients of variation for migration time and peak area obtained from ten consecutive injections were less than 2% and recoveries varied from 97 to 102%. The method was applied to 23 different samples of Brazilian wines. A capillary electrophoresis method for six organic acids in wine was developed and validated (Chapter 7). The optimal electrolyte consisted of 10 mmol/L 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (DNB) at pH 3.6 with 0.2 mmol/L cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as flow reverser. DNB was chosen because it had effective mobility similar to the organic acids, good buffering capacity at pH 3.6 and good chromophoric characteristics for indirect detection. Sample preparation involved dilution and filtration. The method showed good performance characteristics: linearity at 6 to 285 mg/L (r> 0.99); detection and quantification limits of 0.64 to 1.55 and 2.12 to 5.15 mg/L, respectively; separation time of less than 5.5 min. Coefficients of variation for ten injections was less than 5% and recoveries varied from 95 to 102%. Application to 23 samples of Brazilian wine confirmed good repeatability and demonstrated wide variation in the organic acid concentrations / Doutorado / Doutor em Ciência de Alimentos
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Efeito de um extrato de ervas sobre a ingestão alimentar e concentrações de grelina acilada e peptídeo semelhante ao glucagon 1 em mulheres com excesso de peso / Effect of herbal extract on food intake and acylated ghrelin concentrations and glucagon-like peptide 1 in women who are overweightCelestino, Marina Monteiro 05 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2016-06-02T12:58:47Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-06-02T14:50:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T14:50:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Overweight and obesity are associated with excessive food intake,
due to changes in the productions of gastrointestinal hormones productions.
Objectives: To evaluated the effect of a herbal extract derived from native species of
South America on food intake, acylated ghrelin concentrations and peptide similar to
glucagon 1. Material and methods: A randomized, blind, placebo-controlled,
crossover design methodology, with intervention in two days with an interval
(washout) seven days, consisted of 20 overweight women. Three capsules a mix of
herbal medicines were administered, containing 112 mg of yerba mate, guarana 95
mg and 36 mg of damiana, or three placebo capsules containing 100 mg of lactose.
The herbal extract was administered 15 minutes before a standardized breakfast
(494.50 kcal, carbohydrates 52.67%, 12.91% protein and 34.5% lipid) and a standard
lunch (632.05 kcal, 61, 67% carbohydrates, 16.97% protein and 21.44% lipid) for all
patients. Food not eaten by the participants was weighed to evaluated food intake.
Blood samples were collected at baseline and on days 45, 60, 90, 150, 210 minutes
after breakfast in the morning and lunch for determination of plasma glucose
concentrations, acylated ghrelin and peptide similar to glucagon 1. To compare the
differences of the mean energy food intake and macronutrient was performed paired
t-test, for the behavior of hormones was performed ANOVA and was calculated area
under the curve and to determine the differences between the areas was performed
Student's t test. Results: In the supplemented group, there was significant reduction
in energy intake at lunch and macronutrients in both meals (p <0.05). The acylated
ghrelin concentrations were lower after breakfast (p <0.05) and glucagon-like peptide
1 were higher (p <0.05) after breakfast in the supplemented group. Conclusion:
Supplementation with herbal mix reduced energy intake and macronutrients by the
modulating hormones glucagon-like 1 and acylated ghrelin in overweight and obesity
women. / O excesso de peso se relaciona com a ingestão alimentar excessiva, decorrente de alterações nas produções de hormônios gastrointestinais. Objetivos: Avaliar o efeito de um extrato de ervas oriundos de espécies nativas da América do Sul sobre a ingestão alimentar, as concentrações de grelina acilada e peptídeo semelhante ao glucagon 1. Material e métodos: Ensaio clínico randomizado cego, crossover com intervenção em dois dias, com intervalo (washout) de sete dias, composto por 20 mulheres adultas com excesso de peso. Foram administradas três cápsulas de um extrato de ervas, contendo 112 mg de erva-mate, 95 mg de guaraná e 36 mg de damiana, ou três cápsulas de placebo, contendo 100 mg de lactose. O extrato de ervas foi administrado 15 minutos antes de um desjejum padronizado (494,50 kcal, 52,67% carboidratos, 12,91% proteínas e 34,5% lipídios) e de um almoço padronizado (632,05 kcal, 61,67% carboidratos, 16,97% proteínas e 21,44% lipídios) para todas pacientes. Os alimentos não ingeridos pelos participantes foram pesados para avaliar a ingestão alimentar. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue no início do estudo e nos tempos de 45, 60, 90, 150, 210 minutos após o café-da-manhã e almoço para determinação das concentrações plasmáticas de glicose, grelina acilada e peptídeo semelhante ao glucagon 1. Para comparar as diferenças das médias da ingestão alimentar energética e de macronutrientes foi realizado o teste t pareado, para o comportamento dos hormônios foi realizado ANOVA e foi calculado a área abaixo da curva e para determinar as diferenças entre as áreas foi realizado teste T de Student. Resultados: No grupo suplementado, foi observada redução significativa da ingestão energética no almoço e de macronutrientes em ambas as refeições (p < 0,05). As concentrações de grelina acilada foram menores após o almoço (p <0,05) e de peptídeo semelhante ao glucagon 1 foram maiores (p < 0,05) após o desjejum no grupo suplementado. Conclusão: A administração do extrato de ervas reduziu a ingestão calórica e de macronutrientes sugerindo que possa ter ocorrido por meio da modulação da ação dos hormônios peptídeo semelhante ao glucagon 1 e grelina acilada em mulheres com sobrepeso e obesidade.
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Sistema de análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle na indústria de erva-mate: uma visão da nova economia institucional / System of hazards and critical control points analysis in the industry of mate: a vision of the new institucional economyLima, Denise Pastore de 29 November 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-11-29 / The study evaluates the microbiological physical and chemical hazards existing in the process of mate for chimarrão determining prevention writs to the hazard defining the critical limits the necessary stages of monitoring and the needed registers for the control of the process as the measures of verification of the Critical Points of Control and HACCP Plan The study also focuses the food safety system according to the Institutional New Economy According to NEI the food safety study allows to characterize the integration of the relationships among the institutional environment organizations and the individual In the food case which buyers can not verify themselves the desired quality standards it is necessary to adopt strategies that stand out these characteristics This decision has made public and private institutions to adopt the quality tools as the HACCP system The HACCP system introduction can help the inspection by control organizations and promote the international trade The study was based in the descriptive research in the case study type It points as main microbiological hazards: the coliforms at 45oC mold and Salmonella sp; chemical hazards: herbicides used in the farming; physical hazards: strange substances Fragments the stages of the process considered as Critical Points of Control are the stages of reception of the raw material considered a chemical CPC and the stage of drying considered a microbiological Critical Control Point The limits for these two hazards are the absence of herbicides and the humidity of the product after the drying stage to be 5 to 8 % For that the control of the temperature and the setting time of mate is from necessary in the stage of drying and the control of the raw material in the stage of reception It is concluded that safety of chimarrão involves directly the institutions organizations and consumer?s engagement / O estudo avalia os perigos microbiológicos físicos e químicos existentes no processo de industrialização de erva-mate para chimarrão determinando as medidas preventivas aos perigos e definindo os limites críticos as etapas de monitoramento e os registros necessários para o controle do processo como as medidas de verificação dos Pontos Críticos de Controle e do Plano APPCC O estudo enfoca também o sistema de segurança do alimento na visão da Nova Economia Institucional Na questão da segurança do alimento na visão da NEI o estudo permite caracterizar a integração das relações entre ambiente institucional organizações e indivíduo No caso dos alimentos em que os compradores não podem verificar por si próprios o atendimento aos padrões de qualidade desejada torna-se necessária a adoção de estratégias que venham a ressaltar essas características Isso tem levado as instituições públicas e privadas à adoção de ferramentas da qualidade como o sistema APPCC A implantação do sistema APPCC pode ajudar a inspeção por órgãos reguladores e promover o comércio internacional uma vez que promove a confiança do consumidor O trabalho se baseou em pesquisa descritiva na modalidade de estudo de caso Aponta como principais perigos microbiológicos: os coliformes a 45oC bolores e Salmonella sp; perigos químicos: herbicidas utilizados na lavoura; perigos físicos: fragmentos de substâncias estranhas As etapas do processo consideradas como Pontos Críticos de Controle são a etapa de recebimento da matéria-prima considerado como um PCC químico e a etapa de secagem considerada como um PCC microbiológico Os limites para esses dois perigos são haver ausência de herbicidas e a umidade do produto após a etapa de secagem estar entre 5 a 8% Para isso é necessário o controle da temperatura e do tempo de secagem da erva-mate folha na etapa de secagem o monitoramento da umidade após a etapa de secagem e o controle da matéria-prima na etapa de recebimento considerando que a segurança da erva-mate para chimarrão envolve diretamente o comprometimento das instituições organizações e consumidor
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O ambiente organizacional do Sistema Agroindustrial da erva-mate / The organizational ambient of the Agro Industrial System of the erva-mate.Diniz, élio de Assis 25 February 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Elio de Assis Diniz.pdf: 335499 bytes, checksum: b64d20176a9a682d31f0cc5ce67d56cc (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005-02-25 / The organizational ambient of the Agro Industrial System of the erva-mate in Brazil is represented in a significant way in the federal, state and municipal ambits, being Parana, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso do Sul the states of larger incidence of the erva-mate. The organizational ambient had its origin in the colonization and it has suffered adaptations with the objective of assisting the people's longings involved with the system. It is one of the requirements to give support to the organizations to maintain themselves competitive. However, the structuring should start internally. Before relating itself with the external ambient, the organization needs to make an internal evaluation and attempting itself to its basic principles, being linked to its member s common objectives, as well as to be aware that this collective action acts in a coordinate manner. Despite its importance, this ambient does not act in an isolated way, but concomitantly with others ambients not less important. These relations are treated in the approaches done to the New Institutional Economy that has also contributed in the aspects of the transactions among the economic agents, alerting about the possible events that can happen in its accomplishments. To study the organizational ervateiro ambient, it was opted for the technique of intensive direct observation, using the standardized interview. Lined in the obtained data with the empiric research, the ambient had its structure characterized in way to supply all the links that are part of the Agro Industrial System of the erva-mate. They have also showed that this structure is not acting in all its potential. Problems were detected that if they were not treated with the due attention, they can put all the system in risk. The damages would be considerable because of the amount of municipal districts, rural properties, companies and workers involved with the system. / O ambiente organizacional do Sistema Agroindustrial da Erva-Mate no Brasil está representado de forma significativa nos âmbitos federal, estadual e municipal, sendo que os estados de maior incidência da erva-mate são Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul e Mato Grosso do Sul. Tendo sua origem a partir da colonização, o ambiente organizacional sofreu adaptações, com o objetivo de atender aos anseios das pessoas envolvidas com o sistema. Trata-se de um dos requisitos para dar sustentação às organizações, no sentido de mantê-las competitivas. No entanto, a estruturação deve partir de dentro. Antes de relacionar-se com o ambiente externo, a organização precisa fazer uma avaliação interna e atentar para que seus princípios básicos estejam voltados para os objetivos comuns de seus membros, bem como ter ciência de que esta ação coletiva atue de maneira coordenada. Apesar da sua importância, esse ambiente não atua de forma isolada, mas concomitantemente com outros ambientes não menos importantes. Essas relações são tratadas nas abordagens feitas à Nova Economia Institucional, que contribuiu também nos aspectos das transações entre os agentes econômicos, alertando sobre os possíveis eventos que podem acontecer, quando das suas realizações. Para estudar o ambiente organizacional ervateiro, optou-se pela técnica de observação direta intensiva, fazendo uso da entrevista padronizada. Pautado nos dados obtidos com a pesquisa empírica, o ambiente teve sua estrutura caracterizada de forma a suprir todos os elos que fazem parte do Sistema Agroindustrial da Erva-Mate. O que elas mostraram também é que essa estrutura não está atuando em todo o seu potencial. Problemas foram detectados que, se não tratados com a devida atenção, poderão colocar em risco o sistema como um todo. Os prejuízos seriam consideráveis em virtude da quantidade de municípios, propriedades rurais, empresas e trabalhadores envolvidos com o sistema.
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Konzistence a vliv otců na výběr partnera u heterosexuálních žen / Consistency and paternal influence on human mate choice in heterosexual womenTaskovská, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
People choose partners based on different characteristics, however it is not clear whether they systematically choose partners with specific characteristics. It is also not clear what modulates partner preferences. One of the factors are parents, however the question is, whether parents influence all types of relationships (e.g. one-night stand, marriage etc.). The main objective was to analyze the consistency of mate choice in physical characteristics in heterosexual women. Another objective was to test paternal influence on the mate choice, and whether this influence differs among partners with whom women have children and partners with whom they don't. Last objective was to test whether the similarity between father and current partner influences the relationship and sexual satisfaction of the respondent. In total 693 heterosexual women, aged 18-45, participated in the research (average age = 30,7; SE = 5,9) and provided physical characteristics (weight, height, attractiveness, masculinity, eye color, hair color, facial masculinity, facial hair, musculature, BMI, relative height, body hair and leg length) of their father, current partner (with whom they had/were expecting children) and long term ex-partners (with whom they had no children), they completed the standardized questionnaire s-EMBU...
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