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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prevalência de defeitos do tubo neural no estado de São Paulo antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico / Prevalence of neural tube defects in the state of Sao Paulo before and after fortification of flour with folic acid

Baldino, Camila Florido 19 December 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Defeitos do tubo neural (DTN) são as malformações mais freqüentes do sistema nervoso. Decorrem de falha no fechamento do tubo neural embrionário entre 21-28 dias após a concepção e representam importante causa de morbimortalidade infantil passível de prevenção. Os defeitos mais freqüentes são anencefalia e espinha bífida. Considerando que o ácido fólico reduz o risco de DTN, a fortificação compulsória das farinhas de trigo e milho com ferro e ácido fólico passou a ser obrigatória no Brasil desde junho de 2004. Assim, delineou-se este estudo com vistas a proporcionar uma base de referência sobre a evolução do problema no Estado de São Paulo e contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das políticas públicas que visam a prevenção e a minimização desse problema de saúde em nível populacional. Objetivo: Comparar a prevalência de DTN no Estado de São Paulo, antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico. Método: Estudo transversal analítico que utilizou dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (Sinasc) nos períodos antes (2001-2003) e após (2006-2008) a fortificação obrigatória das farinhas com ácido fólico. A variável dependente foi a presença de DTN, identificado pelos códigos Q00 (anencefalia), Q01 (encefalocele) e Q05 (espinha bífida, que inclui meningocele e mielomeningocele) da 10ª Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10). Avaliou-se a prevalência de DTN segundo período (antes/após-fortificação), características maternas e do recém nascido. Odds Ratio (OR) e respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC95%) foram utilizados para análise dos dados, conduzida no software R. Utilizou-se o teste de qui-quadrado com nível de confiança de 5%. Resultados: A prevalência total de DTN diminuiu significativamente no período estudado, passando de 0,57 por mil nascidos vivos antes da fortificação para 0,37 por mil nascidos vivos após a fortificação (OR:0,65; IC95%:0,59-0,72). Tanto a espinha bífida (OR:0,52; IC95%:0,45-0,59) quanto a anencefalia (OR:0,79; IC95%:0,67-0,92) foram menos prevalentes no período após a fortificação. Encefalocele foi a menos freqüente e não mostrou diferença na prevalência entre os períodos. Análise estratificada segundo características maternas e infantis mostrou associação estatisticamente significativa de DTN com idade materna no período antes da fortificação e com escolaridade materna, número de consultas de pré-natal e duração da gestação em ambos os períodos. As variáveis do recém-nascido que se associaram estatisticamente com DTN foram sexo no período antes da fortificação e peso ao nascer em ambos os períodos. A análise estratificada da prevalência de DTN mostrou redução significativa após a fortificação para mulheres de todas as faixas etárias (exceto para <15 anos), para aquelas com mais de três anos de estudo, com ou sem companheiro, com sete consultas de pré-natal ou mais e menos de 42 semanas de gestação. Em relação às características do recém-nascido, a análise apontou redução significativa para ambos os sexos, para nascidos com menos de 4000g e todas as raça/cor (exceto preta e outros). Conclusões: O estudo mostrou redução significativa na prevalência total de DTN no Estado de São Paulo após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico e também nas prevalências de anencefalia e espinha bífida. Embora tenha que se considerar que outros fatores possam ter contribuído para esse declínio, os resultados reiteram a importância da fortificação das farinhas como medida de prevenção primária na redução da ocorrência de DTN. / Introduction: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the most frequent malformations of the nervous system. Result of failure in the embryonic neural tube between 21-28 days after conception and are an important cause of preventable child mortality. The most frequent defects are anencephaly and spina bifida. Considering that folic acid reduces the risk of NTDs, Considering that folic acid reduces the risk of NTD, the compulsory fortification of wheat and corn flour with iron and folic acid became mandatory in Brazil since June 2004. Thus, this study was outlined in order to provide a baseline on the evolution of the problem in the State of Sao Paulo and contribute to the improvement of public policies aimed at prevention and minimization of this health problem at the population level. Objective: To compare the prevalence of NTDs in the State of Sao Paulo, before and after fortification of flour with folic acid. Methods: Analytical transversal study used data from the Information System on Live Births (Sinasc) in the periods before (2001-2003) and after (2006-2008) the mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid. The dependent variable was the presence of NTDs, identified by the codes Q00 (anencephaly), Q01 (encephalocele) and Q05 (spina bifida, meningocele and myelomeningocele including) the 10th International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Evaluated the prevalence of NTDs second period (before / after-fortification), and maternal characteristics of the newborn. Odds Ratio (OR) and confidence intervals (95%) were used for data analysis, conducted in the software R. Was used the chi-square test with a confidence level of 5%. Results: The total prevalence of NTDs decreased significantly during the study period, from 0,57 per thousand live births before fortification to 0,37 for a thousand live births after fortification (OR:0,65; IC95%: 0,59-0,72). Both spina bifida (OR:0,52; IC95%: 0,45-0,59) and anencephaly (OR:0,79; IC95%: 0,67-0,92) were less prevalent in the period after fortification. Encephalocele was less frequent and showed no difference in prevalence between periods. Analysis stratified by maternal characteristics and infant showed a statistically significant association of NTDs with maternal age in the period before fortification and maternal education, number of prenatal visits and duration of pregnancy in both periods. The variables of the newborn that is statistically associated with NTDs were sex in the period before fortification and birth weight in both periods. The stratified analysis of the prevalence of NTDs showed a significant decrease after fortification for women of all ages (except for <15 years) for those with more than three years of study, with or without a partner, with seven prenatal consultations or more and less than 42 weeks of gestation. In relation to the characteristics of the newborn, the analysis showed a significant reduction for both sexes, born to less than 4000g and all race/color (except black and others). Conclusions: The study showed a significant reduction in the overall prevalence of NTDs in the State of Sao Paulo after fortification of flour with folic acid and also in the prevalence of anencephaly and spina bifida. Although it is found that other factors may have contributed to this decline, the results reiterate the importance of fortification of flour as a measure of primary prevention in reducing the incidence of NTDs.

Assistência ao parto na saúde suplementar / Obstetric assistance in Brazilian private health insurance and plans

Marques, Raquel de Almeida 11 April 2019 (has links)
Introdução - No Brasil mais da metade dos nascimentos ocorrem por meio de cesariana. As pacientes atendidas pelos planos e seguros saúde têm maior chance de passar por uma cirurgia. Embora seja um recurso que salva vidas, a cesárea sem indicação clínica acarreta riscos de saúde imediatos e de longo prazo. Objetivo - Analisar a regulação orientada à redução das cesarianas sem indicação clínica expedida pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS) através das Resoluções Normativas RN 368/2015, RN 387/2015 e RN 398/2016 da ANS. Esta tese é uma pesquisa qualitativa com base documental e entrevistas com representantes de entidades relevantes para a formulação de políticas de saúde materna e para a regulamentação dos planos e seguros de saúde. Resultados - Questões relacionadas à regulação das profissões, do modelo assistencial e da relação entre os agentes estão presentes nas causas do problema e não são suficientemente atendidas pelas resoluções normativas. Conclusão - A regulação da assistência obstétrica na saúde suplementar exige ação coordenada de agentes, instituições e entidades que atuam no mercado e na regulação dos planos de saúde, estabelecimentos hospitalares e profissões de saúde, de modo a promover o desenvolvimento de um plano de ação integrado / In Brazil, more then a half of childbirths are delivered by cesarean section. Healthcare insurance system\'s patients have a higher chance to experience surgery. Although an important resource to save lives, cesareans without clinical justifications may cause immediate and in long-term health risks. Objective - Analyse ANS obstetric regulation focused on reducing no clinical indicated cesareans as issued in RN 368/2015, RN 387/2015 and RN 398/2016. The present thesis is qualitative research based on documents and maternal health policies stakeholders interviews. Results - Professional rules and standards, the maternal health assistance model and the relationship between obstetric actors and entities are issues related to the problem causes and not efficiently developed and solved by ANS normative resolutions. Conclusion - Obstetric assistance regulation in Brazilian private health insurance and plans demands action by the Health Ministry coordinating all authorities responsible for healthcare plans, hospitals, and professionals in obstetric assistance as a means of developing an integrated solution plan

Trends, Predictors, and Consequences of Child Undernutrition in India

Soni, Apurv 09 April 2019 (has links)
Background: India has the highest number of undernourished children worldwide. Understanding trends, predictors, and consequences of child undernutrition is important to inform strategy for addressing this public health crisis. Methods: We used data from four National Family Health Surveys (1992-93, 1998-99, 2005-6, 2015-16 NFHS) to examine trends of undernutrition before and after the 2005 implementation of the National Rural Health Mission, India’s flagship public health initiative (Aim 1). We used the 2016 NFHS to build a predictive model that identifies infants at-risk for child undernutrition (Aim 2). Lastly, we used data from the 2005 and 2012 India Human Development Surveys to investigate the consequences of early childhood undernutrition (Aim 3). Results: NRHM was more effective at addressing acute than chronic undernutrition but its prioritization on high focus states resulted in an increase of acute undernutrition among children living in normal focus states. We demonstrate that it is feasible to predict 5-year risk of child undernutrition at the time of birth. Child undernutrition is associated with adverse physical and cognitive outcomes during pre-adolescent years, with female undernourished children experiencing the worst outcomes. Higher female education in the household helps overcome gender and nutrition-based disadvantage among Indian children. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to reduce nutrition-related disparities among Indian children. Short-term strategy could include a predictive model that can be used to more effectively provide resources and intervention to the most disadvantaged population. Long term strategy should focus on elevating women’s status through improved female education in India.

Uso de manobras de reanimação neonatal e internação em unidade de cuidado intensivo entre recém-nascidos de termo: análise secundária dos dados do estudo Nascer no Brasil / Use of neonatal resuscitation maneuvers and hospitalization in an intensive care unit among term newborns: a secondary analysis of data from the Birth in Brazil study

Leonor Ramos Pinheiro 03 July 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A assistência ao parto no Brasil tem enfrentado desafios nos últimos anos, no sentido de reduzir práticas desnecessárias e inseguras. No entanto, medidas utilizadas para acelerar o trabalho de parto e demais intervenções durante o trabalho de parto e parto ainda são frequentes e podem impactar negativamente as condições de vitalidade do recém-nascido. Objetivos: Analisar a associação entre os fatores sociodemográficos, organizacionais, obstétricos e assistenciais e desfecho neonatal desfavorável entre RNs de termo e estimar sua frequência. Método: Estudo transversal, a partir dos dados do inquérito nacional Nascer no Brasil, referentes à região Sudeste. A amostra foi composta por puérperas que tiveram RNs vivos, natimortos (peso 500 gramas e/ou idade gestacional 22 semanas), nascidos em hospitais com 500 partos em 2011 e 2012. Foram excluídos os recém-nascidos prematuros, gemelares e aqueles com malformações. A variável dependente desfecho neonatal desfavorável foi construída por meio da composição das variáveis intubação traqueal, massagem cardíaca, uso de drogas na reanimação neonatal, internação em UTI neonatal e Apgar <7 no 5.o minuto de vida no período pós-natal imediato. A associação entre as variáveis de interesse e a variável desfecho foi estimada por meio de regressão logística binária univariada e múltipla, calculando-se Odds ratio (OR) brutas e ajustadas com intervalos de confiança de 95 por cento (IC 95 por cento ). Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 8.783 mulheres e seus RNs. A proporção de RNs que apresentou desfecho neonatal desfavorável foi de 9,6 por cento (844). Ensino fundamental incompleto (OR=2,139; IC 95 por cento 1,292-3,540), baixo peso ao nascer (peso 2.500g; OR=2,822; IC 95 por cento 1,641-4,851), intercorrência obstétrica (OR=1,421; IC 95 por cento 1,055-1,914) e parto fórceps (OR=3,761; IC 95 por cento 1,824-7,754) constituíram fatores associados ao desfecho neonatal desfavorável. Discussão: Os fatores independentemente associados ao desfecho neonatal desfavorável na Região Sudeste do Brasil foram em sua maioria condições clínicas que têm influência sobre a condição do recém-nascido no período pós-parto imediato. Recém-nascidos com baixo peso e aqueles filhos de mulheres com problemas obstétricos têm condições como líquido amniótico reduzido ou insuficiência placentária que resultam em alterações da vitalidade. Mulheres com baixa escolaridade têm maior dificuldade em acessar os serviços de saúde, o que pode dificultar a identificação e tratamento de problemas obstétricos e baixo peso ao nascer. O parto fórceps pode representar a resolução de trabalhos de parto distócicos e também ser um marcador para os fetos cuja vitalidade encontrava-se alterada durante o trabalho de parto. Conclusões: Fatores clínicos e associados a desigualdades sociais têm impacto negativo sobre a vitalidade dos recém-nascidos. Os desfechos neonatais desfavoráveis ainda são pouco investigados, por isso ações que visem à melhoria da atenção pré-natal e do trabalho de parto, principalmente entre mulheres com baixa escolaridade e aquelas com complicações obstétricas, podem resultar em melhores desfechos de saúde para o recém-nascido. Encontramos uma proporção de 9,6 por cento (844) entre os recém-nascidos no termo gestacional que apresentaram desfecho neonatal desfavorável. Neste estudo foi possível observar a existência de associação entre fatores sociodemográficos, clínicos e assistenciais maternos e desfechos neonatais desfavoráveis entre os RNs de termo / Introduction: Childbirth care in Brazil has faced challenges in recent years to reduce unnecessary and unsafe practices. However, measures used to accelerate labour and other interventions during labour and delivery are still frequent and may negatively impact the vitality of the newborn. Objectives: To analyze the association between sociodemographic, organizational, obstetric and care factors and unfavorable neonatal outcomes among term newborns and to estimate the frequency of these outcomes. Method: A cross-sectional study, based on data from the national survey \"Birth in Brazil\" in the the Southeast region of Brazil. The sample consisted of mothers who had live births, stillbirths (weight 500 grams and / or gestational age 22 weeks) in hospitals with 500 births in 2011 and 2012. Premature babies, twins, preterm newborns and those with malformations were excluded from the analysis. The dependent variable \"unfavorable neonatal outcome\" was constructed through the composition of the variables tracheal intubation, cardiac massage, drug use in neonatal resuscitation, neonatal ICU admission, and Apgar <7 at the 5th minute of life in the immediate postnatal period. The association between the variables of interest and the outcome variable was estimated using univariate and multiple binary logistic regression, calculating crude and adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) with 95 per cent confidence intervals (95 per cent CI). Results: The sample consisted of 8,773 women and their newborns. The proportion of newborns who presented an unfavorable neonatal outcome was 9.6 per cent (844). Incomplete primary education (OR = 2.139, 95 per cent CI 1.292-3.540), low birth weight (weight 2.500g, OR = 2.822, 95 per cent CI 1.641-4.851), obstetric complication (OR = 1.421, 95 per cent CI 1.055-1.914) and Forceps (OR = 3.761, 95 per cent CI, 1.824-7.754) were factors associated with unfavorable neonatal outcome. Discussion: Factors independently associated with unfavorable neonatal outcomes in the Southeast Region of Brazil were mostly clinical conditions that influence the condition of the newborn in the immediate postpartum period. Infants with low birth weight and those of women with obstetric problems have conditions such as reduced amniotic fluid or placental insufficiency that result in changes in vitality. Women with low schooling have greater difficulty in accessing health services, which make it difficult to identify and treat obstetric problems and low birth weight. Forceps delivery may represent resolution of dystocic labor and was also be a marker for fetuses whose vitality was altered during labor. Conclusions: Clinical factors associated with social inequalities have a negative impact on the vitality of newborns. Negative neonatal outcomes are still poorly investigated, so actions aimed at improving prenatal care and labor, especially among women with low schooling and those with obstetric complications, may result in better health outcomes for the newborn. We found a proportion of 9.6 per cent (844) among neonates in the gestational term who presented an unfavorable neonatal outcome. In this study it was possible to observe the existence of an association between sociodemographic, clinical and maternal care factors and unfavorable neonatal outcomes among the term newborns

Uso de manobras de reanimação neonatal e internação em unidade de cuidado intensivo entre recém-nascidos de termo: análise secundária dos dados do estudo Nascer no Brasil / Use of neonatal resuscitation maneuvers and hospitalization in an intensive care unit among term newborns: a secondary analysis of data from the Birth in Brazil study

Pinheiro, Leonor Ramos 03 July 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A assistência ao parto no Brasil tem enfrentado desafios nos últimos anos, no sentido de reduzir práticas desnecessárias e inseguras. No entanto, medidas utilizadas para acelerar o trabalho de parto e demais intervenções durante o trabalho de parto e parto ainda são frequentes e podem impactar negativamente as condições de vitalidade do recém-nascido. Objetivos: Analisar a associação entre os fatores sociodemográficos, organizacionais, obstétricos e assistenciais e desfecho neonatal desfavorável entre RNs de termo e estimar sua frequência. Método: Estudo transversal, a partir dos dados do inquérito nacional Nascer no Brasil, referentes à região Sudeste. A amostra foi composta por puérperas que tiveram RNs vivos, natimortos (peso 500 gramas e/ou idade gestacional 22 semanas), nascidos em hospitais com 500 partos em 2011 e 2012. Foram excluídos os recém-nascidos prematuros, gemelares e aqueles com malformações. A variável dependente desfecho neonatal desfavorável foi construída por meio da composição das variáveis intubação traqueal, massagem cardíaca, uso de drogas na reanimação neonatal, internação em UTI neonatal e Apgar <7 no 5.o minuto de vida no período pós-natal imediato. A associação entre as variáveis de interesse e a variável desfecho foi estimada por meio de regressão logística binária univariada e múltipla, calculando-se Odds ratio (OR) brutas e ajustadas com intervalos de confiança de 95 por cento (IC 95 por cento ). Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 8.783 mulheres e seus RNs. A proporção de RNs que apresentou desfecho neonatal desfavorável foi de 9,6 por cento (844). Ensino fundamental incompleto (OR=2,139; IC 95 por cento 1,292-3,540), baixo peso ao nascer (peso 2.500g; OR=2,822; IC 95 por cento 1,641-4,851), intercorrência obstétrica (OR=1,421; IC 95 por cento 1,055-1,914) e parto fórceps (OR=3,761; IC 95 por cento 1,824-7,754) constituíram fatores associados ao desfecho neonatal desfavorável. Discussão: Os fatores independentemente associados ao desfecho neonatal desfavorável na Região Sudeste do Brasil foram em sua maioria condições clínicas que têm influência sobre a condição do recém-nascido no período pós-parto imediato. Recém-nascidos com baixo peso e aqueles filhos de mulheres com problemas obstétricos têm condições como líquido amniótico reduzido ou insuficiência placentária que resultam em alterações da vitalidade. Mulheres com baixa escolaridade têm maior dificuldade em acessar os serviços de saúde, o que pode dificultar a identificação e tratamento de problemas obstétricos e baixo peso ao nascer. O parto fórceps pode representar a resolução de trabalhos de parto distócicos e também ser um marcador para os fetos cuja vitalidade encontrava-se alterada durante o trabalho de parto. Conclusões: Fatores clínicos e associados a desigualdades sociais têm impacto negativo sobre a vitalidade dos recém-nascidos. Os desfechos neonatais desfavoráveis ainda são pouco investigados, por isso ações que visem à melhoria da atenção pré-natal e do trabalho de parto, principalmente entre mulheres com baixa escolaridade e aquelas com complicações obstétricas, podem resultar em melhores desfechos de saúde para o recém-nascido. Encontramos uma proporção de 9,6 por cento (844) entre os recém-nascidos no termo gestacional que apresentaram desfecho neonatal desfavorável. Neste estudo foi possível observar a existência de associação entre fatores sociodemográficos, clínicos e assistenciais maternos e desfechos neonatais desfavoráveis entre os RNs de termo / Introduction: Childbirth care in Brazil has faced challenges in recent years to reduce unnecessary and unsafe practices. However, measures used to accelerate labour and other interventions during labour and delivery are still frequent and may negatively impact the vitality of the newborn. Objectives: To analyze the association between sociodemographic, organizational, obstetric and care factors and unfavorable neonatal outcomes among term newborns and to estimate the frequency of these outcomes. Method: A cross-sectional study, based on data from the national survey \"Birth in Brazil\" in the the Southeast region of Brazil. The sample consisted of mothers who had live births, stillbirths (weight 500 grams and / or gestational age 22 weeks) in hospitals with 500 births in 2011 and 2012. Premature babies, twins, preterm newborns and those with malformations were excluded from the analysis. The dependent variable \"unfavorable neonatal outcome\" was constructed through the composition of the variables tracheal intubation, cardiac massage, drug use in neonatal resuscitation, neonatal ICU admission, and Apgar <7 at the 5th minute of life in the immediate postnatal period. The association between the variables of interest and the outcome variable was estimated using univariate and multiple binary logistic regression, calculating crude and adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) with 95 per cent confidence intervals (95 per cent CI). Results: The sample consisted of 8,773 women and their newborns. The proportion of newborns who presented an unfavorable neonatal outcome was 9.6 per cent (844). Incomplete primary education (OR = 2.139, 95 per cent CI 1.292-3.540), low birth weight (weight 2.500g, OR = 2.822, 95 per cent CI 1.641-4.851), obstetric complication (OR = 1.421, 95 per cent CI 1.055-1.914) and Forceps (OR = 3.761, 95 per cent CI, 1.824-7.754) were factors associated with unfavorable neonatal outcome. Discussion: Factors independently associated with unfavorable neonatal outcomes in the Southeast Region of Brazil were mostly clinical conditions that influence the condition of the newborn in the immediate postpartum period. Infants with low birth weight and those of women with obstetric problems have conditions such as reduced amniotic fluid or placental insufficiency that result in changes in vitality. Women with low schooling have greater difficulty in accessing health services, which make it difficult to identify and treat obstetric problems and low birth weight. Forceps delivery may represent resolution of dystocic labor and was also be a marker for fetuses whose vitality was altered during labor. Conclusions: Clinical factors associated with social inequalities have a negative impact on the vitality of newborns. Negative neonatal outcomes are still poorly investigated, so actions aimed at improving prenatal care and labor, especially among women with low schooling and those with obstetric complications, may result in better health outcomes for the newborn. We found a proportion of 9.6 per cent (844) among neonates in the gestational term who presented an unfavorable neonatal outcome. In this study it was possible to observe the existence of an association between sociodemographic, clinical and maternal care factors and unfavorable neonatal outcomes among the term newborns

Avaliação dos cuidados ao parto normal em maternidades públicas de município da região Sul do Brasil

Pinto, Keli Regiane Tomeleri da Fonseca January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Cristina Maria Garcia de Lima Parada / Resumo: A assistência ao parto ainda é permeada por muitas intervenções sem evidências científicas e de maneira rotineira, tornando o cuidado desumanizado e sem qualidade. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar a atenção ao parto normal em maternidades de referência para o atendimento ao parto pelo Sistema Único de Saúde, com foco na humanização do cuidado. Trata-se de estudo misto: descritivo e analítico, com amostra quantitativa composta por 344 puérperas e qualitativa, com 25 puérperas que tiveram parto normal em duas maternidades públicas do município de Londrina-Pr. Constituíram fonte de dados: a observação em visita às maternidades; a análise dos prontuários; as Declarações de Nascidos Vivos; as Declarações de Óbitos maternos e as entrevistas com as puérperas. Os dados quantitativos foram processados no Statistical Package for the Social Sciences®, versão 22.0 e para análise dos fatores associados utilizou-se a regressão multivariada de Poisson, considerando p crítico <5%. A medida de efeito utilizada foi a razão de prevalências. Para organização dos resultados qualitativos utilizou-se o referencial metodológico do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, sendo os dados discutidos à luz das boas práticas de atenção ao parto. Os resultados dessa pesquisa são apresentados na forma de três manuscritos científicos. O primeiro teve por objetivo analisar a associação entre cuidado recebido durante o trabalho de parto e parto e a qualidade da assistência. A prevalênc... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The birth care is still permeated by many interventions without scientific evidence and routinely, making care dehumanized and without quality. With this context, the general objective of this research was to analyze the attention to normal birth in reference maternity hospitals for care delivery by the SUS, focusing on humanization of care. This is a mixed study: descriptive and analytical, with a quantitative sample consisting of 344 puerperal and qualitative with 25 puerperal women who had normal birth in two public maternity hospitals in Londrina-Pr. The following were a source of data: observation visiting maternity hospitals; analysis of medical records; the declarations of live births; the declarations of maternal deaths and the interviews with the mothers. Data collection took place in five stages, from January to September 2017. Data were obtained through visiting maternity hospitals; analysis of medical records, declarations of live births and declarations of maternal deaths and by interviews with the mothers. The quantitative data were processed in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences®, version 22.0 and for the analysis of associated factors, Poisson multivariate regression was used, considering p critical <5%. The measure of effect used was the prevalence ratio. The organize the qualitative results we used the methodological framework of the Collective Subject Discourse, and the data discussed in the light of good childbirth care practices. The results ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Maternal and Child Health Training Assessment

Abrams, Robert H. 01 January 1976 (has links)
The School of Social Work at Portland State University has administered a Maternal and Child Health Training Project over the past ten years which has focused on two major objectives: 1) providing medically oriented social workers for the state of Oregon, and; 2) stimulating interest in maternal and child health in the field of social work. The purpose of the study was to obtain some data in order to evaluate the degree of success experienced in realizing these objectives. The study sought to determine where the 53 graduates who have been trained through the project are employed, what aspects of their jobs relate to medical social work generally and maternal and child health concerns specifically, and what components within the curriculum content that they experienced have been particularly helpful in carrying out their tasks while working in a medically related setting.

Influence of Maternal Psychosocial Health on Infant Feeding Practices

Aguzie, Tessy Linda 01 January 2018 (has links)
Choice of nutrition has a great effect on the early development of human growth. Despite increased knowledge on the benefit of breastfeeding to both mother and child, some mothers still choose to formula feed. The purpose of this study is to explain how maternal health contributes to choices. The theory of maternal role attainment and the social cognitive theory are used to evaluate these feeding choices. This study tests for the association between maternal weight status and choice of infant feeding practices, the association between postpartum depression and choice of feeding and finally, if depression mediates the relationship between maternal weight gain and infant feeding choices. This retrospective cohort study employed a quantitative approach, utilizing secondary data with a sample size of 4902, retrieved from Infant Feeding Practices Study II. The data contained information on pregnant women in their third trimester until the first year of infants' life. Logistic regression was employed to answer these research questions. The result indicated that compared to those who are obese, mothers with normal weight are 29.6% more likely to breastfeed. Depressed mothers are 45.9% less likely to breastfeed. There is no possible mediation effect identified in this study. Further studies may need to collect mother's depression status prior to conception. Based on the outcome of this study, there is a need for caregivers to identify at-risk mothers prior to delivery while offering solutions that contribute to better feeding choices. For social change, mothers who are overweight or those experiencing depression prior to conception will make better feeding choices if they receive adequate support and counseling on the implication of their health condition on their infants.

Elucidating the Role of Neighborhood Deprivation in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Winter, Kelly M 22 June 2018 (has links)
This dissertation examined risk factors for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) — specifically whether neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation exacerbates individual socioeconomic disadvantage (deprivation amplification) to increase the likelihood of developing HDP. To select the optimal areal unit at which to investigate HDP, geographic proxies for neighborhoods were explored. A thematic review qualitatively examined nontraditional neighborhood boundaries identified through internet sources. Data from 2008–2012 Miami-Dade County, Florida birth records (n=121,421) and the U.S. Census Bureau were used for the remaining analyses. Ordinary least squares (OLS) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) analysis empirically compared the proportion of HDP prevalence explained by six areal units: census block groups, census tracts, ZIP code tabulation areas (ZCTAs), and three types of natural neighborhood — census units clustered based on an eight-item Neighborhood Deprivation Index. Multilevel logistic regression examined relationships between HDP, neighborhood deprivation, and individual-level factors. Odds ratios (OR) and adjusted odds ratios (aOR) were calculated. The thematic review found 22 potential alternatives to census boundaries developed through techniques such as crowd-sourcing and qualitative research. In the sensitivity analysis, census tracts aggregated at the scale of ZCTAs performed twice as well as any other model (GWR2 = 0.27) and were used as the Aim 3 unit of analysis. In the multilevel logistic regression, HDP was associated with moderate (aOR=1.13; CI: 1.05, 1.21) and high neighborhood deprivation (aOR=1.16; CI: 1.07, 1.26). Compared with mothers with private insurance, uninsured women (aOR=1.69; CI: 1.56, 1.84) and Medicaid recipients (aOR=1.12; CI: 1.05, 1.18) had higher HDP odds. Non-Hispanic Black women’s HDP odds were 1.58 times those of non-Hispanic White women. Cross-level interactions — between neighborhood deprivation and educational attainment and neighborhood deprivation and insurance status — did not reach statistical significance. Private sector neighborhood boundaries hold promise for developing new public health tools. Because they are relatively easy to generate from census data, natural neighborhoods may balance tradition and innovation. While no evidence of deprivation amplification was found, results suggested that individual-level and neighborhood deprivation are HDP risk factors. Interventions that target expectant mothers in deprived neighborhoods — particularly non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic women who lack health insurance — may help reduce HDP prevalence and disparities.

Eating Frequency and the Role of Snacking on Body Weight of WIC Preschool Children

Charvet, Andrea 19 June 2018 (has links)
The objective of this study was to understand the influence of eating episodes and snack quality on body weight of children ages 3-4.9 years participating in the Broward County Special Supplementation Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).Additional objectives were to evaluate obesity risk factors and to examine the effect of childcare arrangements on body weight. Data was collected from 7 Broward County Health Department WIC clinics over 4 months via a researcher-administered questionnaire. Additional data was extracted from the WIC data system. BMI-for-age percentiles were used to categorize children by weight according to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, which were further categorized into under/normal weight and overweight/obese. There were 197 participants included (45.7% boys), 3.6% of the children were underweight, 64.4% normal weight, 16.8% overweight, and 15.2% were obese. Most children consumed 3 meals (97.5%) and 2 to 3 snacks per day (33.0% and 37.1% respectively), with a significantly higher intake of snacks on the weekends when compared to weekdays (p=0.001). Children consumed more nutritious snacks more often (66%) than the nutrient-poor snacks (33.5%). We observed a marginally significant trend in which the WIC preschool children that more frequently consumed nutrient-poor snacks had a higher prevalence of overweight/obesity (p=0.090). In multivariate analyses, the children who consumed more than 4-oz of sugar sweetened beverages (SSB) per day, exercised for less than 1 hour per day, and had a higher birth weight had increased odds of being overweight/obese. Race and ethnicity were not predictive of body weight status, but Blacks or African Americans were at a higher risk for many of the risk factors. Children spent on average 20 hours per week under some type of nonparental care arrangement. There was no significant relationship between childcare and weight status. Our findings indicate that WIC children are at a greater risk for overweight and obesity, however there is potential for successful prevention interventions addressing prevalent risk factors. Longitudinal studies including a large sample of racial and ethnic diverse preschool children from low socioeconomic families could help elucidate the results from our study. This study was approved by FIU IRB (Protocol Approval #15-0369) the State of Florida Department of Health IRB (Protocol Title: Meal Frequency and the Role of Snacking on Weight of Minority Preschool Children).

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