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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desempenho, composição da carcaça e características de qualidade da carne de suínos de diferentes genótipos /

Monteiro, José Mauro Costa. January 2007 (has links)
Resumo: Objetivou-se comparar genótipos de suínos relativos ao desempenho, parâmetros e características de carcaça e da carne em animais abatidos aos 161 dias de idade. Utilizaram-se os seguintes genótipos: G1 - ½ Topigs© (Toppi) x ½ Naïma®; G2 - ½ DB Danbred© (Frederik) x ½ Naïma®; G3 - ½ PIC© (AGPIC 412) x ½ Naïma®; G4 - ½ SG 2030© (Duroc) x ½ Naïma®; e G5 - ½ Pen Ar Lan© (P76) x ½ Naïma®. Estudaram-se o ganho de peso total (GPT), consumo de ração total (CRT), conversão alimentar (CA) e eficiência alimentar (EA). As meias carcaças esquerdas foram, inicialmente, avaliadas quanto ao peso da carcaça quente (PCQ) e fria (PCF), comprimento (CC), área do olho de lombo (AOL), comprimento de olho do lombo (COL) e profundidade do toucinho (PT10ª). Foram feitas ainda, com a pistola de tipificação eletrônica Hennessy, medidas de espessura do músculo (EM1 e EM2) e profundidade do toucinho (PT1 e PT2). Foram feitas medidas de espessura de toucinho na altura da primeira costela (ET1), última costela (ET2), última lombar (ET3) e máxima lombar (ETM), com o auxílio de paquímetro digital. A carcaça foi desdobrada em seus cortes primários: pernil, carré, barriga, barriga ventral, fraldinha, paleta, sobre paleta, ponta do peito, filezinho, antebraço, perna e papada. Após a pesagem desses cortes, foi realizada a desossa dos mesmos, para se determinar os pesos da carne, gordura interna, ossos, pele e gordura subcutânea de cada um. A porcentagem de carne magra (PCM) foi determinada dividindo-se o total de carne magra desossada pelo peso da carcaça fria. Foram estudados os seguintes parâmetros físico-químicos da carne: pH post-mortem, perda de líquido por gotejamento, cor da carne, ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aim of this work it was to compare different swine genotypes with the performance, characteristics of carcass and meat quality in swine slaughtered at 161 days of age. The following genotypes had been used: G1 - ½ Topigs© (Toppi) x ½ Naïma©; G2 - ½ DB Danbred© (Frederik) x ½ Naïma©; G3 - ½ PIC© (AGPIC 412) x ½ Naïma©; G4 - ½ SG 2030© (Duroc) x ½ Naïma©; e G5 - ½ Pen Ar Lan© (P76) x ½ Naïma©. They had been studied the profit of all up weight (BW), consumption of total ration (CTR), feed conversion (FC) and alimentary efficiency (AE). The half left carcasses had been, initially, evaluated to the hot carcass weight (HCW) and cold weight (CCW), carcass length (CL), loin eye area (LEA), loin eye length (LEL) and backfat thickness in tenth rib (BT10th). They had been made still, with the pistol electronic Hennessy, measures of muscle depth (MD1 and MD2) and fat depth (FD1 and FD2). Backfat thickness was measured at four locations: in the first rib (BT1), last rib (BT2), last lumbar (BT3) and maximum lumbar (BTM), with digital paquimeter. The carcass was unfolded in these cuts: ham, loin, belly, ventral belly, cranial belly, shoulder, neck, jowl, tenderloin, front shank, hind shank and cheek. After the weight of these cuts, the composition of each one was determined by physical dissection into lean, fat, bone, and skin. The lean meat percentage (LMP) was determined, dividing the total of boned lean meat by the weight of the cold carcass. The following parameters had been studied in the meat: pH post-mortem, ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Jeffrey Frederico Lui / Coorientador: Expedito Tadeu Facco Silveira / Banca: Pedro Eduardo de Felício / Banca: Roberto de Oliveira Roça / Banca: Otto Mack Junqueira / Banca: Hirasilva Borba Alves de Souza / Doutor

Interação humano-animal na produção de suínos / Human-animal interaction on pig production

Roberta Sommavilla 22 May 2015 (has links)
Objetivou-se comparar os parâmetros comportamentais indicativos de estresse, a qualidade da carne e a influência do enriquecimento ambiental em leitões criados no sistema intensivo confinado, de acordo com a qualidade dos tratamentos recebidos. Para isso, foram utilizados 144 leitões divididos em três grupos que receberam tratamentos distintos: 1) Tratamento Aversivo (TA): pessoa se dirigia aos leitões de forma rude, utilizando tom de voz agressivo e fazendo ameaças posturais; 2) Tratamento Controle (TC): pessoa foi cuidadosa ao se movimentar e usou tom de voz suave; 3) Tratamento Misto (TM): os animais receberam TA durante as fases de maternidade e creche e TC durante as fases de crescimento e terminação. Após o desmame, os leitões foram submetidos a testes para aferir medo e verificar se conseguiam reconhecer seu tratador habitual. Foram observados os comportamentos nas mudanças de ambiente, através de instantâneos de 5 min. Na fase de crescimento/terminação, metade dos animais recebeu enriquecimento ambiental. Após o abate foi realizada a análise da qualidade da carne com relação ao seu pH, temperatura, coloração, perda de água por cocção e exsudação. Variáveis como cortisol, lactato, creatina-fosfoquinase, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar e consumo de ração também foram aferidas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado e para a análise dos dados foi utilizado o procedimento PROC MIXED e GLM do programa estatístico SAS. Leitões que receberam tratamento aversivo apresentaram maior frequência de interações agonísticas na maternidade (P=0,01), creche (P=0,04), crescimento/terminação (P=0,0002) e no pré-abate (P=0,06); além de apresentarem maior frequência de belly-nosing no pós-desmame (P=0,001), maior atividade nos testes de medo (P=0,01), menor tempo (P=0,03) e menor frequência (P=0,005) de contato com o novo objeto. Animais que receberam enriquecimento ambiental apresentaram maior frequência do comportamento exploratório (P=0,01). Não houve diferença no ganho de peso, nas análises de qualidade de carne e de sangue (P>0,05), exceto para lactato que apresentou concentrações mais elevadas para animais tratados de forma aversiva (P<0,05). Leitões tratados de forma aversiva demonstraram um padrão comportamental indicando o elevado estresse. A simples cessação deste tratamento não parece ser suficiente para que os animais retomem o padrão comportamental comum à espécie, indicando um efeito residual do tratamento recebido anteriormente. Além disso, estes animais são mais medrosos à novidade, ao isolamento social e ao tratador aversivo. Mesmo não havendo diferença de desempenho e qualidade de carne, estes resultados indicam um empobrecimento do bem-estar desses animais. Por outro lado, quando cessado o tratamento aversivo e adicionado o enriquecimento ambiental, os efeitos residuais do estresse sofrido nas primeiras fases de vida foram suprimidos e os animais apresentaram uma melhoria na resposta ao estresse e no seu bem-estar. / The aim of this work was to compare the behavioral parameters indicative of stress, meat quality and the influence of enrichment in pigs housed in intensive confined system, according to the quality of the treatment received. For this, 144 piglets were separated in three groups with different treatment: 1) Aversive (TA): the person responsible for the treatment was rude with the animals, used an aggressive tone of voice and moved harshly and unpredictably; 2) Control (TC): the person responsible for this treatment was careful to move around as was using a soft tone of voice; 3) Mixed (TM): the animals received TA during farrowing room and nursery, and with TC during growing and finishing phase. After weaning, piglets were tested to assess fear and if they could recognize its usual handler. Behavioral time budgets at each change of phase, was registered by scan sampling every 5-min. In the growing-finishing phase half of the animals received environmental enrichment. After slaughter, meat quality was analysed in relation to their pH, temperature, colour, drip loss, water holding capacity e tenderness. Variables such as cortisol, creatine phosphokinase, weight gain, feed conversion and consumption of solid food were also assessed. The experimental design was randomized and to analyse the data, we used PROC MIXED and GLM procedure of SAS statistical program. Animals TA had more frequency of agonistics interactions at farrowing room (P=0.01), nursery (P=0.04), growing/finishing phase (P=0.0002) and at the day before the slaughter (P=0.06); in addition they had higher frequency of belly-nosing after weaning (P=0.001), higher activity on fear tests (P=0.01), lower time (P=0.03) and lower frequency (P=0.005) of a contact with the novel object. Animal that received environmental enrichment showed more frequency of exploratory behaviour (P=0.01). No difference was found on weight gain, meat quality and blood analysis (P>0.05), but to lactate that was higher to aversive treatment animals (P<0.05). Piglets that received an aversive treatment showed behavioral patterns indicative of higher stress. Finishing the aversive treatment was not enough to this animal restoring their behavioral pattern, indicating a residual effect of the aversive treatment. In addition, these animals were more fearful to novelty, social isolation and the aversive handling. Although there is no difference in performance and meat quality, the results show a poor animal welfare. In other hand, when the treatment was finished and an environmental enrichment was introduced, the residual effect of stress of the farrowing room and nursery were supressed and piglets showed an improvement of behavioral pattern and animal welfare.

Zdravstveno stanje i kvalitet mesa svinja rase mangulica i meleza između rase mangulica i duroka / The state of health of the pig meat breeds of mangulets and molasses between the race of mangulets and durok

Šević Radoslav 07 February 2018 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju utvrđivanja uticaja ukrštanja mangulice sa durokom&nbsp; na proizvodne i zdravstvene parametre, kao i na kvalitet mesa, a sve to uporedo sa jednom modernom plemenitom rasom svinja &ndash; veliki jorkšir. U tu svrhu formirane su tri grupe &ndash; genotipa svinja, čista rasa bela mangulica (BM), melezi duroka i bele mangulice (DBM), i čista rasa veliki jorkšir (VJ), koji su smešteni u iste uslove ishrane, nege i držanja. Svinje iz grupa DBM i VJ su znatno brže prirasle do ciljane telesne mase od 150 kg u odnosu na svinje BM. Tako je melezima duroka i bele mangulice trebalo u proseku 168 dana manje, a svinjama iz grupe VJ 288 dana manje kako bi dostigli ciljanu telesnu masu u odnosu na svinje bele mangulice u čistoj rasi. Po pitanju zdravstvenog stanja i nalaza na trupovima zaklanih svinja post mortem nisu utvrđene značajne razlike. Značajne razlike su utvrđene u hematološkim i biohemijskim parametrima i to između sve tri ispitivane grupe, ali i između različitih starosnih kategorija u okviru iste ispitivane grupe, što nam ukazuje na značaj tačnijeg utvrđivanja referentnih parametara normalnih fizioloških vrednosti hematoloških i biohemijskih parametara ne samo posebno za pojedine vrste životinja, već dakako i za različite starosne kategorije u okviru iste vrste. Meso poreklom od svinja iz grupe BM imalo je najveći sadržaj intramuskularne masnoće, i tamniju i crveniju boju, dok za njima odmah slede melezi sa značajnim razlikama između sva tri ispitivana genotipa. Nadalje, meso svinja rase bela mangulica je imalo značajno veću krajnju vrednost pH, bolju sposobnost vezivanja vode, veći sadržaj kalcijuma, cinka, gvožđa, bakra i mangana, u poređenju sa druga dva genotipa. Ukrštanje bele mangulice i duroka je imalo značajan uticaj na pojedinačni sastav masnih kiselina u mesu. Međutim, zbir zasićenih, mononezasićenih i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina je ostao nepromenjen. Meso svinja rase bela mangulica i meleza dobijenih ukrštanjem svinja rasa bela mangulica i durok značajno je nežnije &ndash; mekše. Mononezasićene masne kiseline su najzastupljenije u mesu poreklom od svih životinja, dok za njima slede zasićene i na kraju polinezasićene masne kiseline. Meso poreklom od BM i DBM je imalo značajno veći sadržaj mononezasićenih masnih kiselina, i značajno manji sadržaj zasićenih masnih kiselina u odnosu na VJ. Generalno, na osnovu svih ispitanih parametara kvaliteta polutki i mesa može se konstatovati da svinje rase bela mangulica karakteriše manja mesnatost polutki, ali i meso koje ima odličan senzorski, tehnološki i nutritivni kvalitet, dok meleze svinja dobijenih ukrštanjem svinja rasa bela mangulica i durok karakteriše veća mesnatost polutki i nešto slabiji, ali još uvek veoma dobar, kvalitet mesa, te su neophodna dodatna istraživanja kako bi smo dobili i podatake o kvalitetu suvomesnatih proizvoda. Takođe, potrebna su dodatna<br />istraživanja, preciznijeg karaktera u pogledu kvaliteta i ekonomičnosti proizvodnje kod autohtonih rasa, kao i preispitivanje kriterijuma selekcije koji se primenjuju kod mangulice, te parametara genetskog progresa, tj. efekta selekcije, kako bi iako autohtona uhvatila korak za opstanak ili prestiž u odnosu na moderne rase svinja.</p> / <p>The research was carried out in order to determine the effect of the cross-breeding of mangulets with durok on production and health parameters, as well as on the quality of meat, all along with a modern, noble breed of pigs - a large Yorkshire. For this purpose, three groups - pig genotypes, pure breeds of white mangulica (BM), meliaceae and white manguns (DBM), and pure breed, Yorkshire (VJ), were placed in the same conditions of nutrition, care and keeping. Pigs from the DBM and VJ groups increased significantly to a target bodyweight of 150 kg compared to BM pigs. Thus, mulberry and white mangulets were average 168 days less, and 288 days lower for pigs from the VJ group in order to reach their target body mass compared to white mangun pigs in a clean race. There are no significant differences in terms of health status and findings on carcases of slaughtered pigs post-mortem. Significant differences were established in the hematological and biochemical parameters, among all three groups studied, but also between different age categories within the same investigated group, which points to the importance of more precise determination of the reference parameters of normal physiological values of hematologic and biochemical parameters not only for individual species of animals, but also for different age categories within the same species. Meat originating from pigs from the BM group had the highest content of intramuscular fat, and the darker and redder color, followed by moles with significant differences between all three investigated genotypes. Furthermore, the pig meat of the white mangulce had a significantly higher end value of pH, better water binding capacity, higher content of calcium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese, compared to the other two genotypes. The crossing of white mangulce and durok had a significant effect on the individual composition of fatty acids in the meat. However, the sum of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids remained unchanged. Meat of pig breeds white mangulica and molasses obtained by crossing the pig race white mangulica and durok is significantly more gentler - softer. Monounsaturated fatty acids are the most common in meat originating from all animals, followed by saturated and at the end of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Meat originating from BM and DBM had a significantly higher content of monounsaturated fatty acids, and significantly lower saturated fatty acid content than VJ. In general, on the basis of all the tested parameters of the quality of the halves and flesh, it can be concluded that the pig breeds of white mangulets are characterized by lower meatiness of the hemispheres, but also meat that has excellent sensory, technological and nutritive quality, while the piglets of pigs obtained by crossing the pig rasa white mangulica and durok are characterized by larger lean meat and slightly weaker but still very good quality of meat, and further research is needed in order to obtain data on the quality of the cream products. Also, additional ones are needed<br />research, a more precise character in terms of quality and cost-effectiveness in autochthonous breeds, as well as the reconsideration of selection criteria applied to mangulas and parameters of genetic progress, i.e. the effect of the selection, in order to take an autochthonous step in survival or prestige in relation to modern pig breeds.</p>

Opinião do consumidor e qualidade da carne de frangos criados em diferentes sistemas de produção / Consumers’ opinion and meat quality of broilers from different production systems

Aguiar, Ana Paula Saldanha de 03 August 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a opinião dos consumidores sobre frangos criados em três sistemas distintos, bem como comparar a qualidade físico-química, microbiológica e sensorial dessas carnes. As opiniões e informações sobre os consumidores foram pesquisadas em lojas de produtos naturais e supermercados através de entrevistas com consumidores de carne de frango. Para avaliar a qualidade dos produtos, foram utilizadas carnes de peitos de frangos, oriundas de aves criadas nos sistemas convencional, natural e caipira, e abatidas em abatedouro comercial. Foram realizadas análises físico-químicas de cor, pH, força de cisalhamento, composição centesimal, capacidade de retenção de água, perfil de ácidos graxos e substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico. Também foram realizadas análises microbiológicas, de classificação de carcaças e análise sensorial, sendo esta última utilizada para avaliar a aceitação e a expectativa dos consumidores. Dentre os entrevistados, 65% eram consumidores de frango convencional, 21% de frango caipira e 14% do tipo natural. Os principais motivos de compra dos consumidores de frango convencional foram: fácil de encontrar, barato, prático e gostoso. Estes declararam não consumir frangos alternativos devido à falta de conhecimento ou ao custo elevado dos produtos. Os consumidores de frango caipira declararam comprar o produto principalmente porque o consideram saudável e saboroso. O frango natural foi percebido como saudável e de boa qualidade, apesar de caro. O grupo de consumidores desse tipo de frango se destacou por apresentar maior escolaridade e renda, além de maior preocupação com a saúde. A pesquisa também mostrou que a maioria dos consumidores acreditava que os frangos recebiam hormônios durante a criação (78%) e que os aditivos utilizados na criação das aves eram prejudiciais à saúde (84%). A higiene e a aparência foram os aspectos considerados mais importantes no ato da compra por todos os grupos de consumidores. Em relação à percepção dos produtos, o frango natural foi o tipo mais bem avaliado, seguido do caipira e do convencional. Na análise sensorial, as três amostras de frango foram igualmente bem aceitas pelos provadores, entretanto, o frango convencional obteve uma aceitação maior do que a expectativa dos consumidores, enquanto o contrário foi observado para o frango natural. Em relação às análises físico-químicas, o frango de criação convencional apresentou maior teor de lipídeos (1,3%), porém com menor proporção de ácidos poliinsaturados (17,3%) e w-3 (0,3%) (p < 0,05) em relação aos frangos caipira e alternativo. Por outro lado, no tipo caipira foi observado menor teor de colesterol (48,6 mg 100-g), menor pH (5,71) e maior valor de TBARS (0,39 mg MDA.kg-1), enquanto no alternativo encontrou-se uma maior força de cisalhamento (2,33 kgf) e uma coloração menos amarela (valor de b* = 3,15) em relação aos demais tipos de criação (p < 0,05). Quanto às análises microbiológicas, todas as amostras apresentaram valores inferiores ao limite estabelecido pela legislação brasileira, sendo que o frango natural apresentou melhor qualidade microbiológica, com menor contaminação por coliformes totais e fecais, além de menor número UFC de mesófilos e psicrotróficos. / The aim of this study was to acknowleagde consumers’ opinion about broilers from three distinct systems, as well as to compare the meat physical-chemical, microbiological and sensorial qualitys. All opinions and informations about consumers were colected in organic shops and supermarkets by means of interviews with broiler meat consumers. Quality analysis were made using breast from broilers reared in convenctional, natural and free-range systems, slaughtered in comercial abattoir. There were physical-chemical color, pH, shear force, chemical composition, water holding capacity, fatty acid profile and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances analysis made. There were also microbiological analysis, carcass classification and sensorial analises executed. The sensorial analysis was made to major the aceptance and expectation of consumers. Among all interviewees, 65% were convenctional broiler consumer, 21% free-range and 14% natural. The main motive consumers said they buy conventional broiler were: that it is easy to find, cheap, pratical and tasty. They stated they didn’t consume other types of broiler due to lack of knowlegde or products high cost. Free-range broiler consumers answered they buy this type of product mainly because it is healthy and tasty. Natural broiler was percieved to be healthy and of good quality, although expensive. The group that consumers of this kind of broiler had highest level of education and income, and a major concern about health. This research also showed that majority of consumers believed broilers to be given hormones during their growth (78%) and that additives were hardful to our healf (84%). Hygiene and looks were considered to be the most important aspects when buying broiler by all groups of consumers. The natural broiler recivied the highest score, folowed by the free-range and conventinal broiler when it comes to the consumers perception. In the results of sensory analysis, it was perceived that the three broilers samples were equale acepted by panelist, however, the conventional broiler obteined higher aceptance than they presume they would have, while the opposit was found about the natural broiler. Convenctional broiler presented the highest level of lipids content (1.3%), although the lowest proportion of polyunsaturated acids (17.3%) and w-3 (0.3%) (p<0.05), compared to freerange and alternative broilers. On the other hand, in free-range broilers was noticed, a lower level of cholesterol (48.6 mg 100-g), lower pH (5.71) and higher TBARS value (0.39 mg MDA.kg-1), while in the alternative broiler, a higher shear force (2.33 kgf) and a less yellowness (b* = 3.15) in comparison to other types of broilers. In microbiological analysis, all samples presented values under the limit estated by Brazilian Legislation, and natural broilers obtained the best microbiological quality, with lowest level of contamination by total and fecal coliforms, besides the lower quantity of mesophilics and psychrotrophics CFU.

Melanina na pele e metabólitos da vitamina D3 no plasma associados com polimorfismos nos genes MC1R (loco Extension) e DBP influenciam maciez e cor de carne de bovinos Nelore sem efeito sobre cálcio plasmático e muscular / Skin melanin and plasma vitamin D3 metabolites associated with polymorphisms in the MC1R (Extension locus) and DBP genes influence meat tenderness and color of the Nellore cattle without effect on plasma and muscle calcium

Lobo Júnior, Adalfredo Rocha 08 March 2013 (has links)
Amaciamento natural devido proteólise miofibrilar pelas enzimas calpaínas (cálcio-dependentes) e descoloração devido oxidação do pigmento mioglobina podem ocorrer em carne maturada. Em bovinos, o tipo biológico Bos indicus apresenta maior atividade de calpastatina (CAST, inibidora das calpaínas) no músculo e concentração de melanina (modulador de vitamina D3) na pele do que Bos taurus. Maior concentração de melanina na pele reduz fotossíntese de vitamina D3 e, subsequentemente, poderia reduzir as concentrações de seus metabólitos 25-hidróxivitamina D3 (25-D) e 1,25-di-hidróxi-vitamina D3 (1,25-D; modulador de cálcio) no plasma de Bos indicus. Nos casos de maiores concentrações de 1,25-D plasmático, uma melhor absorção de cálcio da dieta com aumento de suas concentrações no plasma e músculo poderia resultar em atividade melhorada das calpaínas. Além disso, maiores concentrações de 1,25-D plasmático poderiam colaborar para minimizar oxidação de carne devido sua propriedade antioxidante. Então, além da maior atividade de CAST no músculo, os Bos indicus poderiam ter mais duas desvantagens para produzir carne mais macia e menos oxidada: concentrações maiores de melanina na pele e menores de 1,25-D no plasma. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as relações entre as concentrações de melanina total (MELT) e suas frações [faeumelanina (FAE) e eumelanina (EUM)] na pele, metabólitos da vitamina D3 (25-D e 1,25-D) no plasma, cálcio plasmático e muscular e maciez [Índice de Fragmentação Miofibrilar (MFI) e força de cisalhamento (FC)] e cor (valores de L*, a* e b*) em carne maturada (1, 7 e 14 dias) e suas associações com polimorfismos de um único nucleotídeo (SNPs) nos genes candidatos receptor da melanocortina-1 [MC1R; rs109688013 (C/T) e rs110710422 (G/-)], proteína ligante à vitamina D3 [DBP; rs136359868 (T/C) e rs135330728 (T/C)] e CAST [rs109384915 (T/C)]. Bovinos Nelore (n=86), abatidos com 516 ± 39 kg aos 24 ± 1 meses, foram usados para determinação dos genótipos e mensuração das características. Na pele, a fração EUM foi positivamente correlacionada com MELT, mais do que a fração FAE. As frações de melanina na pele foram correlacionadas negativamente. A fração FAE foi correlacionada negativamente com 1,25-D plasmático, mas não foi correlacionada com 25-D plasmático. Melanina e suas frações na pele e metabólitos da vitamina D3 no plasma não foram correlacionadas com cálcio plasmático e muscular. Todavia, cálcio no plasma e músculo foram correlacionados positivamente com MFI e valores de L* e b* e negativamente com FC e valores de a*. A EUM e MELT na pele foram correlacionadas negativamente com FC e valores de a* e b* e positivamente com valores de L*, enquanto que 25-D no plasma foi correlacionada positivamente com MFI e valores de a* e b* e negativamente com valores de L*. A FAE foi correlacionada positivamente com MFI e negativamente com os valores de L*, a* e b*. No gene MC1R, o alelo T do SNP rs109688013 apresentou-se fixado (100%) na população, enquanto que o alelo G e sua deleção (-) do SNP rs110710422 tiveram frequência de 97,7 e 2,3%, respectivamente. SNPs do gene MC1R resultaram nos genótipos do loco Extension (E/E = T/T + G/G e E/e = T/T + G/-), que foi associado com 1,25-D plasmático e valores de b* no dia 1. No gene DBP, o alelo C do SNP rs136359868 foi menos frequente (3,5%) do que o alelo T, enquanto que os alelos C e T do SNP rs135330728 tiveram uma frequência de 73,8 e 26,2%, respectivamente. SNPs do gene DBP foram associados com MELT na pele e valores de L* e a* em diferentes dias. No gene CAST, os alelos C e T do SNP rs109384915 tiveram a mesma frequência. O SNP rs109384915 foi associado com MFI ao dia 7 e a substituição do alelo T por C reduziu os valores de MFI e a* no dia 7 e os valores de b* no dia 1. Ao final, maiores concentrações de FAE na pele e 25-D no plasma melhoraram proteólise miofibrilar e cor de carne, enquanto as maiores concentrações de EUM e MELT na pele resultaram em uma carne mais macia com uma pior cor. Associações do loco Extension e dos SNPs no gene DBP com cor de carne parecem consequência das diferenças em 1,25-D no plasma e melanina na pele. SNP do CAST associou-se com proteólise miofibrilar e cor de carne maturada, mas não com FC. / Natural tenderization by myofibrillar proteolysis through the calpains enzymes (calcium-dependent) and discoloration by oxidation of myoglobin pigment may occur in aged meat. In cattle, the Bos indicus biological type has higher calpastatin activity (CAST, inhibitor of calpains) in muscle and melanin concentration (modulator of vitam in D3) in skin than Bos taurus. Higher melanin concentration in skin reduces photosynthesis of vitamin D3 and, subsequently, could reduce the concentrations of its metabolites 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 (25-D) and 1,25-di-hydroxy-vitamin D3 (1,25-D; modulator of calcium) in plasma from Bos indicus cattle. In cases of higher plasma 1,25-D concentrations, an improved absorption of calcium from the diet followed by increased plasma calcium concentrations could result in enhanced activity of calpains. Furthermore, higher plasma 1,25-D concentrations could collaborate to minimize meat oxidation due to its antioxidant propriety. Then, in addition to higher CAST activity in muscle, the Bos indicus cattle could have two more disadvantages to produce tender and less oxidized meat: higher melanin concentrations in skin and lower 1,25-D concentrations in plasma. Hence, the objective of this work was to study the relationships between the concentrations of total melanin (MELT) and its fractions [pheomelanin (PHEO) and eumelanin (EUM)] in skin, vitamin D3 metabolites (25-D and 1,25-D) in plasma, plasma and muscle calcium, and tenderness [Myofibrillar Fragmentation Index (MFI) and shear force (SF)] and color (L*, a*, and b* values) in aged meat (1, 7, and 14 days) and their associations with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in candidate genes as melanocortin-1 receptor [MC1R; rs109688013 (C/T) and rs110710422 (G/-)], vitamin D3-binding protein [DBP; rs136359868 (T/C) and rs135330728 (T/C)], and CAST [rs109384915 (T/C)]. Nellore cattle (n=86), slaughtered with 516 ± 39 kg at 24 ± 1 months, were used for genotyping and traits measurements. In skin, the EUM fraction was positively correlated with MELT than the PHEO fraction. The melanin fractions in skin were negatively correla ted. The PHEO fraction was negatively correlated with plasma 1,25-D, but not with plasma 25-D. Melanin and its fractions in skin and vitamin D3 metabolites in plasma were not correlated with plasma and muscle calcium. Nevertheless, plasma and muscle calcium were positively correlated with MFI, and L* and b* values and negatively correlated with SF and a* values. The EUM and MELT in skin were negatively correlated with SF, and a* and b* values and positively correlated with L* values, while 25-D in plasma was positively correlated with MFI, and a* and b* values and negatively correlated with L* values. The PHEO was positively correlated with MFI and negatively correlated with L*, a*, and b* values. In MC1R gene, the rs109688013 SNP allele T was fixed (100%) in the population, while the rs110710422 SNP allele G and its deletion (-) had a frequency of 97.7 and 2.3%, respectively. MC1R SNPs resulted in genotypes of the Extension locus (E/E = T/T + G/G and E/e = T/T + G/-), which was associated with plasma 1,25-D and b* values at the day 1. In DBP gene, the rs136359868 SNP allele C was less frequent (3.5%) than allele T, while rs135330728 SNP alleles C and T had a frequency of 73.8 and 26.2%, respectively. DBP SNPs were associated with MELT in skin, and L* and a* values at different days. In CAST gene, the rs109384915 SNP alleles C and T had a similar frequency. The rs109384915 SNP was associated with MFI at the day 7 and the substitution from allele T to C reduced the MFI and a* values at the day 7 and the b* values at the day 1. At last, higher skin PHEO and plasma 25-D concentrations improved the myofibrillar proteolysis and meat color, while higher skin EUM and MELT concentrations resulted in a meat with improved tenderness and worsened color. Associations of the Extension locus and polymorphisms in DBP gene with the meat color seem to be a consequence of the differences in plasma 1,25-D and skin melanin. CAST SNP is associated with myofibrillar proteolysis and meat color, but not with SF.

Avaliação do farelo de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) detoxicado na dieta de suínos / Evaluation of detoxicated Jatropha curcas meal in finishing pig diets

Berenchtein, Bernardo 30 May 2012 (has links)
Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a utilização do farelo de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) detoxicado (FPMD) na dieta de suínos em terminação. Inicialmente foi realizado um ensaio biológico com ratos Wistar. Não foram observados (P>0,05) efeitos da adição do FPMD sobre o desempenho, pesos relativos do fígado, rins, coração, intestino grosso, comprimento do intestino delgado, bem como nas análises sanguíneas dos animais. No entanto, foi observada redução significativa (P<0,05) na digestibilidade das dietas em resposta à adição do FPMD, além do aumento linear (P<0,05: P<0,001) no peso relativo do Intestino (Intestino Grosso + Intestino Delgado) e do Intestino Delgado. Em um segundo ensaio, foram avaliados os conteúdos de ésteres de forbol (EF), fenóis totais (FT), taninos totais (TT), taninos condensados (TC), saponinas (SPN), perfil de aminoácidos, a digestibilidade aparente do FPMD para suínos na fase de terminação, além do biogás e do metano gerado pelos dejetos dos suínos alimentados com a dieta basal e com a dieta basal acrescida de 8% de FPMD. Os conteúdos de EF, FT, TT, TC e SPN observados, foram, respectivamente, 0,06 mg/g, 26,08 e 10,43 equivalente grama de ácido tânico, 0,05 equivalente grama de leucocianidina e 0,005%. Foram obtidos valores de 83,8% de matéria seca digestível aparente, 3,5 kcal/kg de energia digestível aparente, 13,5% de proteína digestível aparente, 1,5% de fibra digestível aparente e 2,3 % de extrato etéreo digestível aparente. A utilização do FPMD não afetou significativamente (P>0,05) a geração de biogás e metano pelos dejetos dos suínos. Posteriormente, foram avaliados os efeitos da inclusão de níveis (2, 4, 6, 8%) de FPMD na dieta de suínos na fase de terminação sobre os parâmetros de desempenho, características de carcaça, qualidade da carne e toxicidade. A inclusão do FPMD apresentou resposta quadrática negativa (P<0,001) no peso final, ganho diário de peso e consumo diário de ração. No entanto, não foi observada diferença significativa (P>0,05) quando comparados os resultados do tratamento controle e a inclusão de 2% de FPMD, havendo apenas redução (P<0,05) no consumo diário de ração. Nas características de carcaça, a inclusão de FPMD apresentou respostas lineares negativas (P<0,05) para o rendimento de carcaça quente e espessura média de toicinho, além de resposta quadrática negativa (P<0,05) no comprimento de carcaça, não havendo diferença significativa (P>0,05) quando comparados o tratamento controle e a inclusão de 2% de FPMD. Em relação à qualidade da carne, não houve efeito significativo (P>0,05) sobre as variáveis. Nas enzimas transaminases hepáticas, a alanina aminotransferase não foi alterada (P>0,05), no entanto, a inclusão deste co-produto ocasionou resposta quadrática negativa (P<0,05) nos valores de aspartato aminotransferase. Finalizando, foi avaliada a emissão de metano entérico de suínos na fase de terminação, alimentados com dietas com a inclusão de 2% de FPMD. A inclusão do FPMD reduziu significativamente (P>0,05) a emissão de metano entérico pelos suínos. Com os resultados, conclui-se que, embora a inclusão do FPMD tenha acarretado alguns aspectos deletérios, de modo geral, o farelo de pinhão manso detoxicado pode ser incluído em até 2% nas dietas de suínos em terminação / The pourpose of this study was assess the inclusion of detoxicated Jatropha meal (Jatropha curcas L.) in the diet of finishing pigs. Initially it was used in a biological assay with Wistar rats. The analysis of variance did not detect (P>0.05) effect of the addition of DJCM over the performance variables, being, however, observed a significant reduction (P<0.05) on digestibility of diets in response to the addition of the DJCM. The relative weights of liver, kidneys, heart, intestine and length of the small intestine of the animals fed with the different treatments did not differ significantly (P>0.05) with the inclusion of DJCM. For the relative weight of the total gut (intestines plus small intestine) and the small intestine it self, a linear increase was observed (P<0.05) due to the increased level of inclusion of DJCM in the diet. The analysis of variance also did not detect (P>0.05) effect of the addition of DJCM on blood variables, as well as in the hepatic enzymes. In a second trial, there were investigated the contents of forbol esters (FE), total phenolics (TP), total tannins (TT), condensed tannins (CT) saponins (SPN), amino acid profile, and apparent digestibility of DJCM for finishing pigs, as well as the biogas and methane generated by the waste of pigs fed the basal diet (BD) and BD plus 8% of DJCM (DB8). The contents of FE, TP, TT, CT and SPN observed were, respectively, 0.06 mg/g, 26.08 and 10.43 gram equivalent of tannic acid, 0.05 gram equivalent of leucocianidin and 0.005%. As for the apparent digestibility results obtained, it was found values of 83.8%, 3.5 kcal/kg, 13.5%, 1.5% and 2.3% respectively for apparent digestible of dry matter, energy, protein, fiber and ethereal extract. In relation to the production of biogas and methane generated by the waste products from pigs, it can be concluded that the use of DJCM did not affect significantly (P > 0.05) the production of these gases in experimental. Subsequently, it was then evaluated the effects of levels (2, 4, 6, 8%) of DJCM at the diet of finishing pigs upon the performance parameters, carcass characteristics, meat quality and toxicity of DJCM. The inclusion of DJCM presented negative quadratic responses (P < 0.001) for the final weight; daily weight gain and daily consumption of ration. Although there has been a reduction in performance depending on the inclusion of DJCM, it is important to note that when comparing treatment outcomes of control (0%) and the addition of 2% of DJCM, it was not observed significant difference (P > 0.05) for the variables final weight, daily weight gain, feed conversion and only significant reduction (P < 0.05) in the daily ration consumption. The inclusion of DJCM showed negative linear responses (P < 0.05) for warm carcass yield, average thickness of fat and loin eye area. It was found negative quadratic responses (P < 0.05) for the length of the carcass. After the specific contrast analysis comparing the control treatment (0%) and the addition of 2% of DJCM in diet, not significant difference was observed (P > 0.05) between treatments. In relation to the quality of the meat, there was no significant effect (P > 0.05). For the liver enzymes evaluation, ALT has not changed (P > 0.05) with the inclusion of DJCM, however, for AST, the inclusion of co- product caused negative quadratic responses (P < 0.05). For concluding the work, it was evaluated the enteric methane emission by finishing pigs fed with diets with the addition of 2% of DJCM. The inclusion of this co-product reduced significantly (P > 0.05) the enteric methane emissions by pigs. With the results obtained in this work, it can be concluded that, although the inclusion of DJCM may promote some deleterious aspects, in general, the DJCM may be included up to 2% in finishing pig diets.

Efeito da dieta contendo caroço de algodão no desempenho, características quantitativas da carcaça e qualitativas da carne de novilhos Nelore confinados / Effects of whole cottonseed-enriched diet on performance, quantitative characteristics of the carcass and qualitative characteristics of the meat of feedlot Nelore cattle

Pesce, Domingos Marcelo Cenachi 17 March 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho e as características quantitativas de carcaça e qualitativas da carne de novilhos Nelore confinados. Os animais foram confinados com quatro dietas contendo 80% de concentrado, em porcentagem da matéria seca: uma controle, sem adição de caroço de algodão (CA0), outra contendo 10% (CA10) ou 20% (CA20) de caroço de algodão e outra contendo 20% (CA20H) de caroço de algodão aquecido em câmara climática. Ao final do período experimental, não foram encontradas diferenças entre os tratamentos para a ingestão de matéria seca. Entretanto, o ganho diário de peso, o peso vivo e a eficiência alimentar foram maiores para os animais alimentados com dietas contendo caroço de algodão, que não diferiram entre si. Os valores encontrados para N-uréico no sangue foram significativamente maiores para os tratamentos contendo caroço de algodão, enquanto que os valores de glicose e de proteína total sérica não diferiram entre os tratamentos. O rendimento de carcaça, a área de olho de lombo, a espessura de gordura subcutânea, as gorduras renal e pélvica, o peso da carcaça quente e fria, o peso do fígado e os valores de pH da carcaça não foram significativamente diferentes. Houve diferença apenas para a temperatura da carcaça 1 hora e 24 horas após o abate, que foram menores para o tratamento CA0. Não houve diferença significativa para os teores de matéria seca e extrato etéreo da carne. Também não foi encontrada diferença entre os tratamentos para perdas totais no cozimento e maciez da carne aos 7 e 14 dias de maturação, verificada pela força de cisalhamento. Foi encontrado apenas efeito de tempo, onde a carne maturada por 14 dias apresentou-se mais macia e com menores perdas totais no cozimento. A análise sensorial do músculo Longissimus dorsi não demonstrou diferença entre os tratamentos para aroma característico, suculência, sabor característico e estranho. Também não foi encontrada diferença para o total de ácidos graxos saturados, ômega-3, nem para as relações entre ácidos graxos insaturados, monoinsaturados e ácidos graxos saturados. Entretanto, os animais dos tratamentos CA10, CA20 e CA20H apresentaram carne com maiores e menores concentrações de, respectivamente, ácidos graxos polinsaturados e monoinsaturados em relação ao tratamento CA0. O caroço de algodão integral pode ser empregado em dietas de bovinos de corte confinados, constituindo até 20% da matéria seca, sem causar alterações indesejáveis na qualidade da carne e nas características de carcaça, proporcionando inclusive melhores resultados de desempenho, desde que observada a qualidade das sementes fornecidas aos animais. / The purpose of this work was to evaluate performance, quantitative characteristics of the carcass and qualitative characteristics of the meat of confined castrated Nelore males. Animals were confined with four diets containing 80% concentrate (dry matter): a control diet devoid of whole cottonseed (CA0), a diet containing 10% (CA10) or 20% of whole cottonseed (CA20) and a diet containing 20% of whole cottonseed heated in a climate chamber (CA20H). At the end of the experimental period, there were no differences between treatments for dry matter intake. However, the average daily gain, live weight and feed efficiency were greater for animals fed the whole cottonseed-enriched diets, whit no difference among diets when compared to control. Values documented for blood urea-N were significantly higher for treatments containing whole cottonseed, while glucose and total serum protein did not differ. Carcass yield, loin eye area, subcutaneous fat thickness, renal and pelvic fat, warm carcass weight and cold carcass weight, weight of the liver and values of carcass pH were not significantly different. Differences were noted only for carcass temperature 1 hour and 24 hours after slaughter, lower for CA0 treatment. There were no significant differences for dry matter content and ethereal meat extract. No differences were found between total cooking losses and meat tenderness between 7 and 14 days of maturing, as verified by shearing forces. Only time effect was noted, with meat matured for 14 days presenting with increased tenderness and less total cooking losses. Sensorial analysis of the Longissimus dorsi did not show differences among treatments for typical odor, juicyness and typical or off-flavour. No statistical difference was found for total saturated fatty acids and omega-3, or the relations between total unsaturated or monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids. However, animals fed whole cottonseed-enriched diets had higher concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-6 and lower concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids in the Longissimus dorsi. Whole cottonseed can be used in feedlot beef cattle diets up to 20% of the dry matter content, without causing undesirable changes in meat quality and carcass characteristics and giving better performance results, as long as good quality seed is employed.

Factors Affecting the Oxidative Stability of Foods-Interesterified Soybean Oil with High Intensity Ultrasound Treatment and Trona Mineral in Packaged Fresh Meats

Lee, Jiwon 01 May 2013 (has links)
Oxidation in oils and muscle foods has been studied for many years to understand its mechanism and furthermore to control and manage it. A series of different processing steps or different packaging techniques can alter oxidative stability. The objective of the current study was to examine oxidative stability of processed oil and to evaluate the effect of carbon dioxide generating mineral on quality of beef and chicken under different storage conditions. In Study 1 (Chapter 3), the effect of ultrasound on oxidative stability of interesterified soybean oil and soybean oil was examined. Sonication did not affect oxidation rate until the oils were highly oxidized. Sonicated interesterified soybean oil exhibited a slightly but significantly lower oxidation rate than non-sonicated oil during long-term storage, while sonication of non-interesterified soybean oil led to a significantly higher oxidation rate than in non-sonicated soybean oil after induction period. In Study 2 (Chapter 4), the feasibility of trona as a CO2 producing product in a model system and in modified atmosphere packaging of beef steaks was investigated. Trona was able to generate more carbon dioxide than sodium bicarbonate with salicylic acid in model systems. Steaks stored with trona/acid mixture had similar color stability and delayed lipid oxidation compared to those stored in high oxygen packaging. In Study 3 (Chapter 5), the effect of packets containing trona and acid placed in a simulated self serve retail case and closed butcher case on the quality of ground beef was studied. Mineral packets did not affect color, lipid oxidation, or microbial growth of ground beef since there was not a sufficient amount of moisture to generate CO2 effectively. In Study 4 (Chapter 6), the quality of chicken breast/thigh portions stored with mineral packets was compared to those without mineral packets during extended storage, and mineral packets had an antimicrobial effect of CO2 only on day 15. In conclusion, high intensity ultrasound did not affect the rate of oxidation of oil until the oil had already become noticeably rancid, and mineral packets containing trona and an acid with low water solubility can be used as CO2 generating sachet if sufficient moisture is given.

Endocrine alteration of meat quality and gene expression in rats and deer

Grogan, Shawn Patrick, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture, School of Agriculture and Rural Development January 1998 (has links)
Stress activates a number of endocrine pathways that alter an animal's physiology in a manner which can result in undesirable meat quality. Animals frequently exhibit meat quality defects, including ecchymosis, at slaughter due to the stress of slaughter. This thesis explores how stress related hormones interact with adrenergic receptors to alter muscle and vascular physiology. Fallow deer were exposed to either a transciptional regulator (hydrocortisone), a beta adrenergic recptor agonist (clenbuterol) or a beta adrenergic receptor antagonist (propranolol). The administration of hydrocortisone resulted in a negative feed-back type reduction in circulating cortisol. Animals treated with propranolol and clenbuterol displayed less severe eccymosis. These results indicated that the beta 2 adrenergic receptor (B2AR) is important in controlling ecchymosis severity. B2AR was also found to be important in mediating vascular dynamics, growth and energy pathways. To investigate how adrenergic receptors alter skeletal muscle gene expression and meat quality, an in vivo wistar rat model was developed in conjunction with in vitro muscle cell (L6) experiments. Gene expression of B2AR, its associated kinase (BARK) and collagen type III, prolyl- 4-hydroxylase (P4Hy) was measured in rat muscle and L6 cells. Following exposure to clenbuterol and hydrocortisone, growth and meat quality were determined. The L6 experiments revealed that gene expression following exposure to hydrocortisone and B2AR ligands paralleled the in vivo rat changes in B2AR, BARK, collagen type III, and P4Hy gene expression. In both L6 and wistar rat models the B2AR and BARK genes are similarly expressed following clenbuterol exposure. Both rats and deer exposed to clenbuterol had significant increases in growth rate and a reduction of intramuscular fat. The B2AR therefore appears to be a major mediator of many interrelated events including energy distribution, growth and vascular response to stress. Habituating animals to stress stimuli may increase their coping ability and improve welfare and meat quality. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Įvairių gyvūnų mėsos mitybinės vertės ir kokybės palyginimas / Comparison of meat quality and nutrition value of various animals

Valaitienė, Vilma 17 April 2007 (has links)
In recent years, the concept of food quality has received a lot of attention from food producers and retailers as well as from public authorities and health educators. There are a lot of discusses a practical approach to defining the term ‘quality’. But although there have been many attempts to clarify and define the concept, there still no general agreement on the term (Grebitus et al, 2006). For European food industry, quality is a key factor because the high quality of a product is the basis for success in this highly competitive market. However, it is difficult to decide which sort of meat has the best nutrition value or technological properties (Kortz, 2003). Work object. To research and compare various animal meat quality and nutrition value. During investigation were taken 6 different sorts of animal and poultry meat samples: Lithuanian white pigs, Lithuanian black head sheep, Lithuanian black-white bulls, wild pork, Big-6 turkey broilers and Hybro G cross chicken broilers. For the samples was taken 500-550g from long back muscle (musculus longissimus dorsi). For poultry and turkey samples was taken breast meat. Pork, sheep, bulls, chicken and turkey broilers were raised and slaughtered in the same groups, had the same feeding and slaughtering conditions, wild pork was hunted in Lithuanian forests. Measuring different animals meat quality and nutrition features, samples were taken chilled 24 hours after slaughtering. Meat quality indexes were measured at ‘Meat... [to full text]

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