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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização geométrica e mecânica de macrofibras poliméricas. / Geometric and mechanical characterizationn of polymeric macrofibers.

Alan Renato Estrada Cáceres 11 November 2015 (has links)
Uma grande diversidade de macrofibras poliméricas para reforço de concreto se encontram disponibilizadas hoje em dia. Por natureza estas fibras apresentam grande diversidade de características e propriedades. Estas variações afetam sua atuação como reforço no concreto. No entanto, não há normas brasileiras sobre o assunto e as metodologias de caracterização de normas estrangeiras apresentam divergências. Algumas normas definem que a caracterização do comportamento mecânico deva ser feita nos fios originais e outras que se devam utilizar métodos definidos para caracterização de materiais metálicos. A norma EN14889-2:2006 apresenta maior abrangência, mas deixa dúvidas quanto à adequação dos critérios de caracterização geométrica das fibras e não define um método de ensaio específico para sua caracterização mecânica. Assim, há a necessidade de estabelecimento de uma metodologia que permita a realização de um programa de controle de qualidade da fibra nas condições de emprego. Esta metodologia também proporcionaria uma forma de caracterização do material para estudos experimentais, o que permitiria maior fundamentação científica desses trabalhos que, frequentemente, fundamentam-se apenas em dados dos fabricantes. Assim, foi desenvolvido um estudo experimental focando a caracterização de duas macrofibras poliméricas disponíveis no mercado brasileiro. Focou-se o estudo na determinação dos parâmetros geométricos e na caracterização mecânica através da determinação da resistência à tração e avaliação do módulo de elasticidade. Na caracterização geométrica foi adotada como referência a norma europeia EN14889-2:2006. As medições do comprimento se efetuaram por dois métodos: o método do paquímetro e o método de análise de imagens digitais, empregando um software para processamento das imagens. Para a medição do diâmetro, além das metodologias mencionadas, foi usado o método da densidade. Conclui-se que o método do paquímetro, com o cuidado de esticar previamente as macrofibras, e o método das imagens digitais podem ser igualmente utilizados para medir o comprimento. Já parar determinar o diâmetro, recomenda-se o método da densidade. Quanto à caracterização mecânica, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia própria a partir de informações obtidas de outros ensaios. Assim, efetuaram-se ensaios de tração direta nas macrofibras coladas em molduras de tecido têxtil. Complementarmente, foi avaliado também o efeito do contato abrasivo das macrofibras com os agregados durante a mistura em betoneira no comportamento mecânico do material. Também se avaliou o efeito do método de determinação da área da seção transversal nos resultados medidos no ensaio de tração da fibra. Conclui-se que o método proposto para o ensaio de tração direta da fibra é viável, especialmente para a determinação da resistência à tração. O valor do módulo de elasticidade, por sua vez, acaba sendo subestimado. A determinação da área da seção da fibra através do método da densidade forneceu também os melhores resultados. Além disso, comprovou-se que o atrito das fibras com o agregado durante a mistura compromete o comportamento mecânico, reduzindo tanto a resistência quanto o módulo de elasticidade. Assim, pode-se afirmar que a metodologia proposta para o controle geométrico e mecânico das macrofibras poliméricas é adequada para a caracterização do material. / A wide variety of synthetic macrofibers for concrete reinforcement are available nowadays. By nature, these fibers exhibit great diversity of properties and characteristics. These variations affect its performance as reinforcement in concrete. However, there are no Brazilian standards on the subject and characterization methodologies available in foreign standards present divergences. Some standards define that the characterization of the mechanical behavior should be made in the original filaments and others that the test should be performed according methods for metallic materials characterization. The standard EN14889-2:2006 provides greater coverage about the subject, but leaves doubts about the suitability of the geometric characterization criteria of the fibers and does not set a specific testing method for its mechanical characterization. Thus, there is a need to establish a methodology that allows to carry out a quality control program of the fiber in the onsite conditions. This approach would also provide a way of materials characterization for experimental studies, which would allow better scientific basis of these works, which often rely exclusively on data taken from manufacturers. Thus, an experimental study focusing on the characterization of two polymer macrofibers available in Brazil was developed. The study aims at the determination of the geometrical and mechanical characteristics, such as the tensile strength and the elastic modulus. The geometric characterization was based on the prescriptions of the European standard EN14889- 2:2006. Measurements of length were made by two methods: the caliper method and digital image analysis method, employing software for image processing. For the measurement of the diameter, besides the aforementioned methodologies, the density method was also used. It is concluded that the caliper method, taking care to stretch the macrofibers previously, and the method of digital images can also be used to measure the length. To determine the diameter, it is recommended the density method. As for the mechanical characterization, a methodology was developed taking in consideration the previous information related to other tests. Thus, the direct tensile test was carried out in macrofibers glued in textile fabric frames. In addition, it was also evaluated the effect of the abrasive contact of macrofibers with the aggregates during mixing on the mechanical behavior of the material. Also, the effect of the method of determining the cross-sectional area in the results measured in fiber tensile test was evaluated. It is concluded that the proposed method for direct tensile test of the fiber is feasible, especially for tensile strength assessment. The value of the modulus of elasticity, in turn, has been underestimated. The determination of the fiber section area through the density method also gave the best results. Furthermore, it was found that the friction of the fibers with aggregate during mixing compromises the mechanical behavior reducing both strength and elastic modulus. Thus, it can be said that the proposed methodology for the geometric and mechanical control of polymer macrofibers is suitable for the material characterization.

Techniques multigrilles et raffinement pour un modèle 3D efficace de milieux hétérogènes sous sollicitations de contact / An efficient 3D model using multigrid techniques and local refinement strategy for heterogeneous media model under contact loadings

Boffy, Hugo 14 September 2012 (has links)
Les problèmes de mécanique du contact sont des problèmes multi-échelles mettant en jeux de nombreux phénomènes physiques. Les premières études concernant ce domaine datent de la fin du XIXème siècle et les développements majeurs ont été réalisés au cours du XXème siècle en parallèle du besoin croissant des ingénieurs de prévoir le comportement des matériaux sous sollicitations tribologiques. L'évolution des besoins industriels et les avancées technologiques réalisées dans le domaine du numérique conduisent à réaliser des simulations tridimensionnelles ayant pour objectif la prédiction du comportement de pièces sous sollicitations thermo-mécaniques transitoires, pour, soit alléger les structures, augmenter le niveau de sollicitations, étendre la durée de vie... Ces simulations se révèlent très souvent coûteuses en termes de temps de calcul et d'espace mémoire et nécessitent par conséquent l'utilisation de super calculateurs. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse propose un modèle innovant basé sur les techniques multigrilles avec raffinement local afin de réaliser ces simulations pour des coûts numériques faibles. Ce modèle est basé sur les équations de Lamé généralisées et l'équation de la chaleur de Fourier discrétisée à l'aide des différences finies. Le système linéaire obtenu est résolu à l'aide de la méthode itérative de Gauss-Seidel couplée avec les techniques multigrilles. Ces techniques permettent d'accélérer la convergence d'un problème en utilisant plusieurs grilles et des opérateurs de transfert. Afin de garantir une convergence optimale et de minimiser la taille mémoire dans le cas de variations de propriétés importantes, des techniques numériques de localisation et d'optimisation ont été mises en place. Les applications visées ici sont centrées sur l'utilisation de revêtements ou de matériaux innovants pour permettre les gains attendus. Des validations du modèle ont été effectuées en comparant nos résultats avec ceux issus de la littérature. Des études paramétriques ont permis d'étudier l'influence de l'épaisseur du revêtement, de la valeur du module de Young mais aussi d'une couche à gradient de propriété sur le champ de contrainte et la tenue du système revêtement/substrat sous sollicitation de contact. Des études similaires ont été conduites sous sollicitations thermiques. L'intérêt porté aux variations de propriétés des matériaux selon toutes les directions de l'espace a conduit à étudier l'effet de la microstructure, qui est constituée de grains ayant chacun leurs propriétés propres, sur les champs de contraintes. La mise en évidence de cet effet est explicitement montrée au travers de calculs de durée de vie utilisant des descriptions statistiques de type Weibull. La dispersion observée sur les résultats est conforme aux observations expérimentales. / Contact mechanic problems are multi-scale and involve numerous physical phenomena. These problems have been studied since the end of the XIXth century and major developments have been made during the XXth century due to the necessity for engineers to predict material behavior under tribological loads. Currently, industrial demands and technological breakthroughs drive people to consider three-dimensional simulations to study this behavior under thermo-mechanical loads. The objectives are multiple: reduce of the size of structures, increase of material resistance, improvement of fatigue life... These simulations, which often require high numerical costs in terms of memory size and CPU time, have to be performed on super computers. In this context, this work proposes an innovative model based on multigrid methods using a local refinement strategy in order to perform these simulations at a low numerical cost. The model is based on the Lamé elasticity equations and the Fourier heat equation which have been discretized using a finite difference framework. The obtained linear system is solved using the Gauss-Seidel iterative method coupled with multigrid techniques. These methods allow an acceleration of the convergence speed, using different grids and transfer operators. In order to obtain an optimum convergence speed and decrease the required memory size, local refinement strategies and optimization techniques have been used. Several calculations required hundred millions of points, can be solved on a personal computer within a few hours. Applications focus on the use of a coating or innovative materials which allow improvements in terms of fatigue life. The model has been validated against results found in the literature. Parametric studies allowed to analyse the influence of the coating thickness, the Young's modulus ratio or the use of a graded layer on the stress field and on the coating/substrate system behaviour under contact loads. Similar studies have been performed under thermal loads. Special attention has been paid to the material property variations along all space directions. It has lead us to consider a material microstructure which is composed of grains with their individual properties. The influence of the microstructure on the fatigue life phenomenon is clearly highlighted using statistical Weibull charts. The dispersion observed in the numerical results tends to be similar to experiments found in the literature.

Etude du potentiel des nanotubes de carbone dans la microélectronique de puissance / Study of the potential of the carbon nanotubes in the field of the power microelectronics

Labbaye, Thibault 25 November 2015 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une coopération scientifique notamment à travers le projet Région Centre « Connectic » en partenariat avec la société STMicroelectronics de Tours, les laboratoires LMR et CEMHTI. Il concerne les interconnexions des générations futures de circuits intégrés. Par rapport aux technologies d’interconnexion à base d’alliage métallique l’intégration de nanotubes de carbone (NTC) comme connecteur en microélectronique de puissance limiterait les effets d’échauffement dans les empilements de puces grâce à leurs propriétés de transport intéressantes. Les NTC peuvent assurer simultanément une bonne conduction électrique et un maintien mécanique des assemblages de puces. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient d’établir dans un premier temps un procédé reproductible d’élaboration de NTC verticalement alignés sur des substrats de nature multiple, et de réaliser dans un deuxième temps un véhicule test qui permet de caractériser leurs propriétés électrique, thermique et mécanique. Le dispositif expérimental d’élaboration présenté dans cette étude utilise le dépôt de catalyseur (Ni, Fe), la structuration par plasma d’hydrogène simultanément à un recuit thermique, ainsi que la méthode de CVD assistée par plasma radiofréquence d’éthylène et d’hydrogène pour la croissance des NTC. Des conditions optimales reproductibles d’obtention des NTC ont été établies à la suite d’une étude paramétrée utilisant notamment un diagnostic original de suivi in situ par spectroscopie Raman développé en collaboration avec le CEMHTI. Dans le cas d’un tapis de NTC de 10 µm de haut, des performances électrique (⍴ = 10⁻⁵ Ω.m), thermique (λth = 40-60 W.m⁻¹.K⁻¹), et mécanique (E = 480 GPa) comparables aux alliages métalliques ont été établies. Enfin, nous avons été capables d’assembler les substrats de la microélectronique et les NTC par un procédé de thermocompression. / The work presented in this thesis was a scientific cooperation between the society ST Microelectronics in Tours, the laboratories of LMR and CEMHTI within the framework of the project Région Centre “ConnectiC”. The main issue of that project concerns the interconnections for the future generation of integrated circuits. In comparison with the current interconnection technologies on metallic alloys as connectors; the integration of carbon nanotubes (CNT) as connector in power microelectronics would limit effects of overheating in the chip-structure due to their interesting transport properties. CNT can provide at the same time good electrical, thermal conduction characteristics and can be a mechanical support of chip packages. The aims of this work were: firstly, obtain a reproducible growth process of vertically aligned CNT on different kinds of substrate; secondly: to elaborate a test vehicle with CNT interconnects allowing the electrical, thermal and mechanical characterization. The experimental method used herein for synthesis of CNT interconnects combines the catalyst deposition (Ni, Fe), the structuration by both means of hydrogen plasma treatment and thermal annealing, and a RF PECVD method using ethylene and hydrogen for the CNT growth. Optimal reproducible conditions were found using a novel in situ Raman spectroscopy diagnostic developed in collaboration with the CEMHTI. The carpet of CNT (height of 10 µm) produced presents the electrical (⍴ = 10⁻⁵ Ω.m), thermal (λth = 40-60 W.m⁻¹.K⁻¹), and mechanical (E = 480 GPa) performances comparable with the metallic. Finally, by means of thermocompression, we assembled CNT on substrates from the microelectronics.


Fruhauf, Jean-Baptiste 29 October 2012 (has links)
Les propriétés spécifiques du titane en font un matériau de choix pour remplacer l’acier dans des applications où le poids est un paramètre de conception important. cependant, contrairement à l’acier, le titane souffre de mauvaises propriétés tribologiques. c’est pour répondre à cette problématique qu’il est envisagé de développer des composites à matrice métallique (cmm) titane renforcée par des particules de carbure de titane. dans le cadre de ce projet, plusieurs nuances de cmm à matrice ti ou ti-6al-4v contenants différentes fractions volumiques de particules de tic ont été élaborées par métallurgie des poudres. trois procédés ont été employés : le frittage libre, la compression isostatique à chaud et le filage. les différentes nuances ont ensuite été caractérisées du point de vue microstructurale (taux de densification, taille des grains) et mécanique (traction). la confrontation des résultats a permis d’établir un lien entre microstructure et propriétés mécaniques. dans l’optique d’étudier la mise en forme mais également d’améliorer les propriétés mécaniques, un post-traitement de type forgeage a été appliqué à la suite de la phase d’élaboration. excepté dans le cas des cmm filés, la présence de renforts entraîne l’apparition d’endommagement lors de la déformation à chaud. nous avons alors déterminé les conditions de forgeage les plus adaptées selon les nuances.finalement, à travers un travail de modélisation analytique et de simulation numérique par méthode d’homogénéisation, nous avons déterminé les grandeurs mécaniques (module de young et limite d’élasticité) et prévu la loi de comportement des cmm en traction. / The specific properties of titanium make it a key material for the replacement of steel in weight dependent applications. however, unlike steel, titanium suffers from poor wear resistance. in order to improve this weakness, it is proposed to develop titanium metal matrix composites (mmc) reinforced with titanium carbide particles.to this end, ti and ti-6al-4v mmc were prepared with reinforcement fractions ranging from 5 percent to 20 percent using three powder metallurgy techniques: free sintering, hot isostatic compression and extrusion. the composites were then characterized from a microstructural (density, grain size) and a mechanical (tensile test) point of view. by comparing the results, it was possible to establish a relationship between microstructural features and mechanical properties.following their preparation, the composites were subjected to a forging step in order to study their behavior during hot deformation and to further improve their mechanical properties. the presence of particles induces the apparition of damage during hot deformation. therefore, we determined the best forging for the different composites whilst taking microstructure into account.finally, through analytical modeling and numerical simulations, we determined the young modulus, the yield stress and predicted the behavior of a mmc during a tensile test.

Développement d'un capteur magnétique de nano-force à raideur négative et caractérisation mécanique des ovocytes humains / Development of a magnetic sensor of nanoforce with negative stiffness and mechanical characterization of human oocytes

Gana, Racha 15 December 2016 (has links)
La méthode de sélection de l'ovocyte pour l'insémination, dans le cadre de l'assistance médicale à la procréation chez l'homme, ne garantie pas un taux de réussite satisfaisant. Plusieurs études académiques ont été menées dans le but de compéter cette méthode par d'autres plus objectives. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation mécanique qui exige un dispositif approprié. Dans ce contexte, nous avons effectué des travaux de conception et de fabrication pour développer une plateforme permettant la caractérisation mécanique des ovocytes humains. Le composant principal de cette plateforme est le capteur de nano-force. Ce dernier, qui emploie un principe de ressorts magnétiques passifs, est constitué d'un indenteur venant solliciter l'ovocyte. Dans cette configuration, l'indenteur est stable suivant deux directions. La troisième direction, initialement instable, est stabilisée par la réaction de l'ovocyte à caractériser. L'originalité de ce capteur réside dans l'exploitation de la direction instable pour la mesure de force. En parallèle, un travail de modélisation du comportement mécanique des ovocytes a été réalisé dans le but d'identifier d'éventuels paramètres mécaniques pertinents pour la qualification des ovocytes. Ce travail a permis, d'une part, d'effectuer une étude critique sur les modèles existants dans la littérature et d'autre part, de développer un modèle basé sur une approche plus physique qui prend en compte la structuration tridimensionnelle complexe de l'ovocyte. / The oocyte selection method for insemination, in the context of medically assisted procreation for humans, does not guarantee a good rate of success. Several academic studies have been conducted in order to complete this method by other more objective. We are interested in the mechanical characterization which requires an appropriate device. In this context, we carried out a design and a manufacturing work to develop a platform for the mechanical characterization of human oocytes. The main component of this platform is the nano-force sensor. This sensor, which uses a principle of passive magnetic springs, is composed of an indenter which compresses the oocyte. In this configuration, the indenter is stable along two directions. The third direction, initially unstable is stabilized by the reaction of the oocyte that has to be characterized. The originality of this sensor is the exploitation of the unstable direction for the force measurment. In parallel, a modeling work of the oocytes mechanical behavior was performed in order to identify some relevant mechanical parameters for their qualification. This work allowed us, first, to make a critical study of existing models in the literature, and secondly, to develop a model, based on a physical approach, which takes into account the oocyte complex three-dimensional structure.

Analyses thermomécaniques multi-échelles expérimentale et numérique pour des empilements de couches minces en microélectronique / Multi-scale experimental and numerical thermomechanical analysis of stacked thin films in microelectronics

Yao, Wei-Zhen 20 June 2018 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectifs de comprendre et de prédire les gauchissements de plaquettes en silicium durant le procédé de fabrication des composants électroniques de type PTIC. Ces gauchissements sont en partie responsables de plusieurs problèmes de productivité. Cette étude repose sur un couplage entre les calculs analytiques, la modélisation par élément finis et l’expérimentation. La caractérisation mécanique des films minces constituant l’empilement a été effectuée par des techniques spécifiques comme la nanoindentation complétée par des modélisations numériques. Les contraintes intrinsèques dans les films minces ont été déterminées en couplant des mesures de gauchissements des plaquettes et des calculs par éléments finis. Les valeurs du module d’Young et des contraintes intrinsèques obtenues constituent des variables d’entrée pour calculer les gauchissements de la plaquette par des approches analytiques et numériques. La complexité des structures (plaquettes avec des milliers de puces) a nécessité l’utilisation des modèles d’homogénéisation pour estimer numériquement les gauchissements. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de prédire les gauchissements à l’échelle des plaquettes dans le but d’optimiser les conditions de fabrication afin de minimiser les risques d’apparition des problèmes mécaniques. / The aim of this work is to understand and predict the warpage of silicon wafers during the fabrication process of PTIC microelectronic components. The warpages are partially responsible for several productivity problems. This study is done by coupling analytical calculation, finite element modeling and experimentation. The mechanical characterization of thin films constituting the multi-layered stack has been carried out by an experimental method nanoindentation with the help of a finite element model. The intrinsic stress in the thin films has been determined by coupling measurements of the wafer warpage and a finite element model. The obtained Young’s modulus and intrinsic stress are used to feed the database for calculating the wafer warpage by analytical and numerical approaches. The complexity of the structures (thousands of components in the wafer) required the use of homogenized models to calculate the wafer warpage. These results obtained allow the prediction of the wafer-level warpage in order to optimize the fabrication process flow and therefore reduce the risk of the mechanical problem.

Etude du comportement hydromécanique des sédiments pollués par les PCB en interaction avec les géomatériaux pour un stockage hors site / Study of the hydromechanical behavior of PCB polluted sediment for a landfill storage

Chahal, Hadi 23 July 2013 (has links)
A l’heure actuelle, des sédiments fluviaux et lacustres se trouvent pollués par les polychlorobiphényles (PCB), à des degrés de gravité divers. Les PCB se présentent comme des micropolluants persistants dans l’environnement et nuisibles à la santé. Un programme de recherche « PCB-Axelera » est conduit afin de pencher sur cette problématique et explorer les solutions de diminution de cette pollution. En France, l'ensemble des arrêtés préfectoraux (30/10/2002 et 14/06/2000) et le décret du 18/04/2002 considèrent les sédiments pollués comme déchets et autorisent leur stockage dans les installations de stockage de déchets si leurs teneurs en PCB sont comprises entre 0,68 ppm et 50 ppm. L’objectif principal de cette étude est de concevoir une méthodologie adaptée pour une installation de déchets non-dangereux ISDND. Les géomatériaux dans ce stockage seront utilisés comme barrière d’étanchéité pour les sédiments pollués. L’étude est composée de trois parties : Dans la première partie la caractérisation hydromécanique chimique des sédiments pollués par les PCB est présentée. La classification des sédiments est effectuée. Le comportement mécanique du sédiment est déterminé à l’aide de l’œdomètre. Quant au comportement hydromécanique il est étudié à l’aide du filtre presse et du perméamètre à paroi rigide (PPR). Cette caractérisation est indispensable pour proposer la meilleure mise en œuvre des sédiments dans le centre de stockage. Dans la deuxième partie, les performances hydraulique (perméabilité) et mécanique (gonflement) des différents géomatériaux en contact avec un fluide extrait du sédiment et d’autres fluides synthétiques contenant des PCB sont explorées. L’étude du gonflement des géomatériaux est réalisée à l’échelle du laboratoire tandis que, l’étude de sa performance hydrique est réalisée sur deux échelles centimétrique et métrique. L’étude menée sur un pilote de 1,2 m3 de volume comprenant un système de pluviation automatique a permis de suivre les tassements à l’aide d’un capteur ultrason et de mesurer la perméabilité des sédiments et des géomatériaux sous conditions réelles de stockage. Dans la troisième partie, un modèle hydraulique 1D est développé afin de suivre le front d’eau au sein d’un échantillon de sédiment soumis à une charge hydraulique représentant l’expérimentation dans un PPR. La méthode VER est utilisée. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que le degré de contamination en PCB de ces sédiments n’influence pas le comportement hydromécanique et donc la qualité d’étanchéité des géomatériaux étudiés. Les résultats numériques de simulation du comportement hydraulique du sédiment sont en concordance avec les résultats expérimentaux. La solution de stockage hors site des sédiments pollués est alors envisageable puisqu’elle confine la pollution en éliminant le risque de contamination du milieu environnant. / Currently, river and lake sediments are contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), to varying degrees of severity. PCBs are persistent micropollutants in the environment and harmful to health. A research program "PCB-Axelera" is conducted to address this issue and explore solutions to eliminate or decrease the pollution. In France, all prefectural orders (30/10/2002 and 14/06/2000) and the Decree of 18/04/2002 considered contaminated sediments as waste and allow their landfilling in waste storage facility if their PCB concentrations are between 0.68 ppm and 50 ppm. The main objective of this study is to develop a methodology suitable for installation of non-hazardous waste landfill sites. Geomaterials in this storage will be used as a barrier for confinement of contaminated sediment. The study consists of three parts: 1. In the first part, hydro-chemical characterization of sediments contaminated with PCBs is presented. The sediment classification is performed. The mechanical behavior of the sediment is determined using oedometer tests. As for the hydro-mechanical behavior, it is studied using the filter press and the rigid wall permeameter (PPR). This characterization is essential to provide the best implementation of sediment in the storage center. 2. In the second part, the hydraulic performance (permeability) and mechanical (swelling) of various geomaterials in contact with a fluid extracted from the sediment and other synthetic fluids containing PCBs are being explored. The study of swelling of geomaterials is performed on a laboratory scale while studying its water performance was achieved on two centimetric and metric scales. The pilot scale study was conducted on a 1.2 m3 volume tank. The pilot test was equipped with an automatic rain system and an ultrasonic sensor to measure to measure the follow the settlements of the sediment. The permeability of sediments and geomaterials were measured using the pilot test under actual storage conditions . 3. In the third part, a 1D hydraulic model is developed to follow the waterfront in a sediment sample subjected to a hydraulic load representing a PPR experiment. The VER method is used. A water model of the sediment is proposed to reproduce the experimental results. The water retention curve of the sediment is calculated using Durner’s model (1994). The experimental results show that the degree of PCB contamination of the sediments does not affect the hydro-mechanical behavior and therefore the hydro-mechanical performance of the studied geomaterials studied. Numerical simulation results of the hydraulic behavior of sediment are consistent with the experimental results. The solution of landfilling the PCB contaminated sediment is possible since it assure the confinement of the pollution and eliminates the risk of environmental contamination.

Damage And Fracture In Skin: Applications In Needle Insertion

Vivek Dharmangadan Sree (5930606) 08 February 2023 (has links)
<p>Subcutaneous injection through devices such as autoinjectors is a preferred delivery method for wide array of pharmaceuticals such as monoclonal antibodies. Needle insertion during drug delivery involves large deformation, damage, and fracture of the skin tissue and affects drug transport and uptake. Yet, our understanding of needle insertion biomechanics is limited, but is crucially important to create autoinjectors that lead to the least amount of pain, penetrate the skin to a desired depth, produce small lesions that minimize back flow of drug, and operate robustly even given the variability in the skin mechanics among individuals. Computational models of needle insertion lends itself as an excellent avenue for studying the biomechanics of injector- skin interactions and for proposing better device designs. This work is focused on introducing a comprehensive computational modeling framework for optimizing needle insertion by autoinjector devices, while addressing limitations in experimental data and constitutive modeling of damage and fracture mechanisms in skin</p>


ANA KARLA FREIRE DE OLIVEIRA 29 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] Nas últimas décadas o processo de degradação do meio ambiente e os movimentos ecológicos tornaram as questões ambientais algo bastante popular. Com o objetivo de se preservar o meio ambiente, o uso de materiais derivados da biomassa vem se intensificando. Neste sentido, a área de materiais compósitos poliméricos reforçados por fibras vegetais representam uma boa alternativa no campo dos materiais para aplicações de engenharia e design. Os principais objetivos deste trabalho foram o processamento, caracterização e análise de viabilidade de aplicação do compósito formado por uma resina poliuretano derivada do óleo de mamona (Castor oil) e fibras de ubuçu (Manicaria saccifera) na fabricação de pisos e revestimentos. O processamento dos compósitos foi realizado utilizando-se a técnica de moldagem por compressão. As fibras de ubuçu foram utilizadas na forma de tecido, sem qualquer tratamento e empilhadas segundo orientações de 0 e 90°, para tentar manter um comportamento isotrópico. Primeiramente foi realizada a caracterização da fibra de ubuçu através dos seguintes ensaios: tração, difração de Raios-X, TGA, MEV/EDS, densidade, FTIR, DSC e gramatura. Esta primeira parte se fez necessária pelo fato da fibra de ubuçu não ser totalmente conhecida pela comunidade acadêmica, em termos de suas características químicas e mecânicas. Na confecção dos compósitos, para fins de comparação, foram utilizadas as resinas de mamona em duas proporções de seus componentes e a resina epóxi, esta última por ser uma das mais utilizadas na confecção de compósitos poliméricos. Os compósitos foram caracterizados através dos seguintes ensaios: flexão, compressão normal e paralela, impacto, DMTA, abrasão e MEV/EDS. Os resultados de caracterização da fibra de ubuçu mostraram que a mesma não difere das demais fibras vegetais pesquisadas comumente, porém, no ensaio de tração, ela apresentou resistência superior às de outras fibras vegetais encontradas na literatura. Os resultados indicam que as propriedades mecânicas do compósito de resina de mamona e fibra de ubuçu em flexão, compressão e impacto foram superiores às de compósitos similares reportados na literatura. No ensaio de abrasão, os compósitos de resina de mamona e fibra de ubuçu foram comparados a duas espécies de madeira, pupunha e coco, mostrando-se adequados como material na fabricação de pisos e revestimentos, mesmo apresentando propriedades inferiores que as das madeiras pesquisadas. Foi desenvolvido, de acordo com a metodologia do Design Industrial, um piso na forma de taco para observação de encaixes e detalhes estéticos, o que resultou na seleção do mesmo para exposição no 24° Prêmio Museu da Casa Brasileira e em um Registro de Patentes do material pela PUC-Rio. / [en] In recent decades the process of environmental degradation and the ecological environmental issues became very popular. In order to preserve the environment, the use of biomass materials has been intensified. In this sense, the area of polymer composites reinforced by natural fibers represents a good alternative in the field of engineering materials for design applications. The main objectives of this study is the processing, characterization and analysis of composite applying feasibility for the flooring and tiles. This composite is made of a polyurethane resin derived from castor oil (Castor oil) and ubuçu fiber (Manicaria saccifera). The composite process was performed with the compression molding technique. Ubuçu fibers were used as a tissue without any treatment and stacked with orientations from 0° to 90°, trying to keep an isotropic behavior. The characterization of the ubuçu fiber was made by the following tests: traction, X-ray diffraction, TGA, SEM / EDS, density, FTIR, DSC, and weight. This first part was necessary because the fiber ubuçu is not known by the academic community in terms of their chemical and mechanical characteristics. In the composites manufacture, for comparison purposes, was used the two resins castor proportions, and epoxy resin, this last being one of the most used in the polymer composites manufacture. The composites were characterized by the following tests: bending, normal and parallel compression, impact, DMTA, abrasion and SEM / EDS. The results of the characterization of ubuçu fiber showed that it does not differ from other fibers plant commonly studied, but in the tensile test, it showed superior resistance if compare to other fibers plant found in the literature. The results in bending, compression and impact tests indicate that the mechanical properties of the composite, castor oil and ubuçu fiber, were higher than similar composites reported in the literature. The abrasion test, the composite made of castor oil and ubuçu fiber were compared to two palms (Bactris gasipaes and Cocos nucifera) and even with inferior properties, the composite is suitable as a material in the manufacture of floors and walls. It was developed in accordance with the methodology of Industrial Design, a floor in the form of cue for observation of aesthetic details, which was selected to be exhibited in 24 Brazilian House Museum Award and a Patents registration material by PUC Rio.

Computational modeling and design of nonlinear mechanical systems and materials

Tang, Pengbin 03 1900 (has links)
Les systèmes et matériaux mécaniques non linéaires sont largement utilisés dans divers domaines. Cependant, leur modélisation et leur conception ne sont pas triviales car elles nécessitent une compréhension complète de leurs non-linéarités internes et d'autres phénomènes. Pour permettre une conception efficace, nous devons d'abord introduire des modèles de calcul afin de caractériser avec précision leur comportement complexe. En outre, de nouvelles techniques de conception inverse sont également nécessaires pour comprendre comment le comportement change lorsque nous modifions les paramètres de conception des systèmes mécaniques non linéaires et des matériaux. Par conséquent, dans cette thèse, nous présentons trois nouvelles méthodes pour la modélisation informatique et la conception de systèmes mécaniques non linéaires et de matériaux. Dans le premier article, nous abordons le problème de la conception de systèmes mécaniques non linéaires présentant des mouvements périodiques stables en réponse à une force périodique. Nous présentons une méthode de calcul qui utilise une approche du domaine fréquentiel pour la simulation dynamique et la puissante analyse de sensibilité pour l'optimisation de la conception afin de concevoir des systèmes mécaniques conformes avec des oscillations de grande amplitude. Notre méthode est polyvalente et peut être appliquée à divers types de systèmes mécaniques souples. Nous validons son efficacité en fabriquant et en évaluant plusieurs prototypes physiques. Ensuite, nous nous concentrons sur la modélisation informatique et la caractérisation mécanique des matériaux non linéaires dominés par le contact, en particulier les matériaux à emboîtement discret (DIM), qui sont des tissus de cotte de mailles généralisés constitués d'éléments d'emboîtement quasi-rigides. Contrairement aux matériaux élastiques conventionnels pour lesquels la déformation et la force de rappel sont directement couplées, la mécanique des DIM est régie par des contacts entre des éléments individuels qui donnent lieu à des contraintes de déformation cinématique anisotrope. Pour reproduire le comportement biphasique du DIM sans simuler des structures à micro-échelle coûteuses, nous introduisons une méthode efficace de limitation de la déformation anisotrope basée sur la programmation conique du second ordre (SOCP). En outre, pour caractériser de manière exhaustive la forte anisotropie, le couplage complexe et d'autres phénomènes non linéaires du DIM, nous introduisons une nouvelle approche d'homogénéisation pour distiller des limites de déformation à grande échelle à partir de simulations à micro-échelle et nous développons un modèle macromécanique basé sur des données pour simuler le DIM avec des contraintes de déformation homogénéisées. / Nonlinear mechanical systems and materials are broadly used in diverse fields. However, their modeling and design are nontrivial as they require a complete understanding of their internal nonlinearities and other phenomena. To enable their efficient design, we must first introduce computational models to accurately characterize their complex behavior. Furthermore, new inverse design techniques are also required to capture how the behavior changes when we change the design parameters of nonlinear mechanical systems and materials. Therefore, in this thesis, we introduce three novel methods for computational modeling and design of nonlinear mechanical systems and materials. In the first article, we address the design problem of nonlinear mechanical systems exhibiting stable periodic motions in response to a periodic force. We present a computational method that utilizes a frequency-domain approach for dynamical simulation and the powerful sensitivity analysis for design optimization to design compliant mechanical systems with large-amplitude oscillations. Our method is versatile and can be applied to various types of compliant mechanical systems. We validate its effectiveness by fabricating and evaluating several physical prototypes. Next, we focus on the computation modeling and mechanical characterization of contact-dominated nonlinear materials, particularly Discrete Interlocking Materials (DIM), which are generalized chainmail fabrics made of quasi-rigid interlocking elements. Unlike conventional elastic materials for which deformation and restoring forces are directly coupled, the mechanics of DIM are governed by contacts between individual elements that give rise to anisotropic kinematic deformation constraints. To replicate the biphasic behavior of DIM without simulating expensive microscale structures, we introduce an efficient anisotropic strain-limiting method based on second-order cone programming (SOCP). Additionally, to comprehensively characterize strong anisotropy, complex coupling, and other nonlinear phenomena of DIM, we introduce a novel homogenization approach for distilling macroscale deformation limits from microscale simulations and develop a data-driven macromechanical model for simulating DIM with homogenized deformation constraints.

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